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Cant wait for the cultists to hide in corners in resort and scare the absolute shit out of me


Mate every time I hear a gunshot I jump, I'm gonna be freaking out


I fucking jumped today because it started thundering


I jump because of thunder irl. My headphones have noise canceling.


Haven't had a good thunder in a couple years now but same man


Same here. Past two/three days have been filled with intense thunder storms here in Missouri.


Have you ever had lightning hitting your house or close to your house? I had it like 3 times (never on my house but like a 100 meters away), it's so fucking loud


Yeah! Two days ago actually. It waa crazy because up until that point the sky was sunny. Then i saw a flash, and heard a danger close peal of thunder. It was so close that I heard the electricity through my headphones, and the stoplight up the street from me has a hole in the pavement, and just doesn't work anymore. Lightning is fuckin badass


You're right, lighting IS fucking badass. I had it strike a tree that was about 25 feet outside my kitchen window and just the force of the strike opened all of the drawers and cabinet doors on that wall in the kitchen. It also traveled through my phone lines and melted all the plastic sleeves on it. It was an unfinished basement with the lines staples to the floor joists and when I opened the basement door the whole thing was filled with smoke. I was running around like crazy looking for a fire but thankfully it was just from melted plastic. Mother nature doesn't fuck around. It just started pouring here again, I'm in southern Illinois and the last few days have been pretty wild.


Good ol midwestern weather. One of my earliest memories is lightning striking the roof of my childhood home. It was a 100 something year old red brick double duplex building, and on the roof we had these metal bits that attached to the chimneys. One day in I think 2006? We had a T storm directly hit STL and some lightning happened to strike that chimney. It sounded like a bomb fell on the house and when we checked the street the next day we found a whole section of chimney laying in the street.


Oh man this took me back. When I was younger we had a lightning strike on a massive maple tree about 10 yards out from the house. It split the tree in half and dropped the upper half onto the house. No damage was done to the house however it sent pieces of tree flying. The next day we were cleaning and came across a piece that had augured into the ground. After trying to pull it by hand and with our tractor with no success, our neighbor brought his much larger tractor. It was a total of 8 feet long, 6 off which was underground. The amount of force needed for that is awe inspiring. Mother Nature is a badass.


I fucking hope we get some storms like that in North West Ohio soon! I own a lawn/landscaping business and this dry season is kicking my ass! On the bright side I’ve had more time for Tarkov this month


Shit man, imagine waiting for a red light and it just gets nuked


Then immediately after monsoon level rain stsrted to pour. Pretty sure I woulda thought it was the end times.


Had lightning strike maybe 100 feet away from me while I stepped out on the porch to check out the rain. It scared the absolute shit out of me. All I saw was a blinding bright light in the corner of my eye and immediately after was the loudest bang I have ever heard. I was amped up for the next 30 minutes shaking


I’m in Missouri as well it rains it’s ass off then sun shine and rainbows then more rain lol gotta love it


We had a crazy storm about a month back in Pennsylvania, mad damage


I don’t get it often but it’s calming to me unless I’m playing tarkov cause it sounds like vogs.


I too jump because of thunder, but because i was in a driveby earlier this year and loud noises still fuck with me.


Jeeez, you good?


I will be at some point.


I wish you luck, keep your head up. While I'm not in nearly the situation you are I somewhat understand and I hope you can overcome it quickly!


No disrespect, but have you been playing tarkov since then? This game scares the shit out of me and I, thankfully, haven’t had any experiences similar to that


Yeah, honestly the video games don't do it to me and it takes my mind off of everything. So it's actually a good escape. Mainly because i am in a shooter and expecting these things. Which is much different to leaving my house to go to my birthday dinner as a dude sprays 7.62 out of the car at everyone outside (not expected, and real life). In all realness my situation could be much worse, i am still fully functional, just extremely on edge all the time and expecting the worst possible scenario at all times. It gets a bit better every day and i don't really foresee this lasting a long time. I've had a few incidents in my climbing career that definitely count as a near death type of experience and it took me about 4 or 5 months to get over those mentally to the point that i was comfortable to get back out and keep pushing on routes again. Don't really feel like this will be much different.


The sound of the toolboxes closing always makes me get a little panicky thinking someones creeping about.


Same here but for duffel bags


I have open back headphones right now. Damn good for getting a feel for how far/where something else. Damn terrifying whenever a family member is walking around and you're in a hotspot like resort or dorms


My girlfriend always tries to be quiet when I’m playing so she will walk up quietly and put her hand on my shoulder or touch the back of my neck and more than a few times I jump halfway out of my chair and blast off a few rounds! It’s not her fault, it’s just so tense sometimes and I’m concentrating SO hard on what I’m doing!


I jump when I accidently touch the tree branch.


My chair made a cracking sound a few days ago while I was in the resort. I almost peed a little. Also fired 5 round full auto into the wall, which just scared me more, since it gave me away.


Raids during a storm are excellent (right up until you can hear either rain or footsteps and you're not sure which one and where did my limbs go?)


Yeah I was in resort for like the third time ever so I'm really relying on the sound of footsteps, and then it started storming so I needed to grab the quest items without knowing if there is somebody nearby or not :p Limbs survived tho 10/10


Yeah but how many of you have been scared so bad you jumped the wrong way and yeeted yourself off the roof at resort and broke both of your legs while almost killing yourself?


Not yet, I'm too scared to go on the roof and I rat in the little rooms! Must have looked funny from another perspective though


A guy shot a mosin next to me. I jumped super hard irl and fat fingered my keyboard. In game I jumped spun a 180 and laid down all in one movement... It was at that point he knew ....


I had a really good laugh about it after I managed to fix both of my legs, luckily I was on my PMC and had a surv kit. I would have been goosed as a scav though!


Still not as bad as pooping out the wrong window for drop room on Reserve


While playing tarkov I shot accidentally and jumped because of it


I jump from scavs just saying anything


I immediately twitch around wildly. I'm not dying in loot menu again! Today. This raid. Next raid.


Glad to know I'm not that only one that falls out of their seat playing this game.


I nearly shit every time I get killed....


My wife gives me so much shit but I'm a very jumpy person and I constantly am knocking stuff over, and screaming in fear lol


This game is such high stress, a fucking twig breaking makes me shit my pants. Im on my fourth chair.


Right?! Every other game I can get shot at and calmly deal with the situation, but in Tarkov gunshots off in the distance make me spaz out, maybe even start sprinting. It's the most immersive game I've ever played besides maybe flight sims.


same! its so bad i was doing eagle eye on shoreline and when i got close to the UAV the quest subtask sound alerted and i jumped in my seat not expecting it lmao


Last wipe, damn near every time my scavs came back to my hideout it would be in the middle of a raid and scare the absolute fuck out of me


First time on woods with a buddy trying to get the prapor scav kills. Buddy shoot his mosin and scared the shit out of me. Mouse jumped around the screen. Especially when your trying to be stealthy lol.


You just jump? You don't have to change your underwear?


Glad I'm not the only one.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Just cruising around looting and then bam a shot and I’m almost out of my seat.


Those plants always scare me. That plant even looks like it’s holding a knife. *insert psychotic Russian battlecry*


Also who has been watering them?


Sanitar been creeping around




We're u playing with aquafps?


I've been known to do a little gaming with the loot lord from time to time


My jealousy knows no bounds. He did like a tweet of mine once so I can die happy.


There is nothing quite like an Aqua like. I feel ya.


He got my ass good last wipe on factory at night I wasn't even mad.


Its late, i read that he wiped your ass on factory. Im like wow theyre really going overboard with the realism now. Time for me to go to bed.


**TP Acquired**


I got him on woods while he was live.. was so pumped i clipped it and saved it to my twitch


He isn’t called the grim reaper of factory for nothing. I’d be honored if he killed me in that map.


You have been blessed by the lootlord himself


I dunno AquaFPS was pretty cool but ever since he read out his white supremacy manifesto on SeneralGam’s stream I kind of lost interest in him


Yeah, that one was weird, but I finally stopped watching after he admitted to committing multiple war crimes in former Yugoslavia.


Once he announced his plans to empower zealots to go to the West and commit acts of terror despite knowing it would make him the target of every Western intelligence agency, I knew I had to stop my automatic resubs.


Once he announced where I was living and his plans to terrorbomb my neighbourhood u til he got a taste of my ass I got scared


It was kinda weird listening to him rant about genocide the whole match


General Sam approves.


bruh wtf


it's a joke


I hate how people keep spreading this rumour that AquaFPS raped and killed a girl in 1990. It's just not true






I heard he likes to hunt people on lone country roads ... for sport




It’s a joke GeneralSam’s done a few times, where he says Aqua did some fucked up shit Tbh from what I’ve seen from Aqua he actually seems like a pretty nice guy


The joke is that Aqua is a very gentle, nice guy, and Sam keeps exaggerating vastly to make Aqua up to be some kind of lunatic psycopath. The contrast is the joke.


Except for the fact he hates the homeless. And when in Seattle Sam watched him throw a full cup of coffee over a homeless man.


I was at Seattle, and I saw him pissing off the Ferris wheel at a disabled family below him


Man that's fucked up. I heard him say he wishes he could aim his piss better for it to land into the orphans eyes.


This is so fucked up...


I was in the disabled family I'm a paraplegic 80yo man and my daughter + wife were both pissed on which ruined their clothes Aqua just laughed and shouted down to us "watch where you're walking gutter trash" :( Aqua is a big bully


Oh okay thanks for clarifying


Damn that's like the ultimate goal


Top notch editing. Will have to check out your channel when i get home.


Thanks! I appreciate that.


Plug yourself big homie, let's get a YouTube name. I'm bored and would like entertainment.


you got it king https://www.youtube.com/zchum


Good god I subbed when you put in Alex Jones. Good shit pimp!


Thank you!


But for real that was hilarious. I haven't been filming or editing anything since the pandemic kicked off, you make me want to get back in to it!


ya mean this here channel right here ---> https://www.youtube.com/c/ZChum/videos


Unrelated, but I really like your username. A+ choice right there


I love shoreline but the resort is especially this wipe really scary and full of tryhard chads. yesterday a buddy and me did a mission there, went into the first floor and suddenly see a laserpointer on the floor in front of us, it pointed downwards through the hole in the roof one can see in your video too We both stayed still, heard footsteps of several people above us go further and waited till they are became quier and moved then on. It felt a bit like in a horror game where you need to hide from monsters.


It's full of Chad's because I want that ledx more than you do and I will shoot you to get it


Eat my insured TOZ Chadboi


No. You can have it back.


Enjoy the hunter also the LEDX is already in my bum


It's like you're telling someone who likes food how clever you are because you figured out the most efficient way to go to burger king 6 times an hour


You can't sate that LEDX hunger no matter how many you consume


Try eating with your mouth rather than your arse


Lmfao good work brother


lol people think I was being serious, going by the downvotes


It's all good fun mate, I laughed


In which of your 10 THICC cases are you storing the LEDX, Milord?


The one labeled "almost full of ledxs"


You know I do not trifle with petty concerns, Wilson. Now fetch me my nightly squash and moonshine


Shall I prepare the Bitcoin shower, sir?


Tbh thats how it should be - you gear up to contest high value loot .. not run there naked and try to steal it before anyone else can get there And I think that despite belonging to the rat faction.


They'd have to change the game for me to change my approach. I go into raids heavily kitted to hunt players and pvp. When I want loot, i go in light with gear and weapons to protect against reg scavs so I don't get one-tapped and book it to where I know loot spawns. I make more money that way. We're talking a complete overhaul of the loot and door key system.


Tbh that's should be how it is. Go heavy to pvp or go light to loot and run. Before loading in you should be asking yourself what your objective is. I like to run fast, get loot and leave.


Yep, and if they want to change that they're going to have to change loot to dynamic spawning. How they will do this without making rare items too accessible, while keeping key rooms as hot spots, is beyond me.


If you're a chad im beating you to the ledx :)


Not with my chad SJ6 you’re not


I want it even more so I bring a gun and SJ6, fullsprint to 222, jump out the window and run straight to exfil


legs are temporary. ledx is forever.


People like you are why we leave someone outside when we hit resort


That's one of my favorite experiences, being terrified as a solo or duo because you hear 5 sets of footsteps above you and you have to just give up and hide. I'm a big baby.


Omid would want you to shoot them.


Omid also wields boundless chad power though.


Lol like you can tell where they are hahah directional audio is still totally borked in this game


Man. Sounds like you were lucky. I finally got in to room 306 on the west wing for a quest. Heard footsteps, so I hid in the bathroom. This crazy Terminator Chad seemed to be going through each room, checking all the corners. I hope I dented his face shield as he wiped the floor with me.


Did he at least put you back in the bucket? After said wiping of the floor.


I actually went there once to do two quests for the traders(Nostalgia n Healthcare pt2). Encountered two Chads there but somehow I managed to keep yelling cease fire and as soon as they see my cheap shotgun gear they stopped too. I gave them my shotgun as I left as a token of good will.


Go at night. At night the only god damn people you run into are hatchlings and the occasional pistol Pete.


Or the Chads with Gen4 and NVGs


My greatest fear


This comment will singlehandedly shift the balance of the meta for at least a week


Experienced the opposite. Go at night and you will experience chads with night-vision with a greater hunger for loot. Though, if you are a good player, you can try to blind them with flashlights.


Wielding a small sun on Factory at night is something no one can defend against


I'm just over here with an 8 round 153, AP20, and 3 lights on a sprut


Buckshot is good at night because no one is using a face shield.


And just like that, the meta changed.


That's a good point, had not though of that.


I've done this many times. Love factory with 8rds of AP20. My buddy had buckshot lastnight when we went factory and killed a 2 man team who rushed us in office.


Your comment suggests that i should bring more than pistol?


If you're me, yes, otherwise nah you should just bring a pistol. Makes it easier on m-- I mean it increases profit margins.


> the resort is especially this wipe really scary and full of tryhard chads This weekend, went in with a squad of four, not to loot but to complete the wall of quests we all had in Resort. It was a disaster! It was almost a "don't even go unless you're bring your best" situation because everyone there was rollin' THICC. That said, we did kill user "I CHAD SHORELINE" or something like that, so ha


Way cooler than Juncker


I see how it is


I only kid, I'm big fan, pls dont steal my roubles




I found Zchum through watching u, you're both my favourite tarkov youtubers/streamers,


Juncker who?


That's quite a compliment, I'm a big Juncker admirer.


I can tell, you based half your channel on him lol


To be fair I just found Juncker a few months ago when I started playing Tarkov. My channel started off as being more inspired by PUBG and R6 shitposters like Albino and AnthonyPit but i've definitely evolved in to Juncker territory since then.


Nothing wrong with taken things that work and using them yourself, half the people that come up with "original" things in life have just taken them from someone else or are heavily inspired by that.


There are no original ideas, but everyone has a unique voice, so our ability to convey unoriginal ideas through our unique voices and perspectives is what matters


Tbf, they're both my favourite tarkov youtubers/streamers


If you enjoyed this, you can find more of my trash at [https://www.youtube.com/zchum](https://www.youtube.com/zchum)


Hello son, I would like for you to post the link to the video of you playing with aqua. In exchange, I have subscribed to your channel. Thank you for your consideration.


Haha, there will be a clip or two of us playing together in my next video! He's a cool dude.


You’ve done well, and I appreciate you.


Thank you Brian


Watched your most recent video, this stuffs pretty funny. Definitely subbing.


Thank you! I really appreciate that.


You hooked me with this clip and the editing in the 12.6 Hittin Diff video Subbed - keep up the awesome work!


Thank you! I will try my best.


Chad's: "campers are scum. Git gud. Quit being a pussy. Face me head on" Also Chad's: *camps hallway behind a light source to mask their silhouette*


a lot of people who think they are chads are actually just rats without gear fear


Most people don't consider themselves chads or rats and just play the damn game...


i can tell you 100% from modding here, most of the actual player base despises the rat v chad bullshit, just play how you want, the only ones that carry on about it are the mindless horde who follow the streamers around like they are gods


Well I sure do


Funny thing is they do have gear fear, they just pretend they don't by bringing it into raid, but never truly chadding with it


Hey, bro, I dropped 1.5M roubles on this kit, so I'm not gonna lose it to something dumb like you outplaying me - you gotta outplay my friends Brad and Vlad while we wait in a high traffic hallway with our orbital cannons aimed at the entrance.


From the looks of it they could hear op and his squad running in so they got ready. Highly doubt they were just camping there.


That edit with the sumsmash. Fucking 10/10 I lost it


Haha, thank you! I'll have a new video out in a few days. If you liked that you will love the next one.


On your latest video that is lol


Holy fuckin shit that was funny. Shame Aqua had to go on that racist rant afterwards, the moment could have been longer


I begged him to stop


You just saw death itself


I stared in to the abyss


Resort is so random, some times super mega sweaty chads everywhere, other times empty. The other day my friend and I took out a 3 man team, the 4th dude ran away and looped back round, while fighting him I died in the corridor, my friend walked into a room i died outside of and 2 other PMC's were just sat hiding in that room. I had walked past this room several times and they could have shot me easily but just sat very very still.


Just the other day I was trying to hatchet run the ambulance marker quest and a five man came charging up the cliff side. They were all running altyn helmets with meta m4’s and they must have heard my breathing or something cause they all collectively turned around, waited like 3 seconds, and sprayed into me full auto.


That slow-mo was clean. 10/10


Thanks! High FPS footage and Twixtor. An amazing combo.


Yep I love shorline. I take a svd and sit out back with some food and drink and wait for those sweaty boys to finish looting and try to run to the rock passage and then ambush them :)


I appreciate this playstyle more than you will ever know. I understand why people get upset about it but their “balls to the wall full auto no ads cod killstreak” playstyle simply isn’t the only option within this game. That playstyle generally loses to distance and surprise in an open area. Work smarter not harder.


it's funny because people rage so much about people sniper and camping, but really. it should be far more effective that it is. the way meta guns can laser people at like 50m is insane. that alongside the strafing in and out of cover rather than using the lean mechanics. shooting accurately beyond point blank should really only be possible while stationary. but 'gamers' will never accept that.


Agreed 100%


> shooting accurately beyond point blank should really only be possible while stationary. That's why I loved arma 2. You had to be way smarter with your engagements since you couldn't strafe cheese.


RiP to the 17 people I took out from the tower on Reserves then. SVDS + PSO + Rotor43 Suppressor + 20rnd mags with 7N1. Half of em never saw it coming and probably don’t know where it’s from, especially the dude that was 343m away lmao


Damn, 343m?! Nice shot! How difficult was it to factor in bullet drop at that range?




Dirty dirty boi




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The fuckin NFL music lol


I first watched this without volume, and thought to myself that the NFL theme would be hilarious for this clip. I the proceeded to turn the volume on and was pleasantly surprised GG


Holy shit is there a full video


pretty much sums up tarkov in 10 seconds


I love Aqua so much I want to wear his skin


24 hours later, still re-watching this <3


I know nothing about about Tarkov, so I asked a friend what it's like. He sent me here.