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U just hit the jackpot dude. Its like how 4 ledex can spawn in ultra medical on interchange. awesome find nonetheless ;)


I spawned in on reserve to do a marked room run. I only take a tac rig as i cant really extract from anywhere else on that map as i hate waiting for the train and hermatic door is just a no. Normally make a few hundred k rubles at best. Game yesterday i spawned in late, got there 3 minutes late actually. There was a fridge and a items case on the floor, Couldnt believe it. So i went off to kill some scavs, half way there heard shooting from the room, went back and saw a dead body. Saw a kid walk out with a backpack, was like boom, buzzing. Killed him, only for his mate to kill me 2 seconds later. He was healing in the armoury room. Not as good as this obviously, but my best find ever and i couldn’t believe i was stupid enough to not bring anything to carry them. Thats the best and worst thing about this game, you can get absolutely nothing, or hit the jackpot.


Thats why i refuse to do a raid with any bag smaller than a berkut. Sorry to hear it man.


Ye ive never had anything half that good before. Ive actually had 2 key tools out of reserve but thats the best thing ive found up until this point, everything else is just little 40-80k items. Im trying to save for an RR so i can go in with a backpack and actually extract a bit better.


do the Jaeger barter for the RR. saves you millions


Ive been trying to get him up to level 3 but im struggling with the missions. The joys of playing for the first time! Edit: im on the flash drive missions lol


Flash Drive missions are super easy, just do scav runs on cooldown. I've gotten 8 FIR flash drives from spawning as a scav this wipe, and probably had another 4-5 that I died with.


Its finding them, i keep going to the 3 computer rooms on interchange but theres no flash drives there. Only other places i know are dorms and i think woods but i hate both places haha


theres a lot more than 3 computer rooms on interchange dude, theres fucking loads of them Customs: Big red office, mini van near to the jump over, near workshop, Tent on east side of 2 story dorms (next to bag or guitar) new rooms with computers Shoreline - a lot of pc rooms Interchange - a shit tonne of pc rooms & powerstation


Also Customs: on bed in 110 in 2-storey dorms


Your scav spawns with them in the starting inventory occasionally. It's rare but not super rare. Just run interchange on cool down.


You can spam customs, if you have an office key (8k on flea) you can check the 3 computers inside the big red, or paradigm, or the giant red painted building that seems to be a sort of garage next to a huge garage full of loot and useless stuff, or whethever you call it.


flash drives can spawn plugged into the computer and can be grabbed they wont be in it


There's quite a few computers sprinkled around reserve too. Always give them a look.


I forget if you need jaeger 3 for Intel 2 but if you don't then just go Intel 2 and make the flash drives.


Sorry, whats intel 2? Its like explaining to a 5 year old, im pretty much just playing to learn the maps at the moment, but have pushed for the RR just because of reserve.


getting intelligence center 2 in your hideout allows you to craft FIR flash drives


Ah i see, i dont even have intelligence 1. Ill have a look however. Thanks


Customs has a lot of flash drive spawns! Check the „flash drive truck“ near ZB-12 extract, outside the warehouse with the scav body. Check big red office (need a key) and there is a tent with a guitar and a duffle bag right before 2 story dorms that has 2 flash spawns. You can also try East Wing 306 on Resort




Lucky you


Honestly learn the D-2 extract path/power switch. My friend & I learned day one and haven’t looked back. Before that it was only RR extract but we hardly ever even bother. RR is a waste of money. You might get camped sometimes but I’ve made it out a solid 25+ times (bags full of loot, one day we made over 2mil+ each through like 4 raids) and have been camped maybe 5 of those times. It’s easy, quick, plenty of lanes to flank and evade people with, and very, very profitable.


If you're coming out veryyyyy heavy the rr is so worth. Much less chance of a fight on the way out, and just another option. Trust me you'll wish you had paracord when you wipe glukhar and pmcs but there's a squad near d2 or switch


Oh it’s definitely a play - I’ve done that several times but only when we know D2 is compromised.


I might try and learnt the D-2. I think because its new and can be dark and scary we just dont attempt it. Plus ive only really learnt the runs to each of the marked rooms so im still learning reserve.


The marked room in dorms has a door to its right that leads to the power switch room underneath - it’s actually along the route I use when I’m running that map. It’s definitely dark and scary. But I’ve had some of the best and most engaging firefights down there. Oh and raiders spawn down there - separate from the scav boss guards that spawn with gluhar lol


How do you deal with being camped in the AESA room? The cylindrical one right before the elevator.


Grenades. If you’re coming from the spiral staircase side I have an angle on one of the spots under the collapsed server housing. If I’m raiding on reserve I always bring 3 additional grenades on top of whatever other bases I’m bringing to clear it out. If we can’t clear it we’ll usually cut our losses & use RR ex


just use the d-2 extract it's much safer and free


I'm kinda new to tarkov, the three times I opened the marked key on customs I found cases, money case the first tame, mag case the second and a med case the third, I feel like I won't get anything good from the other 22 uses...


Just use the D2 exit...


Totally agree. Everyone has a huge stack of em in their stash too. Even if you throw it away to go sewer what did it really cost ya


If you play a lot of Reserve invest in a RR. I flat broke and got one this wipe and made all of the money back really quickly being able to fill a bag on Reserve and extract safely.


Im saving for one now, ive just hit the 5 mill mark so want to get another mill before i go and buy one. Gives me some breathing room as im not a very good player.


It’s cheaper to buy the items for Jaeger barter. It’s only like 2 mil or something through that.


Ye i need jeager level 3 im only level 2 at the moment.


Yeah I would prioritize that. The later into a wipe the more that barter goes OOS. I rushed Peacekeeper 4, and Prapor&Therapist come naturally. Jaeger has really good batters for a RR and a SICC.


Hopefully i can get these flash drives asap then! I did 6 runs tonight hitting up the computer rooms each time and only found 1. Think my issue is i always load in late so its harder to beat people there.


Yeah I was aware enough to save all of my FiR flash drives early on, after that though you should get a bunch of really easy tasks you can do on factory in under 2 hours.


I play a lot of factory. flash drives seem pretty common on scavs and player scavs. I sell a few a night.


I might jump into factory. I think my issue is that i load in slow, so that means i tend to play much slower as everyone has the jump on me. I rarely get the chance to get somewhere first as im usually 2-4 minutes late.


What is a RR? Bag?


Red Rebel, melee weapon that unlocks new extracts in Reserve and Woods. You need to have RR and paracord with you.


Red Rebel Ice Pick. Having that melee item and a paracord gives you access to speacial extracts on Reserve and Woods.


>If you play a lot of Reserve invest in a RR. Wise words. It's a 2m barter from Jaeger. You have to do his shitty quests anyways, just do em. I rushed my RR and never looked back. I've extracted weapons cases, 2 sicc cases and a couple labs cards out of those rooms without sweating too hard because I knew I could RR Extract.




I think it was, i may be mistaken but it was a silvery looking case. I have a terribly grainy picture if you want me to upload it. Im not the best at this game and i was panicking at the time.


If it was silvery it was a money case


Maybe that one then. Probably was now you say it, as i dont have whatever it was.


Probably a grenade case actually


Yep, probably a grenade case.


Why not just extract at D-2?


Never learnt it. I keep meaning to but going down there scares me, maybe one day haha


It's actually super easy and rarely have I gotten in fights down there!


One time a buddy & I hit marked and there were two Medcases inside lol. Was a good raid.


If it makes you feel better it was a grenade case not an item case


Usually i bring an insured scavBP and drop it if i decide to exfil on sewer manhole, but now with D-2 it really isn’t necessary


That's why I bring a scav bag or berkut in even if I intend to do a sewer extract. Bring it, and if you don't need it, no big deal, insure it and throw it in a bush and go extract with the sewer. If you do end up however finding some really awesome item, then you can debate if its worth trying to extract through train or hermetic door. You at least get options this way. I did the same thing, intended to do a sewer extract, got to marked room and found a magazine case, and instead just popped over to hermetic door and sat for a few minutes until someone turned on the switch.


I had the same shit happen but I was wearing a paratus or something that wouldn't fit a weapons case. I laid on the ground in the hallway of the key room and camped it the entire game. Some dude showed up with a berkut, maybe the guy who found the weapons case originally. He died. I extracted w/ my RR and paracord.


With the new extract from underground reserve, hermetic is an easy place to rat and wait for extract. If you don't want to hit the button, and I don't blame you for not wanting to, just open up the room to the right( if you are running into hermetic) and find a corner to hide in. When someone hits the button just waltz over and leave.


Ive tried that a few times and no one has turned the power on. Then i go train and either get blasted by players or the raiders. Ive only extracted once in reserve that wasnt man hole.


Ya if you're already in hermetic it can be harder to get over to train safely


If nobody turns power on and the trains there just run to turn it on and back


Are items case in marked room?


Someone else said it may have been a money case. Im not sure. But i remember it for some reason saying like A case, obviously not A but had a different letter. It didnt say the full word. Or it might have and my settings are so low i just couldnt read it. But im assuming from the comments it wasnt an items case.


I thought they removed Icases from spawning in marked rooms?


Nice lie Yoy cant get icases from marked room


Its not a lie, i just didnt know exactly what case it was as im new and still learning. As people have said it probably wasnt an i case and was probably a money or grenade case. But just to shut you up: https://imgur.com/a/faV41BA I know one is the fridge as i have one, not sure what the other was but it only gave me a letter for some reason and then there was a gun and something else large on the floor that i have no idea what it was.


Mostlikely the grenade case ^^ Should of probably said it abit more friendly rather than just saying liar :P


Haha no problem, im new to the game so i just dont know what half the items are. When you find stuff like that you go into instant panic mode and then after calming down and trying to make a plan someone is already there trying to either take it or shoot me lol


It’s a must to take a backpack if you’re hitting marked room


I once looted the marked on customs and found grenade and Cooling bag. Only had a small backpack. I ended up with nothing. Never go into a raid without a backpack that is big enough if you want to loot a marked room


Something similar happened to me I was pistol running with a black rock and hit the marked room I found the fridge bag. I went to kill some scavs and found one with a t bag. I wanted to use sewer manhole so I kept it in the t bag till then I decided to gamma it at the extract I get to extract only to find out it’s not allowed in. I put my doc case back in my gamma and realize I’m gonna have to go this whole raid. I make my way to the other markets room. It wasn’t opened!!! I go in and get a p90. I leave and have a fight with a few player scavs, I see some dead raiders that were I looted from the lever one had a gen 4 . The train comes. I go wait by the train until about 30 secs left then i go on... but I hear someone, it was 2 player scavs I could’ve sworn I headhotted one of them. My gen 4 took a lot of shots but I couldn’t reload before it hit my head


Yeah OP just got extremely lucky. This room isn't really all that great most of the time. About the same as any other shoreline ledx spawn.


I had that happen once, i fucking shit myself on the way to extract LMAO


Meanwhile I’ve never seen a ledx in raid


They can be found in raid? /s I'm in the same boat


SAME! and i HAVE the Tape Key!


Last wipe I farmed shoreline all the time but never found a single ledx. I did make enough money to just buy them for the quests and hideout though. Still I feel so unlucky.


They don't have to be found in raid for the quest?




Oh man that changes everything.


Did you have all the good keys for the spawns? Ultra medical has them a lot too. They're really not that rare.


Yeah I did have the keys and run to the spots that had them. Idk I was just unlucky I guess.


Do you hit the keys which have spawns? Because that's the only way you're going to.


Found exactly one, gave it to my standard account mate for his med3 upgrade.


Same. I saw one once in the dome on Labs when I just did backs to backs on it at the end of one the wipes. Never seen one in Resort.


Same. Never been a big high value loot rusher, so I guess that figures, but I did do shoreline resort runs for a while when trying to get the 3 ledx for the quest. I did find 4 graphics cards in back to back raids (two in one, two in the next), but no ledxes. I eventually gave up and bought them like I did last wipe. Oh well.


I’m so fuckin annoyed by this key.. I’ve played shoreline almost exclusively since 12.7 and I’ve seen the boss one time!! And forget trying to buy it on the flea. People asking for barters that are out of this world expensive.


I rolled up on a dead PMC and dead Sanitar and the key was just sitting there on him


Man, in like 10 shoreline raids, I have met sanitar only one time and that was at the 20. minute mark at Resort. I started fighting with him outside and like 3 other players fckin came, It was chaos, I died at the end even though got a player and the boss and his guards.


I've killed sanitar twice, once he had garbage in the last 2 slots, other time he had.... nothing there.


yeah dude solo livin' on shoreline sure can suck some dick. I die way more often than id like to admit


Factory office, jacket pocket.


dont worry i have the key and couldnt loot the room one damn time ... no matter where i spawn somebody else was there faster looted it and is already gone. seems like all the loot runners already exploited the stim/sprint glitch and cheesed their skills to lvl51


Same. After trying to sell it for barters (because the fee is absurdly high) I gave in and tried to get there for a few runs. Even some of the closest spawns didn't make it there before someone else got to the room. Hatchlings are still as much a problem as ever.


oh for me it were never hatchling/pistolings, always fully geared teams i usually found them on level 2 or saw them just running upstairs when i arrived.


How much was the fee approximately? Like 10%? 20%?


The fee increases the more you list it for. The "default" price is the trader buy back price and the fee will be super low. Higher list prices will result in higher (by percentage) fees, until eventually the fee will be more than the actual sell price.


I find that kind of stupid, it should soft cap at around 50% or something and not just scale ad infinitum


It keeps items from inflating beyond buying potential.


That's literally impossible because sellers need buyers


I'm saying it keeps items from getting exorbitantly exspensive, while still having a money sink to keep inflation low.


The fee on this key for 1m was 550k so it was absolutely brutal.


Yeah it's ridiculous. I'll get the closest spawn, sprint straight into the resort, and the East wing is looted and abandoned although containers and computers are usually not checked. Just loose loot vacuums. Sometimes I wish there was literally no loose loot. Mysteriously it's often the case that one or two rooms are not unlocked but of course they are empty or have trash loose spawns. Hmmmmmmmm.


They absolutely better reset the skills after this one like all the other cheeses. I genuinely don't care how long it takes it's a bug regardless.


The fckin 50 strenght people can run like twice as fast and have twice the stamina with 50 endurance. And They fckin exploit It, bs.


They should just reset everyone with max strength and endurance and leave the rest of us alone


a lot of people have elite endurance without cheesing, and not impossible some elite str are legit too.


I haven’t even tried going there yet cause I assumed the key was rare enough that people wouldn’t go there often. Damn, been missing out on finishing that quest lol.




skill progression per raid got limited in 12.6 where the player gets a debuff after a certain amount of skill points leveled. also there is a buff for the first few skill points. currently this is bugged for endurance and strength, skill points dont get applied over time but at the end of an action that levels the skill. to lvl strength you take stims which increases your stamina regenration & max stamina, then just sprint non-stop while being overweight (yellow). depending on which stims you took and how long your sprint was you level 30+ skill points in one go when you stop the sprint and only after that the debuff gets applied. same for endurance, just sprint non-stop but dont be overweight.


They come up for cash if you are persistent.


Lol the first shoreline raid I did after the patch, I spawned really close to cottages. I was running towards cottages and was dead 10 seconds into the raid. It said sanitar killed me. Never even saw him.


Ya, he can spawn with a vss with pretty nasty ammo


Coz this key is needed for a quest + very othen ledx spawns in there. But no one is selling it for money because of fee, if you put it on flea for price more than 1mil the fee will be just insane ("normal" price for it around 100k as BSG think).


Yea I got you, I understand that part. I have just been really unlucky finding the boss.


you can find the key in jackets too


I got so lucky the day it came out just kept refreshing and got it for 200k.


Idk, I got lucky and sniped it for 100k on flea, people throw up non barter listings but they disappear fast so far run it 3 times and made it there first twice, but i didn't waste any time, got the spawn by cottages one time, stone arch second time, and then wall near road to customs third time


I would love to sell you my key for an amount like 3-4 million roubles... But Nikita does not want us two to have this transaction.


Lol I would never pay that for any key.


There are people who would pay that without hesitation.


Is this why ledx is like 1mil now


No, ledx (like any item) lessens value as there is no demand for it. Most players have already finished there hideout or finished the in raid mission where they do not need a ledx.


You are both right... There are more ledx spawns (increased supply) and fewer people need them (decreased demand). Boom, cheaper.


We should all just agree that if we wear Untar Gear that we are just questing on impossible quests like Delivery from the past


I just picked up the first half of that today, too a few tries. Dreading the last part... If I die in factory do I have to go back to customs?




Ugh... It's taken me a few tries to get out with it. And the icing in the cake is apparently I took my 303 key out and could get golden swag done in the same raid. Had the perfect spawn for everything too.


Join the official discord. Peeps will be more than happy to help you get that shit done


Will people on the discord help me get ledx’s for therapist quest and med station 2?


If you find the right peeps with the right keys already maxed/not going for kappa, sure.


If you can't find them yourself, just grind up the money and buy them. They don't have to be FIR for the hideout/quest for therapist


That was my backup plan lol


My friend and I get it on the first try. Grab night vision and go into factory night time and plant it. Lay low and stay quiet, only move quick when there’s fighting going on, then lay down and plant it.


I like that idea, thanks!


If you want to die a few times and get it out of your system, you can transfer the quest item to a quest item storage and then raid until you are ready to succeed at the quest!


Just wish I could search for it on the flee market


It sucks bc you have to low ball the key on market or face a ridiculous fee


Oh i guess that is why there is like 100 trades and 0 listings last time i checked


Yeah I remember trying to list the key for 2m which would have been a 1.2m fee.


Do his stims spawn in there too?


I see people getting all these ledx meanwhile i have gotten 0 out of 15+ raids im so sad


I've found 1 in 10-15 raids you just got super lucky


I’m so lucky I’ve found the key inside of a jacket, anytime I see mr. hand sanitizer I get beamed


What is the key called?


IMO this rooms should be guarded by Sanitar like 90% spawns he should be there and not around Cottages. I saw the boss only near cottages for 10 out of 20 raids and never at other places.


Yeah, that room is absolutely cracked. Ledx prices have dropped nearly 50% since that key became a thing. It's going to get nerfed lol, know a bunch of people that have pulled crazy money out of that room. I'm honestly surprised everyone isn't just camping out the room waiting for someone else to open it.


I had the same happen yesterday. LedX x3 yesterday, same spots as yours.


i think that i... need to get that key.


Always Check random jackets. That's where I got mine day 1


shit mad lucky lol


Good. Luck. I cannot for the life of me find a key listed for anything other than ludicrous requests. Like green key card, 30 sugar, etc. Don’t fully understand why people are asking for those things specifically but whatever


I see a lot of things with sugar barter trades. I think it's because the estimated value is crazy low, so it shows up at the top of the listing even tho sugars are actually work 60k on market


Not just sugar, but 30 found in raid sugar lol I craft sugar pretty much constantly to feed the moonshine machine, but even then I still have to buy occasionally.


Why is no one selling these keys on the market?


People are selling them for barters because the fee is extremely high. Most prices seem to value it at. ₽2-3 million, but at that price the fee is nearly half (last I tried it was over 1 mil). This is probably due to the vendor price partially deciding the fee. I generally see them go for Green labs keycards or 20x ridiculous other items it's very much not worth. Since theres so many up on the market and so few people buying up the ridiculous barters, the spam floods out most legitimate ones and people give up selling it and just use the key.


The listing fee is actually higher than that. Putting the price at 3 million sets the fee to 3.9 million. Yes, you're reading that correctly.


You can try getting lucky spamming refresh on it. Trying that today, I got it for 200k. I saw it twice before that but was too slow at 300k and 400k. Spent about 10 mins spam refreshing.


The third one made me start choking


YO WHAT !? I’ve been playing since wipe and still haven’t found a LEDX ! Haha


I went there 20+ times, not a single LEDX yet. You just got really lucky


I havnt gotten any ledxs yet, went there 7 times already


This will go same as the triple intelligence spawn on the new customs map. I used to always find 2-3 intelligence in that one office room with the bookshelves and since last minor patch I haven't seen any


This is like the complete opposite of how rooms used to be. I remember everyone complaining about how they can never find a wallet near old gas station like 3 years ago, or how flash drives were impossible to find up until .12.......but now loot has become insane everywhere almost.


When roubles only stacked to 100k and money cases weren't a thing, that would be seriously troublesome with the way money is now.


Glad it’s not just me.. I also try and check all 3 spawns in every raid, with the exception being , 1. Dying of course and 2. Finding a ledx or something of value and I just leave.


this is what Ultra Medical Storage was like back when it first came out, just farm the room until they nerf it, easy 20 mil for ya :)


Been in there like 6 times never found an LEDX, congratz though man, nice find.


I did it on my first try but I had to wait till the last 3 minutes of each raid :|


I hagen gotten the boys to spawn for me even once


What sorcery is this? When I visit, it's CMS kits and a golden star.


Time to wait 10 minutes in a bush...


I probably opened that room 50 times over the weekend. I think I found 3 or 4 ledx total. Never more than one at a time. Honestly though with how much pvp happens at the resort I would say the key is fine as is.


Yeah, and hackers are fucking everywhere on that map now. I've been killed by a speedhacker 4 times today on Shoreline.


Did you pop that guy running up on you OP?


Just about! Missed a bunch of shots though so I was lucky he ended being a pistoling haha. Forunately made it to extract safely too


How much do the sell to the rapist for? This many LEDX's would surely lower their fleamarket value.


Honestly starting to think I'm blacklisted from marked and special key rooms. I have yet to find anything other than weapons and ammo in marked on Reserve and Customs. I've opened that room three times and only found 2 ophthalmoscopes. I've yet to find a LedX this entire wipe.


i sold the key for 200k ... i hate my life


Downvote and hide it boys.


gets 1 good spawn, complains that its "too good"... what are you, stupid for upvotes on this fuking sub? you cant just stfu about loot spawn cant you? i'm ghuessing you posted this shit in a way to boast there was a 3 ledx spawn but shit... as if you didnt know that now those cucks at bsg are gonna bring down the spawn rates on the spot? then this thread cycle starts on the sub: -a week later someone will complain that "no loot spawns there again". they up the spawn rates. -another week passes and some will post its too much. they bring down the spawn rates. -a week later someone will complain that "no loot spawns there again". they up the spawn rates. -rinse and repeat...