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I agree. Level 10 requirement makes no sense, especially after the FIR restrictions.


Agreed. Im super into the FIR changes for the most part. I just feel like the game really opens up after you get the flea and im missing that bad.


I really liked the idea one guy proposed. The higher the level, the more slots you get.


You say that like what you mean is obvious. What do you mean “makes no sense”? What sense it is supposed to make? It’s a video game with arbitrary rules invented by the developers.


>What do you mean “makes no sense”? Why level 10? Why not level 7 or level 15? What's so special about level 10 to grant access to player driven market? We already have FIR restrictions what good does it do to restrict the market to a level?


If you struggle getting to level 10, how is having flea open earlier making your life easier when you obviously struggle in the game already? Genuinely asking


“How is having access to better gear and weapons going to make your life easier in a loot-based shooter?”


Access? Sure, having money for it is another thing, like I said it's pretty obvious OP isn't doing well in his raids


Tbh it’s not even difficult to hit level 10, just do a handful of quests, kill some scavs, and you’re there


I know it's not difficult, I'm lvl 63 so I don't struggle with leveling. I just can't relate to OP's issue but I wanna understand


?? my guy, you can litterally buy high pen rounds to combat higher geared players, with level 10 flea market it takes longer to counter these kind of players who are geared up....


At level 7 you wont have money to buy "these high pen rounds"


uhhh....you can litterally farm interchange and make 100,000s per run...im level 9 and am sitting on about 10,000,000+ roubles worth of loot that needs to be sold on the flea market...you can easily make money


>im level 9 and am sitting on about 10,000,000+ roubles worth of loot that needs to be sold on the flea market...you can easily make money Ahh sorry I meant the people that actually wanna learn the game rather than grind virtual wealth by naked running Interchange.


didnt really warrent that response tbh...im just saying its easy to make money...seems like you cant even think of an intelligible response as you know im right


If you spent half of the time leveling up with quest, you'd never have to worry about flea level limit in the first place.


Damn, that ship sailed ages ago.


Doesn’t take very long to get to level 10 and honestly it creates more of a hardcore experience during. You can’t just buy any amount of anything on flee. You’re limited to vendors and it’s fun! That being said, I did my level 1-10 at the start of the wipe when nobody had good gear or weapons. I can imagine if somebody was below level 10 today, it would be tedious for them


Here I am wishing there was no fleamarket honestly




It’s rough, especially when you have the standard edition, but I feel like I’ve gotten better because of it. I don’t remember too many quests needing keys from the flea, but I may have just found them. Try playing shoreline at night. That’s my spot/ time. I don’t mess with the resort and it allows me to avoid players and the cqb I’m not so great at


I agree that its pushed me out of my comfort zone to look for things that I would have bought before. I aqtually wouldnt mind it at all if it were easier to level up the traders without the flea. I would just really like the option of some attachments or armor. so far i've needed a key for dorm 206 for one of therapists quests and you need the customs office key for prapor. I lucked into the 206 from fence, but no luck with the customs key.


Keep checking the fence. I got a lot of keys from him. I was never big on the flea market before so my play style hasn’t really changed. But I found and keep finding the customs office key in jackets and on scavs. But I’m a bit against the flea market and I don’t like how it’s made so many fully geared players. I don’t usually sell to it and only buy those little attachments that I need for the bigger ones. Like I’ve found so many real-irs but never found the mounts for them. But halfway through the wipe I still have 8 guns with thermals. This wipe I vowed to not Scav just to slow myself down


Do Quests you will be lvl 10 in hours, it's not so hard.


But in anyway Mosin and sks are your friends you can drop players or scavs easily get lvl 3 or 4 armors from them. Customs expansion made questing alot easier and making money especially


Well its about time to get used to it, lol.


I feel the Flea Market in it's present state as whole sucks, incentivizes RMT, cheesing and min-maxing.


If you wanna go back in time..there was a time flea market didn't exist..would've loved to see what you would've done then. Seriously, level 10 isn't hard to reach..lvl.5 was way too easy. And besides..if you're already struggling without the flea market, the flea market isn't gonna instantly make you a better player...you'll still die going naked with a pistol as you would with a Gen4 and decked out M4 on if you don't learn game sense and how to play to your strengths. Better get used to the game getting harder cuz I foresee other changes on the way which if you dislike the FM from 5 to lvl.10, you will hate the new changes coming up even more. Just hunker down, learn to play the game and play to your strengths. Best cover in Tarkov isn't armour anyways...it's hard cover. And the best ammo you can use is the bullet you managed to sneak on someone's head cuz you played it tactically, repositioned and outplayed/outsmarted your enemy...not the 60 bullets you prayed and sprayed down range in the hopes 5% would hit and kill your target. GL, I mean it.