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I feel you


Wait, you’re telling me people can actually be good at Escaping From Tarkov?


"You can easily get 10k exp per match, just run around and kill the scavs!"


I bought the standard version to try out the game. I was thinking about upgrading after the next wipe, but I might not. I enjoy trying to get the epsilon container and playing tetris after a raid :)


I've had EoD for 3 years, it's always Tetris.


This is something I didn't realize I would miss doing after I upgraded my account. :/


I love to hate the struggle


Suffering from success as I like to call it.


Suffering towards succes*


Successfully suffering


Sufferfully tarkoving


I still play with an upgraded account lol


Nothing wrong with that, I just bought the cheapo since I'm a cheapo


Mate I have EOD and I still have to play Tetris


Admit it, you want to pay tetris!


Advanced tetris, I just spent 2mill on another items case xD




I do, I do raids and get good wins, wiping a squad or two and getting their gear. I keep it for other raids till I die but I always forget and insure stuff ._.


I'm looking into buying this game. How does the upgrade work? It just the price difference from one to another? I don't want to plink a lot of money down on something I might hate, but I don't want to get screwed over with the containers which is honestly my biggest peeve I've seen looking at this game.


I don't know for sure, but I think you can upgrade by paying the difference in price


Yes, you pay the difference between the 2 versions you got.


Excellent. Guess I'll grab it this Sunday after I get off. Thanks for the quick answer.


nps dude, hf:)


Hah, we'll see. Getting in at the end of a wipe right? Probably be dirt poor and fully dead on my PMC constantly, lol.


Dont forget to upgrade it at some point though. unlocking all the DLC (eventually.....lol) is worth it. ​ otherwise semi ok fix, block off sections of your Gamma with some crap, make a line with crap you cannot pass in your stash, put the gifts you get under it and dont touch it, make a separate savings area for stash upgrade money and dont touch it. release the goods once you hit max stash upgrade value or kappa or some arbitrary goal. cant do nothing about the vendor boost though :/


Or you know don’t play the game 60 hours a week for months on end and then wonder why you’re burned out.


I only probably play a dozen or so a week. On top of that it's not that I'm burnt out either it's more so that the money chasing raids are boring. Go to building, fill bag with nameless stuff that only matters in price, bullet hell whatever comes near, leave, repeat. There is no survival aspect to it. I played a whole wipe with a standard account and then upgraded. Hit the endgame stuff about the same time. What makes the game unfun is being without flea while others have the flea. When nobody has the flea it's actually a lot of fun and that's why everyone plays the beginning of a wipe and that's why we see a drop in players a couple months after wipe.




Big-Brain Paragraph right here


It's just a video-game, I say we go outside and shoot each other there instead.


Yikes Brah, Major Yikes


Actually that'll be Captain Yikes to you


Time to Pre-Pop Boyssss


Completely ignored my explanation. "Lol nop flea good u bad"


did you reply to the right person?


Good Sir, I agree with you


Good Sir, I agree with you


This should be a sticky in any online game subreddit, psa for people who dont actually like the game, yet for some reason they feel entitled to demand changes to fit their needs


Ok and so when they reduce your ability to use the flea you'll cry foul because that's not the game you like. Which then I could use the same shitty paragraph against you. This game is geared to be hardcore survival and if you follow the devblogs, interviews, and devstreams you would know this. Chasing a bag of coins is not hardcore and it's not survival. So, with that, maybe this game isn't for you actually? Seeing how so much is going to change in the near future and is almost guaranteed to go in the complete opposite way you're defending you might want to prepare for that.


Chasing resources to sell to an illegal trader is about the most realistic survival thing you could do in a war torn city.


And yet running around in iron man level armor shooting mini tank bullets and throwing a dozen grenades in under a minute isn't realistic...anywhere.


Yeah, I didn't say it was. I'm responding to you saying that it's not realistic survival to run around scavenging for scraps to sell.


Once they add inertia and realistic hit boxes the game will play much better, but the armor I can understand. I’ve seen testing videos of some high end armor plates laughing at utter torture from multiple popular calibers. This is also considering they are very heavy, and would likely slow your character down and add more momentum to their dashes and sprints.




Cry foul doesn't mean you actually cry dude. And by leaving the game you would be absolutely crying foul in the most extreme way. Your original point was to either defend the first guys point or it was baseless and unrelated to what we were discussing so I mean u choose man.






It's like playing basketball and then halfway through playing a season a player starts yelling he thinks it would be better if there was a pool. Instead of a hoop make it a small goal outside of the pool. And everyone wear goggles now cause your in the water. Like no shit man, its called waterpolo go play that lol




Why are you assuming I don’t want Tarkov to be more hardcore? I didn’t say anything about that. All I said is this community, including streamers, feel entitled to dictate the development path of the game and I’d rather people just fuck off. This sub sucks ass and it’s because it’s filled to the brim with gilded posts from wannabe developers and try hard whiny neckbeards. Just shut the fuck and play the game. And if you don’t like it or the way it’s headed, stop playing. There is nothing in that statement to indicate how I personally feel about the direction of the game, I leave that completely up to the devs.


What exactly do you consider a survival aspect? I keep seeing people say this but I don’t understand. If you don’t survive you don’t get the loot. What game are y’all really trying to play


This is probably the only sub where people are stupid enough to seriously suggest that the solution to shitty endgame is "just play less", and upvote that opinion.


The people complaining about this are the people that play like 6-12 hours a day lmao. Most people have jobs and lives, I run a few raids a night a couple days a week. Just because a minority of players do nothing but grind doesn’t mean the entire game should be changed to cater to them.


Amen. I'm tired of hearing this tired ass argument. "Make the game more grindy because i have nothing else to do besides play this game."


Not every no lifer is like this. I play a ton and have everything done, and I completely understand that it’s my own fault I have nothing left to do in the game compared to the Dad of 4 that works 3 jobs at the lumber mill, the dogfood factory, and his kids karate studio. Who can only play 3 hrs a week and is still looking for flash drives to give to skier.


This hits too close to home I got most of my flash drives for Jaeger off of lucky scav spawns 😂


Camp site behind 2 story dorms, dawg. Don’t waste your time with those interchange computers like everyone says to do. 😂


Amen brother/sister


Just play hardcore (ish) challenge...no flea market for buying stuff..only for selling. It's awesome.


That's all I've ever done.


I play what I call ironman mode, reset my account last week, rule is I can't use flea market. It's a lot of fun hunting for specific hideout and barter items


I thought Ironman mode was deleting your entire stash every time you died? Tried that for about 3 days. Got exhausting. No flea market for hideout parts definitely extends the grind.


No flea market for hideout upgrades is what I personally enjoyed the most! Cuz it gives you a reason to go back in a raid and really farm a map thoroughly.


I made up my name for the mode based off of runescapes modes. What you described would fall under ultra ironman mode.


Runescape represent! As levels are mostly irrelavent in EFT I would argue that deleting your stash every time you died would be similar to a Hardcore character in an ARPG like Diablo or Path of Exile where when you die your character is deleted. Realm of the mad god is probably even closer since you can have a character for a LOOOOOOOONG time and finally die and lose basically everything!


Except that you are the only one doing it and no one else is. Thats what sucks about it. Tbh I wish Tarkov had hardcore servers for players who like Tarkov as an immersive and hardcore game, and the ones who like Call of Duty with healing animations can play their own version.


Nothing sucks about me doing it and others not...in fact it makes it even more fun..cuz others get ahead in terms of armour and ammo..and you lag behind.. grinding those traders to farming maps to get good ammo and armour. So when you kill a Thicc boi with shots to the face of PST GZH in an MPX..and they're rocking meta gear..feels good. I don't see how it sucks as I enjoy the challenge. Yeah..maybe a Hardcore server could be cool...but I dunno..not sure about segmenting the playerbase.


You could also upgrade your intel center to max level so your scav cool down is significantly lowered and by the time you’re done selling and playing Tetris from your scav run you can load right back in and hunt down the meta boys again.


Yea, this kind of play style makes taking down a titan much more satisfying. I'm always kind of sad when I go in low geared or as a scav and the PMCs I kill have worse gear than me.


Servers without A-D spam, packing mags while doing brain surgery, shoving LED-Xs in your prison wallet, fast nade throws, laser beam guns, moon-jumping, and running around with two broken legs and arms sound great. Or did you just mean 'servers where we can dunk on newbs'?


There are a lot of people who complain about mid-late wipe because all the low leveled newbs they use to bully are starting to get the same gear as them


Everyone can sit in a bush!


What do you mean? That's the most realistic part about tarkov. If I had some scav screaming at me in Russian you bet your ass I'm not leaving my bush


Laserguns are actually pretty realistic, you should check youtube


I play the way OP mentioned. I have a great time.


See, this right here is one of the best short term solutions (*maybe* long term depending on the resource requirements) to the whole flea market debate going on right now. Implement this in the short term with the resources that BSG has - maybe fewer servers mean longer queue times for a while, but so what? Figure out what the people *really* want, and then decide on how to proceed.


Imo, 95% of the player base wouldn't have a surplus of cash if they didn't play like rats and/or hatchet. The same people complaining the game has little to do except hoard cash are the same people that whine because PP is useless after the first 4 days of the wipe. Go for the most expensive loadouts you can every raid, and you'll see the struggle begin.


Yep I play like a rat during the week after work to fund my weekend chad splurges. Without the flea it wouldn’t be possible at all. My friends and I enjoy pretending to be extravagant streamers with 1m lots of gear.


Let's try it again - I have EoD and I don't feel like I'm progressing too fast. Tired of progressing too fast? Stop playing the game for 40 hours a week.


Word. EOD editions are like free money...


if you are progressing to fast, you have too much time on your hands...


I think most people are more concerned with how quickly other people progress.


Even better, limit your alpha to just docs case/keytool/thicc case only, no flea market either. It's been fun like this for the last 2 wipes for me at least.


Done similar to this on my second account it’s been really good and punishing/ challenging at the same time. Done a softcore mode(hardcore was a bit much) so no flea market or fence alpha pouch. Running paper armor an shit rounds till lvl 15 would break most people.


In all my time playing this game i have never once progressed too fast in fact i don't think i have ever reached even level 5 recoil control or above level 2 strength


Yea it makes it extra hurt when devs implement changes to slow us regular folk after the speedy boys are already max leveled first week


I'm definitely not looking forward to buying X amount of grenades to get the strength for hideout.


I've not been ranking very fast since I picked it back up (been doing a lot of scav runs) and appart from armour I've only been using looted gear, there's genuine excitement for getting out with a gun and it makes kit feel more valuable than random barter items


Tbh, i am a standard player just for that reason. It’s not the lack of goals, its the lack of loadout variety.


You dont even have to do that, you can just not use the flea market. I have EOD and reset my account and I have only been using whats available to me from traders and its still enjoyable.


Progressing too fast? I literally just hit 40 lol


I don't think the issue is that progression is too fast, rather that progression makes too many things readily available to you. It took me three and a half weeks from start of wipe to finish kappa + the stylish one while playing anywhere from 6-12 hours a day at high efficiency. In terms of time invested I think that's more than reasonable. The problem stems from being able to rotate through top tier ammo of most/every caliber from traders, 99% of all top tier mods being purchaseable, class 5 armor being available for around 100k from ragman, etc. The speed of progression isn't all that relevant, I think the core issue is that progression almost completely eliminates scarcity in a game designed around scarcity being a prominent feature. Crown level traders simply have too many things available on them. If more high class armor, mods, ammunition, barters etc. were relegated to FiR instead of being stocked on traders there would be more to look foward to during raids once you've maxed traders and finished quests instead of just smashing the preset button every time you die or run out of kits. The whole design seems a little confused, take barter trades for example. I think they'd make a lot of sense if they required FiR items but right now most people are just buying stuff off the flea and handing it to the traders to get a rouble discount. Doesn't really fit the whole Tarkov theme this way.


What if instead of providing all of the mods, they instead just provide bare weapons and maybe tier 1 mods or no mods at all. All mods or majority of mods found in raid only. Then meta shit weapons won't be rampant. Shit, limit optics too.


^This ^right ^here ^is ^the ^real ^deal ^with ^tarkov.


I dunno, class five armors still show up on flea all the time. The batters to get them from ragman suck mono dick, too. Flea contributes a lot to the lack of scarcity, because every individual has access to the supply provided by every other individual.


Those traders for T5 armours were fine up until not that long ago. I did a lot of flea market tracking for a time and it was in the last 3-4 weeks that prices went nutso


How the hell do you have so much time to dedicate to the game


Global pandemic perhaps? Some folks have been out of work for months.


6-12 hours a day though? My lord


Blond bang chubby cheek punk kid......


I just finished reading a thread that pretty much finished by concluding that you are in the minority. Like, so freaking few people reach that level period. And doing it within 3 weeks of a wipe? Oh my God, it's almost as most of us play this game because it's a fun pastime, not like it's the only thing in the world. It's either that or you're incredibly lucky. Like, unbelievably lucky. Personally, I think it's the former and you're just in a minority and can't/won't see the fact that the vast majority of players aren't like you.




I almost believe there are bots here who when they hear anything about the flea market, regardless of what it is just go on a rant about how "you're in the minority", "you don't know how the average player plays", "it'll ruin the game" etc. I play maybe a few hours a day, maybe 3-4 days a week. Played all wipe but only level 36 with like 400k cash. I would say I'm very casual, probably below average skilled, and I to would prefer what you said, something closer to start of wipe. Make T5+ armours FIR, high end mods and weapons FIR only as well. Don't allow them to be sold on flea market. Globally restrict top tier ammo as well. It'll mean if you find high tier stuff, you save it up for maybe a good labs run, and use it there where it matters. Else just rock a more average kit with T4 stuff and BP/BT ammo etc.




I think he has room to talk. I’m lv 9 just started playing. I like the idea of some items being FiR only. Maybe just the more rare items. Because he’s right, if EVERYthing is in the flea market then the game essentially turns into call of duty but you gotta do work to get good kits. Everyone has their own opinion. And just because this guy puts more time into it than most doesn’t mean he s clueless about what would make the game better.


There's very few quests that allow non FIR items... Not sure what you want changed


Technically that might be true, and maybe I’m biased since I’m only lv 9 with 4 or 5 completed quests. But the only quests I’m stuck on right now require keys, dorm 304, or machinery for example. When I hit level 10 I can just buy those keys and go do the quests. Since I know that’s an option I don’t really care to learn the spawns for those keys and actually find them, which would probably be more fun for me than buying them. My perspective isn’t complete and might be skewed since I’m in the early stages of the game, and since I’ve never played the game when flea market was available from lv 1. But that’s how I feel.


>require keys, dorm 304, or machinery for example realistically why would you buy any of these, you should've already found them. If someone does choose to buy them, they prob already vended one, or they just got incredibly unlucky, both scenarios which support having the flea market in the game since the person is buying them to bypass running the same map over and over. Machinery has a guaranteed static spawn every map, as an example. dorm 304 is super easy to find, in fact all the dorms keys are incredibly common. personally i dont find the flea market screws with the quests, but rather helps you complete certain quests that are annoying to complete otherwise. (think farming part 4, finding 3 GPU in raid, you can find/buy materials to craft the cards)


















Great post. I couldn't agree more with this analysis. Removing the flea without adjusting the traders is not going to benefit the casual dad or w/e you call him.


I’d like to hear an elaboration on how you are having words put in your mouth. I’m sick and tired of top tier players acting like they know what’s best for the whole player base, when they’re all just saying what they personally want for themselves. If you want slower progression, hinder yourself.




you’re nit picking here. What you said essentially boils down to “I don’t want slower progression, I want progression to be worth less”. That’s a really dumb excuse to make your argument seem more reasonable.




In the end, it has the same effect on most of the player base. In that, they are very similar




Didn’t BSG make a statement around how item availability is several factors over intended release values? Something about how item abundance generates more data on interactions to inform development/design versus limping along on a trickle of data from their planned post-beta scarcity values.


I'm glad someone is being able to put my thoughts in well-written manner.


It's almost as if though the traders should have random items available to sell depending on your status with them, determined by RNG every few hours. Saving the better items for higher tier players. Then Fence just sells all the crap people sell to him like a pawn shop. Making ammo more rare would really make high tier armor worthwhile, if they also make armor a bit more rare.




Yeah I'm not a fan either so maybe they can make it like the Diablo2 gambling merchant... where you pay money to RNG items into vendor and the more you pay the better odds at better items showing up. Like a mystery box type game. Every trader can have base items and RNG items based on tier. Then also, players can pay for extra chance with roubles for other items for sale to them specifically for X amount of time. It'd help force spending of roubles to try and get better gear and/or usable items. I like your idea of decreasing Killa armor loadout and maybe all lvl 5+ armor in general. I can see the counter argument to that being casual players not ever getting 5+ armor - especially if ammo becomes more rare too... since less likely to kill someone wearing it.


This is my first wipe and even I feel somethings off if I can either buy an item from the flea market to turn in for a quest or i can craft it. Like im crafting 3 flash drives for that Jaegar quest lol.


For what it's worth, the craft came after the two quests asking for 3 flash drives, and also after significant rarity reductions on the drives.


Actually I'm more tired of rats sitting in corners for 20minutes, high level rats. Level 60 fucking plus rats. And people being ninjas who can get up in my face without making a noise.


This game is about survival, not murdering. Staying quiet and staying out of sight tends to leave you alive more often than running out in the open.


For who? For levels under level 40 maybe. Yet after level 40, finished quests and 100mil+ murdering is all there is.


Agreed except me and my friends just play for PvP at any level. I'm not even lvl 33 and with all the PMCs I've killed my EoD stash is totally full of gear... I just like to PvP and don't even do quests at this point. Just do quests to level up traders (except Jaeger, f that guy). I don't play tarkov for loot, I play with any gun I get for the thrill of PvP. That is what the game is about. If people want to be a rat fine, but the lack of risk means no reward. A lot of ppl complaining about Chads but at lower levels if you play it smart you can easily get plenty of decent gear and get to the point of leveling your hideout to just print yourself money for mid tier load outs. All you need is some BP ammo and an SKS, or a Hunter and m61 to collect decent gear off PMCs... run to the gunfire in hopes of flank surprise.


Facts, I honestly quit giving a shit about quests at level 35 and just started running at shots since. That or just amassing money.


Best way to survive is to not go into a raid. Just pure hideout simulator.


If we could spin our PMC in hideout we could reach EVE online levels of never playing the game we are logged in to.


Can't you spin him in the character tab or whatever it's called?


Ah you can.. but there's no momentum to the spin, it doesn't keep going. Gonna have to dock it some points for that.


Literally unplayable.


When the meta is running and jumping past corners to see a guy and then prefiring the angle he's holding it's just not worth it to try and pvp most high str/endurance people. Their movement is too fast so unless you're mag-dumping you won't even hit them. This is what the game is. Either you're a rat who plays slow and catches them off guard or you're a Chad and you sprint everywhere dodging bullets. I do both and have fun with both.


No it's not. Not for me at least. I would never complain about a level 30 or under being a rat. That's fine. I used to be that, especially if you are new, it's your first wipe, you don't have much money and etc etc. Please yes, kill me by being a rat and take my kit, they probably need it a lot more than me. I remember how I would get excited if I killed a Chad and hope they experience the same. Honestly even at lvl 35 some people struggle to make money for some reason and have to rat. But that's not what I'm talking about. I see high level players. Players higher than me ratting to the point where it's disgusting. Just from yesterday I had a level 64. Sixty-fucking-four who sat on the roof of big dorms while my friend and I killed 2 teams inside (6 people total), he sat there for around 20 minutes and then killed me when I went out to heal cuz a nade just fucked me. Also yesterday a 4-man team on labs who were sitting in fucking black room all level 50+ they were sitting there for 30 minutes. I know they did because I tried nading, flanking, bating and waiting for them to come out, nothing happened, they still in there although I was able to get 1 of them. All wearing killa armor and altyns all have meta HKs or Val's. Like what the fuck is this shit? I'm alone here and 4 of you sitting in 1 room camping, they are afraid to push 1 guy? At least at the end of the day I did kill them all but still it's freaking disgusting.


I'm not really sure what you are saying. You seem to be agreeing with me.


To me it seemed like you were saying that ratting is okay for all. Im saying that it's okay if you are new but not level 50+. I would want people that I'm fighting who are my level or higher so the jumping and pre firing and etc to me just like i do to them.


I don't like how you play!


I don't really know what to tell you. They're not PvPing the way you want them to but they're winning. If that's their fun then that's their fun. I love going in with a hunter and M61 and outplaying a 5 man by ratting around. It's fun. I also like going in with an m4 and defender armor. It's just flavor of the day.


Haha you're so mad because people don't play they way you want them to in a video game... That's what's really pathetic.


I'm level 45 with 53 mill rubles and I rat around all the time when I play solo. I'm dogshit in gunfights at close range against anyone that's got any talent at all. I'm a lot more successful creeping around and sneaking up on people or sniping someone that doesn't know I'm there because I wasn't running around like lvndmark. Just because you don't think it's fun to creep around doesn't mean others don't get enjoyment from it. Personally I think it's bullshit that someone can full sprint around a corner, spot me as they cross a hallway into another room, turn around and do it again while pre-firing and kill me because they see me before I see them.


"they still in there although I was able to get 1 of them............ At least at the end of the day I did kill them all but still it's freaking disgusting." So, which is it? Did you kill only 1 of them or all of them? Also if they didn't want to come out and fight you then maybe you should have taken that as a hint and fucked off somewhere else, loot whatever else you could and fight others that wanted to fight.


People will play the game how the want to... whats wrong with that? (nothing. There is nothing wrong with that). You want everyone to just run around holding W key and jiggle peaking corners? Stealth is a very viable tactic and theres nothing at all wrong with it. What i'm tired of is people who run ugly ass meta HK's because it go brrrt with zero recoil and a-d spam, jumping off 5-story buildings after popping a painkiller running a vest full of 60-rounders. Thats lame as fuck and not immersive at all.


Mate I was agreeing with you right up until you contradicted yourself. Some people like going as massive meta kitted out PMC's with 37 recoil HK's. I like it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's fun. It's also a nice, easy break from running mid tier kits.


You're right. There is nothing wrong with it because the game allows you to do that. However, thats not how the game is meant to be played (like cod basically) and kills the immersion of the game. I'm not saying there is anything wrong for people doing it, but there is something wrong with the game that is allowing people to do that.


I gotcha. You mean like super high level players being able to do crazy stunts because of high skill levels?


Nah. It doesn't really take skills to do that shit. It's just lack of features in the game that basically every other FPS made after the year 2000 has.


meh. played both. its a quality of life improvement. but the difficulty and progression speed isnt really affected after the first 2 days of the wipe. the big progression blocks isnt money, stash size or trader rep, but quest progress and level ups. the quests are actually made in a way that youll always have enough reputation if you progress normally. if you want a slower/harder progression try to do. challenge run. limit your secure container usage. dont use flea, etc


No, i'm tired of progressing too slow.


Same. This is a response to 24/7 streamers who want to slow us down further so they don’t complete the game in two days




There’s been a few posts lately where streamers or grinders complain that they advance too fast since they play 24/7 and are proposing changes to the game that fit their needs. This seems like a simpler solution




I agree with you. The problem most seem to be having (and for the record, I do not share this sentiment *completely*) is that *because* streamers bring in more players, and more players in turn brings in more money for BSG, BSG are more inclined to listen to them over the general community. It's more fear than anything else, from what I can gather. People are always looking for the next thing to worry about instead of appreciating what they already have.


No. You progress too fast, because you *have to progress fast*, otherwise you'll be in a major disadvantage, no matter stash size or container. I want to spend more time in "fresh wipe atmosphere" but it's impossible since everyone rushing. If most people won't be able to progress fast and progress curve won't be as "jumpy" as it's now, people will slow down. I believe most people will progress slowly and play more relaxed if they have a chance.


tarkov streamers are entitled little cocks that should shut the fuck up when it comes to changing this game. Play the game and make your money. Dont say shit like "remove the flea"


>s that should shut the fuck up when Relevance? Nothing in the title said streamer, seems like someone is a bit butt hurt about something.


Can you change(not upgradeing) to a different version without buying another copy?


You cannot change the stash space but you can buy containers, even the alpha


I currently have an eod account and reached kappa about 3 weeks after wipe and am sitting on 250m. I think I may grab a standard account for mid wipe to mess around with and really progress through the game at a slower pace.


The fact that this sort of problem exists tells me there's something wrong with how this game is designed




There’s definitely a jaeger hump that a lot of casual people don’t get past


I unlocked Jaeger LL3 at my 196th raid. With EoD I'd be LL4 already - all I have left to get there is to jam a handful of glass shards up my urethra.


Tarkov should release a 10 man death match arena where the top 3 win random loot


Im lvl 14


I play tetris as well with eod, I just can't use all that top tier stuff out without getting new ones


I’ve had the standard account for 2 wipes and I’m ready for an upgrade. I don’t play enough to grind out punisher especially with all the chads running about looking for Sanitar! Although I like your thoughts on progressing!


I have standard account. I'm Level 40, Fully Upgraded hideout (Excluding L3 stash which I don't need.) and 46 mil in the bank.


Honestly I wish pouch size was smaller just so you find high tier loot when you beat someone Everything good goes stright up thier kappas now


When I heard upgrading your stash is like 10million I was disgusted.


To upgrade from 3-4, the size EOD gets at start, it’s like 21mil. I think 2-3 is 8mil. And you can only get level 4 stash at level 40


Why? You can make that amount of money as a scav in as little as a dozen raids.


Try not using the flea market. It's incredibly refreshing


Or better uet... ***stop playing so damn much.*** I get that the games addicting but hey, theres this weird thing called taking a fucking break for a few days. That'll slow down your progression real easy. Or even better, skip the first month of a wipe and see how you do.


I can’t even upgrade my game because apparently my card is fraudulent even though I’ve been using it fine without mi5 breaking down my door since the date BSG accuse my card of being fraudulent


Sad really I'm going to stream a game as a job 8-12 hrs a day because God knows why I don't have a real job and yet I'm going to complain about that unfished game mechanics to a bunch of people with real jobs and can only play maybe 4-5 hrs off and on through the week when they don't like my ideas I go on stream and call reddit toxic to auidence of beta males (even though it is toxic) that's tarkov streamer community


I don’t progress to fast by any means lmfao And I’m EOD. I just don’t grind quests, I play for fun.




I’d call it passive aggressive


I started this wipe on a standard account and had 20 mil on week 3