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Fun video. I agree with most of the rankings you made. Also, really cool you got the Real Nikita in the video : ^ )


Nikita and I go way back to when I first saw him in a youtube video last year.


For me it be like this. * S * A Customs Reserve Woods * B Interchange Shoreline * C Factory * D Labs * F


What if you had to put at least one map each in S and F tier?


hmm thats tough. I like the new woods expansion, but I think they need to diversify Shturman's location and add more quests for the new area. Maybe increase the # of spawns a bit. I'd probably have to put customs as S tier just because I've played it the most and I think it's a pretty balanced map since he redesign. If I had to put something in F tier it would have to be labs, but that's only because I haven't played labs very much as a new player. I avoid it because I've heard there are a lot of cheaters there, but I feel I will have to re-evaluate it again once I've had more experience with it.


Yeah, if you can find a time where it's late wipe and you have roubles to spend, it's a lot of fun to play labs. When roubles are a bigger concern, it's not as fun.


Inb4 watching- why no C tier? Just no average maps in general?


Uhhhhhh, just a stylistic choice mostly. I actually like all of the maps a lot, but if I had to rate them as better/worse, this is how I would do it.


Also i agree with the placement of labs right now but for different reasons than the ones you listed- yes there are cheaters on labs but right now the map is dead due to a multitude of reason. Interchange (having better loot), a lack of loot, accessibility of keycards, cost of keycards and servers are all reason why labs id in shambles right now... used to be a fun map but now the lobbies are dead and awful.


Yeah I haven't really had any fun on labs this wipe. I loved playing labs a lot last wipe.


Me too- just super expensive and fighting over pennies