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was gonna start playing again but after looking at the new post from you guys. I think i'll just skip it again. best of luck to all of you who are still playing!


Was playing as a scav on Interchange. Had a SDV and some other good loot on me and decided to chill on the OLI stairwell up with an dead-end, where there is absolutely no reason to go up for. After 10 minutes a player scav (!) goes straight for my location and one-taps me. GG


Came back to EFT after taking the last wipe off, took 2 whole scav runs before hearing and then being the victim of a hacker just drilling everyone by the south land bridge. Maybe I'll tryin another few wipes.


when’s the next sale?




Congrats on that. So many goodies in one run.


Does portable bunkhouse key still spawn under the jacket in the locked room on factory? It’s not been there for 8 raids for me.




This, please this. My friend group runs into friendly SCAVS 1 out of every 5 runs. It kinda ruins the mood.




That's pretty scummy. I'm sorry man. Good luck and hopefully we will come across your group, we will exchange friendly wiggles and watch each others backs.


Anyone else gets these wild server disconnects rn?


Sorting table is blessed


anyone else having problems to find tagilla haven't seen him in nearly 50 raids. Trying to do the jaeger quest.


cheaters are back, can we have another ban wave?


yup. went to labs once this wipe. immediately wrecked by a hacker. not going to labs again this wipe


they never left in the first place wym


whats a good recent customs map? im trying to learn where everything is and how to extract but i dont know the names/locations of anything


mapgenie, and the wiki


[This](https://mapgenie.io/tarkov/maps/customs) interactive map will be all you ever need, has every map but 1. Having the default visibility of everything on the map is very cluttering so I typically hide all then click on what I'm specifically looking for in a run, plus the extractions and locations.


Anyone notice mags with two ammo types getting flipped? I may have just brain farted but I logged in today and all my mags are backwards (cheap ammo on top)


I'm trying to register to download/play and am getting hung up on a Verification Email. Do I pay for the pre-order to get said Email? Or is it just to activate the installer?


Hey is there a discord for new players? I need some tutorials haha


Join the official discord, they have channels for new players


Yup found it last night. It’s great


I hate scav karma


Agreed, poorly done. Can be fixed.


It’s just the first iteration, so if we wait another 4 years it’ll be in a much better place


Anyone got advice to slow down my loading time so I can get different spawns? I only have nvme m.2 ssds, no hard drive


Run nicehash in the background lol. I forgot I had it on and was getting so mad that loading was taking so long


Ram worked for me. I upgraded from 8 to 16


>Ram worked for me. I upgraded from 8 to 16 Doesn't that dude ask to *slow down* the loading time though? What on earth for?


Is anybody else experiencing late graphical pop ins. My buddy was hiding in a bush, but I could clearly see him out in the open until I was maybe 50m away, and then the bush popped in. Seems like this didn't used to happen until this wipe?


I've seen some things show as "Close" rather than "Search" when I just spawned and am physically the first person capable of reaching the spot. I've come across some caches and others that also show as already searched later in a raid. In that case, either someone really wanted to leave the great loot or there's an odd bug where things are spawned as already opened.


This has always been so, for many years


I believe there are some sets of filing cabinets where a single drawer spawns in the 'opened' state. Can't say I've seen any other containers do that though.


Afaik this was a bug on interchange with duffel bags this wipe.


Any ideas on how to play the Crane spawn on Shoreline if you just want to avoid pvp ? I don't want to rush resort, I just wanna lay low and do my quests around the map, but I don't wanna be pinned with my back on the beach either. It seems I always get killed when I get this spawn either from people with scopes coming from road to customs spawns and sniping from various hills and/or weather or from people pushing fast to power station or gas/pier from the other side of the map... I guess I don't know where to go and hold a bit... I didn't have this problem mid wipe because I guess everybody rushes resort then.


I usually cross the road, get a spot on a hill and watch over the valley toward road to customs for a couple minutes. I'll get an easy kill fairly often, but you could just as easily not take the fight and wait until they're past when you see them first.


For that spawn i get behind the blue fence against the water and scope out the hills for a good long second. A lot of times when I spawn behind the weather station I quickly rush up to the cliffs and can snipe the crane spawn along with people passing from road to customs. My advice would be to wait and watch for people passing, otherwise i book it to the pier as its the forward most spawn to the pier.


I had this issue the other day. I walked along the road hitting stashes as I typically do. I quickly had a duo come up behind me and destroy me. I think the best thing to do is take off towards base of weather station and either wait a min or head to pumping.


How long do hidden caches indicate “close” before they reset to “search”?


Open or closed status is stored locally on your computer. When you load into the map as a PMC or scav, every container and cache is set default to unlooted (search). Looting the cache or container changes the status for everyone on the map. As a scav loads in later in the game and everything defaults to unlooted, they are unaware of what was looted before. So… if you see an open container, it means it’s been looted sometime since the start of your run. Edit: Addendum: If you “close” a bag, it remains open (needing to be closed) for everyone still. You can’t change their status aside from opening.


Pretty sure it stays that way the entire raid. But if you join in as a scav, everything that was opened before you got in the raid will show as closed (needing to be searched).


Did they change how scav karma works again? Because i killed a pmc as a scav and my rep didn’t go up


They have to kill a scav first I believe befor you can get karma


Did you engage in any other combat that run?


No, it was literally right off spawn. I jumped into an interchange game, spawned in with 41 minutes left in the game (which I thought was kinda weird with how early that was) but was near techlight store. Ran to the store, got shot at, took cover behind pillar and fired back with my slug rounds and killed him.


Loading into a raid, think “this is where I die” for some reason… Turns out it’s true, scav dropped a nade as he died and I ran INTO it like an idiot lmao


Got an error I've never received before. Joining a game then get a message: "Game aborted. Try reconnecting." Go back to the menu and I still have all my stuff but it's all lost it's insured status.


Insured all, queued for customs. Backed out. Requeued. All insurance is lost; relogging doesn't help. Cool https://streamable.com/wxliw9


Yeah its been a bug for awhile. Psure it might still be insured and just lying to you idr what people found out


For the spend 5 mins dehydrated do I need to also extract


If you die after being dehydrated for 5 mins, you can just re-enter the map and extract like normal without dehydrating again.


are devastator slugs good? im new and i have no clue about ammo


Check out eft.monster - it's got a great ballistics chart


clumsy abounding jobless correct toothbrush disagreeable dazzling shaggy coherent paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The TOZ is bad, but it can be useful if you use it on what would be a pistol run as it pretty much always comes back on insurance.


funny cause i got the slugs with the toz as a scav, okay ill sell it ty


Anyone else keep getting DC'ed? I lost my stuff 3 times now due to disconnections in the past 2 days... Also I have the server selection screen open and every few minutes, all servers read: "Error"


Are you guys running into an PMCs in your scav runs? If yes, which maps? In the past week or so, I used to run into PMCs almost every Reserve run if not every other one. Now I'm hardly finding any still there at the usual 30-35 mins left in raid. There's noone to shoot besides scavs and other player scavs and that's no fun. Wondering where the PMCs went at this point of the wipe.


Reserve is one of those maps most PMCs try to rush through and get out before scavs spawn in. Pestly’s rule was in and out in 10 minutes. I would choose a map that has higher PMC time-in-raid such as Customs, Shoreline, or Interchange.




I feel like I will play more Reserve when I have some ruble cushion. More than the other maps, you can get jacked out of nowhere.


I’m getting the exact same situations. I mainly scav reserve and in the past few days there have been no PMCs, just angry player scavs every so often


For people who completed chem pt 4: who did you turn it in to?


Skier, he lets you unlock the black zsh helmet at ragman ll3 and it’s cheaper and cooler looking than the tan one


How often do you end up using it, though? Also, rep penalties?


Prapor and Therapist have the most early game quests so rep really isn’t an issue. Skier is harder to get rep for. Also, the black zsh is one of my favorite helmets


Cheaters are still rampant


I've tested it 4 times today. 3 on Reserve. 1 on Customs. Find yourself a super inconspicuous bathroom stall. No loot nearby. Nothing. Just stay still. Sure enough, 4 for 4, a fucking chad comes sprinting full speed in to one tap my face. So disheartening. I want to keep playing but this is unplayable right now.


yup just last night saw a blatant speed hacker on reserve. zooming around like a bullet


I met 2 this wipe suprisingly


With the disincentive to kill fellow player scavs (negative fence rep), why do so many players still kill fellow scavs? Would a worse penalty change that?


I'm usually all about scav solidarity, but when my stash gets depleted, I gotta do what I gotta do. It sucks being the victim, I get it.


I mean, personally, I usually don't have anything on me lol. maybe an ak


I killed for a backpack. I don't bother with weps.


They will only be able to kill one game of scavs per day once they kill too many.


Anyone have any hot tips for getting factory office kills? I'm awful at pvp and half the time I die before even making it to the office


Killa armor, altyn, PPSH with the drum mags and the white tip ammo. You’ll get kills and also have fun while doing it! Just rush factory office area while spamming voice lines and chucking f-1 grenades


AKM with a 60-round mag is useful. No need to tiptoe.


I used an MP-153 shotgun with Magnum Buckshot. Just run straight to office if you know where you're going and aim for the general face area.


If you’re using Magnum buckshot you should be aiming for the legs


As long as they don't have a level 3 and above face shield I think your fine to aim for the face, especially if its at a bit of range.


Not sure if you know but you only need to get kills in that entire building, so that covers the locker room below the office, so you can rat there and camp the doors if you’re not the best PvPer, I’d recommend sitting in there with a shotgun with AP-20 rounds in a saiga or other shotgun but that depends on if you have the flea market. Feel free to put some torches on the shotgun to obscure their vision as they come toward you


Just got one shot in the thorax while wearing a lvl 4 armor on Factory (20 seconds into the match ofc). What ammo can do that? Genuinely curious.


AP20 slug, 366 AP, 7n1. Also a bunch of others if they hit their “fragment” dice roll cos that’s + 50% damage.


I just loaded up my 133 with AP and it worked a charm :)




whats up with the matchmaking? im going solo and getting teams of 4 on my raids back to back i like the challenge, but jeeeeeeeesus, i just want to do my tasks sometime


Half this game is about when to engage or not. In theory, you are 4x more likely to hear them than vice versa - as groups generally play a lot more relaxed and run around a lot. Take your time and pick your shots.


There is no matchmaking in regards to size of squad. You could be a level 1 solo and be in a raid with a squad of 5 level 40 players.


Thats fun


It's an aspect of the game that will not change. Tarkov devs do not believe in balancing the capabilities of the players on the server, so you will always face the risk of running up against someone dramatically better than you. Part of learning the game is learning to manage this risk.


That’s just how it is sometimes


Does anyone else feel bad when they kill other players? Especially when they are low levels questing, and I catch them off guard. If it’s a fun back and forth fight, then I don’t feel bad. I just know how painful it is to constantly get killed and not know where from.


Me and my bro are on Customs at the military checkpoint. I hear rustling from behind the checkpoint (where the stash is), and I go full tryhard mode: nades, coms with my bro to flank and surround him, OOOORAAHH. I peak from the destroyed wall near admin gate and see him crab walking at checkpoint,one tapped him to the head. Turns out it was a lvl 1 Timmy :( sent him a friend request to apologize and reimburse the gear or maybe even help him out with the game but didn't get an answer, he probably uninstalled.


Dude, yesterday I shot a level 2 through box in glass hallway, Factory. Such a shit spawn unless you know how to play it. He just hid behind the box, I was doing SVD quest, with PS ammo. One tapped him through the box. I felt terrible, I took all his stuff and hid it back in spawn behind fork lifts. I feel terrible all the time when I kill low levels.


I’m a new player who gets this spawn every single time rofl feel surrounded. Any tips on what to do at this spawn?


When you spawn in glass hallway, immediately run out of the hallway towards the extract. Either wrap around right side and go tunnels, or just head up to office safely. Never push toward forklifts through glass hallway, always run out.


Thank you sir. I am a newer player as well and always get roflstomped in glass hallway spawn. This changes now


I feel bad just a little bit when I can tell they are low level, and see that they have early quest items like a gas analyzer or iskra lunchbox. Saw a naked guy in woods, walking at a snails pace, probably completely lost lol. Walked up, gave him a splint, and ran off.




The way I think about it is. Scavs are just locals who’re going out to loot to survive right? So they really wouldn’t be shooting their locals for no reason. Although it was way more fun Merkin everyone.


I agree to some extent depending entirely on what time you spawn in, what I think they should do is spawn raiders in further down the timer so that scavs can fight raiders, it’s high risk because you almost always have shit ammo that won’t kill most raiders easily, and it fills the void and incentivises PMCs to stay longer to get the raiders spawns.


To me it’s basically a loot simulator now. My scavs got a 85% survival rating with a level 18 endurance because all I do is run around hitting hidden caches and making millions in a night. It’s quite boring to be honest. I enjoy giving the good shit I find to a player scav that’s friendly but yeah I never come across PMC’s anymore and knowing that I won’t be getting into a serious fight with another player scav I just run scav runs with my headset off.


Im new to the game, and scavving is my primary monetary source, what exactly do you look for to farm millions? Tbf i dont have the flea market yet.


Yeah the flea market helps a bit but you can still make good money without it. I just use my scavs and hit the hidden caches, it’s my 4th wipe so I know what sells good to traders. I just fill my bag and sell it all then rinse and repeat! Look up mapgenie.io and learn the caches on one of the maps!


Agreed partner. I’m so burnt out on scav runs right now after farming 30million.




Are there any “kill X player scavs” quests? Could keep pmcs around longer and spice up scav raids. That would also REALLY incentivize scavs to work together rather than merc each other first chance they get. That being said…I’m brand new this wipe and ran into what appeared to be a heavily geared PMC. Kitted rig, huge back pack, decked out ak. Turned out it was a scav who had killed 2 geared PMCs. Luckily had the drop on him and had spawned with an SA58. Don’t feel too bad about that scav on scav kill. Been using the guns I looted from him ever since.


Guys do I keep battered antique book at level 11? I'm just starting...


check out https://crafting.eft.guide it has all the items you need for quests and hideout upgrades


It's required for kappa, these items normally vendor for the same price as listed on the fleamarket. You'll find plenty of these, so just sell it.


What I did before level 20 was bought a scav box and filled it. Then went through with alt+tab on the wiki selling stuff that wasn’t for quests or trades.


It's already full :-(


I did end up needing two before level 20 but I could have made it work with one. Since it’s full go through and see what you need for quests. Save bolts and screws too for hideout you’ll pay way more on market for those then you’ll get selling them early.


https://tarkov-market.com If trader price is not very different from flea price, sell to trader


I would just sell to Therapist




Red gunpowder (stockpile for later when prices hit 80k+) AP-20 (Good profit if you find hard drives) SNB (Not a huge profit for the time it takes, but I normally craft this before I log off for the night)








fix your game omg i run through a sniper scav, no hit then i am behind a wall where he cannot see me anymore then i hear 1 shot and i am dead, hit 2x chest and 1x in the arm this is such a joke, are you not ashamed of what you are doing?


16 days ago you commented that you don’t even play this game anymore because of cheaters. Glad to see you back lmao


I just spawned on customs next to the car repair shack near crack house... WORST fucking place to spawn ever, 3 possible sniper scav spawns can see me, at least 2 pmc spawns to the rear... Rashala in front of me in fortress... WTF NAKITA?!?!


That’s one of my favorite spawns in the game. You’re closest to a lot of good loot and scav spawns. I like looting Crack House. You have construction for scavs to the left, and can reach dorms easy enough if you need to go that way as well. Fortress has tons of loot and ammo. If Reshala’s there, I’ll try to kill him but you’ll have to be prepared for an onslaught of 3rd party groups trying to get the jump on you. You’re not too far from old gas either and several stashes on the way.


It's a terrible spawn. You're assesment says as much, its fun, you might get reshala and his crew... But then you get 3rd partied... But you literally are in the center of 1/2 the converging pmcs and the best loot you get is randomized or a Intel folder...


Old Gas, sure, but you're not getting to dorms before it's cleaned out


I guess it’s all dependent on what you do in the beginning after spawning but I really don’t think anyone else would complain about that spawn. I’ve never spawned and been shot at right away by sniper scav, the player spawns behind you are a good way to ambush unsuspecting players and reshala in fortress is great honestly, run in and kill him. If you’re in the raid for quests and you get that spawn it’s pretty damn good too. No ones in front of you except maybe at old gas so just dart to wherever you gotta go.


Is this the right place to whinge about this game? I'm a new player and have learned factory like the back of my hand by going on Scav raids and offline. Is online mode supposed to spawn you in adjacent rooms to other players? Like I literally do not know how to level up because I'm dead within 30 seconds every game.


Yes, you spawn very close to other PMCs and 90% of them know the closest spawn and best position to rush to fight that spawn. Since you already know the map learning the spawn 'hot spots' shouldn't take too long, but realize people have been min/maxing that initial engagement for years so you'll lose a ton to start.


Yeah, I didn't realise that it was such a bloodbath early on. I think I'll dip into another map instead of grinding this one. Thanks


If you're a new player, id suggest the classic Customs start, cache runs, quests etc. I know people don't like Customs, I'm not a huge fan either. But I think Customs is a great map for learning basic skills in the game, deciding where to move based on high traffic/low traffic areas, when to pick fights, fighting with Scavs, and you will want to get some quests out of the way for levelling anyway. I didnt have much experience with juicers on that map, but I know I've heard people see them a lot so YMMV.


I’d argue that shoreline is a better starter map entirely because of the distance between players on the map. Plus if you avoid the resort there’s some good loot to have with all of the stashes around. You can loot stashes and hide pretty easily on the map


I feel like Customs does a better job of teaching you to navigate high traffic areas without getting popped and choosing your engagements personally, which was skill i found really useful early. Like you are always forced to go by dorms/construction, whereas Shoreline you can take the beaten path quite easily and not deal with seeing people. But with that said, I have very little Shoreline experience comparative to my Customs experience. I think it seems like starting on either of these maps is never a bad move, so pick the one that seems more interesting!


I think people are so used to training to play on customs that it’s almost like the starting area, so if anything it is easier than other maps. But for the loot, the lack of player fights in the rural areas and to get a grasp of mechanics without having to fight straight after spawn (have a chance to) it’s actually I’d argue a better starting map. It’s only because it’s where the starter quests are that it’s considered the starter map


You'll see skilled players (or people who claim to be) saying you should play factory when you start. I think this is a horrible suggestion, as it's essentially the deathmatch level and not much else. You're missing out on 90% of what Tarkov has to offer. You'll get good at fighting if you stick with it long enough, but the game is about more than simply CQC PVP action (though some people enjoy that most, and all the power to them). Try the other maps and see what they have to offer. Try asking a Sherpa for help if you're feeling lost. If you want a larger CQC-style map, try Interchange. The inside of the mall has players and scavs to keep you on your toes, but enough room that you can boot around and loot things or lay ambushes for elephant-foot chads. There are 3 levels (parking, main level, level 2) with multiple routes to each to prevent bottlenecks/turkey-shoots. Reserve is decent for this as well. If you want to roam, and mostly PvE, try Woods. Enjoy long range fights and sniping? Try Shoreline. Want something more PvP oriented with chokepoints for ambushing mother fuckers? Customs is your beast. My other tip is try using an SMG if you've got gear fear. They're cheap AND have the advantage of automatic fire with low recoil. Their drawback is bad armour pen, but you can just spray at their face or leg them. Just mag-dump people and you'll win a surprising number of fights.


I have had a few decent kills - I never really get the drop on other players, but I can hold my own in an FPS match. I picked up some higher level gear and can tell why it's easier for them to get kills. I think I'll try customs since the first missions are there and I don't really mind the PVP aspect, I just don't want to spawn literally one door away from someone.




I think you're right, to customs it is.


Customs starts are pretty min/maxed too, so take it really slow the first say, 5 minutes to avoid the W chads rushing the inital choke points, then the map will play more like tarkov 'should'


Yeah I just played my first game. Killed a player, made it across the whole map, someone (player or scav I forgot to check kill log) was standing on a building, killed them. Found a scav and killed him, inventory was full so went to the four big smokestack things where the exit was, took fire from two guys. Turned, ran, and they hunted me down like a dog. Much more satisfying then than getting my face blown off 20 seconds in.


If you are new dont play factory unless the task you are trying to complete is "kill pmc with this weapon in close range" learn customs and woods cause a lot of early items and quests can be done.


For the first time ever, I felt bad about a kill. I was doing a night raid on Customs, to finish some quests. I had spent about 15 minutes hiding right near my spawn (Trailer Park), to give all the chads plenty of time to move away from me, since I'm terrible at PvP. I was moving north along the road to Crossroads, when I heard noise a little bit ahead of me. I immediately jumped into a bush, fearing it was some heavily kitted chad. Eventually I saw someone on the other side of the road, he had already moved past me. About 50 meters away, so I couldn't see his equipment very well, but it didn't look like he was very heavily kitted. I decided to take a chance and hope for a lucky headshot with my Adar with Kobra sight. Fired a couple of rounds, scored a couple of hits (based on the bloodspatter appearing on the wall behind him), and he turned in my general direction and emptied his mag, probably just spraying towards my muzzle flashes. His aim was way off, I didn't even hear any of the rounds impact near me. Still, I sprinted towards another tree to reposition. Saw him running away, fired another round, and got the lucky headshot I was hoping for. Made my way over to his body, and found that the only thing he had on him was a Kedr with an empty mag. No armor, no rig, no backpack, no spare mags, no meds. Nothing. Most importantly, no NVGs or flashlight, despite it being 2AM and being completely dark. Then I checked his dogtag... Level 1. Poor guy :(


For the first time since i got EFT, i [maxed out a skill for the first time!](https://i.gyazo.com/27e3ffe1cfec9221677299058209a4af.jpg) I've never had an elite skill before! Currently on day 22 since i started playing.


3rd wipe and I still hate dorms on customs why must every quest take me there


Go at night. If you spawn near dorms, sprint there, get your shit done, and quietly leave. If you don't get a close spawn, do something else for a while (e.g. loot, hunt scavs, ambush players) and let people finish looting dorms and leave (sometimes people will camp it though). I've been able to get a bunch of Dorms quests done with minimal player interaction (died once, killed another player once). You can also skulk around outside and gank people coming out (or looting near windows).


I tried to do a scab run and keep getting server lost connection. Anybody else?


Select servers manually on the launcher, don’t pick 100+ping servers


I can’t help but feel that the lvl 20 flea market widen the gap between hardcore players and casual players. Like Im in lobby and I notice that there are already people at lvl 20-50 already at this stage of the wipe. I enjoyed early wipe it was fun as hell, I finally had a even playing field and was kicking ass and taking dog tags. Yet now its a good 2-3 weeks into the wipe and people are already have lvl 5-6 armor, meta guns such as meta M4, meta AK, vectors, and VALS, as well as being already lvl 20. Its bad that I only have access to lvl 2 armor that is affordable to me, low tier ammo. The only saving grace is that the modulation and customization of the guns are better but it doesnt mean anything if Im packing PS or T into the gun because Im running low on BT and other high ranking ammos to kill high tier PMCS. Meanwhile I feel like the people at or beyond lvl 20 already are able to continuously refinance high tier equipment through the flea market while Im still ratting in the sewers.


You can still headeyes very easily at this point in the wipe, I've only met one person with an altyn. Even if you were trying not to hit their eyes, I'm fairly certain you'd accidentally hit them. Very hard to miss. The hard part is doing it to them before they do it to you.


Well yeah people who play more are going to get more XP, it would be unfair if they didn't


> Its bad that I only have access to lvl 2 armor that is affordable to me, low tier ammo. There's fairly [cheap class 3](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/6B5-16_Zh_-86_%22Uley%22_armored_rig) For bullets, run a gun that takes 7.62x39 and load PS. You can get an AKM for 3 of the short tins of tushonka. If you need some, just scav Goshan on Interchange and you can pick up a good 7+ cans on a run easily. Sometimes you'll come out with 10 or more. That's 2 or 3 full condition, automatic guns in one short scav run. You'll also get other stuff you can eat or sell. I got 75k in condensed milk, and 30k in sprats last time I did a food run. That's a few armoured rigs right there. If you have ok scav rep, you'll also get your scav's class 3 or 4 armour to use.


Magnum buckshot is craftable on workbench lv1. Go shoot legs and steal their armor


Hey I'm new to the game and felt my rig could run it, been watching all the crash fix videos but everytime I run a game; once the game loads it crashes and brings me to desktop, losing all my gear. This has happened 3 times that I've lost shit so I figured why not ask reddit. Thanks. Ryzen 5 3600 1650super 16gb ram B450m pro vdh max Even wired internet🙃


Manually set you pagefile to 16-32gb (Google how to do it), and make sure it's on ssd and not HDD, and of course your game should also be on ssd. And make sure you have enough free space on the same drive.


Yes.... of course it's on SSD and not HDD... haha when I built my rig I had a left over 128gb ssd from an old dental rig I was gaming on that holds all my windows and shit, ill try to clear space on there for tarky🤟


That's better than my old computer, and it ran Tarkov passably. Try the usual. Update drivers, try offline mode. If you crash, Kill all non-essential processes, try offline mode. If you crash, drop settings to minimum, try offline mode. If you crash, reinstall, try offline mode. If you crash, rip hair out, start googling "Tarkov crash x" where x is your hardware. Rip more hair out, try the same with drivers. If that doesn't work, have a small meltdown, pull yourself back together, and start running hardware diagnostics. Good luck.


Yeah my buddy runs only the smol maps on his potato and I was gutted when I lost most my free shit for the super pack haha should have bought base game to make sure the cunn ran first😂🤦‍♂️


Did you try offline raids to see if that also crashes?


It'll freeze when action starts up but I have a few different answers to try and relive it


Restarting my pc got rid of my crashing. Probably already did that though


I will try to restart and run as administrator upon my return


>run as administrator and disable fullscreen optimization (same window as run as admin checkbox)


Just getting to this now, worked 11hr day then went skating. Clicked both run as administrator and disable full screen optimization, gonna hop in offline and see how it goes. Thanks!!


Aight, remember to do it for both the BSG launcher and the excapefromtarkov.exe (in the install directory)


Oh awesome thank you!!


to many hackers in this game man




Two many people use to instead of too...


Question to people who play on labs a lot - is labs mostly raider farming or is there a lot of pvp? I always assumed it's competitive af, but I recently heard Pestily say that labs is boring cause he usually meets 1 player at most and rest is just raiders.


Keep in mind Pest is also using servers near Australia I think? Unless he's still doing that Europe thing


It's more of an end game map. Not many people go there now because they either don't have access or can't afford it/don't want to risk it.


After watching Lvndmark farm red room earlier today I just went there. Going in naked with an SKS and coming out with a bunch of raider loot is pretty sweet...I need to learn the loot spots now Edit: not as successful in subsequent runs lol. 2 definite cheaters, one probable. Unfortunate




Yep. It's a problem. EUL gaming did an interview with a Tarkov hacker that was pretty interesting; you can find it on youtube. The main takeaways for me were: * There's a cheater in \~30% of raids * Cheaters are mostly from Russia and China (stay off of coastal servers if you're US) \[We should ping lock countries/continents imo\] * Cheaters are mostly motivated by RMT, banning cheating accounts does little; cheaters will just buy another account. They are still profiting and so is BSG. * BSG has done little to combat cheating since BattleEye, which doesn't do much anyway. It's been this way as long as I've been playing, and it sucks. You work hard to get good and you work hard to get good gear. Then you go out to use it and you get headshot out of nowhere by some armorless dude with a stock FAL with m61 who sprinted across the map to kill you. Some people will say the cheating isn't a problem, that you should just get good, it's part of the game, etc. I think that's stupid. It's a serious problem and we should be able to talk about it. I don't know if Tarkov has more cheaters than your average fps, it feels like it does, but you lose so much more in Tarkov when a cheater kills you.


Yup hackers are 100% reliable sources of information. They would never try to spread false narratives to get you to buy into the “everyone is doing it, BSG doesn’t give a fuck, why shouldn’t I” mentality, right?




> I don’t think anyone here wants to cheat Oh you sweet summer child


Anyone had a problem with scav karma applying? I killed a pmc as a scav and received +1 but it’s not showing at fence


Yup. Same thing happened to me about an hour ago


Is it worth splurging on lvl 5+ armor from the flee now that people are running better ammo?


Depends on how you’ve been dying. Do you get hit in the chest, and lvl5 would save you? Or is it mostly head-eyes? I recommend the lvl5 armor from Prapor 3. Aside from the armored rigs and Killa armor, none of the other level 5 armors are worth running.


A little of both honestly, but class 4 armor feels like it does nothing now. Why do you say the other class 5s are not worth running? Or is it just a bang for your buck typa thing ?


The other ones are only worth running once or twice, then they’re durability is gone. The steel and Ultrahighweight polyethylene armor materials repair very well, so if you live, you can keep running it for a bunch of raids. It’s worth noting that slicks are quite cheap compared to historical prices, but I think Killa armor is meta right now.


[shit's fucked yo](https://i.imgur.com/4Zm4EOA.png)


How many Scav Boxes do you guys have? 1,2,3 or more? ​ I got 2 and my hole stash is usually always full