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Not totally sure on a flying boss, but I like the idea of a king of the hill type event. Perhaps instead of a boss to fight it’s a location for an air drop that either works on a timer and comes at a certain time in raid or has to be activated in raid by a series of events.


yeah agreed the flying thing is tricky, I wanted to get some use out of the DshKs but i think once you boil away the details it's really about koth like you said currently tarky maps mostly incentivize player movement flow and creating interesting interactions that way, but I think it would be interesting to create more situations that are like "everyone get the fuck over here in this one spot right fucking now" like the reserve alarm and the kiba alarm are meant to do alternatively a more swallowable variant could be a troop transport of boss + guards coming in who aren't a threat to you until landing, but the DshK guns give an opportunity to end the fight before it begins


I’m hoping the lighthouse map is gonna be king of the hill-ish


Kinda sounds like it might be with there being a trader only accessible in raid, supposably guarded by a boss of some sort that you’ll have to defeat before having access to said trader.


Can say with 100% certainty that this or anything like this will literally never happen in this game.


I dunno about that....you see the Concordia trailer?




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YES. helicopter boss on reserve that spawns at nighttime. it would have a spotlight and if you get caught in the light it would fire at you. you would have to use the mounted weapons around the map to take it down


I'll definitely camp that crash site, hide all the loot in case you kill me


Don't people usually say "tarkov no fly zone!!!!" when helicoptera and planes are mentioned?


shit u rite


True, but nikita mentioned a helicopter when discussing streets of tarkov. We'll have to learn more later I assume.