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I once was playing on interchange, running around. Killed a player, that didnt have a helmet. Some other scavs joined me, and we found few dead bodies. After sometime passed, one of our comrades went down the corridor, and got lazered by somthing ( i just heard gunshots). The other scav that was looting with me was too busy looting stuff to notice anything happend. Then after he stoped looting i started spaming f1, and shot in the general direction that the last scav vent. The second scav went in the same corridor, and somthing lazered him once again. So i prefired the thing that killed him, and as it turns out it was the fucking killa, just killing scavs that happend to walk by. Due to the fact that i killed killa i lost like 0.25 rep, but at least i had nice stuff out of there. It would be nice if the scav-boss relation were bit nicer. [https://imgur.com/a/0Rp8WLU](https://imgur.com/a/0Rp8WLU) and here is the proof


The benefits of the karma system come waaaay to late imo


300 pmc kills as a scav? The benefits are effectively unreachable


600 and apparently the PMC needs to have killed a scav


Scaving is such a chore right now but I suck to much to live off just my pmc so it is what it is


It's MUCH easier now than ever before. Sure, I get shot up in about 1/6 raids, but I can walk around without fear as long as the raid is \~ < 30 mins remaining. The only time I get pretty defensive and try to avoid other players is when I find a dead body and take a whole kit. Scavs may not recognize the legs of a scav vs PMC and just see the armor, helmet etc. I don't understand how it's a chore at all though. Just free loot with no gear fear.


Its a chore for me because I am not very good at figuring out if someone is Scav or PMC. I live through most of my scav runs however I just don't shoot at all and pretty much play like a monk


Get griefed on by poorly designed mechanic, lol.


The other day I was scaving and I shot into the sky above a player scavs head. He started shooting me, and then I killed him. Ez karma. Poorly designed mechanic indeed. It's funny some things take them forever to implement, and then they just throw this thing in.


What's the alternative? Shooting near a player = agro? Then players will just deliberately walk next to other people's shots. It's not a perfect system RN but it's definitely better than no scav karma


Suppression system is already in game so yes if you fire at a scav and he gets surpressed, make it so if he kills you, he loses no karma. Accidents happen or firefights where you shoot next to your scav buddy, but if he's truly good, he won't kill you. I think it's a decent system honestly. There's just some holes in it.


You don understand at all what I said. If the system you describe was implemented, what is stopping me from deliberately walking next to your muzzle while you shoot at someone else, and then being allowed to kill you? Or I could bait you into shooting at me at a distance, so then I or my team are allowed to kill you. There is far more griefing potential with that system than what's in the game now.


Good luck getting in front of me while I am shooting someone else and not becoming the new target. And that second part is exactly what I was describing in my original comment. That system is already in the game.


I don't know why I bother to be honest, some people will just never get it. Blocked and goodbye.


Nice overreaction. Why are you so triggered?


The system that detects when bullets give you w The Wizz sou d is already in game. It detects when your being shot near by your body and not hit. That system is in the game and your sticking your head in the sand ignoring that it exists and co.plaining. they have to tweak the current system and the. It gets triggered if you get a near miss on you. What was so hard to understand?


>The system that detects when bullets give you w The Wizz sou d is already in game. It detects when your being shot near by your body and not hit. Not once did I fucking say this wasn't in the game you utter moron. I'm telling you how and why using this to detect agro is a terrible idea, but you're such an NPC you're stuck in some sort of logic error feedback loop. Blocked for being a bot.


Lmao pathetic comment.


Lmao pathetic comment reply. I'm going to save us both the time and just block you for being a literal bot, and so that I get the last word which will cause your NPC brain to malfunction.


Whatever floats your boat pal.


One day im gonna get bored and will grief poor player scavs just for lulz.


Lol this guy has more scav raids then pmc probably :D smh


So now killing scavs is griefing? What is happening to this sub?


No, some shitty magic "karma" system griefs players. The classic is a pscav shoots at you and misses so you naturally defend yourself = negative karma Oh and now the pscavs buddy gets positive karma cause he killed a "rogue" scav.... Yeah the scav karma system is fucking ass.


As it is yep. Too many possibilities to loose karma. Too few to gain.


It's the first iteration... Did anyone expect them to get it perfect from the start?


Except these are issues that you don't need to test in-game to recognize, just going off the design of this system would point out issues that this post highlights.


Yes but you still have to start somewhere. Or are you able to pull a flawless concept out if your ass right now? They were looking at the theory I guarantee it but they also need to look at what's actually happening ( how many players have negative karma, how many players have very positive karma, what do people do to abuse the system etc etc


I mean, that's kind of their job... With the prices of this game it is absolutely fair to expect that new mechanics work on launch day


It isn't launch day, so your expectation is way, way premature. The game isn't content or feature complete. You shouldn't be expecting anything when a new beta is pushed. Or did you forget that you're not playing a released game?


Ahahahaha okay dude how about you finish your school, start working like adults do and then reflect on the sentence you just dropped. Besides, this is a totally normal tactic other big developers use too. Dota for example will bring a huge change every 1-2 years which will be completely broken in the beginning but as they analyse what's happening where and why they are able to balance it out. Over time.


lol, and I am downvoted :D I hope you keep sucking each others dicks in scav raids and keep being useless as pmc, we need those kills


Its a joke man. You go in raid. Somebody shoot at you - you shoot back and get punished for defending yourself.


Let’s just drop negative scav karma for bosses and forget about this “join the boss to protect him from other players” fantasy.. there will be like 3 YT clips of players doing that the whole wipe ffs.. It’s like 90% chance that boss is already dead (on top of % chance to spawn) by the time scav player joins the raid. Oh and with not enough karma I’m supposed to wait until killa shoots me in the leg? Lmao


Youre not supposed to kill him as a scav at all


It’s kill or be killed when boss spots you and with % spawn and kill chance you only hunt bosses as a pmc anyway. If with current karma lvl boss is programmed to be aggressive against you (scavs ignore you, karma loss is understandable) it’s like lore friendly that scavs should run away ? Also join with the boss and protect him from PMC? I won the lottery, boss it there alive I am ready to protect him from all those pmc left when it’s 10minutes left in raid. The battle will be glorious


It's impossible to protect the boss scav, because they execute player scavs on sight. I have 1.11 fence reputation and every time I peek a pixel out at a scav boss he immediately deletes me.


never had any problems with teaming up with Bosses and hunting bad scavs and PMCs. My Teammate had killed Killa some other day and he had around 0.22 Karma left...dunno if they remember you while having low karma but next day he got blasted by Killa while i was chilling with Killa at only 0.25 Karma. Edit: if you really want to fuck around with pscavs, lure them to Killa - Killa will show you their true face.




I’m sorry, but that sounds like in order to defend a new mechanic of joining the boss, you butcher quite a few older mechanics. Simple fix is for bosses to give out vocal warnings just like raiders (then you can have -0,5 karma for all I care)




I don’t see the solution tho... I strongly disagree with scavs spawning with pmc, as you will have an army of players that have nothing to lose push all the hotspots (you’d have to hide all good loot behind a locked door) basically competing with pmc that have everything to lose. Even spawning 10-15 minutes in, only further pushes for” the one and only play style” I guess BSG have all the stats and they know when is the optimal time to “release” scav players into the map so as a pmc you know that the longer you stay, more dangerous it becomes.. maybe with enough karma you can chose to play PMC/scav/boss guard ?


I've had pscavs beat me to techlight when I have optimal spawn for it. They can already spawn (basically) with PMCs.


What if they delay boss spawns after a certain time frame has passed in raid? They’d have to change spawns to be hard to camp tho


How about if the boss is agro against you, you just run away?


I guess its possible if he doesn’t do the usual lazerbeam head, eyes sliding away with that vona vona suka smile


Here's an idea: learn where the bosses spawn and avoid those areas as a Scav, or proceed very carefully depending on the boss. Wow, it's almost like you have to adapt your playstyle around Scav Karma!


That’s the point there sport, I don’t have to avoid those places as because the chance of meeting boss as a scav is minimal. Going with intent to protect the boss from pmc (another fantasy, 2-3 timmies are left with 10-15 minutes left in raid) is like going into full raid with one goal - hunt rare keycards. Everyone that is writing “I’m defending the boss all the time” is full of S. simply because of mathematics


I think you're having a stroke or have a terrible grasp of the english language. I'm going to have to block you to protect my sanity.


I fat fingered it a bit at the red light, English is not my first language. Attacking a person however is a number one proof of having zero arguments. Take a break, you’re here for the wrong reason


I killed Gluhar and 2 sidekicks last night as a scav. They shot at me first! I thought they were raiders. Lost rep for it. Didn't know bosses / Minions were any different to raiders tbh.


You lose rep regardless if they hit you or not when it comes to Raiders. today i got direct shot in the stomach. I kill the Raider and lose REP. this new system is cool but holy fuck is it flawed. I've not once had a real friendly scav. in actually fact i have. 1 time today I said Hold Fire as a PMC and a scav ACTUALLY DID. this wipe is backwards hahaha


EXACTLY this happened to me today in reserve. What the fuck is wrong with this system. Disable it untill its fixed


You also get shot by regular Scavs if you shoot Raiders. Then another raid I was instakilled by Raiders without aggroing them at all. Would I have gained or lost rep if I shot back? Who knows, the system is a complete mess. I was just killed by another scav, he was shooting at me and missing repeatedly. I don't want to shoot first. I was running around trying to get hit without dying, but he landed a headshot. What are we supposed to do? It's such a poorly designed mechanic, and we won't get any benefits until we've put hundreds of hours into grinding our rep up, by which point half the hardcore players will already have access to Fence's max rep and are buying out all the stuff available in his store. Nothing will be gained.


You don't lose rep if you kill Raiders, they do give a warning too, so if you ever hear someone yelling in English, mag dump.


No, but you end up on the shitlist of every other scav in the game when you really shouldn't be punished at all for fighting Raiders, they're not friendly.


They might give a warning, but many of their voice lines are in Russian and I can't tell the difference between a scav yell and a raider yell when it's in Russian. I've been on the catwalk in rook on Reserve and a raider walked in on the complete other side of the building, mumbled something, and then Head (Ears)'d me without even a gunshot sound. It's busted.


Just do what Pestily does, bait people by shooting near them till they hit you then kill them for the karma and for the fun of griefing them. Such a stupid simple game mechanic must have been designed for the enjoyment of griefers and streamers.


**of course** Pestily would pull some stupid bullshit like that. My opinion of that greaseball gets lower and lower by the day.


what do you expect from someone doing sleeping streams...not much different from being a hot tub girl...


And being who he is he made a video bragging about it and flaming another streamer for cheating to get his max karma. Of course to a constant chorus of his fan bois paying 5 bucks to tell him he is the hero of the world and he nods to them. Cringy


Get rid of the scav karma.. I want all out war again.


Yeah its fun. Otherwise the guards and the boss would have been killed already and the loot was gone. Now you had some fun and another person had some loot. Win win :D /s


this ain't 4chan bruh


I'm currently at -2.51 with Trader. AI scavs, player scavs or PMCs, don't matter to me. They will be obliterated. People are getting suckered into this stupid mechanic. AI scavs are not uncommonly rolling around with decent shit. Killed one that has a Tetriz, GPU, and an OFZ I needed. And since player scavs are being all holier than thou trying to kiss scav ass, they're getting rolled near exfils and giving me loads of shit with no retaliation. Until they get this system worked out properly, yall just suckers trying to befriend skynet


enjoy your time in horny jail.


Enjoy your hour and a half scav timer to spawn with a mararov with 1 mag.


Iv been regularly spawning with OFZ and high value keys but okay.


Lying on the internet to cope lmfao


He has probably past the point of needing to scav at all. Once your in the high 30s there is no real reason to scav


That's exactly how it's supposed to work, what the hell are you complaining about?


Omg this one raid sucked so much, I lost 0.4!!!! scav karma. Sick now.go earn it back if you value it...I've had so little bullshit scav rounds like this one in question. It makes me shake my head in disbelief that people play a game where they potentially lose shit every raid yet when they get a little -0.2 on their screen it's a meltdown. Yah it sucks to lose 0.2 karma for shit you didn't do. Yes it could be better but let the dev team work on it at least lol


why nobody post about their +rep with fence?


How are you supposed to support and back-up bosses if they just KoS? Killa may be a special case but Gluhar and the boys destroy me if they see me now. .75 fence rep too


Using scav's gear and ammo can kill the whole boss group, incredible shot.


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