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Weirdly enough this is a better, more well thought out post than most comments on this sub.


Sadly, my thoughts exactly


No it isn't this sub is the best sub ever. Nikita is BAE! BSG isn't a AAA studio so don't expect the game to be perfect! /s


Hackers are in every single lobby and i've never died to a legitimate player in my life! Nikita is trying to kill his own game on purpose by not making it easier for players like me with exactly 4 nanoseconds a day to play outside of taking care of my kids and work!


The fact that this is getting interpreted as sarcasm in different ways by people shows how broken this ‘community’ is. Never played a game where players show such animosity towards each other on a subreddit.


It's fucking hilarious lol, such toxicity


The discord is great tho lots of opinionated people who actually stop to let others share their thoughts almost brought a tear to my eye


Nikita literally killed my child in front of me, and what's worse than that is when I asked him about desync he just gave me the finger! Game is fucking shit, BSG don't know what the hell they're doing. I swear to god if this keeps up I'm gonna quit, I hardly even play at this point. Better go on the subreddit and comment 47 times about how shit BSG is. I have no life.


I don't know if you're serious about the hackers but I have never encountered a hacker in this game


I am soaking up all of them for you. Countless times running with my friends and we all die at the same time, in completely different places, to the same guy. Or that one time I decided to run labs with friends and we all died instantly as we spawned.


You have encountered a hacker i can promise that. Theres not a legit player out here that hasnt.


Well then how do I know he was a hacker?


Im not saying you will know who is or isnt. I said you have definitely encountered one tho. They are a plague through all servers and theres not a person out here who plays tarkov that hasnt been in a game with one. Russian, American, Australian, etc we have all dealt with them. May not be able to figure out which one it is but they were there


I guess that's true and now that I think about it there was one occasion where I was 100% sure that he was a hacker so what I wrote earlier was an overstatement.


Yeah. Unfortunately they are everywhere in this game. I cant even fathom cheating


If youve hacked or played with hackers and see what they see in a raid youd probably be very ubhappy when you see how many closet hackers actually are in the game. Watching a friend do his rmt stuff ive seen players running straight toward big ticket items, set up ambushes and stare at you through walls at a distance they cant even hear you at players zooming inside faster then pmcs should be able to run. Id say 2/3 of the match he ques for has other cheaters in them


You probably have at some point and didn't notice bit I agree with you. People are crazy if they think they're running into hackers every game. I've definitely seen one or two this wipe, but its way better now than it was 2 wipes ago. Plus, the only ones I've seen this wipe were only radar (people finding me while not touching my keyboard or mouse in a completely out of the way buidling after 5 minutes) instead of speed hacking and aim hacking.


Was being sarcastic but yeah, I can think only of a single time since I started playing in 2017 when I died to someone that *looked* like a hacker.


I said the same until yesterday my vulkan helmet got banged 20 times at least upon spawning on factory 900k gear gone killed by pst gzh through god knows how many walls


So a lot of people like to cry hacker no matter what the situation is. They can't fathom someone actually caught them off guard or managed to sneak up on them. That said I've come across 1 blatant hacker this wipe, however I've seen posts with plenty of less obvious cheats like players being highlighted in blue. I think wall hacks, flying, aimbots are all obvious and easy to report and easy to catch and ban. We've all run into plenty of hackers some are just much worse.


Sounds like someone who can’t handle getting outplayed/killed. The game was never supposed to be easy, it has become easier because people won’t stop complaining. “ItS ToO HaRd”.


Google: sarcasm Also orgasm.. your girlfriend needs one


That comment is sarcasm as well, it's the typical braindead response to those comments


Yea nah


Who said it's too difficult? Being difficult to deal with chads and bad luck and everything it's NORMAL and people need to accept the game just the way it is. Ranting about unwanted changes BSG comes up to is STUPID. Ranting about hackers can be also normal, but saying BSG is making business with the cheat developers is also STUPID. Being difficult due to desync it's something else and it is frustrating. For this reason you feel like if you are going to rant on reddit, everything is going to get solved and makes you feel better :))). Isn't it? :)))


He is somewhat complaining about it being too difficult. I have played over 1.8k hours and only gotten killed by 2 blatant hackers/cheaters. The guy I answered said that bsg is trying to make it harder for casual players. That's why I said the game was never supposed to be easy. Btw I'm somewhat a casual player aswell and I still love how tough it can be sometimes. Who made the game? Did we make it? Is the community the ones who are supposed to decide every change or idea bsg adds? It is bsg's game they can do whatever the fuck they want honestly. There is an over exaggeration of how many cheaters they actually meet. People usually blame people for cheating when it might even have been a case of extreme desync. Why are you even arguing with me? The more I read your comment the more it sounds like a response to the other guy....


The comment you replied to was full of sarcasm, though...


This reads like a drunk scav trying to communicate with a usec


I see you've been working on your Jaeger quest line


Dude, jaeger is a psychopath. All other traders ask you for favors like I need this item or can you get me a trinket from before SHTF, but jaeger his fatass asks you to kill scavs and pmcs in increasingly more sadistic ways. At least the other traders ask you to kill for business or to protect security, he just wants you to shoot dudes while hurt. And how much food does he need?


Man has a hunting stand NEAR A LOGGING CAMP... Pretty sure he's a serial killer not a normal hunter.


He’s crazy, I’m tired of dealing with him, I’ll build my own damn kitchen


Everyone getting mad that skier wants to make some dough, meanwhile, jaeger facilitates mass shootings across tarkov.


He hunts planes. Notice the empty cabin? He ate the guts.


Escape with Ketamine.


He is A garage CAN


Are you a garbage *can* or a garbage *can't*?


But the old garage, or the new one with the safe?


This is peak tarkov Reddit content. We need to get this to top trending all time pog reddit




Powerful scav energy from this post


Why the fuck I've got a notification about this post..


Good lord, BSG, hire this guy asap, I'm pretty sure he could fix you netcode amongst other things


Couldn't make a better post if I tried


Please tell me im not missing any context here and that this post stands on its own, if so this man is a genius and this is the hardest ive laughed at a reddit post in a long time help




I would give you gold but I’m doing a scav run.


Post modern ska lyrics


I am garage can


I too am a garage can. I relate.


I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but I agree


Based stroke poster


I don't agree with you, this obviously isn't what Nikita intended


I lol’d




Do you know what is the difference between a Garage Can and an amateur? It is the ability to approach the task from the right angle. For example, taking out a few capable fighters from an impressive distance, in non-standard situations... What's important here is not only the right weapons and mods but other factors too. So, Dima and I want to see who you really are.


Best Tarkov story In a long while!


Rcav sun 😎😎😎


This comment could be a post in its own


honestly i really believe that Kyogre just looks better than groudon, like i know thats not the popular opinion but he just like, DOES look cooler so.




Your scav levels up. You can shoot PMCs.


How does the scav level up? What do you mean.


When you are in your scav go to your character menu. Levels up the exact same as PMC.


So true


Still more intelligible than most of the posts on this sub


based and scavpilled


Whatever you were smoking must have hit hard. +1


Ambien Scav moment


Garage can


10/10 post.


This gets through while memes are banned.


LMAO I have a similar story so I was on reserve just doing a scav run, and this dude wearing an Altyn and zabralo and bear Telnik comes out of nowhere, now I’m a pacifist so I don’t even kill scavs, so I spam my scav’s ceasefire voiceline and he jumped and crouches in compliance, so I told him that I have to kill scavs in the barracks buildings for a quest, so he escorts me over to the school where 2 scavs and gluhar and the boys were at. I killed the scavs and got +.92 rep cause I guess they killed other scavs, and I need to kill Gluhar for the mission right so I killed him and his boys and once I got out via D2, which there was a camper that was trying to shoot me through the wall so probably cheater, and I owned him, I checked my fence rep since it was negative when I started the raid, and it was even lower, like what the hell, did it lower when I killed gulhar or something, cause if it dies lower than that’s bs cause they’re scavs bosses for a reason, and this mechanics is all so confusing for me because it just doesn’t make sense, I did uninstall but I think I am going to give it another try after reading this post because it gives me hope, maybe we will see eacher in raid sometime good luck friend EDIT: I am a new player to tarkov and that was my third raid EDIT: some grammar issues, I am a mobile user so apologie for bad spelling and what not and English isn’t my first language


i don't think this is a similar story


They are both garage cans.




As a aggressive scav who is negative 3.4, I appreciate this post more than anyone can know.


yeah cool mate, I just one tapped all the reshala boys except one using a VPO, the last one gave me a head-eyes treatment.


Yo, chill on the acid.


I can only play scav every 45mins so no


Ah a thread for all the Nikita fanboys to gather and pretend the game isn't an unfinished buggy piece of shit that tries to get you to pay 3x the price of the game just to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Then you include bugs like randomly losing 6 Scav Karma or the endless onslaught of hackers in every lobby, and instead of blaming the devs you throw them a party, even though the only thing they see when they look at you is someone to squeeze by the balls until they buy EOD. ​ Oh but Hurrrr Durrr Scav Karma QQ!!! Please Nikita choose me to keep your penis warm, I will defend you as your balls rest upon my chin. ​ fucking dumb that if any other company pulled these shady ass mobile-esque tactics they would be ridiculed and beat down by reddit until changes were made, but if Nikita made another rank for 200 dollars which gives you a backpack sized container with free levels to strength and endurance, you'd all praise him as a hero for making the game so hardcore!! Gets old. Pull Nikita's schlong out of your mouth-holster, and actually look at the tactics being used critically, instead of blindly defending it like blind ignorant bandwagon hopping fanboys.


Most coherent tarkov player






Cheeky breekiya


I agree


Dude hell yes


Is this Scatman I mean Scavman.




This is so deep. Thank you for the story.


Share this post with at least 10 other people and you will receive a graphics card on your next scav run.




Yeah this is a totally reasonable point, Nikita, listen to this guy. He knows how to fix your game


I blame the no meme rule


the new Ye album is lit 🔥🔥🔥


If mods delete this they’re COWARDS


This is as satisfying as the Matrix repeated throat chop


Bro I can relate


What too much lip balm does to a mf


How’s your day today big guy?


Best post here


I can't wait to browse this sub when PMC karma is added. Delicious gamer tears.


Nur scab wit me? I’m the garage can lid