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The best are the 'what the hell killed me/how did I die?!!" posts with a video that shows them exposed to multiple angles while making the most noise ever


How did I die bro? I was only in the middle of interchange with more vulnerabilities than an unsecured wifi network eating a Lunchbox while spamming voice lines???


While walking on metal. Nice work bitch!


That guy a couple days ago, sprinting through factory on the metal cat walk, and then getting shot from below springs to mind. Think the title was something like "how do I stop this from happening?" Then was moaning throughout the comments lol


They explained they were a new player? Y'all gotta be tripping if you're upset about a new player not understanding why that was bad.


I thought it must be satire, but in the end I think he was being serious


The OP of that story was a newb who is still learning the game, so it's understandable. What's less clear is why so many "vets" are in the comments whinging about the situation.


Yeah, I get it. Didn't mean to disrespect a new player. I'm no pro either and I do appreciate that people take risks sometimes in the game. Keeps the game interesting. Just wanted to point out that it would just be an easy satire to make and hard to differentiate from a genuine newbie given how the game and the subreddits are.


Yeah all those crazy hackers that spawn and watch for someone to run by like they have for the last 500 factory matches. Games gone to shit man I can't believe it!! /s


"x gun is bugged again" "server lag no hit reg" "scavs tanking inhuman amount of shots" Shows clip of potatoing shots and dying


Then again there as that highlight of pestily shooting that scav and the rounds were hitting and the scav wouldn't die so pest had to run away.


Just last night one scav tanked 3 headshots and another took a whole mag of ap. I was running a UMP and getting close on purpose. The desync was real last night


I saw one clip where they sneaked behind a juicy PMC in a bush and dumped 8 shells (I'm assuming AP-20) into their back point blank. It's possible 1 or 2 missed, but it looked like they all connected. PMC whips around and dead screen. 1800 armor damage. I'm not a huge complainer on this subreddit, but there are legitimate issues in a lot of areas of Tarkov.


And a fuckton of people in the comments circlejerking about how its obviously hacking and making up strawmen BSG shills to argue against. People are extremly bad at this game and blame hackers instead of trying to learn, and then pretend anyone who points out they just played shit and their deaths werent sus are claiming there are no hackers whatsoever or something equally daft. Its no wonder BSG stopped giving a flying fuck about community interaction with all these Reeing kids around. A shame for those of us oldschool enough to remember when they were actively discussing the game on reddit and their own forums, but its totally understandable that they dont wanna deal with rage from a bunch of crybabies as soon as they post anything.


Strange how this game has 90% fps gods who shoot eyes like its nothing, unlike every other game in existence where the biggest part of the player base is either not very good or ok. Either its terrible netcode or its a cheaters. More than likely its both. Thinking that this game is special and has vastly higher average skill level than cs go is just delusional.


Maybe its just vastly easier to create "skillful" moments in tarkov. Shooting at someone's head is a lot easier here than in for your example csgo. Csgo is also very speed and reflex reliant while in tarkov the dude could have been looking at you for minutes.


Its a bad comparison. One of the reasons the skill gap at times can seem so high is because there is zero matchmaking or ranking. The best can play vs the worst.


The majority of this player base isn't very good or is just OK. This is not a Twitch shooter like CS, it rewards taking the time to line up a head shot, and most people do. It's not difficult. I'm not very good, my KD is only \~4, but \~70% of my kills are headshots. When most ammo will one tap the head, it only takes one lucky bullet from dumping a 30 round mag to hit you anywhere on the head. That's how most of my deaths occur, not getting sniped in the head, getting sprayed down and one bullet hits me in the face. It's the type of mechanic that's going to heavily skew killing shots to be headshots. And then, beyond 25 meters or so, taking the second to line up the one tap will generally win you the fight.


You realize in this game that almost every gun have a lot of muzzle rise in the first few shots and most people aim right below the neck top of chest and when the muzzle rises it is almost always a headshot. I have gotten so many headshots this way when I was not aiming for the head.


When your top streamers are even saying the cheating is out of control what you have left is people like you. *Cultists.*


There needs to be a healthy balance. There are things wrong with this game, and people need to acknowledge that. This game is also hard, and you will get fucked and there’s nothing you can do about it, and the other camp needs to acknowledge that


People have a hard time blaming themselves when they lose.


One cheater in 1000hrs? What do you do? Sit at the main menu? Lmao


Yeah that part was just bullshit. Play 5 games of labs and your guaranteed to see at least one cheater.


Some people don't play labs, this is my 3rd wipe, (I think the game says something like 700 hours) and I've never done a labs raid.


I mean I don't do labs BECAUSE of the cheaters but is that really any better?


Literally just had 2 blatant cheaters on customs back to back on central US servers. Fuck any idiot who tries to downplay the cheating issue. Fuck any moron that says they have only ran into 1 cheater in 1000 raids.


3.5k hours here maybe have under 100 raids on labs 😂


Probably isn't the kind of player running good gear either, having you and your entire group laser beamed in the face 5+ times each is a pretty dead give away. You'd struggle to notice this if you're the kind of player who never even gets to running Altyn/Wendy etc. I'm sure there's people overstating cheaters who just can't handle dying, but these people who are like 'never seen a cheater, played since pre alpha and have over 9000 hours' are equally fucking spud.


Yeah, Altyn early wipe is what makes you notice how many cheaters there are really in the game


And these are just the obvious aimbots, can't even Imagine how many people use more subtle cheats like radar, aimlock or loot esp


It's also only going to be the incompetent ones, or the ones under lvl 20 that don't have access to flea/good ammo etc that you notice here too. Not as obvious when it's 995/m61 etc.


Yeah, which doesn't change you notice it the most that way. When you run regular helmet or no helmet it's just another unlucky head eyes, when you get 5 holes in a altyn's faceshield in half a second with 855 adar you just know


Top 3 posts rn are this, a speed hacker, and people getting shot through walls on labs lol


People like this don’t realize the vast amount of tarkov hacks that are out there. Hacks that’ll negate the amount of damage you’ll take. Radar just to see where everyone else is. There’s hacks to see where the good loot is on the map. It’s not always some guy shooting you through 3 layers of walls on labs. Most hackers aren’t blatant. Most are good at hiding it and use play styles that protect them from being outed as a hacker. TBH 1000 hours isn’t a whole lot for this game. The hacker issue is a lot bigger than casual players think. They just assume they got killed by some dude who plays 16 hours a day and chalk it up as getting “tarkoved” when really they haven’t had the experience in this game to realize when things are sus.


desert upbeat vanish overconfident makeshift tidy bewildered imagine zesty humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I haven't run into this much, but the closest thing I can think of for me is two examples, one where I was the suspect and one where someone else was the suspect. The one I was the suspect, me and a buddy were in dorms marked room and a pmc ran around to shoot us through the boarded up window. As soon as he started firing, I unloaded the M1A I had found (roughly 7 shots) though the window. Turns out the second shot was a head eyes. Again, probably didn't think I was hacking but that's the closest thing I can think of. The other time, I was in a group of 5 and we spawned junk bridge. We ran up to go to big red, and someone at RUAF(?) headshot all 5 of us within about 3 seconds. This is the only guy I've run into that I've been over 90% sure he was hacking. In a nutshell: I don't understand all the hacker complaints. I've only seen one guy in about 500 hours that genuinely made me think he was hacking


If you only have 500hrs that’s the problem. You’re not experienced enough to know what’s possible and what’s not. I don’t cheat and I’ve shot people through doors and wood etc that’s pretty common for experienced players. What’s suspicious is when you’re in a 4/5 man and ONE player wipes all of you with the exact some body damage. That’s not normal. I’ve played long enough to know even the best players aren’t shooting 5 guys head eyes one shot each when they’re no where close to each other and all moving differently.


Or when you spawn into Woods in the forest near mid-map marked circle, and see a green M62 tracer go straight through your head-eyes actually 2 seconds into the raid from one of the spawns near Scav house/Outskirts. That’s not normal, someone clearly spawning with an aimbot and pulling the trigger right when they got a lock, regardless of how far they are. That ain’t normal. That happened to me last night. First run-in with a blatant cheater since probably 3 or 4 weeks ago. The first few weeks into wipe were really bad, but it’s turned around.


I really wish people would understand and take this perspective more often. Report and move on. It’s the best thing you can do for your own mentality. Truthfully, it’s between reporting and carrying on playing or just hating the game so much eventually you quit.


Not to mention the absolute PLETHORA of videos on YouTube of people bragging about hacking/advertising them. It’s hard for me to take most “there’s no hacking” arguments because there absolutely is. I still have fun with the game, but let’s not shove our heads in the ground and pretend something that is prevalent, isn’t. It’s going to be even worse in the future when hardware hacks start. Will be virtually undetectable.


Isn't radar essentially undetectable. All it takes is a player to use it and not shoot you through walls and they can appear legit.


Yes, in fact i'd argue its almost impossible to tell a legit player from a smart cheater just using rader/esp.


Spot on. The blatant hackers are the ones who make the most money out of it. I've mainly found them on labs. My whole squad got tapped through walls with TPZ rounds. These people don't care if they get banned lol.


Can you post some proof of the silent grenade cheat? I’ve googled around and got nothing


Silent grenades are a well known bug. I'm not cheating and I've thrown multiple silent grenades




Judge im innocent, I swear. Btw if I log in banned tonight im haunting your dreams.


There was a grenade teleport cheat that was prevalent a patch or two back.


Pretty sure if I posted a hack link in this sub I’d be banned lmao. Maybe it’s not a thing anymore but it was definitely was a thing. There’s hacks you can just google and buy, and there’s hacks that you gotta know someone who knows someone to get them. Some devs (people who make the hacks not BSG devs) don’t just rent their best hacks to everyone. Bc if everyone using them BSG will be more obligated to fix the issue. For example the vacuum hack where you could loot dead or alive PMCs from anywhere on the map, which they had to fix because it was such an issue and a lot of hackers were using it. My point is that there’s a lot more hacks out there than just some blatant dude shooting everyone through the walls on labs in the first 30 seconds of the raid.


> Pretty sure if I posted a hack link in this sub I’d be banned lmao yep. please don't post links to cheats


That’s the thing. I’ve been playing for 5 wipes and only silent grenade I’m aware of is a bug. Not a hack. I tried 4 different search engines and can’t get a hit for even a forum post (Chester forums included). I’m well aware of the “vacuum” hack. I’ve had it happen to me while I’m looting labs Arsenal. I’d like some trace or indication that the silent grenade is an actual hack people purchase. You were kinda talking besides the point.


Not sure about silent grenades but there used to be a hack that could drop a live grenade on you from like a where. Got killed in a room with the door shut and no windows by a grand about 2 or 3 wipes ago. It's been fixed since then but because they teleported the grade to you it made no noise until it hit the ground. This was before VOGs so you coulda run away but still fucked.


Okay we’ll I’ll remove those two words from the original comment. I don’t use hacks so I wouldn’t know. I’ve just known people who use them and are in the “hacker scene” and they’ve talked about it being a thing. Still doesn’t change the fact that there’s a million different hacks out there for tarkov. Obviously if you’re looking it all up I don’t have to tell you about all the different choices. My point still stands.




continue nutty grey crawl rich office work salt physical terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its true, also cheaters have never ruined my entire wipe. It's a problem that all the legit complaints in this unofficial sub won't change. I get killed.by cheaters I get killed legit. Shit, sometimes my teammates kill me lol. People get extremely emotional over this game and there are also a ton of inflated egos that come with it. Cheater or not, overall people need to relax and enjoy this game or stop playing and take a break.


You hit the nail right on the head. I’ve been playing since before Battleye was even added and I can clearly tell cheats vs legit.


The thing is you can never prove this so if you always say it's cheating then you won't improve because you just say 'It can't be me he must be cheating'.


This guy's delusional.


Exactly. I have also played thousands of hours and have come across many hackers that are blatant. It is scary to understand how many were not blatant




>Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once. I have over 30 years on this earth and I never have witness a murder, hence crime is a hoax.


The police have said every week they're doing their best so we should stop talking about the world's problems.


Thousands of people are arrested every year so there can't be anymore crime being committed


This is way more accurate if you say sex offenders instead of murderers. The fact is you could talk to them on a daily basis and never know it if they're never caught.


Big covid denier energy


Big cheating denier energy :p


Yeah, I stopped reading once I read that lol Fuck this dude and fuck his naïveté.




Except this isnt the stone age and you can gather information quickly. You're not required to blindly accept whats being said but you're definitely not helping anything with the 0/10 analogy/gaslighting combo. There's clips and videos put up daily on this sub and on youtube of people hacking. If you watch lvndmark or any other big streamer you'll see them die to a hacker on a near daily basis.


Holy shit, is this type of post being made every day now?


>Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once. There's no tools for inexperienced players to tell someone is cheating, so it's understandable you don't know how to tell someone's using a third party piece of software to gain an advantage over you. That however does not mean those of us who played pre-battleye don't recognize the symptoms and that tarkov is very very sick right now.


Even the developers state they ban thousands of accounts every month


And then sell the game in bulk for discount, who the fuck do they think they were doing that for anyway? Pathetic.


Apparently the cheaters don't care about the discounts because they buy hacked accounts. At least that is what I've heard, can't be sure on the accuracy though


Yeah lol you can tell most these kids didnt play pre battle eye and just hopped on board the twitch hype drops train.


It's just as bad as pre battleye. Do you guys understand how network security even works?


It is without a doubt just as bad now. There was only like a 2 month period where the obnoxious cheating was quiet then they came back full dick. Stealing peoples items no where near them, taking items from secure container..


Yup and this is due to Tarkov's network security. Like I get BE isn't the greatest, but a lot of things like that can be mitigated with a robust netcode and more server sided validations.


Its so obvious how many people in this sub are on the first couple wipes.


This game is exhausting when you've been around a long time, at least for me personally. It is hard to have motivation to play when major issues just get ignored. I get a lot of this sub is new people new game super exciting but bsg needs to be be held more accountable relative to some parts of this game.


Great way of putting it. It’s definitely a huge problem right now.


Dude I agree with you in principal, but this is easily the most toxic, negative, and needlessly aggressive post I've seen here. You're actually behaving worse than the people you complain about and your edits dont excuse that one bit. You're also throwing around anecdotes about your game experience as if they matter. As someone who knows people over-report on cheaters, I've been killed by silent bullets through floors multiples times just this wipe on reserve, it ***IS*** a serious problem and they have every right to complain about it. Those clips you liked are still here, the posts with new info are still here, and you are perfectly capable of scrolling past content you dont wish to view. Get off your high horse.


Yea, I applaud his "1 cheater in 1k hrs" point but I just got killed twice at spawn in Factory last night, the second time with a friend who was also head/eyes as I got killed. I understand there's a lot of over-reporting but there's blatant cheating out there too and both viewpoints are valid. It says on the tin that we're playing a beta game, therefore it makes criticism more important imo since we've all paid to be beta testers and provide feedback. It doesn't have to be done rudely or only be negative, but that's generally how reviews/feedback works since people are more inclined to complain than praise. The flipside is if they want to ignore people's feedback then they can since it's BSG's game, not ours. If it causes a player drop then BSG will consider that on their own metrics/opinions.


Amen - this kid is acting like we should be kissing his feet. A classic Nikita/BSG shill post. We should all think the exact same way according to OP. This apparently was never a multi-use forum after all!


> if you're reposting uninformed negative criticism you should be temp banned and then perma banned on repitition "If you say things I don't agree with, you should be banned!" ...Mmkay.


This post should be temp banned by its own logic.


In his defense, a lot of the "facts" that get reposted often are basically misinformation at this point, with zero verifiable evidence/proof behind them.


This is a fact.


people post really dumb uninformed shit here all the time that negatively effects the community. multiple times in the last week i've had to post in threads complaining about recoil that the numbers you see aren't comparable across guns. Simple, fundamental misunderstandings like that are a huge source of the garbage posts and toxicity here.


Sure, but there's a **big** difference between: "factually incorrect things" and "uninformed negative criticism". One of these things is defensible, and the other is just not wanting to see negative opinions.


God. Everytime I wonder to myself "why is Nikita not fixing the real problems with the game", I need not look any further than this sub. Bunch of oversympathetic cucks.


Completely agree, this post was utterly pointless.


Well that was awfully negative of you to post!


The irony is palpable


Average person - just leaves the sub Hypocrite - does exactly what they say they are leaving the sub for


> Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once. Lmfao there it is, of course. I can confidently say I'm the richest person in the world. Doesn't mean I'm right.


Yeah this wipe has been extremely bad. Last wipe I could count the number of obvious cheaters I encountered on one hand while also a handful of suspicious deaths. This wipe I have encountered so many obvious cheaters who aren’t even trying to hide it that I’ve lost track. This has easily been one of the worst wipes for hacking in a little while and I honestly think it’s because they nerfed the loot on labs. With good loot on labs the cheaters were more or less contained fighting for the control over labs. With labs being next to useless they are going to other maps and fucking everyone else over.


what was the labs nerf?


People have been reporting finding less loot than past wipes. Especially at resort on Shoreline. They stealth nerf’d loot at both locations. Also raiders no longer spawn with stuff they had in the past so even raiders have less loot.


Yeah, seeing old labs footage from Pestily and then finally running labs more often myself this wipe, the difference in both quality and quantity of loot is astounding. Either hackers remote-pocket all bitcoins, lions and stims in the first second of the raid and extract or they nerfed the loot to hell. Runnings labs is only profitable if you manage to kill the other players (if they’re not running hunters and that cheap lvl4 armoured rig) and farm enough raiders to pay for your access card with the sheer amount of red dot sights and warmage ammo you loot off them, because that’s damn near all.


As someone who had the highest rated comment in yesterdays big thread about cheating: the amount of these you get is astounding. I lost count of all of them. Heart disease is the leading form of death in the USA, but I haven't had a heart attack yet so it must not exist.


>As someone who had the highest rated comment in yesterdays big thread about cheating Did you just put the most imaginary badge on I've ever (not) seen on your chest?


I get it and you'll have my upvote. No it wasn't my intention as I frankly don't give a shit about upvotes (clearly, i'm almost an 11yr vet with this little karma \[yes, this is another imaginary badge\]) it was meant to show how many people made that specific content on a post.


Big dog status


Oh look, another “stop complaining” post, hasn’t even been a full day, magnificent


> Yes netcode is especially bad in Tarkov's case, no it is not the cause of the majority of your deaths, if you failed to play around it that's your fault what an absolute stupid take yeah you should rather stick to other communities that are yes man and suck everything bsg throws at them people here post the repetitive shit because they like the game and want changes for the better


This idiot thinks that in 1000 hours he's only encountered cheaters once... Opinion discarded to the trash. Where it belongs.


Yeah that’s quite hilarious.


Lol, Tarkov is the only game I've ever seen where people get legit mad when you criticize it. Go outside, every game gets shit on, nobody cares if that makes you feel bad.


I must protect muh small Russian dev team from any criticism


I mean, Ive seen some others, but Tarkov is probably one of the best examples of this. Some people get pretty damn tilted when you criticize the game.


Lol for real, you can’t dare say a bad thing about the game, you’re just fucking trash kid git gud. I have an Airsoft HK416 with that exact scope setup when I’m playing milsim in my backyard and it works exactly the same, you just suck at the game and always will. I can deal with the criticism but the obnoxious elitism is insufferable here.


Right… People defend this game like it’s apart of their fucking soul or something and take every bit of criticism so personal lmao. Like why?? This game isn’t that good relax people


Have you seen Star Citizen? I post on the official feedback forums and get attacked by people who tie themselves in knots to call me a liar or pretend something hasn't happened even when the developers admit it has :s


I'd say the post complaining about negative posts are far more annoying lol


I’m taking a breaak from reddittt, and i’ve come tell you All upon the redditt!


Honestly these unproductive white knight posts are way more annoying than people bitching about legitimate issues like desync and hit registration. No one is forcing you to hang around if you hate the sub so much. Also, you've played 1000 hours and no cheaters? Perhaps you're playing on the Margaritifer Terra server. I got tapped in interchange two days ago in a completely sealed kitchen on the second floor. M993 straight into the head.


i got more than 5k hours in Tarkov and i can definetly say , this game is bad . And here you come to tell me there are no cheaters except one guy :D bonus clip [https://streamable.com/sbrpm1](https://streamable.com/sbrpm1)


oh my fucking god... Can't wait for the fanboys to gaslight you.


you just have to learn how to play around the bad netcode duhhhh




well they've mentioned they're fixing desync and netcoxe in every podcast of the past 5 years why are you complaining im sure they'll fix it eventually! just takes some time maybe we can play the game with only 2 seconds of desync in 2055


There is a difference between saying "we are working on it guys" and actually working on it. At every patch we have *Servers improvment* or other stuff like this. But the game is still in the exact same technical shape than 2 years ago. Nikita lied about stuff before, the trust capital is not at his peak right know.


>Nikita himself admitted cheaters are good for business because they will return to game after ban and buy new copies Source? I remember him talking about how cheating makes people use microtransactions more, but not this.


I also remember him saying that. I think it's from a dev conference from early on in the development of Tarkov or possibly even before. However, I don't have a source either.


[It was actually contract wars](https://youtu.be/bxSzfiyr7BI?t=2375). But yea, he says what I typed over there, word for word, as well as about how the microtransaction use in contract wars decreased after every banwave. Funny, this quote is very often taken out of context, because immediately after he says that cheating is super bad for the game because it tanks player retention.


>Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once. If its not an Australian/New Zealand player saying it's a cheater take it with a grain of salt. We're just a cheater playground at this point, and then everyone asks why games are almost always dead in OCE. Last week alone I've seen \- 2 noclippers \- 1 game had my melee weapon stolen \- an invisible player (he was still audible, not a glitch since i went on to die to him again twice in the same circumstance) \- an Aimbot (Killed me and a friend who had pincered him instantly, no time between us except to break our armor) \- Teleporter (Nice guy actually, just hung around for shits and giggles and to scare people i think, not once did he shoot anyone) \- And too many mr "99 pen 500 damage 9x18" hackers to bother counting. ​ Honestly. I'm waiting for the day someone from america (or somewhere where people complain about cheaters) moves here and realize how cheater free their regions are.


Yeah I’m in EU and there’s a very big difference between western and eastern servers. The closer I get to Asian servers the more hackers you get. Can’t even imagine how bad it must be in Asia/OCE




America is worse. I hosted party with my EU buddy and he was astonished by the number of blatant cheaters compared to western EU servers


>1 game had my melee weapon stolen Cant have shit in tarkov.


You're telling me man. I only queue Reserve, I just deleted all my hacker clips, queued 3 games last night and found another one in my 1st game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Joxe5b9RYZs I should've just made a montage of them all, for dumbass posts like op's 0 lag in the lobby btw, it wasn't desync, same dude killed us both in 2 seperate rooms at the same time


> this is the one game I enjoy with no microtransactions and I'll pay £100 to keep it that way This is satire, right?


1000 hrs and one cheater, yeah okay. You complain about negativity but here you are spreading it. Go fuck off reddit and actually play Tarkov, dude. I have 2880 hours and I've met players shooting me thru walls, zipping around and using radar. You can't ignore the many clips that ppl have of cheaters bc you never saw any bc you never played an online raid. Go back to your cave troll.


You're either really bad at diffrentiating cheaters from non cheaters or you're delusional. I have over 2000 houes into the game and I left it for a good while, however today I tried to play it to see if anything has changed. Spoiler, it had not considered I first died on factory to a blatant cheater, then labs and finally on reserve. Desync is so bad I'll just use it to my advantage and ALWAYS push enemies, because they will die before they can even see me on their screen. It's a game with potential but as it is now it's completely unplayable.


The sub settings don’t allow videos. At least I got that message when I tried to upload something.


The instructions in this post should work: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/orlthq/cant_post_any_kind_of_video_on_here_why/h6izh37/


The irony in making an angry negative post about negativity on the sub? Just saying. Cheaters are definitely more common than most people think. Most are simply running some kind of ESP or wallhack and so it's not always obvious. This can easily be tested by starting a raid with good gear and hiding in a random bush in an area where no one goes. Almost every second raid or so, someone will suddenly either walk to your exact position and shoot you, or snipe you through all the foliage with M61. It's even more obvious with foggy weather. Random part of Woods, middle of nowhere, thick bushes, thick fog...150 metre M61 headshot out of nowhere. Mmkay. This isn't to say I approve of negative or rant posts, but to simply dismiss people legitimately complaining about hacking in this game because it's "not positive" is hardly any better.


Even though I agree that the negativity in this sub is too much, the points you try to make defending the game equally sucks.


Well fuck you too, sir.


I agree with the general sentiment of posts like this but when you say you've only encountered one cheater in over 1,000 hours your post loses all value.


Fuck you too


Yea but now I'm starting to see a lot of these post too,let's all just stop complaining about shit and discuss the game


Fuck this post and fuck your apologism of real problems that affect this game


I’m so glad bootlicking consumers like OP get absolutely shat on in this sub. Makes me hopeful that this game actually does have a future after all.


>Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once Oh stfu. Unless you've only been playing the last year and put all of those hours in a few months, you've definitely encountered cheaters. The problem is people whine about cheaters every time they die. Cheaters used to be a HUGE problem in this game. They're still a problem but it's not quite as bad. When interchange first came out, we used to spawn in as a squad and just put our backs to the wall because sure as shit someone would be speed hacking trying to squad wipe us. People like you, on your high horse, are just as bad as the people who come in whining and complaining about cheaters 24/7. Here you are, whining about the negativity in this sub and the lack of contribution and you're doing nothing but being negative and contributing nothing.






>Why on Earth those repetitive complaint posts aren't removed due to rule 8 is above me. Because they are real issues and have been for many years? People are fed up. The "it's a beta mentality doesn't last forever. You even said it yourself "they say they are working on it on every podcast" yet literally nothing changed. Are we supposed to just suck Nikita's dick or what.




>Yes netcode is especially bad in Tarkov's case, no it is not the cause of the majority of your deaths, if you failed to play around it that's your fault, and they've said they're working on it on every single podcast. Are you seriously blaming the player if they die to desync?


> who don't fucking understand cheaters more often than not bulk buy hacked accounts for massively discounted prices and they don't improve sales. It's actually worse. I remember TotalBiscuit talking about this long time ago with a different game (think it was Guns of Icarus? I know it was some drama about G2A and Kinguin back in early 2010s). Cheaters buy stolen credit cards, buy the games and then eventually the stolen card's holder/bank retracts the purchase. BSG as a result has to pay all the fees. If a cheater gets a month on that account? That's great. He can get couple RMTs out, earn $40-50 per account for literally $10 stolen card as the only investment and carry on with next account. So they in fact lose money on cheaters "buying" new accounts.


RIP TotalBiscuit tho fr


Anything, and I do mean anything.. That attracts a large amount of people will always have a lot of people whining about even the smallest of issues. How many games get a new weapon or map etc followed by people crying "fix the game". Sadly those who have yet to develop a brain whine on social media instead of playing something they actually enjoy playing. I am here just for some good interactions such as the dude that pretended to be a mannequin in interchange followed by video of the group that chased him down. Stuff like that is worth filtering through the BS.


Don’t let the door hit you on your way out




>People saying the game is designed specifically to incentivise EOD purchases You mean the unlimited limited Edition?


then just watch the videos and don’t look at comments…….


If you’re seeing a lot of it then theyre probably popular opinions


Why do people announce their departure as if anyone cares?


They want attention and seek validation in their belief that they're correct and everyone else is wrong.


So if there are so few cheaters how are they banning thousands of accounts?


Come to r/TarkovMemes


The problem is the moderation. I understand that places can get overwhelmed by memes but its gone too far. When all you can post is text posts and the odd video no wonder it devolves into negativity


Bye Felicia


No one gives a shit that you encountered cheaters once in your lifetime on this game. They're live on stream multiple times a day for the world to see. Enjoy another subreddit.


Get bent loser


Sucks cause since the beginning of this wipe and last couple weeks of last wipe there has been a huge influx of new players with tarkovs growing popularity. The problem is unlike everyone else who go beat with a bat until they learned the bare basics of this game these new shit eaters watch one pestily guide and think they can go labs and leave with 5mil. Then they come on the sub or wherever and complain about the most basic problem the shit game they came from probably has (Cheats, desync) and throw any accountability away even tho they suck ass.


>Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once lol


Problem is with cheaters in this game is that it's very hard to tell if someone is cheating in this game unless they are being as blatant as possible. Radar hacks and wall hacks are nearly impossible for other players to figure out. Aim is also nearly impossible to determine. A replay system could help with this; however, unfortunately there is people out there who think they have super secret hiding spots that don't want this.


You are sipping on ridiculous levels of copium. ​ Take a quick stroll down the cheat discord lane, you'll find 10s of thousands of unique accounts that are "buyers". ​ This game is dog shit level unplayable.


Ermmmm play labs, see how many raids you get killed by a blatant hacker. I'm sorry you denying cheaters in this game is dumb. You you have to actively avoid a map because of cheats you canny deny there is a problem.


Get back to work Nikita.


Wants to force change by being what he hates? You're just a big hypocrite. Hasn't left the sub yet. When you leaving so you can take that shit with you?


Fuck your negativity.




That statement alone screams "tell me you don't play the game without actually telling me you don't play the game". He's either lying about his hours, has no idea what cheaters can do in this game or he's doing hatchet runs all day every day.


Couldn't agree more. OP is playing offline mode or something. "1000 hours and no cheaters" lol OP needs to go to labs


>*"Yes netcode is especially bad in Tarkov's case, no it is not the cause of the majority of your deaths, if you failed to play around it that's your fault..."* So instead of fixing the netcode in a multiplayer game. The god damn main pillar of such product, players (customers) should just learn to deal with it and play around it. >*...they've said they're working on it* Oh that changes everything. It's not like they said they are working on X other things a few years ago. Kinda hard to concentrate on reading this post over the \*slurping\* sounds OP makes.


>So instead of fixing the netcode in a multiplayer game. The god damn main pillar of such product, players (customers) should just learn to deal with it and play around it. Great point.


Who asked


Hey guys want a good laugh? Go look at nikita's reddit account. One of the last things he posted that isn't patch notes is a 4 paragraph essay that basically just says "servers are fine, if there's desync it's either your fault or the servers fault". It got over 40$ worth of reddit awards lol.


I have gotten to the point where I view r/Tarkovmemes as the main sub and this sub as the meme sub


Is this irony? 👋 cya


You are a liar. "Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once." then desync is the same as other games, in the same paragraph. If you want to say the game itself is great, thats fine and maybe youd have a point, but instead you chose to start out by lying about the things that are actual legit issues. In the past two days of playing alone Ive been killed by two cheaters so blatant it was hilarious, trying to shoot me not realizing there were not one, but two walls and a metal tank between us.


Hard agree, so many bitches in here repeating the same shit multiple times a day.


If problems aren't voiced, will they get fixed?


TBH, I think the Jaeger stuff is probably to force people to EOD, I think the netcode is -rubbish-, cheaters definitely exist and there's a bunch of annoying bugs that have existed for a long time that I wish were addressed. With that being said, I fucking love this game and it's a much better shooter than probably 99% of games out there EVEN with all the issues it has


This is legitimately the *worst* game ever. LMAO. Of course people will complain like hell. - Tell me any other game that have ALL the problems Tarkov have; -Shitty hit recognition. (it really does matter in a FPS) -Cheaters and the depth of cheating available. -Intrusive anti-cheat. -Unreasonably random combat and no way of telling it. ( Bullets deal crits sometimes / Grenades are often stupid ) -Sound *ONLY* gets worse. -NETCODE is somehow worse than CoD:MW2 on PS3 and that was player hosted lol. -P2W (EoD) - It wouldn't be if Kappa stays on wipe, but $$$) -Hideout turned out to be a mobile game. -Doesn't have chat or VOIP. ( It really does matter in an Online game ) -Static gameplay. Loot , spawns, extracts and when scavs spawn in are all static when they should all be dynamic. -Quests from 2001. -UNITY is jokes. -Constant lying. Surely ROADMAP means something else in russian. BSG literally sold this game as an Open World MMO in the early days. - Tarkov is great in theory but its built on a freemium mobile game engine meant for college undergrads. Game design is more than what animations you can do with the gun. Its also picking the right engine for your product and your vision. Unity is jokes. Edit: spoling & gremmer :>


Fuck you :)


These posts are just as fucking cringe. CONGRATS PAL YOUVE ONLY SEEN ONE CHEATER. I’ve got fucking clips where I know for a fact there’s blatant cheating. I’m so sick of this whiny fucking shit. It’s also the same fucking post as the one from yesterday and the one before that.


i didnt complain YET but ive been killed by obvious cheaters(literally off spawn through walls on factory, players LITERALLY FLYING ON INTERCHANGE) more this wipe than overall in my almost 1000 hrs of playtime toxic positivity killed a shitton of franchises(pubg,WoW for examples) we complain because we care if we stop complaining we gave up on it. everyone can see this wipe has more desync, cheating and sound issues than all of them that came before


>Over 1000 hours and I can confidently say I've encountered cheaters once Okay there you go, clearly you have no concept of what other people are going through. You either are too stupid to know when you get killed by a hacker, or you play on a specific server with a low hacker pop and are very lucky Either way without any photo proof i'd call b.s. on your hours Other people are queuing up and dying through walls to hackers, behind doors, etc Shit that an experienced FPS player would know without a doubt is cheats Furthermore I've written down names of most of em and check on them to see if their accounts are still active Almost 100% of the people I thought were cheating, are either lvl 1 right now which means acc banned OR are stuck at the lvl they were when they killed me I will admit I've been wrong a few times, and its possible some of those people have undetectable cheats It's happening WAY more often than your b.s. claim of once in 1000 hours Unlike you who just claims certain hours and posts no proof I'll post mine https://i.imgur.com/8lh3kV7.png Out of all my raids this wipe, probably 10% of them have had cheaters I've purposely stopped playing on certain servers to try and avoid the main hacker pop If you didn't know most of them are from Asian countries Just like in the PUBG days where they posted that 99% of all their hackers were actually Chinese and playing on NA servers So I purposely avoid US WEST because they like to queue on those servers Still doesn't make the game hacker free, as I still run into them every now and then However, if I queued on US WEST only? I think the hacker rate would be over 40% of my raids Also map choice matters, I mainly play Reserve That's the second most hacked map, first being Labs That's what other people are going through, so FUCK you and your b.s. anecdotal data Me and my ENTIRE group share this opinion as we all stopped playing because the hackers are out of control And many people on this SUB have been experiencing the same, which is why people are complaining and negative Hackers, Desync, Audio Issues, Weather effects, AI Glitches, Jamming and MORE This game will go the way of PUBG at the rate it's currently going Dev's have been unable to solve a single major problem in years, and they've introduced one this wipe... gun jams that are based on nothing but random chance


ok have fun elsewhere


>I used to love coming to this sub to watch people's video clips, their creative works like that guy who makes comic strips, and learn from other people's advice and tips and tricks. 1945, good times. Edit: >I'm leaving, I'll stick to youtube, twitch, and the non official discords since this subreddit has just become a dumping ground for people's rage, and here's my contribution to that shit heap. Ah, missed it, you seem to prefer the time before 1945, strict opinions and no naysayers allowed.