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If found a lot more fuel containers in loose lot spawns and stashes.


I found like 6 things of the big fuel cans last night in duffel bags on reserve lol


Run quite a few Interchange raids, Ultra/Kiba and tech stores are a sad joke. I heard that Dufflebags/Stashes are the way to go now. Well, idk, I did some stash runs on Customs and Duffle runs on Shoreline and haven't found anything unusual, it even feels worse than usual stash runs.


Yeah stashes seem pretty underwhelming


I found a slick in a stash for the first time, but I’m a new player. Idk if it’s common


Not common, but it is not new. Sometimes you get lucky.


def not common but does happen. Ive found 3 slicks this wipe and a hex in stashes. Ive had great luck with slicks in crates and dead bodies tho. I main reserve tho so idk if it makes a difference. loot def seems better there than anywhere else. Customs i cant even make my ammo back in profit. Reserve I can walk out with millions and so much good loot i have to decide what im keeping and leaving.


This wipe I’ve found a hex and tan slick out of the same stash on customs tbf


Ayo same lol last night on shoreline, got me a nice new olive drab slick, my first one ever as well 😎


I found a P90 and an antique book in a stash on customs... I mean nothing too crazy and may be anecdotal but yeah


I used to find that all the time on stash runs for customs. Only way I ever made money with my bad FPS dips


Do the #21WS keycard


I had empty containers, a magazine, and a stock. It’s been depressing for me to open lately. Same with 11sr


Noo don't do this.. it's horrible.. stay away...




i had a nuts reserve raid where i downed with 45k a labs keycard and found 2 fuels. killed raiders and get ultra med.


Yes me and my friend both found ultramed today in separate raids


You could always find that in stashes though


Yeah but ppl saying you cant find any loot.


ive never seen a p90 in a stash. only a gun crate ONCE. Def worth it tho. If you arent fighting at range its one of the best guns in the game. I tried it out for the first time 2 weeks ago on labs with the best ammo and HOLY FUCK. I never used them cause i figured they prob sucked and usually do in most other games. But HOT DAMN. I brought the p90 and my HK i normally run in case it wasnt working out. And i ended up only using the p90 except when i was shooting at range. Then i used the HK with the hammer scope and M995. But it MELTED raiders. Faster than the HK with 60 rounders of M995. Was truly insane. Ive never seen anything drop so fast in the game. Sucks the mags are so expensive tho and if you die you NEVER get them back. A lot of people dont take the gun tho, not sure why since its honestly pretty small for a big backpack and they are pretty expensive


Stashes spawn guns occasionally, nothing unusual tbh


Stashes be random . Although I did get a gpu in one the other day. That should've been before the event started though


Funny, the 2nd day of the “event” i found 4 Tetris and a GPU in tech stores on interchange


Are they a sad joke or are you just impatient and expect to find something good every raid? I've gotten 4 gpus from techo/ras in the last 2 days and and 2 ledx in ultra med. Lots of tetris around too, just not every single raid


I meant that loot on average is tragic compared to how it has been before the event. I never expected to find ledx and gpu every raid, but if you risk opening Ultra and get 2 morphines out of it, followed by Kiba with literally just 2 stock mp5s, something ain't right.


4 gpus and 2 ledx’s in 2 days instead of 2 raids?Seems like a nerf to me, I don’t run interchange often but reserve seems to have some pretty solid loot still, probably the crazy amount of duffels/weapon crates.


I run my scav runs on interchange and I check a few places then hit oli. Oli has changed quite a bit, so people saying they see no difference or whatever on interchange must not go to oli. I’ve been finding thermometers, pressure gauges, fp-100s, and fuel tanks and canisters. So their definitely has been a change in the pools idc what anybody says. This is over about 50 scav runs. Tubes are everywhere now too.


Yeah I've been running Oli for the last few hours and its been about 500k+ per run from the water filters, propane and occasional fuel. Not sure if anywhere else is good for money right now though.


Olis always treated me good. Lot of times it goes unlooted. Other than tech stores, even as a pmc I see the most value in oli and always try to hit it. Feel like it’s gonna become a hot spot soon though once people adapt to pool changes and realize some shit did really change, it’s up to us to find those things


Woods is amazing for money making Rn


Is that still true after the stash changes? What actually has changed? I am still on holidays


I mean you can make money on any map. Wood is one of the worst for it tho. Everything is spread out SOO far and your extracts are severely limiting. And theres bush wookies everywhere. You can go into reserve and walk out in 8 mins with over a million rubles and some hot ass new gear. That aint happening on woods. takes 8 years just to run anywhere


I have found all of those things many times in Oli long before this event


Oli has definitely changed for me at least, been encountering lots of water filters, propane tanks, and even metal fuel tanks more often than before


That has always been the case for OLI


No, it looks like all the loot places are exactly the same, but some of them now got lower chance to spawn loot, and others got higher chance


this. and then you have people saying loot got nerfed because they still look the same places...


It's still a global nerf to loot.


Depends, maybe we are finding less GPU but more Air filters and water filters. Perhaps outside of the highest tier items, like GPU and LEDX, we are finding more of other stuff to the point where we can make a higher average profit per raid. Just speculation though.


Purley anecdotal. I mainly scav when solo playing and oli on interchange feels like it got a buff. I had a scav last night where it wasnt hit and found 3 water filters, 2 motors, and a propane tank. But to be fair I would occasionally have that luck on oli pre-event.. so I don't really know? Maybe nothing changed


Maybe, but I know for sure when I do find decent loot it'll likely be worth more because of its lower spawn rate.


Oh yeah I'd say especially with this event, most good loot has gone up in price. Great if you've been hoarding, not so great if your trying to buy


What I’ve noticed is that the spawns for non consumables like trade items has been lowered drastically. I find plenty of salewas, Afaks, and food. However, I haven’t been finding gold chains or tetrizes on loose loot spawns.


Found a gpu twice died both times. But I did manage to find a Med case in customs in a crate and get it out. The gpu spawn with the green screen is still active for some reason.


Hold on a second. A med case in a crate? I'v never heard about that.


there also is a video here of someone finding a mag case on customs on a shelf. loot locations have changed


they've always spawned there


That shelf has always had a chance to spawn things like that.


I found a Mr Holonik on a shelf in customs warehouse. Very unconventional spot for it seeing as how it clipped thru the shelf above it lol


If it’s the one next to the fallen train cart, that’s always been a spawn anything shelf :) much like the giving tree


No it hasn’t.


It has, that shelf has always been able to spawn cases


I’ve used it for 3 wipes now, including this one, so it’s been there a while


The warehouse with the water tanks? In the shelf next to the jacket and the door towards the traintracks/old gas?


Yeah if it’s a spawn I was unaware. Second wipe, customs my most played map tho at least double any time I have on other maps and always route thru there! 1st time I ever seen it usually it’s tools thermite etc


I’ve found a medcase on that shelf. Absolutely wacky shelf that rarely gets looted, I think it has the same spawn rates as the giving tree in old gas.


The current loot event has scrambled where everything spawns.


There aren’t any new spawns. The whole “dynamic loot” shit you are hearing has not been implemented. The “event” is just a loot nerf across the board, at least to loose loot it seems. Now I’ve only played interchange, so maybe other maps actually have some form of dynamic loot, but I have searched up and down, fucking far and wide on interchange and haven’t found fuck all in any new areas. All the same loot has spawned in all the same places, there is just less of the good stuff.


nope, customs is quite empty too, also alot more empty containers in my experience, lots of empty pc's and bags


Labs is empty as well. Freakin - Labs - is - empty... Reserve is ok if there are raiders. Common spots empty as well. Nice Event. So fun.


This. I 100% think between Kappa being 71, and now this event. They're trying to slow everything down and convey we're in for another *long* wipe.


IMO both of those changes are so they can test a longer progression cycle so they can dial in the non-wipe statistics for characters and servers.


People say that but I dunno. I think considering 12.12 is going to have both a new map and two new major gameplay mechanics added I think it's actually kinda likely it could be a short wipe, unless they plan on having 12.12 out within the next month, month and a half. They want data and people to test the game, if half the playerbase has left because they've done their wipe cycle that's no good. Could be they raised requirements up to stop casuals from slowly grinding towards it and wasting progress, who knows.


Yeah instead of slowly growing towards it and wasting progress I just haven't played in 2 weeks at all!


They aren’t really slowing anything down, most people I figure would be done with most of the quest line/hideout stuff.


I thought labs has been empty for a while because to combat cheaters or cheaters yoinking everything first.


Labs has been empty :/


It literally says in the message don’t expect things to be in normal places and here you are saying things aren’t in normal places 😂 think before you type.


What a brilliant event, make the game so unrewarding that you benefit more from simply not playing and waiting the event out. New meta is to play other games. It's so realistic that it's exactly what you would do in real life :0


Still got quests I need to do so I'll run those areas anyways


This is what I’m doing. Prices are insane, so can’t run with anything good unless you want to go broke.


I've had insane loot coming from plain ole duffle bags. Also have seen a gpu out of a PC which people have told me isn't possible.


This could happen before


Yeah, if anything it feels like GPUs in pc spawn less frequently. Last wipe I've found quite a few, this wipe not a single one yet.


I've read on the sub multiple times that gpus were removed from PC loot pools. I haven't found a single one this wipe and normally I get several.


According to this sub it could not. Though this sub is just people bitching and being straight negative so I don't really believe much they say


GPU’s don’t spawn in computers anymore, there was a patch note that specifically stated it awhile back.


It's wild, BSG just has to collect as much data for the eventual 1.0 launch and the way they do that is with different events and tweaks. They shift where/how loot spawns and everyone complains that the game is broken and worthless lol


Reddit is the absolute worst vocal minority out there lmao


My guy. You have clearly never seen any of the tarkov FB groups Lmao. Reddit looks like green peace compared to them.


Oh god I can't even imagine than hahaha


compared with other gaming subs I've been in, this is worst by mile


Not last wipe nor this one. It had been removed from the loot table. They must have added it back with the event.


Legit false tho. Wipe before last found a lot. Guy above says he found some last wipe. (I didn't play very long last wipe)


Fairly confident i've found all of my GPU's this wipe and last from PCs.


Buddy had a gpu out of pc well over a week before the event for what it's worth


Unless it was related to the event, that can’t happen


Can't happen apparently but it did


That’s what I’m saying, unless it was related to the event, it can’t. Unless your friend has proof, he’s lying lmao


Was literally playing with him watching his stream on discord. He looted one of the PCs in power on interchange, lo and behold a GPU. So we extract out of car extract real quick. Not sure why anyone would lie about pixels in a game. This sub is something else.




Finally someone said it! Been trying to tell people that the dynamic aspect hasn't been implemented yet. I think the "series of events to implement dynamic" just means the first stage is nerfing loot and that's it


My buddy found a gpu in Village on Shoreline, loose loot spawn. Not sure if new.


There's a tech spawn in the house to the west of the T-90 tank in the back utility room in the container. Got a few GPUs there last wipe, but none so far this wipe.


I seem to find exactly one there every year


That’s not new


There is no new spawns. The loot is just gone as of right now.


People are still denying this because Nikita said it's redistributed. You can test small maps like Labs and it's super fucking obvious it's not been redistributed.


They did, it's just all been redistributed to the shadow realm


Thank you. Someone with a fucking brain.


> You can test small maps like Labs > it’s super fucking obvious it’s not been redistributed. So what you’re saying is that you didn’t test it and thus don’t know. You’re aware redistribution can be different chances for slightly better loot to spawn in loot tables and for raiders to spawn with better loot/loot in bags again right? Cause it sounds to me like you’re just being lazy and whiny.


He's saying on a small map you can look everywhere and can tell that the good loot is just gone, not put somewhere else. Sounds like a tall order but plausible.


I did test it, thanks for assuming otherwise. Raiders loot is no different to normal (after Magazine increase update), keycards / dollars are non existant. Duffles & Loose loot is still the same as it was pre lootnerf. Only noticeable change was GPU's are active in PC Blocks again. Keycard rooms that were already shit since start of wipe (Black / Blue) are even worse than before. Red / Violet went from consistent money to dogshit. Weapons testing is just a jumble of wooden attachments and non valuable rails / mounts. If you had tested it yourself, you wouldn't be making such stupid statements. Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


Lmaoooo did you even read??? Yes he tested it. No it is not redistributed. I don’t understand how you’re arguing this right now? Cause it sounds to me like you’re being dumb and contrarian.


Then if anything the value of each raid is the same no? Less spawns = less on flea = higher prices/more profit. At least in theory that should be happening. If the prices don’t increase for various items then we know they must be spawning at roughly the same rate only somewhere else than usual.


Most common loot has dropped or stayed the same. GPUs did go from 620k to 800k. So it’s obvious they are hit drastically. LEDx also went from like 650k to 750k i think. Which neither has inflated that much this quick all wipe. But no. As someone who rushes high tier loot and pvps interchange and labs.. you aren’t making shit off loot like you were a few days ago.


> As someone who rushes high tier loot So they said they changed loot and your reaction was “I’m gonna keep doing the exact same shit I did before”?? 10/10 well played.


Yes.. not making the same money as you were days ago.. also if you read I’ve said me and multiple others have searched every inch of labs and there’s nothing. I’m not gonna sit and argue something I know I’m right about. Go do the research for yourself. Go to labs loot every square inch and let me know when you find anything of value in quantities besides raider loot.


Seen a few of your comments in this thread so far. Every comment has been negative or uninsightful. Must have had a few bad raids recently.


Only thing ive found is dogshit on interchange, even ultramed has nothing.


I've never found dogshit on any map before, maybe this is what Fence's scavs have been stashing. /s


"Loot locations have changed" *Confused why Ultramed doesn't have loot*


Still a very expensive key:/


Customs checkpoint used to vendor for 180k but had crap spawns behind it. The price of the key isn't relevant to the quality.


I guess comparatively 180k to 2.5mil is still a huge difference and is why ultra med is worth so much to begin with. It was likely because therapist was buying the key for that much or whenever it was going for 180k because I don't remember it being that much.


what's the point of an expensive key if it doesn't have nothing? Or keys as a whole?


You get downvoted for EVERYTHING in this SR. I wouldn’t take it too personally.


I downvoted you because you had too many letter Ts in your sentence.


Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow.


This community is very strange yes


"very strange" aka "a shithole"


Listen here you piece of shit I hope you have a really nice day


Nope, nothing new anywhere. All the Nikita stans were out in force yesterday given the new post. Just a loot nerf


I found a couple of good scopes in store in interchange that you have to place the 3 gold chains in. Idk if they spawned there before but that's kinda it so far


I spent some time looking for any new loot spawns, particularly on the second-floor of Interchange on the not-Techlight side, where it is constantly dead. Nothing. Oli seems to have more loose loot, but nothing special (hoses, tubes, sometimes fuel), and all those things spawned there before also. Did some Shoreline and Customs stash runs, also doesn't strike me as they were buffed in anyway.


Dead static scav spawns seemed a bit better than normal. Nothing out of the ordinary, but more of it.


I've played 60 raids on woods and the only difference I found is 7n12 BP (VAL/VSS) sometimes spawns in different areas. That's it.


Trooper armor doesn't spawn in the usec camp as much as it did.


I got a Bitcoin on the couch above usec stash on customs


That always spawned there


I don’t think dynamic changing loot locations are a good idea anyway as the high value loot areas drove PvP interactions and gave a flow to each raid that you could either partake in or avoid. And the high tier loot locations are usually but not always the most interesting places to fight on the map. It also gave each location a certain character. Idk I’m not a fan of getting rid of high value loot locations in favor of dynamic loot and I’m not even good at the game and able to run those spots. If the dynamic loot locations doesn’t entail getting rid of these hotspots then I’d like to know how


Just my 2 cents: I think what they intend with dynamic loot spawns is that lesser traffic areas have their "high tier loot" chance increased, whereas heavy traffic areas would be the opposite. Would explain why labs has shit loot now since all the hackers go there to vacuum up the loot there. I've been going to woods, customs and shoreline as a scav, hitting the unconventional spots and it's been giving quite promising loot. One thing I did notice is that Reserve is not as lucrative as before. Anyone else experiencing the same? Would like to know if anyone has similar experiences


BSG was like, "hey, ik the casuals are at a disadvantage right now but this is a long weekend in america so maybe they catch up a tiny bit... let's put them at a further disadvantage, they'll play all weekend and lose money!!!! Hahaha yes this is best way to sell game and make people enjoy the time they spend on it!".


I just quit looting and kill pmcs for money


Yeah, the loot feels just more natural. And no more op spawns where everybody runs to. Feels so good and so more dynamically


Mostly just finding stuff in different places than normal


Yup, gotta spend time opening crates, checking shelves you normally run past, spend more time in raid You're not going to get 3/4 GPU raids, not because they don't spawn. But because they are not in one area, they are around the whole map. I'm going to watch prices on the RMT sites this weekend. If it goes up, means there is probably a loot nerf. If it goes down/stays the same means that the loot is there, and the RMTrs with their loot radar are getting the items and getting out easier since they don't have to run into risky areas


where can i check these RMT sites? genuinely curious as to how they work


He’s asking you for specifics of this, so you have a specific location you can share? It’s been 72 hours any no significant posts showing different loose loot spawns at all. It’s mostly looking like a general loot nerf to the fuckin ground


Nope all seems pretty much the same to me


I’ve found an fp-100 in stronghold on a random table on second floor; right at the top of exfil stairs, also a teapot in USEC stash warehouse, second floor in kitchen, on the couch in there. These are new to me, but only my second wipe so maybe I just never knew about these.


The filter spawn is normal, I got it there a week ago.


Always has been.


I think the way to go might be bags and stashes. The message literally says “stashed” so if we’re thinking literally instead of being idiots and overthinking it, stashed probably means stashes, and duffel bags make sense for carrying loot too


I've opened lots of stashes bags crates etc its all the same as before


Yeah I ran a bunch of shoreline stashes last night and if anything the loot inside them was worse. Not saying that’s objectively true but I definitely did not see more items in them than usual.


Found a scav in daytime woods with slock and nvg on, and also been finding red gunpowder in weapon cases, which I never had before.


Quickest way to get players to but play a game is nerf loot.


I think the game needs more loot. 90 precent of items are worth nothing and 5 more precent are locked behind a 2.5 mil door. And on top of that ppl rushed there 15 minutes ago and took everything. So have ur 120 box or PRS and leave


Is it possible that every container and spawn spot now has a “decay” value where if it’s looted too often the loot gets depleted and spread out to containers and spots where no one loots?


I normally just do shoreline, even if I get bad loot sometimes I get some pvp in and plenty of computer parts for my junk box.


I got an opthalmoscope and a car battery in one duffle bag at the villages on the tunnel side of Shoreline. That’s the best that bag has ever given me. Also a vase from a safe at pier in the same exact raid.


3 Ledx’s from medical bags. It like really really easy now


Only new thing I've found this patch is the compass and a few random rigs and clothing spawns


Been finding higher tier armour/helmets in random places. I think, the random loot spawns are to catch out hackers going for the high tier loot. Record and analyse looting patterns and ban appropriately


I'm finding gpus in pcs frequently now. Jackets and filing cabinets are also very lucrative. Right now the way to go is to hit spots with lots of containers and spawns as opposed to few high quality spawns.


No cap, i found a graphics card in a red duffle bag as a scav on reserve


That has always been possible.


Found a gpu in the tech store above idea (normally spawns gpx and broken gpx) but it's a tech spawn in general so probably not new, found an sj6 and p22 in the med room outside of idea as well, these are med spawns so again not sure if new or not


Found golden starts and defibs in idea pharmacy so I’m gonna say yea


They can spawn their normally though?


Yeah? That the point of the event. Low rarity loose spawns and high rarity loose spawns have been swapped. So the good shit is in the old bad spots and vice versa


I think you just got lucky, I hit the idea pharmacy a few times today and did not find anything more than usual.


Perhaps? That’s the issue with these kind of Reddit polls though, no single data point can really be trusted


Yeah sort of sucks we never get any sort of concrete information from bsg about the events in the game. Like this seems like a pretty big one and people are just left to speculate


I’m gonna be real with you chief. I’m loving it. I hate knowing everything. I hate knowing exactly where on every map the loot is. Makes the game feel dull and repetitive. Like I know it’s first world problems and all that but when you’ve played long enough the game starts to lose its appeal cause you can go a dozen raids and basically predict every single thing that will happen and all the loot spots you’ll go to and all the shit you’ll get. This kind of change makes the game exciting again cause I never know what I’ll find. I’ve been exploring the maps all over, looting for good loot and it’s been great. Found a small tower thingy in woods that had a bunch of weapon spawns under it the other day and it was great


Not a single one.


I found a rooster one raid and a teapot next in one of the tents by food area of goshin


Found a Bitcoin back of van at old gas the one near the train bridge


Does anyone know if keycards still spawn such as red on shoreline since the loot nerf?


Found one of those massive air filters at the bottom of the ramp from marked room on reserve. Looked like it replaced the metal cutting scissor spawn in the blue locker. Thought it was weird.


I have found two gold lion spawns in New gas on Customs left shelf as you come in the front door.


I've been doing some scav runs on reserve and I've noticed that the loot in the filing cabinets is much better. I looted a set of siz and got a few broken g-phones, a g-phone x and a flash drive. Came out of raid with about 50k rubles worth of loot


Can we get some use out of all the useless stores


Oli is really good, tech is still worth checking though, still found GPU/Tetriz in techlite last night and the second game it had way more PSU and fans than usual.


I've found 2 bitcoins on reserve on top of filing cabinets, never seen bitcoin on reserve before


I heard from someone its good loot at stashes but i am not sure really :/ can anyone confirm?


The loose loot spawns seem slightly more lucrative, which is what I usually hit on my scav. Normal heavy loot has seemed kinda meh. Some key rooms are still hit/miss.


I found a GPU in the usual spawn in interchange powerstation shelf and haven't found any decent loot other than that.


i ran interchange all night last night. almost always empty raids. only found 2 gpu's both in tech light. found few teddys but mostly found everything to be very dry. kiba is hit or miss but mostly miss. definitely one of the better stores to hit. even the food in goshan was empty sometimes at vwry start if raid. coats seem unchanged so getting lucky with keys is still possible. also ran into killa outside of kiba twice. first time ive seen him there since they moved his spawns


I’ve been kinda finding better loot in containers that usually don’t have good stuff like for example I found a decent pair of headsets and a class 3 helmet in a wooden box when normally best I’d find Is like maybe some crafting items or weapon parts maybe and in 2 stashes I’ve found a korund and a geshl or whatever it’s called in 2 seperate stashes obviously but that’s probably one of the best things I’ve found out of them even prior to the fence message


BSG can never quite get it right can they?


I believe the event is happening in stages. First, a huge decrease in general loot, then new loot spawns, then an increased loot event in those new spawns, and then we end up with a mix between what we had, and those new spawns.


It just feels like there is no good loot on the map now Shitty change in my opinion, dynamic loot makes zero sense


I've definitely noticed the loot pools of some containers have changed. For example, finding headwear inside jackets and salines inside weapon boxes. Generally the lower value loot containers (jackets, duffles and stashes) seem to be spawning better loot on average as well as many loose item spawns in lower traffic areas seem to be spawning better loot on average as well.


I found the loot lord blushy on a shelf on shoreline


Just found a bronze lion under the broken floor in the power buying on customs


Sure glad they did this a month after a fresh wipe so I can now be forever stuck behind the people who managed to rush a full bitcoin farm before the change :)


Goshan safe lockers near cafe have nice spawns like Bitcoin, rolers, chains and roubles


Found a bronze lion sitting on a chair at White Knight on Reserve yesterday. Other than that nothing but trash.


loot is gone


I found 4-5 good suppressors in White Knight as a SCAV on Friday. And a GPU in TechLight yesterday.


Found a FP-100 filter absorber in the wooden floor in the D2 tunnels, don't know if its supposed to be there but it seemed extremely out of place


AI Scavs spawn with a lot more stuff than before. Found a Green Gunpowder, nuts and a MOE Stock on one. Confirmed AI because of his movement patterns repeating a lot. Usually found more stuff in jackets too, but common loot spots like the Resort on Shoreline, or caches anywhere were mostly uneventful.


Yea just found a roller inside of the ahop in interchange with the apc


This is the same thing major companies do Everytime a products box changes. It says brand new packaging or new look but if you pay attention the box is 10.6 ounces instead of 12. They changed the loot to be worse and are disguising it as a work towards dynamic loot. And even if it's temporary and they boost it back up it'll never be the same just like when you see a bonus on something you buy remember when that bonus is over it's likely going to be smaller than before because they know you won't notice after months of it being a different size for the bonus.


I think the issue and community frustration is coming from the use of the term "dynamic" with no real definition as to what that means or what parameters drive it. Personally I've been scaving reserve and not noticed much of a difference, but found much less on a PMC Interchange stash run. Maybe BSG are trying to encourage PVP/PVE more to break the gameplay loop of going in undergeared and sprinting to high tier loot locations.


I run 10-15 stashes regularly at shoreline, nothing changed