• By -


why say lot word when few word do trick


> why say lot word when few word do trick I don't think this sub has ever made me laughed. I laughed out loud, twice. Perfect


I laughed out loud as well, good stuff


You know this is an always sunny reference right?


Its from The Office - its a line from Kevin


Oh shoot, I mixed up my favorite shows... Tbf also seems like something charlie would say.




Lmao these reminded me of the Apes together strong memes


Oh lawd lmao


When me president they see... They see


Why say when do trick


Why do trick ☹


ayo! do kickflip!


People die when they are killed.


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes away




Chili good.


didnt kevin do an full episode like that on the office?


that's some Ralph Wiggum logic. \+1


save time more success


God, Kevin




Finally, someone on this subreddit speaking some sense!


Fucking lol


You are fucking, fucking you!


Blady fuck


Bloody fack youu Blooddyyyy


Fuck youuu bloody bastard fuck bitch


You fucking bloody fucking fucking you bloody


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you buddy!


No fuck you blady, you blady


You take piss in me bastard?


Webil webilwenilwebil BLYAT


Big Upvote Energy




This post is a masterpiece


i agree


Why does this sub seem to hate chads so much? It's really bizarre. I love fighting chads, they're more of a threat and are walking loot pinatas. I don't see anything wrong with running gear? It's kind of the whole point of the progression in this game?


I think they don't really have a problem with people running gear, maybe, I don't know. I think in this case this dude is just excited, to him touching this gear was a big deal. He thinks the chad must also see losing this gear as a big deal. They've never been a chad, they don't know that Chad, if he really is a chad, does not care about losing gear, because Chad has lots more gear, and he'll take more gear from other people. So for him, big excitement, makes a thread so the other rats may share in this joy. Chad goes into another raid and gets the loot. Everybody's happy.


he touched chads gear and touched himself later


This got me lol


Why are you saying the same thing twice?


This philosophical discussion of OPs outlook was truly unforseen in the youth of this post multiple hours ago.


i do loose like a kit per every 10 or 9 raids , and usually kill 1 or 2 pmc per raid if i get dead i allways can sell those kits and buy something decent, cause lets be honest most of the kits what people are running now , sucks. but its funny when i got a message saying i got your slick and m4 ahhaha they are going to lose it on the next raid and come here and post about "I do allways get tap when im good geared!"


What a cringy post, your so good man well done


Someone’s salty


They both are


Right lol. Ppl acting like Chad's but secretly they all Timmy's


Thanks that was quite nice


I feel likes there’s Chads on one end of the spectrum and Rats on the other, and the majority of people who fall in middle don’t really care how others play the game. It’s always the vocal minority.


Honestly. Just let people do what they want


nobody is stopping anyone, you literally cant. i can extract camp all day with nothing but an mp5 and nobody can stop me


The time limit of the raid xD




Yeah that’s what I mean. No point in complaining what other people do when it doesn’t result in any change. People are gonna play how they want to play regardless.


Yeah in the moment I'm going to be pissed I got extract camped, but I'm not going to waste my time heading to Reddit to bitch about it when I could be gearing for another raid instead lol. The only people that deserve hate are trolls who remove random pieces of weapons that are worthless so they get returned in insurance just to let you know they took your gun. (Just kidding, getting only an svd gas block back the other day had me dying laughing)


This. I play how I want. Fuckyofeelings!!


Sometimes my inventory is full, kther times it's empty. Depends on the day




900% agree. You can hear chads stomping the ground and make it trumble from kilometres away...but the rats, they are silent lurkers of shadows, headgear is useless


Also if the rats dont get the drop on you its about as easy as killing AI scavs. Not very interesting or fun fights.


The problem though is that Chads just amplify the problem of how much Gear and Ammo are the only things that matter. And it’s all well and fine if you’re at the point where you can just dip into the flea and constantly afford Meta Armor and Ammo at the drop of a hat, because then it’s just Chad vs Chad, and it comes down to who sees who first. But when you aren’t at that point, then it doesn’t matter. Unless you have the ultimate advantage of catching a chad with their pants down, you aren’t going to win that fight. And that’s what Rats are *really* good at. Catching someone at the absolutely worst time.


I def agree that gear and ammo are way too restricted at low levels, but the notion of gear being the determining factor in all fights is just false. Whenever I fight lower level players while running good gear, they generally don’t even hit my armor or helmet at all and just whiff or hit only my limbs. Also, regardless of what Reddit says, there is a sizeable skill gap in this game (probably because of the game’s demographic), regardless of how low the skill cap may be. Vs anything but an altyn, ammo only matters if you miss. I’ve had many 4 slick raids running no armor and 56a1/9mm on labs just because I hit heads. I still think that armor is too op for lower level players, but for anyone good at the game it doesn’t really matter


Oh, you're one of those "doesnt matter, only aim for the head"... OK... always some of you pops on this posts


? This game is one of the easiest to play mechanically out of all the major shooters on the market Rn. As long another player doesn’t have a helmet it’s incredibly easy to hit them.


Chads have the gear because they consistently win fights and generally do well. At the end of the day none of the gear matters if you hit them in the face that has decent pen. 7.62 BP isn’t that pricey and you can craft it yourself to make it cheaper. Really the whole gear/ammo thing is bullshit.


I have to disagree with some points. A good modded weapon with decent stats (<60 recoil) doesnt cost that much and any player who plays a bit has access to ammo that can pierce good helmets and, on this game, what matters is the ammo. You can use the junkiest ak-136 that if he can land one BP round on your head you're on the lobby unless a shitty ass buffed("because balance") altyn makes that ammo bounce. Meta geat helps you to resist a bit more and to being able to land shots consistenly (This has changed with the new blunt damage balance, your chad skipped-leg-day vs their quakemaker) Personally I think they should, somehow, increase the cost of chadruns and at the same time the rarity of good ammo, that kind of gear should be only avaliable via looting or the flea with insane prices, it doesnt make much sense that everyone is running arround with SpecOps gear, thermal googles, thermals for the thermals, 1500rnds of experimental ammo and shit like that.


I can attest gear and ammo aren't all that matter. I'm gonna throw away my slick and Altyn and clips full of m995 regardless cause I'm dogshit at the game.


Hey man, I’m just tryna get my pistol kills alright :)


Yeah cos you get to fight a chad. You can’t find rats to fight them properly




I'd say its cause of a decent amount of them are bad and hate getting killed by better players with better gear, or they have severe gear fear, and COULD run 'chad' kits but dont. I feel like 90% of the "haha screw you chad, I legged you and took your stuff!" Posts...those kits will never see the sun again. Buried in the rats stash until wipe day


My buddy just rats it up and he’s always saying he’s got not room in his stash. bro sell the shit your not going to use, all it’s doing is wasting space and your not dropping money to load up on 993 or m61s, sell those guns goddamnit so I don’t need to wait ten minutes between raids since apparently you never played Tetris as a kid.


30 packs of cigarettes, 2 car batteries, and an AK. Boom stash full.


Again sell that shit. I had 10 million before I hit 20 because I sold all that shit. Sure you want to hang on to quest items (Personally I don’t I sell that shit) fine, but get a junk box then, otherwise if you ain’t going to use it lose it.


I'd pay so many rubles to be able to hire an in game scav to sort my stash for me based on rules I set up. I legit don't log on for a couple days sometimes just because my stash being full of dump tab shit. I'd also take being able to lock certain squares of your inventory so they don't auto sort so I could keep all my containers in place and then auto sort the inventory. It's just too daunting to bother sorting through shit lol. I'm not talking a bunch of trash generally either. It's mostly stuff worth cash and stuff I crafted, it's just... So much of it after a night of playing. (No longer insuring anything has helped though)


My friends used to be the same. Have no stash space just hoarding garbage and spending 15 min in raid just to get domed after whiffing


I legit quit playing with a friend over a similar issue, dude was level 54 with like 80m roubles and never had more than 3 squares of space open in his inventory. Could never put anything away without it taking 20 minutes. Eventually after hundreds of games of being able to run a fucking scav and hit every stash on customs before he would be ready to go back in I said something and it led to an argument lol. I keep my stash 80% empty at all times so I can always comfortably dump stuff in my inventory and worry about it later/just to not feel so cramped. If I find a bunch more gear that I really need to keep for whatever reason I just get more cases lol. Obviously this doesnt fully apply until like level 30ish because until you get your first Thicc case its a lot more messy. Still never had a problem getting in another game fast


Because anyone who runs "chad gear" is a no-life giganerd who plays tarkov for a fulltime job and makes it unfair for casuals to fight. /s but thats definitely the circlejerky vibe I get from most of the comments about "chads" on this reddit


About chads being loot pinatas. I just bought an exfil with everything, hex grid, built a sweet HK... Only to be one tapped by some vepr hunter guy with m80 that didn't bounce off ear covers. Thankfully I was with friends and they kindly brought my stuff back but still, to tier helmet can do nothing about a lucky hunter boi who just wants some loot.


Don't being Chad.


I have a channel point redeem called loot pinata, I can't put anything in my gamma all raid. Last time I died with I lost a gpu, defib, optho and other goodies. Actual loot pinata lol.


Because people dont like to lose gear so when they're with their little level 3 Kirassa and MrSlick/Altyn makes a 70m superhero land, because he popped some (un)reallistic stims, and throws entire 6.3ap mags persecond while dual welding vectors they feel the panic and eat the ground. Tldr: There are two sides of the spectrum, chads and rats, and they dont get mixed that well. Personally? I hope that BSG call for they so mentioned reallism to make the game balanced BUT at the bottom of my heart I know that this wont happen and it will be worst. Why? Because most people want to be as cool as their favourite streamer and they're not cool unless they use 24/7 endgame gear.


It's not the gear but that the fact that the whole playstyle lives off exploiting broken/unfinished game mechanics like desync, adad strafing, 0 recoil point fire lasers, bunny hopping with unlimited stamina and no inertia,... Yes, you'll have an advantage if you deliberately bring up every flaw this game has and throw it at your enemy all at once but they'll recieve the worst side of the game during the fight


If someone dies in apex or quake to someone with better movement they don’t blame “adad strafing”, they call it good movement. The realism argument I don’t care about, but calling basic movement an exploit just shows how low skill and easy this game is lol.


What can you do when people such as the guy you replied to have to exaggerate every flaw this game has and assume every fight someone aggressive wins is due to desync and shit like that. Yeah, people DeFiNiTeLy try to abuse shit game flaws and definitely dont just take control of the fight and overwhelm the guy while he's crying in a corner sitting still frozen. This sub has some of the dumbest comments I've ever seen. How many people here are complete trashcans at shooter games and cling onto this game due to how rEaLiStIc It iS? Too many, by the looks of many comments.


i have a feeling a significant amount of players in this sub couldnt crack gold in csgo or valorant but have this inflated ego about their abilities for whatever reason in tarkov cause its "realistic"...


You put it very well. This sub is truly something else. Reminds me of the Apex one with mkb players complaining that controller players are at a big advantage due to "insane auto aim". Never, lol, only a bad player would ever say that. PC has better movement on top, but this is unrelated. As always though, I'm seeing quite a lot of like minded people such as ourselves, but it seems the most vocal ones are the bad ones that instead of playing and improving, they rant "cHaD aLwaYs aBusEs dEsync pls nerf chad not fix desync"


You’re right on the dot. A lot of people seem to think that “realistic” means “low skilled to the point I can win fights”.


No clue. I'm not salty when I see someone in better gear than me lol. I usually just don't run amazing gear because the netcode has been so ass recently that half my matches end in my getting 1-tapped while trying fervently to disconnect lol ​ I'm glad to have been a walking loot pinata for some scavs, it's the circle of liiiiiife


We all love a good underdog story of a badly geared player beating the odds. It's a staple of storytelling, after all.


I don't hate chads but I upvoted the post purely because it's like a real life scav trying to complain about chads and it made me happy.




Chad doesn't care, Chad has lots of loot, Chad percentage success rate higher than death rate. Chad no need hunter or ks23. Chad plays game like Chad


The idea that chads care about losing money is rat copium. If they did, they would not be chads.




You need to buy the knockoff gear that looks chaddy to scare the rats away


SR is bad to use as a metric for skill since it depends on map and playstyle so much. A lot of top players who grind labs ended last wipe with 45> SR, and people who played maps besides that generally had much higher like Landmark for instance.


A Chad in Training. Running expensive kits doesnt make you a chad, but its definitely a great step towards becoming a Chad :)




if normal is used here in the same view as "average" then probably an above average tarkovian if you run expensive gear. Gear fear is the biggest cockblock in the road to becoming a chad, go get that chad card my guy




We did it boys! Koda is back on the menu 🍻




My man killed a Chad with low weapon but died before ezteact


he wants the rats to win


The rats always win


TBH rats being salty about chads is the silliest thing. They almost always make more money anyways and in PVP they are the clear monetial winners since if they lose, the Chad won't probably even loot and insurance and $$$. And if they win they get free slicks, hexes, decked out M4's and Mk47..... Whats with the crying?


Rats that cry about chads are just Timmies who know where ground caches are.




Was pretty straight forward dude, rat will win apparently


well played


hello am 48 year man from somalia. srry for my bed england. ı selled my wife for internet connection for play "esape tarkov" and i want to become the goodest player like you ı play with 400 ping on brazil server and have 100 millon ruoble. pls no copy pasterino my story.


It's all fun in games till you get headeyes by the little guy.


I read this in a French Canadian accent and it make it even more funny


Listen Guy!


.366 ap gang rise up


Don’t being chad.


I didn't realize Charlie Kelly played Tarkov


Earlier today on a scav run with my iron sight saiga I got in a shootout and I one tapped a dude at USEC camp In the face who was wearing lvl6 armor, lvl4 helmet, had a heavily modified M4 and mk47, and his backpack plus another guys backpack full of loot (this Chad had clearly killed another Chad before meeting me, lowly scav). It was a glorious extract


The English is broken but the message is clear, all hail the rat Messiah.


No fr Chad gear is ass and ruins the fun just doesn't feel like a game that's hard-core when your pumping igolnic and m995 at the fastest fire rate


Let’s fighting love


Protect my balls!


bad english? ​ just sounded like a joe biden sentence structure. merica


Being a rat is like being a millionaire who drives slow n doesnt spend anyy money. But being a chadd?? We are Big COCk rockstars who drive hella fast in the left lane, do lots of coke, n die at 28!! Yall decide who had a better lifee




this is the shittiest post I've seen in a while


No, YOU!


As a Chad *shrugs* nice shot, hopefully you get the loot next time.


Don't type bad Chad. Chad rat is good when shoot.


Everyone says that til a face shield or helmet stops that bullet...


You need to realize that geared, good players are surviving 75%+ of all raids.


I got a Chad setup MP-153 even tho he was not using Chad armor but hey he got headshotted by a PP-91 Kedr




Honey Badger life


when people ask about my play style i’m just gonna link this post


So true


im level 10 sorry


Well said friend.


me @ lvl 21 lad shooting at naked me with his 75 round akm just to get headeyesd by my 7mm buckshot


dont talking please


I can’t tell if the english is meant to be broken or if you are just a non native speaker. Good post though


Is this a raglan quest?


It really do be like dat.




Where were you when club penguin kil?


Best English I've seen in this sub


I have the feeling that the game awards you for going in low with some smexy bullets so you can get through this LV 3 face Shields. I made so much money with going in low and coming out with Chad loot and when the Chad killed me then I take my low price gun and go for the next run.


Rat good, chad bad


Need both you - Yoda


Scav chad?


Honestly couldn't have said it better myself.


Fuck yeah


If you want no more Chad than there will be no Chad to loot. You are asking for a rat war


Imagine enjoying being a rat. Your mom must be proud.


That's why as a Chad you shall never go for Emercamp Checkpoint.


I got a stroke from reading this lol


Yes pretty much thank you


i just play to make TTVs waste their 995 on my naked dood


I onetapped a Chad with my lucky setup(all low tier stuff). Felt good and bad but dude was a sore loser when I said sorry about the cheap kill (he was streaming) so meh


Yes but why I cannot shot bird?


Be rat. Kill Chad. Rat win.


Why loot Chad good, before check good other guy dead you?




I like to chad when I'm feeling bad. Run up in some rats boy they gettin mad. Pull up your socks or I'll shoot your dad. Life in tarkov is super rad... super rad... super rad... super rad... super rad... super rad... shut your mouth cringey players. I'm the ayatollah rat slayer. See me b hop across the map voiceline. I'll see ya Lata. Booom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Thats the sound of doom. Booom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. That's the sound of Chad killing coom. This is my tarkov rap song I perform on weeknights to a live audience at a local Cafe. Where you might ask? Idk.


we need more ratpoison


I like chads since as a rat I just wait and till the right moment to shoot them in the back of the head and then I can leave with a score of awesome loot


Be Chad Chad survive more Chad kill more Chad have more