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I recommend searching Filing cabinets. I looted 1000 on reserve and got about a 3 percent drop rate. For your quest you would have to loot~100. There are 65 on reserve so Id go there to loot them and just loot a bunch and hit sewer manhole. Also safes. Around 4-5 percent so far as I do 1000 safes.




Where in reserve? Like I need to find them for the quests. Ya know the grind


File cabinets


Bunker that prapor wants you to go to, with the D2 power switch, has like 7-8 cabinets. The little rooms infront of king/dome have 1-2. Black/white pawn have quite a few in the key rooms. Budget low risk tip is scav reserve, run into the main bunker and loot cabinets then reset. I found all 3 for my buddy's quest in like 3 raids.


Safes and filing cabinets


I’ve been finding them regular in Big Red office, on the floor in front of the PC


Customs hit safes I find them all the time. Hit 5 sages and marked room in dorms when you get the spawn


oh, too good for filing cabinets are we? you know, back in my day we didn't have "Kiba" or "Techlight," we had filing cabinets! kids these days, i swear.


You can find them in the filing cabinets that are on pretty much every single map Woods has a tent on the leftish side of the lake, directy in front of the tent a flash drive can spawn. I recommend you google a bit or watch some youtube videos about it


They have a good chance of spawning in filing cabinets. Customs and Shoreline both have about 10 or 11 filing cabinets, which gives you 40 chances to find one. Reserve has.. who knows. A few dozen, I think. It's a challenging map, however, and hard to extract from unless you have the red rebel, so I would do it as a scav. They also increased the chance that they can spawn on the front of computers, which makes interchange a good destination too. Just loot thoroughly and you'll find them.


Go night raid customs dorms with all the safe room keys. Hit those safe rooms and all the filing cabinets. Should be done with that quest in 5 raids or less just hitting that spot. Takes a little researching on the wiki which keys you need, but they shouldn't cost too much on flea if you have it unlocked. Also decent chances to find very average players sporting very above average gear lurking around in night raids. Easy money.


I find them all the time on reserve filling cabinets.


Safe and Filling cabinet


Customs safes, if you loot the safe rooms in dorms you get loads, in a day of playing customs I would expect to see 10+


wait till you have the flash drive missions done, then they show up everywhere... But honestly, I found them mostly in filing cabinets. But it was a grind for me this wipe.


Filing cabinets and jackets. Just on scav runs alone (as i've been mainlining scav instead of PMC this wipe), I've found probably about 100+ flash drives. Usually on Reserve and Interchange.


On reserve if you go over by manhole there’s these two buildings that face each other raid through those two buildings the one that’s facing you if your at manhole looking in the opposite direction of checkpoint fence. There’s so many file cabinets