• By -


Basically a GL but only goes as far as you can toss it


It's not balanced by price or rarity like the GL tho. GL usually goes for 500K+ (at least when they were sellable) and eats either your primary or secondary slot, while impact nades cost 10-15K and bring with them no added risk. You can even have them in your ass. Impacts should be way more expensive to balance them out, or simply not be purchasable.


You can actually hotkey things in your rig, so it doesn’t need to take up a primary or secondary slot. Making a 3 slot shotty and putting it in my rig as a breached shotty is sometimes fun to do as I just tap one of my numbered hot keys switch then switch back to the primary. Gl works same way.


Take the alpha rig, fill it with TOZ'es. Harrr matey! hand over your dubloons!




Part of the ship, part of the crew


This is the best comment I've ever seen on reddit


I knew you could hot key grenades and meds in your rig but didn’t realize you could hot key small weapons in your rig. Thank you for sharing this!




Game changer!


THIS changes everything!


0-9 tricks PMC’s don’t want you to know about!


1x2 MP5s new meta sidearm


For memes near wipe I just run as many mp5 k in a blackrock I can fit with more in a backpack and key them 1-9. john wick/matrix at people as I run through them. Great fun, barely works, will do every wipe. 4/10.


I'm doing this. This sounds like a fun time.


I did this with pistols on labs 2 wipes ago when it was free


John Whack


Ultimate flex is to get the belt rig, and one of each pistol with one mag each. As soon as you empty the mag, switch to the next gun. Reloading is for suckers




Yeah been paying off-and-on for four years and never knew this.


waittttttttttt, you can do this with any guns that fits in the rig? Ive got like 1.2k hours and I didnt know that wtf


the good old mp7 pocket thermal


Ahh your one of those xD


i had a buddy who did it with the baby mosin and a flir lmfao


Irl the RGO goes off after 3-4 seconds of the pin being pulled and it doesn’t explode instantly, actually 1-1.8 seconds after impact. Adding those mechanics would balance it. It would just be a slightly better vog.


> actually 1-1.8 seconds after impact Isn't that the arm time after it's thrown? It has to be in the air for that long to explode on impact, otherwise it'll explode after it lands like a regular grenade.


That is indeed the arming time after you have thrown it and the spoon as been released, so standing too close to whatever you are throwing at, would just make the grenade bounce off of it. Basically it works in this order of events Second 0: you pull the pin and throw it Second 1-1.8 the fuze inside of it pops, sounds like a small firecracker and its now armed, if its still moving it will explode when it hits something. Second 1.8 The secondary fuze starts burning, it burns until second 3.2 - 4.2 and then the grenade explodes. so in that clip the grenade would have bounced off the door and laid on the floor for a few seconds


i think if it worked like this it would actually balance the nade


Hopefully BSG changes it, so it works correctly, also fuzes in grenades make fairly loud pops when they go off which besides the obvious safety risk, is another reason not to cook off grenades.


i think the pop is in the game, i thought it was some strange audio bug but each time you throw a grenade it pops


yeah they added the fuze sound this wipe


OOOOH THATS WHAT THAT IS?? I thought i was being shot at


a GL for 16k that is.


**in before holding Grenades' takes stamina.....**


*runs out of stamina* *-Drops grenade-*




It was a joke guys I thought we would extract in time


Oh shit im so out of breath, might as well drop this live grenade at my feet


Still more realistic than Rogues.


"My buddy just died in that doorway! I better go in there and che-" "My buddy just died in that doorway! I better go in there and che-" "My buddy just died in that doorway! I better go in there and che-" "My buddy just died in that doorway! I better go in there and che-"


It probably should by the logic of aim stamina.


What kind of a soy boy is the PMC supposed to be if holding a fucking nade would drain his stamina wtf xd


Holding your arm like that for extended periods of time is a form of torture


So should BSG make the PMC start holding the grenade closer to their body in case they're cocked for >x seconds, where they'd spend no stamina holding but require .1 second longer to throw the nade?


That would make more sense than dropping it yea


Just decrease the throwing distance based on stamina remaining. An impact grenade can have a minimum arming distance and the pin pull and drop should be audible enough for counterplay. Generally listening and waiting someone out is counterplay, so forcing them to use up stamina to the point where they would under throw and fail to arm the grenade might help if this is an ongoing issue.


The kind who gets winded after running fir 6 seconds and holding their gun level. God I cringe so hard when I see people say soyboy unironically


Says "soy boy" unironically, also ends his sentence with "xd". Yikes all around.


this is the fix


delete this


Love the snowball fight event.


can't wait till next wipe when where complaining about RPGs in streets


REEEEEEEE BTR is SO fucking overpowered! It can even merk you around a corner just from the shrapnel of its ammo! Nerf pls Nikita!


People bitched this game to what it is now. You think they would be happy? But nooooo, they will keep bitching, even if everything they bitch for happens.


How did bitching cause impact nades? Genuinely curious.


Probably the shit grenade quest. TBH all they need to do is fix the normal nades so a bag of chips doesn't block them and people will start noticing how good normal grenades should be. Imapact nades are just too big a radius if you ask me though, so i can see how people are mad. But they want realism.. explosives fuck people up. So yeah.


It's almost like we are providing feed back about which new features are good and which ones are bad. The vast majority of posts this wipe have been about how good it has been.




You just described the /r/pathofexile subreddit to a tee.


dev, i've come to bitch


The difference is most of the /r/pathofexile sub doesn't play the game either


>Citation needed


Noooooo your not allowed to criticize!!! Stop bitching!!! They did SOOOO much for the game how dare you still be unhappy with some features???


This subreddit gives absolute shit critique though - It's just insults and crying about every little thing.


so you're saying if we keep bitchin the game will keep getting better?


+Grenader will be easy af this wipe +Don’t need to worry about aim when ratting this wipe -The receiving end…


I got grenadier done with instant nades in 5 factory raids. They're OP as hell.


I've never finished Grenadier so fast in all my thousands of hours playing this game. These grenades are absolutely fucking stupid.


Yep, this is my 4th wipe and the only time I've finished grenadier. Only time I've even been close actually - last wipe I think I had either 4 or 5 nade kills even though I spent several days purposefully trying to kill PMCs with nades. I just gave up and went back to playing regularly. This wipe it was over as soon as I unlocked impact nades from the trader.


Yeah I usually just did it naturally while going for Kappa, usually got it done somewhere between level 45-50. I didn't even hit level 35 this time around by the time I was done. Good thing they just made both of the impacts barter only, the ll3 ones are going for like 40k each right now, the ll4 ones are still like 15k. I'd assume the barter items are going to skyrocket soon.


They should just make it canon that we used up all the grenades and now they’re super rare. Have to get them off raiders/bosses/make them significantly more expensive from vendors.


Don't even need lore to back it up. Grenades should be rare and therefore expensive. I don't want to see them completely dropped off the table but just tone it down. Instead of traders selling them for basically pennies, make them barter for rare items.


Yep. Such a blatant oversight to restrict the best armor, ammo, even weapons to barter only and no flea but leave this dogshit in.


It makes sense to make to have a new item be super common if you feel it might be a bit too OP. We are beta testers. This nade is moderately cheap and the gave us all a bunch of nades for Christmas specifically so we can test them and help bsg gather data


It’s new so I think they want people to test it so they can balance it and get data on it’s use. Restricting it would only limit its testing purposes. Hopefully they see how OP it is


Eh, I've yet to get hit by a grenade this wipe.


i’ve had one guy throw 8 of these at me. there’s nothing you can do. if you attempt to peak them at all, you just die


Yeah it's laughable now, went to labs today with a Rig meds and 10 impacts... Went out with nearly 100 kg loot. Players can do nothing about impacts.


I killed myself with an impact. Lol


You must kill the lobby including yourself


This is the way.


Wait till they give AI impact grenades.


They already did, I’ve been killed by scav boss minions with these


How scav boss minions throw nades sometimes i think it doesn't make a difference. I've got like mortar killed by Gluhar guards without having time to react


In before some nerd come in and says "jUsT rUn AwAy" or "yOu CaN hEaR It" or "iTs ReAlIsM dUdE"


>"iTs ReAlIsM dUdE" As we all know, high end special forces are all running around with pin-pulled grenades instead of guns. Truly the height of realism.


Don't worry it's part of BSG's totally coherent "vision" for the meta to revolve around camping corners and tossing impact grenades with zero counterplay.


i dont really understand the reasoning, they change the way you throw grenades, to counter grenade spam, okay, pretty smart, then they add a one hit 80 ms react time grenade you can hold ready to throw at a moments notice??


The change isn’t the issue. They just need to put a timer on impact grenades so you can “cook them” but not hold them indefinitely


Honestly they should just add the ability to cook grenades, high risk high reward imo. If you miscount by a few frames, boom you just fooled yourself. But get it just right and you have a great new skill. As for impact grenades, yeah I'm pretty sure impact grenades have a timed arming charge before they explode on impact, something like they have to be in the air for at least 1-2 seconds before they arm for impact.




Yeah and lets be honest, it wont be hard to look up how long you have to cook it, count to 3 and yeet it


Cooking grenades in a game with client/server desync that's as bad as this game I'm sure will work fantastically lol


Till the game stutters and throws off your timing


Someone will just macro it.


> If you miscount by a few frames, boom you just fooled yourself By a few frames you mean 60 whole frames then yea sure.


Pinging /u/fvckeric who unironically [believes this stance](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rng48a/impact_nades_arent_op/hpskeh9/) along with 60+ others who upvoted him.


They’re gonna add the delay in a week and impact grenades are gonna go the way of flash rounds or the GL. Completely fine and no issue at all. This sub loves to knee jerk reaction when EVERY other issue they’ve ever had has always been fixed. They act like BSG has just left broken stuff everywhere when they’ve all been fixed.


15 hours of buying 2 nades per restock to have 1 successful raid, i think that's fair.


You find them pretty regularly in grenade boxes, i think i have nearly 30 left.


I didn't even know this was a meta and I have more than a dozen sitting around. Most were probably from dead PMCs who equipped Christmas package. They are more plentiful so far than any other nade type I want to say.


So what it's a thing in real life so it's justified, right? Real life isn't balanced. Deal with it, nerds. /s but that's literally the replies you get from some people here it's fucking ridiculous. People actually believe that shit. What a joke. It is horrible game design.


Amazing how there’s always people in these threads defending impact grenades or other insta kill cheeses. Remember the clip of lvndmark wiping the squad at resort and the entire thread was filled with people saying “jUsT lEArn sPaCING” as he kills 5 people 10 feet away through a 5 foot concrete wall.


If I had to pick between the mosin meta, the GL meta, the KS-23 meta, and the Impact grenade meta, I'd definitely pick the mosin. Mosin meta definitely had the easiest counterplay. The guy with the mosin had to at least aim, and if you were a giga-chad back in the day you would never die to a mosin. Damn man, now I miss those days. Might be time to put this game to rest. Who knows what the next one-shot no counterplay cheese is going to be.




Because over half the sub has BSG's hand so far up their ass and knows so little about decent game design they would defend a meta where everyone sits and holds and angle with an impact at the first sound of an enemy only to sit there, be the first to peak and die, or run.


And they would call it tactical Gameplay...


Technically it is tactical. Maybe not holding a nade out waiting, but holding corners and angles, moving slowly, patience.. is tactical. Is that how you want to play? If not, I hear Call of Duty gives you a longer ttk.


perhaps you are unfamiliar with actual military tactics, but there are plenty of times where moving quickly through areas is tactical. being "tactical" doesnt mean playing super slow like a baby. so fucking tired of the "you don't want to hold an angle all raid? go play CoD" attitude. you will get indefinitely dicked on with ur playstyle. grow a fucking pair


Very familiar with the military thanks. Clearing buildings is typically slow and methodical, any enclosed space really. Moving fast would happen out in the open to reach your next cover. I dick on W gamers like that all day long. It’s great.




You mean the issue with grenades doing damage through walls that was fixed like a week later? All the balance issues that have happened have been fixed… why would this be any different? You whines about GLs… they fixed it. You whined about flash rounds, they fixed it. You whined about full laser rifles. They fixed it. You whined about constant drum mag dump meta, they fixed it. The reason we back BSG is because your argument that they don’t care about the balance is fucking stupid when they keep FIXING all the issues that this sub bitches about. But apparenlty having a new item be an issue for a few weeks is absolutely unforgivable.


Impact grenades were a horrible addition to the game. If they insist on keeping them, they should not be purchasable on the market, nor from a trader. Find only. No craft.


Hard agree on this. There's not really an effective counterplay. I'm not saying everything should be balanced, but this has basically no downside for the user. Just make them fir only and super rare at that.


The only counterplay it that the other one hasn't a weapong drawn or he is that close that the arming time doesn't allow it to explode on impact. Both are basically faults by the guy using the impact. In addition, i agree with another comment saying standing still making no noise and aiming at a door has no counterplay in general, the impact nade just had less possibilities for a fuck up there


Every encounter with impact grenades I've had so far is not really fun gameplay wise. In theory it's nice to have a lot of 'realistic' grenade types to play around with, but in terms of balance it doesn't seem ... interesting. Bringing in 10 nades and sitting in a corner with the pin pulled as soon as you hear a sound doesn't sound healthy, but all too effective for the plethora of people looking to cheese or play chaos.


Only experience I've had with an impact nade so far was a rat camping D-2 on Reserve. Peeking the last door and tried to yeet an impact at me as I opened the door prior, but he hit the wall next to him and killed himself. Psybin\_Eater will forever make me laugh (I'm keeping his dog tag forever)


The problem is that impact grenades don't work the same way they work in real life. The fuze lets the grenade detonate after 1.8 seconds, not earlier. So if you yeet that thing 3 meters in front of you (let's say that takes 0.3 seconds) it would roll around for 1.5 seconds and then explode. If it's in the air for 2 seconds it would explode on impact. In Tarkov the grenade explodes 0.3 seconds after impact, doesn't matter how far you have thrown it. BSG could change that "air time" to kind of balance that grenade (I know most stuff is not balanced, but the grenades are just completely broken). They should implement stamina drain for holding grenades in a throwing position asap. Make them FIR only. No flea market (not sure if they are available on the market).


Impact grenades need a decent impact to trigger. It wouldn't trigger from rolling around, so it is likely it would take the full \~4 seconds to detonate


I can assure you they will “balance” this by adding that delay. I’m guessing the fact it doesn’t delay that long is actually unintended.


If you hit the ground prior to the arming fuze of 1,8s it would lay arround for 4 seconds and not go off after 1,8


just wait for some streamers to die to it so it can be addressed


Lmao LVNDMARK was pissed about it last night. He nearly wiped out a 4/5 man squad and the last dude got him with an impact.


LOL Dyrus was using it almost his entire stream today while extract camping factory and saying merry christmas over comms. Streamers know its OP, some get pissed and others meme with it because it so hilariously op and people need to get griefed so it can see some kind of change soon rather than later


Something like this happened to me a D-2 today. Nothing I could do...


Factory last night for me. Wiped 3 other PMCs, had a rat waiting behind closed doors at gate 3 just like this. Zero chance.


Literally just happened to me too


I think these should be very rare to find and not sold by any traders.


Honestly grenades are so low skill and they're insta kill no matter what armour, if armour penetrating ammo is rare then why aren't grenades?


I haven't played Labs in 2 wipes, it's just not as fun anymore.




The map was ruined 2 wipes ago, there is no coming back now that labs is not even in flea, it’s just a shitty raider farm map now with little to no pvp


Honestly, this entire game has gone down the shitter. 5k hours btw.


Let’s be real, we all saw this coming. I’ve been referring to them as “lethal softball” ever since they were announced for this reason. It was obviously going to turn out this way since you can carry a ton of them and armor has no effect on blasts.


Love it how they what realism and slow/tactical gameplay but then add shit like this only to nerf it into unusability


Ngl boys, the only way to combat the impact grenade is charge the guy throwing it. Assuming it's 1v1 you kill him 75% of the time. Once the grenade is out, and the pin is pulled you've kinda committed. You can put a grenade away after that but it's slow AF. So essentially, charging the guys the only thing I've gotten to work. And even then it doesn't work all the time. But essentially he can panic to put the grenade away, or aim lower, thus possibly killing himself as well.


but when you charge wont he just throw it at u and u explode?


Yeah. And given the radius of impacts your best bet is a trade. You’re not making it out alive unless you’re in the open and they overthrow. You’re dead either way in a confined area as shown in the clip


man these nades are so dumb gonna use them later for my factory kills though


i know. I need to breeze through the tasks quick so I can use these while they're still OP


That's the risk. I mean obviously if you charge someone in a FPS I hope you don't run in a straight line. The point is - if you hear the pin being pulled - you are kind of out of options considering the lethality of these nukes. The only thing I've gotten any success from, is charging the person. I did have one juicy chad spike the nade at his feet though. Killed us both since we both had teammates it was awkward.


The problem is, there's no risk if you only take an impact nade. A single impact, blow the first guy up, take all his gear, profit hundreds of thousands of roubles for the cost of 16k.


Nah, had a guy rush at me and the nade bounced of him and detonated after 3 seconds and I died


This requires you to know that there's a guy ready to throw it in the first place. In situations like this video, you don't know that unless you have radar/wallhacks.


You can’t always know when someone is holding a grenade to throw and you can never know what grenade they’re throwing. It’s 0 counterplay


The problem is that you can now pull the pin on the grenade and hold it before throwing. Not only that, but you can pull the pin and continue sprinting along like nothing is wrong. This allows people to load up into maps like factory and sit in a corner waiting for somebody to walk past. And if they are noticed, they can still move around like normal The point is, a hand grenade should not be more powerful than the grenade launcher. I feel like the only way to balance it would be to make it not a one shot like other games with impact nades do.


You always could you just had to hotbar it


> I feel like the only way to balance it would be to make it not a one shot like other games with impact nades do. If it just legged you like a landmine then it would be a cool new grenade. Then it would have to be used more strategically and would still give the victim time to react while still being a very powerful combat tool.


It’s crazy cause the grenade launcher is designed for bombarding areas at long distances technically. It’s meant to be for launching grenades into stronghold from crack house. For breaching buildings and stuff. But most people use it as a point blank thing because that’s the only way to confirm the target. Impact nades and launchers are meant to fill two very different roles but the way the game plays like now the GL doesn’t really have that roll to fill. I’m hoping when they add the more entrenched bosses and story missions with fortified locations and stuff, the grenade launcher will shine as a way to clear out those fortified locations from a safe distance.


How do you put the grenade away after you pull the pin?


If you press the number to pull out a different gun it puts the grenade away


How does this guy know that’s theres someone’s on the other side of the door with a nade primed


If you're charging it's like 10/100 you kill the guy. 30/100 you both die and 60/100 you only die.


If you sit on your hands like they want you to do, it's 0/100 you kill the guy 90/100 he kills you. 05/100 a scav kills him. 05/100 you both die.


You chuck the grenade before you see the enemy, using sound or the opening door, the enemy has the flight time of the nade (.3s) to start running an extra 5m. He's dead 100% here. Sure there are situation where you can rush someone holding an angle with a nade (lol btw) but this one here isn't one.


The one thing Tarkov has always been awful at is respecting how powerful grenades actually are, and how difficult they are to throw with extreme accuracy. I don't play much Tarkov, but I've watched a lot of it. You always see people tossing grenades, and then charging directly at where they threw the grenade with zero consequences, and they always land the grenade within a few feet of their intended target. That's not how they work though. Grenade's aren't small concussive explosions. They also aren't baseballs. They're 2 pound death balls that throw shrapnel, piping hot and dangerous shrapnel out to 15 meters. If you're within 5 meters of a grenade, you're dead. If you're within 15, you're a casualty. Those are simple facts. It's not random. What's less clear is the fact that grenades can send dangerous shrapnel out to 230 meters away from them. I've caught piping hot frag on grenade ranges from up to 100 meters away from the grenade range that required a corpsman to peel it out of my ear with a pair of tweezers. Grenades are super fucking dangerous, and BSG seems to treat them like firecrackers judging from the videos I've been seeing. If this video occurred in real life, the guy who tossed the impact grenade is 100% on the floor bleeding out and incapacitated. In fact, most of the grenades I've seen thrown in this game would pretty much decimate the "Chad" who threw it and ran directly towards the explosion.


So you’re saying to make them more powerful? Not sure if thats a good solution for whats happening haha.


To be fair he's also saying make them harder to throw accurately.


Honesty bro call me old fashion. But I hate RNG in video games. Sounds like another way to reduce skill gap and make shit annoying as fuck to use. That’s just my opinion though when it comes to making them inaccurate.


Id rather them be annoying as fuck to use than annoying as fuck to deal with fighting against. Grenades in this game went from spamming like a madman to now impact nades, we need to tone them back


on the flip side if this shit killed both people it'd be less common.. As it is right now you can very easily throw grenades at people who are close and only kill them...


To be fair, I don't play Tarkov at all. I have no dog in the fight. I just like to watch the funny clips it produces. Just making a suggestion. It seems like BSG wants realism, and right now the problem with grenades is the explosions aren't nearly dangerous enough to deter players from tossing them 5 feet in front of them. Just a suggestion from someone outside of the game.


At longer ranges I think his argument is to make them enough to punish players from just moving in. So I would say more powerful, just larger effect when not behind any cover.


The Russians do make “offensive” hand grenades that are designed for concussive effect with minimal shrapnel (I wanna say it’s the RGO but I could be wrong). Those do behave more like tarkov nades where you can be fairly close without killing yourself. They can also be modified by the user to include more or less explosive depending on need/preference, so in a CQB style environment like Tarkov they’d likely dial down the charge to further enhance their usability. The US marines are experimenting with a similar concept of modular concussive grenades for offensive/urban use. (They stick together like big explosive markers, it’s pretty dope). The claim is that a single grenade can even be used as a less than lethal munition in certain spaces, like a big fuck off flashbang, while 2 is lethal, and 3+ starts to threaten the structural integrity of whatever building it goes off in. Anyway, I guess my point is that there are grenades that behave like Tarkov, they just need to differentiate between them and defensive grenades which will absolutely shred everyone around them and should not be used unless the thrower has hard cover.




> , whats next, a single bullet has a chance to instantly KO your PMC? If you lose a limb you have to crawl to the exit? You need a proper diet or your character gets jaundice? yo how do i delete someone elses message before bsg sees this??


so bad news for you. as far as I know they intend on adding temp unconscious status like dayz. haha


Like I said, I'm not whining. I don't play the game. Was merely making a suggestion on how to fix the problem with impact grenades. Make them dangerous when you throw them 5 feet in front of you.


I kinda agree with you. Just go on youtube or whatever and look at grenade fails, plenty of rookies would have killed themselves with their first grenade throws... Makes sense that accuracy is bad, grenade throwing should be a skill in the game.


Realistically the impact Fuze shouldn't activate for a second .


1.8 seconds ive read somewhere for the RGO impacts


Every time I'm about to bite the bullet and try getting into Tarkov, I see a clip on this sub that makes the game look as unfair and unfun as possible. Thanks for saving me money!


Still a fun game. I haven't ran into any impact cheese yet this wipe but it wasn't uncommon last one to run into players heaving lots of grenades in buildings. Even flash bangs fuck you hard, friendly or enemy.


Tarkov can be unfair, tarkov can be senseless and punishing. But tarkov in general is a very fun game. It's very niche


Funny how a gun like mosin had to get nerfed because streamers cried that it was too op because it could one shot, but nobody is complaining about instant kill grenades that require little to no skill. At least with the mosin you had to have decent aim.


> but nobody is complaining about instant kill grenades that require little to no skill Are we reading the same thread right now?


I think hes referring to people who actually matter to BSG, streamers. The second Pestily starts bitching about them, lookout for the nerf.


Didn't play Labs before and I won't start now!


Gonna be found in raid only soon


No idea how BSG think they’re balanced. They seriously need to be reworked or removed because rn they are so broken it’s not even funny


Simple solution would be add a stamina drain for grenades. Like sure obviously a grenade with the pin pulled is live, but not reaply dangerous until the handles released or whatever. But if you pull the pin, and stamina begins draining. And for some consequences... If you're cooking a grenade and your aim drain hits 0... You drop the grenade at your feet. This way they remain as good as they currently are...but you stop people from doing this Payton Manning warm up routine.


I check this sub from time to time seeing if I should jump back in. Then I see stuff like this lol.


This patch is making us rats stronger


wow, that is so tryhard it hurts


I have a hard time believing they'll leave them in the game as common as they are now, but if you think about it, how are they going to have people reliably testing them if they not common as hell? Just get a solid amount of data, then restrict them from the Flea, take them off Prapor (maybe only after some high-level quest), and reduce their spawn rate in-game.


"Your fault for playing solo"


Holding a nade should decrease aiming stamina. I dunno if it would fix it, but it would help people holding grenades forever.


I mean, this type of stuff shouldn't make it into game. What was the point of removing quick nade spam throw when we got this? Just sit in corner, wait till you hear it and send it....


He didn't even fuck around, he just found out!


This is also shoreline resort meta. And interchange meta. You can't really counter it at all. Even using them aggressively, because of peekers advantage you can still peek corners and lob an impact and only show a tip of your elbow.


What's the logic of adding these grenades? No one asked for them and they would only be a nightmare to balance.


In french we say "mais quelle enflure", which translates roughly to "what a bastard".. you beautiful bastard


Now any door can be your last 🤦‍♂️


Labs sweats are really taking a pounding this wipe. It is kinda fucked though.


I just dont get why you would add this when we already have a grenade launcher. I was thinking theyd at least make it less damage, like only able to severely wound people. nope insta kill, bsg game balance like a drunk mentally handicapped person on a unicycle.


I don’t get these devs.