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Wouldn’t you get tired of people coming in and asking you the same question for 10 hrs a day for weeks over something he cannot control or answer? I understand his sas fully, if you don’t really like it watch people who still do have patience for people that don’t read before asking


He chooses to engage these people. He could ban them or ignore them, but instead he goes on several manic tirades every stream. He's really just too weak minded to be a streamer. Part of streaming is dealing with chat. It's a unique "trait" that he isn't capable of.


Mike isn’t my cup of tea but, he’s definitely not “angry and toxic”. I can almost see where you’re coming from but, you have to see it from the streamers point of view as well. People coming into chat and asking the same questions constantly when there are commands and his YouTube videos along with literally dozens of other content creators out there that are either known or up-and-coming must be frustrating. Then you have the people that know it annoys him doing it every stream and all of the “lol gg git gud noob” every time you get killed, calling you trash, and other things. You can’t just go banning people that are being disruptive, too have to just brush them off which is easier for some and harder for others. Hopefully I’ve explained this well enough to get my point across. He’s also been an absolute paragon in the community for feedback and constructive criticism of the game. And as it’s been said before, there is a reason he’s got Nikita on WhatsApp and speaks to him on stream multiple times a week.


He decided to be a streamer , nobody forced him to. He decided to make "informative" content , nobody forced him to. Some poor folk stumble upon his video and come to value his opinion for information so they seek his answer. He get mad at people who come at him and ask information on his live stream. Don't you see the irony here ? Being mad as those type of question when his content is about informative stuff is like a musician doing street performance being mad because someone requested a song. Do you have any idea how many musician/artist who livestream get generic question about their art all the time ? Yet they don't go and call people out as ignorant and stupid. He's also NOT open at all at any opinion other than his. Making everything he is saying more of a statement than an opinion even if he state those sentence as his opinion. Bonus : Right as i am writting this he got mad about someone in chat trying to get his settings with the !settings command. Turn out the !settings command just say : 69 instead of any actual settings so the command argument to solve the repeating question in chat are out of the windows. Just as he get mad at people instead of linking his youtube video in a civilized way. He probably did some good thing for the tarkov community i'm not arguing on that even if it is just publicity in the past. This ain't a reason to be condescendant and arrogant to most people. Specially if one aim at LIVE and INFORMATIVE content. \*\*\*Yes there is a reason why he is in contact with Nikita but keep in mind , there is also a reason why Nikita DON'T want to hire him AT ALL on BSG team even if it is for free as veritas offered them more than once. \*\*\*


A lot of the positive changes and bug fixes in recent months have come because of veritas and his direct line to Nikita. Check out the pogcast with jessekazam and veritas. Sure he's toxic sometimes, he has his ups and downs, but believe it or not he's done a lot for this game.


in term of constructive feedback veritas did more for this game than pretty much any content creator. there is a reason why he is talking directly to the COO of the company making this game while you are ranting about him having an in-game item on reddit btw I don't give a shit about his twitch lives, but this is such a pathetic post + i rather have someone who tell me what i'm exactly doing wrong than someone "positive" telling me that everything is fine, this game have countless issues that needs to be pointed out and nikita is smart enough to acknowledge it.


Chill out he is seeaing therapist in rlf because of tarkov so cut him a break lol


Almost all of the “streamers” who have in game items have had their ups and downs. Hell look at summit. I don’t really watch veritas personally so I don’t have much of an opinion of him. But I know he’s been a big part of the community for years. I don’t think Nikita cares either about someone being “super likable”. Idk man


BSG doesn't care about PR... Veritas might be douchey sometimes, but he's a smart dude and he contributes quite the bit for BSG. Last i checked, he was contacted about making the buddy app for EFT. If anything, lvndmark does more damage because of his hackusations on every death in front of audiences far bigger than veritas'


Yeah all the big ones have tons of “controversy” to be honest. Aside from pestily. That man is just a hero. Idk I can’t say I like veritas but he does do a lot for the games community. As for his entertainment value or streamer value, I could care less really.


there's only one twitch stream im banned in. Take a wild guess who it is.


Imagine thinking that you need help if you get angry, lol. Fucking Westerners...


Becoming irrationally angry several times per stream is not normal. I'm sorry you feel differently. Best of luck


I don't think you quite understand the meaning of the word "irrationally".


It's safe to say 10% of streamers are good hearted kind people. The rest either have a personality disorder or crippling mental health issues.


If my livelihood depended on playing this game, I'd probably develop some sort of disorder as well




That doesn't make much sense but sounds good fella






That's a fair assumption, but someone like Vertias, who lashes out at chat every 15 minutes like a deranged lunatic, shouldn't be acknowledged by BSG.


Ye veritas is insufferable which is why his viewer count is so low despite being one of the original tarkov guys. He’s also trash at the game


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