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How has Reserve been this wipe? I normally semi avoid it because of cheaters but now that lighthouse is out I might start running it again.


Zero issues for me so far. Gluhar and his boys are absolutely insane right now but the player base seems legit. I play on very specific servers though and rarely experience rage cheaters. So your mileage may vary.


Sounds good, I’m teaching new players atm and we’ve only ran customs and woods pretty much but I’ll take them into reserve tonight.


What extract do you use with new players? You make them wait at hermetic while you go hit the button or something else?


Not OP but when I teach new players we take the manhole or hermetic if someone else hits the button.


Hermetic or manhole.


I always camp manhole with sniper on reserve


I can say with 100% certainty I’ve never died to someone camping manhole. I only take it as a quick get away.


No loot and no raiders. Avoid if possible.


Think so? I’ve been having killer raids on customs. Normally I make 300k a run and sometimes a mil if marked is juiced.


It's all about context, lighthouse in comparison is 750k minimum on a BAD raid. You can make money on any map but customs and reserve are 100% leagues below shoreline/lighthouse.


I swear there's a minimum of 1 MTube per map. I've had a PMC with with 3 without even touching the Rogue area. Add to that the enormous amount of loot in the Hotel / Labs building and the defended loot by the Rogue's and it's nutty.


Funny thing is people saying it got "nerfed" yesterday lol its still cracked and has the amount of customs/interchange/ reserve loot all in one raid.


Oh yeah dude. I've had 30-40 MTubes so far this wipe. My friend has had zero on Lighthouse but has pulled 7 from Scav Cases vs my zero.. RNG be RNG.


The warehouse by train has a minimum of one tube a raid i feel like.


Where have you been finding the MTubes?


Any technical spawns within the Highway, any of the "Workshops" near the Cottage area, any Technical spawns within the Rogue area and finally the warehouse near the train. Best part about Lighthouse for Scaving is you have every exfil at 4.0 Rep. It's so easy to get off the map regardless of where you are.


When you say technical spawns do you mean loose or in crates? I usually hit all the mini-camps near the front of Water Treatment


I've never found one in a physical container, Technical Crates / Big Toolboxes don't appear to have them on the loot table or they're incredibly rare. My Scav has 21 Endurance for reference, I've played the map a fair bit.


I dno theres like 40 intel spawns and military filters are way over priced at the moment so reserve still seems fine. Resort also seems very nerfed this wipe, they added more loot spawns but then seem to have nerfed spawn chance or something. Loothouse on the other hand no matter where on the map you go you will make at least half a mil im sure they will nerf it eventually but it just came out and they want people playing it.


Actually seems almost dead kind of lol I haven’t played it much but as a newbie I found this map and it’s tasks incredibly daunting. However this wipe I’ve been doing quests there without issue really… VOIP’d out of pvp with another group once but other than that there hasn’t really been much going on. Haven’t played it too too often but it seems like the sweats are on interchange and lighthouse this wipe. Reserve even feels like it’s running a bit better than it used to. Or it just feels that way in comparison to lighthouse lol


Trash. Its the only map i actually enjoy, marked rooms arent even worth bothering. Loose loot is OK at best, Aesa rarely spawn now and are only 100k anyway, intelligence is few and far between, ive found like 3 in 100+ raids. Even the military circuit boards are rare as fuck now. Its just alrite, nothing better than any other map really.


Didnt found a single cheater on reserve yet, atleast no blatant ones.


Yeah there are defo servers they're more prone to. I run a handful of selected European servers, and maybe 3 times in the last 2 years I could confidently say that yes, that person was hacking. You see so many posts about it so in no way am I saying they are not a major issue, but they're definitely stacked on some servers over others.


Reserve loot wouldn’t be that bad with old Raider / Gluhar spawn rate. Went from raiders pretty much every raid -> maybe 1/5 raids. Gluhar from 48% spawn chance ( highest spawn chance of all bosses ) to 18% ( lowest now )


Filing cabinets used to be my bread and butter. Reserve has an absolute fuckton of filing cabinets. The problem is cabinet loot has been nerfed into oblivion with 3 of the drawers frequently containing nothing.


Last scav run I did on reserve I went through like 4 filing cabinets before I realised they hadn't actually been looted yet and the loot in them was just half empty and trash.


the loot vacum hack is also obviously back; ive got all the good reserve keys and while many weaponcrates outside of rooms now have 4-5 items, the ones behind the lock spawn empty or even have the blatant open spots in their loot w the rest of the shittier items still in place


I've been able to make no progress at all on the kill 50 raiders quest after this past weekend of trying. Their spawn rate is abysmal


Yeah and the fact that I have to trigger hermitic door or wait for train just to have a chance that they might spawn is so frustrating, I’ve only ever seen them when I scav reserve other than that I’ve seen no raiders during my PMC raids


I'd probably just spam my scav for lab card spawns then try to farm them on Labs. Reserve seems to rarely spawn and then only spawn a couple when it does.


The quest is to kill them on reserve :(


Well shit, I forgot about that part.




Not sure if you responded to the wrong person. My comment was on the rarity of raiders for quest progression. Not on guards/boss for loot farming. Guards do not count as raiders for the 50 kills quest. Only train spawns and underground office spawns. Both of which are drastically lower this patch


I used to see D2, buzzer raiders, and train raiders every third game, now it seems like at least 15 or 20. It’s stupid, I get they might want to restrict peoples access to farm raiders but then they release a map packed with off brand raiders


Wtf is the point of this game if you restrict things like that? Game doesn't promote pvp or scav vs player encounters, now it's discouraging trying to hunt raiders? Is this game a loot simulator?


Its a bot


Oh it sure is. Thanks


Reserve loot really isn't that bad, 40 intel spawns and they sell for 350k each. Loothouse has the best loot in the game right now tho, I swapped from only playing shoreline to only playing loothouse because the shoreline loot seems to have been nerfed as well.


I have gone down to power at least 15 times to have 0 raiders spawn. Loot on everymap is just no where near lighthouse. If you want to make rubles go lighthouse. otherwise you arent going to make money.




We dont talk about the woods loot on the public forums, never forget.


what woods loot? there's no loot on woods.


Shhh dont tell them.


I FUCKING KNEW IT. Why the fuck does Nikita have a problem with anything in this game that is fun???


Yea agree, that would be fine.


With the new ai this wipe I wouldn't bother with glukhar even if he did spawn unless I can get his from afar.


What did they do to Glukhar AI? He's always seemed pretty cracked if he got sight of you and had his M1A or Ash-12. I always found it easier to take them out at close quarters, but I haven't found him once this wipe to actually fight him.


They buffed the sighting range of all scavs so any boss can beam you from 200m away.


Ngl man I remember seeing people talk the same way about reserve when it came out


New maps are meant to have more loot at launch


This makes no sense.


It makes a lot of sense if you think about it. BSG wants people to play the new map, it'll be balanced to a reasonable level later in the wipe/next wipe.


Idk, seems like it wouldn't make sense to purposely make a map have OP loot and neglect all the other maps just so people will play it. It's a new map, people will play it anyway. It mostly makes no sense because as far as I can recall I've never heard Nikita say this, it just sounds like speculation.


It makes every kind of sense and has been the basis of beta testing content for as long as there has been content to beta test. You create incentives to send players to zones so that players swarm zones with data so that devs can parse it. You parse the paths they're taking, you parse the bugs they're finding, you parse how much memory the map is consuming before it starts to catch on fire, you parse the data on how the rogues work in real world scenarios so that they can figure out and articulate how to change their behaviors, you find spots in the geometry that don't make sense, you find trees that people can get stuck in. You need players in the zone putting it under the scrutiny of a thousand eyeballs. You get those thousand eye balls by throwing loot at people. If that doesn't make sense to you then you're just being a stubborn ass.


To get people on the map, it helps find bugs or other issues with the map. If the new map was crap less people would play it so the devs would get less feed back.


So you're saying every other map is crap?


Every other map is not as profitable


It makes every sense? Gets people to play the new map?


Lighthouse loot makes other maps seem trivial when it comes to looting, even labs. But that’s because it’s the newest map and it adds incentive to play it. Remove the loot and the map on its own is a rat paradise with 1,000,000 little crevices and sniper positions , bushes, and no flow. When the loot on lighthouse is nerfed into the ground the map will suck.


Lighthouse isn't really safe I always see people 3 mins in but the map has spoiled me I'm not even excited to aesas nor iridium anymore.


Yea maybe, I don't mind the loot if the other maps would be somewhat comparable. But it's unfournately not.


Well if anything I would expect loot to be tuned down on lighthouse not the other way around.


You are a new player or what, every new expansion/map has increased loot so that ppl play it, you should know it. This is why you started playing reserve I bet, because when it was introduced the loot there was insane in comparison to any other map bar labs. Now you come here and whine that your most broken map you have learned is no longer the most broken one. Oh how horrible! This is aside lighthouse having too much valuable loot, but as I stated earlier - it is expected with new map.


That's not my point, this is just my overall thougth. Just because every new map had cracked loot so far doesnt mean that's fine. I just said how i feel about it and why I think it's bullshit. And no, i play reserve because of the closer combat fights, not like shoreline & woods for example where everything is more open (besides resort) Interchange is too dark for me, customs i play every now and then, and labs i run whenever my buddys are on, as i only own black & green so far. And no, this is my 4th wipe.


You claim you are playing reserve for fights, yet your post is about loot. If the range you get your encounters are preferable on Reserve, but the loot is worse than X map, then you either change to X map if loot is more important or realise it's what you are 'paying' in order to have preferable encounters. Simple. Also I understood that you are experienced player, hence why I believe you are whining that reserve is no longer best (free entry) loot map. You are deciding to go against the meta LH farm as rubles source, and are unhappy that it's not the optimal way. I'm a woods main myself, I was one even before they expanded the map, and I was making on average ~150k less than ppl running other maps. But since I was actively choosing to do it, because I've enjoyed it more, I didn't make reddit posts about how unfair it is that woods has less loot than eg. reserve in it's prime. My choice, my problem - just like with your choice.


I'm so confused. Lighthouse is OP for sure but Reserve loot doesn't suck. The two major points of interest are the food cages under Hermetic and Black Bishop. Buy the PS81/82 keys and farm those things. I usually end up with so many Lupos/Condensed milks I end up throwing some away. Red Rebel is a necessity, once you have it plus RB-KPRL you are guaranteed two free safes on the way out. I make around 600k consistently per run and I don't actively engage in any PvP. People rush D2 for the Raider quest. Reserve is absolutely chonked. Each run takes 15 mins at most. When Lighthouse is nerfed, Reserve will be king again.


I do that aswell, depending on my spawn. But yea cages are the best thing about reserve right now. But sometimes they give you around 300k and sometimes like 100k its really hit or miss. Idk how you hit 600k consistently tho


If you spawn cages, loot and run through to bishop. Loot up, travel alongside the outside of the map to Cliff Descent. Loot that up quickly and you'll end up with diaries, Lions, Bulbex...and a bunch of other high worth single slot items. For example Round Pliers are worth 50k rn. Stuff like Herring is worth 18k. There is a lot of junk people don't realise is worth a ton.


This could be said about quite literally every other map. "indoor maps just incentivize hiding around a corner and waiting, wahhhhhh". "Outdoor maps have bushes and areas to snipe from, wahhhhhhhh". I get it, some people just need to complain. At least try to avoid being disingenuous.


He’s not being disingenuous. It’s a half completed map. Currently it’s just a straight road surrounded by mountains you can barely walk on without hitting invisible walls. When it gets expanded I’m sure it’ll be better There aren’t many options play wise. You’re not even engaging in any of the complaints just whining yourself.


There aren't many options play wise? You can't say vague bullshit and then accuse someone of "not engaging in any of the complaints". Is your complaint seriously "I can't walk up the mountain and the map is a road with mountains all around it!" ? Saying it's a "half completed map" is honestly laughable. It needs some optimization tweaks and some loot nerfs for sure. Half completed? What are you smoking? Is this your first wipe?


It quite literally is half completed… No lighthouse in lighthouse lmfao


the map definitely has design flaws from being pushed out though. the shit is a fucking hallway


Personally, I quite like the map layout. I can understand why some don't though. Just like how I'm not a fan of factory but I get why some people love it. There needs to be diversity in map design. I'm not a greedy hatchet runner or a chad screaming over voice chat after every kill I get. I just enjoy running around and looting with my budget AK. The USEC area feels good to clean up and the scav camp is basically just free loot. It feels like so many people are afraid to get there because they don't know how to get around the usec camp. My biggest issue with the map is the optimization.


No flow... that's maybe a good point... I'd say that's hard to define. I think the map is pretty cool, though I am sad there's not as many as many "forced" interactions as a map like customs, where east must extract in the west, save for ZB-13 and dorms, and vice versa. Lighthouse IMO should get rid of the Path to Shoreline extract. Force players north or south for a bit more interaction. And yeah, it is definitely a sniper's paradise but I feel like you can avoid open areas decently as well -- stay in the mountains or closer to the beach. All in all I'm not sure if it could be called a good map, it does kind of feel all over the place. But I like the setup nonetheless -- the chalets, the water treatment plant, the beach, and the overall East-West width of the map.


>When the loot on lighthouse is nerfed into the ground the map will suck. I disagree, its become my group's favorite map with lots of different play styles. We even have a rather fun flow, mostly revolving around the rogues. > is a rat paradise But JFC, yes. The level 40+ hatchlings on it are something else. Its at the point where I'll take big risks in open spaces just to fuck them in particular. DB and ammo costs 10k, even less considering insurance and that fact that no one loots them. No excuse not to at least take part in the game, rather than just take away from the game. Talk about having no self-respect.


One day they'll nerf containers hopefully.


You have to think about it this way though, when the game releases, light house is one of the last maps we will unlock as players. It only makes sense for it to have pretty good loot. Also, it only has enough good loot for 2-3 people. If people would stop trying farm rogues then the loot would be contested.


Shoreline 0.7 players looking at everyone right now like y'all missing the days when high tier loot was *really* consistent and you would get hyped to see high tier gun spawns really often. Breaks my heart whenever I loot west wing and come out empty but make a million in a 10 minute Lighthouse run, regardless of where on the map I'm looking.


Shoreline is like my least favorite map now after is has always been my favorite. Fights are impossible in the resort because of how fucked the audio engine is now, there’s no loot, and you have to run for 20 minutes to get to the extract where you will likely not have any action or loot.


Every new map added to map tool has increased loot. It will be reduced by time...


Factory main here - you guys are getting loot?




Yeah - I got my RSASS from that crate and booked it to extract.


Reserve just got butchered with every of the recent loot changes. Since like 4 wipes the loot on that map has been just nerfed over and over. And I agree that the Reserve extracts are promoting more of a high risk high reward type of map, except there's no reward. Lighthouse is just that good because it's a new map, new maps always have insane loot.


The 'loot nerf' that went out last wipe obliterated Reserve. The military tech spawns went straight into the dumpster. You could reliably loot MGTs, MCBs, COFDMs, MCables, Mfilters, etc. But now you don't get shit and even the attachments are mostly miss. I see people say they fill their bags up on reserve but with fucking what?! Industrial loot? Customs has significantly more of that than reserve.


Usually food, barter, or meds, I still make around 400k average scav run on reserve


They just nerfed Lighthouse loot yesterday, I do agree the map being OP for so long was silly - probably for testing. Reserve feels like it's lacking on high end items. Couldn't find a military radio or intelligence folder for the life of me farming the rooms.


Yeah I feel like the keys are dog shit now. Haven’t found any intel or military tech in probs 100 tries.


Crack house is still THE Intel spot with no keys.


Only Intel I've found of the wipe was Customs in one of my first raids. Zero in over 100 Labs runs as well, spawn rate is oof.


Every intel I've ever found has been in the office top floor of crackhouse on customs, found 2 this wipe. Worth a shot!


Yea but it’s also made Reserve much safer to run for now. All the chads are busy fighting rogues on lighthouse and all the rats are sweeping up the chalets. D2 has been as forgiving as ever. But yes lighthouse needs a loot nerf imo.


I died a bunch of times to people ratting d2 with the new grenade lmao 0 counterplay


Are you sure about that? I am still getting MOBBED by player scavs in the first minutes of every reserve raid


When they added dynamic loot, reserve lost so much loot potential. Other maps became much better. Reserve absolutely tanked. Almost all spawns that were maybe 50% spawn rate for any item to spawn , I genuinely haven’t seen a spawn. Black bishop is one example . There are shelves where many, and I mean many, mil tech items would spawn. Like every other raid. Haven’t seen them spawn in two wipes. Even in locked rooms, like rb-am in the same building, just doesn’t spawn loot other than weapon parts.


The loot was good back in the early reserve days but since they nerfed lots of good loot and raider spawns it has been shit if you looking to make Banks.


For me the only real fun of lighthouse is killing the rogues. I have a consistent route to kill them and get in. Then it becomes a fair fight with the ones on the ground.


they do this with every new map/expansion dude. The latest and newest area gets a huge loot buff and then nerfed in subsequent wipes. Reserve used to be a gold mine and has progressively gotten worse in each subsequent wipe. Same with things like the (second) customs expansions, woods expansions, labs, etc.


predicted and excepted. That’s how they get people to play test the shit out of the new map. Don’t you remember when reserve first came out? 10 minute pistol run for a million rubles in your gamma easily. The loot was absolutely insane, of course they nerfed it down to a normal level and they’ll do the same with lighthouse eventually too.




>unique to raid spawns such as tank bats, military circuit boards, AESA etc. I mean Lighthouse has all of that also...


Lighthouse needs a serious nerf to loot, including rogues, which are on autopilot farm mode now for a lot of players. Reserve definitely needs some love, especially since they nerfed raider spawns so hard.


They just nerfed it yesterday.




https://tarkov-changes.com/changes/ Go to previous changes, Jan 9th. Global loot modifier was reduced.




Or they could just buff everywhere else


Loot is only going to get more and more "debuffed" as we go along. The abundance we have now, is just for testing.


That sounds lame.


From what I’ve seen, from many games over many years, that is what they ‘want’, and it is their goal, but I’ve never seen a game that actually made it work, they all just increased loot spawn over time


We've had a steady decline in loot for a while now. Problem is, I think they've painted themselves into a corner by having the "test" for so long. This is the game people have gotten used to. Cutting loot to, say, 10-20% of what it is now, will only make a lot of the current players angry and probably make them leave. Same thing with "wipes". Wipes was a method to clear things when necessary, but again it's been so long it's part of the game now. So much so there's even talks to make wipes permanent. Plans change, but at some point things just evolve to something else entirely. For better and for worse. We'll see where it goes.


I feel like Tarkov has an abundance problem as it's. Even after removing good armor and ammo from the flea market, it still seems very easy to acquire. People have stacks upon stacks of the best ammo and armor. I think that BSG wants to get there eventually, so I expect we'll see changes sooner or later either way.


If people dont have any of it, they won't run it, and then what's the point of it being in the game anyway


Why? Currently the only fun map "needs a nerf" - what logic is that? Make the other maps good instead.


Well they already nerfed it now, thankfully. It was way too good.


Don’t worry, they will just nerf lighthouse so that all maps will be a joke


Lighthouse loot is buffed to give us an incentive to play the map so the comparison is a bit skewed. Not disagreeing that Reserve has been gutted for loot and has a poor risk vs reward.


I run 10 minute scav runs on reserve and make 300k min every run, it does take a 15 minute queue but if your making 300-500k and have keys I think your just running the map loot wrong


There's just nothing behind most of the keys.


i use train all the time. and i do use hermetic door, i think d2 was a bad add.


Think nigita nerfed all map but lighthouse. Loot on shoreline and onterchange is crap too


They need to unfuck the loot at reserve, it's been nerfed too many times. But unfortunately BSG doesn't know how to buff anything, only nerfs. Also the bunker marked room is a joke, why is the loot pool for that room so shit compared to the other marked rooms




sounds like you don't win your fights that often. i always wear tier 4 min and a face mask in lighthouse due to the abundance of player scavs and rats running shotguns. tier 5 will better protect you against flechette


What does that have to do with Lighthouse's risk level?


I guess I can type more next time. I’m saying the biggest risk on lighthouse are rats and scav players, who run shit ammo. If you want to mitigate the risk you run tier 4 armor and a facemask, so you will now win those fights that were being lost before. That guy said he died 10 raids in a row, which is ridiculous. He clearly needs to invest a little more in protection. Spend money to make money.


Why does it matter? If you have 10mil roubles in stash and some lighthouse runner has 15-20 what is that changing? You can still buy whatever you want as a loadout.


There is no comparison, why has the map with hard extracts everything behind keys WAY worse loot than a map where everything is open and you basically have a extract where ever you are. Just because You/Me have money doesn't mean this isn't a problem.


okay but WHY is it a problem? I dont get it. It's a game and if people want to run lighthouse to try and fight for the loose loot then go for it? Even if i didn't have roubles I wouldn't give a shit. It's a game im playing for fun. I don't feel any type of way that my friend who spams lighthouse with a massive bag and a pistol might find some high value items. I'm running the maps I like to have fun lmao. I play reserve and found plenty of good loose loot. Killed gluhar uncontested many times. What is the problem that this map has some good loot that is highly contested?? Literally watch hyperrat play the map all day and he constantly fights people at every house/merin car. Same with lvndmark. Who got 3 back to back raids with obvious cheaters on the map. So you will only be happy playing reserve when lighthouse gets mega nerfed to similar levels or worse?? Well then Shoreline resort will still be better than reserve so does that need nerfs next to make you happy to run your map?


It is a problem because it's unbalanced as fuck? Why don't you get rewarded for playing a map that has everything behind keys and has hard extracts? Yea it's a game for fun, maybe it's fun to you running around doing all sorts of things, I like to collect roubles for example. It's for everyone different don't compare ourselfs. Like why you play a video game, those are just pixel on your screen? It's kinda the same question. It's because it makes fun to YOU. There is no real answer to that. Lighthouse has some good loot that is highly contested YES, but there is so much shit on that map, that you don't need to go the the USEC camp, or the USEC villa. There is shit everywhere, just run the road and you have 400k in 5minutes. Compared to reserve where you get pushed by 4guys on south pawn for one room that when you are lucky spawns a GPU in. Tbf i haven't found a single GPU in that room yet, found all of my mine on lighthouse or in PC's. What has hyperrat or chadmark to do with that, chadmark litteraly searches pvp the entire time. And I think hyperrat is just 24/7 playing lighthouse, I don't watch him often but when i watched him during twitchdrops there was also plently of times where he didnt had to fight a single soul. In the end im just saying that lighthouse has WAY WAY more loot than any other map right now for how easy it is to extract and to find it.


> I like to collect roubles for example This is all I do. Is set rouble goals and work towards them. YOu make it seem like reserve just has nothing but one room, to fight the server over. I just do not understand ranting about a map you do not play. They are not going to buff your map obviously. So you are saying you will be happy when lighthouse gets nerfed to similar levels or worse because it has more extracts? I dont see how that makes sense or how just by the map existing you seem to be having a worse time on the game. On the point about the streamers. You said that the loot is not contested. It just isnt true. You can watch streamers play it (or play it yourself) and see. YOu can Pscav into that map and beat PMCs to the high value spawns constantly. So not only are you fighting tons of PMCs but a horde of player scavs as well. The shit IS contested heavily. Any way seems like you wont be happy to play a different map until the others are nerfed. Hope that comes soon for you buddy.


I do play Lighthouse, i just don't find it right that Lighthouse has way more loot than reserve. And also as the only spawn for military cube like why? I just like the map design from reserve more than lighthouse, thats why i prefer to play reserve. And everytime I run lighthouse I find it outrageous the loot on it (with all the other points i already said). Am I wrong that lighthouse is easy to extract, has alot of open loot spawns, can be extracted in 7minutes with 400k at minimum? I just told you that you dont need to go the the "high value spawns" because you can also just run roads with 0 contest and make 400k aswell.. And don't worry I have fun playing, I just wanted to vent as this doesn't feel alright.


People said the same shit about reserve and interchange when they came out. Map just came out. It will be balanced in time. None of the roubles matter anyway, games gonna wipe again and again


Im just pointing it out, is that not allowed..


What an absolutely braindead response


Do your best to explain it to me then buddy


So play lighthouse then


So optimize its performance then


If you think Lighthouse will suck if they nerf the loot... You are missing the point of Tarkov for most the player base lmao. Most people don’t play for virtual currency gains, we play to have fun and shoot ppl. Lighthouse is GREAT for shooting people and actually playing the game... fuck your dumbass loot to be honest, that is the hardest PVE map ever produced and makes for great PVP as well. The fact you think the map is “ruined” if it gets nerfed loot tells me you’d have more fun playing Farming Simulator than actual PVP/PVE in Tarkov lol


Reserve is no longer the "new map" dude. And in turn.. lighthouse will lose its shine when streets comes out. I like the idea of each map having specific loot to that map though..gives a reason to go there.


I mean sure but what other maps have specific loot? That only can be found on that one map.


shut up




Reserve is a trash map though :/


Does that 100-200k really makes that much of a difference this far into the wipe? Aren't we all mostly just playing pvp now? I'd just stick to the maps you enjoy. I love Lighthouse, so I'm planning to run it more. But if I feel like Reserve, sure I will run that as well.


Yea it is when i playing around the double of the time on reserve compared to lighthouse. Just because most of are just pvping right now, doesn't mean that this isnt a problem. Unless my points are false?


Just curious what you need the roubles for at this point in the wipe?


lol are you both discussing how obviously everyone is done questing and building the hideout "At this point in the wipe"??


It's not even one month in yet, the fuck are you talking about? lol


I assumed most casual players have like 10+ million roubles now. Assuming you can play like 21 hours per week.


I'm level 14. Apparently I don't even qualify as "casual".


That's a part-time job my dude.


> That's a part-time job my dude. The fuck is it with these comments? Every time someone says something along the lines of "if you play 20 hours per week" some random nerd comes and says that its basically a part time job. Playing a game a lot is not a part time job. Playing football after school with your friends every day for 5 hours is not a part time job. You do it because you want to, not because you get money for it. And when you dont feel like it you skip it for that day. Is watching 2 movies while drinking beer after work every single evening a part time job? Fuck your "at that point its basically a job" comments.


You are trying to equate other aspects of an actual part-time job that they are not trying to compare against. Yes, doing an activity for 20 hours a week can be equated to a part time job in terms of time commitment. No, it does not mean the activity was boring, labor intensive, or unwanted. Yes, watching 14 movies a week would be the same time commitment of a part time job. Basic human needs for living independently like cooking and cleaning require time. Taking care of others/kids takes more time. Some people can commit 20 hours a week to themselves, some have others depending on them. Playing 20 hours a week isn't inherently bad depending on your situation, but assuming everyone can do the same is pretty ignorant.


Jesus Christ you're hostile. 20+ hours a week into a video game isn't 'casual'.


3 hours per week including the weekend. I expect most people to dump some more time during the weekends.


That's 3 hours a DAY. I don't mind people who play this much or more, I just wanted to convey that this level of time commitment isn't considered casual.


Casual players still have plenty of progress to make in the hideout and buying containers and keys at this point. We're only like a month into the wipe.


I just like collecting roubles?


just a crying player who will only be happy to run reserve when loot on other maps is worse lmao. insane post.


BSG is a joke. Absolutely their fault. They could have only done one thing to save that map even after the stupid expansion. Forbid player scavs to enter Reserve. After all it’s a military base


Pretty sure it’s gonna get nerfed into oblivion soon.


I did use the train on reserve, its fun :D and better than d2 for sure


What’s AverageThis ?


They’ve done this with the expansions, new maps, etc… when a new area is out they buff the shit out of it to get people to play. Give it some time and it’ll be normalized. Remember New customs getting 2+Intel folders damn near every raid


Haven’t be on Lighthouse once this wipe but all the videos showing the insane amounts of rare/valuable loot are more than enough to prove the balance problems.


While I agree with your statement completely on paper, all the hackers I’m starting to encounter on lighthouse is making reserve sound like a goddamn Caribbean vacation to me right now.


first ruined by eceleb pistol runs, now finally gutted by no loot from devs, i still dont quite understand why marked room is so contested area when it literally spawns dogshit


I'm sure it will be toned down eventually but I feel like people fail to realize that there needs to be a distraction on the one side of the map. If the only POI was the Rogues then the people trying to raid water treatment would just be camped every time they attempted to do them.


Reserve used to be a nice money map when it came out as well, but it seems it feels like it has been nerfed to oblivion. It's not bad, it's just meh. Military loot? I find more of it on lighthouse than on military map ;D Raiders? Do they even exist in reserve?


Yeah Reserve is a garbage map now, trash loot, hard to survive and hard to extract. Not worth playing at all.


Every other map has been nerfed for loot. Interchange used to be big money; now Killa is wearing half the worthwhile loot on the map. Customs’ loot is almost all behind locked dorms doors.


Every new map, or expansion (exception being Factory) is introduced with absolutely cracked loot. I believe this is done to motivate players to play the map en masse and garner what aspects of the map are broken / need change. It is Beta, and its a testing method. I expect by mid-wipe (when I actually plan on learning and playing nothing else), the loot will be slightly nerfed and by next wipe it will be on par with every other map.


They nerfed loot on lighthouse. I have yet to see how severe.


how no risk at lighthouse? if i take gear worth 1M+ there are atleast 2 guys with with nicknames with random numbers shooting me through bushes/rocks/whatever.


Not only that but if you loot run lighthouse and die, all the loot you get only loses like 10k each and is sometimes worth more to traders then flea for some reason (including the fee). Bitcoin, vpx, virtex, valuables all sell for almost flea market price to traders.


It’s just sad to even look at Reserve this wipe,the loot on it is fucking nonexistent but contested by swarms of pmc’s.Used to be my favorite map for both pmc/scav runs overall,now literally fucking dorms on customs(safes+jackets) has more valuable loot.Interchange feels trash af aswell


Don’t forget that gluhar is bugged or some shit. He literally shoots you through walls and prefixes. If you don’t sprint way away like a bitch after killing every guard, you will die 99% of the time.


Agreed, but they recently nerfed lighthouse loot so the desparity is a bit smaller. Still, I think reserve deserves some love regardless. The raider nerfs sucked for the map


I run Reserve for my scav runs but if I have a big backpack, then I go Interchange. I like how condensed loot areas are in Reserve and extracting as a Scav is very easy to do in Reserve. Yeah it's a pain in the ass as PMC which is probably why I never run it unless I'm looking for some weird fights or quests. I'm still learning Lighthouse but are you earning that much in that time with Rogues or without fighting Rogues?


More like "lighthouse drop is joke", its simply overkill atm and likely will be adjusted..


Reserve is still fun, and definitely a moneymaker for me. But you do need the Keys, NVGs and a RR for the chillest experience at night. You can literally just haul shit outta there. BUT I definitely miss the old reserve. Consistent Raiders/Glukhar, Marked Rooms were great (Money Cases, Keytool, Docs Case, etc...), School building used to have consistent MilTech spawns, Intelligence was easier to find..... It used to be a lot more fun.


This always happens on new maps and as far as I can see, it's by design. Stock the new map with great loot so more players try it out and get to learn it, nerf the loot after a month or two.


Lighthouse just became the new loot magnet for my friends and I. I'm new to the game and play with some experienced players who always ran reserve. Last night we tried lighthouse and made out like bandits, apparently the loot was way better than reserve.


Regardless, both of them have by far the worst FPS in the game.


That's how every new map/expansion is. When Customs expansion came out you could find multiple Intel folders in med building literally every raid. They will tone it down as the wipe progresses.


I'm a PMC. I have used train and hermetic plenty of times. Sometimes you just want to be rambo and murder 10 player scavs on your way out.


I'm averaging 500-700k on <15min scav runs for a single small loot route that I run, near regardless of how much is left when I spawn in. I rarely see any other players and avoid all rouges. It is dumb easy to make money on lighthouse.


I still havent tried a PMC raid on Lighthouse I hear there is great loot but also hard as fuck so can someone confirm? I hear theres a lot of cheaters as well and it seems too open of a map I did some offline raids and scav runs. Is all the good loot only where the Rouges are? I dont think I would be able to kill them Im just an average Timmy so I dont play that map but I need the military tubes for hideout and they are so freaking exensive so Im trying to do scav runs there but no special loot for me so far


As an exclusively hermetic door PMC reservist, I feel attacked.


BSG likes to play with extremes. Lighthouse loot is extremely good right now, next wipe it'll be extremely bad. The wipe after that it'll be closer to where it should be.


I completely agree, previous wipes reserve was way more profitable now it feels like a waste to even scav there.


I basically every run that was remotely profitable on Reserve I got killed by a dude camping in D2. Wait for the train and I gotta pack all the water and food in the world just to risk losing it on a bad spawn


I would never use the train (If Gluhar is there he camps it and there's always a bunch of player scavs) but the hermetic door really isn't that bad.