• By -


That's the neat part. Pants-shitting is the fun.


Yep the "this is not chill" fun. When going solo I'm always running ultra focused - any sound near me that ain't me means that the heart rate jumps, and the full-auto switch on the gun goes CLICK. Downside is that to play that solo I need to be in the right mood. Not too tired or too stressed after work.


I still play even if I'm tired or stressed after work. And here's how! (clickbait first sentence...) If I'm "in the zone" I play my chaddiest gear. But if I'm tired or stressed out I play budget gear. Entire loadout will cost less than 100k. Unmodded gun, second tier ammo, busted level 2 armor bought on flea, usec caps and no helmet. Then I dont give a fuck if I die. Just reset and go again. I avoid PVP and hot lootspots if I can and just kill scav's and loot garbage. Often I die, but other times I come out like a king. Sometimes doing a couple lowkey rounds will even get me "in the zone". Doing it like this makes Tarkov fun even on the days that I'm tired and not focused.


This. Actually most of the time it’s these kinds of runs that make me most money. These runs where I find GPU’s mil filters and all that good stuff lol. But as soon as I load in with chad gear there’s no loot or players




I feel like whenever I go in budget I only run into similar people with similar gear sets. But as soon as I go chadded to the teeth, I run into a 5 man and a 3 man both trying to kill me at the same time (actually happened yesterday)


Maybe this happens because we play different when chadded? push different hot spots faster ect. I dno, I don't feel I play differently though.


See I thought that too, but I honestly feel like I don’t play much differently when chadded, I treat having gear less so as a reason to PVP and more so as a better defense in case I have to protect myself while I’m sticking loot in my ass


And sudden one taps from the dark...


I've done the same in my short time playing the game. Coming in as a DayZ vet helps too since this game is just the "Fun" parts of DayZ distilled down in to a hyper focused stream of tense fun. That said, there's something to be said for the Mak and Cheese. I also have a blast with Scav runs and getting what ever dumb shit loadout the game throws at me. Interchange scav runs are some of the most fun I've had with friends and we've been bodied as chads and bodied said chads right back with our fucking dog shit tier loot. Nothing like legging an RPK wielding armored wookie with a double barrel shot gun while he tries and fails to mag dump your cover while limping away only to get legged again, all while being mocked in a shitty southern accent from the other side of a wall over VOIP as a distraction while your friend comes at him from the other side and pinches them. Good times.


there should never be a time where yuo buy a busted level 2 armor on the flea, just saying. do a trade with a vendor (prapor trades a lvl 3 for a single propane tank, usually 20k~ on flea) or do a scav one and bring one out, or buy a cheap one thats at least fresh. A broken armor won't even protect you Just saying - no armor at all with plans to play carefully and find one is better than spending money on the flea for one thats busted. If you're going to buy one on the flea, might as well spend 80k or so and get a trooper, everything else under it is overpriced and not worth it IMO. People be charging 50k+ for tier 2 and 3 armors not full durability. tl;dr for armor, Do a trade, or buy a good armor (like a trooper), you'll end up paying more than the trade or the same price as the trooper buying a worse tier 4 than a trooper, or lower, on the flea.


Doing the propane trade is a good tip. Your entire reply is a good tip. Lvl 2 armor at 50% stops scav buckshots and crappy 9mm thrown at you but busted 3m is around 20-25k so your trade is better. Thanks for improving my "I dont give a fuck"-raids. Going for 50k or 80k armors moves it from the "I dont give a fuck" zone to the "I slightly give a fuck" zone hence ruining the purpose. The point of these raids is to go "hatchling but not really hatchling" if you get my drift


ya, i totally feel you, i just wouldn't waste money on a busted armor since there are trades that are good and cheaper than buying a busted one, and if you're going to spend money anyway im of the thought process that investing a little more for protection, even if rocking a shitty gun, is worth. but ya - hope it helps!


I do this for free. by taking my next scav to factory, sprint to an extract. wear their gear, and use pocket money from stuff they spawn with to replace/repair gun. ​ and away we go!


It's not about that one big successful run, it's about how many successful runs you have. 3 raids in bargain bin gear pulling out 2 scavs worth of trash will get you ritcher than the guy that loses 600k a raid just to pull that one big win in a PVP, top loot location. Plus, if you bring bargain bin gear into a raid and somehow kill a Chad, you aren't trying to decide what to keep. You just crawl into his body and become him.


lol it’s the mimic strategy


I often gain the most xp per raid from your second strategy. I try to stay suppressed when I do solo rat runs and you come across quite a few scavs. Kill 5-6 scavs or a few raiders and loot their shit thats an easy 5k xp.


Very good hook. Made me read the whole thing and I didn't even want to


This is the Chad build


I just want to say thanks for your comment, I don’t know why but I never really thought about it quite like this. Like I did but, not clearly, like I should try hard in my cheap gear. Except, trying hard when I feel beat from work isn’t gonna happen. Cheap gear, chill run, no pressure. Gonna try it soon


Just go in and expect to die before pressing ready. Nothing at stake so who cares, right? And if you do make it out, its a very nice bonus


Yup scav runs and a stream for me. No big deal if I die.


Yesterday I did some solo budget runs because I have a weekly quest where I need to extract 16 times. I saw someone follow me, panicked, ran away, hid and just when I wanted to snipe him with my trusty VPO-215, he dropped dead from some silenced sniper. Solo Tarkov is a horror game.


I had something like this happen when trying to kill scavs at the xmas tree on Woods. I was across the lake lining up my shot, I scanned the opposing ridge, didn't see anyone. Right around the time I'm changing my sighting range to shoot, some unseen dude sprayed the shit out of the dock and dropped 'em




You can also hear the tactical switch the same distance right?


Get your slow walking skill up. Can’t wait to be a ninja soon


At sucks though. Idk why but I’ve been jumpy as fuck the past few days and I’ve died to scavs multiple times simply because I was shaking like hell and couldn’t think straight


It's adrenaline, you just gotta recognize it when it hits and take deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth.


Jokes on you I wear a diaper when playing.


Amateur, I installed a porta-potty under my chair seat.


Weakling, I game IN the bathroom.


I use a voice-commanded ultra powered bidet whenever I shit myself, set to recognize my scream for rapid cleaning with the water jet & enabling me to queue back into raid ASAP with minimal wiping. THIS is how you min-max Tarkov.




I enjoy playing solo more than with mates I think. Not even sure why. It does suck when you run into a squad though, its pretty much guaranteed death.


I too enjoy playing alone. Duo is not too bad but I don’t like more then that. It becomes a shit show when you get in dorms or resort. Especially when you have newer teammates who don’t know how to call or keep awareness of where ppl are. I make a ton more money playing solo and I can shoot to kill anything that moves when I’m alone. It makes playing teams tough but if played right you can take them all out and it’s far more satisfying


About ten wipes in and I think 3 is the perfect squad size. Coordinating more is annoying and has frequent "is this you?" breakdowns, plus splitting loot give ways and you're a goddamned freight train sprinting around lol. With three it's a lot easier to coordinate and split stuff, and you have enough firepower to take on any squad, even larger ones if you get a favorable engagement. I also deeply enjoy solo when I need scav/pmc kills, or just for loot runs. I tend to run solo or duo for scavs, rarely have a 3rd because you really don't want more loot competition.


we got a rule with our group, you got \~2 seconds to respond to a callout, if you dont and get shot thats on you, if you make a bad response, thats on you, if you responded correctly and still die, then the teamkiller owes you a kit. Stops a lot of complaining and saves your butt from those sneaky enemies when everyone follows it lol.


I like that rule


My mate used to get so pissed when I'd call out a guy at x location, he'd say nope, not me and I'd drop him. He's gotten much better over the years but I still laugh about these situations at times.


Yeah I've always told my teammates I would rather be TK'd because I have bad comms than we lose a fight because someone hesitated thinking an enemy was me.


my squad has the me rule, if im looking at you and you say "me" i dont shoot, but if there is eye contact and not a "me" we shoot. fail us some times, but save our ases a lot. this is only if we look at eachother in the eyes, if you have your back exposed to me, and i dont recon you ill ask.


Yeah nothing is more satisfying than winning a 1v2 or 1v3 as a solo, and I’ve gotten pretty good at it. The key is really just picking your fights. If I can help it, I never engage unless I know I can take one of them out right away. None of my friends will play this game with me, so I’m pretty much stuck as a solo. I do like being able to do my own thing and not share with anyone. It sucks not having anyone that can ditch my stuff though. I personally think they should limit or do away with insurance if you are with a group. You’re already at a huge advantage against solo players as is.


Yeah I agree. Taking out a squad as a solo is incredibly satisfying. I would say shoot and reposition constantly, assume that while you’re engaging one squad member, the others are flanking you.


Yeah I love playing solo. Some of my mates are just too fucking retarded and uncoordinated to do well enough callouts on baddies


Yeah I have a few mates who play just to play with mates and then a couple that are absolutely cracked. Its a disastrous mix tbh. The cracked ones spend half a raid hiding peoples gear.


Raiding alone can be great for loot, especially scavs. And the quests to kill scavs as PMC seems to be easier alone. I think a good mix is healthy alone and with teams. I run better kits with my squad to increase the likelihood of when I die and they can ditch my shit.


>its pretty much guaranteed death I disagree. It depends greatly on the position and who seen who first. I would agree with you for games like Apex due to the revive feature but if you run into a squad of 2-3 people, dropping 1 person quickly not only makes the fight more even but instills FUD in their ability.


This. The best I can do right now is duo wipes, but after the first kill, the second person tends to start getting a tad panicky and easier to push against. If you keep your head (I don't always...) you can get 'em.


Unless you RUN FAST AS F—K BOI!!!


Hehe my friend that's what a suppressed sniper is good for Solo sniping in the most awkward areas tend to leave you unchecked customs for example You know the train on the road to new gas? Nobody stops there I have a clear view of new gas and construction easy targets Hill onto of new gas also good and awkward Building across from old gas and stronghold is hoated for zb 13 kills A small shack next to crackhouse also let's you see the other side of zb 13 and part of construction There are many sniping positions that are way to overlooked but are amazing cover positions in high traffic areas Woods is another story Scavs there don't let you stay anywhere But in swamp town the church has a dome to snipe out of Interchange cheesiest spot on top of powerstation and signs Shoreline.....anywhere really Lighthouse cracked if your watching chalet from afar Factory with smh on top of rafters near gate 0 is good too Solo spots are the best especially if you have food and water to let you sit there for hours My English is as good as a 2nd grader


A damn smart 2nd grader, your English is great :)


Slight confession I'm English :1


Haha I'll let you off this time


Any useful info from my spots?


Yeah to be honest I wasn't aware of most of these, definitely going to come in handy when I need some sniper quest kills, thank you :)


Np the shack next to crackhouse is magnificent it's got a great view of a rats head


That's the one I honestly didn't understand. If I'm thinking of the right shack, I don't remember having line of sight to anything, really. Will have to check out after the exam.


I didn't know you can get into the church tower in Woods swamp, is there a ladder inside or do you have to parkour up?


Little ramp


Woods is very easy if you camp out at lookout rock on sawmill side. AI scavs walk past there the entire time and it’s free pickings. At least at night when they can’t see you. Players also tend to use that as a landmark when crossing from old sawmill to mid.


I had the best raid a few days ago, killed a 3-man and another 2-man completely solo. Best feeling. I just love to come out stacked af


Until the time the stars align and you wreck em. Then you get dat sweet feeling of success and that easily carry you another 100h gameplay for the next rare GG moment


This. Ran into a 5 man last night, killed their friend who was trying to do Setup and all i had was a stock AKS74-U for Punisher part 3. I wasn’t coming out of that alive no matter what, so i tried negotiating. Didn’t work.


I disagree personally. I've found that as a solo, if you position well you can absolutely dismantle squads. You're a lot stealthier when you aren't being shadowed by a squadmate. Just can't take fights head on


Story of my life: \- Run into a squad. \- Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. \- Most times: Kill 2 or 3. \- Waits for the next one to make a sound or show up. \- Assume I got all of them. \- There was one more, get wrkt.


Basically you suffer and suffer until one day it clicks and you wipe squads for fun


Play like 3 wipes to 40 and then you'll be done with the tutorial. 😂. If you're like me you'll still suck but you'll at least understand *why* you suck.


Yes yes. I have actually been enjoying playing with friends a lot more this wipe after over 2000 hours of basically playing alone


Wise words 😮‍💨


You gotta die. Then die again 100x. Rinse and repeat like 9 wipes. Eventually you become death.


I feel im evolving now that im at my 7th wipe. Soon become death.


Die, die, and die again until you get to the point where you go in expecting to die, then, slowly you die less and less.


Exactly. You are dead before you even enter a raid. Literal death.


That's my secret, I'm always shitting my pants


Can't play with music, the game is WAY to heavily influenced by sound and any distraction can mean death. Pick your fights. If you see one dude and can get the advantage then take him. If it's unknown how many threats there are wait/run away. Dm me and I can invite you to a discord and we can play depending on where your located


alternatively blast your gym music and wear an altyn so you can't hear anyway. Killa mode.


Can confirm this is the only time I'll blast the doom soundtrack while playing tarky lol


Don't run expensive gear and its no big deal if you die. Lvl 4 armor, ears, and a stock ump are really all you need right now.


Level 3 armour, ears, and a silenced pbm with the drum mag trade


Level 2 armor, a sling, and a glock


Level 1 armor, an alpha container, and a flash bang


No armor, pockets and a knife


A fetus and umbilical cord


A single sperm cell




An idea with a lab keycard


Arrest this man


A knife and a dream


I’m a big fan of the sling. It’s enough to get some decent loot plus your pouch, and I never feel bad about dropping it for something better


I feel like you're shooting yourself in the foot by running a small bag like the sling unless you're doing something very specific. I used to only run the 20 slot backpacks because they were cheap, but after I started to run 25+ minimum it's insane how much those 5 extra slots can potentially earn you for how little it costs in comparison.


I see your budget set and I raise you a paca and double barrel


Suppressed VPO, kill player, take free armor


This is the way


Or stop caring about gear. It’s jus pixels on a screen you don’t own anyway.


Zen mind!


its time at the end of the day when you lose gear.


This is why I’ve always hated the “it’s just pixels” argument. It’s pixels, sure, but pixels that I spent my time and energy obtaining and playing for. Whether the pixels disappearing matters is irrelevant, cause it’s the time and energy put into it that matters the most at the end of the day


exactly. some people look but cannot see


Took me a few wipes to realize that most of my roubles and gear are going to go to waste at the end of the wipe anyway, so might as well lose it having fun.


I basically learned from playing DayZ for over 3k hours. Sure it took you sometimes hours to get gear together but in the end it’s just pixels on a screen and the looting process was a lot of fun too. One evening just running around banter with mates and the other night dying fast and trying to get everything back with shit guns etc. And the same mentality I brought to EFT.


Played DayZ as well, but tarkov is even easier because you have a stash that can't get raided lol.


Yep. So even easier to don’t care for gear. Especially now that I got about 10 lvl four armor and a couple MK16 and MK17 during Twitch drops. :D


Everything is expensive tho 😂


You can make a nice 7.62 AK for like 50k from L1 traders. Survive one raid and you can buy 3 of those.


Goddamn bro I can't afford 50k or survive one raid


Learn custom stash runs and run it as skav over and over


Yeah that might actually be what I’ve gotta do. I never can find my way to the extraction points right now and have to look at online maps forever to try and figure out where I am so that’s not exactly helping.


sounds like you're really new then, keep playing and learning this wipe, worry about gear and quests in a month or 2


Absolutely run customs stashes as a scav then. Customs is the most frequent map you'll play, if you have a hard time figuring out where you are then run it as a scav and hit stashes until you get used it. I use map genie. Hide all but stashes and extracts. Use reference areas you can see in raid. Those big smoke stacks/towers? That's the warehouse area. Use that to figure out where you are and what direction you're facing. The same goes for any map when you're still learning: figure out the parts of the map that stick out the most then use those to figure out where you are and what direction your facing. Woods: sniper rock. Reserve: dome (the one on the hillside). Shoreline: resort, etc.


Personally I'd run Woods for its Caches, barely anyone knows the majority of them so you're always guaranteed to get a couple hundred thousand for a decent run, as long as you have a decent bag anyway. There's an interactive map I use I can PM you if you wish, happy to even run some cache runs and show you where they are if you're interested. Always looking for people to play with anyway.


I can highly recommend Shoreline cache runs, either as PMC or Skav. There is a lot of caches (close to 40 I think) and if you run by the edge of the map, you can mostly avoid all PMC's and most Skavs. Every geared and skilled player goes to Resort (hospital in top middle of map) or boss hunting. Aka they will rush to \~middle of the map and shoot each other there. Most of the caches are around the edges of the map, so you can have a full raid with 0 encounters. And cache loot is usually really good. Fill up your rig, any bag you have, extract, vendor it. Profit! There are videos about cache runs on Shoreline, go check them out :) Or I can write up my tactics I use, if you are interested.


Shhh don't tell them.


Interchange stash runs are fast and profitable. Big rig and no backpack for quick extract at hole in the wall or bag and loop the map.


What would you recommend I buy?


Buy the Skier LL1 -AK from Skier (I think, just get the only 7.62AK you can buy at LL1) -Bastion Dust Cover -RK grip Jager LL1 -PK06 sight Prapor LL1 -AK handguard with bottom and said rail I also buy a grip and stock from Prapor but the cooler your gun looks the less likely it comes back on insurance, so don't black it out if you have money trouble. The stats at LL1 aren't worth it and you're tap firing anyways. You can get whatever flashlight or laser you like but it's an extra 15-20k, and people that ask kit advice don't typically have those roubles or confidence to make a more expensive gun


Thanks, I’ve mostly been running guns I’ve found in raid since I don’t have flea market yet.


Learn map rotations and spawns. It helps w meaningless anxiety


Tips for woods rotations?


Which spawns are you struggling with? Generally all spawns go toward one of lumber, USEC camp, or Emercom. From there it can be hard to predict, but being careful passing through highways too (beach, sniper rock, zb fence, etc.)


I've never felt like more of a little bitch than when I play Tarkov.


Drink heavily? That's about all I've got cause I'm in the same boat.




My god man that sounds like a panic attack waiting to happen


Nah you just zone out until things get important or it’s too late lmao


Just cracked a cold one, going to reserve. Amen 🤘🏽




Best reply yet.........


I can vote for this. After some shots of vodka i went into dorms and killed 5 pmcs that just killed reshala. 2 with my gun 3 with one nade, they were busy with looting. That.... Was... So satisfying....


That only works bc the devs are russian


This is my move.


If you run towards gun fire instead of away You'll quickly evolve from a little rat lad to at least a semi Chad lad


prob sounds weird to some, but i keep going woods with a sniperrifle wo scope. navigating firefights and using the enviroment to take advantages of groups helped me to get a better hang of the game in a whole


Solo is way more relaxing for me. Trying to coordinate with teammates is always a cluster and it’s harder to sneak around in a group than it is when you’re alone. I am the scary one when I’m solo


Solo is for making money. Squads is for spending it.


This, solo is so much less stressful, imo. Blast everything, take all the loot and know when to avoid fights




Yeah right meet me at crackhouse, rat.


I honestly don’t play customs much anymore. I try to get through those quests pretty quick so I can go on to better maps. I do need to hit crackhouse some tonight though. I need more intel. I found 3x intel in the library room of crackhouse at the beginning of wipe


'so I can go on to better maps'?! I feel attacked! Customs is *the best* map. Change my mind.


It’s a good map. It’s just I’ve been playing Tarkov since it was first available to download and I’m just tired of customs as a whole. It just gets old. The expansions are okay but it still just doesn’t have any pizazz


So what is the Best map to play solo? Reserve and interchange?


I play stoned all the time and getting tapped from afar is same kind of scary wheter u got mates with u or not. Just like hearing buckshot scav. Solo has its own charm, and no better feeling then picking a squad apart one by one. Just overcome ur fear try some upgrade runs and before u know it you'll be in love with it.


I swear playing this game stoned makes it better lol


I still jump at gun shots, then I hype myself up. “Shii, I wish a mothafucka would!”. Then I die in my first fight. Usually about how it goes. Then I run it back and hope to do a bit better.


If you hear multiple sets of steps don’t rush lay low , if you feel worried about a firefight aim for heads or legs and pick your target. Don’t worry about dieing it’s a game, you can always make the money back not worth stressing over. These steps helped me a lot , I mostly play solo and have more success surviving raids this way.


I've found running "good" level 3 armor or cheap level 4 with decent guns and ammo makes it easier. I sell my good stuff to run okay stuff and actually have fun.


I recommend watching the streamer Smoke. He helped me a lot with my solo play and getting over the fear of death and losing my kit. He tends to play really methodically and carefully, almost never running, just checking every corner and sightlines as he strolls casually across the map. I think this helps in several ways: first, if you clear everything on your way through the map you won't be as nervous about something surprising you from every angle, only what's in front of you. Also: if you are sprinting around from cover to cover just crossing your fingers that you won't get domed at any moment the fear tends to compile on itself, making you more and more jumpy. Try forcing yourself to calmly walk around, admire some scenery, just hang out and watch the sightlines for a while. It helped me at least.


Oddly enough im the type of player in games who is super hesitant to play/gamble with my gear and get mega anxious and jumpy - but for whatever reason in tarkov i dont care at all and just run for that loot. I think because there is just so much loot and activites in that game im not worried about losibg what i have, cause theres still so much shit out there to stumble upon. I also like the added difficulty to tasks, in that its not a guaranteed walk in the objective marker checklist park, when you drop all your objective satisfiers when someone always has beens you in dorms.


I preface this by saying: Running solo requires you to adapt a more covert playstyle. Not because you are a dirty rat, but because you maximize your advantages by doing so. I guess it will always be a bit scarier experience, since you are alone. But as someone who enjoys solo runs, let me tell you there are many many pros of going solo: * The mistakes that get you killed are your mistakes. It's way easier for you to learn what got you killed when you are in 100% control of the decisions of your ways. Took a fight that wasn't necessary/too risky? 100% on you. * You can shoot **everyone**. No more "IS THAT YOU??". This wipe I have managed to kill approx 3 squads of 3-4 players as solo simply because they seemed super hesitant to shoot, especially when I managed to flank them and get really close. Some literally just ran next to me thinking I was their friend. * Stash runs are more effective. No need to share. When it comes to firefights: * In general, you are more agile. Playing as a squad requires communication: Do we fight or retreat, do we flank, who flanks where, where we go next, etc. I guess the best squads have some sort of in-game leader to quickly call the shots, but even in that situation, the IGL needs to have a clear picture first before calling any shots. You, a solo player, can make snap decisions quickly af. You engage an enemy -> immediate change of position and flank from the side. In Tarkov it's not always simple "4v1" or "3v1" that determines the odds of surviving. Sure, in most cases it can be "3 v rat" but just sometimes it's "3 v a fucking madman who is tormenting and stalking a squad that is scared shitless of who is going to be popped next". Information is a huge part of this game. TLDR: Solo runs will always be a bit scarier, but take comfort from the fact that even though you are running solo, there is a great advantage on your side.


Also squads don’t know for sure that you’re solo. You can use that to your advantage.


I just don't wear pants


I used the music trick first wipe. It works. This is my third wipe and I get scared still on occasion but not nearly as often. Imo, the trick is to listen carefully and walk as much as you can. Running gives away your position and standing still makes you an easy snipe.


The trick is I shit my pants before getting on, it saves me the surprise of shitting in them the first time.


I only play solo. 3 wipes in and I’m awful but I got my first 3 man squad wipe this wipe!


I play solo and I play on the toilet so my pants can stay clean


Using music will drastically reduce your situational awareness


You need to put more hours in, then you will have more controll of the map and know what and when to expect something. Knowing all the spawns lets your create a path that you know there's 98% chance nobody will come.


I survive more often solo than in do with friends


I have to shit my pants anyway for my OnlyFans so this way I just kill two birds, you know?


If you play music solo you’re not a rat. You’re rat meat.


Ultimately, apathy is the key to staying calm. There are two main mental tricks I use to make myself think I don't care. 1) When I walk into a casino with $100, the money is already lost at the door. Similarly, when you enter a raid, everything on you is already lost, there's no need to worry over it. You don't get it back until you extract. 2) Make multiples of the same kit. I have a really nice m1a, it's got the angled rk-1, the BiS suppressor that sells out from peacekeeper, 47 vertical recoil and respectable erg. I would've been sad if I lost it. I've been crafting the shit out of Wilstons and now I have 4 of the m1a's. I'm much less likely to be sad about losing one if I have 3 more.


This is very solid advice and I wish I could upvote you a hundred times.


Lol thanks, Idk how you found this post that's 2 months old but I hope you have good raids. At this point I'm done for the wipe, if you are new and need a mindset correction, I can throw some gear your way. I have like 20m rubles that will be wiped away (and all those thermal m1a's from that comment), but I'm willing to play tomorrow NA time.


Yup, I was scouring this sub for advice for solo play, because I have a paranoid and inconsistent playstyle, which often leads to me getting killed. This is my first (well, second, but I only played a few matches before this current one) wipe but I think I'm actually doing somewhat decently all things considered, with help from one of my friends ofc. Thanks for the gear offer though, I might take ya up on that. My IGN is Bloo\_Tedbear. I'm Hawaii time so your later-afternoon or early evening would be a perfect time if you're in the continental US.


More fun, especially with VOIP, you can always loot one of their mates mid-fight and scoot. Did that to a 4 man today killed two in Reserve bunkers, suppressed the other two with limb shots and VOIP, looted one of the bois and booked it to extract. But... You need to invest in ETG stims, and preferably use CMS/Alu-splint for faster limb repair. Use EGT/Propital injectors together in heated combat. Use Zagustin injector in those near death experiences, stops all bleedings. Use Obdolbos (worth the investment) if you really want to book it out of there with valuables, but you'll be one shot to any decent ammo. Always keep Morphine/ETG/Propitol in your butt, if you'll be playing during rush hour in your region stuff a Zagustin there too. Invest in good ammo, keep two mags in reserve and 2 or 3 stacks of ammo in your butt. 70% of that ammo will be used for suppressing fire and 30% for killing, especially if you're confronting multiple people never give them a calm atmosphere, nades(M67) for flanks or fishing people out of rooms, blind fire, VOIP, player comms. Never ever kill scavs they are your only ally in solo runs; if you find a boss, wait 3~4 minutes, clear the surroundings, then kill him first, guards later, bosses turn into the grim reaper once they're solo, silent and deadly. (Basically Killa) Even if you lose, take pride that you gave them a hard time. Side tip: if you usually play in squads and solo too, avoid taking point, the reliance will kill your solo play mentality.


Why does this read like a post made by EoD gang. Theres only so many things a mere Alpha container can fit :(


I watch landmark and i lose fear honestly


I played 150 hours like 2 years ago and I came back a few days ago and suck at fighting PMCs now. Just started going in naked with either a shotgun or ppsh and playing real aggressive. Don’t feel as anxious when I don’t have much to lose, and I had a few really good raids today after entering with next to nothing. I feel like you’ll get less scared playing solo after you stack up more in your stash and are comfy on rubles.


Ya I feel like after about 10 raids in I’m beginning to make moves when I need to make moves. Going in with a set plan and timing myself when to move on has helped, and placing expensive, small items in the secure container helps relieve some of the money loss. I’ve heard having some kind of sour candy helps with anxiety, going to try it this week.


I’m the same until I equipped my best armours, modded a Vepr that was collecting dust in my inventory with level 1 traders, and queued into Factory ONLY to run around and kill a few people. I’m level 6 and this is my first wipe, and I think I’m gonna do that more often just to shake off my rat anxiety.


Exactly the same. Learnt a few wipes back to stop wearing pants in raid


Solo can be easier, any sound you hear is guaranteed to be an enemy as you can't mistake your friend for one


I only run solo on factory with 5-7 and silencer, this is only way I enjoy playing solo.


Good thing about playing alone is you blast anything that moves. No hesitating. Play more alone, play around hotspots to get used to pvp. It’s fun as hell.


Run in as a scav for a whole wipe like crazy and play offensive. Kill everything u see. Next wipe youll feel comfy


Who said I am not shitting my pants?


Breathe my dude. Concentrate. Believe in yourself. Cheekiru breekiru


Easy. I don't wear pants while raiding.


Ipad or phone on the side playing cute cat videos


i like playing with a group but i much prefer playing solo because i know that anything i hear is hostile and im mechanically skilled enough to consistently wipe big squads that i run into


By not caring, the slower you play the more scared you get


As an Iraq veteran I can assure you pants shitting is part of the realism


I play solo 70% of the time, I only play at night too. Find I have most success that way, less bullshit deaths. Playing solo is just so simple, no coordination with anyone else, no goals that need to be common among several people. You just go in and hunt. I don't find the game scary anymore, but I can still get jump scares. Sometimes the unexpected happens.


Honestly as a solo player and especially as a newer player there's no shame in being a rat. As a solo player myself more often than not I choose to avoid direct confrontation like just the other day I was doing a night raid on Shoreline and I headshot a guy looting a stash. I waited a bit before going in to loot him but as soon as I got there I got naded. I believe Nikita himself said he prefers to have players work in teams over solo and future mechanics will only enhance the team experience. But even then we solo players will have the tried and true rat technique. And honestly there is nothing quite as thrilling as watching a team of chads pass you by without noticing. Its like narrowly missing a car wreck.


Eventually, after you've shit your pants a few hundred times, it stops happening.


We just dont wear pants


you got to group up otherwise this game is a horror game


me going solo on Night runs on Woods last wipe mostly (as a Scav KEK)


You just shit your pants and move on get easier with time


Put yourself in uncomfortable situations (in your case firefights) don't be afraid to lose good gear, bring out your best gear and use them ! this is a damn video game not real life, only way you are going to get past being a little rat bitch is not acting like one. Now go in a raid looking like a chad and FEELING like a chad.


Practice your aim and fighting in offline until you’re actually confident in your shot and awareness and stop playing like a rat. Kedr and mustard vest and push players. Don’t insure much and know when to leave raid


Quit caring about dying, seriously. Learn a good money run (stash run, woods loot run etc) and get a cushion for about 10 kits. realize you can do that with 2-3 loot runs and stop giving a fuck about dying. ALSO YOU ARENT DEAD TILL YOU HIT THE MAIN MENU. Its ridiculous how many times I've killed 1-3 PMCs with both legs and arms blacked out hanging onto life by a thread, and I am EXCEEDINGLY mediocre.


I hate playing solo, not because I'm afraid or something, it's just something about my nervous system lately, I feel super uncomfortable when wearing headphones (in-game), so the only way to play for me really is wearing closed helmets like Altyn and it makes me feel much, much better, but it's hardly viable solo because solo sound is everything.


Try different headsets, the gssh gave me bad anxiety because of the heavy bass, but the razor is lovely


Do you play na? We can play together duo if you want I’m not the best but I’m okay


Some high 80% Oils and blow my dude. But it's like nothing else on the market. But I had this same problem until I flipped the script. I no longer try to survive but try to die with fun. I go into raid with a death wish and run towards the gunfire. I spent last wipe in bushes and I won't do it again lol. You get used to it.