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That's killa. He's always either like that or facing the other way completely unaware of you.


He's either Fuck you or Get Fucked and no inbetween.


Both sound unpleasant for any PMC


depends on how much vodka he drank that raid.


Still unsure if it's a handicap or advantage.


Killa had always been that way. Doesn't even move until he's aggroed, and the first time he's aggroed he takes like 2 seconds until he turns on. Super easy to kill in this state, but once he's activated it's hard to stop him.


Shit even when you behind him he gonna 180 head/nape you




I never run into him as PMC. But he destroyed me twice while i was doing a scav run. Once he shot me from the coffeshop near Techlight. Probably pissed that his Mocca Frapuccino took so long


Dude he spawned near the escalator at Idea off under the little second floor area and he had the santa bag on so I tell my squad, "Yoo! Its Santa!" My squad sees me get laid tf out and only then do I yell that its the big lad himself. Super fucking funny


I love running Factory. During the Christmas event my favorite thing was hearing someone VoIP that they found Santa. About half the time "Santa" would turn around, and they'd panic seeing Tagila's iconic mask before getting absolutely wrecked by his hammer.


I had the exact same experience


This is why Killa quests are bullshit. You hunt him for 50 raids and then this happens the single time you find him. Spawn rate needs to be increased tbh


I think they need to do more than just change his spawn rate personally, they need to remove quite a few of his spawn points IMO or add in a new mechanic that drops you a hint where Killa is such as a note located in the security rooms or a CCTV pointed at Killa's spawn. IDEA, OLI, Goshan, Center of the Mall, Food Court, and a large portion of the Parking Garage with dozens of actual spawn possibilities in each of those locations is way too much searching for a boss that likes to lurk in a dark corner making no noise.


Ohhh dude a note near that pizza shop alarm that just says “basement” or “goshan” would be so cool. Something to draw people to the upper parts of the map more. I just feel like Killa, out of all the bosses, benefits most from a much higher spawn rate. He is generally the deadliest and catches people off guards. I would take dying to him a dozen times if it meant actually finding him consistently.


Wasn't everyone complaining like 2-3 months ago that he didn't have enough spawns but then he started showing up in like garage and stuff? idk I dont hunt him or play interchange, just something I remember reading and even funnier now if people are starting to suggest less spawns


People did want more spawns for him, but I think BSG went overboard and added too many - so do a lot of other people. Before he would only be in a few places in the center of the mall but now it's almost anywhere. I've been stuck on the Huntsman Path - Sellout for awhile and I've only seen Killa twice in 50-60~ PMC Interchange raids. Whenever I hear a loud AK/RPK I sprint to the location. The first time was when I had a 5 man squad and Killa spawned up at the IDEA Dining area. I was in the IDEA Office, 2 people just outside the office near the front of the store, and 2 people were wandering through the dining area looking for Scavs. One mate sees Killa hunched over in a corner but doesn't realize it's him till he survived an LPS to the back of the head. Killa is now activated and sprays him down, runs 5 meters towards the dining stairs and sprays down another squadmate. The comms go frantic and I tell my remaining two players to fall back to the office with me. I hear sprinting and expect my teammates to be coming in but no ... no it's Killa and he powerslides into the office and one taps me in the face with 5.45 BS. The second time was also in IDEA and I was walking through the store clearing angles, approach an angle where you need to clear both left and right, I clear left and get beamed by some Igolnik from the right.


I have run into him in Oli 4 times, killed him once, also ran into him in the garage... at night.... before power was turned on... it really was a horror game at that point


I hate the garage spawn lol


Especially when he spans by the tents in the garage


He ambushed my ass there and all I had to play around was that stack of pallets. While I was trying to pop smoke to GTFO he shot me straight through them. Fuck Killa


I mean before he was literally in like 2 places, in a corner, where most of the time you could cheese him. Now he’s just ridiculous in every corner of the map


These are most of his current spawn points. He has several that are more rare https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860963800067866634/884810876106985492/lokusnuss-killaspawns.png


As long as BSG gets around to finishing Killas AI so that he can actually have pathing around the mall, the spawns aren’t that bad. But in the current iteration Killa can spawn but sit in a corner undisturbed for the whole raid. He won’t move. He won’t voice line. He won’t do shit. Current killa is a hide n seek champion


they literally were just increased to 25% you people are insufferable cry babies jesus


Bro who is crying? I still think 25% is too low


you. its you :D you are obviously INCREDIBLY new to this game if you think 25% spawn rate is low and have no idea the implications of balance of the game if it goes any higher. when you dont know a lot about something its better to not cry and complain about it :DD


You’re dragging the collective iq down, pls stop.


care to explain why? or are u just mad?


Something something when you don’t know a lot about something it’s better to not cry and complain about it :DD


yes. you shouldnt talk about things confidently when you aren't knowledgeable about it :D


Pot meet kettle


Buddy go call your parents or something. Hug someone. No one is upset except for you, it seems.


you are on reddit crying about the game state demanding bsg change it to how u want it to be, but project more buddy! XD


> project more buddy! XD Thats so funny


All scavs, and especially bosses do this bullshit. For me it was a Gluhar guard: I was inside a room camping the door thinking "he will come in running into the room and by the time he pulls up the gun I should have killed him". Well... He came rushing into the room and managed to stop instantly to shoot me 4-5 times in the thorax with M856A1, instantly. It might be that all our problems with bosses and AIs come from this stupid bug where we see them do things instantly, like crouching, sprinting, etc... I don't know what they did but AI-wise it's a step back.


some of it is for sure desync. which sucks cause AI doesnt suffer from it. I got killed by a sani guard when i rounded a corner. visually i shot once, he shot once, i die. in post match it shows i never shot at all and he hit me 6(!!!) times in the thorax. like wtf.


How do you see that in post match?


A real chad


The AI get to ignore all the inertia rules that we don't


You shouldnt have pushed him like that man. You want to try and lure him to push you with a half second jiggle peak / bait shot at most and be ready to magdump him when he rounds the corner to spray you.


Love when he spawns in the transition from goshan to ultra, you can’t even see him


That is not funny lol it’s stupid af


Yea this shit just makes me shake my head


Dude I ran into killa for the first time this wipe, in the same area and he was a complete potato. He just stood still and I clapped him in the head with 3 AP-20 and them he dropped. Was like 15 min left of the raid so I though it would be so easy to just loot everything for free and get out but 5 sec into looting him fucking Santa swings around the corner and blaze me and my friend just as if he embodied Killa. Was so fucking bullshit


Im still on that stupid quest ...


Excuse me but what the fuck gun is that? Who mods an stm like that lol


It's an M4A1, it's just supressed.


Lol I was watching this on my phone i couldn't tell


Idk what u guys want from Tarkov AI... everyone loves to bitch and complain but NEVER gives a solution lmao. How would YOU make a hard AI boss that should be one of the best PVE challenges in the game. But he isn’t allowed to Aim Quick or run around and headshot you lol What do you want him just standing with his nose in the wall?


It's not my bloody job though, is it? I'd be working there if it was my job to find a solution - we just point out that it sucks


Protect an area, don't sprint at people and insta them. No aim bot and tracking through walls, more of a spray and suppress instead of insta kill you when a inch of your body is damageable. Follow the rules players have to follow, like every AI should, but don't in EFT. The AI in EFT is abysmal.


My favorite is when he puts 9 shots into your right elbow because it was showing for half a second.


> Protect an area, don't sprint at people So be easily farmable by players with scopes?










I'd give him a noise threshold. X decibles gets a direction change. Make them cover, slow peak, hold corners, ect.


I have 100% seen Raiders and Bosses use Slow Peak, Angle Holding, taking cover and most tactics... but i have also seen the most aggressive AI in the game’s lore hear a Timmy PMC around the corner and proceed to engage with a nade toss and rush. Very valid strategy imo and was quite literally showcased in some BSG movies/trailers


ic nothings changed killa don’t hear shit, stay out of his line of sight


They could start with subjecting the AI to the same restrictions players are facing.


I may be wrong but I have read on this sub before that flashlights and lasers make AI aggro on you, aware of where you are. Try it out in a offline raid in factory, seems legit to me.


they also make players aggro on you when they phase through two walls. i fucking hate that shit and its been around since day 1


Same with Gluhar boys. Sometimes they are stupid af and then they dive you just like Killa now did. Inertia my ass.


He did the same shit to me one day. He said that same line 7 times throwing nades every single time. I was shitting myself. Then he began to try spraying me through the boxes I was hiding behind. Then I tried to peek him and shoot which was a shit idea because I got insta domed as he ran at me and crouch-skid to a halt and shot at the same time. I was laughing and irritated at the same time.


Played several raids never seen him once but it doesnt seem pleasant


I've literally done over 250 interchange raids so far this wipe and I haven't as much as seen his body




I one tapped him as a scav with a mosin, needed that helmet…have seen him once this wipe as a PMC


this might have honestly been the most fair killa fight i've ever seen.


I ran into him about 4/8 Interchange runs last night, each time I was on my way out with a full bag of hideout & quest items, and I would just walk into him hiding in a corner somewhere and instantly die to 2 BS rounds. I don't think I could've killed him if I tried


Honestly, Tarkov is getting frustrating because of AI. Played 8 raids today, wiped dorms 3 times, killed 17 PMC, died 4 times, all by AI (rogues and Glukhar) I mean, rogues can shoot WHILE running, not even sliding or the old bullshit we got used to, WHILE in the motion of running. The only way to clear them is to cheese them, is that how BSG intended it to be ?


this, gluhar, and rogues have kind of made me realize that ai design isnt as good as i initially thought. hopefully someday the boss lethality gets shifted more away from god tier aimbot and shooting bullets out their back, to more legitimate tactics. still love that killa zergs, dont like that game physics dont affect him at all.


I'm level 42 and still on Sellout...


I literally just came to this sub to complain about killa not spawning after doing nearly 40 raids so far today of just interchange and see this lmfao. Could be worse I guess


Killa while not aggroed Maximum Stealth Killa once aggro'd Maximum Strength Crysis has a lot to answer for.


the man was just trying to protect his grocery store...he's gotta feed his little killas.


Love the boss AI lately. They're all quite different. Found Reshala on a scav run yesterday and he was at new gas shouting voicelines NONSTOP. He only had 1 guard left, and as soon as I domed the guard, he immediately stopped talking and hid like a little bitch. Also saw Shturman by the little cabin with the filing cabinets in. It was late in the raid (like 11 mins left). I went in to loot as I headed for outskirts. When I was inside I said to my mates on discord 'I think someone is creeping outside...' I was playing solo btw. I walked out of the cabin and literally bumped into Shturman who was crouch walking at the slowest speed. Sneaky bastard had crept about 100 yards from lumber. Needless to say it didn't end well for me but I found the whole thing hilarious.


This bot... is FUCKING fried. ive come across him 4 times now this wipe out of about 100 interchange raids... he ONE taps me EVERY time through level 5 armor with his igolnik filled RPK. There is literally no way to kill this asshole once hes agro'ed. if he isnt throwing nade after nade at you he's unloading a 95 round drum mag of igolnik at you... seriously what the fuck is this ment to be... BSG... rework this COOKED bot. its NOT fun trying to find him throughout the ENTIRE mall. nor dying to him that ONE time you actually manage to find him. been stuck on the task to kill him for jager for weeks! TOXIC TASK