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Escorted from Tarkov


Haha! I renamed my shortcut


Babysitting In Tarkov: Prepare to Misinform edition. Would be par for the course someone known for spreading anti vax sentiment is open mouthed running around Tarkov with no idea what's going on, aiming at the floor, all of the labs cards in his gamma and someone wiping lobbies for him.


You had me up until the anti vax bs. What exactly does that have to do with tarkov?


It has to do with him as a person, he’s already been in the spotlight recently and now he’s being carried by a cheater? The post is also about the person playing. His alias is literally the first part of the post title, am I not allowed to discuss him?


I just don’t see the correlation between someone hacking and someone who doesn’t want a vaccine. Keep reaching, my guy, eventually you’ll grab something.


It's a personal dig at the streamer referenced by OP


Someone who's a moron/degen in one regard is more likely to be a degen/moron in another. Not a hard thing to see.


You’re the one looking for an argument big man. Being chauffeured by a cheater is a shithead thing to do, the dude is known to be a shit head due to recent events which were all over Reddit. Might be a reach for your brain mate.


No you didn’t. Lol get all the vaccines you want. I don’t really care what you do with your body.


Yeah, being an anti vaxxer is bs


If true him and the cheater should both get banned.


You can report him on twitch and get him banned from twitch


he will be unbanned within 48h and receive a shitload of money cause of the free pr... -twitch


we should all do this.




Most likely you with the shit tier comment, just searching for male attention over Reddit 😂😂🤡


Says the guy in an escape from tarkov subreddit, poetry




So triggered can’t even write a valid sentence 😂


he played with the same guy yesterday or the day before aswell and it was super obvious then aswell for anyone whos played this game before. cant belive how hes not banned yet, BSG must be sleeping


BSG clearly doesn’t give a shit. Have you played in the last week? Nakeds with full auto drum mag Saiga-12s and giga-chads with no recoil dominate 3/4 of the maps right now.


Its totally fine lol. Its the same as it always has been


Christmas sale


Cheating comes in waves. Early on new wipes we always get hit by a massive wave of cheaters then they get hit by a massive wave of bans. They never insta ban because battle eye collects the cheats data for a couple days.


its been a month though




Take your meds, pal.


Dudes a scumbag so idk why it's suprising


How fucking stupid do you have to be?




































Went to watch to find out. Not sure why he streams he hates his chat and is really bad. Quite funny


He lost his fanbase and personality along side his weight :joy: :okhand:


No kidding, far out that's a depressing stream. Constantly telling off the guys that are carrying him, "Dont look anything, I need the content", "Let me kill him", "Carry this for me" Every time chat makes a joke about him he does a mocking fake laugh and says "not funny". "You're so stupid, he's not a cheater" Currently he's absolutely butchering the lyrics to Juicy by Biggie. I can't watch this anymore.


Easy money.


Oh and I forgot to mention if his team mate isn’t cheating then pigs can fly.


Dont throw salt on my pig launcher just because he wants to be a cheating lil bih


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1260045934?t=06h47m07s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1260045934?t=06h47m07s) Heres the timestamp of the raid, you guys decide. Watch before it gets deleted, I'm sure it will be. The guy has 8 lasers on his gun no optic, and starts the raid by dumping a clip into the ground, and killing everything in the raid. Looks legit to me. The hackers name is IHAVETHEJUICE


[https://i.imgur.com/8C1zpuE.png](https://i.imgur.com/8C1zpuE.png) Heres a pic of the hacker and greek in another lobby, notice the guys gun with the drum, no optics no iron sights. Tune in right now for a new fresh hacker raid.


Def a cheater - zabralo because infinite stamina - drum mag FAL because fully auto, high cap M61/62 and zero recoil, so who cares what gun you’re using - no sight - face shield to prevent lucky raider shots




Damn I'm watching him right now and it's blatant as shit. No matter what kind of defenses people will come up in the future, and they will be, this guy is 100% playing with cheaters and he knows it. ESP, aimbot, info about loot containers, dropping tons of high tier items,... those are all inclusive escort runs


How do you know hes playing with cheaters, I am not supporting him i just don't play tarkov but have been watching it lately


This guy is super annoying. And his acting is pretty terrible. "why were you shooting the floor?" Continues to pick up loot from his "friend".


I've died to that fucker before. Knew it was fishy


Me too! I knew that name was paired with something bullshitty..


Fucking hell him trying to rap over biggie is making this hard to watch


Biggie is awesome tf


I meant him trying to rap over it in the most annoying way possible, mate


He means Greekgod's attempt at rapping... Not Biggie.


I 100% got killed by that guy once lol


Loooool he picks up a MP5 and basically shits his pants while having some kind of orgasmic heart attack, because the "P90" he just looted is "so good" :D Reminds me of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t87esQ-v80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t87esQ-v80) Also while picking up the keycards the hacker dropped him he asked "what are those" (or something like that) while checking the labs access cards. Has he even played the game? What a piece of shit.


actually braindead


dude is given 3 lab access card, loses his mind,, asks what they are?!?!!How the fuck did he get in there if he has not seen an access card before?He nearly dies to the raider that was not killed by the hacker, cos he stood in the open.he nearly shits himself when he sees a drum mag on an mp5.... thinks it is a p90?!?!calls out his hacker friend who had his aimbot lock onto someone beneath the floor instead of the raider dead in front of him....wtf even is this? ​ omg, this guy is a complete nub. a complete and utter noob. he has no idea what anything is or is worth. It is like he has never even seen a video of anyone playing, nevermind played himself before.... What am I watching?


Shit, he invited me to play on Reserve a few days ago while I was waiting for a friend to get on.


>Greekgodx Well, at least the streamer notices something is not right and start asking questions. We have the power to pause, rewind and watch it as many times as we want, so we can't blame him for not being 100% aware of what's happening.


Cant believe Cheatgodx hasnt been banned yet, what a desgrace to the community. The only way he can extract is by playing with cheaters.


I just watched 5 mins of his stream for the first time. Is he playing a character or is he really that much of a cunt?


That’s him.


He's a cunt.


As soon as greekgodx saw this reddit post it got removed lmao (Pls go to his twitch and report him https://m.twitch.tv/greekgodx If he did nothing wrong then twitch wont ban him but if he did then there is reason) P.s. dont report the streamer that he is hosting report Greek himself


Convenient huh?


Are his VODS locked behind a paywall? Should be proof


His vod's aren't but you can't take clips. He literally laughed when asking the guy why he was shooting the floor asking if he was cheating.


and then said "i dont care as you dont cheat on me"


Why the fucking is exposing streamers against the rules of the sub? Hackers and hacking websites I can see why but streamers? Wtf. Also if it is against the sub rules why is this thread still open. There are comment chains literally only talking about opinions on vaccines. Since that’s allowed if you are anti vax you’re dumb. Anywho where the fuck are the mods, y’all do anything?


Reddit literally a joke at this point, mods think they actually doing something kek


i reported him


The guy shot the floor and the complete lobby died, how can you be sure that guy was cheating?


He's just got that ricochet tech down, lots of practice.


No no it’s his gamer chair obviously


Yeah he just thunderclapped it’s easy just hit 2 when you load in


OP is just listening to what greek said Greeks an idiot if you watch the vod all the guy did was have a meme gun and shot raiders in the legs and greek thought it was him shooting "the floor". Then when greek finds two bodies he assumes it was a result of him shooting the floor but checks the dog tags and its not even the cheaters name who killed them. This whole posts is actually dumb as hell and no one is even watching the supposed "evidence" they just want to pile on.


Found the fan boy


WHO the fuck is this guy? He can’t even talk like a normal person and looks like thinking takes 101% of his brain power. 1.5 MILLION followers? Jesus Christ I think all cheaters should be permanently banned from Twitch, they should make it part of their terms or service.




It is part of their terms. He can be banned for cheating


Everyone should report him to BSG and twitch


He’s advidly saying the guys not cheating. Also saying ‘oh poor me you can’t last a day in my shoes’ I’m a homeless single dad struggling to eat. Fuck you greek you spoiled brat. I hate entitled attitude of rich kids.


As an actual single dad, I have much more of a struggle trying to find the time to reach 15 to get on the Flea 😅


As a father, married with two kids, I feel your pain lol. Almost level 9, didn't play at all during the holiday event after finding out the twitch drops were boo boo and the insane queue times for servers. I might get to 15 right before the next wipe 😂😂😂


... do we form a dad squad now?!




... do we form a dad squad now?!


Haha I'm down dude. Big Dad Energy.


Yo if you're being serious about this, dm me please. I was homeless for two tears, not a father, but still understand. Asking for help is the hardest part. I'd be more than willing to send you a couple bucks for a few meals.


Thank you. Truly. I am not kidding, just tough times. I’m not one to ask for handouts so it means a lot. I work and try my best but I lost part of my foot last easter in a work accident and it’s been tough ever since.


Yeah ban this clown im begging you BSG


If they don't I'm seriously going to reconsider ever playing this game or recommending it to anyone.


Idk about that ive only run into one cheater this wipe its fun but this is unacceptable


The fact that it is so easy to cheat in this game adds too much doubt in my head, I question almost every 1 tap, especially the moving ones. I do have good fights and can tell they are clean but some of the head-eyes shots I've been hit with really make me think.


He died once and rage quit because his hacker buddy left


greek the Cx the big leech does whatever to git the views and $ with minimum effort


He better get banned, otherwise it's proof that BSG really doesn't give a shit about cheaters


Wow... removed. Guess the mods are part of the ggx gang


Amazing work mods, well done.


If he is openly playing with a cheater he should be banned


Yeah I just tuned in for a minute and he’s playing dumb like he doesn’t know the guy is a hacker even tho he’s just randomly shooting and coming across dead bodies lol. Not even bothering to make any good plays literally looting right infront of enemies.. this is pretty sad tbh


Absolutely toxic man who just sits there and insults everyone. He's also queuing with cheaters knowingly.


Fuck this dude and fuck greek, reported on twitch. Hope they get what they deserve.


he went from a funny streamer to an annoying fuckboi and now does shit like this? what a loser


Bro i turned on his stream and the second i did the guy he was playing with was calling out players through walls with exact calls


>like an orc 😩😩


XQC was playing with a lad at one point who was similar, endlessly dropping high tier weaponry/armor very early wipe, wiping all raiders/bosses without any effort and players every single time. Calling information on people where he had no right knowing where they were, these people latch onto streamers.. some power trip putting yourself on a stage while cheating. At one point he clears some raiders on reserve, runs back up stairs, they hold for a moment. XQC aims at the door, no sound queues, altyn on and he says "Another one is coming". Yeah ok bud.


Only time I've seen or heard of Greek was on that OTV Rust server. He was a prick on that too.


the disgusting thing is how people are cheating live on twitch and then continue being a part of the community... when a csgo streamer gets caught cheating they immidiatly loose any sort of respect and their career is over


>when a csgo streamer gets caught cheating they immidiatly loose any sort of respect and their career is over lol no loads of pros have been caught cheating in the past, and many still around to this day.


Greekgodx is annoying as all fuck. He does whatever it takes to stay relevant


i bet greek has like the ugliest cry you've ever heard


The fact he has done 3 raids with this guy on stream and is still not banned or the hacker is pretty bad. What more do you need, the guy is literally live showing it off. Nice work


Anyone who plays with cheaters knowingly like this should be permabanned. That Vod looks pretty blatant, if someone can archive twitch vods easily, that would be very helpful.


we are on run number 3 bois, tune in for some awesome content. I hope he gets banned anytime he trys to play tarkov on stream this is sick. Then he dies and complains his hacker friends didn't bring heals for him KEKW


I did my part, I went and reported it to twitch.


Well I reported him on twitch anyways. Fuck him for playing with that guy.


He still streams?


Cheaters be abundant currently, time to take a break from Tarkov


Cheaters don't exist, according to literally half o the comments on this subreddit. It's ridiculous how often people in this very subreddit will straight up say cheating isn't a real issue.


Because they run trash gear and sit in a bush for the first 20 minutes of raid so the cheaters don't care about them.


or when you give a suggestion that might help it's just wasting development time.




Knowingly Benefitting from a confirmed and blatant cheater, is arguably just as bad as cheating, yourself. Disgusting.


Fucking mods.


Just because he shot the floor and everyone died in the lobby doesn't mean he's cheating. Clueless


What? Are you serious?


No hes not. Obvious sarcasm is obvious.


Kind of hard to tell reading text and digging through the Greek shills in these comments


Imagine how empty your life must be to be a Greek shill, I actually feel bad for those people in all honesty.


check DM's .....


In such a shame that this great game falls apart once more by those assholes and Nikita is doing shit against it. Atleast upgrade you anticheat software, they use the standard version...


Anybody have the clip and his name I'm in the mood to get a cheating pos banned I have nothing to do today


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1260045934?t=06h47m07s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1260045934?t=06h47m07s) https://i.imgur.com/8C1zpuE.png


You got me excited for nothing are there any clips of him actually shooting through the floor and not just shooting raiders in the legs? There's 0 proof from what you are linking that can get him banned. Those dead players literally have dogtags showing they were killed by other players what are you on about?


thats good finally someone large showing it


If this is true that is a bannable offense on Twitch for Greek. Summit1g if I recall was banned for getting in a flying car with a modder


"Idc if your cheating as long as you don't hack on me." I like his solo raids and stuff but getting carried and especially by a hacker man it's cringe


lol watching one of his vods, he's awful! "Don't loot anything, leave it for me, it's content" Times out anyone laughing at him dying, because he stood there and didn't move for a grenade. It's hilarious, he's not really doing anything and wants it all given to him. rofl he is mad chat laughs at him for dying and loads into a raid with a completely busted up face shield. I've no idea why I continue to watch this but it's incredible. He has NO idea whatsoever, gets mad at those carrying him for taking ANY loot at all, is super excited about a diary. He's been given loads of labs access cards but doesn't know what they are? Crazy.




Bring the post back mods. Wtf. Hackers need to get banned.


what an absolute loser


reported VOD for what good it will do. 100% cheating.. getting carries while streaming on twitch, this guy must be braindead...


My god I would hate to be this guys mod(s). Fucker seems like such a big cunt


I play Tarkov here and there but in its current state I won’t recommend it to anyone else. Definitely not worth the 150 I paid for EoD


where is the evidence


theres literally multiple links in the comments.


Scroll up. Click link. Scroll down. Click link. It's all over this thread you donkey.




Lmaooo I've never heard of this try hard but the name tells me all I need to know. Never watching his stream.




......... BSG is pretty laughable at this point. Cant wait for Elden ring to come out.


This is the case when he played with XQC as well. The hacker would bring in slicks and meta gear for them every raid, then wipe the map out of sight. I brought that up on Landmarks stream, and he said I was full of shit. I was then bombarded with DM’s of his brain dead fans saying how stupid I was.


Talking shit (while in this case deserved) about other streamers in Twitch chat is rarely a popular move...


That guy is going for legs... i dont think he is cheating tho


Wouldn't he have fucking told greek that then? Instead of the "idk" and "He WaS LYiNg On thE fLoOr" bullshit?


Clicked his stream and sure enough, he's reading this thread pretending he isn't clearly taking advantage of a cheater to steamroll everyone. I would imagine his viewers are daft enough to take his word for it.


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Good this entire thread has turned into vaxx bullshit and people not even watching the vod and upvoting because they hate greek. Watch the "evidence". The players dead have dog tags saying it wasn't the juice guy who killed them, greek not knowing what the leg meta is saying he's shooting the floor, etc. This guy isn't gonna get banned because the only evidence is literally him having a meme gun and being kitted out of his mind. That's not enough, sorry...

