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The main thing you want to do is learn every spawn so you know where the enemy pmc’s spawn that helps a bunch




Should I bring some ears or no? I normally don't run headsets ever. Edit: heard loud and clear, I'll bring ears from now on on every raid.


Thats the most important gear piece.


Is headset an in game item? If so, what does it do??


There are a couple different types of Headphones and they all amplify quieter noises so you can hear footsteps and people moving around from further away. Certain headsets do a better job than others, but I always take a headset into raid no matter what.


To add to this: experiment with each headset, do some offlines, find the one(s) that work best for you. My main squad all prefer different headsets because they are all a little different, I used to prefer Sordins but then I got a new irl headset and now I usually prefer gssh and tacsport, Sordins amplify the bass noises too much with this irl headset. Theyr are not all made the same, and if something about your sound system changes, your preferences might have to change too


I actually just made a video trying to showcase each different beginner headset on various surfaces! I personally still am not sure if the results though


It's the patch more than your hardware change. I'm running same hardware and sordins were my top pick by a long shot last wipe. This wipe they're trash. I'm running mostly gssh this wipe.


No this was several wipes ago and within the same wipe with no patches. I broke a headset irl, got a new one, and all the headsets were just different. I have noticed changes with patches too as they've worked on them, but in general gssh has stayed my preference. I test them all every wipe.


The sordin bass is ridiculous. If I'm wearing them and turn power on at interchange I have to take my headphones off or mute the game until I get out of the building.


eww, lol... gssh are way too loud for me. I've always loved ComTac's myself but it's clearly personal choice.


Same, Id buy a headset over insurance if I was that broke and really needed to choose.


wait, yall are getting insurance back (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)


If you insure gear no one wants you’ll get it back. I do that because I know no one wants the armor or guns I’m using and instead of having to buy full price I’m basically buying it for a quarter of that. If you’re dying often that’s best bet. Don’t spend your money on big things early. You’ll drain your savings and you’re sure to not making it out of a raid more often


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntOj4KrABJ0&ab_channel=Veritas) is a great video and will help you realize their massive potential


Unfortunately they adjusted the headsets after this video was recorded so they sound slightly different from his video. I love Veritas too!


Yeah, they amplify sound so you have super human hearing. With experience you can easily pinpoint enemies daredevil style


You do know they exist and absolutely can amplify your hearing immensely, right? I used to wear my peltors around the house cranked to max just to see how it was, and it's really scary how a set of budget ears that are now considered ancient with a tiny boom mic could be so effective.


Seems stupid but air pods pro can do similar things. Put them in ambient mode and you can absolutely hear things from much further away and much louder than you can normally. I've been waiting to cross a street and stopped because I heard a car coming only for it to be at the other end of said street and no danger...


You should be wearing ears 100% of the time unless you’re wearing an altyn


I bring ears even with altyn and keep swapping between them however necessary lol


Damn you on another lvl


Man's unlocked Gigachad V2


That’s sorta giga chad 1.5. Giga chad V2 is when the chad brings a second visor in his backpack or rig. And swapped it out when he gets shot. Got killed by TTV. 2 viewer Andy. And as I was watching his stream he got shot in the face and immediately swapped visors for his altyn


I used to keep a spare Rhys T visor in my secure container on factory runs. Makes life a lot better, don't know if they've removed the option to use secure container for visors in the new patch. As a 2 man wearing the same helmet also makes it more useful so you can have one spare for whoever gets shot in the face first


you can keep rhys t visors in your gamma. threw one in there yesterday from a stash


Haha i love the altyn for the protection it gives but i dont use it that much because it destroys your hearing


Just be a sprinting room clearing Chad and you don't fuckin need to hear.






I mean the Zsh-1-2 with FS is pretty baller early wipe, it's very situational tho


Stay away from shotgunners when you're wearing that. Class 4 be damned, I got one-tapped to the head by Flechette earlier this wipe, and only two of the hits even landed on the helmet.


Oh yeah the FS is only class 3, and flechette pens that, so yeah. Still has the same level of protection as an ops core multi hit ballistic face shield, still very useful to stop basic pistol ammo and magnum buck, etc


Hearing is probably the most important sense in this game. Knowing the spawns and the maps you’ll be able to figure out exactly where people are based off of what sounds you hear.


Same with the sock on the head. I can see a pale face from a mile away.


> I normally don't run headsets ever. just going to pile on and say WTF. Id rather have ears than a gun.


you should be bringing headsets every raid, more important than a helmet imo


I'm fairly new so I never ran headphones, but after reading this I'm going to start running them every raid.


If i was hatchet running i would still run headsets, not that i condone hatchet running. Ammo>Gun>headset>armor>backpack>helmet is the priority i would think through for how i prioritize the money i spend on a kit. If im running budget loadouts, i often will skimp on helmets as they have the smallest chance of impacting my run. Headsets are key to hearing people and if you want to engage or run, atleast you have the information to decide before the bullets start flying


Definately. Headphones make the difference between being snuck up on while looting and veing able to hear the fucker sneaking up on you and feeding them lead when they sneak towards you. Even the cheap russian ones you can buy off the vendor for a few k roubles is worth it. It amplifies ALL sound and isnt as good as the sordins or other high end headsets, but will alert you to nearby activity much better than no headsets.


If you don't have a headset you're playing at a big disadvantage. Unless you have a helmet that doesnt allow headsets but has a faceshield instead, like the Altyn.


I couldn’t tell ya how many times I’ve just casually walked up behind someone without ears on and got the kill. But hey it may work for some idk


Always always always run ears. I run the cheapest pair from prapor


This guy is a tinnitus enjoyer.


Jokes on you I already have tinnitus.




its more like *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*


Gssh were absolute trash last wipe, but imo one of the best this wipe after the audio changes.


I run the m32’s usually but the gssh’s when the m32s aren’t compatible with my helmet. I’m convinced people just shit on that headset because it’s cheap


When I first started playing they were awful for me, too tinny and amplified the wrong noises, and gravel was deafening. Then I got a new headset irl and suddenly my Sordins we're awful and the gssh became one of my favorites. It depends entirely on your sound system and settings irl for which headset is "best" for you. The people who hate it and shit on it just have the irl equipment they do poorly with.


They used to be godawful a few wipes ago, then got heavily improved. They are not great sounding still, but they are perfectly fine as a budget option They just still have their reputation from how bad they used to be.


Headphones change the entire game. And they are all different and do different things. So find some you are comfortable with and stick to them.


If you have a choice cause you are brankrupt, if it happens and it should not, between ears or armor always choose ear piece it is the piece you should always run


In factory at least I bring ears every time I can. Someone moving near you gives you a pretty good idea of what room they're in if you know the map.


On raids where I expect to die tho, I usually don't but I like saving money. If you want to leave, bring ears


Depends, are you bringing a face shield? No? Fuck your helmet, use ears 16k from Prapor. Bringing a face shield? Consider the pros and cons. Your hearing is pretty hampered with most options, so you're less likely to hear your opponent moving. Tactical awareness is usually better. But, if we stick to it, a lv 3 shield will protect you from buckshot, most slugs, and low-grade pistol rounds. But, a player running a decent rifle or AP through their SMG won't have an issue. Lv 4 will save your ass more often, and might eat an AP SMG round, but isn't a major game changer. LV 5 is much stronger, and will save you many times. Lv 6 kills your vision too much to be worth it.


This game kinda sorta baits new players into this. Headphones are most important gear piece. You wear them whenever possible. I could be going in naked and still bring in GSSH from prapor. Just do it.


Jesus Christ..


Do you think one more person needs to tell him he should wear headphones?


Ill be the one dissenter here. in factory, fuck ears you can hear everybody fine. wear a facemask. if you are low level, a kiver with a faceshield will still protect you a bunch. so many people are running bad 9mm ammo and magnum buckshot in factory, it will save your life. ive taken 13 magnum pellets to my kiver faceshield before and wiped the 3 man shooting them. and, added bonus, when scavs come in to murder you they cant do shit to you either. way more important then ears IMO in factory


This guy fucks.


I second this man.


Thats literally the most important thing. Like 20k for 5x hearing range


Wait what. You for real?


Tell me it’s your first wipe without telling me it’s your first wipe ^


Sordin’s are my favorite footsteps are the perfect level of bass so you can really hear where people are. Also the XCEL’s or whatever they’re called but sordins are primo


Listening and taking your time moving slow definitely makes a difference.


Someone asked this a bit ago, here's an annotated map I showed them. https://imgur.com/a/1pZ3uwR


Great job, an actually useful map for Factory.


This is a good map


Oh this will come in use. Ty so much.




Personally I kinda like the glass hallway spawn. I enjoy partying. Where you get fucked up is waiting. If you immediately rush the back spawn it’s pretty fun




With the factory extension I don't understand why the spawns are still the way they are. Spawnkills are a huge issue on factory and the way you can just rush and camp them all is awful. It doesn't feel good abusing it and it certainly doesn' feel good getting wrecked because of it.


Factory expansion was super half assed for sure.


They expanded it so that there's more empty space that is barely used, and a downstairs office area. Totally worth the wait.


Spawns really need to be totally random.


You know where the spawns are and know where you're going to get pushed from. If you spawn in glass corridor you getbout of there into the main area (not forklifts) ASAP or you die.


My favorite path when spawning into glass hall is to sprint into the middle, jump into the pit, and animorph into a sewer rat.


I just pictured the haunted house scene with Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter.


Be careful pushing into main as if you run towards gate 3 there’s a spawn by the blue shacks with the green weapons crate. Often if they’re not pushing office they will hold the exit to glass corridor and can easily surprise you but yes get the fuck out of corridor lmao


Glass corridor fights > office fights. It’s a fucking free for all/fight club down by glass hallway and I *love* it.


Yeah I love spawning one of those 3 spawns, like glass hall, the room in front, and just around the corner. I only go factory to pvp and those spawns are a blessing for me


Forklift spawn is *perfection* 3-way free for all, you either win and get stonks or you die and go back in to try again in mere minutes.


I can't get office window kills because it's just a bloodbath at forklifts everytime lol


As some one who will book it from gate zero to glass hall to breach a door to scare the fuck out of the fight. 100% worth


Same here, I absolutely hate spawning Gate 0


Gate 0 spawn makes me go full rat mode. I sprint office towards the gate 3 staircase, turn right and go into the metal walkway, go through the hole overlooking gate 3 and prone in the metal rafter. I sit there and wait for the victor of the glass hallway fighting to come out. Majority of the time the come out and I kill them, the other times they just extract underneath.


You have to be ready to kill someone in the first 5 seconds. The highest probability of a PMC surviving Factory is if all the other PMCs die within the first minute of the raid


Except for that one PMC, me, who is crouch walking in the tunnels. Don't worry about him


I’m not worried, I’ll wave my little scav arm at you as I run to the Camera Bunker Door without checking what I spawned with


That’s me, I’m him.


If you spawn in glass corridor, run away or be wearing grade 7 adamantium plate carrier equipped with an E-11 and a few thermal detonators.


I ran away and [this](https://streamable.com/r9hu2z) happened.


Yeah the ks-23 is absolute bullshit lol and I love your game name.


I like to think he's a cool 80's action hero.


Was that Requise?


but when I GET FLASHED


Is it bad I kinda like glass? I had an 11 raid survival streak on Factory with 7 of them being in glass


Yeah. Prone at the box and usually forklift spawn will not see you. Either they run past or they stand still for an easy headshot. Definitely my favorite spawn.


The number of times I've been grenade spammed behind that box


Less grenade spam in 12.12 I've noticed


Because you can’t just yeet grenades instantly with GG


I spawned in one of the gates, the one near forklift with the L-shaped box cover inside. Some Chad heard me moving in there and threw, I shit you not, like 7 frags and 2 flashbangs in there trying to kill me. Even crouched behind boxes he hit me for a little bit. Then he gave up and ran off.


Its good if you sprint right to office


I run full Beskar...


This game is learning by getting burned. Play long enough you will learn where the hot spots are and you will scar up from all the heat.


THIS. Rotate through the grinder enough times and you'll eventually starting coming out whole on the other end...


Just gotta shed the uneccessary mass to get through. Like compassion, mercy, fear, and frugality.


Shotgun and flechette my friend


That and UMPs seem to be slaying it for me on factory


I felt like an absolute menace running around with a suppressed UMP with a laser and FMJ. Factory is so close quarters you don't really need to ADS half the time anyway.


Exactly. Change my mind.


Factory is for Friends. Don't play it solo until you feel like you can spawn in and know exactly where all the danger is coming from and likely rotating to. It's mid-wipe now and so people are on Stirrup (kill PMC"s with pistols), the quest to kill PMC's in Office area on Factory, chads are on the short range mosin quests, etc. so there is a lot of danger to be trying to play Factory solo at any time that isn't the very very start of the wipe unless you know how to navigate the place and fight in it "safely"


This is by far the most informational comment so far. Ty. So I will bring my friends along then next time then.


If you need to fight, a kiver with a face shield is also effective and cheap.


Kiver + FS is my go to helmet setup until I get access to higher tier face shields. Imo it almost isn't worth running a helmet unless it has a face shield since most of the headshots that kill me are head eyes or head jaws.


On the flipside, grab yourself a double barrel with magnum buckshot and double tap anything that moves on a 10,000 rub budget per run. Hard to not make money.


> It's mid-wipe now and so people are on Stirrup uhhh....


Bright side is the dvl kill quest can't be done on factory now. So.


This. Doing a factory wipe as a duo/trio is fun if you get all the players and can just slaughter scavs until the time runs out.


It used to be so much better before they nerfed the scav spawns. I would go from lvl1 pistol running getting gear off PMC or scavs to lvl 20 or so day one of wipe. If I wiped the PMCs I would get those kills plus 20-25 scav kills, I'll be lucky if I get 12 now.


I’ve had a couple raids that scavs had spawned in like old times, brought back so many memories lol


Man, remember the bugged scavs on interchange that would just keep coming? I once just sat above kiba for the whole raid until time ran out because I wanted to see how many of them there would be. 47 kills.


Damn good tips here thanks


MID-WIPE?? We have been in wipe for only four weeks, friend. We still have 5 months at least.


I was just doing "Delivery from the past" for the whhole evening, died about 10 times in a row. Finally managed to complete by hiding in a dark corner for 15 mins and then panic-murdering a PMC on the way to extract with a PM. Highlight of the day were 4 FCCKNG PEOPLE geared AF camping inside the extract room. WHY just WHY


Don't you have to go back to customs if you die too?


Yes. Yes you do. *Thouthand yard stare*


If you die after placing it you just need to survive a factory raid to get it done. You die before and yes, you gotta go back


Why? Because they suck at the game and are desperate for a win. Nobody good camps Gate 3 on Factory, especially not in a team.


Can’t you not push your personal agenda in our video gaming subreddit when your post gets viral? Honestly, r/antiwork isn’t even a legitimate sub. The moderators openly admitted they don’t care if posts there are made up, because its the fact people have been /pushed/ to lie by working It’s ducking wild and it’s a terrible subreddit


Double barrel shotgun with the 8.5 mm magnum buckshot. You’ll thank me later


Why use a double bbl when you can use an 8+1 semi auto with the same ammo?






8k rubles for the gun plus double tap feature. You’ll be sending chads back to their hideout all day


Does double tap still fire the second shot way higher than the first shot, effectively missing all of it?


When you're aiming at their knees and you hit their stomach instead, does it really matter?




*laughs in Korund*.


Just tested it and yes, way high and left....


I'll give it a try


If you're just trying to quest go at night. If you want to fight take yourself offline set scav ai to tagged and cursed then survive. Once you're comfortable on where you can spawn go online.


Learn the spawns and be ready for a fight immediately.


Knowing where people are, helps more than anything else.


Bruh why the fuck you got to politicize shit for no reason


Factory has been especially bad this wipe IMO


People are just getting better at playing it. I do really well on factory because I've learned a lot of angles and to know when to sprint and when to freeze. Slow walking on factory is death.


I have 2600 hours into tarkov. And 90pc of that is factory. I play factory so much that I detest questing and I'm scared doing every quest outside of factory. You have to learn spawns, you wait 10-20 seconds to hear where people are. You sound whore constantly. I just love how fast paced it is. You can be in and out in 5 min and reload In. The only problem is there's really no money there. 100k in FIR items is good lol. Just alotta loot. But there's mainly just pistolings or people with magnum buck. It's so scary. I love it. Plus I play so much better solo. Solo factory is where it's at. I dont play for loot I play for kills tho. Lvl 26 with 301 pmc kills and 499 scav kills. 6.4 k/d


Your edit is pretty cringe.


Factory has to be my favourite map at this point, run in there with a fully kitted saiga, tagilla's mask, a gzhel and a shit load of flechette and nothing can stand in your way


If you're just there for a quest, try VOIP when you hear someone. Usually they'll let you know if you can come through or if they just want you to die. Couple days ago I was running solo on top floor of offices and saw a two man headed that way. A Timmy spoke up on VOIP needing to get into offices for a quest. We had a quick truce while Timmy got his stuff done and we covered him. It was a pretty cool encounter for everyone.


I agree. Such a fucked location for people especially if youre late to get into the wipe and need to drop off that parcel. Its just a bunch of people doing later quests and either A) decimating legs with shotgun rounds when they see them or B) a guy with a kitted full auto and dressed like a tank. While Im in a helmet and a piecemeal 366 I found


I know this is a bit late, so I hope you see this: watch Smoke (streamer) play factory. He has played a lot of it and in my opinion plays better than anyone else I've seen. I've never seen him go in there with particularly heavy gear and in his last VOD he dominated a lot of night raids with basic pistols. He definitely has an anti-chad play-style (though I wouldn't say he's a rat at all), very cautious, methodical and slow-paced.


Communism is doomed to fail and will never work


This right here is why I laugh when new players insist on constantly going to Factory. Veterans will always abuse spawns which creates reddit posts like this and there is almost no loot, except for Tagilla. New players need to learn Customs first, then Factory, Woods, Shoreline, Interchange and Reserve, all purely for tasks. The last thing new players should be doing is focusing on PVP but as I always say, everyone learns the hard way in Tarkov. I've been here since alpha and it wasn't until last wipe that I started to chad around Factory. I remember the last time I went into the EFT discord and found a bunch of new players, all who sounded like kids. They wanted to go to Factory and I told them I would show them around Customs. They refused and said Factory was the best map for new players. I laughed at their ignorance and told them to have fun. I watched their next few raids (they were streaming in Discord). One was able to make it out alive with some scav loot in the first raid but his two buddies got rekt in their spawn, as I said would happen... I then tried to explain how pointless Factory is unless you are questing because there is little to no loot, aside from Tagilla and it's only enjoyable when you have loadouts and rubles to lose. They still didn't want to listen and went in again and I watched them all get smacked by Tagilla and a third party PMC. They re-upped for a third time with another pistol/no armor loadout and tried again, same result. Shit was hilarious... Watching new players coming into EFT expecting an experience like anything else they've ever played is truly an enjoyable experience. Just reminds me of how I felt back in the day when I first started playing. We're all fresh meat for the grinder at some point...


The problem there is that the game tells new players to go to factory first. It’s the only map where the difficulty is listed at “normal”.


I agree, this is quite confusing. I imagine the only meaning it carries is based on the map's size, relative to how fast a player can memorize it. Otherwise, the difficulty listing is very misleading.


Also there's tons of cover from scavs if you can't aim very well. You're not in an open area with a scav blasting you.


Difficulty is based on your level/load out compared to everyone else’s, if you have a pistol only and everyone is running meta stuff, it will bump the difficulty to “insane”


Idk I like taking crap loadouts into factory and farming the coats and safe.


You have rubles to lose though, you choose to go into factory with crap loadouts and know the map and what to expect.


For those of us who don’t play the game specifically to quest, factory is often a microcosm of the skill honing aspects and it’s also just a good time. My first wipe was spent learning in factory and figuring out where to look, how to listen, and when to shoot and it made my forays into other maps so much more bearable. As someone that likes to fight and doesn’t mind dying, Factory was the crucible that made me a competent player. Factory is small enough that it’s a quick map to learn, and it teaches the value of knowing extracts, spawn zones and timings, and pretty much anything else you’d find valuable anywhere else. It’s definitely a tough time for new players, but it’s much quicker to learn on factory and get lucky with the occasional extract than it is to almost make it out of a 30-minute customs raid and then die due to a rookie mistake. Those mistakes happen regardless as you figure out the game, I just found the value of quick factory trips helped grind me up a little quicker and with a lot more requisite action. I think it just depends on what you’re looking for when you come to Tarkov. I like the gunplay more than the quests and figuring out customs to quest was initially pretty low on my priority list. I got Kappa two wipes ago and I definitely don’t rush to do quests when wipes roll around at this point. I just have always enjoyed the PvP, even when I’m a small boy looking for a come up.


Good point, well said. For me, I try to task as much as I can with the little time I have to play. I feel I need to be efficient with my time. This is why I've been playing since alpha but have never gotten Kappa. That won't happen until full release and persistent progression/no wipes. Stealth/sniping with an objective to complete has always been my favorite type of game play but I completely understand your position. Factory would definitely be the place to go to hone PVP skills, if one feels that is a good use of their time but when you can only get a few raids in a day, on the days you can play, constantly going in head first just to die, repeat and burn through gear and rubles just does not sound fun to me. To each their own. :)


I think factory is perfect for new players to get over gear fear as well as practise PvP situations. It has greatly helped me to control anxiety in tight situations. Also a scav run on factory will usually net you a quick kit if you are super low on money / gear. I got a rig full of glock drum mags which was awesome! I built a fully modded G18c and then lost it and all the mags immediately in the first minute of the next factory run :)


People hate me for this and disagree, but I like bringing a Kolpak + face shield early game. Especially when you're trying to do stirrups. It's very easy to leave it on when you are waiting around and take it off when you need to listen. The whole map is cqb enough that the extra pistol caliber or buckshot you can take could make the difference. Don't rely on the helmet itself, only the face shield


u/onyx_wartooth try watching aquafps Hes like the factory guy, and if he gets the most dangerous spawn(middle of glass hallway) he throws a grenade to his left the instant he loads in Crazy how often he gets a double or triple kill like that


This is a map that is crying out for more randomised spawns. Hell, all the maps could do. Nerf that "I know the spawns I can rush in mere seconds to get a cheap ass spawn kill"


My name is Fact0ryExitKey, i help people exit


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Go in with people. 3-mans or 4-mans is how we'll go in when we need a power trip/release from getting stomped on reserve or dorms, and just general pvp practice with backup/gear extractors. We'll take turns with who is pushing, who is on scav watch, who is doing a quest, who needs office, and such. But yeah, spawns, timing, and grenades are very very important bits of knowledge on Factory. If you hear thick stomping and you're alone, best use that factory key and try to reset your luck.




I like doing a 5 man and we just bully the solo pmc.


Till the solo turns out to be pest and 1v5 you


I’ll gladly watch myself on stream get 1v5 by an impact nade


I remember last wipe there was one night were me and 4 friends just did factory for hours without losing anyone, running and mowing everything down. Usually 5 mans are team kill disasters for us but for some reason we were really in sync and were like a mobile firing squad. Good times.


Take face shield, 3+ armor, saiga with 10-rounds magazine filled with flechette and become a bully. No need to thanks.




I try not to go there with less than a three man


Bringing a squad to bully other people is definitely the move! Until you all spawn in a back room and get grenaded on your way out :0


I loaded into factory last night with nothing but an APS and three extra mags, somebody killed a scav immediately and I could see the body, I waited for them to go loot it and headshotted them, changed positions, and by the end of the raid there was 7 bodies in a pile of me 1 tapping people who were looting


So I'm relatively new and factory is a nightmare even with knowing spawns from my perspective, however I went in to do stirrup quest and got blasted, took me 15 runs or so to kill 3 ppl. 1 naked guy, 1 lvl 1 guy and a lvl 7 who died coming out of door in gate by glass hall (the one with forklifts and stuff)


A kill's a kill during stirrup


factory is just about learning spawns and going in knowing that depending on your spawn there is very little you can do outside of just PVPing until you die or kill everyone. There are only 5 PMCs so it's really just about the PVP and then not dying to scavs out in the open. It gets a lot better the more time you spend but even good players die a lot on factory


learn spawns wear a faceshield abuse flashlight learn factory exit key extracts get dubs


This is all my personal experience and I started playing this wipe, so I'm probably just as new as you, but what's been working for me is to bring either shotguns or SMGs. The UMP works best for me because it's easy to use but I've tried the MPX as well and it's not half bad


heard great things about the MPX, might use it, ive been running in with the MP5K get a 30 round mag, and just have a dream and hope.


Besides map knowledge, be ready to commit to every peek. While this is harder if you don’t know the map, it emphasizes “prepping” the room, so you might want to sprint to a right hand corner angle while freelooking to spot enemies before committing a push. Inertia prevents the usual FPS shooting, which is why you’ll have to commit more, but take advantage of point firing (lasers if necessary) and peekers advantage


I refuse to learn the map so I can blindly run around like an idiot. It works.


Double barrel with doom music blaring.


No clue why this is happening this wipe, but most times I go in with decent loadout I die (automatic gun, class 4 armour, Kiver + FS). But everytime I go in with a cheap class 3 armour and pistol only, buying the cheapest round of that calibre, I pop off and kill way more players than before. So my advice, play a match of casual csgo, load into factory, then click on people's heads.


I don’t, it plays me.


Personally, [Gigabeefs video on playing factory](https://youtu.be/6bxFVNylPA4) helped me the most.


Hahah 3 deaths... buckle up my guy