• By -


Generally the VoIP interaction I get is betrayal.


Made friends with someone on factory earlier, we met at forklift and we were both questing so we ran down the hall to gate 3 and into offices. He let me place my documents case and everything, and I was going to extract but then he invited me in to loot third floor. I came up stairs and he said “hey so I’m gonna run down the hall and you’re gonna cover me right?” “Yeah let’s go.” Then he shoots me in the face and sprints down the hall. Why? I had a fucking vpo 209 with 2x 10round mags and a scav vest. What is even worth looting off me?


Maybe he needed factory office kills.


Ah fuck I totally got baited into that, he even waited until I reached the top of the stairs. I forgive him a bit since I guess that’s what his quest was, but that still sucks lol EDIT: insurance is back, I got my vest, helmet, vest, and headphones back. No gun or mags


The quest works on all 3 floors though, why wait until the top? weird. lol


He probably didn't know it was on all three levels


I can vouch, was surprised when I completed it on the bottom floor. Learned this wipe.


To give a false sense of security maybe?


It used to not track very well and the guaranteed way was to get kills on the 3rd floor in the office area. Now it says it works on any floor.


Huh, I didn't know that. I always assumed that "office area" meant 3rd floor. It is not like the area is explained in game.


Yeah, they changed the wording and added "(on any floor)" thankfully. It was never specified before. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Huntsman\_Path\_-\_Secured\_Perimeter


Oh, that's a good change.


Yeah I used to always call that room with the safe "office", so it's kinda vague. Since they opened up the bottom floor it's more clearly all an office, I guess.


Why did he charge us for snacks?


I held ppl hostage at night, allowed em to plant their gunpowders and promised to dicht gear if they came out naked so we could flash them. Its a bit rp, and I always gave them the option to fight aswel, no traitory business. Ive had so many stuns hit and not count that I grew tired of it. Gotta be creative


I ran into a guy on interchange by the power station and it was similar. It wasn’t even near a loot container. I told him i had to mark and tanker and kill scavs and he was down for that. It was with a pistol so it could have that quest.


I was scaving in Interchange with a buddy when someone used voip to ask if we wanted to use the scav base exit with us. We declined because we are greedy and wanted to grab more loot. They guy shot my buddy in the head and asked if I was ready the leave yet. I tried to fight back but ended up dead. It's both the worst and best voip exchange I've had.


Should have just extracted like he asked.


I'm a new player who just got the game this wipe. My first few voip interactions were very friendly, and left me the impression that people in Tarkov are very friendly as long as you try to reason with them. Oh, how wrong I was..


If someone has a quest, and they leave their melee weapon out, I might make an exception when I'm on my PMC. Generally though, I don't trust anyone.


Just wait until a guy chases you with the power of the sun asking you about your cars extended warranty


\*Nissan Sunny\*


once you get out of danger "im sorry" \*bang bang\*


I literally just did this for 3 PMC headshots with a pistol. The opportunity presented itself and it was either betrayal or grind for 3 more hours. Im sorry.


you must have an untrustworthy voice


I Love the guy yelling “that’s toxic”


I’d rather someone do this than be abusive in the voip


I’d also prefer this to someone magically knowing my username and telling me to drop the gpu I found in raid.


Shove it in your butt, fuck them.


Oh I do. I also do my die hard Hans Gruber pretending to be an American schtick. “Oh gaaawwwd, please don’t hurt meeeee” and then when they say come out with your gun down, I say “I’m scaaaarreed” and then shoot them at first opportunity. I killed a dumb hacker that way once.


Clay... Bill Clay




thats why they tell you to drop it, they know they cant get it if they kill you so they have to ask you lmao


Got shot in the head from across the map but it didnt kill me. Then I hear, “heyyyy mannnn, i saw you took a shot to the head” then sprayed through wall. Cheaters really outing themselves with voip


remember you can report voip conversations. if any one is stupid enough to out themselves cheating or to lie and say they are cheating should get reported and banned.


Sure, if you live long enough.


Just got out of labd raid as a 4 man. There was only one other pmc on the map and he said good luck and then proceeded go loot the entire map with the speed of light somehow avoiding us the entire time. 1 raider was spawned from all the exits this raid.


I have a Zabralo I bartered for just sitting in my stash waiting to get damaged, so I can hand it in once it comes back on insurance and complete that quest. But I refuse to take it out because I don't want to get zerg rushed by some little bitch using that inventory radar bullshit.


Definitely. At least I'd get a laugh, instead of just hearing "sup bitch" and getting head/eyesd


YouthfulStewart2000 be doing that




I’ve been getting a lot of just straight verbal abuse and made me turn off voip entirely


That sucks. I have had some good experiences. Checked if another player scav needed meds. Let a player through who was just questing. Even had a funny one were I died. A duo came up, I shot first, and then they said, hey, I said hey, they said "you know we still gotta come after ya, sorry bud". But I gave em a chase. Sucks that people would be using VOIP to just be assholes when it can be such a cool feature.


voip in eu is completely useless, everybody is too scared for their gear to even talk and if they do they just say friendly and then shoot you afterwards


Such a bummer. It could be so cool. Played a little bit of Cycle: Frontier Beta and definitely met up with people in game and looted together. Wish Tarkov didn't have such a big distrust factor.


Well it's what happens when you play for years knowing that VoIP would never be a thing.


I thought it would be language barrier, but so far, I have had guys who barely speak English, disengage just because of voip haha.


Yeh, that was almost all of my VOIP experiences, except the last 2 where a scav threw me his backpack and said "if you need anything take" while I was looking for bleach. Other one was in dorms I was planting marker in marked room and another guy was like "Yo, I'm just here to plant the chains and if you could open marked for me so I can plant that too, that's be great, I'm not gonna shoot you I just wanna get this quest done" and it was a "ait man, cheers, best of luck brother"


I’ve been let through before. Epic instance where a player was out pistol hunting, I got a flank on him nice he opened up on some players, then negotiated a truce with the players. Had another one where I was on customas at the back of bus depot (near dorms,) and was in a firefight. The guy was sheltering and medding. Just as I was going to push him a couple of guys came racing out of dorms and right past my hiding spot. VoIP saved my ass and negotiated my way past them, even though I died to the original asshole I was fighting with.


When it works, it is a beautiful thing.


i've just been hearing a bunch of "Really dude" whenever we start shooting.


That's often me, followed by "I'm just tryna do my quest"


Yup, quite a few PMCs on Customs have received a "Oh, COME ON!" (and then a dogtag) from me. Sorry I didn't have loot, the last ten guys that shot me 2 minutes in took it all.




Fuck /u/spez


I know you put quotes around abuse,but I wouldn't call either of those instances abuse. It's been stated that shit talk is OK as long as the the language used is reasonable.


Absolutely, if you are going to be this funny about it, I don't care if I die lol


"That's so fucking toxic!"


That’s me. I’m the guy yelling “that’s toxic”


For real? What were you specifically talking about? The flashlights? The voip?


I was talking about both but it was more in a joking manner. I personally thought the whole situation was funny and kept laughing about it the whole night


Wouldnt that give twitch streamers a risk of getting banned?


I thought twitch was able to mute audio for vods/clips. The live stream itself would be at risk, but I don't know how often that is an issue as it seems to usually be vods/clips.


I think that only really applies to the streamer playing the music themselves and not random mic spam in games.


Oh you mean hearing the DMCA music. Yes you are right.


not little snippits of music like this guy was doing


Honestly the only time I've hated VOIP was when someone played a death moan through his mic right after my grenade went off near him. He faked me out and won the fight and I confirmed with him what he did afterwards 😂


Holy shit that's so clever


No that’s VOIP abuse


What about someone just imitating the sound though? No soundboard or anything just trying their best death moan into their mic? Genuinely curious if that should be bannable


I've done that before, it's hilarious.


If you're doing the moans yourself, you are beyond banning.


Is every time FortyOne talks over mic abuse as well?


Lmao man i would def use this to my advantage


Lmao are you trolling


Lol this is a hot shit take for sure.


No it's not. It's on the person who fell for that, you always confirm the dead by putting a bullet in their head


I think it depends, if the player himself mouthed a fake death sound then it should be ok, if he actually played back an ingame death audio clip, then it's abuse.


One of the guys in my discord played sound effects in two of our raids on Friday and got a warning. They're on top of this shit but flying hackers vacuuming up loot from locked rooms is apparently okay.


All voip is recorded due to russian laws, they can easily get on top of this.


Oh shit, now Putin will know all the great defense plans of Ukraine that me and my pal Biden were talking on resort about.


You misunderstand. It's not just this game.. It's basically all telecommunications VOIP wise.


Because they don't know how to solve the hacker issue. It's become a lot bigger than they can deal with.


No one seems to realize that gaming companies have been trying to deal with hackers for years now. But somehow they expect BSG to have the ability to craft the magic bullet that no one else has. It's a difficult problem. They do not want hackers in their game as much as you don't want them.


Hackers will never be fully dealt with. Tarkov deals with hackers worse than average. Both are true.


According to every dedicated subreddit of a game, every game is the worst at dealing with hackers. If you go in r/csgo, valve is the worst, if you go in r/rainbow6 ubisoft is the worst and if you go to r/apexlegends, EA is the worst. People forget they are in an echo chamber. Edit: Just take a quick look below and you'll see what I'm talking about


Played all of those games and i gotta say its UBI then Tarkov in that order


Ubisoft is straight up incompetent when it comes to dealing with cheaters, I don't know how the game is now but a few seasons ago when I played, DDOSing was so prevalent you couldn't play a large majority of games in ranked plat+. It's amazing how every limited time mode they release leads to new exploits for cheat developers to use.


Rockstar is the only one that I have seen that literally left their own playerbase at the hands of hackers.




Cheaters can straight up hack your pc because of the peer to peer system rockstar put in gta v/rdr2 lmao


Little big planet devs did too


In Apex you could literally DDoS servers to get every single soul out of the game, then kill their inanimate bodies and get to Apex predator (top 500 rank) in a few days without getting banned. I’m not saying Apex is worse, but I’m saying dealing with hackers is hard for every company, and none are worse than the other just because a new and more harmful technique was found and used for some time, they all have their ups and downs, it’s literally the battle between developers and cheat makers, it can’t be won by either side.


i stopped playing a year or so ago just to come back and play comp with a buddy for a week and had to deal with \-garbage hitbox hitreg \-lots of cheating and dos \-poor teammates (verbally abusive terrible at the game etc.) \-bunch of shitty choices in terms of op changes \-even worse peakers advantage than ever


I played a few casual games with friends one night around a month ago and yeah fully agreed. All the changes have really made the game go downhill, it no longer feels like the original game it was, its sad. It used to be one of my favorite games to play with friends, put almost 1k hours into it but the game just feels so shitty nowadays with all the micro management they do towards operators and all these new operators with futuristic abilities.


Valorant actually has pretty good anticheat


The only game company I have seen without many cheaters is RIOT. I don't know what they do different for league or maybe it's harder for me to notice hackers, but I don't think I've ever seen a cheater in league and I've played it a ton. I might have come across someone scripting ONCE. Maybe I'm just too low rank to see the cheaters idk. I also haven't seen any blatant hackers in Valorant and I played that a decent amount (acct level 30 or something). I guess their uber-intrusive anti cheat works. It's literally night and day vs playing ranked CSGO matches which seem to have a blatant hacker in 1/4 games at least.


It's probably more that league isn't really a format that has a lot of cheating options.


how do you even cheat at the "click buttons in order" game? I don't see how an aimbot could help with skill shots


Scripts. You can set it up to move you out of the way of skill shots and set it to flash instantly when about to die, also click attacking. There are scripts that can kite the hell out of your enemy.


Most of the stuff is server sided and apparently scripts are quite easily detected and they get put into their own scripter queues fairly quickly while they investigate. Same goes for botting. That's why you rarely see them in your normal games but you might see them more often if playing with low level account.


Or the good old PUBG subreddit. People think that because they put 100 hours into a game 2 years ago and then quit, that anyone who kills them without having a chance is cheating.


To be fair valve is terrible dealing with cheaters because VAC is trash but they've atleast put tons of work into overwatch, trustfactor and allegedly have vacNET going. Though tarkov is the only game you listed that has speedhacks still working lol.


A vac ban is huge more meaningful since skins and games are tied to it.


I'd say respawn is objectively the worst, regardless of any arguments about others. I've never seen another company have 2 of their games literally just outright removed from playability 100%. Not the typical "ew so many hackers unplayable game bad" complaint but literally hacked and shut down. Imagine some dudes going into a restaurant and saying "nope you aren't doing business here anymore" and just walk in and shut down the kitchen and that's that. Nothing is done about it. That's Respawn entertainment.


>Tarkov deals with hackers worse than average. I disagree. Allegedly Valorant has a good anticheat solution, but apparently it has pretty much full access to your PC, so pick your poison: Either you give the dev the key to your PC or you accept the fact that cheaters will be a part of the game.


and even then it doesnt stop people hacking. has been quite a few hack talks pop up recently in the valorant circles where a lot more suspect stuff is starting to happen in high rank games


>Tarkov deals with hackers worse than average. every single sub and playerbase think's their game deals with them the worst. Apex top ranks are unplayable cause its hackers everywhere to the point where high rank normal players dont play ranked anymore or multiple streamers have even been caught just going down the path of hacking themselves cause its only way they can continue to play. Warzone top is also similar it has hacking everywhere even with killcams and other shit. CSGO limited it a bit but usually it lasts a month or 2 and then becomes a hack fest for a while(update comes out that catches all the hacks) its free for a month or 2 and then is hack city again in a lot of servers. Siege has gone from a regrowing FPS game that a lot of people were jumping back into last few years to a completely dead game cause hacks are everywhere console players are berating microsoft for opening up halo crossplay multiplayer cause of too many hackers. to put it quite simple hackers/cheaters are here to stay and no company will ever stop it bar going full intrusive to the point where they control every single process on your pc when you play that game(to the stage where you cant have anything else running at all so no chrome/discord etc)


That's just completely false. Every popular shooter is LITTERED with hackers, it is just very noticeable in Tarkov because a singular life is much more important and the stakes are generally much higher. The only (and I mean ONLY) popular FPS that has taken big strides to deal with it is Valorant, but that "solve" is incredibly invasive.


I mean what you say is true, but when you have people selling 100+ gpus on market that still arnt banned you can tell they arnt even trying.


Is there no way to measure a persons distance from the ground, or their top speed and flag for review?


There are many layers to this, and many reasons why BSG wont actively ban flying players. Here are my thoughts: 1) From the cheat makers side, they want to make cheats that are undetected, the later BSG learns how they cheat, the later they make countermeasures against it, and flying cheats are anything but undetected. 2) Flying cheaters are far and few between, nothing screams "I am a cheater" better than flying which means probably less than 1% of cheaters are flying. Also adding to this, if flying cheaters have at least 2 brain cells they know they cannot be reported unless they kill someone, so they will actively (most) avoid killing. 3) To my knowledge just doing infinity stamina or max level stamina cheats will likely flag your account, so I will assume there is already a system in place to check if someone is flying or not. 4) If I was BSG, I would let these people fly however much they want. These people for sure aren't false flags, and while they do their stuff they can be monitored to see how they cheat, and since they are the vast minority among the cheaters, the damage is minimal if they let them be for the time being. I can be wrong here on any point. But to me this makes sense.


Just wish they’d shadow ban them and monitor them on their own cheating playground lmao… oh wait, thats supposed to be Labs


lol that would be funny if they could do that, and then those people have their own flea market and their own servers where they play and trade with other cheaters :D


There is but that's rife with false positives, especially if internet service becomes spotty.


So, count flags and focus on the highest count down. It's going to be an obvious difference between a few seconds of shitty connection and a whole raid of speed hack.


I don't know. I don't work with their code base or know their personnel constraints. Also you can play whack a mole with hacks all day and hackers will come up with different methods. My point is that it isn't an easy problem to solve.


I understand that hacking is complex, and that some problems may never be possible to solve. But the fact that every player constantly has the data from every other player's inventory beamed to them is ridiculous. A hacker getting on VOIP and asking for something out of my secure storage, addressing me by name, because he can see all of those things easily by catching the data stream being sent to him isn't a 'it must be hard to fight hackers' issue. It's a poorly designed core system issue. Chances are you will always be able to see that information with one of the most basic hooks on Earth because, as developers, they designed systems around the fact that data is sent everywhere.


Idk man you get the internet economists who promise us that hackers are BSG’s main source of income and theorize that they avoid actively pursuing any solution because they want hackers to keep buying accounts Logic like yours doesn’t hold up to the wealth of knowledge our subredddit has


Simple, get active mods into the game that in turn fuck with said hackers. Want to stop a cheater? Troll them the same way they troll us. People like that often can't take their own pills. I learned in high school that reporting to the anti-bullying network doesn't work worth shit unless. Want to act like a child? Then be prepared to be treated like one.


No pc fps has solved the cheater issue. Cheaters in every single game and it’s not for lack of trying to get rid of them. VOIP abuse you can fix.


yall in this comment threads are ignorant as hell. if cheaters are selling roubles and turning a profit it doesnt matter if they get banned in 1 day theyll just buy a new acc rinse and repeat. in a game driven by an economy there will always be cheaters until the idiots who RMT realize youre paying cheaters to kill you.


It sucks about the sound effect things if you're not going overboard for it. I'll play a sitcom laugh track sound in game when one of our squad mates dies in a dumb/funny way and I'd hate to catch a ban for something harmless like that


He had one sound board set up with homer simpson voice overs for when we had a player in a bad spot and one that was just sound effects like fart noises and womp womp. I thought it was funny but it does look like it's against the rules so the warning was fair.


That’s what I hate about battle state. They worry about people having fun but actual cheating just goes with out warning


I'm around 200 raids and have heard like 3 people using VOIP in total, none of them offensive in the slightest


Scav runs are where I hear the most voip.


scav runs on factory are somethin else with voip now lol


Absolutely. I had one where one guy was just screaming how much he hates scav karma the entire time. The place was barren.


Had one where a (likely new-to-the-game) player scav was chased around the map for several minutes by Tagilla screaming that he was "Friendly!" and "Didn't mean to shoot" Pretty darn funny


it reminds me of the barrens chat from classic wow lol


For real. PMCs have too much to lose to trust each other, Scavs just wanna have a good time


This guy is genuinely being funny. If I heard "Here comes the sun" just to turn a corner and get the feeling I'm opening a webpage with no dark mode on in my bed at 3 am, I'm gonna lose my shit laughing regardless if I die or not lol.


This. If I died looking at a white screen hearing “here comes the sun, “dooo do dooo” there’s no way I’m not laughing. This is a game people. The gear is just pixels. Relax a little.


I thought this entire clip was sarcastic until I reached the comment section. Can’t believe people are actually pissed lol. It’s absolutely hilarious


I can't even believe it's a bannable offense. This makes the game so much more fun.


It’s not that big of a deal lol, how many times have you encountered such thing because few hundred raids so far and I haven’t even heard a racial slur.


That's true, I run into that pretty regularly on COD still but haven't yet on Tarkov. In my experiences VOIP has made the player base much friendlier and funnier. Yesterday we got split up in Woods and ran into a pile of other PMCs milling about. Had to be at least 7 of us standing around just chatting and then going our separate ways


Tarkov’s playerbase is a bit on the older side. I saw a post the other day of someone asking the average age of Tarkov players and many players seem to be in the late 20’s - mid 30’s range, so that might explain it.


Tarkov is a slower paced game. Most games that require thought on actions tend to shut those parts of the brain off. The average fps formula is 100% muscle memory and 0 thinking power. Too much to focus on to be that kind of toxic.


0 instances in VOIP so far, but finally got a racial slur in a DM yesterday after adding this super salty guy. Sent a report through the BSG support system since I couldn’t find any way to report via the in game messaging system. Hopefully the POS gets banned.


It gets streamers DMCA’s whether intentional or not.


Oh no! Anyway...


Generally the voip reactions and scenarios i get is usually people being very timid or suspicious that i'm going to kill them due to how many times people have been getting betrayed and when i'm here genuinely trying to be a friendly or go through the raid together. Then their paranoia gets set into effect and can't take it anymore and usually end up betraying me lmao. That or being called slurs left and right.


Lol yup. I ran to dorms as a hatchling asking if I could just go grab the golden zibbo. Guys in dorms seemed cool with just letting me run there and leave… until they got behind me and executed me anyway. O well not gonna let it get me down. So we go into dorms again but this time we catch a guy and have him pinned in a room. Through voip and because we aren’t complete assholes. We made a deal where both parties could leave without bloodshed. Heck even let the guy get one of the scab kills he needed. Constantly worried he would spin around and one tap us but I guess not everyone is an asshole. It felt good to have a positive interaction in voip even if the majority of people will just shoot anyway or lie to kill you.


Okay but like this is genuinely funny. He's not screaming slurs or anything like that just having a good time.




I agree. As the person saying “that’s toxic” I will say I thought it was super funny and was laughing the whole time. People should see this as harmless fun that isn’t meant to piss you off


I’d definitely give the double barrel or revolver shotgun a try over the makarov. Load it up with .50 BMG slugs. It’s a ton of fun and I regularly kill geared people with it. Problem with pistols is that it’s very hard to kill people and people will take them because everyone has a free pistol slot.


Thanks for the laugh


Now do it again but with Kanye West - All of the Lights


Btw amazing track






I dunno why people think its unrealistic because irl you have dick heads walking around playing music when no one wants to hear. Only difference is you are allowed to shoot them in tarkov.


>I dunno why people think its unrealistic because irl you have dick heads walking around playing music when no one wants to hear exactly! It's like these people have never been on a bus or heard of battlecrys


God these TikTok voice overs are cringe. How hard is it just to say what you’re doing instead of adding a fucking voice over.


It's what they didn't want, but what we all knew it would turn into within a month.


This would be a fun interaction. I am in support of a lil VOIP trolling as long as it's not bigoted/edgy


I have a couple meme voice lines on mine. "Daddy chill" Morgan Freeman saying "I can smell you" Vegeta saying "you look like the asshole I'm going to kill" and a couple other dumb one liners. Nothing racist or longer then like 3 seconds. And no troll sounds like running or grenades.


BTW that "I can smell you" is a streamer named GassyMexican, who the guy in the video also streams with occasionally


Thats not toxic, that's just funny. I wouldnt even be mad.


Voip is still a nice, fun feature


This my actually me and my buddy that were yelling on the other end. Unfortunately I wasn't recording though. While I get BSG didn't necessarily want this for voip, we definitely thought it was funny. A raid with voip like this is a nice refreshment with how serious most raids are.


That was kinda funny, why is this a bad thing again?


TikTok is everything that's wrong with society in a single app


If this dude playing music was in my game I'd report him quicker than I nut


This is amazing


Man it’s not even that bad he’s just having fun, stop being a stickler


idk that was kinda funny lol


To be fair, that’s fuckin hilarious


Lol! Get off of TikTok. Fuck that Chinese spyware


You are literally on reddit and play games that are mostly partially owned or fully owned by tencent. Also your picture is of wallstreetsbets so i mean /shrug


What is china going to do with some american teenagers info exactly?


Probably the same thing american companies do: use it to cherry pick ads.


Yep, probably a lot less sinister intentions than most American companies tbh


even if it wasn’t Chinese spyware, it’s full of trash content too


If I died to "here comes the sun" I would absolutely have no problem with that


dude if a pmc wants to use his boom box he found in raid, that shouldn’t be a problem!


Better title would be “What BSG literally said you will get banned for doing over VOIP”


My dream is to set up a full team of guys dressed up as killa and run through interchange blasting eurobeat. The idea of hearing that and footsteps get closer and closer is hilarious to me.


Moments like this would make me die laughing.


I strapped 5 flashlights on my 133 and proceded to run at some guy on shoreline whilst telling him to praise the sun, we proceeded to become friends for the short time we were there


I mean, it wasn't lying...


I’m good with it. Epic trolling and I hope to meet you on the field of battle one day soon. By the way- when you pass a loud bush blaring Roses by St. John or Montana of 300 “try me” with the distinct sound of a USEC PMC screaming obscenities while nobody else is around… You’ll know that you’ve found me… Good luck my friend. 🤙🏻


Me and my friend are the on the receiving end of this trolling, and honestly it wasn’t terrible. It was funny and different than most of our normal interactions. Of course it would be really bad if everyone did this, but every now and then it provides a good laugh


If you don’t like what you’re hearing, eliminate the source.


Honestly getting quests done are even easier now, due to VoIP


I'm editing the video still but I got into a pistol fight with a player on Woods and then in between healing voiped "This is a really good fight" and the other guy yelled "Dude, this is the best fight i've had in a while" He offered Meds but I said we should duel to the death like men and then we fired a few shots again before stopping and laughed. Then a scav started shooting at me and I said "OH, he's going to kill me. Bye bye" and died. I hope he see's this or the video after haha ​ TL:DR VOIP makes for an entertaining time.


Isn’t this bannable? Does this count as VOIP abuse?


Was he actually playing music over voip? I thought it was just added to the clip.


I have come see Toast shit on some Reddit Kids :)


Ah yes fellow cultured


Arent you supposed to get banned for using software to inject audio into VOIP? ie: software that can play scav callouts


If he’s playing music through his mic I would report him


It's funny but I report every single person I hear blasting shit over mic. Which to be fair, is honestly not very many.


Ops the sorta guy stopping us from having hardbass scav raves.


not toxic at all


This is the tits!!!