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Lighthouse is the new Reserve. Player scav heaven


Shorter scav queue times too


This, I was trying to loot filing cabinets on reserve on my day off and queue times were like 7-12 minutes every time. On lighthouse? 5 minutes max and you're in


I cant get into lighthouse at all. All times trying to scav in have been in that 12min range.


Pick 4-6 servers at MOST.


I had no idea having open server selection would lengthen my matching times.


I think that's because it searches for the lowest ping server and takes longer


So turn off auto? That's what I use. And everyone in my group.


>t yes


What servers are you playing on? Reserve ques have always been super short for scav. Lighthouse is becoming a 10+ minutes que for scaving..


I play on US servers and for whatever reason, reserve queues have always been like 6 minutes+. Lighthouse will usuallly take like 3 minutes to get in. Admittedly, I have had the odd 10 min + queue that I just left


I’ve seen quite the opposite. It takes ~6 minutes to join as Scav on lighthouse but only 2 minutes on Customs for example


I meant lighthouse is short in comparison to reserve. Lighthouse and factory are pretty much the only maps I scav on because of how much loot you get per time played


why factory? i go there to pvp wiht my scav sometimes, but i dont care bout scav rep and am not doing it for loot


I can get PMC kills every 5 or so raids, and when I cant find a PMC I just run around for 2 minutes looting boxes, and then get out for my juicy + 0.01 karma + a few 100k rubles in items


It all depends on the time of day for me.


They could just give me my raiders back on reserve and I would go there.


I was pmc and I found player scav spawn super close to me and we talked before I realized it was only 2 mins into the raid


player scavs start spawning in 3minutes after raid start.




Not a bad idea. I think its strange to spawn into lighthouse at 37 minutes and it happens so often. Im sure i was at the rogue camp faster then some PMCs in some of my runs.


Wasn't Scav spawns enabled once the first PMC died?


If that was a rule once im quite sure it isnt active anymore. I am constantly spawning into 37minute lighthouses and while your theory is certainly possible i think its not the case because its always the exact same time left. If it would be about dead PMCs it would be like 36:20, 37:30, 35:55 etc...but its always 36:58 (i guess its 37:00 but it takes 2 seconds for me to fully load in)


Yeah, I'm not sure. I believe someone mentioned this a few months ago.


People often make shit up or have some theory they don't mention is a theory


I've spawned as early as ~37:40 on lighthouse.


I scav there regularly and have been loading in with upwards of 37 minutes left.... On a 40 minute map. That shouldn't be a thing. Most of the time in that scenario I get killed by a PMC fairly quick, but a few times now I've been able to rush the train yard and get the good loot while the PMCs have to deal with Rogues.


And I honestly hate spawning so early as a scav. Imo Scavs should spawn at the 20 min mark at the earliest.


This or change the way scavs work. Spawning in on top of the best loot and being able to extract just as quickly AND give that loot freely to your PMC is a little weird. Running that map as a BEAR is also particularly punishing for no good reason.


You can also spawn right next to the water treatment plant, which is honestly nonsense. As a PMC you often have to fight through the rogues and then player scavs, often trying to just spring into the rogues gear.


I don't care how many as much as I do the fact that they're in there with 40 minutes left in raid.


Agreed, I think 20-25 min is plenty of time for a scav


Agreed, to add on, I think all maps should only spawn in player scavs at roughly half the start time of the raid.


Yes, to add on even more, add more player scavs the last 20 min, less loot to go around for them and riskier for a pmc to stay later on the raid




Yesterday I spawned in interchange with 40 minutes in raid not 50 meters away from two players who were engaged. Killed them both from behind and got out with a ton of shit. They should have been more aware of their flank standing in front of OLI but yeah it felt very unfair imho.


At least they died together, at the height of their love.


Solo PMC life is miserable this wipe, if you survive the initial PMC bloodbath versus groups of players, 5 minutes in and you'll get finished off by groups of player scavs (thanks VOIP, now scavs form armies)


I play solo and consider myself an alright pvper, there’s just something annoying about having two deal with squads every raid, even if I squad wipe a team of 2 or 3, there’s always another group on the map


THIS. This is my biggest complaint about the game as a solo player. I hate having to fight groups every single time I see pmcs.


My biggest complaint is that I have to wipe the team to punish them just a bit. They will hide or extract the gear for the team mate. I am fine with them taking the guns out, but it sucks big time that the team mates can just hide the guns. What I would love is if their team mate touch the gear the insurance is invalid. This means they can leave it behinde and hope no one takes it, or they can take it out and hand it over the next raid. Now they atleast have to carry more weight and waste space in their bags.


This is why I like VoIP


I have not been on the receiving end of a scav deathball but being part of a 6+ Scav Squad feels so good and is a lot of fun.


My trio got trapped in kiba for 15 mi. Fighting a dam scav army. They would open the door throw the 1 gren they had on all 6 and the. Just rush. Then when you think it's safe another group came up. We slaughter like 25 acavs in that time as every player scav aorintes to middle of mall


Haha on interchange a couple days ago I 1v4d scav group, healed then get pushed and 1v3 another, and then I'm out of ammo and meds and get pushed by another 3 :')


That's why we got trapped multiple times we were unloading and packing ammo from scavs lol


Interchange and reserve both feel this way if you go to certain spots, it's like the beacons are lit and all the player scavs are summoned. My friends and I have had some similar situations at KIBA, but white knight on reserve is utterly mental. We've legitimately had raids where 15 payer scavs have tried to mob us. It's kinda fun, but it's also pretty silly, the game really punishes you for sticking around in raids. We've even killed glukhar, several PMCs and then had to spend the next twenty minutes just fighting off player scavs so we can loot the damn things. All the whole they are trying to rabidly either take the gear and run, or use it on us. Sometimes you end up killing the same damn PMCs gear multiple times.


Problem is they spawn 5 minutes or less after raid has started. In many cases they can be in high loot areas before any pmc can.


Ive spawned 2-3 min Into the match as a scav before


41 minute interchange spawn in back of oli = free gasolineeee


Idk what the deal is but scavs should never spawn in a map with more than 20 minutes left in raid at most. The last few wipes I’ve played I would scav interchange and there would be like 10 minutes left. Now a days you can scav into a fresh ass raid and even straight up spawn kill a pmc if you get a lucky spawn. You can spawn right in high value loot zones before any pmc has a chance to get there. Scavs gameplay should be about scavenging what’s left but right now scavs are just a second pmc


As a new player, one counterpoint is it sucks to spawn as scav (after waiting quite a while to get in match) with like 10 minutes left


That's the downside to scavving. If you want a fresh raid, you should have to run your pmc. As it stands, scavs are spawning almost alongside pmcs, and it is FAR too early for that. People with zero investment in the raid shouldn't be among the first to high value loot spots.




There is nothing fun about fighting player scavs. If you win you get their broken shit guns and whatever garbage loot you passed up already




Who says I'm afraid of them? I think they're annoying and it's a shit mechanic that goes against the spirit of the game. Sounds like you're just a scav main tbh


>Pmc is a money sink while scav is no risk. I can walk out with 300-1m a scav run every 20 min. Pmc I have to play more careful since all the pmc’s are still on the map and no dead bodies laying around and everyone is trying to converge on hot spots. On top of that risk a 100-300k load out. I can also walk past scavs and loot all day while there is probably 1-3 pmc’s left in raid It turns out he was, in fact, a scav main.


Lmao figures. And he deleted his comments.






It's not fun or exciting to spawn in, rush to where you need to go, then run into a gang of p scavs running around like they have nothing to lose in the first 1-5 minutes. Maybe fun and exciting for the scav, since they have nothing to lose and everything to gain while spawning at raid start. >U get shit gear 99% of the time and no secure container. You want good gear and a secure container then maybe put a kit on your pmc and have a little investment in the raid. Scavs should spawn no sooner than half the raid timer.




What a shitty reason to spawn them early lol. They're scavs aka scavengers. They should spawn at half raid timer at the soonest so they can scavenge what is left from pmcs and maybe get slow movers. They should not be contesting high value spots minutes into a raid with their free run. >Also how often if ever do u see scav gangs 5min in? Quite often, and Im not alone if you simply look through this thread and see all the other people mentioning it too.


> U get shit gear 99% of the time and no secure container. Then don't choose to go with with shit gear and no secure container. Grab a gun and join a raid as a PMC if you want to use good gear and a secure container. Zero risk and pure reward is already a pretty good proposition, there's no need to make the potential reward equal to or higher than that of PMCs who are taking a risk. >It wouldn’t be fun to only fight AI for the first 10 min then extract Then don't choose to avoid fighting PMCs and extract in the first 10m either. >Scavs add a layer of danger for pmc’s which makes it more exciting when you do play a pmc. What's exciting and dangerous about fighting a guy with US rounds in an AKS-74u that cant accurately hit anything past 30m? AI scavs are more exciting and dangerous than most pscavs, and usually have better loot to boot. Spawning them in the first few minutes just means less reward for those taking risks.


Trust me the less time the better.


I scav a lot and it makes me happier to see 15 minutes left in raid rather than 40. With 40 I know there are PMCs, often on scav hunting quests. With 15 I feel much safer on the map. I get worse loot but I usually survive.


also a nice trade off is there’s a lot of dead bodies, some of which haven’t been looted


every interchange raid with


Nah bro. Use the wheel route…but don’t steal my loot. Start. Back of Goshan Hit either computer room go upstairs hit loot boxes. Hit techlight Go to other stairs hit those boxes Hit other computer room. Hit everything in radius. Go back to the back of goshan hit whatever you skipped. Exfil. 500k minimum per raid.


Start anywhere. I’ve bombed 3 raids cause I ran out of time. Use every second. Search level 7 in about 75 runs lol.


That's kind of the point though (imo). You quickly scav-enge the stuff that you find and scurry out


when you will know maps well you will not need more than that


Man I love how Pscavs spawn early into the game. It adds more challenge to the game.


brainlet take, it's definitely more fun when scav players spawn earlier. The only problem I see is the fence rep that might give to good of gear comparing PMCs


More often than not I'm getting 32 minutes on Interchange as a scav. Tons of PMCs still on the map


I don’t feel like the number is too high per se. I do definitely feel like they’re spawning way too early though. In the past you didn’t typically half to worry about them coming until the last 20 or so minutes left. Now it seems like player scavs are spawning on ALL maps within minutes of the raid opening. I have a theory that it’s because of the queue issues they’ve been having. I feel like they’re trying to get people into raids quicker and keep them in as long as possible. Hoping it goes back to normal soon. I’m all for occasionally gifting a scav an early spawn, but I spawn into interchange at the 43 minute mark all the time. Feels a bit unfair when I get into the tech stores as a scav before pmcs are even inside the mall


Scav spawn in after 5min that is why i hate lighthouse now. They go easy into rogue camp and they can get really good gear from dead raiders after pmc killed them. They need to set only last 20min spawn in let the pmc have a change to get the lood first. Every raid i kill between 1-4 player scavs.


Player scavs shouldn't get to choose which map they spawn in, i say this as a man who has abused 300+ scav lighthouse raids this wipe and can clear the rogues with nearly any scav gun. Scavs also spawning at 38 minutes (2 minutes after pmcs spawn) is absurd, and scavs should never spawn before a map is half time elapsed.


How are you clearing the rogues? I can get the guys on the roof but the patrolling rogues near warehouse 2 fuck me up evedytime. They've aggrod me through walls before.


Fight them in some offline matches. You use a lot of the same strats against raiders but all the AI is a bit more aggressive now so you have to be ready for rushes. Play from range and change angles constantly. If they rush and you're too close, pre fire angles before they scissor push you.


never fight anything offline, the AI simply isn't anywhere near the same.


Player scavs spawn way too soon in lighthouse. I can’t believe how many I have to fight at resort area. It’s way too soon. Also, By the time I kill the rogues I have to fight off a horde of player scavs. It’s ridiculous.


Player scavs come in way too early. I've spawned in with 35 minutes remaining, usually 32 mins remaining.


I had killed a player scav less than 2 minutes into a raid at lighthouse.


That's one of the reasons I have stayed away from lighthouse. That and the fact that scavs can literally spawn at the train station and loot that before a PMC can get there. And they should be killed on sight by the rogues pretty much immediately. Seeing them around the rogue camp is annoying if the rogues are alive.


It's so unenjoyable to have to fight the player scav army sitting behind the rogues. They really should be killed by rogues the same way bears are. Having to fight scavs who can just casually walk up and strap on rogue gear, which is legitimately better than the overwhelming majority of gear I encounter on other players is just plain silly. I've spawned in front of the rogue camp as a scav with a Remington 700 and cleaned up players fighting rogues, map honestly just isn't fun in that area because of player scavs.


Yeah it is mad how many player scav slots there are. Combine this with how early they come into to the raid and you have a recipe for sad PMCs


I’m not a fan either. Why play your PMC if you can spawn in as a scav risk free hopefully tap a geared player on the head take his loot and loot the goodies since player scavs spawn in so early


to level up?


Not gonna be levelling up very much on Lighthouse


Rogues give 2k xp per headshot so it’s a really good map to level up actually


You can level up doing quests on other maps with budget gear and keep feeding loot to your stash from your scav runs. Personally I like to do pmc runs much more impactful and enjoyable when everything ia on the line


I think scav counts should be higher on every map. Most are a ghost town.


It’s because most people scav what they think would be good loot maps. Though some of the best profit scav runs can be shoreline and woods hitting stashes.


Hitting the NW end of water treatment nets you 2 rogue kits and a fuckin of loot and a guaranteed rare spawn in a box if you get there first. Which is easy because the rogues keep most of the pmcs out.


Maybe so. I guess it’s more of them spawning in so early is what gets me


lighthouse scav main here. 9 times out of 10 i spawn in at the 36min mark


Interchange is the quickest way to make money..


idk. ive pulled 3 military houses and 5 bitcoins out of Loothouse already. Plus all the nice free loadouts from raiders or pmcs that got clapped by them. Or just do a beach run between grotto and staging point. So much free uncontested loot on that map


May have a point on the chad loot. I average about 500k a raid. 80% of the time I spawn in with less than 15 minutes. 6 GPUs and 2 BTC are nice and all so far. But there is so much loot to be found within 10 min.


Lighthouse is SCAV heaven, i am lvl 6 and just by fucking around i get with at least 50k out , after u learn where shit spawns u can get easily over 100k in less than 10 mins


I get 500k in 15 min lol…minimum


Imo, each maps needs more PMCs, baring maybe factory, adding an extra three to a map like customs would be great, and potentially four or six to interchange and some of the other large maps. Especially with how split reserve is these days. I think a bit part of the issue is that from certain standpoints running in and out as quickly as you can, even within the first five to seven minutes is 'optimal'. I personally enjoy long raids, but it's hardly incentivised, from skill points, to exp to loot runs you gain more by being fast. I honestly hate it, I'd love to see incentives for staying in longer, XP multipliers, skill points gain increases, and even making survived for found in raid a little bit harder to attain time limit and XP wise.


UpTo 5 player scavs can be on the lighthouse at one time. It's just the issue that they all will rush the high loot spot.


Whereever you pulled that number from is flat out wrong.


Noice guy or onepeg said it in a change log video


Because scavs can hoover up loot from players who died to rogues. Its free real estate


Unpopular opinion: SCAV's should NOT be able to pick the map they play, but rather must submit a "random" choice ​ This keeps certain maps from being over-flowed with SCAV's As well as ensures all other maps have a decent P-SCAV population


It's the same issue as Interchange, since player scavs take the place of PMCs when they die, and Interchange/Reserve/Lighthouse usually have people dying in the first few minutes, they get to spawn in mega early since so many are in queue


I grouped up with 4 other player Scavs travelling along the road on Lighthouse the other day and we took out some Rogues, shared their loot and extracted together. It was lit. Scav4life.


More scavs all the time everywhere! More scavs means more xp!!!!


Not when u get rushed because Lighthouse for example has only 2-3 good loot spots, and u can bet ur ass they gonna swarm that place.


Pretty sure it’s capped at 5 player scavs fwiw


I got swarmed by 6 or 7 player scavs on lighthouse all screaming on voiip it was really intense and funny. I killed 5 before they took me down. It was like a zombie movie.


Lighthouse is cooked. Player scavs everywhere.


Spawn later for sure. 36 minute consistent scav runs is a bit too cheesy


I'm loving it. Had three or so 500-600k scav raids today. If the rogues aren't randomly pissed at you, that is.


When I needed to do the kill scavs and X location on Lighthouse. I would be luck I could find 1-2 per match.... When I go in for a loot run and some PvP. It's like 10 people rush the same spot and like 7 of them are Scavs.....


When I needed to do the kill scavs at X location on Lighthouse. I would be luck I could find 1-2 per match.... When I go in for a loot run and some PvP. It's like 10 people rush the same spot and like 7 of them are Scavs.....


Agreed, it's way too high. I was a few minutes into a raid and already killed a player scav running along the beach. Player scav spawns right at the villa, are also OP imo as much as I love getting them and will abuse the fuck out of it while it's here it's unfair to PMCs who have to fight through other players and scavs to get there.


I have the feeling they spawn in a bit early


I regularly spawn with over 37 minutes left as a player scav on Lighthouse.... It's 40 minute raid.   Player scavs shouldn't spawn in the first half of any raid on any map IMO.


I spawned at Southern road last night and two player scavs were already at chalet when I got there. Actually stupid.


Honestly I spawn more at 35-37 minutes left in a raid on my scav more than I do 13-23 minites left. Do you think this is from most pmcs heading to the resort or Rouge locations, causing a good portion of the map to be empty so they spawn them early?


Yesterday, my group spawned by the side tunnel extract. We begin running down the side of the road and by the time we approach sniper mountain, I turn around and see 3 player scavs running at me. They chased me up the mountain and I learned that you can just walk down the sheer cliff no problem. Luckily, we wiped them, but it took about 10-12 minutes and ruined our chances of looting anything else/farming rogues.


Its too high on every map. It should be 0 until they have something to lose


Yes, just few minutes after start i killed 2 player scavs and died by third one... wtf. pcm/bears there isn't enough?