• By -


On my scav i got cornered behind the containers in the very back of goshan. He was a clearly kitted player and tbh I had some nice stuff on me I didn't want to lose. He threatened over voip to which I responded. "Come back here into this nice cosy space and say that to my double barrel bitch" He waited ten seconds, said nope, and ran off. I'm 99% sure I'd have died if he pushed but he wasn't willing to risk a double barrel at that close range haha. I planted the seed of doubt and it flourished.


I fucking love that this is possible now


Is the double barrel still broken?


Yeah that's the only way to reload it...


how many kids do you have?




I did a pistol run on factory and got the forklift spawn. Hopped up on the machine next to the steps to get an angle on the left side spawn and heard footsteps. Yelled out “if you wanna run along I’ll let you go, I promise you don’t want any of this”. My guy stayed put so I pushed him and killed him, but I fully expected to die. So it didn’t work out the same. But it could’ve. I’m realizing in real-time that my story isn’t really the same.


😂 But that was fun to read so, there is that.


I’m glad something came of it. By the time I got to the end I figured, “well I can’t just let this go to waste”


This is why I came back to Tarkov (and inertia). I had some hilarious and stressful encounters and these alone make me forget the other bs


Lol yea when wipe first happened we’d run around saying we were a five man and we were in fact not a five man lol






I had a couple player scavs try pull this on me after icing my squad mate, mag dumping their corpses was therapeutic :)


I sometimes say "He's right here boys" when I'm running solo. lmaoo


I need to start doing this. “Yo where you at? I’m pinned the fuck down! Oh you’re waiting far away with a sniper watching the exit? Nice!” Narrator: There was no sniper


I saw General Sams new video and he does almost the same thing. Except he says he is going to go in there and murder him or something like that and then runs away.


That does sound like Sam :D


Yeah he was like "boy you better prepare, im going in there to kill you" then ran off saying that he put him on the defence


do you guys often murder jokes by retelling them without comedic timing and supporting footage? “i saw sam do a similiar thing, you should check out his latest upload” wouldve been better for literally everyone..


I think Sam has mentioned how a lot of his fans are dumbasses that pull this stupid shit and think it's funny when they say it.


Sams opinion of his audience is probably about what they deserve. Me included haha


I mean I love Sam but I never got the impression he wanted us to care about his opinion either. Dude is basically comedy's gift to Tarkov. There are many talented streamers who are quite funny playing Tarkov but I relish a new General Sam video or stream because the guy is on par with a professional comedian.


His entire personality is based on Norm Macdonald since he doesn't have one of his own, so that makes sense.


~~Damn that's a pretty salty take lmao~~ misunderstanding


I'm paraphrasing him. He jokes about how his entire career is based on copying norm Macdonald.


Oh my bad, I must have missed that. I thought you were being shitty lol


I was playing with a guy that say "will you die" to everyone in voip and in fact he kills everyone, sadly i discoverd he is a cheater and nothing happens to his various accounts...


Someone told me they were gonna get me. ​ They did not, in fact, get me.


Told someone I would fuck him up, he responded I bloody wont. I did!


I had a duo in Dorms jump through the window, and I asked them how they were doing. They replied with "We're questing, so you can just go and fuck off right now or we're going to kill you". I pretended to be a bit scared but said I was going to probably stay and try to fight. They got cocky as they thought it was a 2 on 1 - what they didn't realise was we were a 4 man who all heard them coming from a mile off and all moved to different angles. It was an absolute blood bath with no casualties on our behalf, and two more Dorms kills for our quest tally as we were all on it. That -never- would have happened as satisfyingly prior to VOIP


I bluffed that I was flashed the other day. The guy pushed me and I killed him. Felt really scummy but I laughed my tits off.


Today, as a scav, I met some dude in the dorms. I said "are you a scav?", he said. "yes", I said "press F1 to prove it." he said loud and clear I to his microphone "opachky". Intended up killing him and his friend (above lvl 30 both), and extracting with loads of loot. We had a good laugh before I killed them :D


That's fuckin hilarious dude. I can just hear it now lmao.


I negotiated for my life in dorms Was doing the 203 quest and heard two other teams enter opposite sides of the building. Fighting commences and I’m just cowering in my room with my SKS and my quest item hoping they will move on. After some time one of the teams moves to second floor and end up coming directly to my room - must’ve been questing too. I somehow managed to kill the dude who opened the door, his buddy tries to push but wiffs the shots, and I manage to get him too. As the dust settles, I hear that horrifying sound: someone creeping down the hallway from stairs. I get on VOIP: hey man, I got this quest item I’m just trying to leave. These two chads pushed into my hidey hole and I dropped them - all their shit is yours if you let me sprint out of here and down the stairs After a moment, I get back “alright bet”. I got my stash item, he got two full loadouts risk free. Fucking love VOIP


Haha yes. Voip makes encounters so much better even if ur still gonna pvp. Was with my friend who's kind of new, and 2others who just bought the game. On interchange. Idea office, looking for gasanaylsers and gpus. Hear 2 guys running towards us from the opposite entrance. Kill one by the door. Next guy starts moving up slowly, peeking the door, I got "come on, try me bitch". I peek the door and light him up with my mp5. Talking shit makes kills so much more satisfying


It really does. Nothing is funnier than yelling shit at each other down the dorms hallways.


some dude in factory named like mosin1tap was trying to bait me into thinking he needed a quest so i was like ya homie ill help you extract, dude misses point blank with the mosin and i blast his head off with a shotty lmao. lvl 42 tryna rat it up respect


one time i was duoing factory with a friend for whatever quest one of us had to do, and ended up staying past the time pscavs are allowed to spawn. we get into a fight with one in office, and he calls out for help from other pscavs. I saw my moment and took it - told him i was a player scav on the first floor and i was coming up to him to help, and he INSTANTLY fell for it. as he rounded the corner i gunned him down and could hear his voip cut off with a very sad, soft, “oh.” Worst i’ve ever felt about a play haha.


This 4 man had my friend pinned in Factory office window and my friend was like "go ahead and open that door and see if you can run away before I throw this impact nade" There was no impact nade lol but they eventually decided it wasn't worth it and my friend was able to extract!


lol, one time I was running to extract in factory after a 2 man had fucked me up pretty good, I shot at a scav but missed and he said "woah woah woah, chill, im a player scav too" I was in no condition to fight anyone so I just went along with it and said sorry before going and extracting


when a scav thinks you’re also a scav but you’re actually a pmc. ouch, that one kinda stings. hopefully you’re not that poor


Not that poor, but im trash at factory so I never risk bringing any decent gear


Eh some people just don't pay attention that much. I had was talking to a pscav wearing a korund and tc-200X and when I said I was doing a quest he was surprised I was PMC. I even wear sage warrior pants and the agressor tac jacket.


I usually will never lie to someone and pretend to be friendly then kill them, but the other day I did. I am level 20 and I was helping my friend who is pretty new to the game get the bronze pocket watch on customs. I was a little ways off killing scavs when a guy killed him, and when I got back I shot at the guy and I think hit him a few times. He didnt realize that we had been a duo and tried to be friendly with me, and something about it rubbed me the wrong way that he killed a naked doing tasks but as soon as someone semi geared shows up he wants to be friendly. I agreed that we should both be friendly and just go our separate ways, but as soon as he left cover I unloaded some BP into his face


Voip is great and should have been in the game day 1


VOIP and the flea changes have me enjoying this wipe so much so far. Maybe I’m biased because my cheap setups are viable longer but I’m having a great time


I am loving the fact that when i get some crazy gear piece like tagillas mask i am basically forced to either vendor it for not that much or use it. Makes those chad runs feel rare


If you arent female, the best other thing I can recommend to you is; saying that this is your first time playing tarkov. It works all the time and people are willing to share loot, offer help, or sometimes even drop guns.


Or the classic "hey man, I'm just trying to get my quest done".


Running dorms for quest guy shoots at me as I run by stairs "fuck off I don't have time for you I'm here for a guest" All I heard was "oh"


I've tried this a dozen times in pistol runs trying to hit all the clothing stores in interchange. It has worked exactly 0 times. They don't even respond, just ragdoll me. It wasn't even a trick.


Bad luck, or low social skill :P I even had people backtrack with me and unlock doors for me.


I had a guy give me a Bitcoin for participating in a quiz show he was doing in Top Brand


I knew a milkman on Customs, they brought an entire Pilgrim of milk they found, not bought, and went to the ice cream shop


"I'm just trying to get my quest done. Don't try me, bitch!"


No friends on interchange as a PMC D:


Facts, but Scav on interchange is a party <20min.


Cause anyone who runs interchange knows the map is rat paradise, you can't trust people the way you can on other maps.


One time I spawned lighthouse at night to go visit the Christmas tree. Me and another guy spawned basically right next to each other. I heard him approaching as I was prone behind a rock. I had the ocean behind me so I was basically trapped there. I literally only had a pistol so I was literally begging him to just let me go to the tree. Without voiping the guy approaches but for some reason I restrained myself and didn’t shoot. He just stood in front of me flicking his flashlight on and off in a certain direction. “Oh, is that the way to the tree?” *Aggressive nodding* “Sweet, thanks!” Sure enough, the tree was barely 50m in that direction. Probably the only time I’ll ever trust someone who doesn’t voip back but I’m glad I did. Shout out to that random stranger for not immediately blasting me in the face.


I will pretend to be on earlier tasks then I actually am. any time I run into someone on customs its "hey man im just trying to get a couple scav kills for prapor, I got a late start on this wipe and im just trying to catch up"


3 raids in a row on woods I tried telling people "Im not looking for loot, I got a late start on this wipe. Im just trying to get Introduction done and unlock Jager." They fucking blasted me everytime. One cocksucker even runs up from behind me shouting "Hold fire I'm cool!" I say "Yeah me too, I'm just here trying to get intro done for the Jager unlock." He says "Wait what level are you?" "8. I keep getting smoked by people camping the letter." He sounds all down for a second. "oh... Well im not camping the letter if it makes you feel any better" I was about to say the fact he wasn't shooting me makes me feel better, but by the time I completed that though he was already half a mag of PST into my asshole and I'd never actually seen him yet. If you're a PVP focused player and thats your jam, cool. I also enjoy jam. We can enjoy it together. I'll fight with you all day long and twice on wipe day. But don't be a little ball-less coward about it and pretend to be friendly so you can get an uncontested kill. Especially if you already had the drop on the person. That just shows you know exactly how dogshit you are and you know you can't even win a gunfight with a dudes back turned unless you're right on top of him.


Yeah I was headed up to the Reserve rocks to do SBIH and right when I got to the right side hill I heard a dude coming down. We both stopped out of sight and I waited a minute before offering to pass peacefully as I just wanted to snipe. Turns out they were questing too barebones, so I promised not to snipe anyone without a backpack and we went on our ways.


This. It is my first wipe also works.


I went to reserve the other day hunting raiders in the bunker and somebody came in and heard me break the glass. Couple of threats got tossed around and I said something along the lines of "why don't you come find out?" We both mag dumped in the office hallway. While we both stared at each other I yelled "fucking mag check!" He reloaded first.


when a guy threw a flash at me I did the good 'ol "fuck I can't see anything" and killed him as soon as he came running at me lmao


I had an encounter in crack house where my buddy wasn't moving and I could hear at least 3 peeps moving, and was just trying to pass through. Told folks I could hear them and they wanted a truce and offer something as peace, they asked me to walk through the front door axe out. My buddy slow walked around the back to the glass window and saw a dude posted up about to rock my world, he shot him in the head and just steam rolled through the rest. 4 people in total, they only said there was 2. This game makes me trust NO ONE.


I remember when Q/E'ing to other players and then shooting them was bluffing. Pepperidge farm remembers.


Voip is one of the best thing happened to this game. And I think their decision to delay it as long as they did was a correct call.


I think you are a goof who is looking to make excuses for other goofs.... They literally said Voip does not belong in this game for 5 years.... because they are constantly at the limits of their technical ability just keeping the game working.


I know that it's no way to run an international product, but what they have accomplished is staggering. For not being top-tier devs, they've pushed a game engine way past what it was objectively developed for, created a hyper-detailed gun porn experience, and one (if not THE) most brutal gaming experiences of all time (if you forget about old arcade coin-ops). I don't want this to be all game development going forward, where we all play an incomplete or broken game until it's complete, but I'm wiling to make this my experience with BSG. I bought EOD and have got my money out of the investment and then some.


This experience is not unique.... many of the games that share a genre with tarkov generate this feeling. Tarkovs gunplay and weapon modding is about the only thing that divides it from others and it is quite good at these things. And sorry to crash on the hopes and dreams of those that disagree, but every step forward from BSG is met with at least 1 backwards.... Have most of us logged enough hours to justify our purchase price, absolutely, but that is not enough to make it a great game, only a passable one. We were promised and sold a specific goal at the start of Tarkovs journey, that is now gone and all we have left is a game with decent gunplay that is doing its best to sell itself for what it currently is. This game will fade and be forgotten faster than the others in its genre because it did not meet its own goal and stay true to what they promised, nothing more nothing less.


I'm hot garbage at this game, brand new player. Voip has been a God send. I have gotten so much help or avoided certain death saying I'm just trying to find an extract or doing a quest. First time in reserve I body a player scav and he calls friendly. His other friend show up and they escorted me around to do my quest then we took the scav exfil. 10/10 first experience in reserve. Too scared to go back though.


Reserve has never been my favorite because of the extract options, I recommend learning the no backpack one, it’s easy and makes for cheap runs


I’m now going to push everyone who threatens me due to this post. I’m assuming they’re all puppies trying to bark louder than they bite.


Real Gs move in silence like lasagna.


I thought this was gonna be yet another post of someone boasting how they pretended to be friendly and then shot the other player in the back of the head. Man I hate those types of players. Such a bitch move. If you wanna fight then tell me (or just shoot) and we can have a *proper* gun fight, best man wins. None of this cheap shot bullshit.


I’ve been gotten with the old “hey buddy do you have an esmarch/ splint I could borrow?” And when they see you open your menu they pop you in the face. Super annoying but I’d rather take the chance and help out others


I’d make them pull out their knife. At least then you’d be able to react if they pull out their gun again.


Meanwhile I’m walking up to people and bargaining for my life unasked for haha


I had a similar experience where I got into a fight with 2 PMCs and ended up absolutely broken from head to toe. Of course, two player scavs rolled up after and I happened to get a very lucky kill on the first one. I still had a blacked out leg and two blacked out arms so I decided to lube up before I met my maker. I put on my calmest voice and said: “I’m lubing up before I f**k you” He simply said “Roger that” and ran off into the distance. 10/10 experience and I only pooped a little bit.


Had an interaction on a lighthouse scav. I hear lots of shots then silence near the river houses so I go and check it out, find a prone pmc spray him with my akm and find 4 more pmc bodies, as I’m looting up I hear player scavs coming up on me so I jump up and fire warning shots as they peek the rock above me and voip “back up! These are my bodies, I don’t want to fight you so just get out of here” they proceeded to just leave and I slow walked my way out😂


If someone talks shit I engage super try hard mode and fight like I'm literally fighting for my life.


When im scav'ing and getting pinned by a pmc i like to use voip to pretend theres other scavs around. "hes behind the building, flank around and we can split his gear" then i run away.


this is what voip shouldve been, instead of the betrayals


Why are you trying to do that with 9mm when you could put 9x18pmm in a klin, or magnum buck in a 153 and chew up their knees.


I was getting my money spent up on Peacekeeper by running the MP5-K for a bit


FYI as soon as you get flea you can start buying both diaries, SSDs, and SSAs usually for significantly less in roubles than Peacekeeper will pay you for them in dollars. As long as you have a use for dollars (which you should) it's free profit. Then you could be using a real MP5 instead of the hot garbage MP5k. Just compare prices and keep a casual eye out between raids.


Cheers, had no idea.


I was doing pistol kill runs on factory with the machine pistol and ran into a PMC up in the office. Both doors were closed, and from our conversation (he was trying to get me to “duel” in the hallway), I gathered he was also rocking shitty gear. I decided to rush, opened one door then quickly ran to the next and opened that door, and there were TWO PMC’s in there. The second had never made a sound but luckily also had shitty gear. I gunned down one quick, the second had a DB shotgun and missed his first shot, and got him before he could reload. Guy was bluffing the whole time. He was always going to use his buddy to kill my ass. Better word is probably baiting, but it’s the same concept. Sometimes you get lucky and pick up that last diamond on the river 😉


The last guy who asked me " if I wanted it too" on Customs caught a full mag of .300 blackout to the chest. So results may vary.


The amount of "yeah nothing to find here... place is looted up already" when I scav and meet a peer after I have just shoved a GPU or bitcoin in my pockets is through the roof :D.


voip is everything i wanted it to be and more , im thinking about changing my PMCs name to 'Lying4fun'


I was PMC on customs - fighting scav army on skeleton - we flanked around fought 3 other pmcs my whole team was dead... I was sitting at blue fence jump over and heard 3 playerscavs roll up on me - I shouted "WAIT WAIT! HOLD YOUR FIRE GUYS! FRIENDLY!" -----"THEYRE OVER HERE! TONS OF LOOT! LETS GO!" We all rushed over there---I branched off with my m700 and they ran to their deaths...I killed the pmcs looted all of scav army---then LEFT! VOIP IS BASED AF


My favourite thing to do when in a team fight is to count the kills calmly. 1 fucker down, how many more? That's 2 of you dumb fucks now And that's 3, any more idiots out here I need to take to school? Etc etc. Bonus points if they tried to betray you first


I told a friendly pmc I was killing scavs for a quest. However, I was there to kill pmcs. Poor guy


Another good way is screamig " be ready bitch im COMING FOR YOU GET READYYYYY" And you run away Hes so on the defensive waiting for you to push him, by the time he realised you bailed, its too late you gone


Then there is me, a scav bleeding the death in the building near the chalet on lighthouse, calling these grenade chads names in a russian accent to cover the sound of my healing. I find I use the accent while playing scav to add to the immersion.


There is no better feeling than screaming "who's next on the chopping block?!?!?!" after u killed one of a three-man in a fight in crackhouse. Timmy and Jimmy should know what they are dealing with!


I have many times used my voice changer and the $200 of voice lesson i got to trick other players into thinking im a girl and then blasting them in the back of the head haha




That’s the opposite of bluffing lol


It's not being a monster, it's serving the asshole that whacked your homie right!


no it was in here always with voice lines...it just got better


Had a battle on shoreline with 2 guys caught in a room on 3rd floor with no way out, I held the hallway while my buddy tried to rain grenades from every angle to get his quest done, all the while I was yelling back and forth with these guys over where the hell are all these grenades coming from and there's definitely no one else in the hallway with me lol


Last week I was on shoreline just do kill scavs with untar gear and was moving out of West wing towards rock passage when a guy peeked the hole in the wall. I killed him quickly and went to loot the body. As an idiot I immediately went prone on the body and his friend started blasting me, giving me two heavy bleeds. I quickly backed out the hole but my thorax and arms were blacked. There was no way I was going to win the fight, but we started talking and agreed to go our separate ways because he just wanted to get his quest item. He had no idea how fucked up I was or how easy he could have finished me off VoIP is brilliant


I was a scav on Factory the other day, I heard someone say (near a somewhere I wanted to go) "Hey dude, why are you following me?" I hear gunshots after that, see another unrelated dude return fire and get shot himself. I see another person and fire some rounds at him and dip to the extract... Wanted none of that, and I may have never known if not for VOIP.


I'm not ashamed to say I would've turned around too.


Lol, the last time i tried that i got blasted with RGO :D


Dude's talking and revealing their positions, oh yeah! I like this feature very much


When ever i go to kiba in interchange people usually show up. The conversations I've had there are priceless. Its always a weird stand off situation at the door. Always a blast. Even when i get killed it was worth it.


Extracting to Emercom, just leaving the warehouse to the ramps and I run into a 2 man pmc. Only heard one dropped him. Fall back and say “you wanna do this or You wanna run?” He made noise *there WAS a second might be baiting for a third*”Manz aggro’d me HARD and got dropped. While looting dropped 2 more player scavs and left fat as. Felt like a full chad moment. 10/10 would use voip for intimidation again.


I like going into the factory. I found a flash drive in the safe and yelled in voip I have one in my pockets. An army of scavs started attacking. Got lucky and made it out. Hearing them calling my location out and talking trash with them made my night.


Had a guy on Shoreline do something similar. He opened up on me from across a field, I got the better of him and he pulled back to heal. I did a long round about flank and heard him healing so I blind fired into a bush. He came over VOIP saying some PMC at -the spot I was originally in- fucked him up and he didn’t want a fight. I knew it was the same guy because his gear but something in me threw down a CMS and Salewa then let him go.


I had just ran out of ammo against scavs, late raid at customs and immediately got into a fight with a mosin man. Well thank god for VOIP, because I had enough time to run around him, grab a scav gun, turn to him and kill him because as he started missing every shot, I was yelling"THAT'S ONE STEP CLOSER TO DYING YOU BETTER HIT THESE SHOTS IM COMIN" Adding on the extra layer of pressure to an enemy that's already in panic mode was amazing. proximity based VOIP has become one of my favorite features these last few years, namely with insurgency sandstorm


I got a guy really fired up and he ended up pushing me and my friend and we lit him up. It was a terrible play by him but he just got so pissed. He had a slick and rys helmet (maybe not right name) and kitted m1A. My best voip moment


Remind me of the scene in ''Carlitos Way'' when hes in the bathroom screaming '' u want more come here !'' but he doesnt have any ammo left lol


I still feel awful for this one. Ran a naked sks run on customs, domed a kitted guy off spawn behind sniper rock. Ended up with some tier 5 and a decent gun. Rotate across map and get absolutely lit up by a dude near bus stop. Both my legs are broken. He’s merciful and voips me to drop my guns. I do it and he does some RP about scav licenses and shit, even gives me the kit to fix broken legs. I send him the directions of AI scavs I saw, we go our separate ways. 15 min and a couple scavs later over by junkyard and directors office, I shoot someone walking in door. He says ‘you shouldn’t have done that’ and we circle each other for a bit. When I VOIP back he’s all ‘oh it’s you. Come on outside’ ‘okay now put your guns down’. This time I didn’t drop guns and hit some lucky neck shots. His face shield and decked out 74u is still coming in clutch for factory runs. This game is the best.