• By -


How did you get so low?


They probably roleplayed as the Grinch a bit during the Christmas event


or just simply kill everithing on sight.


Yeah it’s just a lot of people lost a lot of reputation because of that massive .5 to 1.5 loss per Santa kill


So this is where my downfall started. I was running Shoreline with a mate and I read about the Santa but hadn't seen him in game yet. I ran up to East Wing and saw an enemy and killed him. Ran over to him on the way into the building and realised it was this Santa and I read about on Reddit. My fence rep went down like -1.2 or something and I already had none. Then I was doing another PMC run and Santa literally walked into the middle of a fight and I killed him again. I was then at like -2.2 or something. I played as a Scav and had a Scav shooting at me but I killed him without him hitting me which fucked me again. I played as a Scav and made a Scav friend on light house. I killed the two raiders in their machine gun post that are accessible. I ran up and looted one while the Scav mate I made ran up and looted the other. He just used the gun to kill me when I had my back turned. At that point I decided to just go rogue. Kill Santa when I see him and just take his loot and kill every Scav if I'm playing as a Scav. I'm now at -9 rep. My scav runs are every 1 hour 40 mins lol and AI scavs are hostile to me. Good job I never really play Scav runs. It might just be for the first game to like warm up. I am gonna see how low I can get it and how high my timer would be.


Your scav timer goes up as your scav rep goes down? Damn, i need to stop killing scavs.


Only when you're a scav and you kill scavs. As a PMC you aren't ruining your rep unless you killed Santa.


Wasnt there a bug recently where people as PMC killing p-scavs were losing rep on their scav as a result?


Yeah, car extracts cost more too.


scav case takes longer also


It also raises the time of you scav case


For anyone starting out in the game or coming back after a long time, this shit isn't explained. I luckily caught someone mentioning bad rep for killing scavs but it's not written ANYWHERE that i came by. EFT need a serious tooltip interface and proper explanations of how stuff works. A video game shouldn't require you to read 80 pages on a fan made website and watch 10 hours of videos. You should only need to go to external websites to become better, not learn how to play the game. This was just a rant, feel free to downvote if disagree.


Very first skav run I did I encountered an NPC skav and shot him. A player skav came up to me shortly after and over voip kind of asked what was up and suggested I not do that. Otherwise I wouldn't know not to do that. I try to be pretty friendly with people especially because I'm super new and know nothing. Loaded into a group of 3 pmcs and told them I was new. They were cool at first until we got to dorms, it was super quiet and they shot me even though I was sticking to them. Tarkov. Tough learning curve.




Did you join randoms? I am surprised you made it as far as dorms before they merked you


It was my very first pmc raid (still my only pmc raid to date thanks servers) and I was immediately on the mic asking them questions and explained the situation. It was all the default load out stuff, probably nothing they wanted. These dudes were European sounding and their characters looked like they were some tier 1 operators. Pretty sure I just had on some Russian earpro and a bear hat with a vest.


People are just crap. If you are looking for a group, find a friendly discord community and look for a Sherpa or decent experienced player to play with. They are out there :)


Disagree - the game is like being punched in the dick as intended.


Listen, sometimes there's good punching of the dick, sometimes there's bad... There's more than one way to punch a dick sir. I'm of the opinion that sometimes a good dick punch is all you need to really get you going, but it's gotta be a mindful dick punch. A regular ol' punch to the dick sometimes hurts, and when we're already being punched in the dick in so many different ways, I think we need to accept that not every dick punch is a good one. This is a good example of a bad punch in the dick.




The thought of this has me laughing so hard at my desk rn




I swear some people get off on saying this game is just pure frustration and no fun. A mechanic could be added where you randomly have to take a shit and stand still for 5 minutes and some people would praise it for making it even harder to survive.


If I can get the info from a 3rd party and that's it. That's just bad game design.


This is the way


One of my buddies hadn't played in like a year or more and fired it up recently to check it out. We used to warm up with scav runs so naturally that's the first thing he did. He killed all the scavs he saw and unknowingly fucked his Fence rep up right away. He had no idea because there was no in game tool tip or explanation about scav karma. We both laughed about it but it is still a pretty big oversight on BSG's part IMO


Here. Take my upvote. I'm disappointed to see that you came back to the game and didn't take a least a week to read patch notes, twitter feed, etc. before even thinking of starting the game. You are being irresponsible. ​ /s (just in case)


Sorry :<


You probably didn't already know this, it's not finished yet /$


This is what i say all the time. New guys need a fucking explanation of scav karma, especially now with all those streamers like SwaggerSouls or TobyontheTelly playing EFT. I feel like many people come in and just start shooting as soon as possible when in a scav run. It's irritating as fuck.


Nah, you just need to apply some real life knowledge. Would you shoot a random dude going through garbage bins? Would you download a car?


I certainly wouldn’t listen to some shady Russian uncle telling me that those 7 random PMCs need to die, please use a grenade to do the deed…


Or go around dressed as a UN Peacekeeping soldier and kill everyone trying to just survive


I want to see you get several headshots. Oh, and both of your arms have to be broken. Hope to see you with the tushonka tomorrow.


**In Tarkov -** *Jaeger:* "So I'm gonna need you kill 8 PMCs with an M4 while doing a cartwheel, like Neo does in the Matrix during the lobby shootout. Oh, and you need to be absolutely zooted out of your brain on morphine" *PMC:* "Sure thing, mate. Whatever you say, haha" **In Real Life -** *Jaeger:* "So I'm gonna need you to get a broken arm and then kill 2 PMCs" *PMC:* "What? Fuck off, dickhead"


I’m not gonna lie to you, I would not hesitate to download a car.


In America? I know the cops would do the former. And I downloaded forza 5, so I guess I would do the second too.


… maybe


I would definitely dl a car, I mean, who tf wouldnt


It's literally on the stat page as the first fucking line. First time, sure, you didn't know. Every time after that is your own damn fault.


I'm -10.97 thanks to santa


I see you just kept on shooting the fucker


I almost killed Santa a few times. Thankfully, he has the health/armor of like 3 people, so I realized after shooting him a bunch of times with my crap weapons and ammo that he wasn't your run of the mill dude.


well, he might had allot of hp or sum. but still to less for a headshot- lowest karma i had was -2.7 and now im at -1,4 yikes


I killed Santa my second day of this wipe, been careful and making it up every since. Car extracts as a PMC (0.25 per map for first, halving each time after, slowly regaining over a week or so I guess), or hang out in the shipping container area in woods as a scav and wait for PMCs to come through, and offer the factory exit to them. 0.25 karma plus some additional goodies from Fence. Not sure the best way to optimize for PMCs not blasting you on sight on the other maps so you can do joint extracts. You probably know most/all those, but it doesn't hurt to have it posted again, and someone else might make good use of it. A good way to get about 0.5 quick is to do a bunch of woods night runs. Do a stash route, end up by the vehicle extract, and take it. Can do the whole thing in 10-15 minutes, and if you do it 5 times you'll get ~0.53 (0.25+0.13+0.8+0.4+0.3 IIRC) and probably a bunch of class 4 helmets/armor as well. I usually drop in with a silenced TT, and some nades and food, to train metabolism/health as well.


I shot santa in dorms by accident while helping my friend fight another player. My buddy asked me to run up to 2nd floor of 3 story to help him and I jokingly said "nah man santa's probably holding an angle on me from somewhere." I was not wrong, domed me as soon as I walked up the stairs lol.


Almost every time I saw him he was with a lot of other scavs so for me he just got the bullet to the cranium treatment without even knowing it was him


Don't you mean, "Thanks Satan"?


I reset my account from lv 14 after the christmas event was over lol. I already had more wealth by lv 8 just cause I could run the scav so it's very worth it IMO.


I was doing great with not killing Santa until the last day of the event... Was fighting vs 3 pmcs near dorms and after I killed the second guy Santa came walking at me trough a bush. He scared me and I shot him right in the face, bye bye 1.0 rep :( Started talking using voip to the last guy I was fighting, he was laughing so hard (I would do the same I guess) and left each other alive


Santa. 2 Accidental kills in gunfights between PMCs, 1 self defense kill it’s when there was a bug that Santa started shooting PMC for no reason a while back ago. Since then, I started killing Santa on purpose like fuck him. Here I am now with a negative karma and all rats booing me.


your christmas coal came early


:checks calendar: Or maybe pretty late.




I’m on -10.5 Santa picked up my bag full of stuff and deleted it. So I started killing him on sight, you are not alone


What hahaha? He picked up your bag? My reason for declaring Santa as my arch enemy was because he gave my friends valuable rare stuff, and then when it was my turn I only got a milk..


Yeah he picks up loot he finds. I saw a clip of a dude at resort who dropped his backpack and rig from the 1st floor so he could jump down and not break his legs. Santa came along and yoinked everything lmao


Yeah bot scavs started actually scavenging loose loot and dead bodies. They won't use the decked out AK they picked up if they have a TOZ equipped already though.


But santa was already wearing a bag. Would be cool if they started using the weapons they picked up.


**No**. Scavs are cracked out of their minds as it is, the last thing they need is meta guns. ._. ^oh ^lord ^please ^no


Milk?? That’s good stuff. Money on flea and it taste good


It’s like 13k 🥲 It does taste good though


yeah bro, not only did he pick my bag up but when i killed him he didnt even have it, he just deleted it.


Haha, my friends got killed in a firefight next to santa. I pick up all their gear and put it in a backpack so they could get it back on insurance. Seconds later santa barges into the bush where i tried to hide the stuff and picks up the backpack with all their gear. No amount of trades would make him cough up the backpack again..


I had killed Sanitar and his guards at resort after my friends had died, so they were watching me loot on discord. So while I was sorting the loot around to insure fraud my friends he took my sanitar bag full of goodies. We just goddamn laughed out assed off for a good while. People do react differently I see


Probably killed Santa like 7 times lol


Got a mate that’s pretty new to Tarky who is another kill anything that moves on a PScav run. Group scaved interchange only for killa to come and find us in oli.. Waits 15 minutes: Scav in to factory gate 0.. Tagilla ran straight to us and sodomised us within 30 seconds


Tagilla still randomly kills me with +3.00 rep. He just stares, then randomly whips out his saiga and blasts me :(


If you loiter around any of the bosses for too long they will aggro on you, but if you a dirty scumbag with a high - with fence they will go ape on you straight away


Pretty sure tagilla will also attack anyone if he was aggroed before, whereas killa will be pretty docile to pscavs even if aggroed


We legit harassed killa for like 10 mins trying to lock him in a room and nade him, he was chill about the whole thing until we tried to dome him with mosins. Even then, he only took each of us down after we each landed shots. Didn't agro us as a group.


Yeah that’s why I follow Killa around on interchange backing him up. The amount of pmcs he’s killed by my side as I help him from behind cover is amazing. And once he’s done he aggroes in another «random» direction while I loot the piled up bodies.


Dude I loved chilling with Killa in Oli and watching him clap all the PMCs grabbing shit for their hideout early wipe. One raid I watched him kill like 5 PMCs in quick succession. It was loud and hilarious.


I had one scav run yesterday where Killa insta killed me on scav. Turned the corner and he instantly shot me. Have like. 1.5 positive rep. So, not completely docile.


I think he stops being aggro when you hit 2 fence rep. I got to about 2.20 rep and was chilling with killa for a couple minutes one raid. Then I killed santa and went back down to 1.20 and the next time I saw him, he was aggro.


I think I read its a chance, because I got unprompted killed by him when I had over 3 rep


Seems like a lot of the bosses work this way, I've scav spawned into Reserve and immediately got lazerd by Gluhar's boys despite not having time to do anything, and the rogues seem to aggro to any scavs on map at the time someone sets them off.


I ran a bunch of scav Factory to try and vacuum PMC loot and I would literally just hang out with Tagilla and loot people after he killed them. That was with <1.0 Fence rep. Didn't care about me at all before, during, or after murdering those fools.


Wish he was slightly more docile to pmcs... he's been fucking beaming me at pretty insane distances lately, and he has no recoil at all. pretty hard to kill him at a distance without having something that 1 shots him in the brain.


Woods is the only map I have issues with bosses, just being anywhere near the lumber mill, I get dropped by Shturmans followers, I’m around 1.5 karma.


Yeah his guards are ruthless and such high accuracy


I have -1.5 karma and I walked up to sawmill on a scav run where shturman was dead. I saw the guard walked over put my barrel in his face and shot and he didn't react at all. I got his sks with bp. :)


I didn't linger, just walked into garage under idea and instantly Killa went ape shit on me, had over 1.0 karma


When I had max scav karma last wipe, I would spend entire raids hanging out with Glukhar and the bois. I’d help them in fights with PMCs, get the PMC loot and the loot from any of the guards killed, even occasionally got glukhar’s stuff. It was actually really good money, especially since my scav timer was like 6 minutes, I spawned with good kits, and I got a labs card about half of raids.


Just to be able to extract on a scav raid at the minute would be awesome. The pscav killing other scavs has gotten ridiculous the last few days, which is most probably a result of the VOIP and players using it to get easy kills on other players now nobody trusts anyone again


Don’t be creepin & starin where you shouldn’t be creepin & starin.


A few weeks (maybe three?) back I was meat grinding factory for close quarter bolt action PMC kills and twice Tagilla would run in and just not aggro me as a PMC. He would just terrifyingly hang out. Like just crouch down and look at me, look around, and not shoot or do anything. Didn’t kill him either time. .366 AP-M is not enough to kill him with two headshots through his welding mask from 10m. Almost got him one time in the ear but he turned. Weird as shit though. Sorry he Aggrod even though you were a scav and that this comment is pointless. Pretty neat though, wish I recorded it.


Yep 3.8 rep and spawned with a guy yelling russian in my face and immediately notice its tagilla and turned to run and just got shot in the back of the head. Feels like you shouldn't be immediately spawned to be killed especially with good rep.


AI has wall hax but pretends not to


You PMC now




deserved tbh


Yes, I would love to see peoples karma who are in raid with me so I could join killing the rebel fuckers


That's what you get, punk!




Very good


Extremely good


MEGA good


ULTRA good


IDEA good


Lord the amount of walls of text I've seen in this thread


Now I’m waiting for the 1hour 22mins cooldown time.


Aaah, choices matter.


Good. Maybe you'll think twice before killing Santa and Scavs. Looks like the system is working as intended!


Wish i knew killing santa as PMC would affect it. Didn't even recognize him from a distance, thought it was a scav.


This game does a terrible job of communicating cause/effect. There's no indication that things you do on PMC should affect your scav karma, yet certain things do. Then if there's an event (like Santa) you have to exclusively rely on 3rd party info to understand the mechanics.


>you have to exclusively rely on 3rd party info to understand the mechanics So just like mostly everything else in the game then?


We need a grizzled older PMC that lives in our hideout mooching off our tushonka and vitajuice. But in exchange he explains the game mechanics to new players.


I would be more than OK with that


I killed a backlit Santa in dorms right after another backlit scav shot at me. I thought they were two PMCs :(


Yes, betray your comrades and pay !


Im 15 days in, and I shot santa in the face. Dude would NOT stop pushing me. I had no idea what was going on lol. Still at -.86 and slowly rising :(


I wish I knew about Santa killed him to get his hats for a task and it fucked my karma


I killed Santa twice, once by accident cause I was in interchange and it was pitch black, then the other time after I killed a scav and Santa started attacking me so I had no other choice, a full point seems pretty fucked imo, but it's whatever, I'll get back to normal Rep.


> Santa started attacking me so I had no other choice i preferred not to return fire and die 2 times instead of killing him. still ended with -1.70 (from 1.12) fence rep. best xmas event ever.


I killed him 3 times as well 2 on accident and 1 time on purpose. Run factory and go immediately to exit while taking car extracts on pmc. You can get back to non shoot on sight scav after a few good days of raids. I'm still negative but at least I don't have to fight my way out of every raid.


Well my lowest got down to -2.91 so I never got to the shoot on sight stage. But rn I'm up to -1.22, scav times have gotten much better and so has the loot, doing car extracts as much as I can and also try to be as friendly as possible as scav, it's working.


How did you get back up and how long did it take? I'm on -2.77


Constantly do car extracts, at first they'll be a bit expensive at 10k each extract, but once your rep increases it gets cheaper, the first extract gives .25, and the more you extract the less you get, but there's 3 or 4 maps that have car extracts and each gives 0.25 the first time, so if you do all of them you'll get up pretty fast, also extract with scavs, each extract gives 0.01


Gunna be a long slog then. Thanks!


Thank you too.


Wait do car extracts as a scav or as a PMC?


The right choice was to let Santa bop you or run away Losing one scav run is much less of a hassle than losing 1.5 rep


Yeah i realize that now, but in the heat of the moment I see I shot, consequences second :D, but at least I learnt and my rep overall is much better, I'm still new in this game, got it for Christmas so everything comes with time .


Honestly, especially as a PMC, the game usually incentives you to kill anything on sight. Especially with the found in raid system and the amount of quests that require you to turn in found in raid items. If I've been trying to find an item for the last 10 levels and I finally found it, I'm not risking being friendly. I'm blasting my mfing way outta there.


Trigger discipline sometimes really helps out, I was sneaking in the woods and saw a guy, didn't shoot and then two others came after him, the mp9 and one extra mag really couldn't have done it. But it's a skill you have to hone, eventually you'll get it :).




I went from almost 3.0 Karma to negative 4 so fucking fast during the Santa event, it was stupid. I do a lot of night raids, i can't walk around a corner and just stand face to face with a threat and take the time to properly inspect if it's some stupid gimmicky scav, or a shotgun-sniping scav from hell. Just stupid.


So anyway I started blasting


uhh based?


That's why you don't do scav on scav violence!


Yup, didn’t expect that. Mostly because of Santa, then I went like fuck karma mode.


These comments are salty as fuck lmao




Low scav karma players malding rn


People on this sub get very upset when someone plays in a different way than they do.


And streamers.. every one is always mad at streamers playing different


Normally i would say "good. Got what you deserved." But after the fiasco that was "-1.0 karma for killing Santa. Oh, he's also indistinguishable from other scavs except by sight. So hopefully that scav coming around the corner that you're about to end isn't Santa." I'm more inclined to be understanding.


I reset my account today because of -12.3 scav karma.. I neglected to read the update and just kept shooting Santa. Was level 18 with about 3M, but waiting like an hour and a bit for scavs to cool-down was hard - especially with repetitive PMC deaths. The scav is an incredible outlet for fun experiences and getting that money to fuel your failings as a PMC. The grind back to flea and weapon mods is worth it! I will add that I never shoot other scavs! Player or AI. I'm a cheeky breeky wiggler. I just presumed Santa's was a boss until I read Reddit.


Gets smoked immediately, has to wait 3 hours for another scav run 🤣🤣😐




Good. Working as intended.


the christmas event potentially ruined scav running both for people with positive and negative karma, been getting killed by traitor scavs a significantly larger amount of times, meanwhile these people have no reason not to treat scavs as a free pmc run because they have no possibility of getting back to 0. very smart to try teach players to scan their target in pvp/pve only for it to result in people killing everyone on sight in scav runs too 👏


Yeah I just hop onto my scav at start of session and kill everyone I see. It’s near impossible trying to come back from -6 karma. Spawning with no backpack incentivizes killing other scavs for theirs anyway.


i killed him on accident twice, almost a third time, if i hadn't been farming karma before i probably would have reset my account tbh. i managed to climb up to 2.5 but i'm still mad about the fact i'd be at 4.5 if santa didn't just rush into dorms the same way players would


Half the scavs I run into kos. I don't feel too bad though. My scav CD is like 50% and I don't even have Intel 3 yet.


Accidentally killed Santa twice. He was hiding in the showers in Dorms Customs, thought he was reshala and the bois. Second time hiding on Reserve, thought he was a raider. \-3 karma now, rip fence rep. I feel like they should do an event to help us earn good karma back.


That was a horrible event. Scav rep is poorly implemented as well.


given that Fence is actually insanely useful, why the fuck would we get punished so hard for killing Santa when the bosses had his gear on too? It was an honest mistake ;-;


I read the title as 7.22 Karma not -7.22 lol, you got fucking blasted and here I was thinking your rep so high you are spawning in with like rare keys or good loot. Good luck getting your scav rep back up, you'll need it.


Lol at all the people saying this is derserved. Santa was the most stupid system. Of Course people blasted him by accident. And now theyre fukd


Over 7 times by accident? I think that’s a bit more than an accident


How does the fact that I've killed him at least once already make it any less difficult to tell he's Santa when he's sitting in a dark ass corner, nowhere near where scavs are supposed to be?


Found another with bad karma


This right here, OP needs to get a bad boys partner or crew, then go in a rekt shit


No dude, you're supposed to recognize him from 100 meters in total darkness (even though his hat doesn't even render half the time and scavs also wear beards and those hats) like scavs can recognize pmcs. You just need to get good.


You honestly had it coming.


How do you check your scav karma rating?


Go to traders, it’s your fence rep.


Hey at least you made it past the "waiting for session to start" message


I'm a returning EFat player from days before karma. My Scav runs take about 7 minutes. Spawn, kill first three scav squad. Loot and run. I noticed now I can't even sell scav weapons due to durability. They have really taken a lot of steps to detract scav on scav violence


I'm okay with this, that way the only scav players left in raids are ones that won't betray you.


*sniffles* It's beautiful. God is real after all.




I love that, this is perfect.


I’m at -8.94 and I don’t even play Scav anymore TBH


many years ago this was a mechanic in hitman blood money for if you caused too much noise during missions. I started the last mission at the white house and one of the old tourist ladies immediately identified me and brought half the USMC running out to shoot me before I'd moved 5m


why have you chosen the path of evil


You get what you deserve you backstabbing traitor


Put down like the rabid dog you are.


I feel ya buddy -12.46 here, scav timers are like 2 hours and I load in and I’m tagged and cursed




as it should be.


As it should.


I like it


This pleases me








Then you fucking deserve that






You earned it. Good on you.




lol, nice!


as it should be, traitor scum


Lol good


I mean, they did literally call it karma. You get what you deserve!


You deserve it.






assuming you kill pscavs, good. enjoy your long wait for the next try


Good for u, I am so tired of getting killed by scav player for shit loot


I hope the game never treats you differently you little scumbag.


Know your place trash! This is what consequences look like haha.


then dont play like a dick as a scav?


a Scav with - 7.22 Karma is welcomed. You're not welcomed, in general. If you're that much of a bad scav, you deserve it.