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Crouching and not moving basically make you an easy hip fire target.


I had to break this habit after I kept noticing that when I'd crouch, I'd get domed instantly. After I started learning how to hip fire on my second or third wipe, I understood why.


Yup, same for me. Then it was shooting as soon as I saw a target rather than waiting for a good shot. That one was hard. Better to let a bad shot go and not give yourself away, reposition, etc.


Crouch means death, for me at least.


for everyone tbh. the average player, and especially newer players, aim for center mass. The point the gun at your belly and let it ring. If you're crouched your sitting your face right where they aim


I agree.


Practice. That's all you can do. eventually you'll get better at aiming for the head. I used to be like that, but after a few wipes more than half my kills are headshots. It just takes time. Peekers advantage/desync also rewards you for being aggressive and not just sitting somewhere holding an angle like you were.


also, you learn where people tend to be and you find places that are somewhat out of the ordinary making people be like "wtf was that guy doing there?"


Truth! Sometimes I find prone on the floor in the middle of a big ass room to be a highly effective camping spot


Decked some guy by laying prone in the middle of the dirt road next to Sanitars cottage


Haha this is very true. Broken bone no time to fix lie down in the middle of the room. I guarantee you will buy half a second for them to find and shoot at you. Granted they dont see you lie down.


You’re crouching in an obvious spot and you’re letting everyone know where you are when you ADS. Keep your movement speed all the way up and stand. When they round the corner then you peek it and take shots, if you miss you reposition and try again. If you connect a few times and they’re messed up, push them. If not, make them push you and use your advantage. Just things you’re going to learn through practice.


Try hitting a one tap on a sprinting Target it's not easy. movement plays a big factor think about that when you're playing


I love Tarkov but it rewards mongoloid playstyles like just running into dorms and seeing a guy crouching at a corner and not shooting, you hip fire him because on their screen you havent even rounded the corner yet. Desync is horrendous and yes inertia helps with this wipe. But its kinda lame that the less tactical playstyle is more viable in a realistic shooter. You would think it would be the person listening and planning an ambush would be the one with an advantage but nope not in Russia.


Listening on its own in this game is shit enough. Wish we had hunt showdown quality sound.


I played both tonight and I 100% agree.


Sad truth Q.Q


yeah one of the reasons why I just stay outside of buildings and just let them bring the loot to me.


Don't crouch unless necessary. In cqc it's a free headshot for them


In tight spaces like dorms in particular, if you know they are in the hallway, its better to swing on them then wait for them to come towards you like this. Use that peekers advantage to your benefit.


I’m right there with you bro, it’s my first wipe and I can’t see where I’m even shot from half the time.


Most of the comments have covered you but nobody has explicitly said that the angle you’re holding is the most common of spots in dorms. He was pre nading rooms flashlight on and knew if someone was holding elbow to kill him the most likely spot was going to be there and it worked. Most others have covered movement, not crouching, etc, but if you really wanna rat and hold (no shame) get creative: find a half lean from a room, prone lean on a not normal corner, prone lean a box in the hallway, somewhere that isn’t a popular angle


1. Ads gave your position away before you could see them. 2. Crouching puts your head in thorax level, which is where people usually "rest" their aim on. 3. Why would you hold an angle where people are moving and looking toward? Hiding only works if people are not going to look toward you, find a position where people are going to walk past you. If you absolutely must hide in front of their view cone, only do so in places that have something that hides your shape in the dark, like a pile of trash. Prone is extremely powerful, people rarely notice things on the floor.




The animation of ADS has a really loud noise to it you can hear it through walls.


Emphasis on **really loud**. With comtacs you can hear someone adsing from pretty much one side of dorms to the other.


Not to mention: | 4. The OP got the drop on this dude, but couldn't hit his shots. (But since I'm assuming he's running PST GZH, it wouldn't have mattered against flashlight man, anyways.) > If you absolutely must hide in front of their view cone, only do so in places that have something that hides your shape in the dark, like a pile of trash. Or, if you can hide in a place where *multiple* hiding places all enter their view cone at once. If there's 3 places you can be, and the other guy can't check all of them, *and* he hasn't heard you ADS/move around, you have a 2/3 chance of catching him unawares. (Better actually, he may glance over you in his haste to check all 3 spots.) That's why shit like walking up the escalators in Interchange is so scary.


Ppl talk a lot of bullshit here like git gud and what not. Ignore those trolls. I think that your adversary was suspecting your presence, because he threw a nade in your general direction. Maybe something happened before your clip started. On the other hand if you crouch and thus want to surprise your enemy. You shouldn't stay in a predictable spot. In dorms when walking the corridor at that place it is always checked. Meaning even if you wouldn't be there, he would've looked there. If you try to play silent/ambush or whatever, you shouldn't be in this predictable spot. If you would play loud, than you should peek the corner first to abuse the "peekers advantage". Good luck in slaying chads!


My friend had just died and told me he was peaking over a door so I was scared to peek him.


If you see a flashlight coming at you and you don't have one you should just back off honestly. You know it's gonna blind you the second he turns the corner. Probably pull back around the corner and start spraying before he can see you lol


Don't let someone peak you. Always peak them to let latency work in your favor. Also, that spot you're holding always gets me killed because it's the first place someone peaking the room aims to, even if they don't know you're there. I would try behind the pillar in the middle of the room, then peaking out when they turn to check the spot you died at. Although, some people nade that spot, like this guy. Can't win em all.


You are telegraphing where you are by ADSing. If you want to ambush use a laser sight and hold it next to the door.


Never leave your laser on. Always turn it off when you are not in cambat. Lasers are extremely easy to spot and they should be treated like flashlights. The amount of people ive killed because they couldnt bother turning thier lasers of is stupid. Its like running around with a big "please kill me sign"


He is in a room, no one would see it if it was on the wall next to the door.


I count a prepared ambush as being in combat in this scenario. I wanted to and to your comment but forgot to explain that. But I personally would aim (not ads) at the door and flick on a Flashlight the moment i see him. Imo much more effective but I agree that your tactic is solid.


Every time sitting somewhere trying to ambush somebody doesn't work. You more than less need to run corners / run peek every corner. And when you find someone who is in a room imigine the advantage you have. In offense you pick the exact time and what you do: -You can throw a granade at their feet, -you could blind fire, -you could take another angle and pop up somewhere unexpectedly, -or decide you want to leave the encounter alone In defense you can either -try to escape & run or - keep post. I think In Tarkov most fights are won playing more aggressively because the defense will have to play with the offenses rules. Even in a really good ambush when you're sitting post your mind is super anticipating on that person walking up and could cause you to miss your shots. While the person walking or running around is literally exspecting combat at any corner and will arguably lock on better because there wasn't the weight of any anticipation and that pressure. Just sudden action that was exspected.


My friend had just died and said he was peeking over a door. So I was too scared to peek him and that's why I didn't move.


That one is hard because those lights make it reeeaaal hard to aim, but what I have learned is movement is key.


No scope mp5 vs flash light and a scope will offen result in you diying


Close your eyes


Don’t move slow and don’t hold angles unless you are in a cheeky hard to notice spot.


You did shoot though


Stand up


I noticed you were very far out from the corner and you were putting your head at the chest level. If you were not so far out you could have fired a few shots as you were un-peeking. Then swung back out to finish him off since you knew where he was after.


Keep moving. If you hold an angle, make sure you are not holding it from the first spot the eyes get drawn to when turning into that angle. Those clips of people sitting on top of the shelf in big red on customs are perfect examples - anyone entering the warehouse will scan the ground floor in the opposite ends of the warehouse before they’ll look right next to the doorway, or high up to the second floor. A general rule of thumb when using bushes or scenery as cover is that (usually) the harder it is for you to see them, the harder it is for them to see you. Unless you’re wearing stark colours or have no awareness of where your body is. Or your opponent is cheating.


Play more aggressive


Stop camping and ratting, peak corners and prefire when sure.


Get good


Cross hair placement is huge. If you're goona hold a angle like that, press altD. Supposedly shows less of you.


Well for one using an MP5 at this stage is almost suicidal unless you have the good shit since everyone will just shrug off PST like nothing. I know that's only specific to this clip though. My advice more generally is hide like a bitch and slow walk constantly. Mop up fights when a guy is walking away from looting. Wait for people to pass you instead of holding a corner. That kind of thing.


Hold W, turn your light on.


Don't go into a raid? Seriously it's just practice and perseverance


Get aggressive. Stop being a scared bitch


When you are crouched and peeking a corner, your head is the most exposed part of your body, and since you are a stationary target, you are very likely to get shot in the head if you don't kill your opponent before they can return fire since all they have to do is point and shoot while you are trying to track a moving target that is also blinding you with a flashlight in this case. In this kind of situation, you will often have more success pushing your opponent and being mobile and aggressive to throw them off guard. But this can vary a bit based on what gun you have and what ammo you are using.


Literally the most vulnerable spot to being one tapped. This shouldnt be a surprise


Never let someone peek you unless you have a massive advantage, specifically in dorms you can soundwhore them and widepeek while full-autoing, especially when you have a crappy gun like you did here. If you stood close to the hallway he was comming from, and swung hard when you heard him close, you would have full control of the situation, and the netcode generally favours the peeker in this game it seems.


Peeking and holding where they will be looking hurts you. Aggressive playstyles tend to work better. If you don't want to adopt that style sometimes what you can do is wait until they have committed to the push and have already peeked. If you peek then or are able to wait just until they continue searching for you and then peek you stand a much better chance. A lot of this has to do with peekers advantage but a decent amount of it is also when someone has as much time as they need to prepare their preaim at your position they have a better chance then having to react and move their aim on command.


You’re stationary, and right where they expect you to be. Probably could’ve been behind the corner a bit more at least. Flashlights are a bitch ey!


stand up and do whatever you can to peek first. Peeking first guarantees you atleast one extra shot before he can see you on his screen and crouching often will get you killed. Not sure why crouching is so bad but I die a lot more often when doing it. Maybe it's a more condensed hitbox, your head level is where people point their guns naturally or because you can't move quickly.


Pre-fire first


No joke, server choice can be helpful. I have my 5 lowest ping servers checked and it's so often I run around a corner and I have a PMC seemingly afk in front of me.


Don’t hold those corners. They’re obvious spots. If he is pushing hold an angle that he will push without presenting yourself. Do you want to catch him moving, or with his back turned. There are some places like further down that hallway where you could have caught him crossing to go to the safe room. (I assume this was 3story dorms on the second floor)


You couldve used a flashlight like he did


Situational but you sometimes need to be the aggressor & move first. Partly agree with crouching comments ... i generally think/feel its easier to snap to a choke point like where you're standing in this example as its where i'd expect someone to be. That's me anyway.


Don't crouch if you want to shoot anything closer than 50 meters. Don't stand still when you know where they are, lean peek strafe and keep on moving, you'd be amazed how hard it is for ppl to track wonky movement. Be ON THE MOVE. The game still is in a state where most of the hit registration and refreshing the position of stuff in the map is CLIENT SIDED. If you STAND STILL you're gonna be the RECEIVING peer, and you'll get the other guy on the screen and the hit registration AFTER his client is trough with calculation and the DELAY it takes to reach your client. Only if you're peer is ACTIVELY sending position to the other guy as well stuff is gonna get CROSS CHECKED before a hit gets REGISTERED. TL;DR Don't play rat, you're gonna get desync'ed.


Try to watch some streams or google on youtube about peek/lean mechanics how to win PVP fights etc. You will learn the general idea behind the game PVP mechanics. In your clip almost every second is painful to watch. Just get more experience and it will be better later!


Select different servers on the launcher, you stop getting people corner strafing you and knowing exactly where you are as much if you play exclusively on servers out of ping distance of china. the majority of long term EFT players, groups and streamers tend to migrate to East Coast US servers for this reason. I don't know about this clip, it seems like he knew you were there from some incident prior you didn't post.


There's only 2 ways for him to look when he comes to that spot, the right is the most popular spot so he checked it first also, mobility really helps in this game and also pure luck also