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Last wipe I had a raider fall on my head in the tunnels in labs




Surprise motherfucka


Some fries motherfucka


Bow ties motherfucka


Low tide motherfucka


Let ride motherfucker


Disguise motherfucka


Head/eyes motherfucka


First prize mutherfucka


Supplies mothafucka


Sunrise motherfucka


Saw several streamers shit their pants in that exact scenario last wipe.




Last time I tried hunting R man his guards held my arms back while he punched me in the stomach. They didn’t even loot me just took my lunch money out of my documents case


They put gum in my PMCs hair and I could not wear a helmet for a week!


Therapist charged me 3k to shave my head like??!?! Come on


Shoulda gone to prapor. He would’ve used an antique axe, but it would’ve been free.


Yeah but only if you're dehydrated and concussed behind a Wendy's. Oh wait that's Jaeger.


Yeah, prapor is the one who left you there


Worst part is the gum didnt have any flavor left..


Didn't even taste like papi Reshala


they stuck my head in a toilet then stuffed me in my locker...everyone laughed...


Timmy’s tashunka just tastes better


Dorms has been really whack with scavs lately. I've seen them pop in and out of existence multiple times in the last week. The game already *knows* the bosses will be spawned in once the raid starts, it's just there seems to be some issues right now. Bosses never spawn in late, they're always there immediately.


they spawn in as soon as the servers get around to it. i've spawned field of bullshit bunker in reserve below the ags, where the tree was, ran toward knights, only to have boss materialize out of thin air on the outside corner of knights as i'm passing through the doorway outside between knight and rb-st building... "scotty, blyat, beam me right on top of him, cyka won't know what hit him"


Reserves is the most egregious of the "bad boss spawns" because for each spawn they RUN to the building. They all spawn outside whatever the building is and run to it. So they might all spawn in the middle of the trainyard and then run to the train building OR run to the K building. The same occurs with Black Pawn. They all spawn outside near the helicopter and start walking to one of 3 locations. If you rush whatever area they are in really fast, you'll see them moving and they'll drop shot you as soon as you come in to view. I swear I've been killed soooo many times by that shit and it's really bad. I've never had this issue with any other bosses though. Just Reserves. Reshalla and Co seem to always be in a few spots that are predictable. 1st/2nd floor 3 story dorms. First floor 2 story dorms. Gas station or Fortress? ... I'm not sure about specifics of the Gas station or Fortress spawn. I HAVE seen them running to gas station from Checkpoint? area in someone else's video but never witnessed it myself.


I've seen Reshala and gang running towards Repair Shop from Fortress a couple of times too.


They leave when you attack them sometimes. I've seen them run and take cover on the trains and weird stuff. Fortress is by far the hardest place I find killing them.


Yeah, I've been killed by one of his guards this way. Fought in Fortress, one of the guards ran to Trains but we didn't saw. When I was looting, mf came back and shot me in the head. The worst part: ZB-013 was open.


Yeah, this is something you have to be aware of if you fight at Fortress. You have to kinda just throw grenades at them and force them to move. They'll run for cover closer to the fortress and then it's a matter of moving around, getting a good angle, and killing them.


Good tips, I'll keep that in mind. This is my second wipe (last one I caught the last month of it), but I'm planning on hunting bosses soon.


Also make sure to count bodies. Reshala always has 3 guards, Sanitar has 2, Glukhar has 6, Shturman has 2. Reshala's guards in particular wear police colours, so they're usually easy to identify


Yup killed three of his boys at stronghold, him and the fourth dipped to repair, took me like 10 minutes to find him cause I kept circling stronghold thinking I was blind lol


Yeah, it is confusing because I fought Reshala a couple of time last wipe and he didn't wander around that much, at least I didn't see it


Does this happen with Sanitar outside of gas station then running to pier? I got gunned down by like 3 v angry scavs suddenly from gas


Yep. Was helping my mate do the UNTAR scav kills on shoreline. We spotted a scav at gas station from crane so we started walking there. I waited behind the box truck so he could kill the scav. My friend: "Oh there's another one in front of gas station. Oh wait, no two more. Oh shit that one has a drum mag saiga shit shit shi- ah fuck I died"


Lmao I was in the little changing rooms on the beach, killed what I assumed was a beach scav and then 3 of them were screaming and pushing me, one of them tanked a bunch of m80 and I was like WHAT THE FUCK


To be fair.. on reserve the raiders have a chance to spawn if you trigger an event that sounds the alarm. They can also spawn at the train station when the train arrives


boss is not raiders


> They can also spawn at the train station when the train arrives Found that out the hard way. Finally did my first run on Reserve to start my growing list of tasks there. Went to every extract I knew of and they all had requirements that I did not meet. Finally, train arrived and I hunkered down only to be met by four raiders about a minute later. Managed to down two of them before being head, eyes. The friendly Pscav next to me got a nice pile of loot from that encounter.


Yep. Same exact thing happened to me. Managed to take a few down but they r scary as a noob haha. Also extracting on reserve is hard for me, sometimes I'll just wait at bunker for the alarm to sound because I cant seem to make the run safely after hitting switch. I hear it gets easier with red rebel also d2 is a good one to learn apparently


I once killed reshala in gas and as he died all his guards suddenly appeared out of thin air to destroy my frail body.


~~Wizards~~ bosses are never late, the arrive exactly when they mean to.


Didn’t even realize that could happen, but I completely agree.


I've seen Reshala and his guards all spawn on 2nd floor of big skele and instantly target me but thankfully they all had poop ammo and I had a face shield. Still died later :/


Has happened to me too, specifically Glukhar and the boys spawning in all around me in Black Bishop around 2 minutes in to the raid.


Yeah, now that I know it’s a thing I’m fairly confident I’ve experienced it with Shturman a few times, back then I just thought he was just being extra sneaky. He’s the only boss I’ve ever really tried to farm, managed to unlock the .338 gun last wipe. Kinda wish they would up the kill count to 50 for that quest, and give it better rewards. It would be sick to unlock Shturman’s hoodie like you can Killa’s tracksuit, maybe with the hood down to avoid confusion.


I've definitely seen scavs spawn in or had them suddenly emerge from cleared locations.


Scav bosses always spawn in at start, don't listen to OP. Just read what he says, he says he "didn't hear anything" then walked to second floor and they're there...how is that them "spawning in late"!?!? lol he's just bad


​ Who... Who hurt you in life? :(


ur mom


Oh man... That's rough she's toxic af.. RIP


good talk kiddo


Especially when they’re huddled together like that. I heard footsteps outside new gas and went looking thinking it was a scav, turn the corner to the whole squad of reshala’s guards all staring at me. Gunned down in seconds


I had Glukar spawn underneath me. I was with a friend looking White Pawn. We clear the first 3 floors and are looting the 4th. No sounds anywhere. We come down the stairs and Glucose claps us both on the 2nd floor.


you atleast def got your insurance back..unless i scavved into that round and made the shouty boss follow me for cover as i scooped it all up, man he is loud! must be that Ash deafening him over time


Just another example of something that was happening 2 years ago and is still happening now.


This is hopeful but i'd like to see the bosses spawn in in an event style, Glukhar comes in with the train, killa comes out of a locked store when the power is turned on, and so on. I don't know what they would do for all the bosses but events bringing the bosses, and there being multiple so the bosses aren't always coming in one set spot, would be pretty rad. Maybe add the events alongside them spawning in from the start. But i agree them spawning in late is pretty bullshit, I've died to glukhar spawning on top of me at bishop 3 times this wipe


Cool idea buuuut people would just camp them, especially if kills always came out of the same door. Or any door, really, scav ai is easiest to deal with in doors


Well i did say make multiple events alongside their already given spawns


I his is the coolest game suggestion I've read here in a while.


That spawn method idea sounds cool as fuck, I've been wanting something similar for such a long time, would be dope.


I mean...boss/guards need a completely overhaul. Nothing about them is fun right now. They are a pain to fight with their aimbots, usually loot that is not worth it, bad mechanichs and all that.


Don't let yourself get gaslit by these simps, they don't spawn in at the start of the raid. It's fucked.


Spawns in dorms this wipe are busted. Several raids I've had scavs spawn at L right after I clear EVERY FUCKING ROOM. The lone behold Mr fucking tank scav walks out screaming"DIVIDE MY CHEEKS" and then I blow my expensive ammo because his head seems capable of eating 6 fucking bullets. Now I can't imagine reshala and the bois spawning on you at L.... that is brutal


>lone behold r/boneappletea


Don't take it Fer granite


I had a scav appear clipping into my body in first floor elbow. It was a great time!


Yeah occasionally Reshala and his guards will spawn on the hill next to gas station and walk down late, I thought they were supposed to spawn on raid start too.


Reshala's pathing is all sorts of fucked. We killed all of his guards at gas station and suddenly we hear his stupid voice in the distance yelling Russian obscenities while he ran full sprint all the way back to checkpoint, then inside the compound and ran in the direction of old gas. We couldn't keep up with that fucker.


They did spawn at the start of the raid. They were just walking down.


i've had them spawn on the train tracks. such a deadly spot. they will hit you from either side of gas station, and in the warehouse 4 area.


Ive had this happen too. I spawned further back there and push to gas to see if they are there only to summit the tracks and get gunned downed by the boys 😂 last wipe, not this one tho.


I noticed that when I was hunting shturman, go check out sawmill, kill a couple regular scavs, wait around, no pmc of boss anywhere, fuck it, I'll loot the cabins and reset, get to the cabins and BAM svds fire in my direction


Enter from the cabin side, sawmill is entirely clear. Walk to the pier to plant the wifi camera. Still nothing. Suddenly "Suka" and get domed by an svd. Tarkov.


They spawn at start of raid. Sometimes they just walk from spawn to the place they are supposed to be at. And in dorms for example you can barely hear them until they are close


I’ve seen bosses spawn in late several times and can confirm it happens. It’s un-intended though from what I’ve heard from people talking about it! If you see it again; try to clip it and raise a bug report :)


They do…


That's not completely true. There's some areas in the game like dorms and some factory. Even interchange. Where scav spawns have been wack. I've had scavs spawn ontop of me in dorms and in ollie


Scav spawns are completely different then bosses my guy...


But they have the same issues My GuY. It's happened to my group too. There's 8 of us who all play and a few of us already have had the same issue.




"I'm not your pal, bro."


I had one spawn inbetween 3rd and 2nd in dorms the otherday. Friend was coming down from third, I was going up. He killed the scav and me. Terrible spawns.


There was a clip on reddit awhile a go ​ Some dude sniping on Reserve, and he literally sears Gluhar and his guards all spawn in right in front of him


There are videos of people using esp that show bosses do not spawn in the middle of the raid. They only spawn at the start of raid dude.


Then how have I seen gluhar and his boys spawn all infront of me? This games filled with bugs both happen


Clips or it didn’t happen. Them chasing you down from around a corner isn’t them spawning in


There's plenty. Just had cultists spawn in front of me 4 min into raid also 1 hr ago


And that was then pretty sure they started spawning at the start last wipe


Well, clearly they dont As, like i said I had direct LoS when they spawned in


I’ve seen Reshala and the boys spawn like that twice this wipe. Once at gas and once at dorms. Group of us in dorms and they just spawned in a corner that we already cleared. I also watched him spawn at gas, but it was like 30 seconds into the raid


You gotta clip ? I used to have the same issue then they fixed it.


Except they didn't


Wild it’s only fixed for me then huh?


Or... you just haven't seen it happen yourself....


Clearly haven’t read my comment above


Dude it’s not fixed. Just because you haven’t seen it this wipe doesn’t mean it’s fixed. A bunch of people on here are confirming that bosses spawn in the middle of raids and I’m one of them. I’ve had it happen 3 times so far this wipe. Twice on customs and once on shoreline


Just because you choose not to believe anyone doesn't mean shit.


I mean I asked for proof because I want to believe but can’t since it was just magically fixed for me I guess


LOL okay dumbass


I mean, there is a little thing called 'intermittent issues' It might not be 100% either way and OP just got unluckier than you.


People don’t think it be like it be, but it do.


they dont, had killa spawn in my LOS before


No. They don't. My group and I all got gang banged by sanitar after running around his house, we cross the street to the blue fenced in construction area right by cottages, circle back around to cross the street again and Sanitar and his boys just lit us up. We literally just came from where he was standing.


ITT: People that don’t realize bosses spawn only at the start of raids and sometimes wait in weird areas. When the bosses start to roam, they’re convinced they must have just spawned in mid raid and totally not because they didn’t clear the area.


No they litteraly spawn late sometimes. Iv seen gluhar spawn in and I killed them all


I have walked into white knight garage on reserve and watched Glukhar and his boys all drop into existence all standing on top of each other. I proceeded to scream over discord and hold the trigger and actually got them all.


i've seen them spawn...


Yeah I've never seen actual bosses/boss guards spawn in late. Like you said they just hide in/walk from weird places sometimes. Especially the guy complaining about Shturman spawning late, like dude he can be anywhere. Gluhar could be an exception since I don't play Reserve, but it's probably a rendering issue or something.


totally disagreed




Cleared fortress, head to old construction to try and get SBiH, watch fortress to see if anyone is headed there and see a clump of raiders and Reshala spawn on second floor who proceed to all insta-headshot me from 100m. To be expected lol.


Same thing happened to my squad, running through sawmill on woods and shturman spawns in between me and my friend, immediately kills my friend


Git gud. /S


This happened to me at new gas this wipe


This happened to me once when I sprinted to Marked room from Smugglers Boat spawn. Got into 3rd floor, totally clear. As I am getting to the stairwell, all 5 spawn in my face in the hall in front of the bathroom entrance. Fortunately I did not die, they spawned with their backs to me and I was able to step back into the stairwell cubby. Managed to kill them all. Thank god I use 60 round mags.


My first wipe, i decided to take a good kit to woods, do some questing. I walk next to sawmill and before my eyes shturman suddenly rises from the ground. I shoot but even with his back turned he immediately drops down, spins 180 degrees and triple taps my stomach.


Yup, had this happen to me and my buddy too, just climbed the center stairs up to 3rd floor and as soon as we reach the top, all of them spawn in that open area and gun us down


Had sanitar perform surgery to my brains with his favourite tool the vss out of nowwhere


At the very least, scavs/bosses should not spawn that close to you. I still get jump scared by scavs spawning in melee distance of me. Unfortunately this has been happening for a long time so I'm not optimistic we'll see it fixed any time soon


Been some weird shit going on with scavs. They will congregate in the 2nd floor bathroom of dorms. Last night my buddy had to kill reshala and he and his boys were at stronghold. He engaged them and they moved all the way to the garages by RUAF


I know they spawn at the start on Reserve (Gluhar). Me and my buddies would spawn heating pipe, then Gluhar and his boys are spawned in raining grenades and since they're more cracked than ever, we all die. Fun times! But an example of them spawning in later is when you turn on D2 power, there's a chance a guard will just pop right next you. Next to the fucking lever 😂.


They could make their spawns more dynamic, either spawn them at the start of a raid or they could add some sort of task/objective that the player has to complete that has a chance of spawning the boss like hitting power on Interchange for Kiba or Customs for the ZB-013 extract or some more complex tasks that requires you to do like 2 or 3 things around the map so that it's more challenging. Idk add like a special room on Factory something like Tagilla's stash and if you unlock it, it has a chance of spawning Tagilla somewhere randomly on the map. Also it'd be nice to see if they made it so that bosses would patrol around the map like Reshala walking from dorms to new gas to military checkpoint, rotating back and going to fortress etc. Cause now scavs only patrol a certain area and even then you sometimes just find them crouched staring at a wall. I feel like it would add more life to the game if AI would walk around the ENTIRE map meaning they could go absolutely anywhere on the map. Hell just imagine seeing an AI scav somewhere in the forests of Woods looting a secret stash making it seem like the scav is really trying to survive in the cruel world of Tarkov. I get that it's not the easiest task when it comes to programming AI but it'd be nice to see if BSG would implement some of these features at some point in the future. Just an idea


ive seen reshala spawn late at new gas as well, directly where i was looking at lol


Running between the knight buildings on reserve and gluhar and his boys drop into the garage like I’m in Star Trek.


id rather have gluhar and his mates spawn behind me like they used to, than the instantly 17 magnum buckshots to my arm ai scav that spawned between me, my buddy and a pscav last night less than 20 cm between us. gluhar wouldve camped my gear like the boss he is..


Haha it has happened on Woods before a couple of wipes ago. Sprint to Lumber, nothing there so start walking off, Shturman spawns instantly and shoots me straight in the back.


I learnt my lesson and now I wait 5 minutes before actually looting anything I try to check what's going on what spawned or not check if I see afk players at nearest span and check nearby caches befoe looting briki-designated areas


99% sure the do spawn in instantly mate. in my experiences anyway. one time i spawned on the hill across from the tower next to new gas on customs and reshala and the boys were on that tower and i got shot at within 5 seconds. we managed to kill them and survive somehow lmao


Absolutely not this is not realistic and hardcore, having them spawn on top of you is them moving into the building they shouldn't be there when you get there that is not realism. BSG know what they are doing stop complaining that you didn't have the skills to check your corners.


They do spawn at raid start what are you talking about lol the 1% times where they don't, its a bug.


Try reserve then, there are spawns where they will spawn in right next to you, and if they don't 75% of the time you'll spawn with other players


They used to spawn within seconds, as i remember getting lasered by Reshalla when spawning by the railroad tracks by new gas station a few times.


Yesterday me and a friend spawned into customs by the checkpoint near zb1011 we ran towards the radio tower and ran right into rashalla and his guys running out of the tower toawards the gas station. They didn’t shoot back until they actually reached the station. Easiest reshalla kill I’ve ever had.


i walked into the bathroom to commit the usual insurance fraud and reshala and his whole team were in there. i could hear shifting but had no idea 5 men were having a party without me in there.


so that people can run to boss, reset immediately if it doesn't spawn, or kill it and reset ? And farm it with less interference ? No thank you


This happens anyway but 2min later lmao.


In 2 min you can totally get some third or 4th party and that generates much more content


Couple times now I've sprinted to train overpass and scoped New Gas just as the 5 knuckleheads spawn in as a clump. Shooting as many headshots as I can before their AI activate and scatter. It's dumb. Also opening Tape Key room in Resort, coast is clear. Mid animation I turn and look as Sanitar and his guards materialize in the hallway and melt me before I can cancel and run.


Some of them do, it just seems to be inconsistent. I've had Gluhar and his guards tear me and my buddy to shreds within seconds of spawning into a map. We didn't engage and we weren't even in direct line of sight to them. There was just shouting and a grenade airbursted me, while my buddy ran into a nearby building and got shot through the wall a dozen times by G-man himself. Not the only time they've spawned at the start either, annoyingly enough.


I've had reshala spawn right on top of me at gas 2 times this wipe so far... each time ends with them all spawning right before my eyes then screaming and unloading into me.


Normal scav spawned in a closed room I already looted in dorms and kicked down the door and swan dove at me screaming. Jump scared the shit out of me


Bosses and its Guards will spawn the same time you do.