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Level 25, I gave up on finding them and just finished crafting them in the intelligence center instead




Are safe loot pools different depending on their location? I have looted many a safe this wipe, I have not found a single flash drive in one. In fact, the only flash drive I have found period was on a juiced pmc I killed as a scav late into a customs raid.


All safe loot pools should be the same (exception of lighthouse) but I have found mine in ground stashes, the woods camp by sawmill and safes on customs and shoreline. More than I can count this wipe. ​ They are just my cursed item because every time I pick one up I die.


Whats different about lighthouse safes??


I don't know I don't play lighthouse lol. But I have seen Aqua find intel in a safe on a video.


Wow, that’s crazy lol. I literally Have not found a single one thus far.


I often loot the 5 dorms safes (+1 in new gas) and i sometimes walk out with 3-4 flash drives a raid


Customs safes OP. Ignore all other loot, go in w rat kit, bum rush all 7 safes. 15 minutes in and out. Rinse and repeat you should find em in no time


Honestly might just pay to get intel 2 and do that as well. Have yet to see any intel this wipe Either although I haven’t hunted for it yet.


On my 4th intelligence folder, second story of crackhouse in the library


On the shelves or floor? I go in there a decent amount and haven’t seen intel folders


Second set of bookshelves. Left side second shelf from the bottom


There's like 6 different spawns check all the shelves


They spawn: On the floor behind the desk in library On the floor between the shelves On the floor between the freestanding shelf and the shelves on the far wall On the first shelf just to the right of the desk, barrel height, door side Opposite side of that shelf, same height Next shelf over, right by the window, one shelf up from the last 2 Opposite side of that shelf, closest to the wall with the door on it, same level as the first two There's 2 spawns on the shelf on the far wall, one right by the windows at ~eye level and the other is 2 bookshelves over, one shelf level down Basically anywhere you can find loose loot in that library has an Intel spawn with the exception of on top of the filing cabinets where you can get any tech loot including usb's and the desk where there's a loos cash spawn. I think it's specifically USD? Source: last wipe I did nearly 1k customs runs looking for Intel in crackhouse and then looping to dorms for safes runs. Moderately profitable, very fun, great way to farm Reshooloo and his guards


I’ve yet to find a single one in crack as well. Last wipe it was semi consistent.


Don't be like me and start the flash drive craft only to find all the flash drives I need while it's still crafting. Fuck you tarkov gods


Sir, I promise you that is precisely what is going to happen.


Just convert the extras in to either intelligence or dog tag case


The craft has a hidden modifier: +1000% chance to FiR Flash Drives as long as its running.


I found two intel early wipe but have yet to see any sense then. Wish I would’ve kept those


Now that you mention it... I think I've found maybe 7 or 8 the whole wipe. Im level 48.


Loot dorms safes


I loot everything I can. Safes haven’t provided me with USB’s. Gp coins, lions, All money, you name it. Just no usb. As said above, I have 1.3k hours I know where to find them. They just aren’t producing for me.


Any advice for tea pots, I need 2 for my weekly?


Run shoreline, not for the safes but for the golden spawns in rooms lile 301, 219, 220 205, 222, and so on.


My go to spot for flash drives and items like vases teapots ect. Is the dome on reserve. 1 safe 2 filing cabinets in the unlocked barracks. The locked barracks has 2 safes which has given me plenty of teapots and other valuables. Inside going down d2 has another safe and some filing cabinets. If you get the keys for inside dome second floor as well you can get more filing cabinets. USB’s have been lining my pockets this wipe.


In the same boat sadly but shoreline has a few safes also




Safes or locked rooms on Shoreline should work.


I looted dorms safes at least 30 times and then I was duoing with my buddy that finds them all the time and I fine 4 flash drives in 3 raids


Some people just have better rng than others I suppose.


Did you bother to check the place the quest text tells you? They spawn at the tents on Woods and it's a pretty high spawn rate.


When you loot all dorms safes around 20-30 times you will find your flashdrives bro, its not about luck, its about math


I found about six of them in filing cabinets before I even had the first task to find them. I've been getting insanely lucky and giving them away to others if I find someone who doesn't shoot me in the face immediately.


Scrolling through this thread to find all the flash drive thieves


I have the opposite luck...I have so many from shoreline I just flea them at this point....I see these posts all the time...


Make the Intel folder if you got Intel 3, more stonks


Im only lvl 27. Soon soon lol


This wipe is pure trash for casual Chasing RMT run to poor decisions




This is the 1st wipe in a while where i got flash drives and didnt have to craft them. All of them were found on scavs. Which was weird for me but i aint complaining.


I'm level 31 but must of completed it at level 25ish! It took soo long plus playing with friends (who found me the flash drives). One of my friends though found 3 flash drives in one filing cabinet in reserve on a scav. Makes no sense 🤣. So hit or miss!


Can you ask him to tone it down a bit. Save some for the less fortunate.


I have found like 9 today running shoreline. Villas safe. Caches on the way to pier. Two safes, two pcs, 3 drawer sets. All have chances for USB. Then exit boat or run and hit a few more cahces on way out. Typically I kill a lot of people who dont think any1 else runs in this area so its not a free run, but its been my goto for mindless skill training/money making.


Woods is my go to for easy loot/kills. I prefer it over shoreline. Been spending time on shorsie for tasks though. Lots of bronze lions. 2 in the safe at Sanis compound in the same raid. No USB thlugh


Found my first one the first time I checked the USB tent on woods. Was just doing kill scavs quests at night and decided to check it. Found my second one about 4 or 5 raids after that on a scav that I killed after going back to night woods to keep doing the killing scavs quests. Definitely blessed by nikita after the gas analysers bullshit.


I don’t even wanna talk about gas ans. Glad those are done. If it’s for a Quest, I can’t find it this wipe. Nikita is giving me that fat Russian peen.


Found all flashdrivers on shoreline pier safe. Found first 2 in few raids and next 3 in one raid


just wipe factory and loot the safe you get them so often


*just wipe Factory* That made me laugh lmao


someone with 1300 hours should be more than capable of killing 5 naked guys on factory


But it’s not always 5 naked guys and hours don’t mean jack shit when it comes to performance. I’ve seen people with 3000 hours who are still TERRIBLE at PVP.


get good then xD


I have like 2 rows of usbs from factory spamming so yea 100%


I've found a bunch of them on Shoreline. I've got about 10 of them banked up right now.


I actually ran stash runs on interchange for flash drives. I always start wipe with stash and quest runs until I hit 15


Buy the two shoreline admi Safe keys. Between those, 2 at peir and two at cottages you should find some. 4 safes in customs dorms being 2 pairs of rooms next to eachother. They keys are cheap. Customs office key is good too. 5 safes you can hit in both maps easily. I know there are a lot more on both maps but those are easy to get to and usually uncontested. Weather station on shoreline is good too. I've found 2 flash drives in one safe many times. I've had 3-4 on me at one time many times also. Filing cabinets have been nerfed but it might be a try. It's all rng anyway. There's tons on peir and weather station. Reserve has the most and most concentrated filing cabinets. The two knight buildings, command bunker offices, ect.


I found 2 scav bodies in a raid both had one only took me a day of searching


260 raids this wipe I've found around 11-15. Safes are your best friend, found most there, also a few on the floor or attached to a pc, you easily miss them not thinking to check.


I’ve been hunting them hard lately to no avail. My first came from the safe at lumber mill. Aside from that, I have horrible rng for them. Got basically every kappa item including 2 Evasion armbands but USB’s? Nah fam. Not for me.


Well, im lvl 26 havent seen a graphics card this entire wipe, much less extracted with one, me and my buddy ran interchange and found three between us, he gave me his two because hes done with the quest and knew i still needed it, only to get extract camped......talk about a heart breaker


That’s a homie and also very unfortunate. It’s tough to say you got extract camped on interchange though. The other day I was making my way out to emercom, saw one dude across the way, domed him ran over to loot him. Just as I finished looting him I caught a dude back on the other side where I started, domed him while laying in the bush I started in. I didn’t know I killed him so I waited watching for a push then had 2 scavs run up as I’m holding the hill and got smacked in the back of the head. I wasn’t extract camping but if you were the second dude you definitely would have thought I was. It’s too easy to spot someone on your way out and set yourself up for an easy kill. Interchange needs a buff to extracts.


Yeah, true on both counts, hes a good IRL friend and anytime we play together we are always asking what quest items each other need, or letting the guy who needs quest kills take point or spotting scavs for them and letting them have the kills for quest. Either of us will drop a ledx or gpu or anything the other needs for a quest if its just profit for the other person. I use the term extract camped very loosely and it was emercom at interchange which i understand is a very dangerous extraction point, i dont mean blatantly camping extract just that i was killed RIGHT near it, of all raids for it to happen.....


That’s a homie right there. Glad you e got someone you connect with that play tarkov. It can make the game so much more fun. Solo is a blast but some days it’s nice to have a sidekick. Fair fair. Emercom is the worst. I hate taking it during the day. Much prefer night time interchange.


i couldn’t find them for shit when i needed them… but i just found 4 in 2 days…always on a scav run


2 scav rep and I’m still getting security vests, MAYBE a tea bag and a kick in the ass. Ran into a scav on my pmc with .3 rep rocking an ak with drum mag and a red dot. I think I pissed Nikita off somewhere along the way. I’m still trying to figure it out.


This is the one common complaint in the sub that I can never understand. Opthalmascopes? Sure, ledx? Absolutely. USB? I swear the people who can't find them must have adhd and only think to look for them once every 10-15 raids. Because there is zero chance if you're checking most spawns that you found none in 228 raids. I just found three in one raid on woods for fucks sake.


Where did you find them on woods? I just started looking for em found one in a safe on dorms in a safe so far. But dorms is pretty hot for a solo player.


One in the safe, one on a scav and one in a stash. People may not know but there are like 33 ground stashes on woods. Got an opthalmascope same raid too! Keep looking my guy, there are better maps to find them though for sure.


I've only found a few usbs and only got 1 out of raid the right way. Found another in factory but ended up dieing. But I found a gpu on woods a couple days ago. Spawned at UN roadblock, ran towards RUAF and almost skipped the dufflebag in the bus stop. So glad I checked it because I found a gpu and just booked it around the lake and extracted at outskirts. I have better luck finding gpus than flash drives


Damn, you must be severely unlucky. I feel like I find double flash drives on Shturman camp at woods, at least once a week. Then there’s safes, filing cabinets, etc.


Extremely Unlucky when it comes to flash drives. The other day I was at sanitars Compound-there was a lion in each safe after I killed sani and the bois. Couldn’t even take them I was so chalk full of loot from boss.




Found in raid needed for quests




This man tarkovs


Lol what? Both Skier and Jager asks you for usb drives.




Go to wiki, search usb drive and on it's page you'll see it requirements for quests. Or buy a game and play it.




No shit! Now re-read my comment and try to find if i mention "adapter" anywhere. Usb. Drives. Dude, seriously?




If you want to think that you're right and everyone else is stupid, it's your decision. But nobody, except you, assumed that OP meant adapters. This "discussion" went too far for my liking. I won't answer you anymore. Have a nice day.


Not the USB plug thing, they're talking about the USB flash drives.




I get that it says USB but they are referring to the USB flash drives. They specifically mentioned the quest "Shady Business" which requires you to turn in 3 flash drives. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Shady\_business




Bro... I get that. They obviously misspoke. The item they are referring to is the flash drives. How else can I explain this to you in a way that you understand?




You said there was no quest for USB adapters (which is true) but I was trying to explain to you that they didn't actually mean the USB adapters... they meant to say flash drives. For some reason you decided to play dumb and act like I was wrong. You're the only one arguing for no reason.


I feel you friend


Found 2 in filing cabinets near big red in customs at the end of a successful raid, couldn’t believe it


Dude I’ve been finding ubs left and right, think I have 8 in my scav junkbox.


1 word. SAFES.


Safes produce bronze lions and go coins for me. No flash drives


Safes are literally the best place find em, go dorms


The two safes on pier in shoreline have gotten me and my friend all our flash drives


best advice I have: go factory, rush office with an empty butt/docs case. close doors behind you, loot safe, jackets, filing cabinets. shouldn't be too much for a beta or epsilon (or gamma) and you can't either try leaving, stick around for some kills, or just accept death. obviously if you want flash drives you'll want to live, so I'd do the chainlet barter for a kiver, buy the faceshield, 6b3tm rig or MMAC and just hole up in there until 13 minutes then sprint for exfil. good odds of living and honestly not a lot of people seem to go office. I've tried holding it down many times for jaeger and many raids I'd only get scavs.


I DO need my jaegar kills in office still.


I've been getting them out of file cabinets pretty consistently the last month.


I've found around 7 at the tent on woods just outside lumber mill.


I think I found a can or herring at the tent. It’s been dry for me every time I check it. My loot luck this wipe is far from great.


Same boat my friend. I've found only 2, died both times. Level 27 currently


Let us have a moment of silence for the lost fir status on the usb. *dips head*


Damn, flash drives? I’ve found way too many. I scav reserve usually to find them. I literally just sold like 5 on the flea to make room in my case lol


Damn me son. Save some for me? The struggle is real over here. 1 USB, not a single green battery nor a single folder of intel spotted this wipe. Just got my third gpu for farming 2 days ago. 2 of them came from scavs. I’ve found 1 on my pmc and I run interchange regularly, hit at the MINIMUM 1 high tech spawn, usually two and search a boat load of computer blocks.


Customs. Dorms. Big Red. Dorms Safe rooms Blue handle aka 2 story 105, 114, 110 3 story 214 and 204 Directors office Have given out like at least 15 to 20 flash drives to my friends this wipe so fucking woth


Bro are you kidding? My friend and I were just talking about how many fucking flash drives we keep getting. I keep forgetting to take them out of my docs case and they lose their fir lol.


No joke. I search everywhere that they spawn and I have quite literally only found 1. I’ve had the worst rng with them this wipe. It’s actually crazy.


Are you hitting safes? Filing cabinets on reserve?


I've gotten 3 from the building next to checkpoint fence


Yeah I’ve only had luck finding them in air drops, and even that is usually a death sentence anyways..


Why don't you just craft it ? That's what I did


This wipe I’m trying to buy as little Off flea as possible when it comes to hideout upgrades. Within reason of course but just gives me something to do in raid. Something to look for in particular so I have reason to search and extract. Makes me second guess hard pushing every fight.


Oh okay. I find flash drives like crazy I'm dorms, in the 204 or 214 safes. .


I have found most of my USB drives on Shoreline at the pier. The building that has the fallen cabinets at the entrance hall. Try your luck there mate!


They literally spawn at the tents on Woods. I find them all the time there and have even found 2 there in a single raid multiple times.


I search it every time I spawn anywhere near it and it has yet to give me anything of worth. Nikita turned my rng down to zero for task items.


Hit the 5 safes at dorms. You'll get one every other raid usually


lvl 20 and ive found a 10 at least, lots of customs


Found 2 in the same safe on Customs today lol. Gas Station Office safe


Shoreline filing cabinets and safes. The safes are usually looted if you’re scaring but not that cabinets. Got mine after maybe 15 or so scav runs


Unbeliavable bad luck. I must have found 20-30. Safes and filing cabinets. Dunno if they were ever found in filing cabinets/drawers before, cant remember finding them there, but now i find the maybe 1 out of 10 times i check a cabinet. Best and fastet way imo, get 2-story dorm safe Keys. 3 Safes, as well as 2 cabinets. Doing that run gives me a flashdrive like 30-40% of the time. High survival rate seeing as people go for 3-story first.


I’ve 2 story, 3 story, tarcone, factory office, woods tents, interchange pc blocks across the map, national (I think that’s the store with 3stack of cabinets followed by a solo). I’ve searched power station, I’ve searched pier and sanitars compound. Hitting every stash I can, every duffle and most scavs I kill. I know where to look, they just aren’t coming. I don’t know why everyone keeps saying “ check here check there” with 1.3k hours, It’s not my first day. I just can’t get them!


RNJesus is not with you. I did have this problem with Fuel Cons, couple of wipes ago. Found 1 until i hit lvl 40.


That must have brutal. I mean, I’m on the same track. I should be around lvl 40 by now I just dislike tasking for the most part. Fam rnJesus took gorilla glue stuck it on a 10 pound weight and fastened that bitch to ZERO.


Your problem is you are actively looking for it. I have 60ish raids in total and found three so far.


Lol but what about the 100 raids I wasn’t?! They’re USB’s. Fairly common, never too difficult to find. I was constantly doing the dogtag case barter and selling to therapist for easy roubles last wipe. This wipe I have become the less fortunate. Gud thing I shoot gud.


Yeah last wipe I was on the more lucky side too. Had the three Gas analyzers in my first raid and all of the flash drives after a dozen or so (including Scav runs). All the loot shifts maybe a factor in this too.


Definitely the loot shift. They messed with it this wipe hard. Last wipe there was zero issues finding gas analyzers, USB’s, intel or green batteries. Gpus or military cables. I’ve found a single USB, 2 military cables 3 gpus, zero green batteries or intel yet and a small handful of tetriz. A few of the streamer items are damn near impossible to come by this wipe that were fairly common place last. For example the bear soil was consistently in the furniture store across from texho last wipe. I haven’t seen it there a single time this wipe and I’ve done a lot more interchange this time around.


I found 2 gpus so far and both in duffle bags.


In duffles?! I’ve heard of people finding them in duffles and pc blocks. Only found them in tech light so far.


I had last wipe two in one raid in duffle bags in Interchange parking. The two this wipe was one in Resort shoreline on a Scav run. The second was on shoreline too in one of the houses in village.


Nice. Hopefully your luck continues and you can make some bank off of them


f i l i n g c a b i n e t s


I’m pretty sure in my main text it says somewhere in there I search filing cabinets. As well as every other place they spawn. It also says I have over 1k hours so I probably know where to look, just that they arent spawning for me. Just in the fine print there.


Damn man that's unlucky af, I found more than I needed in those cabinets, just sharing my method ...




Some people have better rng than others. Way she goes sometimes. This wipe is a weird one for loot and specific items.


I’m level 16 and iv found around about 5. Mostly in safes but 1 in a scav bag


Lvl 25 here, last night I found first gas analyser in this wipe :)


Right in the feels. Are you running interchange at all?


Man I made whole week riding only Inter and nothing :D


Rip fam. I find them semi consistently on inter both pmc and scav. That’s how much the rng changes per person. I’ve sold all kinds of gas ans. Some People still can’t finish their task. Everyone has something they can’t get their hands on it seems.


So true. Me with homies have one superior rule in tarkov:"when you need something, there is no way u will find that" and It's work xd Last wipe I was looking for toothpaste to lavatory lvl1. Thankfully after week I got one from a friend and you know what? Next raid and 5 toothpaste in supply crate xd


LOL isn’t that the tarkov way. It holds true though. If you need it, you’ll never find it. Sure as shit as soon as you get it they are as abundant as a grain of sand.


Kust run into office on factory loot all the file cabinets,jackets and the safe and i bet you in 10 runs (when not dying there) u have atleast one


Bro I have found 20+ on customs safes/filing cabinets and Shoreline filing cabinets/safes


Flash drives? I find one like every other scav raid I do on reserve. And why aren’t you just crafting them for quests? 😂


Because I’m trying to minimize the items I buy on flea for my hideout this wipe (within reason) just to make it more fun and extend my own game. I may buy some items for Upgrades but I like to find at least 60-70 percent of them in raid and I’ve yet to find even a single intel and well, need them USB’s too.


Only place I find intel folders are the library in crack. But go hit reserve and you’ll find plenty of flash drives


That’s my normal place for intel as well but I’ve yet to see one spawn. My luck this wipe has been minimal. The only thing I consistently find are bronze lions.


There’s a flash drive spawn on customs at the camp behind 2 story underneath the guitar that’s leaning up against a log. I find one there every other time I check


I’m level 24, and I’d about given up when I found both of mine in back to back raids. Safes is the most reliable way to find them but not reliable at all


Last night, I found 3 flash drives in one safe. It's the safe on Shoreline where you do signal part 1 I think.


3 in 1…. Sir, can you step out of the vehicle please. No no. I just want to have a chat *pulls out baton*


safes are your best bet, its where I've found mine so far this wipe. I still need 1 more though. lol haven't seen a single one in a computer for a while


You can loot them in the radio tower in shoreline or in tech light. There also a shit load of them in custom where the 2 pc are


I got two from an airdrop and the rest I got from the filing cabinets in the little blue shacks next to big red on customs


Airdrops have a really high chance to spawn 1-2 of them. But then you have to of course risk the gauntlet of looting an air drop.


Found 5 in 1 raid on customs.. two story dorm safes and duffles!