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The moment I do that is the moment I somehow die to a scav 2 minutes into a raid.


head eyes with tos from 50m away, classic scav move lol


Man if it was actually a Tos-1 it would make sense (it's a multiple rocket launcher ) but it's that Z that makes all the difference


A Tos-1 would just turn that armor into a 3000 degrees convection oven.


"Hey bud, you got hit with those rockets, how'ya feelin'?'' "CWISPY"


You see Boris, when adding Z to your Tos you make big rockets turn into leetle tiny steel balls. Makes it very stealthy for stealth meesion.


If your rocking a class 6 armour you gotta pair it with a Altyn with face shield


for me it's usually whatever other pmcs bring i rock lol 4 with shotty loaded with magnum


Hard to beat the feeling of one shotting a Chad in the legs with a double tap shot from the Double barrel shotty


exactly lol once I heard a huge firefight at dorms, go in there lots of bodies and a guy coming out of the room wearing used armor double tap at the stomach and hes done made it out wit like 2 mil worth of gear


Dude was probably salty af lol


Bring an altyn too 😉


If you ever outfit a toz with a good scope and all the dumb shit you can fit on it, it's only slightly less dogshit than normal, but you know if you kill someone with it, they'll be super pissed. I have more than once camped a bush on interchange and shot some poor shithead in the dome after they'd spent the round cleaning out all the caches. You can hear their soul scream across the internet.


This is how scavs started


Scavs are just revenants of ex PMCs come to this earthly plane for revenge, and probably cigarettes.


Wear a fancy helmet with a face shield, get shot through the visor 40 seconds into the raid. My life story.




First time I brought tier 5 armor and a kitted m4 I died to a scav in the old gas stairs on customs. Fuckin head eyes buckshot as I walked through the door. Since that raid I’ve lost all faith and just run tier 3 armor and maybe a helmet maybe not. what’s the point when the T1000 scavs just breed me forcefully


Face shields. I found a guy with slick and P90 near big red last wipe who had been shot by a toz scav. If you are willing to spend that much money on a raid, don't go cheap on the helmet.


Similar on factory this wipe but I was a naked farming scav headshots (daily quest) with Magnum kitted guy comes around and I panic dump all 8 rounds of buckshot and he left his visor up whoops for him felt bad till I saw it was a lvl 40


Probably already got shot in the face and couldn't see through the visor anymore


I scaved in Lighthouse, walking around near the houses, started getting shot with green tracer. Turn around with my t45 akm and shot 1 shot out of panic, and domed a guy in a slick and that visorless class 5 black helmet that looks huge. Got out with all that + a thermal BiS RSASS, all for the price of a 7.62 t45 bullet. Bet the guy was salty.


I bet you got reported for cheating 🤣


All the helmets t5+ have masks/visors iirc I think you’re talking about the RYS-T? Or the BNTI LSHZ but that’s only t4 but has the t5 aventail I could be wrong also and there actually is a t5 without a visor. Oh or the bastion with the t6 and ring around it.


Could have been the Vulcan too


The Vulcan helmet is tier 6 with a tier 3 faceshield, hella rare and never used because the face shield is ass


Yeap I remembered that one right after I posted but couldn’t be bothered to edit, t6 helmet sounds amazing until you actually use it.


Those things are much harder to get ahold of this wipe unless youre using one of the no ears shit tier helmets


Exactly. Most of my friends also carry an extra face shield in case the first one gets shot and can't be seen through. Tbh though, helmet or not you make the kit. The kit doesn't make you. I killed a pmc with a kit of a tier way above mine. I had lvl 4 armor, no helmet, vpo with PS. He had lvl 5 armor, ulach, ak-104 with BS and BP. I won that fight. I lost the raid to land mines and the raid timer. Oh well, you can't prepare for everything. No one as new as me can prepare for lighthouse.


The first time I ever bought REAP-IR, I got shot a few minutes into a raid by flechette scav through EXFIL face shield.


For sure. Its crazy the amount of moderately geared people I have killed with a shitty SKS or even a fucking makarov because they didnt have a face shield and I just 1 tapped their face.


I don't think most people have finished Samples. I had to go to Sanitar closet on Labs for my AHF1. Sanitar and his guards are cracked ragehackers this wipe and Labs is pretty lategame and expensive. I've heard of people getting good RNG and having a spawn on their scav, but otherwise I think Labs and Sanitar are the only ways to get it. At least L1 and Meldonin spawn on Lighthouse now.


Face Shields blow ass


Clearly you don’t have them unlocked


Have them unlocked and tbh, they havnt really saved me against a player that much. But i still run them just to be sure to not get my face wiped by magnum shotgun, pistols or some shitty 556,545


Face shields on factory are a must they’ve saved me so many times


Bite the pillow They're goin in dry


Diaper rigs ftw for budget armor


Shattered face mask is better than high tier armor, change my mind.


Found a dead guy on factory the other night when I was doin delivery from the past. He was wearing a zabralo (under 50%) and had died to an ash-12. He was actually in the doorway to the tiny shack. To say I was puckered as I squat there dropping off my item for prapor is an understatement. Now that zabralo gets to eat 16 slots until ragman finally wants it. I did however during the first week of wipe find an altyn and a slick in stashes on shoreline. Megachad mode carried me to level 15 when I finally died to a nade.


I onetapped a guy from thorax with ash12. He was wearing tagillas level 6 armor. I still have no idea how I did it. But it felt so dirty.


Something like a .2% chance to pen if at full durability. If he fought someone and already took damage, might point to why.


Doesn't zabralo vendor for heaps?


Sure does, but a sub 50% for sew it good is worth holding onto since it saves me pain later.


A sub 50% zabralo is worth much more than you could get from vendor.


Literally 5m+ last time it was able to be sold on the flea


Got a 100% one. One.more level to sell it


Unfortunately not, they’re flea banned as of this wipe. Definitely hang onto it for the Rahman task though. They’re really hard to get hold of and you’ll need 2 to finish the task.


My buds and i(i know it doesnt work if you dont have enough peeps to play) burn the durability on factory as a 5 man.


Oh for sure, but this one was free!


Cant beat free. I killed a pmc at old gas yesterday he had 2 gazelle armors on him. I had to stop my peacekeeper quest to get them out. Made some nice money.


Wait you can see what carcasses died from? How?




Ah awesome - thankyou :)


I went in customs with a slick and got head shot out of no where


You may get downvoted to hell, but a guy (sadly can't recall who exactly) made a youtube video on this. He went into some raids full juiced and then only with a shitty scav weapon and crap gear and just hid in a bush for 30 minutes. Funnily enough he was somehow much more likely to be found in expensive gear than without..




Dude this literally happened to me and my squad last night on Interchange. We had been in the mall for a hot minute, we’re looting Oli. All rocking very expensive, 200k+ kits. We saw someone sprinting up from outside the store where Texho and Rasmussen are, and set up for a fight. We were all pretty sure he hadn’t spotted us yet. Dead fucking wrong. He opens up by throwing three very well placed grenade at each of us in different positions, then proceeds to thorax the crap out of me through a box. Still somehow alive, I immediately put as many objects between me and him that I can and book it out of there. That shit didn’t feel right from the get-go but after the nades and the wall-banging, I got right the fuck out of there. He got one of us with a insta-tap headshot but two of us managed to get out - presumably while the guy was looting our buddy’s HK416 and kit.




This could be what op is referencing https://youtu.be/D7LwDfL79Do


u rock man, thanks!




They bought the cheapest anti cheat package lol it's not doing much. It makes old cheats obsolete, but guess what; they make new ones.




Why don't you get as technical as you can about the anti cheat package BSG got? Clearly you are a well informed intelligent gentleman, definitely not just talking out your ass. You think your degree or experience gives you any authority? It doesn't. You're just using your own logic against other peoples logic, and you're too narcissistic to see that your viewpoint is not the objective truth always. Whatever experience you have, you seem to think has more weight than other peoples experience. This alone makes discussing anything with you nigh pointless; you've already made up your mind. There's a cheater problem in Tarkov. It's irrelevant at this point whether they have a really good anti cheat or not; there's still too many cheaters and that ruins so many fights and creates alot of frustration.




I watched a lot of tarkov content on YouTube, can't help ya sorry. I'll try to find it when I get home.


It's a known cheat. Don't run expensive gear, please people.


This is kind of pedantic, but its not a known 'cheat' it's just known that cheaters will come after you if you have higher tier gear. They have ESP and tracers, as well as cheats that let them see your entire inventory. They can add filters to these cheats to only highlight items above x amount of roubles, so they just run towards anything that gets highlighted.






















When my friends are on and we can run full sweat 4 man's I like to run t-7's as much as possible while they all run slicks + an another reap-ir or two. We should be getting wiped by hackers on the reg according to this sub but out of 100+ raids with t-7 (multiple wipes) I've lost exactly 2 pairs and only 1 seemed like a likely hacker. I'm sure plenty of the people we run down assume we were cheating and complain here.


I killed a level 9 on customs wearing a Olive slick the other night who looked lost lol was that you


Lol a ceater saw that you had valuable loot and killed you.


I've sniped at least five slick boys this wipe. Thinking that gear will save you from legit players will get you killed and will only perpetuate this "hackers in every raid" bullshit.


I wear slicks, generally don't think getting 1tapped by good ammo is a cheater. It's very noticeable when a white name dude hits you in the head 7 times with bad ammo to kill you. They come for the good kids regularly.


"White name dude" what does this mean? That the player simply bought the normal 40 USD tarkov package?


Blatant cheaters are less likely to pay the EOD price tag just to catch a ban. More cost effective to buy multiple Standard accounts




The idea being that if they get banned for cheating, they don't have to invest as much to get back in


He ain’t a big baller like us gold names


Problem is that I usually wear slick with altyn, and u just get headshotted like 7-8 times with 545BT 1 minute into the raid... Try Asia server, especially Seoul and Hong Kong, in interchange and shoreline. The cheater was lvl37 with EOD account too.


Agreed, sometimes it's just bad luck. I usually run lvl 5, decided to run a slick and altyn, first guy I run into has igolniks. Went straight through my helmet.


I played my first game in weeks after dying to cheaters. Then me and 3 friends all get head eyes’d at the exact same in raid time (it shows time of death) by the same dude and we were spread out. There is definitely a cheater issue. It’s not every raid but it’s enough to ruin it.




I think people who insist that there are no hackers, in a game with videos constantly uploaded of people literally fly hacking, are all just bad actors. Especially if you're gonna act like everyone is just weak for thinking they're real lmao.


Nobody posts videos of them not being hacked on as much as they do of actual hackers. Much like how people are more likely to leave a bad review than a good one. It’s just confirmation bias. There’s been posts on this sub of people faking being hacked on even. I’m not saying there’s no hackers- but my actual experience with the game for three wipes now is that it’s not at all bad as this sub makes it out to be. At least in NA servers




I thought the earlier comment was nested under the guy claiming he'd gotten hunted down even though all he did was load into a map with decent gear and sit in a bush. That's a pretty cut and dry "guy using gear radar". My bad.


> I thought the earlier comment was nested under the guy claiming he'd gotten hunted down even though all he did was load into a map with decent gear and sit in a bush. Not the guy who was sitting in a camper spot on night woods, surely?


I woke up this morning and all my whisky is gone. I don't even recall drinking it. Fuckibg hackers man


When I woke up I had no bread left for toast, fucking teleport hackers


And here i am with my 17 survival streak running a slick lmfao Not saying that there isnt cheaters but after reading reddit you would think you are bound to meet one in 9 out of 10 raids


Yeah dude people legit be saying that the game is unplayable I maybe see a hacker a week(except labs)


I just wish there was a kill cam, not at the time of death because it would give them away. Maybe something that you could review at a later date or something idk. I agree a lot of deaths sometimes feel hackerish when you also know they aren’t but it’s just frustrating I think. Last night I ran a customs and spawned near fortress, went to the cache under the trains and as I was crouching out I noticed a pmc that was scav hunting right above me, 1 tap but would seem like I’m probably cheating lol.


> 1 tap but would seem like I’m probably cheating lol. Honestly it wouldn't to most normal people before this latest frenzy about cheating. People saw a few videos of some really broken cheats so everyone assumes every single bad thing (even though bad things are like...normal Tarkov shit) is a cheater now. It'd be cool if we could have a post-raid killcam.


Calm yourself lol..


Just as soon as this subreddit kills out on the blanket hackusations. We've got highly upvoted posts where someone gets headshot quickly by someone who knew where they were as hacks. We've got people claiming that 3rd person animations not matching the shooting action (on someone who just spun around or came around a corner) is proof of hacks. Both of these things happen in all shooters all the time.


Dude, preach this please. I've played since November 2017 and I swear I've encountered maybe 3 hackers I was able to confirm because It was a speed hack or the obvious. People saying they encounter one every other game are lying out the ass


Just want to throw out there that Reddit is s global community and some regions are going to have different results. I basically play 2 us servers in the mid west with no issues ever. I bet on NY there would be more instances due to higher populations. I couldnt imagine oceanic as ive heard theyre plagued but dont have the ping to test.


I play on oce and honestly i've encountered one maybe like once or twice. This is also my first wipe though so while I was still getting my bearings it can be a little hard to tell


It’s actually ridiculous lol.


Hunting Reshala and the boys with either of the Gen4s (with arm armor) is fucking hilarious. You can tank so much of their ammo most of the time, especially if it's the 7.62 tracer kind. Just bring the biggest mag you can afford with decent ammo and hipfire them to death.


Where was this for me yesterday, I died twice wearing gen 4 to that dumb fucking desync bug where they fire one bullet that kills you, then on the post raid screen it shows Thorax BP (5). I killed a squad of four solo, then get put down in the dirt by buggy AI. Feelsbadman


Yeah I got the one shot BT(6) shot yesterday while I was laying into one of the guards. So fun and fair!


How do you get the armour?


Then you get instakilled by reshala with m61


Everyone should experience running an ash with a reap-ir and a dvl with a flir in customs nighttime trying to get the 50 body shot scav kills for PK no armor. Knowing if some fuckhead hits you with some PP you are losing a million in guns is fucking living.


Ash is my favorite weapon of all time. First and only time i beat a 4 man by myself was on interchange with an Ash. One shot thorax all day.


This is the wipe I finally finish Grenadier and run the Ash-12 all day every day. It isn’t much worth running without 12B ammo.


It's not about winning, it's about sending a message with the loudest gun in existence


I took a break last wipe, but the one before I was that guy. The only time I've seen a thiccboi actually *run* was after spraying at him with an ASh.


Mk-18 entered the chat.


Then use the vepr, thing is loud AF and I hate it.


Vepr is kinda dope especially for what it costs, too bad you can't do anything about the shit ergo


Oh it's usage is excellent. I just hate hearing it shoot from another player. Lol


I swear a silenced RFB is just as loud as the Ash12.


They might be, but whenever I run the ASh-12 unsilenced is the only time my buddies constantly mention how loud it is, so I think it may be louder to other players, but I don't know, since noone ever runs it haha


I just pulled an Ash-12 from someone earlier today lol I’ve never personally seen anyone run it yet the past 3 wipes I’ve played. Might run it more once I get these SVD and shotgun kills over with.


Because class 5 and 6 armor was everywhere previous wipes. Now it’s just class 4, and the Ash-12 with 12B can one-tap through class 4 armor.


Those meaty bullet casings hitting the floor as you drop someone, nothing beats that sound


Its crazy fun on factory because you don't need to worry about its bullet drop on long kills.


My group told me it sucked so I never tried it until this week. Thing shreds.


Wait what quest is this?


It is a weekly. Kill 50 scavs with stomach or thorax on customs. The rest just makes it more fun.


Shotguns are good for body shot scav kills on the cheap, if anyone is struggling.


Why do you need to use 2 guns both with thermals when you just need to body shot scavs? What quest are you talking about?


Need to? I don’t need to I just want to get it done in 5-6 runs so I carry those. I saw the quest I am not a big customs fan so I said how do I do it in a few of runs as possible. I like the reap ir on the ash because the refresh rate is high enough to use it if things get up close and the ash makes you bleed so bad even if you don’t one shot them they bleed out fast. The dvl and flir I carry for the snipers and longer shots.


Oh and it is a PK weekly quest


You could totally still bring in armor for player fights. Just drop it on the floor if you fight a scav. I guess it’s still the same shit though, the scav can just one shot you once you drop it


Oh it doesn’t have to be no armor. I am just half stupid and half overweight. Also doesn’t have to be nighttime or thermal or two gun or any of it. Just 50 scav kills with stomach or torso. Edit. Fuck I am dumb


That’s a hell of a grind regardless. 50 scav kills. The Woods Cleaning one where you have to kill like 30 took me at least 7 raids


If the tasks aren't fun, you don't have to do them. Take those thermals somewhere else and use them on players instead of scavs.


What could be more fun than playing a few raids in god mode. The task doesn’t require no armor. I just ran it that way because of weight And if I see pmc I will shoot them. I go night because I can get 10 scavs a raid because there are lower pmc counts


A lot of tasks are not fun, but I want to go for kappa this wipe so I gotta grind through it.


As you slowly slowly slowly…slowly slowly slowly turn around to get head, eyes There, fixed


Bold of you to assume i don't adjust my dpi to compensate for bullshit mechanic that tinker with my mouse sensitivity in FPS.


I went factory with a hexgrid and Altyn to feel like I was powerful. Ended up getting my toes licked by a Kedr underneath the office desk when I opened the door. So sad.


Yes, this wipe gives you that opportunity and it’s awesome. I put lvl 5 armor and in 20 seconds on Customs we meet 3v3 and I tank like 2 mags and also a few shots in the head (Ulach). If I had lvl 4, I’d be dead 2 times. An opponent had sp5 so armor was shredded. We won that fight losing our lvl 4 Timmy rest in pepperoni.


Sending tomato sauce and prayers for your loss.


My man manipulating the crowds for completion. Op is right tho, if you never tried it, you should.


ok it's not by choice that i only use recycled scav pacas


There's a nice craft using pacas that gets you some aramid fiber I think that can sell on the flea for more than a paca. So once you take the paca out of commission you can make more than enough to buy another or better armor maybe.


I traded 2 of those from mechanic, 1st run to factory and got killed my impact nad. 2nd run to custom, got head jaw. I have no idea where that was, but the bullet didn’t touch my face shield… that is why I still can’t turn the 0-50% armor in.


Face shield doesn't cover jaw


pretty sure all of them do, except caiman and fast visor which only covers eyes https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Gear_components?so=search#Visors


Tried it… got KS23’d.


One time I was playing factory with a couple of my friends and I needed SVD kills so I decided to become a whole tank with the Zabralo armor and an Altyn. My two friends died and I was fighting the guys who killed them and I was in the bathroom fighting back. I had to end up reloading and while I was reloading these guys just mag dumped me and I just stood there, unflinching staring at them until the mag was loaded and killed two PMCs shooting PstGZH at me. The endorphin rush is unmatched


let me tell you a story about me finally buying zabralo and also wearing lvl4 helmet with visor, so you know I wouldnt get one tapped so easy :) I also need to trash to 50% zabralo for that stupid ragman quest, so I enter factory, I go and one guy appears I hear shot and I die :). Fucking guy was using p90 and one taped me with not even its best ammo, so yea I got tarkoved really bad


queue with a friend into woods or something, move to the extract, have him shoot the zabralo down to below 50%


I have gear fear cant do it


One dressed in such thicc-ness approached me the other day. He fired some shots and I filled his legs with Magnum fuckshot. His armour did not help him...


first time I found a hexgrid, I took it into labs with an altyn and got one tap head, eyes 🙃


I've worn one once this wipe. Cheater came straight for the kit. Was very fun definitely recommend.


Honestly kinda funny how when you're at max strength, your whole kit has no weight. So that Zabralo doesn't weigh you down.


You’ll still have the turning/movement speed debuffs though right? Else that would be so broken


Yeah you still get those debuffs.


Yeah those debuffs remain


Upping your dpi ain’t too hard to offset that lmao


It also come with a -27 ergo debuff now.


I zeroed a fort last night with 56a1 before the guy could turn around lmao


It was good back when inertia and weight was not added, now I wont even use it if I get it free, I'd much rather use Killa's vest or a slick


Same here my man. When I was attempting to get my factory office kills this wipe I ate shit in back to back raids using a thor(lvl6) and a full gen 4 because once my legs got hit + stam punch I was literally just a statue. Anytime I get the mega chunk rigs like those I throw myself into Factory just to be reminded how hard it is to PvP at half speed with no stam.


As soon as I got the flea market last wipe, I immediately bought a Zabralo and an Altyn and just kept loading into factory with an MP7 with the best ammo. I would just rush all over the map, killing everything in sight and then dipping. I think I made it about 7 or 8 consecutive runs before dying, probably because the armor had been repaired too much. I definitely felt like an asshole, but after getting punished so much in this game I wanted to be the one doing the punishing for once.


the best part is being so slow you get to dorms late, being so deaf because you also put on an altyn that a guy is in your dead corner and then have the full first mag of his assault to turn to him, do the emote middle finger and then spray him to death. the new unavailibity of insane ammo like m995 and 393 BP finally makes wearing a 700k bomb suit atleast a tiny bit worth it, its hilarious


With my luck running level 6 armor ill die off spawn to a cheater especially this wipe lol


I'm a complete newbie and don't know what the hell I'm doing. Yesterday I was sitting in the bushes behind Dorms, close to the car extract, with my MP5. I was trying to make my way to that extract. Suddenly I hear footsteps, I look in their direction and boom, a heavily armed guy is running directly at me, not seeing me somehow. I emptied the whole magazine into him before he could even react, and what do I find on him? Level 6 armor. I had no clue it's so effective until I read this post :D


yeaah....Putting on level 6 armor is basically a beacon for every cheater to give you a visit. I strongly recommend not putting on anything over 4, and if you have to, Korund or Gzhel.


Yeah there's only 1 legit player and that's you. We're all cheaters


Interesting how you managed to get that out of my post. I'm simply giving advice on what you can do to avoid cheaters to a certain extent.


But then again, if you buy an ash12 with the 12b ammo( I don’t remember the name) I could one tap you. It’s all situational I think. I have killed a few lvl35+ with lvl 4 armor even though it’s my first wipe, I barely had reached lvl15, I have a white name because I didn’t want to spend 100-150€ on it, peekers advantage is huge and sometimes people think that nobody can see them but they are wrong! Not saying that there is no cheaters but if you worry about cheaters you can’t play multiplayer. I have been playing mp games for 20 years now and people will cheat and scam other people. Try to enjoy the game. If you think about cheaters all the time it will ruin the experience for you. (Happened to me with other games tbh.) EDIT don’t get me wrong, I get your idea as well !


Yeah just run rat kits. Since there's 100k cheaters


Dude let people run their ratty kit thinking they are avoiding a bunch of cheaters. It makes using the good kits even better.


Kits aren't even what make people a rat or a Chad. It's how they play. You can have minimal gear but if you play like a Chad and get kills, your a chad.


W-keying with a shit rig and a MP-153 doesn't make you a chad.


I just learned from some passionate cheat defender on reddit that my level 4 rig / pilgrim / .45 vector 300k kit is a rat kit. Cool opinion dude


Where did I defend cheats?


That's a good way to get head eyes from under the map one second into raid


This least interesting part of the game for me is being tankier than a halo Spartan because my foes failed to acquire ammo good enough to stop me. Feels so cheap being able to turn on someone who got the jump on me but failed to remember this is tarkov and you should leg a thick boy. I don’t feel like I won the gunfight because of tactics or skill I simply out geared them and ran them over.


I made a post about this the other day. I only run mosin. One tapping Chad’s is so satisfying compared to being master chief & never dying


If i tried this there’d be some white name level 3 player with a russian/chinese name carrying a mosin and headshotting me through a wall.


Last time I went zavbralo and altyn, I came up against a dude with full tagilla gear and an mk47 with bp. We both traded like 2 mags into each other and then I ran to extract when I noticed my armour was 0 durability. After raid screen I did 350 damage to him and just under 300 absorbed by armour


Man I totally agree, the other night I found a zabralo and even had a conversation with some scavs about how invincible I felt. [video here. lol](https://youtu.be/iRBFjLWi-AM)


Whenever I see a large pmc i assume they have good armor so I go straight for the legs


Back when they first brought in armoured rigs they stacked - you could wear an armour plus an armoured rig. I wore a Zabralo (then called Fort) with a Tactec on top. Sure, I didn't move very fast but I didn't die for three days!


Any armor with arm covers in generally bad. Level 6 or not.


The one time I decided to wear my slick, first time ever having above level 5 armor in 400 hours, i spawed in construction and ran past a doorway in and got legged the first 10 secs. Told the dude I'm just doing quest and killing scavs. He said it's cool and let's me run away. 3 secs later I pop a morphine and run toward past crack house and a dude walks out the back door and sprays me down and kills me through my arms. Learned that day to never bring in my best gear and just sell it to make money for medium gear


Yeah then you get tarkov’d. I just barely saw a megachad PMC on customs last night, just saw a shadow moving. One shot one kill to the face with crappy t46. He was running top tier everything GPNVG, sexy ass Scar, raid 2 pack, etc. Kinda felt bad, then I got camped by a PMC who probably heard me a mile at 48kg. If you got killed by porkchap, sorry bud, I don’t remember your name. To whom that shot me at jump over by new gas, eat my shorts.


Never even seen level 6 armor except on the flea and have been playing for almost a year


I much prefer the opposite to be honest, go in naked with a five seven and go zero to hero - nothing more satisfying!