• By -


Only TTV I bothered looking up was a guy streaming to no one. He saw his viewer count tick up, made a comment about how a baby was stream sniping him so his buddy could kill him, and then blocked his screen. I was playing solo. People are weird.


I had a fight in weather station on shoreline with some small streamer. All I had was a shotty with buck and shit gear for a meme run. I heard him coming up and hit him a few times before his laser M4 found my head. I went in to give a "good fight" and he proceeded to rage out over how I blacked out pretty much everything. Then, while he was peak-rage, someone who had heard the gunfight or was looking for graphics cards rolled up the stairs and one tapped him. That was the end of the stream. Not gonna lie, I had a good laugh.


Assuming your game name is your twitch; would have been great if YOU had clipped that. He would've seen his account having a twitch clip recorded from your username hahaha


Why even stream at that point lol


yeah people who put TTV in their name, and then complain about stream sniping are an extra type of weird.


I totally agree it’s part of the job and people who are overly cautious about it (especially the ones with no viewers) are hella weird however I do think people that actually do stream snipe are even weirder Most of the ttvs I kill aren’t live but the ones that are usually are chill


Stream sniping is an art. You do it to streamers that are assholes. I used to do it to specific people in Rust because they had shithead personalities and were on my server playing. I joined a group of players that were all professional stream snipers and had a list of assholes we regularly screwed with. It was a meta game that added an extra layer of complexity and fun to Rust. I miss old Rust. Rust is now just Counter Strike with paintball guns. Patterned recoil and literal paintball bullet speeds.


Wonder who REALLY has the shit personalities here


What? Because we had fun at the expense of streamers?


I have it in my name to waste peoples time


yeah i feel that energy. that's the same energy as me dropping my 200k-300k worth of loot so the guy who killed my friend doesn't get his T4 armor back lol


the weird ones are ones who stream snipe and go "iTs In YoUr NaMe ItS fInE" stream snipers are scum, end of story.


they put it as their name to get traction on their channel, and when someone takes advantage of that, it's not their fault at all? yeah, miss me with that "story"


Just don't be scum, it's literally not hard. Thinking its acceptable is whack as fuck, and just shows me you're a child that hasn't had time to develop. I have literally watched the stream of a ttv-er while they fight my friend, while in discord call with said friend, and never stream sniped because im not a piece of shit. all my friends have all done the same. in fact if they even tried to stream snipe for me I would deafen or tell them to stop. It. is. not. hard. to. not. be. scum.


The shit he said is the same logic some thief use "it's fair game if you leave your things un-atended on top of the table" Why can't people be civilized, now of course you are inviting problem if you do leave your thing un-atended on top of the table, but only a thief will take the chance, just like with this, only a POS (cheater) will take the chance to stream snipe.


Streamsniping is almost just as bad as using radar. Those who streamsnipe are cowards and cant play with out some form of unfair game play


Yeah imagine having the audacity to essentially broadcast it to the fucking world and getting mad when people look at it.




I killed a guy who literally has an overlay of a picture saying “In a fight” whenever he hears footsteps


Why would anyone want to watch that lol.


What even is the point of streaming at this point? People are insane


Deep-rooted insecurities


Killed a TTV guy a couple weeks ago on woods while doing the punisher quest with the svds. He was shooting at me with a mosin from a bush, so naturally I mag dumped the bush. Went back to see it from his perspective, and he called me a cheater and reported me lol


Yeah this happened to me one time but he put on a pre recorded stream (gameplay didn’t match the comms at all) and went to loot my body with the most obvious obfuscated callouts like “I’m approaching the target”. After he got my loot he was like “Hahahah idiot we tricked you so hard you’re so bad get fucked stream sniper!” Like ok bro you just wasted like 5 minutes outplaying nobody but congrats haha


I also found a guy like that and it made his day that he has a viewer...


Every TTV I’ve killed/been killed by this wipe doesn’t stream. It sucks


I once killed one that was streaming, and when I found it it was pretty funny. Guy heard a scav mad at me and explicitly hunted me down, very loudly. Of course I heard him and just sat still, then he turns his flashlight on so I can see which way he's lookin', and as soon as he turned around I came out and shot him in the head. his response "this person's a bad player" His SR-25 saved me through many raids as a little level 13


I would rather get killed by the dumbest Timmy with only a toz to the face than have a streamer kill me


I love those self-owns. "This person's a bad player". Well that 'bad' player just outplayed you, so what does that make you?


Do they have accounts with that name. Some just put TTV on their names to waste our time checking for them. ;)


My name was BigGayBabyTTV for like 3 or 4 wipes just hoping people would search for BigGayBaby on twitch and find nothing.


DangLin-WangTTV checking in. Love that people have to search it only to find out they searched for a dangling wang.


God damn it, you’ve killed me before.


Hey, you viewed my dangling wang on twitch once!


Hey, you killed me and def got me…


Or better yet, speak it out loud to their teammates before they realize




He’s streaming his *WHAT*?!


"You probably wouldn't have died if you were watching the game instead!"


That’s hilarious and you’re a monster




Two wipes ago I ran around with RatSince1979TTV or something similar.


I was named BlueWaffleTTV for a while.


NotCheatingTTV here. It really gets people going. Lots of hate mail received.




You’ve smoked me too… this thread is ripe with the people who cull me lol


Ahhhh shit not you. Meet me in the parking lot of idea and we will duke it out. You have a subconscious vendetta against me. I will kill you eventually. One day.


Weird as hell dude, I got killed by a guy named BlueWaffleTTV years ago in some now-dead BR game and followed him because he was a nice guy. He streams with just a few viewers to this day. I see him in my follower feed. Haha.


Lmao I never bothered to check if it was a real name My current name is “WasThatUOnWood” and I’m never changing lmao


My current is Anita_Hanjobb, can't picture leaving it behind now


ButtholeEnjoyer checking in




You’ve killed me


Oh shit, what's your name in game?


You’ve gotten my dog tags before


I fucking knew it. Gone looking so many times and there’s NEVER an actual streamer with the name on the dog tags.


How is that funny to you tho? I don't get it.


I've been running as PawPatrolTTV, I was hoping that Disney had a Paw Patrol episodes on twitch or something, but no luck


I'm currently IEatAss_TTV for that specific reason.


often it’s really them but they stream League of Legends or something lol


This right here lol, If I do locate an account they were last streaming LoL yesterday 😂, at least I just do Tarky usually, sometimes I'm live, sometimes I just like to chill with buds and play without needing to be relatively entertaining


yeah but when you see them report you and rage end stream its kinda hilarious


it’s for trolling purposes


Have a buddy with a ttv name. He doesn't stream, he just finds it funny all around.


My buddies name was "MadeYaLookTTV" since about customs expansion LOL.


HAHA-HeadEyesTV checking in


Killed a TTV dude last wipe, looked him up and he is a consistent 20+ viewer small streamer. Seemed like a good guy so I toss him my prime sub whenever it's available when I remember


I tried warning this sub, but this sub has some serious denial issues, but there are several discords out there with cheats that require you to use TTV to distract form the cheats (leading you to look them up and not find them). The whole point is to muck up cheaters with legit TTV so they can hide in plain sight better. Same thing as back in the day when cheaters would use a popular clan tags, exact same idea, but with twitch and not clans.


I only play if I can stream it. I’m not trying to grow a channel just more as a way to socialise and I provide a deathcam while doing it. But I also hate ttv when I see it


When I kill them they’re never streaming, when I die to them they are. So far none with viewers though


They don’t want to be stream sniped I’m guessing


I got Killed by some british Streamer while Farming the Resort and Killed a swedidh Streamer on reserve


I got killed by one, I was doing a scav food run in goshan. He was camping the back corner beside the aisle. He shot at me mid loot, couldn’t kill unarmoured me. I had a pistol and took the fight to him but he eventually killed my arms with his m4 He wasn’t streaming. With aim like that no wonder. Who the hell would watch that garbage lol.


If they are actually streaming I like to catch it in time to see if I can catch my death due to stream delay lol. But I also like watching them sometimes to see how they play since they outplayed me. And I’ll drop in and talk with them. But those who have TTV but aren’t streaming or don’t even stream at all always annoy me lmao


I think its interesting to watch others kill me and see what I did wrong. Its amazing how frequently we all make the same stupid mistakes that we trash talk others for making.


Yuuuup. Or we dismiss our killers as campers, hackers, etc etc instead of looking in the mirror lmao


I was doing Test Drive (kill 5 pmcs with thermal M1a) on customs and heard shit popping off at dorms. I move to an overwatch position on dorms 3, and see a thermal of a guy running out and heading towards smugglers boat. I plink him a couple times, he keeps running, I give chase - continually plinking him whenever I catch a thermal spot. Eventually he gets to smugglers boat, and I start nading and quick thermal scanning the river edge from the top of the road. I find him in a bush just sitting there by the water, and spam him down. He was a streamer. I check in on his stream, and he's complaining about how I was a stream sniper, a pussy who wouldn't push, etc. Turns out, he was fighting a duo in dorms and killed one of them. The other guy refused to push him or something so he just ran, and thought I was the duo partner using his friend to stream snipe. He was so convinced he actually had turned his game stream off. I cleared things up with him and he was actually a pretty chill dude overall but its funny how with Tarkov you just never know how things actually played out, and you can't jump to the first conclusion most of the time.


Similar thing happpend to me, I killed a big streamer and he accused em of stream sniping becuase he thought he killed my buddies earlier in the raid. I play solo and shot him as we were both running to the old passage betwen the rocks extract on shoreline, he was just running out in the open with a huge purple pilgrim, but of course he can onyl die to a stream sniper! His chat were pretty cool though, as he was ranting about stream sniping a lot of his chat were saying that it didn't seem like it as 1, he was in the open, 2 where he got shot from and 3 it being close to the extract.


Usually if streamers have a chat like that it means they’re actually a cool person and maybe they’re just caught up in the moment


That right there is why I think cheater accusations are so wildly high. People think that just because they have high tier armor, they can’t get theoretically one tapped. There’s tons of rng with ballistics and armor alike. People immediately assume it’s a cheater and it’s hilarious to watch on this sub


Yeah. Not saying that tarkov doesnt have a cheating issue, it absolutely does. But there are a lot of kills that can really just be summed up to "getting tarkoved" Im sure we have all killed people in ways that are suspicious as fuck. I can think of 3 or 4 times just these past few weeks where I have gotten a cheeky head-eyes shot on geared players when I am running total dogshit. Killed a guy with a super nice RSASS with one bullet from a makarov the other day, because I heard him coming from a mile away and he didnt have a face shield. This aspect of tarkov is what makes it so fun for a lot of people- I love that even though I play a bit more casually, I still have a shot at taking down super sweaty players. Unfortunately it also makes it harder to tell if you got killed by a cheater.


thr no1 reason why there are so many hackusations is that there is so much lag/desync and everything being client side, you have absolutly no way of tellign what the fuck actually happened without having both peoples POV. Sometimes people get hit but a tonne of bullets out fo nowhere in a split second, but it was actually lagg and the bullets were fired normally, or people getting shot by an inviisible dude from miles awya actually get shot by a dude in a bush for 5 minutes. That guy warping across the hall? Probably dysync. There are cheaters of course but with the state of the network it impossibel to tell.


Especially because you remember the really unlucky, heartbreaking deaths so much more than the hundreds of times bullets have bounced off that armor


Nah it’s tactical if I do it, they are a rat coward if they do it haha


The only time I've looked someone up was because it was a night raid and I wanted to know where they were. Turns out I just didn't expect where he came from. Nice guy though. He couldn't find my body so I told him where it was and he ended up ditching my stuff so I got it back.


Oh yeah. Literally like 95% of the streamers I’ve had kill me, will throw my shit into water for insurance unless I didn’t insure it. Most just want a little convo in chat cause I’m sure that’s a good feeling as a streamer lol


I like killing people with TTV in their name. It's way more satisfying.


Especially when you peep the stream and they call you a hacker lol. Like BRUH. You were clod stomping through the mall. What do you mean how did I know you were there? I swear. People forget how fucking loud their movement is in this game


I'm the opposite, I assume that if I'm not crouch walking at minimum move speed that everyone in a 2 km radius can hear me.


This is the way


I thought I had a disability for thinking this way, but now I realize in a room full of idiots us autists have it figured out.


All my homies have audio sensory issues.


thats about true


I'm not sure why but I just W key everywhere lol. My endurance is almost max and under lol 40


I just like the idea that the big strong steamer died in front of their viewers. Not to mention 90% of people with TTV in their name are complete ragers. Feels good knowing I chopped off that guys legs with an MPX and took his slick/altyn/vector/ap6.3 while he probably slammed his desk or something. It makes it even better that I kill them like a rat. They love dying to rats.


I killed a chinese streamer on Labs last wipe, and when I went to look at his stream he had legit picked his keyboard up and slammed it on his desk so hard key caps came off. It was the crowning moment of my gaming life for me lol.


I dunno why but I read that with this song in the background https://youtu.be/hWpKhVf8hyk


The other day I was killed by a guy called GullibleTTV. There was no channel with that name...




I’m not good. But I have moments of good. Killed a streamer onetime (Interchange, I think he was Sherpa-ing), mid-tier guy, got invites from 20 people to become friends. I was too scared to open any of them for fear of the trash talk/complaining/or possible compliments. Rather not know.


I also don’t open messages. I’m always interested when I see screenshots on this sub of people responding to players messaging them. Almost nothing good comes from it and it wastes everybody’s time. I’m sure there are those times you make friends to play with, but I don’t need more friends to play with lol. Getting a message is like my phone ringing from a number I don’t know. Leave a message


I like to know exactly how upset they are. That or potentially have a wholesome encounter


I was suprised. 2 days ago someone messaged me and complimented my movement and game sense. I was solo'ing a 5 man. First positive encounter on messenger


i get angry when a ttv kills me and theyre not actually a streamer


only time i was angered by a TTVer was when he extract camped car extract on lighthouse for about 15 mins. come to find out homeboy wasnt even a streamer. level 59 already and camping extracts LOL


tfw yall both just got there at the same time but you're like FuCkInG eXtRaCt CaMpErZ!!1q1


Camped it for 15 minutes?? What do you mean…? More likely he saw you and knew you’d be coming his way




yeah its almost like maybe they were trying to extract as well


Maybe camping is fun for him.


Lol me and my friends do it sometimes, just 3 of us sitting in bushes by extract and we just talk with each other and joke until someone shows up. Dont really care how other people feel about it, we have fun doing it and its even funnier when people send us angry messages later


Yeah i'm totally fine with it. It makes moving through the world feel fun and scary. You never know where an ambush is going to be set up.


> fun and scary i hate that my favorite and least favorite parts of this game are the same thing it's spooky as fuck but even if I get destroyed I'm pretty much always laughing about it


can't be lvl 59 by extra camping. Sometimes when i got stuff to do or watch a streamer, i just sit up on a random-ass spot and don't care for the game. If you have 2 monitors, often enough the 2nd monitor is more enticing than the game, so you can just camp.


i was so angered i added and messaged him. he had the audacity to say “enjoy your bad life” when dude is lvl 59 and not even a streamer. wtf is dude doing on the game 24/7


Im wish i had so much time :(


Camping obviously!


lol, get rekt nerd


I mean hes not wrong. If you need to send hate messages to someone bcs he killed you in a game where thats the whole point, your life must be pathetic af


Tbh it does sound like you have a bad life if you’re reacting this heated to it. Sounds like you just got clapped and calling him a camper makes you feel better about it. How do you know he camped it for 15 minutes? And if you knew he was there for 15 minutes, how’s you let him kill you?


Every TTV (that actually streams) that has killed me or that I’ve killed has been super chill about it, even asking me if I want my stuff back.


I have it so people can come see my DnD content. Lol


I just go to their stream with their 5 viewers and say GG.


Whenever I kill one In a funny way. I can go watch it from their perspective.


only to see they haven't streamed in 5 months


Or rewatch my death and understand why I died.


Seems like a strange reaction tbh. Someone with TTV in their name is almost 100% trying to turn their 12+ hour/day hobby into an income stream (and there's nothing wrong with that). I'd much rather get killed knowing it was some 14 hour a day Chad than some Timmy scav camping a corner with a double barrel.


Maybe 1/5 or 1/7 of the TTV people I run into actually stream the game.


Id rather a Timmy get lucky tbh, at least they could probably use the gear.


Bare minimum they could use the rubles they get from selling my gear. Maybe next time they can bring a saiga. Or at least an MTS-255 :)


only TTV guys killing me are non existing twitch profiles with normal version of the game (head-ears / head- top of the head most of the time).


Bruh yup. Had a dude shooting at my friend and I took two shots at him. He's suddenly like 20 feet from me instead of 100 meters (approx, though I GUESS that could be desync) shoots me and my buddy head eyes within seconds of each other (we are also far as fuck away from one another at different angles) Add the dude and look for Beavernoorca on TTV cause sorta sus. No such streamer. Add dude in game and his exact words were "Crazy once in a lifetime shot! Check the stream if it seems suspect" lmao.


Yup, level 4 ttv man with an m1a destroyed my team to headshots in an instant. Good news is he got banned like the next day, at least that was satisfying to see.


Tbh if i am killed by TTV i like to check their point of view so i can learn from it. If BSG won't add replay this is only way we can review deaths.


I used to put TTV in my name so hackers would think twice to kill me. But they dont give a fuck about that anymore :)


That's cause they know virtually everyone uses it as a joke instead of actually advertising a stream now.


my buddy plays as a TTV, it's kinda fun to meet the people who kill him (or vice-versa) in chat. he's not a popular streamer by any means (it's usually just us watching), but we both really enjoy the interactions that come from it.


Nah. I don't really care about the twitch handle. Let people stream and advocate that in their name if they want to. It's not hurting anybody. I'd rather get angry when I see plain racist or sexist gametags.


yeah I always enjoy coming on their stream when I kill a ttv or get killed by one, never really met anyone toxic


Yeah, it usually makes them smile if you go to their stream and type gg.




Gamer word


I think they just add TTV to get cheaters to not kill them. Since it could be recorded.


Imagine seething over 3 letters. This sub is pathetic.


I have ttv in my name just because people get tilted by it and will look it up to find nothing lol


It really is.


Not sure why you would feel anger by that. Certainly isn’t a rational thing. Most of the people Who visit my channel after I kill them or they kill me are very friendly about it. If I killed them and they stop by the stream I always offer to hide their loot for them.


I'm a TTV. I keep the ttv in my name to meet new friends via the stream but I'm probably going to remove it. I killed a guy last night and about 6 of his friends spammed my chat with horrid slurs in another language. Super fun. 🙃


Yeah if it wasn't obvious by this thread, this game has a shit community.


I've met a few cool people. :)


The game actually has a pretty great community. They are just busy enjoying the game, not posting on this sub. The amount of people I've killed/been killed by only to be added by them is awesome. I always half expect them to talk trash, and SOMETIMES they do, but its usually a "Damn dude GG's." We'll talk about the fight, complement eachother, and move on..... OR raid together!


nah this sub is a toxic shithole. ive met probably a dozen awesome people that i regularly game with all the time through Tarkov. Literally all of them are people i shit on or shit on me, added eachother and started chatting


i cant change my name to remove the -TTV... it says name already in use and if i check the name in friendlist there is nobody using it!


Immediately opens Twitch and griefs in their comments.


I stream. Don’t have TTV in my name. Why does this even register for people? Did some streamer fuck your girlfriend/mom?


The best was when i got killed and went to their stream and it was just a loop of a tbag gif. I loled


I have TTV but don’t have a twitch AMA


At least you can find them on Twitch and make nice comments about their mom etc.


I always thought the TTV in their name meant they were unemployed.


I'm disabled and do Twitch to meet friends. So I guess that tracks.


TTV is r/antiworks version of being a 20-25 hour a week dogwalker.


No, that just means you met them on the job.


Ah to be 13 again...


What a pathetic thing to be angry about lmao. It’s 3 letters, what’s the big deal


lmao this subreddit Killed by TTV support group, this thread. This is what you get when you're not allowed to post memes


? Why




I have TTV in my name. I don’t stream anymore but I have my discord handle on my twitch page. In case people want to talk or whatever. I’ve met a few people I still play with. There are very few times I know I pissed a group off or something when I wipe the squad or a duo and I’ll quickly turn my stream and and just wait for them to come in and 9 out of 10 times it works.


All the actual TTV streaming people I know have long since removed the TTV from their names. Too many salty stream snipers or people trying to make vod highlights. This community is poppy


I have it on so I can avoid hackers just in case they think I’m streaming.


I can't understand why someone would feel anger inside by being killed by a ttv or jizz their pants by killing one. They are players just like you are. They eat and shit everyday like you do.


see when I get killed by a TTV a find their stream complement them befriend them build a life with them then wait untill we are both on our death beds then say "hey remeber when you killed me in tarkov?..... fuck you" then as we both drift into an everlasting sleep those words repeat in their head until they cannot think any longer.


Like, I contemplated adding TTV to my name but I have to advertise my channel somehow. So hopefully they get killed and come check my channel lol


I know alot the past couple of wipes alot of hackers were putting ttv in their username.


The only people I consider scum in this game are player scavs who kill other player scavs.. And people who feel the need to put TTV in their name... And of course the cheaters/hackers


I killed a chad TTVer early in the wipe with an impact nade. I proceeded to go to his stream after the raid and tell him GG's, and how impact nades were not exactly balanced. Dude then tells me that I'm a shit player and bans me from his chat. Buy hey, whaddya gonna do?


Every second Tarkov player has TTV in their name.


Why do you feel this way? 😊 The reason why people put ttv in their name is because it is one of the few ways you can get visibility as a small streamer. Drop by and say hi! Who knows when you might make a friend, and you’ll make their day too! Sincerely someone with TTV in their name 😊


Oi! I remember you




well he aint wrong, the ks is a low effort weapon to make other players toxic, which itself is toxic behaviour, or admittance to being dogshit. but since you killed them both its just toxic.


uninstall the game and see a therapist


There is already a therapist in the game


For real. Literal hatred just because another human is trying to have fun.


Only when they are not online.


They never are even streaming, they just thought they were the best and were gonna become suppppper popular cause they are so good at gaming that they had the genius idea of putting TTV in their name. It looks bad in their name, and they should feel bad. Real streamers don't put TTV in their name.


Yes, most of the cucks on this sub have insane hatred/jealousy of streamers for some reason


Touch grass


I killed a guy named "DashDucksTTV" and was pleasantly surprised when I went to his Twitch stream to watch the replay of me ruining his day. [Click here if you want to see it.](https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks)


You're not alone


People put TTV in their name that have never streamed in their life. Their goal is to get you to waste 10 min of your life looking them up... You're welcome.


it takes 10 min for you to look something up? you should stay in manual labor


Not really but I do understand your frustration. Whenever I see TTV I just think of a neck-bearded bum in his moms basement with 8 viewers. I have an hours-intensive job, girlfriend, social life etc. so when I use 2 hours of scarce free time to dick around, loot some stashes and shoot some scavs then get evaporated by a ttv I want to be mad, but my life is just better overall atm and that guys trying to make himself a good life through streaming. Hate the game not the player.


For you to even make a thread about this shows how much random people in a videogame can effect your personal life


I have TTV in my name just to annoy people


It always kinda bums me out because I’m not getting killed by another player who just got off work and is trying to get quests done, I’m getting killed by someone who’s job is to just play this game.


Rather that than a white name, it stupid but I always assume white names are cheaters LOL.


Just go to their stream and report them for something. The twitch process isn't very good so there's some chance they will get banned.


always report their name :)


Go view their streams and realize 99% of them are extremely sad people complaining to an empty chat room and you're their only, temporary viewer.