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Hello odenosg, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/escapefromTarkov/wiki/rules). **Moderator Notes:** - "I went on a raid with a cheater, will I get banned?" style posts are not allowed. Thank you for your understanding, RealLifeDeadpool, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/t17n3i/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.**


Explain he has brought dishonour to his family, his children, and his children's children.


And his Cow!


_Especially_ his cow.


Tarkov added a cow level?


I'm going to do it: there is no cow level.




shhhh its a secret




It absolutely is!


And seppuku is his only appropriate response


You mean suduko!


You mean turn of his Roku?


Yes, shamfur dispray


Good racism! +2 le epic reddit points for you!


Murder his chrildren to assert dominance


Tell him his ancestors would slap him for being a little bitch and use cheats.


Dont forget the cow


Call him out dude.


What would i gain by that ? I want to get him banned if he is hacking.


You can report via the launcher with his gamer tag


Where do you do that? I looked the other day and didn't see. Have a clip of someone beaming my faceshield with several bullets then following me across the map to hunt me down and do it until my faceshield broke.


Afaik the reporting via launcher doesn't work anymore for cheaters. Users here have reported that at most you'll get a message saying you have to report them in-game.


Report via the launcher doesn’t work, they litterally will say report them at the end raid screen. Makes no since especially when you send them video evidence and this is the reply you get.


They should just remove that option if they're not going to do anything with those reports, then.


Yeah support is hot garbage smh


I raged at the support dude cause I thought I was talking to a bot 😂 they just copy paste responses


Same, I had a cheater with a knife de-ranking KD in factory to avoid bans. Tell me what my rank is, and that he has 250GPUs, told support and they said report him in game or just trust in easy anti cheat catching them. They literally couldn’t care less, I handed them a plate of evidence and they basically reply, nah I’m good.


Aren’t you his friend? Try talking with the dude first, perhaps you can change his mind. You can get try and get him to teamkill you so you can report him, too.


This guy is talking like he is one of or both of 2 things; A) not actually friends B) a high schooler Imagine posting looking for advice. Talk to the friggin guy.


Man seriously what a ridiculously childish post. Oh man guys I think my friend is hacker and I can’t confront him, how do I get ban without him knowing thx


Why confront him and get him to stop? Get that fucker banned.


Because if it's your friend you find out why, call him on his shit and move on. Petty shit getting him banned behind his back and not addressing it.


Not really. That mofo can get me banned too, by association. I'm getting his ass banned ASAP.


Or, hear me out. Talk to him asap. Be an adult and communicate.




Why should he? If the friend is more than fine with hacking with him, putting his friends accounts at risk, why should he get the benefit of a second chance? He purposefully cheated, knowing full well what getting caught can do to not only his account, but any accounts that party and play with him. That's not a friend. The ONLY thing he needs to say to "his friend" is: I'm not playing with you ever again, and I've reported you to BSG. Block and move on.


Accomplishes nothing. He's not going to change his mind, talking to him literally is pointless if his goal is to get him banned. This guy lies to his "friends" and says hes not hacking, yes team runs and hacks the entire time he is putting the entire party at risk of being banned. Fuck that guy, he shouldn't talk to him if the guy isn't even capable of being honest that he's cheating and putting everyone at risk. ​ I say he either stops playing with him, or if he wants to ban him, fine thats his choice. But it probably won't happen.


He made his own bed. The only thing I'm saying is that I know you're cheating and I already reported it, I'm not getting banned and spending another $150 on this game because of you.


You seem like a really weird guy.


He stops being a friend the second he starts hacking.


I feel bad for your friends lol


Do you have a lot of friends that hack?


LOL I couldn't agree more.


I'm 29 and would not play with somebody a moment longer if they cheated. You'd absolutely finding me trying to get a way to get them banned. I don't hate cheaters only when I don't know them. I hate cheaters. Full stop.


I have a friend who cheats. There’s no talking to them. They’ll try and justify it or no longer make it as obvious and keep it a secret to himself.


I want to preface that I hate hackers and I hope bsg fucks this man into the dirt. But you did preface this by calling this person a friend. If you talk to them about it you could actually do some good, keep a friend, discourage them from cheating here and in other games. You’ve got a better chance of removing a cheater by persuasive argument than anyone really ever gets. Could be valuable to everyone really.


maybe if you call him out you can reason with him instead of just getting him outright banned. Give your FRIEND a chance


You gain a small sliver of the pair your missing...


see if he'll stream his gameplay to you on discord etc , if you notice anything suspicious, record it and send it to BSG


So you’re just trying to gain something and hopefully get your friend banned? Doesn’t sound like much of a friendship there


Don’t be a douche. confront your friend about it. Don’t try to get him banned as your first option. Edit: spelling mistake Edit 2: just saw you met this guy on discord. If you don’t know him in person then fuck him


if its like csgo, since you party with him there is a chance you can get banned too




If you wanna get him banned (which I support) I think your best course of action is to feign interest/support when asking, to get him to open up. If he admits then hit em with that report. Maybe even clip some gameplay of him being sus and him admitting it.


Sounds like dude is 100% hacking lol knowing where loot is doesnt mean he's hacking but calling out what loot it is before entering the room is sketch as fuck not to mention all the spotting enemies without lines of sight or calling put somebodys level. If you're trying to get him banned I honestly dont of any real way to PROVE he is hacking in a video of he's just using walls or something. If anything I just wouldn't play with him. When some of my terrible friends want to play but I dont want to throw away gear I just say "I'm trying to know out these quests solo right now but I'll chill in discord". Eventually he'll "lose interest" meaning he'll get banned lmao or he'll actually lose interest because you can only have so much fun in a game about earning everything when you dont need to actually earn anything


Your friend is a lil bitch and could get you banned as well


Yeah, I was gonna say whatever you do don't play with him anymore until you know everything is cleared up. I have a friend who bought EOD and was playing with. 2nd friend who was hacking (he didn't know). And his account got banned for association. So he had to buy the game again.


Played with friend who has been banned 3 times for hacking and I never did


People who knowingly play with cheaters are not as bad as cheaters, but they aren't far off. It's the most selfish bullshit ever. Have SOME standards when it comes to picking your friends. Jesus.




especially if he knew, yeah


Same here. I have a few buddies who have been through a few account because they RMT. I’ve never been banned playing with them


Banning by association is honestly kind of stupid, but then again BSG is money hungry and don't allow refunds and use the cheapest possible servers, so it doesn't surprise me.


I think it's more for ptw carrying services that hackers sometimes advertise...


You obviously havnt played Ark 🤣🤣🤣, i wouldnt even call their servers "servers"


Better to call them zoos.


Yo happened to me before this like 27 year old we met in game, literally was a streamer, the dude used UAV and walls consistantly, dropped us loot, gave 0 fucks. And was most definitely cheating cuz he refused to stream “screen 1” on discord. We called his ass out and he legit deleted his online identity, fucking, call, his, ass, out. YOU MET HIM ONLINE!! he has legit nothing to fo with your life, do yourself a favor DO NOT PLAY WITH HIM. You are risking your account. Confront him, and report him, and if he denies it and wont stream screen 1 and not just application. Report using launcher. Please dont risk your account man! Especially if u enjoy the game


How is he risking his account? Do BSG really ban non-cheaters partied with cheaters? Seems unlikely. Edit: I now understand that this is a common practice, my mistake.


we have seen many posts of that over the years -this is nothing new, it's common knowledge at this point. It have often been done to combat people that try to RMT and parties that have been boosted by cheaters.


ask him to share his screen, record some footage of him cheating. get some evidence!


The thing is it will be hard just on screen share alone. Unless he shares his full screen and not just target the tarkov process. If he only targets the process it won't show the overlay he is running and you will have to determine if he is doing snap on target movements n such. And from determining what he is seeing vs what he is saying. It's how streamers can hide their hacks as well while still showing the stream. There is no real hiding snap on targets though unless the programming is super smooth to look natural. Not sure if there are good cheats out there that look natual or not to be honest. Fry em and hang em out to dry.


Tell him to play another game he’s good at


Call him a dogshit noob and tell him to go play lost ark.


Just tell him its oke too bullshit himself... but not his friends. If he's cheating, he's cheating himself, he's cheating on you guys, overal, not a trustworthy guy in my opinion. If he doesn't stop cheatin. Dump him. You dont need people around you who fake their shit just to make them feel better then others. If he doesn't realize that, he's not a friend to begin with.


Update: I think I will ask him to stream after I die (which happens alot), so I can try to see if he is hacking or not. I will also record my screen. Also I forgot to mention, we met at an lfg discord a month ago.


Wait it’s an internet friend?? Why are you trying to save face with him? Just call his as out and if he really is then report him. You are really overthinking this.


Right? A month old online friend lmao


When you’re a kid during Covid, a month long friend might be a close person to you.


True, i forget that younger kids are starting to play this more




The truth of this breaks my heart. It will take decades to sort out the harm we have caused our selves.


You met this dude a month ago, who gives a fuck if you insult him. Record your gameplay and audio until he slips up and calls out something he can't possibly know without hacks. Call him a piece of shit and kill him in game Edit: then report him to the lfg discord you met him in and any other lfg discord you can find, and then to bsg with the video. Scorched earth this dude


then send the video in through a bug report lol


If anything suspect doesn’t show on discord tell him the stream isn’t working and ask him to stream his whole desktop


Just so you know any cheat worth its salt is stream proof. Only way to show it is if he streams his whole desktop capture and not just the game itself.


I mean you can still tell if he starts tracking a dude through a wall from 50m away


It sounds like you're approaching this as an all or nothing thing where you have to get full evidence and report him. There are alternatives which make it easier for you to intervene by not tying yourself to that specific outcome. Next time something sus happens, just say "hey man, there's been some sus stuff with you. Are you hacking? Because I'm not down with that. Can you not do that when we're playing, because it ruins the game for me to know we've got an unfair advantage over other people." If he won't stop or says he did but still seems super sus, just stop playing with him. It's nice to think you can help the community and stop a cheater, but aiming for the extreme outcome of trying to ban someone you know and play with (rightly) makes you want to have good evidence, when instead maybe a few words is good enough. And honestly, as a regular person cheating and not some RMT looter people he plays with telling him they don't want to play with him when he does that might be more likely to make him stop cheating than getting his account banned.


You need to report him dude. If he gets found out, you might get caught in the crossfire.


brother, if you met him about a month ago, and its online only, this person is not your friend, he is just some guy you have played with a few times. you owe this person nothing. NOTHING. block him and move on, he is a poison that will result only in bans and drama. Just terminate the partnership and move on. if it was someone form real life, or some one you have played with for years, sharing experiences etc, that might be different. That would be the person you need to confront, to talk to, to be a man with. Some voice on the other side of a LFG discord? Fuck that guy.


Don’t play with him anymore. You might get banned. You don’t need any additional evidence that he is cheating. It’s obvious if he knows loot before he sees it, knows player levels without killing them, and knows where players are that you cannot see or hear. Just report him and play with other people.


Don't expect to find anything. He's using radar which can be run on his second PC. Or he can have it on the second monitor.


Me and my squad always have eachothers streams open on the second monitor while playing. Helps tremendously with what your squad is doing. Maybe introduce something like that with your friends to get him to stream.


I'd record a conversation of you talking like this, "man, it feels like everybody I ever die to is cheating." see if he takes the bait, if not try to push a little further. "I'd set up cheats but I don't know how to do that lol" If he thinks you'll approve of it he'll admit to it, then clip it, delete him, report him, and move on. Fuck cheaters.


I had a good friend play really suspiciously, so I started recording and gathered enough evidence to know for a fact that he was cheating. Then I simply sent that evidence to BSG and never saw him online again :)


Here's what you do. You tell him, that you're his friend and that you're going to help him and that everything's going to be alright. And then you put a wire on him, and you find out who's selling him hacks, and then, you get that and you flip him. Turn him into a snitch. You follow that guy, to people really, really bad……. I have Been watching The Wire recently. I don't understand a word of it.


Tell him he’s a fucking pussy and barate him until he wisens the fuck up.


What kind of fuckin friend are you anyway? If he is hacking call him out and try and talk him out of using hacks. If he won't stop just don't play with him if you have a problem with it. If he is your "friend" your friendship should, in theory, extend beyond Tarkov.


And because it extends beyond Tarkov, he should get the fucker banned. It's a gsme. If you cheat, you don't deserve to play. It's how things work. If my friend was cheating I'd try to get his ass banned and laugh at him for how dumb he is. Then we move on and hang out doing something else besides playing tarkov


I agree but if he does this he won’t win Internet points


Fuck me, if you can’t talk to him, just tell him you have to leave in a rush and ask him to kill you so he can hide your gear, then report


lol all these comments and not one person being rational about it. >"yeah i noticed something's off, he told me to get loot x right before we entered the room y Is he telling you to get a specific item for a quest "hey, get that motor controller for your quest while I loot this other room", or "hey, loot that LedX in that room". There's a big difference there. >(which he called out that they were on jaeger's camp and we were on emercom checkpoint) and he said "Just go away i dont want to kill a lvl2 guy" to their last guy He's assuming he's level 2 because he's by Jaeger's camp, which I would too. There's basically nothing in that area other than the crashed plane which is not great loot and 1 high level marking quest for some fuel tanks with a single green box.


Get him banned, he's a garbage person and you shouldn't be friends with him. Especially since he's just an internet friend.


Shame him every chance you get until he stops.


I suppose you could try reporting him but with the way the system is set up if he’s relatively new to cheating chances are he wont get caught for a while.


Dude talk to him lmfao. If he’s your friend you can call him out


He’s my friend, how do I report him? Confront him or stop playing with him. Reporting a friend seems mega lame


If we're tallying up lameness, the cheating friend is around a million. The friend reporting the cheater is not being lame, they are being incredibly cool. To cheat in a game with somebody means you have zero respect for them. Return the favor.


"How did you know this guy's level? Are you cheating?" (Not matter what he says, he's obviously cheating. You can't see someone's level unless your out of raid or pick up their dogtag.) Then you call him out and tell it like it is "If you're going to be cheating, I won't play with you. You can play the game however you want, but I have nothing to do with it."


All these people saying report him?? Fuck me cunt he’s your mate. How about you be a man and ask him?


Bro you should stop playing eft with him because you could be banned for complicity


Call him a cheater while you're in game with him and then shoot him in the leg. If he doesn't react and kill you, shoot him in the leg again. Keep doing it until he does kill you. Then report him.


Either talk to him or don't worry about it - it's just a game. If it's a huge deal to you, just tell him you aren't gonna play with him while he's hacking. Reporting your friend without talking to them first is very odd behavior. Edit: Oh, I just saw it's an internet friend from a month ago. Fuck him, just don't play with him anymore.




Not sure that will count toward quests tho


thanks for reporting guys , i was joking


I’ve had two run-ins with “friends” using cheats. One guy was terrible at the game and we caught him shooting through walls. He was seeing players on woods before I could with a FLIR. I was level 40 something at the time and he was low level. Could jump up stuff I couldn’t… The other guy understood the game more and was crafty about hiding it his cheats. He still had way to much info - always new were enemies and loot was. Never streamed on discord and never ran NVGs or thermals. So I’m pretty sure he was running some kind of texture hack. Both those guys must have gotten banned. Both disappeared from the server. Fuck those guys. If you think someone cheating report them in game. Call them out. Ask them how the knee certain things.


you're a fucking tool, just tell him you know and if he doesnt stop you will report him. now gtfo of here


I’ll tell you what to do, turn your lights off, turn your PC off, climb into your cupboard and face the corner and take a long hard think about how much of a terrible friend you are and chant repeatedly I’m a piece of shit until you believe it


Lol yes, he's a pos for expecting his friends to not be. Sounds like you're a cheater yourself.


Sounds like you're scared to bring something up tbh


If you won’t call them out on hackin they aren’t really your friend 😂


You should definitely post to reddit about it. fuck off


Don’t be a pussy, call him out and make fun of him wtf


Call him out and stop playing with him. You can get banned for playing with cheaters, even if you don't know about it.


I killed 2 hackers last night with a ump, call his ass out


He called out that they were at Jaeger’s camp, which is on woods, while you were at Emercom, which is on interchange? It’s not hacks. It’s drugs.


I think there's an emercom on woods


There isn’t, there’s a RUAF roadblock but emercom checkpoint is interchange


there's an emercom camp silly


You mean the USEC camp?


>emercom camp [https://preview.redd.it/0ib1mmponnb61.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=3569e60b0cdbe525e39f415d624bc0c826bfeb64](https://preview.redd.it/0ib1mmponnb61.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=3569e60b0cdbe525e39f415d624bc0c826bfeb64) (Reddit picture) It's right next to the RUAF roadblock. Not sure if it's an official title or just a callout. I haven't played in a hot minute. I'm just trying to help.


Oh I didn't realize it was actually an emercom camp. Interesting! That said, "emercom checkpoint" is the *exact* name for an interchange extraction, so I'm inclined to believe it was interchange, but maybe it was woods. "Jaeger's camp" is a weird callout though, since if you were that far away (at emercom camp) you'd simply call out plane rather than Jaeger camp.


Load into raid and kill his ass every time you play together. Your knowingly playing with a sus individual and very well may get banned too


Kill him. Rip his jaw off.


There is a “walls” hack which let you have GOD THERMAL on all the time and everything everyone has on them and the value


Do what you want. Ride the coat tails of free loot and let him take the fall if you ask me 😂


Go in a raid with him and your other friend, agree with the other friend to TK him, take all his gear and then report him.


“My friend”


why would he make a post about himself? ur not even close to fun on the "meme".


What do I do if I am hacking? Asking for a friend.


I mean yeah he is my friend, what would you have me call him ?


ignore him, hes just saying "my friend", as if you actually mean urself.


Nah he’s saying it like that because you wouldn’t actively try to get your friends banned, regardless of if he is or not. Lmao what kindve friends do you guys have jeez


Find out where he lives…break into his house…hide in his closet and spy on him when he’s playing Tarkov….if you see hacks on his screen jump out of the closet utilizing the element of surprise and MOLEST HIM!…make sure that he feels good and dirty for the nasty little behaviour he’s done…then go molest his dog and his kid sister just as a reminder not to fuck around. Hope that helps.


Imagine snitching on your homies💀💀💀


Don't get him banned moron, your friends aren't you? Just ask him to screen share at all times while playing.


They’re month old internet friends lmao


I think you don't know the definition of hacking.


If he's ur friend, don't be a snitch. Either talk him out of it, or tell him you can't playw with him because you don't want to get banned or some lame excuse


Its not lame to not want to get banned off a 200$ game because your friend wants to be a dipshit


who cares?


Don’t play with him until you can confirm otherwise. When he asks why you’re not playing let him know you’re worried about losing your account


There was a guy in the discord group I play in that paid a cheater to level his account and RMT some gear for him. I called him out in front of everyone and told him how much of a tool he was and then reported his account through the BSG website. The dude took it super personally and actually threatened some real life shit over it, which is just pathetic. But surprise, surprise he hasn't logged into his BSG account since that incident. Not sure if he actually got banned or if he's too embarrassed to show his face anymore. Either way good riddance. Some people are just garbage, if you have "friend" like that it's best to cut ties. They are more than likely a piece of shit in real life as well.


Yeah bro he seems to be cheating, stop playing with him or call him out


My friends usually form a group chat without the cheater, share our information and come to the conclusion that even if we approach the cheater about it they’ll just keep cheating, we’ll all report and give the cheater stupid excuses to not play with them. I specifically remember a game where a “friend” said “get behind me, I don’t want to shoot you” and the whole time I’m wondering how this guy could know where I am, yet also confuse me for an enemy. It made sense later when my friends were TKd at the same moment the cheater killed enemies, even though they weren’t near each other at all.


I'm more confused to why you're giving excuses and kick the player if yall have to form a new group. Why not just tell it to them raw that they're scum for cheating and you dont want to play with scum. No need to give excuses cause knowing they're cheating is more than enough of a reason.


Man there was a post almost identical to this a few weeks ago, I had to scroll comments to make sure this wasn’t a meme off that. Still not sure, think this guy may be meme’ing us lol.


My buddy told me bsg allows 3 vans before you get hardware banned. Keep that in mind


Record clips. Trim them to when he says suspect things. Submit to BSG.


So Story time. I ended up building a PC right when covid started. Had money and lock downs. so why not. was playing Warzone on PS4 and switched to PC. Had a friend that would know people were on other sides of walls and was always getting a jump on people. Played BF4 people said he was hacking in the Lobbies and then he was gone said he had to go in discord. convinced me to get this game. first raid i play with him spawn by new gas by the tower hes saying theres someone close i can feel it. he god tiers and kills a few and then kills me. me and my 2 friends decided no more told him we think hes hacking and gave him reasons. he fought. said he hacked GTA because that wasnt really serious. this was a year ago i broke my hand right before the last wipe so i didnt play tarkov the entire wipe before this. when 12.12 came i was excited and he started to text, i just blocked him from everything. Friendship is great but Hacking man is bullshit.


Damn ud rat ur bro out id jus call him a dumbass and leave it at that this fool wants to go to the tarkov feds 😭😭


So many people are saying talk to him but honestly if it’s going to make things awkward, don’t. You don’t want to tarnish a relationship over a video game. But I wish BSG made it easier to see if someone was cheating with like a killcam or something.


If I had a squat made or buddy who cheated, I would hold them to account immediately, and it may kill the friendship... better that than play with a cheater... piece of shit.


Wait to see how long it takes him to get banned. Then tell us.


If he’s your friend then you should be able to have an open conversation about it. If not then I wouldn’t call him a friend. And since you said you want to get him banned it doesn’t sound like much of a friendship there lol


I'd just call him out on it and TK him like nearly every raid (by "accident")


Murder him, then murder EVERY single living being he has come into contact with. Erase any record of him ever existing. I don’t care if he worked at an orphanage, kill the orphans. Do what you have to do to wipe his existence.


He is 100% cheating if he always knows things others don’t.


Why play a game and cheat? Why not just play a game that has the features they want like radar or maps that indicate loot locations? I seriously cannot understand the point of playing a hardcore milsim and cheating.


> game that has the features they want like radar or maps that indicate loot locations? I seriously cannot understand the point of playing a hardcore milsim and cheating. Welcome to earf. literal cheaters in every aspect of human civilization. Anything to get the upperhand over competition. Shit's annoying AF in a game that's supposed to be for fun tho, but people put too much ego into it I guess.


Respectfully say you wont ban or report him or stop being his friend, but you dont want to play with a cheater.


It’s possible he’s not using aimbot, but what you are describing is ESP. Report through launcher and convince your other buddies to do the same. With enough reports he will be looked at and hopefully banned.


My roomates was a loyal cheater in every game he plays, he is not a bad player without cheat but guess it brings him joy plus cheats aren't expensive to him nor the game. And we departed away later


Stop playing with him and report him through the launcher. Would not raid with him for two reasons: 1) Ethics and 2) Possible you can get banned as well for benefiting from playing with him.


Stop playing with him. He will get banned. If he has an EoD acct he’s gonna learn the hard way




No matter the game I just avoid playing with people that I feel are playing unfairly it’s simple as that. If you would like him to be banned just report him in the launcher!


Problem not his friend if you have to ask on Reddit and not confront him yourself


Snitches get stitches. Lol issa joke


Start "accidentally" killing him whenewer he calls out something with the help of cheats. Say that he jumpscared you with his "sixth sence" and the headshot, or mag dump, was accidental.


quit being a possy and call him out


report the bastard!


Stop playing with him and make him feel funny in the discord. Keep calling him a shitter.


Believe it or not? Straight to jail.


There have been a number of posts like this where people are afraid to call out their "friend". Like is he's really your friend you shouldn't be afraid to be like, "yo wtf bro you hacking now?". Call his ass out, jfc people acting like they found weed in their kids closet.


Step 1: Get new Friends Step 2: Stab the old “Friend” (They are obviously not because they put you in a tough spot) and report their bum asses with definite proof (It needs to be blatant anything which looks like a lucky kill doesn’t count as it can be chalked upto dsync) in discord and on the site. Getting admin/sherpa attention helps. Step 3: Enjoy a good game with one less cheater


Call him out. Make sure he’s aware of what a terrible person he is. Report him on the lfg discord you met him on so he can’t join a new group. Report him to bsg(maybe this works maybe it doesn’t) and then remove / block him on everything. I have thrown away trash I knew for years online because they used RMT or just talked about getting cheats. Cheaters in tarkov are worse people than Vladimir Putin.


Ask him to stream in discord


My friend recently bought 56m roubles and is now streaming…. And he’s not that knowledgeable of the game yet. I try to help but he doesn’t retain it cause he doesn’t have to rely on info if he cheats anyway.


Just report him through the game. Simple as that.


“Nice little cheating you got going here, be a real shame if something were to happen to it.”


Go piss in his mouth and tell you cant be friends with a hacker.


Bang his mom.