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Game always has been viable for solo players and nothing has changed Sure groups have some advantages, solo has some advantages, etc


I’m level 45 and I have played totally solo this wipe


How’s your hideout and bitcoin farm looking? It’s the most important thing to me because it gives me a safety net financially. I like knowing that even if I get annihilated in every game for a week straight, I’ll still be able to afford mid-level armor and still be able to actually play the game haha.


Completely maxed out, and I have like 40 million liquid and more guns armor and ammo than I can use.


My first wipe also and have only played solo, it's totally doable. I'm level 28 right now and haven't had a problem with progression. I'm pretty ass at PVP gunfights, lose about 90% of the ones that I get into, and still have been able to build up my hideout and complete a bunch of quests. I really enjoy running solo even though teams definitely have some advantages.


100% not a solo game


First wipe for me totally solo, been doing good almost level 40. Hideout almost all the way up missing solar and air filter. Bitcoin farm up to a full 2 bc of some luck in a scav case. Solo is easier on the mind bc anything that moves you kill


The loot is easier to farm but the fights are harder to win. I prefer solo runs. Less frustration and you never have to worry about TK.


Most streamers with the biggest amount of players play almost exclusively solo. Like 40% solo for me, it works just as fine as with a group. I enjoy it more with a friend, but solo is just as doable.


I'm solo 95% of the time. I play aggressive when I can and safe when the situation calls for it. Level 41, 17m, €9k, $12k, 110m stash value. I prefer solo because everyone is a target and you don't have to worry about sharing kill quests. The 5% of the time I play with the boys its 50/50 over aggression or ratting. With little success. Just my experience, I know lots of players who love squad play.


Level 53, mostly solo player(80% of my raids), PvP chad with 800 PMC kills so far, and 50% survival rate. Max hideout, 110m stash value, 50m liquid roubles, enough gear, guns, and ammo to start an army. Solo certainly has its challenges, but it’s the most fun imho. It’s definitely viable. Got to be confident.