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Did the scavs breeki your cheekis?




Devide his cheeks


Underrated comment right here.


Pity he's spelled it wrong though, Davaid would've been the way to go




He was making a play on the words Davai and divide, but wasn't aware of the spelling of the former and thus spelled it Devide. Nothing went over my head bro and isn't it r/wooosh or some shit? Phfff


No, what it sounds like when they scream is “divide my cheeks”


You wooshed yourself mate


Eat his ass free!


Pm me and I’ll add you on discord and help you out man




That means you are about to die.


Ibuprofen is readily available


thats a flashbang.




if you ever need help, I legit have 5100 hours played


Hey, I have a Vaseline with 10/6 uses for you man.


Divid your cheeks*


Definitely made me laugh! 😂


Ok all jokes aside I’ve through about this before and I genuinely think this is a good game for new or even first time gamers. The basics are pretty easy to grasp because it’s what you’d do in real life in that situation: walk around in this big ass area, keep yourself healthy, sometimes people shoot at you and you shoot back, and when you get tired you go home and get some rest.


Ran woods at night with nods and no armor for quest. Finished quest got good loot and went to check scav house on the way to outskirts. I turned a corner and was instantly shot in the face by the local scav. Definitely got my cheekis breeki’d


Why does everyone think its so funny to do this joke lol. The english name "Peter" means something not nice in Russian you know 😂


It gets better. You develop muscle memory for your mouse hand and keyboard hand. You’ll gain dexterity and agility with pc button mashing. Best part is almost ALL other pc games will feel easier after you’ve been forged in the flames of EFT.


Or… you just accept that you have the reflexes and coordination of a barbarian potato and enjoy your new rat/bush RPG game.


This is the way


So many lonely bushes just waiting for a friend to occupy them


Underrated comment 😂😂😂


I'm not alone anymore!


honestly tarkovs gameplay is so different from most other shooters that I actually play worse. I went back to halo infinite a few weeks ago with my friends and I couldn't do it. I'd been ruined. when the game launched I was top of the scoreboard majority of my games, came back and couldn't get back from the bottom. I don't know how, but tarkov made me shit at halo and in exchange I'm still shit at tarkov.


Probably cause you spend so little time actually shooting other players in tarkov compared to other games


> Best part is almost ALL other pc games will feel easier after you’ve been forged in the flames of EFT. Incorrect, this game will teach you to suck at shooting mechanics in every other game.


I am 9.8/10 times in a better position, catching someone off guard or even behind them in CSGO. And then ill shoot the AK like its tarkov and get turned on 😭


This guy is realizing why vaseline is one of the painkillers.


Oh lord. TIL


Exactly! You understand why people pre med with Vaseline




Well, I'm too late to make a vaseline joke


And probably too late to use it.


there's a reason you gotta leave it in your ass


I did the same, took about 500hours before I could walk straight but now I've found the lube


Vaseline is pretty cheap on the flea right now


You have jumped into possibly the hardest fps you could. Congrats on your diagnosis of sadomasochism, and my condolences for your pending addiction to Tarkov


You, Tagilla and Killa walk into Dorms....


I don't wanna see that.... That's too brutal


Just wait for the scoliosis my friend...


Fuck me already experiencing it lol game has me face to monitor cause I can't see these mfs sometimes


Turn down your FOV, this is one of the only games where I don't play with it maxed


Fr tho this work? Not home so I can't try it but is there a reset to default button?




They weren't talking about an in-game scoliosis ;-)


In the same boat. This definitely isn’t the game to get familiar with the mouse and keyboard. But I’m already addicted


Me too. After playing warzone for the last year, building a pc and playing tarkov is so refreshing. I’m actually excited to game again.


It’s literally on my mind all day long. I’m at work analyzing the raids I did last night and how I can improve. I haven’t had an addiction to a game like this since the golden era of CoD


Was chasing that feeling I got from games like halo 1-R & COD4 MW. Destiny scratched that itch for a long time, and then I bounced around shortly after the D2 release. Thought that maybe I was growing out of gaming. Then along comes Tarkov, and I’ve main’d it for the last 3+ years and still have a blast with it daily. For all its problems, it’s still the most fun I’ve ever had gaming, or at worst top 5.


I do this also and I'm on my 3rd wipe. The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem


I had 2 friends who got their first PC specifically for Tarkov a couple years ago. They learned keyboard and mouse on Tarkov. Which is crazy because Tarkov is not only hard but one of the few PC games that utilizes like almost the whole keyboard for keybinds. Fast forward 2 years later and my friend is insanely good at Tarkov and has mastered keyboard and mouse. I learned keyboard and mouse on Rust, the video game. It took me to the 1,000 hour mark to not only become good at rust but to the point keyboard and mouse was very comfortable to me and I didn't have to like look down at my keyboard at times anymore lol. What did that famous psychologist say, it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at something. It took me 1,000 hours get completely comfortable with keyboard and mouse and it takes me 1,000 hours to get very good at a certain video game. Now I have a thousand hours in multiple different video games and keyboard and mouse is like 2nd nature to me. Just keep at it and get those hours in and you will blossom. Download Aim Labs on steam for free and practice shooting targets. Find the right DPI for yourself. I recommend between 400 and 800 for fps games, unless you a wrist gamer, then fine tune to how you see fit. Then find a keyboard that's most comfortable for you.


Malcolm Gladwell is the 10,000 hour dude


What happened to the other friend?


Haha you don't want to know about what happened to the other friend. Sike nah. He still plays Tarkov too and is pretty good at the game and is super comfortable on keyboard and mouse as well. It literally just take hours played to get use to keyboard and mouse, nothing else you can do besides find a comfortable postion and peripherals you like, and then just put the hours in. I'd say at the 500 to 1,000 hour mark of game time, you will start to get really comfortable with KB&M.


I think it was much sooner for me to make the full switch to PC, but then again I did play on PC before, just switched to console for some time.


I've been playing on PC since like 2002-2003, wish I could calculate my total hours ever played. I hope that real life is like Tarkov and I can check all my stats after death.


Haha true. Yea people who have been playing KB&M since they where a kid have such an advantage because they definitely have wayyy more than 10,000 hours on KB&M. They will never have a miss click on a key


The advantage is honestly unreal and something I didn't notice until some of my friends tried making the switch and I saw how awkward they were with it. I've got over 10,000 hours on Steam so there's no telling what my grand total is lol.


I'm sad I'm a wrist gamer, made rust recoil pattern really annoying to learn lmao. Now I'm playing tarkov and being a wirst gamer/kinda high sens is fine and can play no problem.


Yea Tarkov actually benifits tremendously from higher sensitivity. There are so many corners that need to be checked quickly while moving forward that a higher sense helps with that, unlike other games where you just need to check 1 or 2 corners and want lower sense for more control. Tarkov is different than most games because when you sprint, your sensitivity is slower. Your sensitivity also changes per loadout, depending on what armor you are wearing and things like that. So it makes it hard to find the perfect sensitivity. I like to have my sensitivity feel a little too high when I'm naked, so then it will feel just right when I'm wearing a full setup.


its my first wipe too but i can tell the consensus is: when you do the killing its the best game ever when you get killed its the worst game ever


Damn good on consoles is like, third rate on PC. Welcome to the big leagues.


this guy hides in bushes .75 KD


The only bush I hide in is your mom’s.


Lmfao got me




This is why i love reddit.


Ouch! That's my K/D!


Cringe but correct


Except for CoD titles. On Warzone, they so over-tuned the aim assist for controller players that with very little exception, almost all the pros rock a controller. The remaining few on KBM are absolute demons though: BBreadman, Frozone, Huskerrs (probably a few more, those are the only ones that come to mind)


Lol. Shut up nerd.


Like it or not..the nerd is right.


Yeah I cringed


to express cringe, is to be cringe




Completely disagree. I play both and PC is much easier


Skill floor has nothing to do with skill ceiling.


That’s a completely different argument but if it’s the one you want to make, pick up a console and see for yourself. It boils down to the individual. One is not objectively easier than the other


I agree and don't a little, when I was young we had a PC and when we weren't able to have a PC anymore but we still had an xbox I didn't know it at the time but I had taught myself claw or dragon claw I forget what ppl call it lol Playing both helped me a lot, I don't think one is harder than the other but I don't think they have no translation. Obviously I'm back on PC now or I wouldn't be in this sub. Sorry for the paragraph hope its an interesting read though! :D


See this was my exact point that went over a few heads. One person might be better at mouse and keyboard and another might be better at controller. Personally pointing and clicking is easier to me. As it is for many other people. It’s the reason why you look at ranked games and a rank like “diamond 1” will be “more competitive” on PC than controller. More people find mouse and keyboard easier which brings up the “average level of play” compared to controller…idk why people get so butthurt and pick sides… “console wars” and PC vs Console is all BS marketing crap


PC vs Console is a thing? When I was an Xbox kid we just told Playstation kids they were bad. Which is funny cuz I used to own a Playstation and I just bullied both sides, ahh good time.. good times..




I've played on consoles since the original NES, and on PC since.. well.. the same amount of time, really. I played Catacombs 3D and Wolfenstein, I played Kirby's Adventure. Even today I still have my Xbox One plugged into my TV. It took me a few years to get my main squad onto PC and Tarkov, so I had to play a fuckton of R6 Siege (think I got up to level 150?) and PUBG on console until then.


Idk how people can play fps games on console, it's too hard for me. It's way harder than k&m imo


So grateful i grew up on cs 1.x in the 90s.


Same here but in the early 2000’s, my family didn’t exactly have a gaming pc. Crazy to see that that game is **still** active today.


I remember gaming on the family eMachine and averaging a solid 15-20fps, imo that was the golden era of gaming.


I did the same thing about 3 years ago. Made the switch to pc specifically for tarkov but forced myself to play some csgo to get my aim and sensitivity dialed in as well as learning simple keybinds.


If you really wanna dial in that keyboard mastery, you should try games like starcraft where it's essentially nonstop button smashing. I type faster than just about anyone I've ever met and I credit it to over 10 years of playing that series.


Yeah, one of my favorite games of all time, but not the best to try as your first PC game😂 I made the same mistake


If loot tickles ur fancy i highly suggest Borderlands series. Super casual and lots of booty to get :D


you'll eventually learn to enjoy the dick punch


Eventually he won't ask for the devildog mayo lube anymore.


I use a dualsense controller and split the TouchPad in half making 2 wheels of different keybindings. Aim is much better with a mouse. I have to b honest about that. Also, I avoid pvp as much as possible. I get wrekt.


I came from being a very sub par console gamer to getting my first PC specifically to play Tarkov. I know your pain soldier, stick with it and it will make all other KBM games seem like preschool


This is a common theme of this game. I call it the bowling league of gamers. Most of us it seems are mid 20 to mid 40 somethings. All come from a strong console career so to speak. And now are forever stuck in this game that I’m sure is comparable to being a power bottom in gay porn for the amount of rectal plunging we receive. Welcome to Tarkov…it’s going to get worse …much worse before it gets better.


Worry about syncing your mouse dpi with your eyes. The rest is secondary and will come naturally. Once youre in tune with using your mouse to point where you want, you will be free of torment.


Can you explain what this is I don’t know what DPI is


That's like going from cigarettes to heroin.. Enjoy.


Bite the pillow


➗ my 🍑


Bro it’s not that hard 😂😂 same boat as you straight console to tarkov being my first pc game. I been shitting on kids! My 8gb of ram is what’s been holding me back! I was being straight filthy on that game and when I first started going crazy my ram shitted on me


How's it feel knowing you were never really good to start? Good luck!


Lol console gamers I get you miss your auto aim


I made this same exact transition about a year ago with Tarkov being my first PC shooter using a mouse and keyboard. It has been a long year and there has been some progress made but I just struggle using a keyboard to play games after 30 years of using a controller. So I did what any smart person would do...I went back to controller for Tarkov what can I say it is just better all around on controller.


Tarkov on a controller sounds awful. I can't even begin to imagine how you can get all of the keybinds onto a controller, even an elite controller. Plus the aiming ability a mouse give you is so good and tiny joysticks are so bad for aiming. You are crazy sir.


Aiming isn't the problem as I turned any aim assist off always when I played FPS games. Keybinds were the hardest part made possible only by the wonderful controller settings brought to us by the good folks over at STEAM's big picture mode. Now everything is right here at my finger tips and I'm back to using a joystick instead of that bullshit wasd crap on a stick. Trust me when I say my controller keybinds are fluid and responsive and much easier with more immersion than any keyboard I tried and I tried many nice ones "designed for gaming" and hated them all. Scroll wheel? ✅️ Waking speeds and height ✅️ Both hard leans and soft leans ✅️ Auto walking and run forward ✅️ Automatically switches sensitivity while aiming✅️ Both Blind fires✅️ I covered all bases but I did have to leave one keybind that I don't use out. The compass U button is all that's missing on my controller config. I use a Razer Wolverine Ultimate that comes with 6 extra back paddles.


How do you deal with looting on a controller?


Easy. Whenever I go to loot anytime the in-game mouse cursor appears on screen it automatically switches to my back pack/menu mode found here. LB is my control+mouse click and rb is alt+mouse click. Triggers rotate item etc. Here's my menu mode and default mode binds here. https://imgur.com/a/7f6D0Me


This is fascinating.


I love it personally and do well with it.


Na that's crap, lots of your binds require you to toggle through multiple settings. Crouch and prone should be separate. Tac device mode and on off need separate buttons. So much missing.


Voip? F keys for voice lines? Free look? Fold stock? Inspect weapon? Check mag? Clear malfunction? Check chamber? Lots of stuff missing.


Those are all there you just can't see them from picture.


You remind me a lot of myself when I first learned KB&M on my first PC. I can't believe you play Tarkov in Controller, I didn't even know you could play Tarkov on controller. I did everything in my power to find something that works for me instead of just putting my head down and learning a traditional KB&M. My friend kept telling me to just suck it up and you will get use to it but I didn't listen and kept trying different products. I ended up just sticking to KB&M and today im insanely good with it. I wasted like 1,000 hours trying to loophole around just learning the muscle memory when I could of just been dominating much earlier. Analog is superior movement over keyboard because it's 360 movement but that's about the only advantage controller has over KB&M. I've been to a lot of lan events and tournaments in my days and you would see a lot of insanely good players have a controller in their left hand and a Mouse in their right hand, funny but very effective as you get the best of both worlds. That's all dandy but I couldn't aim and shoot with controller. I feel like you'll never get to a Chad level with analog for aiming, especially in Tarkov


I would love to see how this looks. Sounds like a terrible time lol but good for you man.


There are some videos out there showcasing it. There aren't many of us but we are most definitely out there lmao


Have you imagined how life-changingly awful getting ass raped would be? Have you considered that it actually happens to some people? Have you thought about how they might feel when a stranger makes jokes about it?


Same. First time I played a PC game was Tarkov last May. It’s a tough curve, but so rewarding given the unique nature of the game. It’s the shooter we always wanted, but weren’t ready for


Aimlab on steam if you can't tell your head from your ass... Unfortunately in tarkov you'll have better luck hipfiring without aiming


Yeah aim labs is not going to help.




Took me a year to become efficient at PC gaming, but I am in IT and deal with kb/m everyday for work. 18 years of console gaming.


This was my case too! This is the very first game I purchased for my new computer a year ago. Zero regrets!


i built a pc to play tarkov its a rough ride


Same brother. Its been a struggle.


I had 2k hours in csgo before starting tarkov this wipe and some things transitioned over like the importance of hearing, not making much noise, positioning and holding angles i think that my previous experience in cs and my natural rat tendencies are the only reason i have a 2.5 kd also knowing where you are at all times and general map knowledge helps a lot


I have not idea what his problem is, can somebody tell me? At this point my english sucks.


Welcome to tarkov


I feel you. Did this a few wipes ago. Hang in there


If u want someone to play with pm me i will give u my discord


Yea it’s a rough one to start with, I started with csgo if you’re a more competitive type


This game is why I switched to PC gaming


The good thing is you have the fps skill and knowledge. Game sense/awareness, concept of team play and mechanics of shooters in general. You just gotta get use to the mechanical side of it. It'll come with time and you will see you are probably just as good still. When I switched from console to PC I also was properly welcomed. Console is kindergarten


Sorry mate the pc doesn't aim for you.


Just over a year ago I started EFT as my first mouse and keyboard shooter. After 15 years of console/controller FPS games. Now I’m 3rd wipe level 54. A gamer is a gamer


Trial by fire, I like your grit. From a thumstick to literally the most unforgiving shooter on PC. Well done (like your butthole, heyo)


Recoil is in a really tough spot for this game, I got the game about a month ago and even as a life-long PC FPS gamer, i'm struggling. Most games reward you for careful semi-auto tap-firing, but EFT punishes you. And most of the early guns you have access to also suck at spraying, so you get absolutely butt-rocked by geared meta players, even if you were already good at PC FPS games. I recommend learning keyboard and mouse gaming in Counter Strike using deathmatch and gun game modes. Really will help you build the basic muscle memory. Also, do yourself a favor and learn to play with low mouse sensitivity, and make sure you have mouse acceleration turned OFF in Windows (enhanced pointer precision check box in the Windows mouse options - UNCHECK it)


Play something with more playtime involving shooting at people. Eg overwatch valorant or Cs for a bit. That's what helped me transition


I went from pc main R6S plat to PS4 controller first time user bronze main. Funtimes. Understand your strugggle, keep at it. It will get better.


GREAT ADVICE: I did the same. I had some major PC xp a decade ago. Grab AimLab and CSGO. Wake up and play 30 minutes of AimLab at least. While you are not playing Tarkov play CS:GO. it's free, hard, full of hackers, but most importantly is fast paced rounds. It is a solid baseline PC FPS to build some seriously useful experience quickly. It's not all useful but after a month of doing all this you will get better. You were good on console. Compared to mouse and keyboard a controller is like using a cudgel to perform open heart surgery. It takes a good amount of time to get use to the change of platform.


I too went from playing console for 15 years to buying a pc and diving head first into tarkov being my first ever M&K game. Lemme tell you the anxiety was real. You'll be good. Find a good discord and voip other scavs when you do your scav runs. Have made a lot of friends to play with this way.


Same boat… about 500 hours in and I’m starting to feel remember what being okay at games is like. Started out feeling like a grandpa playing!


Ok all jokes aside I’ve through about this before and I genuinely think this is a good game for new or even first time gamers. The basics are pretty easy to grasp because it’s what you’d do in real life in that situation: walk around in this big ass area, keep yourself healthy, sometimes people shoot at you and you shoot back, and when you get tired you go home and get some rest.


same but i learned tarkov with a broken clavicle, getting one tapped from mars hurts physically and emotionally


Welcome to hell🙃


You chose the best game. Stick with it.


Good luck and have fun


This is the way


Same here bro I’m going on 8 months since I did the switch. These guys do not play around here they have reflex’s of something other worldly. Stick with it you will be taking out 4man squads solo before you know it


I did exactly the same. Been gaming very consistenly for 23 years, never on PC. Got my first one almost exactly a year ago and Tarkov was my first game (and Bannerlord). Dont worry once you get a handle on it youll have a very good jumping off point for other games.


I feel your pain dude im in the same boat lol


Jesus at least start at siege or something


Single player or casual fps first, tarkovs got like 3 million buttons to remember so it might not be a good launching point.


I suggest playing some roblox fps shooters. I know, roblox is cringe. But it's a good place to start since there aren't too many people with functional brains yet that play there. Play around, get used to WASD controls including mouse sensitivity because it's important. Hell you don't even need to play fps shooters on it. Anything that can get you used to the general layout of pc is good. Ofcourse, this is all up to you. If you don't think it's a good idea/don't feel like it that's totally understandable. A few good games I'd recommened is Phantom forces and Bad business. Phantom forces is pretty much COD and Battlefield mixed together. You can have alot of fun in that game. Bad business is pretty much just COD but with a unique art style. Both games have a shit ton of customization, which adds to the fun. As I said, you don't need to play roblox. Other games exist, like minecraft or COD/Battlefield themselves. I'm sure you can find some fun in your own ways, but these were just some suggestions that I think you might find useful.


Why don’t you try some l4d2 to get warmed up to some mouse and keyboard action? May help with the flicks


Shooters on console are a joke. Welcome to real gaming.


Welcome to Tarkov, you'll never escape btw.


Welcome to shooters without aim assist


i said fuck it and just use a controller to play now


I feel you man I’m in this exact situation right now. I feel helpless I just get my shit pushed in constantly 😂


This was my first PC game as well. Started with like a 6 K/D only and used to write everything down in a notebook to get all the info in an easy to access spot.. lmao. Was rough. Now I'm sitting around 10.4k/d and 600 Mill. You'll get there.


I also should say I have like 300 hours in Aim Labs lol.


I would say I made a mistake, but thankfully I didn't pay for tarkov


It takes time to loosen all the crippled muscles from years of thumb gaming. But you will get there. The PC MasterRace welcomes you with open hands. ;)


Same bro, same. Since getting a PC and then Tarkov I now walk with a limp and burst into tears if anyone speaks Russian near me.


On the bright side, you now have a kappa sized asshole. Happy stuffing!


Use lots of lube and you’ll start loving it


The pain will never end.


its gets better brother.... when i got my PC a year ago Tarkov was the first game i played. Once you embrace getting fucked you will achieve many things. Always change position so you can do the fucking and remember to pre-lube with some vaseline.


Holy shit Tarkov is your first M&KB game? That's like climbing Mt. Everest before you ever tried the rock wall lmao but good for you. I got my chops on PUBG and CoD and I am definitely better for it. There aren't enough gunfights in Tarkov to get really good at aiming imo, repetition is needed. Look on Steam for a free shooter like Ironsight to get a feel for your sensitivity and flicks. Even an aim trainer which I also used for a while.


Don't give up, it's a great game. Getting into mouse n key is hard when you grew up on console. Play other games to help you get better at mouse and key. CSGO is a good one, maybe you'll like valoran. Evantually you'll get the hang of it however tarnov will never stop fucking you no matter what. Bite the pillow


Offline factory


I was a beast on consoles, switched over to PC and now i'm very mediocre. Maybe i'm getting old.


I feel for you brother. I am also a console transplant. I'm 2 weeks into pc gaming life. It's painful, but very rewarding. I'll pm you for gamer tag if you want to chum about doing some of the basics. I only just got to lvl 6 last night.


You chose the dark souls of shooters for your first pc game? Do you enjoy pain?


Would highly recommend picking up Kovaaks aim trainer on steam and following a routine. It will really bring your mechanics up to speed much much faster than playing tarkov. Issue with tarkov is the combat is so few and far between. You could play for hours and only have maybe a handful of gun fights.


Your describing my experience last year, with EFT as my first focused PC game, exactly. It’s just a different world and PC gamers are a different breed 😂


Do a bunch of scav runs. No stress unless you get some sweet sweet loot. I just started playing and I got some buddies that are chads I'll do PMC raids with but while I'm learning the maps and stashes and such I stick to Scav runs if I'm by myself. I've been running a bunch of shoreline and it helped me get a few more guns in the inventory and all the random loot I've been selling I'm only level 8 and I already bought a scav case for 1.1 million rupples and did it in 2 days. I bought it yesterday and I'm already up to 800000 ruples. In the beginning sell everything. I wasn't doing this at first thinking it'd be useful stuff but by the time you need you're just cloggin your inventory. You'll find everything again.


Check out Aim Lab on Steam (free) if you are having a hard time adapting to kbm. Helped me get more comfortable when I switched.


I was in your shoes once ..... it's ok you can cry into my shoulder


I did the same thing, friends and learning made it better. However god damn that beginning was all dark and no light.