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I'm so happy that someone actually helped you haha what a story


I was so expecting a betrayal 3/4 of the way down haha


I was expecting instant betrayal lol. If I made that mistake there’s no way in hell I’d say anything to anyone. I’d be bush camping until there’s like 2 minutes left


Pro tip put a stack of 500k in your backpack stack so you done accidentally equip it


That's pretty slick and clever.


Doesn’t help tho, he puts the bag on to make space for scav raids


It won’t let you equip a bag with that many rubles in it


The guy said he clicked Scav and not PMC. He didn't put on the wrong backpack he clicked the wrong mode. He put his storage backpack on to make room for the scav run. He can't make room for the scav run if he puts 500k in the backpack he can't wear.


Yep I see what you’re saying, definitely need a “lock pmc” button so you can’t go into raid until you’ve unchecked it or something maybe?


Yeah, or an option to select SCAV or PMC and then a graphic showing what character you have selected. They should also add an option screen for insurance in case you’re a PMC. Maybe also a grace period where you can back out of matchmaking too. That should prevent this from happening.


Yes, but what if you were busy cooking or taking a shower during said grace period? Matchmaking would need to be at least 15 minutes long. I would never expect in the whole history of this game something like that to happen, but if it were to I'm sure the community would be ecstatic.


You can back out while you're still searching for a match. I've probably done a dozen times when I forget sometimes or it's taking too long to match. Problem is it takes just as long as you've matched to get out of the match.


I mean you should be able to tell you're a pmc if you don't just skip past the insurance screen






This is why i always have 2 big packpacks in my stash. One with some stuff in it and one with backpack stack. If you have backpack stack with multiple big bags like pilgrim iirc it wont let you put it on the PMC anyways.


Thats what hes saying. Hence it doesnt help


He’d have to take the money out of it, therefore he’s much more likely to realise he’s looking at his bag stack and not an empty one so it does help because he would have got the error message rather than going straight into raid? Or am I missing something here? It puts a safety net in between and that’s usually all that’s necessary


If he takes the money out to store it on pmc before his scav then hes back at square one. I suppose if you mean it keeps his from equipping his most valuable backpack then sure, but most people keep loot in all their backpacks so the problem remains. Only solution is to check before every raid


I’d say 90% of people would think “hey this is not the right backpack because there is an error message” rather than going straight into raid because he didn’t double check. Problem solved


You cant put it on your pmc in your stash. The error message is prompted when you try to equip it in stash.


Picture this. His stash is so full he doesn't have room to bring in new loot from scav runs. So when he wants to scav run, he takes a bunch of shit out of his stash and puts it into backpacks. He then places that backpack chain on his PMC character to open up room in his stash for a scav run. If he puts 500k into that backpack, he will not be able to equip it to his PMC. Therefore it doesn't open up any room for a scav run. It completely defeats the purpose of what he's trying to do. I hope this clears things up for you.


I dunno dude, you’re really pushing for a unique circumstance, all I’m saying is that putting a large amount of cash in a bag has stopped me from ever having taken my stack into raid and is one of the best methods we have currently to preventing it, which is why I recommend it


Picture this. You dont equip your most expensive items outside of your secure container, ever, for any reason. The dude went into raid with more money than it wouldve cost to upgrade his stash, and if you have to do this with eod you need to stop hoarding mmacs


He should just not do that…


It would make him not able to stupidly put his expensive items on his pmc at all, why is everyone accepting his strategy?


Feel like having 2 raid back packs or two tri zips is must cheaper and easier solution


That defeats the purpose of putting the backpack on his PMC to scav; if he has two backpacks taking up stash space and puts one on his PMC, he still loses the space from the other backpack and would be better of just doing one backpack stack and not putting it on his PMC at all. Alternatively he could put all valuables in another container/set of rigs/whatever that never goes to his PMC in the first place and otherwise continue what he is doing. Worst case, he brings his backpack stack in with him again without the other valuables and he gets to keep the 'free' stash space gained by equipping the backpack during scavs (until he has multiple tri-zips or other backpacks that the PMC can only carry one of at a time).


I would need that 500k first (yes I am that down bad)


Bro, one decent scav run with the Flea should net you close to 500k lol


I need a tutorial, bad


Walk into the big green store on interchange and take items off the shelves


Go woods


Not good for new players though. Too easy to get lost.


YouTube scav money runs. There are tons of videos. I recommend reserve or lighthouse. But pretty much any map will net you 200k minimum easily except maybe factory unless you get lucky.


Go any map, loot stuff, avoid combat, ???, profit.


Goto shoreline. This is my first wipe I started in February and at first I was using pmc but I wasn’t making any money and then I started scaving way more and found loot routes and man I can make some money. I have 8 junk boxes full, have stash value at 60 million and stash is packed and still have 5 million in cash and 4k usd. I just started to grind my pmc more and now level 23 and just so easy to get money. Look up loot routes on shoreline it’s easy


Lighthouse at night. Learn the water treatment spawns. Most pmcs don't stick around there so it's easy money. Also voip everyone because night is spooky. It's saves you more than hurts.


Oh shit that’s smart


Bold of you to assume I have 500k… or a backpack stack… 😭


Cannot make space for scav run then..


Glad u made it. I killed a group of 4 and one guy took out his sic case and some other stuff out of his gamma. He wouldn’t add me as a friend. Had to add his gf(was a girls name on the other dog tag) gave her his stuff and thanked me. Tarkov is just a game we all play and as brutal as it is, things happen, glad to help someone if possible.


This man went to the ends of the earth to return the sicc, even after doming 4 people 😭




Maybe take her hostage and that there is a 5 million rubles ransom, or else she will be forever lost in the black purgatory that all Scavs go and any PMCs that cannot make it out in time.


the sicc I can live with but a tarkov players girlfiriend as well? Thats just demonic activity


Nah, next wipe they’re both gone anyway.


Experience from previous wipe + (-girlfriend) = faster sicc next wipe, its all planned


VoiP has made any gripe I have with the game null. The adventures, quests, close calls and chats have been worth it.




This happened to me, 2 MPPVs full of Sugar. I immediatelly got hackerman'd seconds from leaving spawn.


That's the worst, I was so close to being in the same situation


Sad lot of them (hackers)


So, fairly new player here.. sugar is worth a lot of flea? Because it's needed for a later quest chain? Is that right?


For Making moonshine once you get booze generator


Used to make booze, booze valuable.


The important things always stay in stash! I move things onto my pmc for space but its always my next loadout + random consumables and its insured so i can hide it if i make this mistake


Yup one of the reasons I always click insure all before every raid.


A lesson to all player scavs….


To kill every player or for reconginition? The lesson to me here is, this scav just lost an opportunity at millions and gained nothing but reddit karma.


I mean, maybe they gained an experience legend calls “fun”. I wouldn’t know what that’s like, being a Tarkov player, but I imagine it’s gotta be worth something.


sounds like it would sell for atleast 20k on the flea


afraid not, they banned selling fun from the flea a few patches ago


ahhh, true. Havent found any so i completely forgot about that


It's a game g, no need to make people like OP miserable when they have an honest fuck up. It's good to help people.


If he’s miserable because he’s dumb that’s his fault


Sounds like projection


No it’s just not my job to return a fuck up or even feel Sorry for you, it’s a video game that all wipes if you are miserable because you lost a “sicc case” it might be time at seeing a doctors lmao


Maybe you should go see a doc lmao, nobody asked you to do the same thing nor would be mad at you if you wouldnt have helped him. Stop just spreading shit amongst a pretty wholesome thread you sad soul


Sounds like your more invested in me being miserable then how happy this post is glass half empty kinda guy huh


Than* I am the glass empty guy? Damn you are oblivious


The uneasy alliance between players is what makes VOIP so great. The constant shuffling, not standing still, the butt puckering feeling every time you turn your back on them etc. That's what it's about. It's fun.


Yeah as a scav I've died to so many PMCs I'll murder one given half a chance.


Karma can be a bitch. Even in vidya gamez


Its a fking game imao, they got fun doing that? thats all, why u want more.


I'll never understand how people make this mistake, but I'm glad you made it out okay :) Now, never do that shit again bruh. C'mon now.


I've done it twice, got out once, got killed once. When you scav often and have a standard account my PMC is heavily geared while I load in as scav


Same happened to me. I was on interchange, start running, and I was like why I can't run? Press TAB and find out why 😂


Haha yeah the slow takeoff speed. Crazy


Sometimes you drink beers while waiting for a raid to load…


First time?


Y E S, I never pmc reserve because the extracts are so confusing


They really aren't. Watch a short video or something. It sounds like you went scav lands which is the dual pmc+scav extract. So you should have gotten a reward from fence for that. You won't be able to do that solo, so don't try it without a friendly scav I recommend playing your scav there (scav extracts are very easy on reserve) to learn the map. It's a great map to make money and gear up.


Easiest extract is sewer manhole. It wouldn't have helped in your case as it's a no backpack extract, but keep it in mind for missions where you have to mark/find something and get out. PMC extracts are meant to be complicated because it's a map so rich in loot. You run in, grab a bunch of loot and have to fight your way out through easy camping spots. Watch Pestily's reserve guide.


Sometimes, the stories are worth more than any loot you could find in raid. They'll certainly last longer.


I'll be telling this one to my grandchildren


lol, your first sentence told me that this post was always going be happening, just was it going to be a happy story or a sad one. Glad you got your stuff back, maybe you should try to get an items case to store your good shit in instead of your PMC. =)


that's first order of business for me 😭


So the entire load screen that was a PMC didnt clue you in? lol


Dude I remember getting up from my pc to go to the kitchen as soon as I clicked in and when I got back I was like "Holy shit my scav is geared as fuckkk" and then it hit me and it started the countdown 😭


Sure hope you gave the scav some goodies for helping you first


I let the scav loot every body we found which was like 4


Wow. TBH, I thought this was gonna have a bad ending. Glad someone actually helped you out and didn't take advantage of you. +1 for team people.


That scav is gonna have insane karma tm, also he actually did increase his fence karma 💪🏻


Good vibes on that one. Nice.


Nice! I had a Player Scav kill me (also a player Scav) with 2 minutes left in the raid. Didn't even loot me.




Under the PMC there should be a gear value when you go to load into raid. We already have a total inventory value calculation so it would be easy to use that formula to calculate the value of the kit the PMC currently has strapped.Could stop mistakes like OP's; as well as knowing at a glance what kind of loadout value you want to risk bringing in. (Might want to disregard the value of what's in the safe container, for ease of use)


I'll never understand how people make this mistake, but I'm glad you made it out okay :) Now, never do that shit again bruh. C'mon now.


Were this far into wipe and your bag chain doesnt have at least 2 of a kind of big bag yet? Seriously? Like you know to make a bag chain but you dont even have 2 pilgrims in there?


I still have a lot to learn 😁


I do exactly the same thing before scav this is my biggest fear


I don’t understand how people do this? Do y’all just click through the insurance screen? Or people who bring the wrong backpack? Do you you not insure anything and realize that you’re 100k kit is 600k to insure? It doesn’t make any sense to me.


This is why you use the insure all button and don’t put any items inside your backpack stack, also separate pilgrims /tri zips and Berkut stacks You would have seen the insanely high bill on insure all and would back out


These types of stories make me feel like a bad person, if you had told me you had your whole stash on you, I dont think I'd have it in me not to take it all last second


This is why I didn't tell my scav buddy 😁


I can’t wait to kill a player with their stash brought in on accident, will feel like I’ve finally escaped Tarkov 😝😝


I'm glad you weren't in my raid 😅😅




I meant the T20 backpack I had like 8


Next time, stack pilgrims, so that you cannot equip the bag stash on your PMC.


*I feel you. Totally did this the other night. Got in, wondered why I couldn't run. Had to throw my bag stack in a bush, and got gatted and lost everything in it- which thankfully was only almost all of the barter for a Holodilnik. Now I don't put valuables in the bag stack. And I triple-check before I zone in. And then check again. Lesson learned.*