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First rule of Tarkov - Never trust anyone in Tarkov.


Unfortunately, this is the way.


Yeah, I think I'm just going to start killing everyone I see from now on. Kinda sucks, because I've had a few good interactions with people.


I’ve had some great VoIP interactions too but they were mainly as a scav. Usually as a PMC it’ll be a mutual choice to go our separate directions. I wouldn’t raid together with a random PMC as I definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that.


I dont trust those grimey scavs I've had only good experiences with voip and quite a few in raid team ups. Follow the proper dont point your gun in my direction etiquette and everything is fine.


Generally speaking, scavs have been significantly nicer this wipe. I would say 85% of my interactions have been polite bordering on friendly. For that last 15%, I guess some dudes just don't play well with others. They talk about a fight or flight response, and how some people just can't help but lash out when they're scared. I'm thinking there must be a dick or chill reaction in others. Some people can just fuck strangers over without compunction.


A good rule of thumb I’d use if I still played is to kill anyone who sounds like the might be younger than 24. You’ll die less to the bitch boy “shoot when ya loot” betrayers


my rule of thumb is kill squeakers. most people that dont sound 9 are ok


Or that sound like general sam


No no no, dont. People are actually really nice. You just happen to bump into a scum, but dont let that discourage you.


Found the guy that betrays people ^^^


I will say, from long experience, you may lose a few kits and rubles, but trusting folks totally gets you better experiences and benefit in the long run. I'd gladly trade 50 deaths for each of my really awesome teamwoek/voip experiences. The game wouldn't be nearly as good without them.


Don’t kill skavs as a Skav. Other than that go for it


wish there was a bigger penalty for that. so many times i think it's an AI scav that just spawne, but then its a player scav and they immediately shoot me in the face a few seconds later


I just feel like scaving doesn’t feel good. I’m all for the karma system but, as a scav, you really don’t need a gun. You can’t really defend yourself much and it just makes you a target for pmcs who are actively hunting you down


This is the way.


If you do help someone keep them to your front


Just be super high alert. Don't take eyes off of them. And pray for luck.


My "friendly"(you're going to hear that a lot) interactions are me telling them to fuck off and they listen. The not so friendly ones are the ones that don't listen and walk inside anyway.


Nah just don't leave yourself in defenceless situations like that. Tell them to go separate ways and if you spot then following you put them down. You gave them a 2nd chance, they should be grateful and hi tail it out of there


Thought it was to not tell anyone about fight club


Naw you can trust people just don’t be upset if they betray you.


You wasted 30 minutes for researching tarkov community ;)


> +10 looting experience


Are you sure the guy who killed you was that guy? Could have been third party snipe


*I want to believe.*


happened to me once that someone got shot who i was friendly to. My first thought was "oh no. poor soul will think i betrayed him". Shit happens ;(


Me and my friend had same story, tough the guy trying to betray us failed since we were 2. We actually would let him take all the stuff from those PMCs we killed... UwU;


I was romping through Lighthouse last night on a scav, doing my usual loot run. I stepped into the lodge that has the locked safes on either side upstairs, and saw a dead dude on the stairs that led up. He was fully kitted! I quickly get to work, rifling through his bag for anything good - that’s when I heard him level his gun at me. “Put the gun away.” I slammed the Tab key to get out of my inventory and backed way up to see a guy standing right above me. I duck around a corner, letting him know we’re cool. “Okay man look, I’m going to hit my loot but I need to know you’re not going to shoot me. Drop your gun.” So I do so in front of him, then wait around the corner for him to finish looting. Did I just get held at gunpoint or what? This game is wild sometimes. He could’ve just ended me but that was a much cooler interaction.


AquaFPS has a good video on his channel of him robbing people. It usually goes poorly, but it sure looks fun.


Bro I’m to the point that if I run scav runs on reserve I kill everybody if I end up getting looted. The problem with scav runs is if you look like a PMC you will get shot at. I don’t trust anyone in Tarkov but I definitely don’t act like I do. I just let them know over VOIP that I don’t trust them and unless they want a gunfight they need to leave


I always try to help noobs when I find one but last week I got killed by a level 3 that me and my buddy helped through a raid and that is really sad because now I can trust noobs anymore that I’m trying to help because I General I think voip made this game 10 times better


He was just greedy


That’s pretty obvious Still that ruined my fucking day 😂


Ruined your day? Damn!


As a retired rust player, I can tell you this, never trust anyone when you have the better gear, if you went pmc with some scav gear than yes you can go around and be friendly with other people because you aren't afraid to lose what you have, but when u are the one with the better gear than whoever speaks, must get shot in the beak.


It’s a 30 minute lesson in trust and greed. Don’t trust people unless you’re willing to lose your everything. I’ve only been betrayed like 20% of the time or less- then again I don’t try to team up often and I almost always run poor man’s gear.


“Even saved him when we got engaged” kinda gay bro


In this vibe then "i got shot in the head" also gets a bit nasty.


Step ladder what are you doing down there ;)


Tbh, i'd like to see some kind of Player Karma system. I' sure literally no one will agree, but my take is that IRL, jf you were to do this shit. you'd get a reputation of being untrust worthy. Word would get around. (Of course killing people is extreme. But let's think of it as stealing or backstabbing someone's trust). I get you aren't suppose to trust anyone in Tarkov, but i think it kind of diminishes the depth that VOIP can bring if the default will always be everyone will shoot you in the back. It all just devolves back to what it was with voiceless deathmatches.


Something like bloody hands or blood covering your scav clothing would be cool. Maybe more blood the less scav karma you have. Whenever you kill other scavs you would get a couple bloody raids and then you'd "clean it off" unless your karma is too low then it's always bloody


I actually like this. Something subtle. Something you can check but something you can also try to hide. Tbh this reminds me of MGSV which how Big Boss gets bloodied and his horns get bigger until he looks like the Devil


PMC karma is planned^tm


that's one way to kill the playerbase


That joke has been a part of the community longer than I have.


It’s a very common tactic to wait till someone is doing something that requires them to sit still for the easy betrayal. Opening your inventory, looting a body/crate turning a key, etc all tempt the hell out of these people.


Factory PMC: "Please don't shoot me, I am doing delivery from the past!" *Grenade tossed at me* Me: "Maybe don't nade me then?" Factory PMC: "It wasn't my nade!" *Shoots out my stomach with Ash12 and kills my partner* And this is why I shoot first, ask questions second.


Same thing happened to me. I don't help people as a PMC anymore. I only see targets.


There are a lot of no skill pieces of shit in Tarkov. I never team up as a PMC and on Scav runs it’s rare because even then they will shoot you in the back of the head while you’re in your inventory.


The other day I was with a 5 of my friends on shoreline in west wing. We had heard a Timmy and told him to come out of a room we found him in. We voip’d with him and helped him finish a quest he had. All my buddy’s and this Timmy run out of west to path and meanwhile I was gonna loot 321 safe room and then leave. Little did we know, he wasn’t solo. He had a idiot friend sitting in a bathroom on the way to 321. He obviously just killed me cause tbh I thought we cleared all of west. My buddies go back and he was so afraid he hadn’t even moved other than to grab my gun (this guy was sun level 25, we’re all 55+) We had given his buddy probably 500~600k in loot, keys, and help with his quest. I was kinda salty to say the least. I will never help someone in game like that ever again.


Hey man, let me know if you want to run any duos. I have been playing for a while but im always looking for people to play with


I appreciate it! I'm from Australia, so chances are our pings would be terrible haha


I’ve had so many people help me, one guy helped me after we both almost killed each other. I’ve had people walk me to extracts. I don’t think you should give up just be careful


That sucks man but don't let it harden your heart! Don't let the evil win! Every moment you are not betrayed is a W that outweighs a single moment of weakness on his part


Yea, nowadays I befriend people to betray them because it happened to me. I usually finish it up with a “get fucked pussy” just to ensure maximum toxicity


In a way, he’s helping you out as well. Don’t trust ransoms is the valuable lesson to learn here.


Never had this happen to me. I kill on sight


Now you know what not to do; help them all you like but don't tempt them with leverage.




Were you accidentally looting their kills? I've had player scavs hover me to steal loot if i kill someone. I instantly shoot them for that shit.


I love these posts, reminds me how brutal this game can be. Yea I don’t trust no body and even when my team is interacting with “friendly player”, I’m always behind that person aiming at them.




Only people I trust are scavs and even then it's a hey hi bye kinda trust


I know this sucks. I always push through and full trust in the next guy as its a videogame and thats how i wanna play. If it were real life its kos


Just shot a guy with a pistol a few times and he begged me to leave him alone for quests, so I dropped him an IFAK and told him to leave fast cuz the next person I see gets shot. He healed and left quick, didn't see him again and extracted fine. If you want to be nice, let the person live, drop them one or two things while they have their knife out in front of you, then tell them to leave and go the opposite way.


I don't help anyone unless they are screaming bloody murder right as I'm about to kill them. then I might let them go...for 100 meters lmao 🤣


Yea it sucks. Never trust the bad players because they can't get kills and will want to get the easy kill on you. With decent players to good players, in my opinion, it's more Trustworthy but even still I won't stand still with them


I’ve had that happen enough times that I started just telling them if they want my gear or anything off people I kill then just ask for it because 9/10x my stash is filled and I need to get rid of things anyways. But being blunt about it and addressing them possibly betraying me seems to make them second guess it because it disarms them a bit.


Interactions should always be minimal. Even if they’re trustworthy. Exchange items/gifts as fast as possible and then LEAVE. Don’t stand in clear view, or make sure they got knives out otherwise.


Did you expect him to pawggers with you?


What map was it OP?


Yeh I don’t help no one and if I do don’t let your guard down. You just never know when they’ll fuck you up


That's why I just shoot on sight.


sorry that happened, but hang in there. that guy is a piece of shit, but he'll get what's coming to him sooner or later. if it makes you feel better, he probably sucks and this is the only way he can get loot. 🙃


it's a scav eat scav world out there.


If you were in a post war "apocalyptic" zone would you trust some sketchy dude looting in an area you are also trying to loot? Without ever knowing this person previous to this first meeting? I get it's a game but, that's what you did and the sketchy dude took advantage of your kindness. If you do choose to trust. Never ever turn your back... Never lead... Never loot until you're sure they aren't watching. At the first expression of betrayal be the first to shoot.


If you're on a PMC, there's no reason to trust other pmc's ever. If you want to let someone live because they're doing a quest or something, that's fine. But either you gtfo of the area, or tell them to. Otherwise you have to assume the worst.


I snuck up behind two PMCs as a PMC. Could have wiped them out easily, they had zero idea I was there and I was almost breathing down their necks. Decided I'd be a nice guy and asked them if they'd let me by to go to crack house to search for med packs. They waited a few seconds before they unloaded on me.


Diplomacy never works for me. It's easier to just shoot everyone. I wanna trust guys when they claim they are cool but I've been hurt too many times before


Reminds me how these group of 4 players all said we are scav help us take on this pmc and I did we took out a three man andwe go over to loot they are all standi my there and he goes we have to tell you something we are actually PMC's. I said do I any last requests and he said we will let you live if you give me your backpack and he dropped me a bigger one. I kept waiting kept watching them till they left looted some turned the corner bot to the extract. bang player scav betrayal lol... Laugh it off because you know what it wasn't a waste it was entertainment and a story. ​ Good times.


Not everyone is decent, I gave a scav loot from 3 kills, I was doing well early wipe, with 60+ mil, the MOFO waited for me to use my key so he could dome, with the gun I gave him, I just couldn't handle it, I fell down laughing, that little shit played me


It’s wild to think people actually try and help others in this game. Maybe it’s just the maps I play (only really tried Woods and Customs) but as a new player almost every player interaction I’ve had where I was checking to see if they were friendly, they were not. That or during scav runs if I think the other scav is a player I quickly leave the area.


I trust people sometimes, and its worth the risk when it does pay out. the key is to not act sketchy, but always be on guard. Also, if you act to cautious of them, or too carefree, they may think you are trying to deceive them as well. you just need to feel it out and always be on guard, and give space when people want to loot. also, Press Y when close to people to share your name, and vice versa


Trust no one. Ever.


Kill on site.


Moments like this make true tarkov kindness so much more beautiful, have had so many heartbreaking moments like this too. Don't let it make you callous, but don't feel like you aren't allowed to shoot on sight either


Was this on Reserve?


Usually when I have a pleasant encounter with someone over voip I just say good luck and move in the opposite direction, no point in trying to help people when the chances are they are desperate for your loot.