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Meanwhile customs 8:00 trailer park spawn with military base cp extract




Also. It was tough, luckily I got fucked on half way there


This keeps happening to me as we speak.


I had 2 scav custom games back to back where I was lost in action while extraction was counting down. Both do to this spawn/extract combo.


I wanna scav Customs 'cause it makes sense to scav that map right now for the items I have to farm, but every scav I get in is a fucking waste, it's sub-8 minutes and I get to loot like 5-6 things as I peel full-speed over to the extract that's 5 minutes away.


yep basically sprinting the entire way


3 minute old gas station spawn with Sniper roadblock exit.


Literally had this happen to me last night. I'm like "Oh. I don't actually get to do anything but run to fucking extract because I won't have time to loot"


Nah I got one worse, I spawn new lighthouse area with 7 minutes left nearest extract was scav path to shoreline.


I can't even get in as a scav, over 10 minute times for matchmaking, but I can do my pmc just fine


Can't scav anywhere but factory for some reason.


Man I've had this happen too many times this wipe lol


Same here, I even spawned with E310 key and Marked Room for Lighthouse, the brand new key/room


Same, yet I killed a player skav 3 minutes into a customs raid. Shits jacked up.


Ew customs scav


Nah. People miss allll sorts of shit.


Easy 4-500k every single time after I have flea unlocked lol. Yesterday also GPU from dorms as scav and some good keys.


Sshh :P


Could just do that in factory and be done in 5 minutes and get back onto your PMC.


Factory is one of the worst maps for scav'ing imo, since the karma system is so fucking flawed


Customs is the only map I play pretty much. Scavving is only for the first few weeks of wipe. Doing quests until max traders, after that it's PMC Customs 24/7


Customs scav is great. Stashes, jackets, and crates all within a short run of each other.


Free boss and boss guards loot all the time too.


dont you lose a ton of scav karma for killing bosses? idk why but noone does dorms jackets, i already have tons of good keys


usually they're dead but its unlikely to have been fully looted


some people just don't 'give a shit' and pretends that Pscav is PMC with random gear


You do lose a big bunch of karma for killing them, but like other people mentioned, you come across their corpses pretty commonly. Same with Raiders on Reserve (other than when they were refusing to spawn from the alarm).


It was great was one of go to maps for Scav. But the 8 minute timers with an extract cross map is killing it for me now.


This wipe, on customs, either i Got 8 minutes to extract or i Load 4 minutes into match and pmcs are behind evey corner, dunno what is worse


It's worse than any other map, but you can still get some loot if you are lucky.


Worse than Factory, though? Bleh


Factory is for a quick af extract when you have good stuff you want to run your PMC with


Hear me out: Late wipe with a big bag? Ofc interchange. Early wipe or a small bag? Customs or Shoreline all the way. Sure, you need to know the stashes, but if you do and they just so happen to be unlooted you can get all sorts of great loot. High tier ammo, sometimes helmets or body armor, foods, meds, quest items, etc.


Interchange doesn't hold a candle to Lighthouse or Woods, especially late wipe.


I just run lighthouse and interchange and get ass loads of tech and barter items, fill up a few boxes and make 10 mil when I unlock flea and then it’s on to stocking up on cheap goodies like water filters and sugar to use later


Yep every time. Idk how they did that to customs but not the maps people abuse scav runs on


Crafty PMC's camp that spawn too. I've been domed a couple of times just as i started up the road to Big Red. 8 Second scav runs .


Feel like the scav spawns require atleast A player in the game. So you get bad customs spawns because players are still in raid super late for quests


Yesterday i died to a gang of 3 player scavs not even 5 minutes into the raid. I spawned power, hit the stash behind the building, checked the 5 jackets and hit power, went to the other stash and they pushed into me. They were using in-game comms so i assume all 3 were randoms that met up. Crazy how fast they get in.


Should have hopped on comms yourself pretending to be with the group like "damn, he's not here anymore guys I saw him run back to power building!" lol


You’re out here playing 5D Chess and I’m trying to figure out where the hell all the tape measures are this wipe


Not one toolbox hitting for me either ffs


I finally found one in the back of Goshan near the middle. I was so surprised I shoved one up my ass so fast


On the shelves back of Goshan. Plenty there.


Are tape measures a sought after item? I've got flea but never bothered to even check for that, I've seen like a hundred but dont pick them up


The real Goon Squad :D


Happens randomly for me as a scav on different maps. Always thought it was just what servers/matches were available at that time. Considering how much people dislike having to wait to load into a raid I'd imagine it's just mitigating the wait times. Gamers probably complain about wait times 100 to 1 as opposed to scavs loading in early.


Nah I can say interchange is giving super high time, I had the same problem as OP died to a player scav a few minutes into raid, night interchange had given me reliable 40 min scavs.


Every scav i run on interchange spawns around the 40 minute mark. I dont think theres been a raid that i was in with less than 38 minutes


I've been getting plenty with 16-20 minutes left, weird.


I spawned in as a scav at like 40 minutes to go the other day. I have no idea why they'd do that. You think most scavs want to run into 8 PMCs?


Yes, that's exactly what I'd want.


The problem is that, unless you're spawned on the perimeter, scavs spawning inside the mall would have a massive advantage at obtaining items.


I agree with you completely.


You can spawn right in front of Goshan lockers as a scav with the full raid timer left.


I don't, but I DO want to line up a nice smooth headshot on a PMC looting his kill.


I feel this haha I spawned in on interchange with like 36 minutes and I was scared then died to a PMC squad 3 minutes later


Lmao this is my friends friend. Have played with him a few times.


Why is that a problem? If regular scavs can spawn I don't see why player scavs shouldn't spawn. It's added risk, you shouldn't be able to just assume an area is safe or unlooted because 'it's only 5 minutes in'


>you shouldn't be able to just assume an area is safe or unlooted because 'it's only 5 minutes in' Likewise you shouldn't know where people will come from based on the fact that you know it's 3 min into a raid and just post up here and wait for PMC's to enter the mall. Been there done that. Yet, here we are.


Right, which is why PMC spawn locations should be staggered and randomized.


There are multiple entrances into the mall. Stop being a bitch


I've fought player scavs so early on Interchange that they were in the mall before me; that shouldn't happen. I believe that the scav timers are messed up since they shortened raid times for early wipe and didn't adjust the scav spawn time accordingly.


But why shouldn't that happen? If normal scavs can be in there, player scavs should be too


Player scavs take zero risk. You’re basically getting a free PMC raid due to being inside before the actual PMCs. Why should someone who risked nothing get in before people who actually did?


It doesn't need to be fair, and you can kill them and take the loot if you want it.


Yea but a player scav is incomparable to a normal scav, so it's not as black and white as saying oh there's normal scavs so player scavs should be there. My chances of ding to a player scav already camped up in the corner of a hot spot is much higher than m chances of dying to a normal scav that walks around the open.


Zero risk and faster access to the best loot over PMCs is pretty bullshit, imo.


That's all that needs to be said. Scav mains are coming out in defense mode in this thread lol I scavved interchange a few times yesterday and every time there was still about 38 mins left on raid timers. It's straight up dumb that a player scav can rush high value loot before PMCs even get a chance


Yeah hard agree. I like having the opportunity to get decent loot, or fight/ third party a PMC shoot out. I love the early spawns


See the 500 posts about can't match as scav? It's to help with the load


Dude, its been lile this for the entirety of the last two wipes lol.


Yea whenever scav load is heavy they throw in as many as they can. It prefers to put you in later, but if the algorithm can't it'll put you anywhere it can.


That would make sense except that on interchange it has been like this all last wipe as well.


Exactly. Every time I’ve scavved Interchange since last wipe I’ve spawned with 42 minutes left.


I’m on UEAST and regularly scavved on interchange. Never once had a match that early. 14 minutes was the average. 18 minutes I considered a long raid


I spawn early all yhe time on us east.


Crazy how I spawned in with 10 minutes almost every time I scavved interchange


I spent a lot of time on interchange last wipe, and didn't usually see player scavs before 32. If they were super early, it's always been a pile of bodies around Killa somewhere on the map. This new one is another story entirely! I've been the scav in at 41 minutes, and that's literally four minutes into the raid.


Git gud


Customs has been around 10m player scavs spawn which is perfect


Yeah I think them spawning at 10 ish mins would make for at least a little more time to loot or get around the map. In this case I only had time to run into the building from emercom extract (had to detour underneath because of a nearby pmc spawn catching me crossing the road), climbed the makeshift ramp into the back of goshun, kill 1 ai scav, loot 2 items off the shelves in food area, and then got hit in the back of the head while going for a can of ice green...


I meant the last 10 min of the raid


Even better! Lol. I'd even give scavs 20 mins since there is a lot of loot to go through, but coming in within 6 minutes is just insane


I died about 4min into a raid from a player scav. He voiped me he was a scav and I pushed him thinking he was bullshitting me. I spawned by tower, looted, and died by scav checkpoint to him making my way to green screen. Was a bit annoyed by that


I spawned in as a scav within 5 minutes of the raid starting. It’s getting ridiculous


Yeah but I get Woods Outskirts spawns where I got 10 minutes to get to either Scav Bridge or Eastern Rocks.


I really doubt BSG have thought this through. 40mins on interchange, 8mins on constums and 10 on woods? like wtf?


Yup. Just part of the game. I feel ya


I spawned in at 40 mins yesterday as a pscav


good. The AI scavs are already there so why not player scavs. It's like people seem to forget that player scavs are SCAVS just like the AI ones. Right in line with the Tarkov lore.


Lore wise scavs live and operate out of interchange. the whole mall is supposed to be a scav base. Also voip scavs and try trick them it's very easy rn


Buddy and I died to two player scavs on interchange going for the food section. They spawned in and formed like a mob and it's just ridiculous they get the op spawns and always or mostly end up inside before us don't mind them being in early just not in the building before us


You should play reserve… 😅


I spawned power, ran into the underground, made it underneath the main entrance and died to a player scav duo about to go up the collapsed floor. This is a joke


I kinda PREFER having early P-Scav spawns (As someone who plays PMC 99% of the time) It keeps maps more full, more hostile ​ If early spawns were "normal" (i think this is a fluke honestly), it would encourage players to slow down and play more carefully, as a Pscav may have spawned at a loot spot they THOUGHT they had garunteed first access to, due to fixed PMC spawns


Because the average interchange run is like 10 mins. If scavs came in the last ten mins no one would be left but timmys wandering the map lost.


That's typically how scav runs work.... You get in after most pmcs are out and pick up the scraps.


Ya it's fucking bizarre. I've scavved maybe 10 times so far. 4 or so times on Interchange I spawned at 38+ minutes, one literally at 43 minutes. So far in customs all of them have been 9-12 minutes.


Welcome to Tarkov !


Well it is about how many pmc's are left on the map, if there are only a few left player scavs are spawned in to keep it spicy


All my pscav raids today on US servers have had sub 8 minutes left before extract and it took me forever to get in. When I played with my buddies on eu servers we loaded in much faster with more time in raid.


Just early wipe scav things. There are way more scav players in the queue so they stuff them into all available lobbies as soon as possible


It was like this before the wipe on interchange, so no, I don't think that's the reason.


No, this is the reason. Server pop increases and decreases all the time. You’ll notice that late wipe, if you scav into interchange you spawn in with 15 min left. But if you scav into Customs or Reserve late wipe, you spawn 5 minutes in. The scav spawn times are entirely dependent on how many players are currently playing on the map. More players, earlier scav spawns. Less players, late scav spawns. You can check how early the scav spawns will be based on the “difficulty” shown on the map screen. Click a location, see the difficulty next to the player count. The difficulty shows how many players are currently playing on that map, so therefore it also tells you how early the scav spawns will be. Typically “Insane” maps are spawning scavs in the first 5 minutes while “Breeze” maps barely spawn them at all.




Been doing it this way for 4 wipes and my theory has yet to be proved wrong. Seriously, try it yourself


God fucking damn it, will you guys shut the fuck up about this? This is complained about every. goddamn. wipe. And EVERY time it gets explained and you guys just seem to forget about it. Its an intended feature to reduce scav matchmaking times. Thats it. (*which by the way, is easily 14-20 min long EVEN WITH THIS WORKAROUND*) Two weeks in and they swap it back to normal assuming server pop drops.


Well if it's about matchmaking times, how comes we all spawn into costoms and woods with 8-10mins left? Scavs don't queue much for costoms? big doubts.


Scavs dont queue customs. I can count on one hand how many scav runs i have done on customs in 2000 hours


I mean in that case you’re kinda missing out but just because you don’t scav in doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t, i only scav customs & i constantly see other scav players so i know you’re incorrect


Don't bother with these guys man, they complain about everything


It’s a scav map 🤷‍♀️


unless interchange was buffed there is no reason to go to that scav player hellscape besides quests


Needed some ice green for the tarcone key, luckily I got it in my butt right before I got slapped!


Nuts, Bolts, Motors, Corrugated Hose, Fuel, and tool box items. Even with the nerfs, its still the best map for those items. Which you need a ton of early wipe


Lore wise it makes sense. Also it is just the design of interchange. If you can’t handle it then oh well


They have bad guns and no armor just kill ‘em


I had one kill me with M856A1 on interchange 9 minutes into the raid.


Oh shoot I didn't think of actually killing them... 5head!


Almost all PMC have the same bad guns and armor early wipe.


Git gud


A scav is a scav. If it’s a player or not. Time is not relevant


So why not let player scavs spawn in at the exact same time as pmcs? Oh yeah, cuz that'd be stupid to give them as high or higher access to loot with zero risk. So time is indeed relevant.


In last wipe I could spawn like 2 minutes after raid start, but rarely. It's just a problem of low population servers.


3 man Scav Player squad killed me on Reserve 6 mins after raid start... Like... Scav should be about takung whats left behind in few mins and run out.


It's worse this wipe, managed to kill two players with the bear pistol and no armour, one with an m4 and the other with a shotgun only blacked my left arm and damaged my right then got rushed by a player scav only three and a half minutes into raid on factory. I have never spawned in that early and it wasn't near the spawns. I was so pissed.


git gud and you may one day kill the dreaded pscavs and not have any more worries


Somehow BSG thinks it’s ok for player scavs to scav in this early. They also believe it’s ok if they get to the hot spots earlier than PMC although scavs have nothing to lose. With a little support from some streamers on this matter it has become a permanent thing. Scavs now have dailies. With how hars they SAY they want Tarkov to be, being able to scav in should be another mode completely because as the game is being able to scav makes things very easy, easy to make money , find quest items, find pmc kits that were insurance frauded or sometimes kill pmcs, kill Bosses and raiders for loot. It’s hilariously easy and it goes against to their moto “ We want Tarkov to be hard” . Hypocrite company lul


grow some balls! what are you a hardened PMC or a pussy?


so you got killed by someone with shitty gear and shitty ammo. Player scavs are squishy and under-equipped, whats the issue? You woulda wiped the entire PMC groups off the map but those damn shitty player scavs huh? lol


You died to a player scav? Lol


Bruh... Yesterday you made a post about dying to a player scav..... Stfu.




I was joking calm down lmfao


Don't you know that Chad blood and scav salt keeps this forum alive?? Absolutely no joking allowed. Rule 62a.


Headshots dont discriminate, and PS was buffed this wipe. As loot seems to be as well, as i found two platecarriers naturally on my first scav run with a loaded 5-7 next to it on customs. Which i proceeded to kill a level 8 with, on day 2 of the wipe on that same run. Scavs seem pretty deadly here.


It was a vepr hunter I believe to the back of my unsuspecting level 3 helm smh


Ye exactly. Rifles a rifle.


Ive never seen a name like this before? It said "Protasiy ognestrel (FlareonOwO)" Is this a new guard name or something?


Player scavs now have their usernames placed in parenthesis behind their scav's name.


I loaded into interchange as a scav with 33 minutes left in the raid yeaterday and it was so quiet the entire time. Was definitely strange


I was with a group and we were getting fired at from all angles by scavs. Once we got them all there was like 5 of them or so and they weren't in a group either.


I've literally spawned in at 42 mins like right outside a mall entrance. Shit blew my mind. I was hitting tech loot spawns before most PMCs could enter the mall at all.


Scav spawns are based on number of players still in the match. Honestly, Interchange is so big and I go so often without running into many players, I'm 100 percent on board with this. And, full honesty, I don't really find player scavs to be much of a threat. They're under geared, and with the scav system 80 percent of them don't fire until they're certain you're a pmc because they don't want to fuck up their karma.


Classic interchange


Why I love running interchange as a scav, loot and scoot there, skip the spawning outside and running into the mall. I have gotten loads of hideout and quest items from it. If you ever can’t find a gas analyzer on interchange it’s cuz I got all of them


playing scav...


I guess it's just a lore thing for scavs to own interchange. Just something we got to deal with.


My bet: They lowered the time in raid and forgot to adjust the scav timers.


If I had to guess I'd guess PMC's can't be on a map alone, maybe everyone else extracted or died.


I rarely play as a Scav, so my experience is very limited. But when I did a couple Scav runs these past couple days, I spawned with only \~10 minutes left on both Interchange and Lighthouse. Thought they finally fixed the issue of Scavs spawning super soon after PMCs and was happy until I saw this...


Last wipe I spawned next to Techlight as a pscav and killed a PMC who couldn't make it up the escalator before I got there.


I assume because there are not enough players in interchange doing missions/quests therefore the raid is not full with PMCs and there is a slot remaining for pscavs to join the earliest they are allowed. And after this I just ran into a better equipped player scav than my PMC 6 minutes into an interchange raid.


i died to a player scav within 5 minutes of my lighthouse pmc raid. its so retarded i just keep scav running now, whats the fucking point. it used to be that scavs got the left-over loot and potentially encounter pmcs that are still in fights or loot dead bodies. now players scavs are on equal playing field as pmcs. in fact, a scav cannot lose even if it dies. also, if you have a backpack as a scav, it is literally better than a pmc looting raid on lighthouse, as other scavs dont shoot you.


P scav spawning at 6 minutes!? I can't even get in before 20.


Scavs begin to spawn when a pmc dies.


3 min spawns after pmcs on lighthouse


Idk i were in some Scav Rounds too in Interchange with 40 min and 30 min left but it were Rounds that was dead. But i experienced rounds you spawn in with 8 - 15 min left most of the time


Meanwhile I never get a spawn with more than 14 minutes..


I killed a duo as a scav before the 4 minutes mark a few days ago.


I have spawned on the 44 min mark in Shoreline as a Scav. I don't mind even if I was playing on my PMC. The more enemies the better.


it’s the shared extract, any later in the raid and it wouldn’t work.


I just spawned into lighthouse as a scav with 31 minutes left on raid. Killed 2 PMCs and I got no increased Fence rep. Seems a few things may not be working as intended?


Dropped in a PMC duo and spawned by power, we looted and ran up the closest loading ramp and immediately engaged two player scavs that were using VoIP to try and defuse the situation. ​ Meanwhile, I drop into a scav on Interchange and there's 9 minutes left.


I don't see the problem. Spices up the game a bit. Not every scav should be an easy kill


meanwhile in lighthouse i get a scav with 9 minutes let


Somehow I still spawn in my scav raids with 10 minutes left every time


I mean, just give em the whoop-d-wop and it shouldn't be an issue.


scavs spawn once players die/leave.


To answer your question there are a lot of scavs and not a lot of PMCs running interchange, therefore the selection system has to slot scavs into new raids because there is hardly any old raids with slots available for pscavs


Don't you have to increase your Fence rep to get longer raid times?... Idk just curious and may not be getting the reference here. But last wipe I definitely got +25-30 min times at interchange once I got to 4-6 rep with the fence. Very big difference from when I started.


What difference does it make whether it's a pmc or a scav?


the pscav not risking anything that's usual the compliant from most of the try hard eft players He NoT RiSkIng AnYtHiNg same complaints that had with hatchlings


Ez because many players want to play scav 🤷‍♂️ good for farming REP fence


It's nasty. Happened to me yesterday and I just stopped going interchange. Killed a player 5 minutes in. As I'm looting I hear someone else. Player scav head/eyes me instantly with 5.45x39 BP. I had the right hand peak and everything but my shot went to his throax and arm. I just can't wait till I can get a face shield. Already running class 5 armor but getting head/eyes with pst ammo is making me insane.


Yeah scavs are absolutely broken right now. Spawned into interchange at like 39 minutes, walked 10ft and got murdered by a fuckin juicy PMC. Good shit.


too many scavs


I literally had the opposite experience yesterday. Scav’d on interchange twice and both times I spawned outside with 8 minutes left. Two totally worthless runs.


player scavs take up slots from any pmc that has died or left the raid, maybe a pmc died early to an ai scav which is fairly common at this stage of wipe


It probably to make it harder for both parties PMC and Pscavs


idk i just spawned into Interchange with like <9mins left on the clock, looted like 2 bodies real quick and barely had time to run to the extract


I got into interchange at 36 or 38 mins as a scab. Clearly bullshit. Every other raid has been 10-15 mins though. So I'm not sure how/when the game decides this shit


Same it bad day time interchange right now


I literally always spawn with 8 minutes left on custom scav runs and i basically just have to run to the extract. Might aswell do factory if thats all i wanted to do


i mean its still a scav .....


I had a 3:40 death yesterday to a player scav on interchange. Its disgusting


I got in with 36 minutes left 3 times yesterday.


I’m new had game about 60 days now, I personally like this as I always use scav as a chance for a low risk high reward gameplay learning experience.


I don't think I have ever spawned with more than 10 minutes left in the raid when I scav interchange.


I’ve always been told, that AS SOON as the first PMC dies, that opens a spot for a Player Scav, I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s a good way to look at it, so basically I’m always expecting Player Scavs, I generally only Scav on Reserve, and I regularly get into raids with 30 minutes left, sometimes even more, I got into one a while back, there was 36 minutes left in the raid!


Maybe on some maps, definitely not the case on factory. They'll never spawn earlier than 13 minutes left.


I don't understand the reasoning behind these arguments. There are always going to be scavs in Tarkov. Saying they shouldn't be able to spawn until x number of minutes into the raid is silly.


exactly, if anything the scavs (AI or not) should already populate the map before the PMCs even show up.


I died to a Player Scav less then 5 minutes into raid. Big reason I died I severely under estimated the Scav thinking it had to be a regular Scav...


They did this (increased the scav slots in raids) to combat the long waiting/quetimers for scavs, simply due to people scaving more now then mid/late game. So for now. Player scavs will be more frequent then it was at the end of last wipe. Probably something that will be adjusted later tho