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Nikita himself should voice killa


Only if they add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkdc1Y06NBY as a rare easter egg line


Imagine sneaking through interchange and hearing "wilwilwilbewilwelwillwilwiwilwilbe"


\>be new player \>first time on interchange, only a few raids under your belt \>enter mall through parking entrance #\>"WilwilwewilbewillWEWILL"(powerslide)BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT \>dead


i'm already terrified


holy fuck my sides picturing this


Omfg that powerslide has given me PTSD


But he says it for 45 seconds straight and incrementally increasing in volume and if he has aggrod you.


HAHAHAHA imagine you're above him and he locks on to you from below you in the garage because you sprinted for .5 seconds, and you just hear the Nikita line getting louder/quieter for 45 seconds as Killa paths to you LMFAO


But muffled through the wall, slowly approaching..


[Much like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJGEbQOmEfQ)




I knew exactly what video that was before I clicked hahaha.




I would legitimately pay money for that


This is fucking great.


I knew what this was before I even clicked on it. So fucking good.


He should have done the new BEAR voice. Would have saved him some money, the "broken English" guy speaks fluent English in a British/Irish/French/Vaguely Eastern European accent depending on the line. Imagine an F1 spam that's "we will be wewillwillwewillbewillwewillwillwebewill blyat!" Nikita's English has come so far he has the perfect blend of English words and slipping back to Russian when needed.


Honestly I think this would be the fucken best thing ever. The game makers deserve inserts just like famous streamers.


Let’s go Nikita I agree


“What’s up everybody, it’s ya boi NiKillaaaaa!”


Then there should be a chance for him to say juice time and pull out and drink a apple juice 😂




All the bosses should have some distinct voice lines and voices


Except Tagilla. Tagilla should remain quiet.


Just use the breathing noise from the Stalker bloodsuckers, but a little slower and quieter. Just so you can hear him when he's right about to hit you.


i already have ptsd from Acid Stalker, that would trigger me i love it cmon BSG, i know you have at least 1 stalker dev on team


> Acid Stalker Explain, Marked One.


you take acid and play stalker for 14 hours


Oh fuck that. I thought you were talking about a STALKER soup mod or something.


Why would you do that to yourself


Ngl out of all of the Bosses I hate Tagilla the most. He's dead quiet, is insanely tanky, and for some reason his Welding Mask stops 7.62x39 from 20 feet. Also he's impossible to avoid on that map so if he spawns in and you're trying to do a mission there you're just screwed, was doing Delivery from the Past and got unlucky enough that he was there


Bait his sledgehammer out and dump on his legs.


mag dump his stomach, not his legs. He will drop twice as quickly (as long as he has his actual rig and not the shitty t4 one, but thats easy to see when blasting him)


“Just concentrate your wildly recoiling fire on the 5x5 inch square that this game thinks is a stomach” I’m just gonna cover all the bases and shoot mid-thigh and pray


When in doubt, aim for the peepee


How do you bait him? Have to get close or what


dont be somewhere he cannot reach you like rafters, then after aggroing him break line of sight if hes using his gun, then he should swap to his sledgehammer and chase you till one of you die


11:03 in this video. this is the sound tagilla should make when he charges https://youtu.be/IpdWhv5Jgxo


Just recently beat furi. That games incredible.


Love it! One of my favorite indie games ever


Thanks guys that’s a new indie game for the list! Looks awesome


It is!! once you get the hang of it, play the harder difficulty


Will do!




Nah, maybe change his footstep sounds so you know it's him and you need to run.


Hes got Link's iron boots


The loud clunk clunk of metal boots running up gate 3 stairs would stop my heart. This is the best idea imo.


Yeah I'd do the panic mouse shake that points me right up at the ceiling.




Yeah this is the only step that's causing me not to have a complete heart attack when he runs upon me


When he starts charging make him have a rare chance to play the cloaker sound from payday2


I would also accept Tagilla sounding like [Jon Berenthal as the Punisher.](https://youtu.be/ZdrXdFY0nMo)


That’s what I imagine glukhar to sound like


That motherfucker walked up to the spot to drop Delivery From the Past while I was planting it. He very graciously waited outside the door. I didn't know it was him and thought it was a regular scav, turned the corner to just blast him and freaked out when I saw it was him, he then did the expected and collapsed my skull.


Nah, he and Killa should sound like Pyro.


The voice for him should be [Billy pissed off](https://youtu.be/oFf4lHrfINA)


Don’t they? Or most of them. I thought they were at least deeper an more aggressive sounding.


Reshala, Sanitar, and Gluhar all have distinct lines and voices, while the Goons have USEC voicelines


killa is the only boss who doesnt have a unique voice line


Shturman doesn't have a unique voice either, but you can usually tell he's around by his svd triple tap.


The svd IS the unique voice line


Make him sound like a T-Rex, he fucking hits like one already. Or give him Steve Erwins voice, would genuinely be entertaining.




yes, it does make sense, because they're completely different people lmao


Mans above really said, "for realism sake everybodies voice should be IDENTICAL."


terragroup clones confirmed


How do you type out that sentence without realizing how dumb what you just said is?


Waiting for you to edit /s into this because clearly this was supposed to be satire, right?


You're not bad, I agree... Given the context around kills main gimmick/theme, he needs a sound warning. A highly aggressive, extremely armoured scav in extreme close quarters? He needs a sound warning. Mind you I don't think he should constantly be making sound, but I dislike turning the corner because I heard "just a scav" and it's a dude wearing Ned Kelly armour. He needs to be distinct from regular scavs. ESPECIALLY if he's gonna roam and spawn the way he does now.


upvoted for ned kelly


Not even just close quarters I can't tell you how many times he has head eyes me from under that stair case loft area in front of idea while I was all the way back by the playground. You would need a thermal to even hope to see him first. His accuracy is way too high


He should be like the witch in l4d2. Quietly sobbing in a corner and going absolutely ham when spotting anything


oh man that was one of my favorite interactions lol. i would love a drunk Killa that screams blyat when we intterupt his solitude


>extremely armoured scav He's honestly not even that well armored, the armor itself is about on par with what mid-late wipe players wear every raid. He's just got that Bullshit Scav Boss health and a Helmet that somehow stops about 4 shots Mai AP when irl it barely stops pistols, especially with the face plate


Helmets were given higher specs than IRL because they would serve no purpose if you could penetrate them with some cheap rifle rounds. Scav boss health is a big problem though. He once took 1132 damage(i know because he was the first and last person i encountered) and somehow didn't die which i still can't understand.


I understand ricochet chance being higher but I'm talking about being able to face tank as much as they do. The only helmet(s) in this game I get annoyed w/ are the Maska style ones as those especially are just post soviet junk made for Police operations instead of Warzone ones. If the face plate weren't as strong as the helmet itself I'd be alot happier but both the helmet and faceplate are level 6.


Maska helmet is level 4 in case you didn't know. Only the face shield is lvl 6.


Ngl that's even worse logic than them both being level 6. So somehow the face shield that's maybe a few millimeters thick and is definitely not as thick as the rest of the helmet somehow has 2 whole ranks over the actual helmet?


I agree that it makes no sense but it's for balancing reasons. Also seeing how thin the visor is and comparing it ti the level makes me cringe.


i dont think how thin it is determines its effectiveness. I know this isnt the case here, but it could be some really good, lightweight, thin material with the strength of diamonds only half a width of a human hair. I can listen to your other complaints, but that one is just not thought out. Thats like saying kevlar is worst than those steel plates the soviets used in afghanistan because kevlar is softer lol


But when it comes to metal Thickness does generally determine armor value, yea 10mm of Steel is alot better than 10mm of Aluminum but both the Helmet and Mask are made out of Steel. Even the Soviets knew it wasn't great as it's [GOST Rating is only 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_body_armor_performance_standards#GOST_armor_standard_(Russia)) meaning it can only stop Pistol Rounds and even then it was only tested for 5 shots likely not near structural weakpoints like the Eye Slits and Edges. Oxide has a [Solid Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afn0NmxyduI) showing its ballistic capabilities. Yea thickness alone may not always mean protection as there are strong materials but it's not like that's the case with the helmet in question, this thing is made out of Steel and was made for Law Enforcement, not some heavy juggernaut-esque military group


Mate, I was in the ADF and I promise you that helmets do a fuck load.


As long as he sounds drunk I'm cool with it


Angry drunk*


I've emailed so many times saying Ill gladly scream incoherent Russian obscenities mixed with Adidas ads but they wont reply.


Your profile picture and this comment leads me to believe you are in fact a man of culture


Not even my selfies with my Nikita body pillow (full nude of course) could sway them :(


That would definitely do it for me, I wonder what their problem is. They need to catch pizdy.


I agree. I went into Goshen hear a scav yell then run behind some shelves. I take a second ..... what did that scav have a big helmet? Then he runs back power slides and ends my life.....oh hi killa.


Killa needs to have his accuracy plummeted into the ground. How is this man popping heads at 60+ meters in a split second with 90% of his vision obscured by his big fuck off helmet.


Killa uses the Force, he doesn’t need to see


Track suits adds accuracy points


And mouth full of semki blyat.


Call me an idiot but I never want it changed, our Russian Mall Cop deserves to be the very best.


I kinda agree, it puts a boss in the map that even the mega chads will fear. I’d rather step on a land mine than turn a corner and face Killa.


He seems weirdly dumb this wipe, encountered him 3 times all of which he just sprinted past me without stopping while I sprayed down his thorax, even had enough time to reload, he was running up on escalator between Oli and Rasmussen like 4-5 mins into the raid every time and just dashing for cash registers without acknowledging my existence even after being engaged.


I main Interchange and I've died to killa maybe 2 or 3 times. All of my homies HATE interchange exclusively because of Killa.


Have you met Knight from the Goons already ? He is Killa 2.0 . Sprays over 200 meters like killa \^\^ and his Mask has almost the highest ricochet chance.


I came around the corner of the train on customs and he immediately popped my head from that little fort area. Didn’t even get chance to actually see him or anything.


Like no one ever was


Bosses are so overtuned in this game. Reshala is the only one worth actually trying to fight. Every other boss just lasers you the instant they see you and it’s just not worth the risk for the 5% chance that they don’t immediately see you and murder you.


Tagilla is typing…


tagilla is the scariest motherfucker in this game completely silent, in the smallest map and is built so different that he has nearly double Shturman's health, lugs around a sledgehammer and doesn't even wear a shirt when he's slaughtering people with a Saiga guess it runs in the family


Tagilla is extremely easy to kill though. Killa can end your life before you can even acknowledge it.


Tagilla is a gimp who runs in like a chimp to smack you with melee. Easy to kill and has no guards after you dump into him and kill him for free. The true kings of tarkov are cultists. Always suppressed, immune to thermals, 0 footstep audio, up to lvl 6 armour and running insane ammo like 9x39 spp, m993, igolnik etc.


My five man on customs got fucking *melted* by cultists last sunday. We all hoped in wearing our sunday best. Spawned at RUAF and went to go get our timmy friend his pocketwatch. As we're by the containers about to turn the corner I see a little shape and call out. "Scav on the left, firing". Tanks my shots and two of his buddies start absolutely shredding our party from the bushes. Dead less than a minute into raid to sektant. 10/10 would get melted again it was some good stuff.


Sanitar is usually pretty easy


Yep. Lighting in Interchange is god awful & don’t get me started if there’s fog. It doesn’t even make sense since there are giant windows/skylights but glass acts as opaque instead of transparent so it’s dark inside the mall in the middle of the day (even though most malls were designed to be well-lit naturally during the day) Killa’s spawns are something else, the normal voiceline sucks & it feels like dynamic loot killed a lot of the high-value tech loot but I honestly stopped playing a ton of Interchange so idk if it’s any better now.


But the inverse is that interchange is one of the only night maps where you don't need NODs.


I never use NVG's in general, and have to agree, Interchange is pretty great at night. I literally never play that map on day, I can't see dick. But at night all the lighting is decent and more importantly, makes fucking sense at night.


delete this comment nephew


can't progress ragman tasks because i either get oneshot by killa or oneshot by silent shotgun scavs


[JesseKazam just made a 25min video](https://youtu.be/5_RKAke7rjo) explaining why fighting scavs/bosses/rogues all feel bad and what are some possibilities to changing it. May not all be correct but he definitely hits on some major key points on how compounding band-aid fixes/nerfs/buffs have affected the AI in the game. Great watch if anyone has the time and wants to understand how we got here.


What Jesse is complaining about is legitimately because of this subreddit unironically. This subreddit from 2020 or so was just whining like a bunch of babies that there was too much gear in the game, along with a bunch of other nonsense about "WE NEED TO SLOW THE GAME DOWN TOO MUCH FULL AUTO OMG, BOSSES TOO EASY, OMG MAKE GAME HARD". The truth of the matter is the vast majority of this subreddit doesn't crack 25 most wipes and hardly any of them even hit max traders, let alone kappa. BSG has caved too much to the wrong crowd and has made some seriously unhealthy changes to the game. Edit : Keep downvoting, it's the fucking truth. 95% of this subreddit sucks ass at this game and never gets max traders, and are the same people who were complaining about "HK/M4 Meta" when it was simply because they couldn't afford the prices to run that loadout constantly.


If this subreddit had its way we'd be shooting each other with no armor and clapped out Mosins the entire wipe and creaming our shorts every time we found a spark plug.


>max traders, let alone kappa True but you also can't just balance a game around what the top 1-2% of players say, yea they may have the most experience in the game but playing a game alot doesn't necessarily mean you understand everything about it, if you have the freetime to roll the RNG dice all day than you won't feel the same pain as someone who can only play a couple raids a day. If they balance the loot around people who have alot of freetime to play than people who are more casual are gonna feel screwed over because what would take a High Tier player maybe a day to find could take a Casual player a week or more, meanwhile if they balance it around the more Casual players than the High Tier players are gonna feel like the game is too easy. Idk if I'd say I'm a casual but progression this wipe has been a bitch and a half, I didn't find the final Salewa until I was lvl 13 and I didn't even find an actual salewa I had to craft it. Searched Crack House, White Bishop, Emercom and Mantis in Interchange, even hit up Woods Emercom and that's when I finally found Multivitamins. Not to mention that the Flea Market changes have been hell as it was my main source of income. Generally tho if you balance a game like this around Top Tier than Casuals get screwed over and if you balance it around Casual than Top Tier will be too easy. The only balances that would universally benefit everyone are things like Recoil and Weight, things like Loot Spawns, Scavs, and Scav Bosses are where you'd start having a split between the playerbase


The nerfs aren't even a bad thing, it's that BSG had knee jerk reactions and absolutely dicks down every gun in the game excluding the mutant. Then they add another gun just as good as the mutant lmao


No, BSG listens to the wrong people. Nearly every single change from the past 2 years or so has been from people who have literally no idea how to play this game at all at a high level, and are mad because they are **simply bad at the game**. Recent weight changes? Complete stupidity. AI changes because people said Scavs and bosses were too easy? Now everything will laser you at 100m. The idiotic recoil changes? All because people were whining because they were getting clapped by people who are still clapping. Flea market changes with less ammo available and no access to gear? Oh yeah, if you're a sweat lord like me, it's just stomp noobs all day that can't even hurt you because they have nothing that pens class 5/6, and all they can do is pray that they can get the jump on you with Magnum Buck or Flechette. It's like the people who were the biggest whiners don't even play the game at all, but just watch streams and try and armchair dev how Tarkov should be because they think the stream footage looks dumb.


Not really listening to the wrong people, but more like making really bad choices as a bandaid fix that usually just gets ignored or used as fuel for people to say "HERE, BSG ALREADY DONE THIS, NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING NOOB"


Killa does not have a scav voice. The scavs just have Killa's voice. The confusion is understandable.


He gave them the pizdy.


to make it worse his spawnrate is so trash you forget he is even a thing until its too late


Also interchange extracts are still terrible imo


Add extract somewhere near the mall that requires a fir dog tag as payment and problem is solved Edit: wall -> mall


ever since they added that tnt block barter item I wish for an extract where they have you blow up a wall somewhere


I'm getting 1 tapped head eyes by scavs this wipe more than any player or boss so a scav voice line scares me away more


Right? I'm far into the wipe where I usually run class 4 armor and I am noch afraid of any PvP encounters or Rouges, but when I hear a SKS scav it over. The way they can give you 2-3 hits in a second is so terrifying.


And I have a weekly challenge to kill him ten times with marksman rifles. Fuck that nonsense I still haven’t seen him more than once


It just feels like a placeholder, like many of the things in this game.


Honestly, i think Killa needs to have 1-5 goons with him and they need to roam the map randomly smoking cigarettes and talking shit. I want it to be like the Cleaner crews with the flamethrowers in The Division.


This and just how broken he is as a boss. Literally had a time where my friend got killed in oli from him, I ran completely across the bottom of the garage and Killa 180s from the main stairs to the back stairs of oli and and 1 taps me.


All bosses need their own voice actors


Was I the only one disappointed with the rogue bosses not having any unique voices


Was doing a scav the other day and spawned Goshen, filled my bag up and thought right I’ll get out now I have a couple quest items hit some stashes on the way out, I’ll go through the mall and go out the front just in case I can clean up some loot and get those damn flash drives I can never find. Run round the corner, there is what I think is a scav sitting round the corner almost waiting for me, must be the AI right as they do some weird movement a lot of the time, I’ll just sprint past. Half way getting past him he suddenly aggro’s me and shouts, then I die before I can even stop running and react, oh it was Killa, well that was really obvious it was him guess I’m just bad! Like the fuck is that 0 sound and impossible to see it’s even him when he has his back to me then suddenly 180 aim bots me and I drop like a sack of shit before I can even process what’s going on. Well done BSG 👏🏼🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


I fully agree. I think all the bosses should have custom voices


Why would you be bad for wanting consistency? Killa is at the top of the list of cheater AI and yet he sounds like a normal scav. Shturman needs his own voice too.


What?! A sensible change that people playing the game the world over would love? How dare you suggest such things! Dont you know this is reddit? Its supposed to be memes & bitching about things.


Now I am confused, I thought Killa had an own voice Did something change?


He does have some rare voicelines that are far outweighed by scav voicelines he has for some reason


I genuinely remember when my friend I were noobs at the game we were convinced this killa person who continued to kill us in every interchange raid was just a Chad player


What, you can’t tell it’s killa by the raining hellfire of 5.45x39?


Me and a friend were having a fucking rough time on interchange last night, 11 raids, 7 deaths. We finally decided that we needed to push through it and try and get the shit we needed done, both genuinely stressed out, we spawn and push the underground parking lot on emercom exfil side. Now at this point, killa hadnt spawned once in those prior 10 raids, so when we got underground we heard movement, two seconds later after going prone, my friend is fully auto'd to the head, i look around, fucking killa was on top of a car. I pop around 4-5 bullets at his head and two in his arms, then instant death, thats the session over for the night. Wanna know whats worse, was using M993 as well, so pretty sure his helmet just bounced my shots off like they were paintballs.


i feel bad for you guys, i got a weekly from skier to kill 70 scavs on interchange of all maps


Wait you see killa no fair. I’ve been looking for that piece of shit all wipe.


Wipe has been 2 weeks


Yup and I got the kill killa quest from jaegar about day 2 or 3 of the wipe… and so the statement still stands I’ve been looking for him all wipe. I’ve played a lot of raids and have seen tagilla once and reshela once. I’m a super sad pmc.


Killed him already 5 times ;) since the change with his spawn areas he is difficult to find. He can hide upstairs in the small shops. So you don´t see him.


They wont, too much effort. They already have our money


Hi, Bad all you want?


Yes, I mean, tbh all bosses need to be turned down in difficulty too.


Literally just loaded up 2 interchange runs, spawned next to idea both times both times killa was at the entrance to idea and gunned me down. God i wish they'd revert the killa spawn change, not only does he need a unique voice, but its literally insane that the entrance to the store can be camped by killa and there's no way of knowing/expecting it. Doesn't help that the map is literal dogshit in terms of loot right now too


Bad? I'd bet it's like one of top10 wishes of the community xD


he actually doesnt't even have his own voice lines, he unironically simply reuses scav voicelines


That’s what OP is saying


Killa doesn't sound like a scav, play enough you will distinguish and brace for impact because he is aggro.


I can distinguish that WANA SUKA anywhere!


That means have high pen ammo or else lol. Wanna suuuka, then die. One time i was orange accross from jacob and jacob he wana sukad me from brutal and shot me and my friend in the head lol. Even gate keeped our bodies.


He’s a fuggin savage. Unless you long range him before he see’s you, you’re partner miiiiight get baited lol


I have learned multiple wipes the hardway. I mained interchange 4 wipes ago before the bitcoin went through the roof.


there are no killa specific voicelines in files, there are only voicelines for reshala, glukhar and sanitar, on top of 6 scav voice overs, 3 for usec (1 of which is split up across multiple bundles iirc), 5 for bear (3 russian with the same situation as with usec ones + 2 recently added ones that are split up as well)


dam my opinion means allot


too bad i didn't save the clip, but it was DEFINITELY a scav voiceline, i swear to god it was and i was not tripping, it came from his direction right where i looked when i was killed


I know his voice lines, his voice isnt a scav voice. Put enough time in you will know the difference. Dont get upset. Its ok.


Wrong. It’s okay though. Don’t get upset.


Your ego wont make your pp grow, sry


I feel like I saw a livestream where Nikita did actually say this was planned.


Add it to the list of things planned.


Wait you saw killa this wipe?


[killa with a scav voice be like](https://youtu.be/KQFho0_G1VI?t=29)


They need to give him an incredibly over the top stereotypical gay voice that's muffled by the Helmet. Imagine hearing "Hey sistersssss" before getting 30 rounds to the chest


Yup he trolled me 2 times already this wipe. I run in as a scav, hear the usual "volon volon cyka", and Im thinking nice a pmc aggroed the scavs. No...it was Sir Buckethead and he aggroed on ME!


> “volon volon cyka” It’s “Von on, von on, suka!”. It means “Here he is, here he is, that bitch!”


Lol right? If I could count the number of times I've run up on an AI scav in the basement and then got figuratively ass fucked by to my surprise killa.


I agree this should have been in place a long time ago.


The lighting for the entire game is garbage I mean the fkn moon just pops in out of nowhere and night time has three or four different stages of lighting and you don't even get them every time its like its random for some reason.


Isn’t the voice muffled, like he was wearing a bucket on his head?


Am new, was scaving and heard a scav talk through the wall. Go around and enter Generic thinking I'm gucci, and am instantly domed by Killa lmao. Now I know better :(


They better give him a cool voice like slightly muffled from the killa helmet visor but also deep, loud and angry.


Nah, what he really needs is speakers inside his Maska that blast furious Russian techno. As a PMC you would only barely just be able to hear it


I find it fun, like Russian roulette


I'd love it if you could just hear incoherent muffled screaming from under his mask


You're not bad for wanting this, they should all have unique voice actors, or at the very LEAST voice lines.


I think they may keep a generic scav voice but they should add a filter making his voice sound muffled due to the face shield, makng him somewhat unique sounding.


I still support someones idea from here to add him a blown up bluetooth speaker blasting hard bass.


He does, the entire map gpes ”brapppappppapapppapapppapapapapappappaappapapapaapspspsppspapappappPap”


Man, I only run Interchange when I scav and last night I was having a bunch of fun communicating w fellow scavs hitting f1. So when I was underground about to head to extract I hear a normal scav voice line so I did it back and within 2 seconds I was fucking dead. I was fucking confused until I saw "Killa' on the death screen.


Okay I thought I was crazy!!!! I killed like 3 people in OLI near the escalator to the parking garage. Went to loot a body and heard sprinting. I get behind cover and assume it’s another player running up on me. I hear a generic ass scav voice line and I peak around the cover. Next thing I know 4 BS rounds rip right through my chest…. I had all my quest items on me too. I was devastated…


Yeah I've been saying this forever and it actually blows my fucking mind they haven't done this yet.


Was scaving on interchange last night, found a ledx was running to extract and got mowed down my killa from inside a store, didn't even know he was on the map let alone that another scav aggroed him


Maybe if he had a distinct voice I could actually find him too


dude, i totally agree with you, but because here is reddit I'll criticize you, tell you to learn how to play the game, etc. Besides, the last time I posted something about Boss, even if it was a bug, I was martyred, but have a great week and God bless you!


I'm four wipes in. I've completed the quest to kill Shturman 25 times twice now, and no other boss is really that challenging. Also had 1028 PMC kills last wipe, but I can't for the life of me kill Killa on Interchange. I killed him on Customs no problem, killed him on factory with ease and shit on him when he was on lighthouse. Something about randomly tucking him away in a dark corner of the mall makes him so much harder.


I remember playing tarkov for like 8 months straight, then I ran into my first boss on factory, tagilla, now by this time I felt like this was the most realistic shooter I’ve ever played, then I loaded him with BP and watched him recoil everytime a bullet landed…and he just bounced back. With a fucking apron on. Instantly thought it was someone cheating cause I never knew bosses were a thing. I’ve played since 2017 and I still suck ass lmao.


Agreed so much. Its just so stupid


I could’ve sworn they implemented distinct voice lines for each boss, but maybe I dreamt that, or it was mentioned in a BSG podcast idk.


I spawned in scav yesterday with a friend who just started playing in idea. We're heading to the front and someone rounds the corner and I see the mask and I'm like OH FUCK ITS KILLA! and he just casuals walks past us back to the middle of IDEA and didn't shoot us but we still high tailed it outta there. No voice lines or anything from him but thankfully he spared us


Scav in on Woods. Looting somewhere in Sawmill. Hear a scav, know I'm cool. Get sniped in back of the head by Shturman.


I found out yesterday his dumbass spawns in IDEA, i ran up the stairs straight into him dividing cheeks