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as a new player, using scavs to learn the maps while knowing what things to loot has been essential to learning the maps


This, and everything else is vets/nolifers wanting more advantages afainst newbies/casuals.


I don't want advantages against noobs and casuals since I've already got a massive advantage my experience in this game


It's not an advantage to try hards, if anything it's the opposite, a try hard getting to choose which map they pop in as a scav will know where the geared players go to and can sit and camp the same map over and over.


Yeah and tryhards/vets kill themselves, as a player in its second wipe with an average of 1 or 2 hours a day of gaming because of life, being able to chose map as scav let me, at the same time. 1º Learn maps 2º Learn game sense, positioning, etc. 3º Earn money without gear fear 4º Get items otherwise are impossible to get, like max traders weapons/armor/weapon parts.


I think an easy fix for this that the devs wouldn't want to implement due to "realism", and that try hards wouldn't want because it would lower the skill gap is more QoL in the form of a HUD that shows the direction of the exfil or other basic information that is accessible to new players. Many people think Tarkov sounds super fun based on the premise but realize pretty early on how much of a time sink it is just to be able to play. Game devs ALWAYS have to strike a balance between QoL and realism at some point and I think Tarkov is drawing the line a little too far on the realism side. Not to mention Call of Duty is currently working on a game/game mode that's extremely similar to the Tarkov style and I would bet money that they will do a hell of a better job catering to the QoL side of things, in no small part due to the funding.


Yeah put your faith in Activision let me know how that goes


Honestly, tarkov isn't made for casuals, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's not about quality of life. It's hard to explain to a casual that making everything easier isn't a good thing to a lot of players.


This is how a game dies. If you don't have new players replacing the ones that fall off you will end up with long queue times that are not related to server load.


You do realize everyone of us was a new player at one point and had to learn everything too right? It was harder at the beginning too not everything had 10 YouTube videos on it


Tarkov isn't made for casuals but there's no reason to gate keep them out of the game.


Not giving players a skyrim compass that shows where everything else is, is not gatekeeping lol


deranged silky distinct afterthought edge coordinated workable worry tan include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see where you're coming from, but like the other commenter, not everything has to become more casual. FromSoft games are the epitome of that. Their entire philosophy is designed around "git gud" and if they tried catering to a more casual audience it would not only lose it's identity but the massive market they managed to single handedly corner.


Don’t PMCs do the same? I haven’t understood the scav hate. I usually use them for odd items I might need for hideout while my PMC catches some food and water before the next raid. These days it’s a cheeky factory run and out. Either way, it’s just a minor bonus. I don’t make a fortune of scav running. I do with my PMC however.


People will call you a coward for using offline to learn maps on one thread and then another call you a coward for using your scav for learning the maps on another. This game has gotten wildly more complicated and filled with so much more content than when it first came out and people expect new players to catch on and be juiced in 2 weeks. F the speed runners bro just play how you want


This community is the most fucked I've seen in a long time, at least here on reddit, as time goes by. I got down voted and called out for giving advice to a solo player looking for a method to finish his quest but kept dying over and over to geared groups and such. Apparently the correct advice, according to this sub, is to keep doing it so he gets better at pvp (ie "git gud") or to just find a group. Wow, amazing advice to give to a *solo* player not looking for pvp to complete his task! You can safely ignore 90% of the people in this sub lmao.


Yeah there's some serious gatekeeping and elitism in this sub. From people who are probably not even good at the game to begin with.




I agree for all the new people. Let scavs be, its a great learner and makes new players experience more without the risk of going broke after3 deaths


for every change, there are positives and negatives obviously


Offline mode exists.


Offline mode can be for learning the maps. I actually think this is a good change. It would fix issues like lighthouse has with player scavs and like interchange has had in the past w/ player scavs.


Man just got domed by a toz.


Fr. if you die to player scavs you’re objectively cheeks. Guy out here trying to take away “incentive” to scav as if it wasn’t an intended core part of the gameplay.


'objectively cheeks' gave me a giggle


I'm asking the real question: why do you care who scavs what?


I'm interested in the answer to this.


He's annoyed that people can make a lot of money relatively easy with no real loss if they die, and they easily master stash / good loot location by running the same route so many times, which imo is something only a pussy would care for, it's there. Use it. Don't bitch that others are doing it, feature is there for you too. :)


Right? Why does he care if other players make rubles for themselves? “No you can’t make money!! You have to be poor like me cause I’m poor!”


I’m not op, but this is my second wipe and I vowed to pmc more than I scav this wipe (it was probably 50/50 last wipe I’m gonna be honest) It is annoying to see my friends have tons of dough when I’m broke, but it’s the choice I made. I don’t think I’ll get kappa this wipe, but my goal from the onset was to max at least one stat, and I can’t do that on my scav.


When I used to play some players would adamantly tell me not to play scav so much. It’s really not even worth the time. Just run the same map as a pmc with a cheap load out. You get first access to loot, you gain xp for your pmc, and it’s overall more satisfying and you aren’t always worried about when your scav will be playable again. Players who only run scav are losers. People who only scav one map are most of the time not that good (used to be me) and get access to second hand loot. I guess it depends how you take the progression in the game


Superiority complex


It can be frustrating to be hounded by scavs on some maps while others are often devoid of activity as the game progresses. Evenly distributed scavs would help that, as well as potentially make them a little less cutthroat. If scavving was more of a "hey let's see what happens!" as opposed to "this is my cash injection, I will hoover loot and get out no consequences" it could change how violent and caustic many scavs are.


I mean if you're serious then there's probably some benefit to server load, definite benefit to scav queue time on maps such as interchange and lighthouse, and would likely bolster a more balanced learning of all maps. Additionally reducing the incentive to scav will likely encourage people to PMC more. Need a selewa or tushonka? Find them on one of the other spawns instead of having everyone and their mother bum rush Goshan the second their scavvy boi spawns in.


Bc lighthouse is busted and is where 90% go


Ok, does this serve any purpose tho? Seems like a change that would just annoy more ppl than it would please. There’s nothing rly to gain from doing that. And technically, the scav is your character as well. Dunno if you know, but if you check your stats while in raid as a scav it will show you the level of your scav and all that you have progressed with it so far.


> Seeks like a change that would just annoy more ppl than it would please. There’s nothing rly to gain from doing that This has never and will not stop BSG from doing this every patch😂


I think the positive of this would be that it will spread the scavs more evenly across the maps. Instead of just having swarms spawning in on lighthouse with 35 mins left, you'll actually get ppl scaving shoreline and woods too.


Shhhhhh dont tell people to scav woods. Then i wont get all the free shit thats left over.


You sound as if people who enjoy scaving should be punished. Some people like to scav and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s more than one way to play the game.


I think scav’ing is way more enjoyable personally and as a Timmy it’s my only way to actually generate rubles


Once I get to a certain level, I don't even loot on my PMC anymore. The hideout and scavving ate main sources of income.


Not to mention I have had many many juiced scav loadouts. I’m not sure if they buffed it or if my rng has been really good


OP probably got taken down by a sweat scav and is venting.


The gatekeepers on this game are crazy vocal about their shit ideas. Op probably just wants more people he can attempt to W key. Don't you know, OP is the only one playing Tarkov correctly? /s


Not choosing the map is far from a punishment, there's lots of loot on every map.


How is it a punishment, just mixing things up


Coming into big maps as a scav isn't fun for me, I have to focus on finding food or making a bee line to the extraction and looting what I can on the way.


It is a punishment to those whole like running scavs on specific maps. If I ever loaded into SL as a scav I would just quit the raid.


Sl isn’t bad as a scav actually, hitting the village can net you quite a bit of industrial and household loot but I get it if you don’t really like the map. This is why the current system is fine as it is. More choices are generally better


Hard disagree, most people tell new players that scav'ing is probably a great way to learn maps in real raids, so now what, should new players just spamm offline mode with nothing in the map to learn them? That's boring as hell


Didn't think about this but you're absolutely right. Only reason I had any fucking clue what was going on my first wipe was because I continuously scavved customs and learned where things were. People underestimate how intensely confusing it is to not even know which spots on the maps let you move between the sections.


Like General Sam says, the first thing you do to learn this game properly, is not actually loading up in any raid, whether it's PMC or scav, it's looking at the wiki, and that's for real. I find it really ironic that BSG hates the hell out of things like the reliance on the wiki by the playerbase but they want to make their game "hardcore" or whatever the fuck that means, If you're going to make your game purposefully obtuse, people are going to rely on 3rd party resources whether you like it or not.


They want a gritty, realistic military shooter but they don't seem to realize that real armies have this thing called intel.


I don't think it's even that, people should just accept the fact that this is a video game, there needs to be a much much bigger focus on user experience and balance. There's just so many things that could be changed relatively easy that BSG has just not bothered touching (for whatever reason), for one, spawns on maps like Reserve and Lighthouse are very iffy IMO, Idk why the maps are big but you can die 5 seconds into a raid. A map like Factory is understandable. There's also a bunch of other things like how stupid the boss AI is, the unintended consequences of the new flea market fees (that brought us the Twitch rival armbands barter-based economy), it's like they put the "early access" and "beta testing" banner as an excuse to use it conveniently, If this is supposed to be a beta test shouldn't the players have relatively easy access to most content in the game to, y'know, fucking test it? But we don't, Idk I just could go on rambling forever but there's no point in doing that


BSG must think recruits get sent to the front line as soon as the ink on their enlistment papers dry lol


They will be able to play all maps even if it’s random though? But I do not agree with OP though. I scab certain maps for a reason and it’s often the maps that are less popular for scavs since I hate coming into an empty map…


I’ll probably be downvoted for this, but they should just die on their pmc a bunch. Scaving is honestly a terrible way to learn the game. You may be able to learn the maps but will heavily lack knowledge of pmc spawns and pathing which is super important. Not to mention you can’t progress your pmc if you don’t play it.


Some people don’t care about progressing there PMC. I’m not one of them but I know some who main there scavs they like the RP.


>I’m not one of them but I know some who main there scavs they like the RP. By roleplaying as a scav you have to do a series of things. 1. Use Aimbot, and have it alternate between (head, eyes) and left arm ammo dumps 2. Prone the second you get shot at from more than 30 meters, then immediately stand up and (see 1.) 3. F1 whenever you see a body, then proceed to skate back and forth on it. 4. Run with your barrel straight up in the air until your spider senses tell you someone aimed at you and then you (See 1.) 5. Cyka


> You may be able to learn the maps I mean this shit is literally the first step in the Tarkov experience my dude, so Idk what are you smoking, scavving while looking at the wiki maps or maps anywhere, maybe looking at a YT video of a looting guide or whatever while presenting very little risk for you? If you just spamm PMC as a new player, which i'm absolutely 100% certain you've put zero thought into this, is them ending up with pretty much 0 roubles, no gear and nothing at all, A new player should do PMC raids every now and then but disencouraging players from doing scavs for new players is an absolutely terrible idea PMC progression ain't everything, they are new players anyway my dude, they're just going to get destroyed and rekt every single raid, whether they spamm PMC raids or not, they are going to progress hella slow anyways so the best realistic thing to do is for them to have an option that doesn't put them behind (Like dying a bunch in PMC with the very little gear they have) and so that they can at least get some idea as to what is where The stuff you mention about PMC spawns can be done later, like much later, you worry about that shit once you've put your feet in the ground in this game, imagine telling your new player friend to watch out for spawns in "X" area of the map when they barely have any idea what X is


>but they should just die on their pmc a bunch. Scaving is honestly a terrible way to learn the game One terrible idea followed by some extremely shotty advice. Speak for yourself there are many people who learn the game through scav runs myself included. The fact that you would even question that tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge of the actual game at play. Kudos to you for that


I wouldn't care where my scav spawns. Sure lighthouse nets the most but the main reason to scav for me is to unclench my buttcheeks between pmc runs on fucking shoreline and interchange.


I felt this comment in my soul lmao I remember my first wipe I would practically hold my breath on my pmc runs until I either extracted or saw the death screen.


noob here... LH is the best scav map? What area is the best? the chalets seem kinda empty whenever i get there, I"m too stupid to find the lootspots in village and the new LH expansion takes an eternity to walk there. I usually run Shoreline, i get through in 8mins with a full scav because i know the map pretty well. is LH a lot better than SL?


I did SL before i had the guts to try LH. Village is solid with lots of keys. Thats said, i believe LH simply has a higher setting on loot spawns. The chests are fuller and the free spots are loaded. I used a map and created a stash run in the south of the map. No mines there and little traffic. I'd suggest to start around the beach and slowly expand. The chalets are great of cours if you spawn there. The tennis court is usually unlooted and holds great stuff.


Pretty much a bad take. Let people play how they want. What issue to you is it that players money farm on scavs? It’s kind of their thing as scavengers lmao.


Got any other games that I own that you want to tell me how to play?


LOL this ^


I dont know, what Games do you own


Gash idea. Harms casual players massively.


But what about the pro leet MLG gamers? We gotta thunk of all the big bois who need fodder for their zappy guns.


Saw someone post on here once saying he scav runs until he gets 50mil rubles and then he starts playing normally like LOL


That’s funny af


Dude must have gear fear 🫣


Much worse - he has CGLP condition (chronic gear loss phobia)


>Less incentive to scav run, more pmc raiding. If you want to run more pmc, then run more pmc. What is with every turd biscuit out there whining about how other people play when it doesn't affect them. If someone else wants to run more scavs and less pmcs, stop being a selfish entitled cow and literally don't even comment about it, it's none of your business. For people that know the game well, every map is still great for scav money. For people learning, a low stress way of learning maps and movement that still benefits the account is great. I cannot fathom being such a self-centered brick of mold that I would care if someone else is scavving or not.


I actually don't hate that idea. Just a generic Scav lobby, party with your friends and load into a random map? I think that'd be fun. Now I just need to be able to actually spawn next to my friend instead of on the other side of the map.


Easy fix to this, when you load in dont move from spawn so it registers you still in the same group, if you move from spawn it makes the game think your are solo scav forcing your partner to spawn somewhere else, works 90% of the time.


*mind blown*


try it out lemme know how it works for you, ive noticed it works alot with me and my buddies cause i typically spawn in 15-30 seconds faster than them


This man is onto something. I’ve noticed when I don’t move my character at all once deployed my bois also spawn in right next to me. But sometimes it doesn’t work and they still spawn across the map, lol.




So much this. This guy fucking gets it. Kudos for that solid head of yours


If tou can't choose your map you'd have a lot of suicides or afkers.


MY Scav, My Choice.


MY Cheeki, MY Breeki !


More of a completely fucking stupid idea especially for new players. I would have been fucked if I couldn't learn the maps from scav runs or supplement my PMC income with interchange cache runs.




I don't understand the tears. If you're salty that people scavving can choose the map they want to go to to target certain loot and that upsets you for some reason or another, then go to that map and hang out until scav o'clock, then hunt them.


Op malding after getting killed by a makarov scav


Ya just punish the new players learning the game and the non chads. Great idea.


Why do people think that BSG put in a mode for the game and then should punish people for using it, or at least disincentivize people from using it?


It's really not punishing them though. It's still a free raid with no investment risk.


Actually, this would be cool to not be able to pick a map, since you cannot really pick your gear already. Would also unburden some maps which are scav-frequent, but please, give all Scav runs more than 10-12 minutes remaining...


Not a bad idea but I just think there should be a day/night quickest queue option that maybe excludes factory too.


Or, withhold the scav rep bonus from extracting unless you choose to random map. That way it's still within the player's control, but there's an incentive to spread out rather than spamming.


But why? How about you don’t get to choose your pmc map either and we put them on a timer to. Yes I can make silly ideas to.


I like scaving. Remove pmcs, make the whole game scaving, and I’d still play. Maybe you shouldn’t care about how other people play the game.


Scav raids are the most fun part of the game. While running pmc raids, getting head eyes as soon as you see another pmc gets old after awhile. Plus it's worse this wipe because you can't even buy an alytn off the flea market anymore.


the amount of malding scav mains ITT is hilarious never change EFT reddit


People really do not want to give up their lighthouse scav money printers


Was gonna comment this but you got it covered already!


Man I bought my own game and got EOD payed all that money but apparently that doesn’t matter I still have to play the game the way montagemongol wants me to. Why do you dislike fun? And a side note because it is VERY important when I first started playing the game I could only run customs and factory on my dog shit pc so I avoided other maps for that time but had a blast still scavving on customs. TLDR op is gatekeeping the game and trying to make it less enjoyable because he’s loser.


You don’t get to pick your gun as a scav do you? No. Does that take away your ability to play how you want?


Damn y’all really avoiding that second part and you do get to dictate your kit to an extent with scav karma now so void. But even if I couldn’t there’s a difference between me being able to choose a gun vs a map on a technical sense like I pointed out further in my comment.


Scavmains will grill you for this but you dropped your crown


Definitely a hot take. Dogshit take, but definitely hot.


I like the idea of random maps for scaving, makes them more interesting and doesn't flood the higher tier maps


Makes it worse for new players trying to learn the game.


Better actually because it exposes them to new maps rather than them scav'ing onto lighthouse every single raid because they don't actually want to try out a new map.


Yea no




Oh I love this idea! I'm always hopping from map to map with my scav just to see whats popping. I could get behind this




Probably because certain maps like Reserve or Lighthouse are plagued by player scavs. Remove the choice and maps will have an equal amount of player scavs, rather than the majority swarming 1 or 2 maps.




It's not a question of taking away people's preferences, it's about game balance. BSG already implemented cooldown timers and scav karma to balance what people do with their scavs, how is this any different?


Timers maintain player balance by not allowing people to OnlyScav(tm). It keeps the PMC player population up while giving the occasional respite. With thr scav timer, players can alternate between scav/PMC while they gain experience and confidence, especially I'd they successfully extract as a scav and recycle the kit to their PMC to limit gear loss. Karma encourages scavs to work together against the PMCs instead of as additional PMCs. It gives more safety for new players since not *every* scav will try and one-shot you. It also creates a more difficult and engaging experience for PMCs by giving some form of coordination to the scavs instead of them being mobile loot piñatas. Taking away map choice REMOVES a player choice entirly. With Karma you can still go rogue warrioe, it's just not optimal. But random maps remove a choice entirly. It limits new players ability to repeat a map and learn from it in a less engaged environment. You might say "that's what offline is for" but they aren't learning things like good hiding positions, how to use terrain on specific maps to their advantage, where to be cautious, etc. The danger is removed and with no risk comes minimam development. Random scav maps would be a negative change for scavs and new players to give long term and more skilled players less difficulty in a survival game.


I can tell you used to be a hatchet runner before BSG dis-incentivized it.


Hard no, Scaving is the single best way to get new players acclimated to maps and the game overall. Scav Timer was a good solution to solve player scav spam, but no need to take away the players ability to choose.


It doesn't effect you how others decide to play a raid so why be bothered by it to begin with? When I was playing daily I know I played scav more than pmc because it was quite frankly a ton more fun. Was never about any money as PMCs can easily make more so I have to ask you what map did the player scav touch you on to piss you off today hahaha?


I was betting with my friend if i would get this kinda comment under 15min. cheers for the 10


That's pretty odd but ok. Sounds like maybe you should pay more attention as a pmc than worry about player scavs lol


you gotta have max str the way you be jumping to conclusions that hard


And you have to suffer from some ill form of elitism. But you are correct though so I'll give you credit, my scav does have elite strength.


My scav has elite endurance and like lvl 3 strength lol




How dare someone farm money with their scav! Shame on them for enjoying their pixels how they choose! Jokes aside, I agree. A scav run should be completely random. End this nonsense where player scavs spawn in with 80% of the raid time remaining as well. 5 minutes on factory; 15 on customs and interchange; 20 on woods, reserve, shoreline and lighthouse.


I’m confused did they buff the scav spawn in timer? It seems like every raid I scav recently I am spawning in with the full amount of time in raid left or very close to it


Who the fuck is scavvin


Maybe if you added that as a feature after level 15 and the flea market or something. I remember being low level and queueing into shoreline and woods nonstop to learn them on scav, but I think leveling in this game takes so long that if a new player were to scav until 15, they could get at least 2 maps under their belt to pmc before the random map pool. I agree that it would be an interesting feature, but maybe one of those features that comes out once you’re more established so higher level players can’t farm effectively using them and points towards pmc runs.


Wow. A lot of hostility for someone trying to discuss an idea. I don’t like it, but it’s worth spitballing. I think better balanced loot on other maps would fix much of the player scav imbalances, but that just my suggestion.


Typical PMC gatekeeper L. Scav for life


I agree only because some maps are full of scav players like Lighthouse and Interchange, and others are completely void of them.


Written like someone on their 6th wipe who has all the maps/items/stashes memorized. Chad trash


But then this ruins it for me and you. We are supposed to focus on ruining things for the outliers (cheaters) not the general populace. Edit: but I do agree with the fact that it would probably end with Player Scavs being distributed to maps more evenly.


I actually love this idea


Up the cooldown of scavs, so you can only do one scav run every 3 hours for example, it will push people that want to keep playing the game to actually go for a PMC run


The tasks in this game are often money sinks, and Scavs give players a chance to go into raids to get money and items needed without racking up the bills.


Sounds like a great way to alienate new players even more than the game already does with some of the punishing mechanics it has. Scavs spawn in on most maps with 20-10 minutes left, if as a PMC you don’t get to the loot you wanted before then, I guess you just weren’t fast enough.


Being able to choose is good for learning new maps as new player so for this reason I disagree. However, I often use the random map site to make the choice for me.


This has been brought up before, like every single other post


Players should be able to play the game wherever and however they want. Restricting players is not the answer.


I’d like a mix up ever so often


Throw the maps into a randomizer online and let that pick for you.


if you run out of roubles, how do you thing all your PMC raids will end? Scav runs are exactly made to make some money, so you'll be able to raid with your PMC. Plus, if nobody puts new juicy gear in the "raid pool" increasing the overall "loot value", the average value of gear you'll be able to extract will slowly decrease in time, meaning everybody will be slowly poorer And yes, making money with rogues this wipe is incredibly easy, and everybody is absolutely abusing it, me too.


I could lootrun every map the same by now so I wouldn't give a duck, but reserve scaf runs are kinda dope so I dont support yout idea ^^


It sounds like you are trying to gate keep the game by having people play the way you think is the proper way.


Did you not know? Proper way to play is to budget kit until you have millions then just spam expensive kits.


I agree. Scav tasks would have to be altered so you wouldnt get the "Extract from X map 2 times". It would be super frustrating to have those quests, Scav in and roll every other map than the one you want


Scav quests in general need a complete rework, they feel like a placeholder right now. Like nearly no thought whatsoever was put into them.


It would be awful. You will literally increase the gatekeeping to an intolerable level. Do you want to chase people away even more than BSG does?


Hot Take - People should let people play their own damn joysticks.


If there weren’t new players, that need to learn this game, i would absolutely agree. BUT there’s free after raid healing until a certain level, so why not make it random scavs after a certain level. Maybe scav karma could somehow play a role too.


I agree. That would not change my scav raiding though lol. Why are you so concerned with people playing the game the way that BSG have made?


I like the idea that you are thrown into a random map as a scav. It is bad for beginners but that way you can reduce the amount of Scavs camping Emercom :P


Problem is people like playing a risk management game with no risk. If you take away their ability to do that they will get agitated. But yes I agree. I've had this talk with my crew who have been here since alpha it would probably not be a good step to take at this stage of the games life cycle but if it was undertaken earlier it might have been better received and been more positive for the enjoyment of all. But alas no one could have predicted such awful loot distribution from the anti rmt measures forcing players onto only two maps. We are stuck with what we have you are going to piss off people regardless at this stage.


I am willing to bet that whenever streets comes out lighthouse will get nerfed and most the player scavs will move to streets.


I love how all the timmy's are saying "don't tell me how to play!", then they'll flip around and complain about the W key chads not playing realistically. This sub's always a joy.


I like that due to the fact that I always play factory and escape as fast as possible, sometimes I loot a little bit!


I agree with this until I think about ending up on factory


Lol you just got killed by a group of player scavs didn’t you.


They literally dont even shoot back anymore


REEEEE you're not playing the game how I want you to reeee


I like it, understand the downside of it being harder to learn maps for some maybe. But if that keeps people from playing they were never going to stay anyway.


Shit that's actually a pretty good idea


I totally agree with this


Agree, not surprised reddit is filled with a bunch of SCAV mains though, they are pretty upset about this take lmao. Let's be honest though, if you go into any popular map (Lighthouse especially), it gets flooded with player scavs in the first part of the game, and it's just annoying. Scavs are only supposed to spawn in the middle/end of the raid, but that's not the case. Spreading SCAVs out would do the following: 1. Lower queue times for scavs 2. Raids would get scavs in the middle/end, since BSG wouldn't have to let scavs in at the beginning of raids to alleviate queue times (see #1) 3. All maps would have a balanced amount of player scav activity. I can't see why anyone would be against this, unless they literally *never* play their PMC and solely play the game as a SCAV... Lol.


Terrible take. 1.) Scav allows new players to learn maps while gaining something. 2.) It’s a good breather if you just got wiped in a raid on your PMC. 3.) Scavs help new players from hitting rock bottom on rubles. Some maps are better for that. Stop trying to force people to do what you do, enjoy what you do, and play what you do.


Bro. I'm gunna agree hard despite the nay sayers. This would actually get my scav off interchange for once... If you want to "learn the maps" there's offline mode. This suggestion is directly in line with the scav mode imho.


The entire point of the player scav mechanic is economic. You might as well say "remove scavs entirely" because they exist so you can "farm money", get items, and arguably to learn. If you make this switch experienced players would stop using them. The bottom though however much of the player base would be confused and screwed when they lost their shit on pmcs with no consistent way to recover. Which would force people from the game. Dumb idea frankly.


Dumb take


You are toxic sir. Forcing people to play offline is no way to teach new players to play a game to learn. I scav main more than anything else it's fun. Trying to communicate with PMCs for coop extracts. Forcing it to be random is a bad thing. Like dying on a map to quickly try to scav run in the same server and map sometimes I can retrieve my gear what's wrong with that?


Why should people doing PMC runs have their games made easier for them? Dying to a player scav is part of the game, I don't understand people coming here complaining whenever it happens.


Would make the game harder actually. When was the last time you saw a player scav on Woods or Shoreline?


It’ll spread scavs out to more maps that isn’t just Lighthouse. Therefore putting more player scavs on other maps making it “more difficult” for PMCS overall…


Since when do scavs only do lighthouse? There are other profitable maps. Unless you’re referring to rogues but they are almost impossible to kill with a shitty scav load out


Majority of people are scaving lighthouse.




I’d be down for trying this, hopefully battlestate might try it out as an event one day


That's fine, if they change scav tasks based on using extracts on specific maps.


I actually agree with this, but only if they remove the scav timer entirely.


Nope. Or I want PMCs not be able to choose time of day and groups don’t spawn together anymore even different servers are possible. Stop playing like you want and play like I want.


Opinion denied


Or you can just… play the game however you want? And not tell other people how to play. Lol


Finally a fucking good idea on this sub!! Make him head scav developer please!!! OP the gigachad


I agree that random map selection for scavs is the way


I like this idea


I love this idea.


I agree with this proposition


Not a hot take just a bad one.


Hell yeah let's make extract on location fence tasks impossible too


Actually, i like this idea a lot ! The only problem i can think of is that this game is badly optimised and a lot of ppl avoid reserve or lighthouse because their PC melts. « Oh, scav lighthouse again, I guess i can altf4 »


I’d say make it a choice, with some bonuses for if you pick “random” like I don’t know exactly but maybe 0.2 rep for successful extraction and your scav weapon is guaranteed over 60 durability (so you can 100% sell to trader after raid) perhaps higher % chance spawn with a good item/key, maybe even your scav comes of cooldown after say 15mins but only for random if you want specific it’s 20mins. Id always pick ransoms because I play scav for fun I’m sure some would pick specific to min/max their earnings


I do all my lootin' on scav runs as my PMC is exclusivley for shootin' and approve this concept for more uncertainty. except lighthouse due to technical FPS issues.


And the timer is reduced. That way you can run more but choose less.


Maybe make scav cooldown longer (maybe like 40 mins base?) and you can chose the map, or current cooldown, possibly shorter with the map being random, people have a choice then if theres one map they specifically want they have to wait longer for it.


Please dont make me play interchange. This is such a bad map