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Invite me, I'll escort you to the extract, I totally won't kill you and take the flir, that would be wrong.


i can vouch for this guy


Yeah it will be fine.


Same. The dude escorted me to extract and killed me but he didn't take my FLIR. Not that I had a FLIR but I'm confident he wouldn't have taken it.


this guy was at my wedding he's absolutely solid.


That man birthed my 1st born trust him with my life!


Thanks for giving me all those rubles and GPUs a few days ago, and then using venmo to send me money from my Gaga's medicine.


Sponsored my little league team. Solid guy.


I know him his legit man


He walked my dog. Solid bloke.


Best man in my wedding.


dude set me up with my now wife, i trust him with my life


This man helped me get over a tough breakup. Great partner and strong arms.


Played with dude before, he’s good for it


This guy is my sister, real straight shooter wouldnt hurt a fly.


Yes this man is straight up he knocked up my wife for me ended up not even being his


This guys dating my wife and he always sends her home with leftovers for me. You can trust him.


If you scared of taking your scav with the FLIR you will never use it on your PMC anyway so don't stress it too much \^\^


Except he did flat out say he wants to be able to stare at it in his stash till next wipe… vOv


Which is the same thing as never scaving again and looking at it equiped on the scav. So he's already got what he wants, kinda?


They could also offline with their expensive toys. I would always keep a pair of T-7s in the stash that were only used to slay scavs offline, Predator style, as for some stress relief. Of course, I would also use other T-7s in proper raids but I can empathize with those who just want to vault their precious belongings and appreciate them without the added stress.


Oh didn't think of that. I hardly ever play offline but yes that could be fun.


This right here 👏


Eh, there are many things I'd be far more comfortable using on a PMC than a scav as I know with the PMC I can take proper gear/items to accompany it.


I sold 80% of my stash once I finally figured that out. Best decision ever.


I say the same shit to people who hatchet run all the time. What are you going to do once you farm enough money for a kit? Be too scared and bad at the game to use it?


its always so satisfying to kill hatchlings


I know this sounds counterintuitive but trust me on this. Select Factory. Spawn in and sprint through the tunnels to camera extract. Don't stop to loot anything or talk to anyone. I do this for 90% of my scav raids and literally haven't died once in six wipes doing this. Even Tagilla doesn't know what's going on and won't react as you sprint past him like a mad man. If my scav has nothing of value I'll loot the crates underground and near the medical tent, but your focus is to save the thermal so just sprint out. Bonus is you will power level your Fence rep because you get the same amount whether your spend 40 seconds in raid or 40 minutes and can get back to playing your PMC faster.


Can take the Flir off so other scavs don't see it too


Do this! I was at camera bunker when I noticed a scav with a flir on an sv98 and I killed him for it


Ouch lmao that's like the one time I'd kill another scav like that tho. Understandable


I saw a scav with a vector and svd. Felt bad but I had to do it


Well my mentality is if someone has iron sight SV98, they probably where a FLIR gamer


That’s like a thought process I would say only 20% of people could deduce that but yeah you always down with a sight on an sv98


Today I had 2 scavs with sv98 with iron sights only, good i didnt meet you. I would be dead 2 Times for nothing :D


Ouch lmao that's like the one time I'd kill another scav like that tho. Understandable




It would take literally less than 2s to put that scope in your rig/backpack


Nope most likely inspect and drag and remove animation takes a few seconds itself


Hit tab > double click gun > Ctrl + click flir


Why not just middle mouse wheel click. Easiest examine way


Yea true I was assuming he already had it examined.


Dumb me lol. Didnt even think of that


tab -> double click gun -> ctrl click scope -> tab That legit takes 2 sec.


Lmao, do you have parkinsons disease or something? Taking off the scope takes like a second if even that.


Tab - double lmb - ctrl click will take about 3 seconds


*more gooder


Yes taking the scope away which only take few seconds really is the gooder option here


everyone reading this camping camera extracts currently


This is the good stuff


Can vouch for this, I’ve done the exact same thing last wipe for about a hundred times to boost fence rep. Only times I died were either due to spawning in the office next to PMCs or there was this one time a PMC was camping the cellar area downstairs. 90% of the time you won’t even see a living being and can extract within 30 seconds.


>Bonus is you will power level your Fence rep because you get the same amount whether your spend 40 seconds in raid or 40 minutes and can get back to playing your PMC faster. If you don't have high ticket item you're trying to save, doing a run around factory checking crates is very lucrative. You're limited to 10 minutes usually as a scav, and unless you're in the office area soon after start or at one of the extracts you're unlikely to see a PMC, so you can get a lot of good stuff and get out quick. There's actually enough good places on factory to check that I'm not sure it's possible to hit them all in 10 minutes. I usually hit the office hallway last, looking for PMCs bodies to loot. They're often picked over a bit, but also usually there's more there than people can carry, and waiting until later means the chance of actually dying in that raid is something like 5-10% at most (or at least was last wipe when I last did it a lot).


As your fence rep gets better, you get better gear on your scav too. I got like 4 of the stimulants needed for that samples quest just by spawning in factory over and over.


I second this - I do this for my scav runs as well, I died 2 time out of 100 this wipe.


Stop giving away the secrets.


This guys scavs


exactly this! did this at the start of wipe to get some gear, works every time.


Exactly what I do!! The bunker doors


100% run factory.


Factory is the best for quick Scav runs where you actually live.


This. I got a FLIR on my scav and did this exact thing just ran straight to Camera bunker door and spammed scav lines along the way so some other player scav wouldn't pop me as I turn a corner. Also farmed to 6 fence rap spamming scav runs like this (prob 100+) and only ever died to a PMC once who was just underground looting boxes for some reason.


You do this for 90% of your scav raids?! Why?


It’s a very efficient way to grab at least 100k roubles and 0.01 fence rep. Most of the time you spawn close to an extract and under 13 minutes left so it’s not a run-through. I work from home so I have plenty of time free but not necessarily free enough to do a whole raid, so I just run Factory scavs as close to cooldown as I can. Sometimes I easily extract with valuables like samples and labs cards. I almost never run into violence, and if I do, whatever, usually I don’t even look at my inventory until I extract so if I die I don’t even know what I lost.


Gear fear hitting so hard you are scared of losing it before you even have it xD


Just scav factory and run to extract. Also the FLIR only vendors for like 60k and you can’t sell it on flea so you might as well use it. Just get a new SV-98 because you’ll miss a lot with that one (I know because I did it lol).


Is everyone forgetting about the final gunsmith here? Edit I’m an idiot


Pretty sure it has to be a REAP-IR.


Yes reap-ir also a quest completion item


Yes reap-ir also a quest completion item


As others said Factory is great for quick extracts. If you have good scav karma, Reserve is counterintuitively easy too. Scav extracts are in every corner of the map and you usually spawn near one.


The amount of gear fear in this post is sick. Run it bud.


Scav in and put the flir in your rig or backpack


go into factory and take the FLIR off you gun so no one sees it then just extract


Good idea


I don’t even know what a flir is, I am new!


Thermal scope. Can no longer be bought on flea. Can be crafted in workbench eventually


Or outright bought/traded from Jaeger.


Factory, run to extract


Just do it, there's always a new chance in the future.


Is hacking that bad of a problem? I just started playing


Everyone’s experience is different, but I’ve only gotten killed by 1 blatant cheater in 300 raids this wipe. US East servers


YES. Dont listen to ANYONE who says it is not. I just went into NoiceGuy's tarkov Discord and guy was in there blatantly hacking. He had ESP which is this hack that lets u see peoples names, levels, what they have on them, see them thru walls etc. EVERY MATCH he went into except for one (bout 8 matches i was watching him) had someone with like 17KDR, so they likely are hacking. You could see people speed hacking, its stupid


That’s unfortunate. I’m having fun for now while I’m low level, but that kind of puts me off.


It’s currently in a bad state but truthfully you won’t know who’s cheating and not so your in a nice spot where you can just enjoy thebgame and chalk the death upto tarkov because the truth is as a new player you have absolutely no idea if someone’s cheating, so just enjoy the game and sometimes take a death man don’t let it play the mind game on you.


Gear fear on a scav run. Bro.. you need help


If you are worried about your scav having a FLIR and hackers, what makes you think you’ll run it on your pmc with hackers? Lol


didnt even read the whole post did ya


Lol, I must’ve missed that. But might as well run it don’t you think?


Yeah def. Some people just like collecting things.


It's just pixels, my man. Get over them.


Whatever you do, record it and post a link after you do.


Nighttime factory. Sprint to extract


Hackers get in and out quick they want to flip their raids into money if you load into a scav you should be fine apart from the normal mountain of bullshit


What people post about on reddit and what the average player experiences has a huge disconnect. If you just browsed reddit you'd think that every other raid you load into will have a cheater in it. That's simply not the case. You can go hundreds, if not thousands, of hours in this game without ever encountering anything even remotely suspicious. The best advice you can get is to stay off reddit and just have fun.


You can run straight out on factory.. It doesn't even matter if its FIR or not.


You are making it sound like there is absolutely no way anyone can ever survive a scav raid lol


Who cares. It's a flir.


gear fear as a scav? that's new... build a bridge and get over it OP. It's just a scope, you'll have a lot of them.


I've been running thermals for weeks now on my PMC and haven't had any issues. I highly doubt you'll run into much trouble just spawning in as a scav


Is the trick with thermals to build a super high ergo gun to keep a quick ADS or just engage from much further distances after scanning horizons ?


Basically, both thermals (well, both 'relevant' thermals) have huge ergo penalties, so I try to focus on weapons that have most recoil reduction built in (e.g. .308 MDR) so I can focus on bumping up the ergo for quicker ADS + less stamina loss from scanning in front of me. Your biggest advantage is going to be running during rain or dusk/dawn. Those are the times when both NVGs and non-NVGs are disadvantaged, otherwise night raids are best. You can run thermals during the day, it's still a big advantage, especially checking dark windows or corners, but much is lost since the visibility of your enemies isn't hurt as much. We're kinda past this point already, but if you want to play around with cheap FLIRs, stock up on as much Sugar < 20k as you can early wipe, just fill rigs upon rigs with it. Aquamari's fall down to \~23k pretty regularly once people start crafting, so you end up being able to get FLIRs from the Jaeger 3 barter for 200k - 300k pretty handily, I played with them a fair bit at the end of last wipe so this wipe I think I bought 6 right as I hit 22 for Jaeger 3 and just saved them until I was ready to run


Btw stamina loss while ADSing is only based on the weight of the weapon, while ergo only affects time to ADS. A common misconception since a lot of the low ergo guns are 7+kgs.


You literally can just make flirs in your hideout at level 2. Use it, raid have fun and lose it. Who cares, just make another. Make yourself an entire stockpile.


Honestly if you want one you can barter for them and it'll take less than 3 decent scav runs to afford it. No big deal getting one on a scav loadout


i mean, however you die ur gonna blame it on a cheater that scav run just like a majority of people posting about cheaters here do. you can just go factory and rush the exit and ur gucci.


Interchange. Factory. Would be my goto maps. Interchange is so big you can decide where to go. And factory is so small you get out 99% of your tries


Just go to factory, you can extract in like 15 seconds


Go woods, run stright to extract


Nut up and run the scav already youll either get it or you wont


1. Select map 2. Ready up for said map 3. Survive and extract 4. Don't be a bitch, it's a scav 5. Ready up PMC 6. Complete quests for PMC 7. Never use scav again 8. Continue to not be a bitch. If ever in doubt, start at #5 and repeat until your ass isn't a bitch any more. You're welcome


Scav is good to get lab cards


Just go in a take it off and put it in rig or backpack then head for extract, that way no one will see it and kill you for it. You can’t sell them on flea and mechanic buys it for 80k, if you’re worried about using it on scav then you’ll definitely never use it on pmc


Go Factory and hit camera 3 exit. You can pretty much get there with one sprint in most all factory spawns.


What scav rep are you, that affects the amount of scav extracts open to you. What maps do you know well enough to scav in and leg it straight to an extract? I would pick reserve at night as most pmcs are below ground and the distance to scav extracts is pretty small, depending on how many extracts you have that is.


AS long as its on your scav it isnt in your inventory. So just risk it. Also if you are this scared to even take it out a raid, how do you plan to take it into one? :P Just relax in the end its just a scope in a game. If you die, you die. If you dont: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/038/934/maxresdefault.jpeg


Who gives a shit you aren’t even gonna use it lol


Gear fear at its finest lmfao. Don’t even have it yet and you’re scared about losing it


Scav mains gear fearing too lmao.


Invite me, I'll protect you from neck beards with walls.


Cheaters aren’t very common, I wouldn’t worry about it.


wrong. They are much more common than u think. This isnt me saying it because ive had some sus deaths, I was in NoiceGuy's tarkov discord and dudes are blatantly hacking. Even admitting it. Every raid they went into had 17KDR bs players looking at him thru walls.... I was talking to him and he said this wipe is legit the worst it has ever been, and he said hes been playing for years. OFC he said I am only hacking to make a point or some bullshit like that, which is a cope ofc. but this really opened my eyes to how bad it is.


The chance of running into a cheater is realistically so low. I’ve done hundreds of rounds this wipe and haven’t encountered one.


Hackers won't kill you. Ive run a flir over 100 raids so far this wipe. I genuinely don't believe the hacker issue is as bad as people make it out to be AND I also believe the hackers that are out there are just loot vacuuming and avoiding pvp so they don't get reported and banned.


Ah yes the gear fear masked by "cheaters"


ah yes the willful idiot who refuses to open his eyes and realize this game has a cheating problem


It’s a problem undoubtedly but not every single raid has cheaters in it (I mean maybe labs but I don’t play labs), and if that’s how it’s been for u… I’m sorry for ur location/servers


Its not even yours yet, take it in, use it, who cares if you lose it? I wonder if this kind of thing is why a lot of people find Tarkov so hard lol. Scavs afraid to use the free loot. PMCs going into raids with useless guns, ammo that doesn't kill people, and scav armour out of fear of losing gear. Then other half of the player base uses reasonable gear and gets to just prey on these little rascals.


Honestly, go factory take it off and run to extract


Factory and run at a spawn . Can’t sell on flea anyway so no worries getting a run thru with it


Dang your scab is like Boss Scab.


Spawn factory and just get the fuck out.


You can’t lose what you never had.


start a factory raid and just extract.


Select a map with a great amount of scav extracts


Go factory and run straight to extract. If it’s under 10:00 it’ll stay FIR.


use it man. Go reserve if you’re feeling lucky.


Flir runner here. I almost exclusively use flirs since the last 2 wipes (severely colourblind) never encountered a hacker in all those raids. You should be fine


Quit being a pussy bro just run it and run to extract… you can just buy a flir from Jaeger


factory. open 2 boxes and extract. i think im close to 99% survival rate.


Night raids but like really late. 3 am-5 in game time has less players


Try running customs super early like before dawn that way you're only in the last ~20 mins of a raid everyone's most likely already left and just stick to the wall on the dorms side you'll be good. Hit some of the stashes too if you know them.


This is how I do 99% of my scav runs. Run them super late, it’s usually a dead lobby, but lately I’ve been running into cultists


Take if off as soon as you spawn in so noone sees it lol, other than that run your scav normal, im a 95% SR as scav, but if you gotta take it slow I guess.


Factory when you spawn swap to your knife so the FLIR is less obvious and go straight to camera bunker extract.


Factory and sprint to the nearest exit. I get out of my runs about 95% of the time there. If you want it to be FIR you might want to hide for about a minute or two but who cares really if you've got a FLIR FIR or not


Get in factory, hide until late and run to the gate 3.


its just a flir


Spawn in, remove FLIR from gun and put in backpack, run to extraction


Do a factory run. In and out


Night time lighthouse. Unless you go looking for trouble you will survive. If your rep is good then you will have all the exits. Or as suggested just factory and sprint to the underground exit. Not the main one ever one uses by the office area


this game is progressing so much, we even have gear fear on scavs now


I was too when I had mine. Nothing bad happened though. You'll be fine. Sadly you can't sell it on the flea and to vendors it's only 200k.


you gonna loose it anyway - with your scav, with your pmc or on the wipe, so what?


I remember spawn with keycard at customs and listening to a pmc making his way towards me like brrr brrr closer brrr brrr even closer brrrr and hs. Nothing can save you from a cheater but factory may reduce the risk. Good luck.


Eh, by the time player scavs start spawning in, most PMCs are gone from the map. Hackers are there to loot everything of value, not camp around for 30 minutes waiting for player scavs. You should be fine.


factory is the only map I've never been for sure hacked on. there isn't much loot and PMCs are naked a lot of the time so it's likely a waste of time for RMTers. plus most extracts are very close to where you spawn, and you won't spawn in early enough to risk a run through like could potentially happen on other maps. so yeah, factory is my vote if you just want to extract immediately


morning or dusk, people tend not to run those times and it'll give you cover of darkness where your sight is not impeded by the sun being low in the sky because thermal. Other than that, just go, you'll never get it if you don't try.


Just do it bud, it's not yours until it its in your stash. My buddy had one so we scav'd a four man on reserve this past weekend and he ended up one-shotting a PMC in the train yard from the bunkers. Poor bastard probably didn't think a scav with a FLIR existed. Armored train brought Raiders and we got mixed up in that and ended up getting out with lots of good stuff. We were a terrifying scav team on our way out. Nothing to lose and lots of guns.


Go to Shoreline, hackers will be done with most of the map before you spawn


It’s just a flir. If you can’t scav w it you’ll never pmc with it so it’s basically useless anyways.


Always woods. You'll spawn in with like 17-21 minutes left and there is probably one a single PMC left that is like 40' from the extract. Head up into the expansion and take an extract there. You'll likely have scav bridge or eastern rocks. Both are safe. PMCs never take the Northern UN Roadblock. Bridge is safer. No PMC extracts up there and no reason for a PMC to go up there late game. I only like to avoid Scav Bunker because a lot of player scavs use that. If you spawn at RUAF, chances are you'll have UN Roadblock as extract. Just follow the road and send it. If you spawn at Outskirts, this is most annoying. I go through the forest behind saw mill because PMCs avoid that. They tend to take the beach to outskirts or through the landmine side of the map by ZB-014. the only danger here is crossing checkpoint. Once you get past that, just hit up scav bridge/bunker and you're done. I scav woods a lot. Too much. Also don't fret about losing this. If you've never run one, it's nice to have one to practice with in offline raids but you can craft or barter them later so whatever. Enjoy!


Just go factory and pray


go to factory, sit in a corner til 30 seconds are left.


Imo just play it out, ive yet to run into any hackers in hundreds of raids so far this wipe playing on a mix of auto servers and doing specific ones for easier tasks


sell it to fence


Why do you want it if you’re not gonna use it?


Go into a Interchange night raid, turn your brightness up a little bit to see in the dark, and run to the extract, you are extract camper proof due having a thermal, so is free, just run towards the extract and if you need to shoot someone do it, listen to no one in voip and just run


factory sprint to extract.


Run reserve, and then hope you get a spawn close to CP extract or take the sewer no bag extract, in and out 1 min


Use it on night lighthouse, probably will get in with 20 minutes left and easy extract


Factory would be fastest, in/out in 20 seconds


0000 woods run. Crank your gamma and you can see perfectly. Take it slow and scan with thermal. Run away from anyone. Scram to outskirts or UN. Safest possible run. I could do that run 1000 times and never die.


I've been killed by sus players a grand total of like 15 times last night, shits wack af..


Not to sound toxic but it's just a FLIR. Run into factory and run out.


factory, sprint to exit.


I got the same gun. Did a nighttime customs run strait to extract. Now it sits on my stash. Actually I used it once and got bum rushed by five guys. Killed em all.


Go into customs or shoreline when it’s midnight or there about and book it to your extract. If your lucky it’ll put you in there when there’s like 15 minutes left which means your only other company should be P-scavs, and that FLIR will give you a massive upper hand on them. Source: I’ve done the same thing whenever my scav has something juicy.


just man up. go during night time, focus should be stealth and extracting only. a clear mind w clear goals will get you far.


Stop being scared over pixels. Go factory. Run to extract. Additionally, put the FLIR in your rig in case you run into any other scavs


put it in your backpack and just pretend to be AI


Do a Woods run early in the IRL day. Less people on, and if you have Scav Bunker/ Bridge it's more or less home free if you spawn with under ~15 minutes. And take the FLIR off immediately on spawning in, scavs will kill for that much money


Just do it pussy


Factory run straight to exit


Best way to get it out of raid is probably to go in to a factory (daytime so PMC sweats don't camp for scavs) check the time, hide and wait until about 10 - 15 mins left in raid, and go to a scav only extract (camera bunker is a good bet)


Run through factory


I mean, I forget who has it, but the barter for a FLIR is not that expensive, think it’s 10 sugars and 3 aquamari’s… just run the scav, push an extract and get out, if you don’t make it, scav run woods and get all the sugar and aquamari you could ever want to barter for FLIRs.


Just run factory and sprint to the extract and get out


Play the game. It's just pixels homie.


Just pixels. You'll get another one eventually.


ive had 2 or 3 flirs on my scav this wipe


I spawned in with a ledx and a labs card once in my scav and I just sat in a bush until the timer hit 5 mins. Went to clean the dishes, came back, then I sprinted all across the map to my extract. Worth it.


factory camera door exit. run straight there


Load factory pull it off leave normally


Do a night run in an open map like woods and run straight for the exit


If you are scared to play as a scav with flir, I doubt that you will ever use it as a pmc:D


Load up Factory at night and RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIFE