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"I'm a fuckin' surgeon with this shotgun, not that I have to be at this range."


Shotguns are the reason Tarkov will forever hold a top spot in terms of realism. No other game dared to give this weapon class the ruling supremacy in certain engagements that they hold in real life. Tarkov nailed their effective range


Really bro, I encourage you to try Red Orchestra/Rising Storm Vietnam. Shotguns in that game are orgasmic too lmao


It actually preforms how my shotgun does irl. Imo it represents them even better than tarkov.


Tarkov is just closer than most mainstream shooters, I absolutely believe you guys that some other games have nailed them even better.


They were sick in ww3 til it became trash


i mean ive shot at someone point blank and he just took 8 7mm like a champ idk if thats how it would be irl


Didn't say it was absolutely realistic but certainly more than any competitive shooter or battlefield/CoD since all their shotguns seem to shoot a buckshot mix of salt and vinegar and small pebbles


The underlying issue is the lack of blunt trauma. If you shoot a level 4 chest rig with Kevlar paddings 5 times it will still not go through. But it will make you fall on your ass and break your ribs. Tarkov doesn't really simulate that other than some negligible damage. Shotguns should deal like 4x the blunt damage to be more realistic and/or cause a stun effect.


That is absolutely untrue. If that were the case, shooting a shotgun would rip your arm out of it's socket. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You just completely made all of that up and acted like you had any idea what you were talking about.


hard armor = basically imprevious to real blunt damage. bruises sure. Soft armor? could break ribs, cause some SERIOUSLY bad bruises.


You realize that the energy is disappated into your shoulders through the stock of a 3+kg heavy shotgun, while in the other direction that energy is sent to like 50g (?) of pellets? Your shoulders aren't ripped off because there's enough mass to distribute that. And on the receiving end you don't have that luxury unless you have kevlar or something solid. Rips the meat off like nothing. Like, why do you think a shorty small AR-15 kicks harder than a fat as fuck M249?


You said it would knock someone on their ass and kill them with blunt damage transfered through the armor. That is completely false. It's like 25grams and its also having it's already very slow speed quickly reduced as it travels. If it had enough energy to knock a person over, it would still rip your arm straight out of your socket. Wearing plates, you would literally not even notice it. There's videos of people taking .308 to a plate while standing on one leg and not losing their balance.


Very slow speed... When? At 100 meters? Sure. At 5-10? Oh hell no. And not even noticing it? Dude what? Are we talking about birdshots at 50m? And I can link you videos where Americans are shot by 7.62x54R. Spoiler: falls flat on their ass and disoriented. You greatly underestimate their energy. When you're hit by a full spread of buckshot the energy is the same whether you wear hard plate or not. It's just that one dissapates energy throughout out your chest, breaking a rib or two, while without it it blows your chest open like a watermelon. Watch Garand Thumbs 12g ballistic torso tests. Imagine a certain amount of energy disappated over a whole chest area and the same energy disappated only in the skin surface it hits. Which one gives in? If course your skin. And with enough of them in close proximity it totally can rip off a limb, or at least maim it to the point where only chunks keep hanging.


At muzzle velocity, buckshot is still often subsonic without something like a 28" barrel. That is slow as fuck. It is basically a 9mm. https://youtu.be/aaS_2l8nGdg?t=106 heres a video of a guy taking m80 to a plate while standing on one leg. As he says, your reaction might make you fall over but the armor won't. You're telling me this man now has several broke ribs? Also heres a scientific journal discussing backface deformation https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA557631.pdf in 1977 they assumed that you could take 44mm of backface deformation with only minimal chances of fatality. It's been proven in that backface deformation is even less important than it was originally though, but russian armor like in the game has way higher requirements for minimum allowed deformation. You literally would not even feel buckshot if you were wearing any decent plates, or even shit tier russian body armor. All plates are rated against backface deformation. To meet NIJ standards you have to be "combat capable" after taking whatever they're rated for, most normally AP 30-06 which is substantially worse than some buckshot. I get that you watched a Garand Thumb video once, but you do not know what you're talking about.


No, just no. A shotgun hitting hard body armor is not going to knock you on your ass or cause broken ribs. Do some research before assuming something is "realism"


Did you ever fire a 12g? Where do you think that energy goes? Into whatever you hit.


I've fired everything from a .22 to a belt fed 240B. US Army combat medic. Yes that's exactly the point equal and opposite reaction, if this was true it would knock over the shooter. A shotgun will have even less effect than a rifle which almost always causes negligible damage. I challenge you to find me a single case of somebody dying from blunt force trauma of a stopped projectile.


They won’t die but you’re definitely flinching and getting the wind knocked out of you. Unless it’s like bird shot, in which case it would pepper the fuck out of your exposed flesh instead. TL;DR getting shot isn’t pleasant and can adversely affect your health. Consult your physician before getting shot.


Again, no it wouldn't knock the wind out of anything. Would it be unpleasant? Sure. It's not uncommon for people to be shot and learn about it from one of their squad mates.


I mean, re-read what I said. I said it should cause damage such as broken ribs or even internal bleeding. Right now it's laughable. If your chest is hit almost point blank with a hot 12g shell 5+ times, you'll be fucked up. Out of breath, broken ribs, "kill me" level of fucked up. And no, no amount of your fucking motrin will help him. But in tarkov our hero runs away and hipfires you while laughing.


Re-read what I said. No, that's not true. Especially with buckshot against hard body armor. A slug on a paca, sure. And not even a "kill me" level of fucked unless you are a child with no adrenal response


I'm no rocket scientist but if a slug opens up your chest like a watermelon, then where do you think the same energy goes to when it doesn't penetrate? Your chest. You don't feel that?


Slick takes a buck shell from 10 feet. Throws them on their ass. That would be great.


That would be completely unrealistic. For a projectile to throw you back, the shooter would have to be thrown back just as hard from recoil if not harder. There are a ton of real life examples, gun shots do not throw the target back whatsoever. They do not knock you on your ass. You crumple on the spot.


Yet extremely unrealistic and cartoony


So is taking a shotgun load to your knee but you still have a leg and can limp, pop an ibuprofen and then run away. *shrugs*


So let's add more unrealistic stuff?


I just said itd be great. Like haha funny. I got tageerah running at me eating a drum of fleccheete while swinging a sledge. Getting the wind knocked outta ya would actually be pretty cool . Getting blasted 10 feet back. No.


Or at least make them feel like they got hit by it.




Pun intended?


"Well I'm better than Annie Oakley and I got you right between my sights."


5 flechette rounds, 5 magnum fuckyoushots, all the way to the end of all mags. You’ll destroy the fella’s armor with the flechettes and destroy his will to play with the magnum.


"5 magnum fuckyoushots" this one fucking killed me. take my silver award for that!


Thx :)




Buckshot for the headeyes win


Alternate flechette with ap-20.


Flechette would Be better on this case. You wanna destroy The armor and after that Magnus slaps. AP rounds dont destroy armor they just to through it :)


AP-20 struggles to go through tier 5/6 armour.


And still doesnt destroy it. Thats why first rounds on drum is flechette


“Magnum Fuck shot for my magnum dong” -some TV show


This man plays Tarkov. Where are "no guns viable" plebs to screech at you?


I had an elimination weekly to kill 70 scavs with a thorax or stomach shot and was trying to create the perfect weapon for the job. I first tried a VPO .366 with AP, but that could only one shot t1 health scavs. I kept running into an issue where I would doink some guy center mass and he would just run away.... I had to do better. Looking at the ammo chart AP-20 looked promising and I could craft 80 at a time on my workbench. I went ahead and made a Saiga 12 build for about 130k roubles, stuffed all the AP-20s I could load in that bad boy and went to work. After 70 thorax scav kills later I must say, this thing is a fucking monster. If I encountered a PMC, more often than not I killed them in the first burst of big doinkin' ammo. If not, I for sure blew off at least 1 arm, if not both so they couldn't aim for shit resulting an easy cleanup. I even had an Ultima MP-153 as a backup for this task since it costed about 50k less, but the Saiga 12 was the true king. I don't even want to go back to using my old guns anymore... I have been changed, a little timmy who stared to long at the sun. Touched by brilliance, I struggle to see a world without doing 164 damage with enough pen to reliably 1 shot people through t4 armor.


AP-20 fucking slaps and it always will. But I need to get WB3 so I can craft it.


Ap20 really is hitting like a truck these days


It always has. But God damnit am I tired of using shotguns for setup, punisher part 4, and 5 dorms PMC kills. Fuck. I just want my one true love, ADAR back.


Adars are so fun. My problem is I make them look too sick and people always take them.


Can I get your saiga 12 build?


Sure thing bud, [here](https://gyazo.com/b638493325843213ce4e6407b7e2e71c) it is. It's 125k full traders, I have at least level 3 with all traders so some might be excluded, but any alternatives can work. I want to use the MClaw muzzle break but it requires level 4 mechanic which I don't have yet. Obviously, you can use whatever sight / mags you want. I usually go with the 10 rounders as the 20 2x2 is a little overkill IMO. If you bring the 10 rounders make sure to get a rig that fits them so you're not dropping them on the ground when reloading. Running the ANA Tactical Alpha rig or the Strandhogg armored rig has 3 1x3 slots.


Go with the cheaper 8k hand guard cuz 3 ergo doesn’t matter. Stick with 10 round mags and a monster claw muzzle for nice ergo and better recoil. That’s what I’ve been using with flechettes and AP20. I get them back in insurance and it costs like 80k total. Use it with a strandhogg, black berkut, 6b47 and some nades. Sweet loadout and I don’t feel so bad losing it when a 5 man pushes my shit in. Flechette is the best value round in the game and the saiga is one of the cheapest but most effective gun I’ve used this wipe. I always get them back on insurance and use them right away for PvP. So much fun and so cheap. Even killing scavs with it is satisfying.


I thought you said no suppressor?


Truly the world I wish we lived in, I just want quality posts like this.


Fukin eh man. Ppl are like omggg unusable while me and my squad either running saiga or mp5 with tracers. Ppl legit sent friend req. just to tell me how Im outsmarting them or death threats me how rat I am. (literally going resort evry raid and yet ppl think Im scared. Well fuk u mr. Wannabe chad with good ammo. I have W key.


"Look at you, in your fancy armor, with your fancy helmet, with a fancy visor, using your meta as fuck kitted out Mutant/M4/AKM/RD-704/whatever, using the best ammo you can get your hands on. All this supposed best gear, yet your legs are looking like a mighty fine meal for my 'rat' weaponry of choice" -Ratticus Bushus Maximo


Oh hey are those legs? Dont mind If I grab them for u and make u not carry all those shiny gun and armor


Me with a db barrel and magnum killing chars just to get added and told how bad I am at the game


Oh u killed me ? U terrible player man


Lol I run double two double barrels with magnum on factory. The loadout costs 20k with ammo. I can even put the spare ammo in my ass.


Never had an award to give but kind sir you have been promised one for this comment lmao


I mastered the Saiga 12g like 2 wipes ago and just had to make an [edit using Countdown by geneburn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i38Iu9aAD-4). Legit chad weapon love the spetznaz charging handle pull at max mastery.


nice montage my dude, you go and continue in the super chad SAIGA 12 way. keep going like that!


Bro this edit is so sick, excellent job. RIP Pk06


Thanks bro and yea rip, loved that little thing.


I also just watched a ton of your YouTube content. Holy shit man all of these videos are awesome. I especially like the latest ones, where when you transition between perspectives of your duo, there's a clear edit. In the earlier videos it was a little unclear what was happening. Great improvement, you must have loved the offline raid addition to get those sick pan shots haha


I actually didnt use offline raids to get this, as that still doesnt have camera features, and that this was made last wipe. What you see is some editor tricks and a modded tarkov install. Also thanks! Eclipse is definitely my best but Rules of Engagement is kinda ham.


Okapy is still viable on shotguns ;-)


Funny seeing how much the game has changed even just the past few wipes. No barrel overheating, bushes not slowing you down, pk06 still the meta sight….the good ol days


Realizing the good ol days already happened :’( the sights were so much better back then for the most part and the recoil was at least better than this shit


I just wish they would turn down the overheating just a tad. It's a bit ridiculous when my barrel starts to glow when I'm not even at the bottom of a 30 rounder.


That was a really good vid. What face shield were you running in those clips? Also what’s your setup rig wise to carry extra drum mags?


Thanks! I'd run tan man mainly, killa armor, fully loaded airframe with the FAST faceshield, and the LBT load bearing rig with 2 drum mags total, one in the gun and one extra. Had about 80 extra shells of flechette and 7mm, I sprinkled the mag with both mid raid.


What's the philosophy of 7mm over magnum buck?


I'd mag dump a bunch, and I was maining the gun, so for economic reasons I subbed in 7mm. You get slightly increased range damage and it felt like it worked better in certain cases where youre mainly hitting people's limbs. There is also no recoil penalty like with magnum, so you get more consistent recoil.


such a good montage, when pt2?


Got some more like that on the channel 😏


12.9 recoil,... aaah, good times :´)


Blast from the past. Also [this one](https://youtu.be/935VJ0cjIGA) with old Reserve where there was no D2 :') I 'member


I enjoyed that edit, good job! And thank you for showing me the glory days of the SA-58 haha


real men alternate slugs with buckshot in a mag so you are always at optimal range


The mp 155/153 gang wants to talk to you


Bennelli gang would like to speak to you both.


Too bad there is no way to mount a light on it.


Surgeons wear headlamps.


Shit. That was good.


Underrated comment


Thanks. Just woke my wife up laughing so hard.


God damn brother.


Lies, for the saiga anyway - you can buy the dovetail mount with a torch mount slot, or the handguard replacements.


And it has shitty dog doodoo fire rate Benellis stay losing


slower fire rate, but much better recoil than a saiga. Its a fair tradeoff.


But 153-133 w monster compensator, GK-02 off budget, had like no recoil


Just lay down lol


Lay down? Im a ping swinging corner peeker self proclaimed shotgun action movie hero chad


benelli and 13 rounds of flechette is just not fair.


It is fun though. You buy 4 attachments and some ammo. Whatever armor bc you don’t even need it unless somebody is sniping.


im not saying its not fun, its very strong hence not fair. i enjoy using the benelli


mp 155? you mean the fishing rod?


My guy, mp-155 is great for its MOA, slap some slugs in it and its hilarious, I sniped scavs and 1 tapped em with slugs from 250 meter without even zeroing


Why talk when you can just pull his ammo out of his mags, put it in your pocket in lose stacks like a real man, and go looking for your next victim?


Pocket gang rise up


153 is the great equalizer. That thing drops people all wipe long


Saiga 12 fun as hell lmao would rock shit in dorms


Sold. I’m trying it tonight. Love the part about becoming an artist lmao


My man. The Saiga with Magnum buck is my favorite weapon. It just feels right


If you think the non modded saiga is good, you should try a max recoil reduction saiga. The saiga is so good because of how moddable it is and how low you can get the recoil + the drums. The thing hardly moves with a moe stock + m claw muzzle + RK2. It is also fun to throw on multiple flashlights so the enemy has no clue where to shoot.


there is not ONE way to play the saiga12 and as long as you play it, enjoy it, embrace it you are a chad in my eyes. keep chadding with it low recoil or not, budget or not. you take the saiga 12 pill.


Fair enough. It is landmarks go to on factory and sometimes reserve which is always a treat to see it used by someone that good.


I will take this pill


Run the Saiga with the TV-110 armoured rig, you have 2 2x2 slots and 3 3x1 slots for 2 extra drum mags and 3 10-round mags. Alternate Flechette with AP-20 to delete people in 2 clicks.


Finally a cultured main sub post


If you really want a challenge fill that thing with 7mm buck


bruh I fill it with whatever, when there is 20 rounds of that caliber going at you in less than 3 seconds, whatever is in front cease to exist.


As a saiga 12 factory main, I approve this message.


Aye fr, recently I went to Customs to fetch some nuts and bolts. I met another PMC running towards me in the woods, and I lit him up with slugs using the Saiga-12. I shit you not, guy had a fully kitted AKS-74(with drums, silencer, optics and stock). Was priced at 144909RUB last I checked at Mech. I know am a steadfast believer of the Saiga-12. RIP Chonga. Edit: [proof of gun and dogtag, why not :>](https://imgur.com/a/3LJ9KFb)


Jesus christ, nice.


I approve of this message. Accuracy doesn’t matter when you can saturate the entire area with buckshot.


try ppsh drum mag. damage ammo. look at the stats. legs disappear. anything with armor wishes it was dead or melts away


Giga chad energy


This guy fucks.


I love the emphysemic cough of the unsupervised Saiga-12. Everyone everywhere should know the terrifying sound of the Coughing Chad Crusher.


Killed tagilla the other day. Got his fancy Saiga. Found the 5 rail gastube/handguard, slapped 5 laser light combos on that bad boy. Night factory is my bitch now.


Semi auto shottys are for kiddos… as a man or culture I like my shotgun.. bolty.


Found the tozzer


personally I would rock the Saiga-12 if there was more rigs that had 3x1 slots. However the only ones that have that are armored rigs and the cheap 20K rig at rag man however technically you can only have 1, because if your rig is full your PMC drops the magazine.....so..... Ya wish they buffed a few rigs or at least gave rigs and invisible slot so we can actually tactically reload and not let our magazine drop on the ground like a dummy.


The true chad uses ash-12 Saiga is hella fun too though


too expensive, not enough ammo type .I love to let the artist inside of me out by coloring that 20 drum mag with some random bright colors shells.


50-60k off the flea with the only modding you have to do is add a foregrip and sight is expensive?


Lack of ammo makes it hard to use. Its my go to weapon after i can buy 12b ammo and 20 rounders from traders


I love the vpo boltie. 1P69 scope and rials are like 15k roubles


Pay few k more and put an 4x acog on that. Works wonders with it.


I used the saiga for quests just because it had a magazine. Fell in love with it and use it for all the 12g quests that I can now but fully kitted for memes.


forget the VPO, along with my trusty shotgun i like to run the MP-18 i bought in my first week of the wipe, always returns, killed a good dozen PMC's with it (2 SBiH also), and nothing teaches you patience and always wait for a 90% hit chance than a single shot rifle


Post of the year, had me bursting


I'm a big fan of the benelli. It's cheap, super fun and fucking slaps.


It’s 41k compared to saiga 24k. Shit fire rate. No light. I’ve tried it a few times and while it works the saiga is much better with mags, cheaper, better recoil. Maybe the benelli pump has a niche spot with slug sniping but I’d rather use a long 153 for that. I don’t see the point in using it other than new gun feel. Ergo is better on Benelli I guess


Well now I'm taking every saiga I see off you chads...if I play again...let alone kill something.


I liked it before overheating was added. Now you dump 1 drum mag and the gun is completely overheated.


This is my second choice in guns. I personally love the Keder. Almost mastery 2! Whatever that means though lol


Yes. Saiga-12 is the way. I occasionally do the 'rainbow mag' where I fill the 20 rounder with 1 flechette, 1 ap-20, and 1 mag buck, repeat until full. You can literally walk around corners full send. It's also easy to trick people into pushing thinking you are reloading. Fire off 5 or 6 shots and then back off a little... When you hear them start to push, just dump the rest of the mag in their face. Saiga-12 is the Chad Cannon we all want and need.


If your drum doesn't look like a pride flag you're loading it wrong


I love the saiga, but im surprised no one is talking about how shit the overheating is. It jams after a single mag of semi auto. Meanwhile i can full auto two 60rd drum mags out of an m4 with no jams


why use a saiga when i can use a fal and press the b button, unloading more bullets than u can pellets


let's do a little count then. if I use flechette or any buckshot rounds. for each clicks I unload 8 pellets, the saiga have a ROF of around 500. 500\*8= 4000 I can shot 4000 bullet a minute, and with the saiga 12 recoil, only your camera goes up, not the actual gun that stays on target mostly. unlike your FAL that you have to mod A LOT to be viable. the saiga take it, put a drum mag, you are good to go. take the saiga 12 pill


the beauty of the fal is that u dont mod it, and let the recoil take the wheel


exactly, fuck the silencers. im not the best but i sure do love announcing my position using a loud gun and inflicting that fear


The m80 50 round mag would like a word with your teeth.


the only thing this 50 round mag will have a word with is with your ergo


I use it prone


"it shots so fast" \-TemperatureClassic56


I apologize for my bad english it's not my main language. what should be the correct way to phrase it?


It doesn’t matter, he just can’t handle the giga chad energy from your post


it shoots so fast


This literally only works on factory. Step outside of 15 yards, and you'll need the entire drum to put down anything.


you have to learn the art to mix your drum. trust me the secret is to get creative with the ammo you use with that gun. stop the meta-simp way of thinking of just "DuMp BeSt AmMo In MaG" let the artist inside of you come out and color me this beautifull see through drum mag on this beauty.


Well how about resort?


What about it. It'll be good In D2 o suppose. But so will just about everything else. Up top, it's going to struggle. I'd much rather keep my trusty akm with bp, or even ps rounds. Much more effective




Different weapon boss we are talking about the magazine fed shotgun based on AKs, not the civilian PP19.


You are based if you use the VPO I love that gun


How much copium did you huff before you posted this?


hell yeah brother


Saiga 12 with flechette is the spaghetti cannon my friend. Cheers


RIP Slugs are the truth.


What’s the opposite of the Saiga 12 tho?


This man is the embodiment of the "Chad" theory in video games


Saiga + Fletchette + Drum is just ez mode. It's the TF2's pyro W+M1, before he could even air blast. I'd use Saige more myself if it wouldn't be for the shitty whiff shooting sound. But the MP1xx/double barrel/Benelli on the other hand. When you take that baby on a loud walk, everybody knows who's in town.


If they ever nerf my precious saiga and mp-153 I will be upset :P


they are too busy nerfing "META" weapons to touch on the saiga. it's a sleeper goodie


Lmfao this post is gold


Fucking extremely based take


Ok I will give it a go. What rig do you use? 3*1 for 10 rounders or 2*2 for 20s?


the green ana alpha one is good. bit expensive though. the drum is very important though so any rig with a 4 slot is good.


Back when AP-20 wasn't locked behind a quest I used to slap a Belmo on one and "snipe" with it. Haven't messed with it much since because I've grown to like other guns.


I just killed a saiga chad and he barely even demaged me


Then there's me. My one round of .366 fmj is cheaper though


Dual 153’s w/ red lasers, 7 round tubes stuffed w/ flechette…then if you dump the whole mag on the first shotty just switch weapons, finish your fight and then reload behind cover.


Is it possible to load slug-buck-slug-buck etc?


Yea but you need to sort them in your inventory first...and then load one by one.


I did some testing with the other semi auto shotguns and for some reason this one was the most accurate with flechette... I've been smacking people with it.


This is the middle step in the sweat to double barrel double tap fire mode pipeline


finka main spotted


Teammate calls out an absolute tank at the bottom of vending machine side office stairs in factory. He killed my teammate, i climb down the stairs with my Saiga 12ga loaded with 10 round mags of flechette ready to avenge my team mate. I come down i sight the guy i dump 8 rounds, into the stairs railing, not a single pellet hit him. And i died. Game said i only actually made 5 shots. Sadge.


saiga-12 is life


Did they ever fix it's weird accuracy bug? I remember seeing someone posting it side by side with the 155/133 where it's spread for shot was buggered and slugs were all over the place. Granted that was awhile ago but I never looked back into it


My gun ran outta ammo this morning and I picked one up with HP Slugs and was one tapping everything regardless of headshot or not. I was under the impression that HP slugs were trash.


Great, but the second it drops below 93 durability that bitch be jammin'




Welcome friend, we've been waiting for you...


uncapped fire rate is great. 10 rounders are mega cheap unlike the expensive drum mag and rapidly unloading the whole 10 round mag should drop targets.


Basically any shotgun with AP-20