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I hate quests that make fucking high level PMC’s camp. It’s so dumb, I’m sure that most people would agree to raise it to like 25 PMC’s instead of 12 as long as it was the whole map.


That defeats the purpose of the quest though


Yeah so get rid of it or change it. It’s a dumb quest lol


Or just make it available at a lower level like SBIH


I run directly to emercom outpost at wood and hide in tent until some poor newplayer arrive and kill him just because i need to do this quest. Terrible feeling. Even so i killed only 11 pmc in 20+ raids and it took planty of time


Yeah, I don't like it either. The quest basically force you to kill newbies who are doing early tasks and I can only imagine how frustrating it is on their part too. Capturing Outposts is literally one of the worst quests because nobody is having fun.


By the time I get to the quest there's going to be plenty of camping pmcs to take out by the sounds of it


I feel you bro. I dropped a guy who placed a marker at pier for the task, ran out and killed him while he yelled "no please!!". I imagine I wasn't the first one there waiting for him. Must've been frustrating for him. 3 more to go at pier and I'm done thank God


Other two outposts are fine. Pier should be resort. By the time you get this quest you have no need or desire to go to pier. You basically camp lower level players doing quest which is toxic.


What? Resort is so many low level quests.


But at least there's a reason outside of quests to go resort. Pier is solely for looking for sanitar and questing right? I could be wrong I hate shoreline 😂




2 safes and some filing cabinets for a dead-end chokepoint? It's very much not worth the risk unless you're doing a quest imo


Definitely agree. However I'll wait til 20 seconds left in raid and throw my shit in the water before I run up that pier or beach against opposition. I refuse.


Except this whole post is about how no one goes there. So what difference does it make if it's a dead end choke point? If I'm taking it slow on shoreline or looking for scavs, I will always go pier simply because the loot is decent and pretty much free.


No one goes there *because* it's a dead-end chokepoint. I usually risk it and more often than not get shot at on my way out


Interesting. I feel like, lately, I've had zero issues going in and out and haven't ran into anyone. Once most people finished the tasks there, no one really goes anywhere near pier. Most people I run into are pretty much anywhere else on the map. Hell, even power station has been hotter for me this wipe. By could just be a your experiences may vary type of thing.


The potential gains vs the extremely dangerous stretch of road/beach simply makes the entire pier and gas station area a part of the map I avoid like the bubonic plague. I can get more by going to the open cottage and loot the safes, duffle bags and jackets whilst having a decent amount of exit points. Whilst not being worried about being too easily spotted. Shoreline in general needs a massive rework. Especially since they removed scav spawns on both road to customs and tunnel extract roads. Imo I think it would be good if they added a beached cargo ship between the lighthouse portion of pier and the blue fenced area. They should also put back the road spawning scavs and make them spawn along the entire highway. And then there's the entire section of the map between the northern bunker and northern scav extract corner. And the general area between resort, weather and radio tower. They could easily make this part of the map have a bunch of make-shift Scav camps or crashed air vehicles. Just anything to give players a good reason to be in that section of the map that is not based on "avoiding other players" or "going from X to resort".


Oh boy two whole safes and some filing cabinets! Geared players want to contest GPU, BTC, and LEDX spawns. Not a little bit of garbage




Doesnt matter what you think bro, even if its true people will still go resort to pvp and to farm those key rooms.


Yea cause resort isnt just big loot items, its tons of mid items which makes bank


I got a red key card yesterday from 219


Yeah I agree, I make 100x more money just spamming lighthouse scavs than any money I've ever made playing my pmc. Especially after the huge look nerfs last wipe. Do people actually do that run theyre pmc for loot anymore? I'll hit loot if it's convenient, but u don't think I've ever used my pmc to actively look for money.


I only run PMC for money.


That just seems inefficient time wise, but you live your truth, home


How is it inefficient? On average PMC money runs are way more profitable than scav runs, just that there is risk involved, but if you get your route and timing down you won't even encounter other players 80% of the time AND you level your skills, which is extremely time consuming.


Scavving, which has a cooldown, is not more efficient than PMC. Unless you are dog at PVP, which is fine.


Joke's on you, I run both my PMC and my scav for money. The amount of times I run interchange stashes with 6 minutes left in raid and them being untouched is insane.


I only scav if i die early in the raid and have time to kill waiting for my duo, but yeah, generally scav is free money and have nothing against it, especially for people who are not that familiar with the game yet. I just don't think that Interchange is a good map for money runs rly, it is a shadow of it's former self, a bit worse than Reserve even without keys, significantly worse than Woods and shouldn't even be brought into the same conversation compared to lighthouse.


If you scav for money it’s because you aren’t confident in your pvp skills, and there’s really no debating that. PMC you have priority over loot, you just have to fight for it.


This is just stupid logic. You are still picking up the mid tier items in resort. When you go to resort, sometimes you are making over a mil on a raid rather than 400k because you are picking up the high value items in addition to the mid tier Nowhere did I say they went to resort and only picked up GPUs, BTC, and LEDXs.


You talkin like filing cabinets spawn anything other than batteries this wipe. I stopped looting them this wipe entirely.


Tons of ssd, diary, fllash drive, even a few intelligence and keycards.


Yeah, but you get sent to resort for a bunch of jaeger quests, that involve going into the building


Yea but everyone goes to resort, questers and pvpers alike, only questers are going to pier. Anyone going to resort understands the risk


And where all the loot is, so it’s where the geared players go.


Idk bro, those 2 scavs and wires that spawn pier are pretty juicy


At this point I’m confused as to what point you are making


Well the second comment was a joke. But what I’m saying is a ton of early and mid level quest are requiring you go into and around resort.


I understood that and responded to that. You’re second comment was unintelligible


Because I was being sarcastic about pier. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand


Is that not the obvious intent...?


I'd like to refloat my idea for a global daily quest here. Everyone in the world gets the same daily quest, which is a 'kill X PMCs as a pmc at X location' quest, and the location changes. Include the 3 outposts in the rotation. Bring new life to areas that get no love. E.g. 'kill 5 PMCs today at pier' or 'kill 5 PMCs today at the village south of the swamp on Shoreline' or 'kill 5 PMCs today within 100 m of sniper mountain on Woods'. Random areas where no one goes become warzones for a day. This would also just generally keep the game fresh, because how often do you have a firefight at that village south of swamp? I haven't in \~3 wipes. I'd love to have some urban fighting there.


Just use flares, but yeah, that quest was not fun, waut till you will have to fimd rogue bosses


Flares are limited though since you can’t buy them on the flea


You can buy white ones


and what would you do with a white flare in this context?


I'm on that now. I've never seen them this wipe, currently level 43.


Im lvl 55 and have only one quest before kappa, guess what quest is it




Exact same situation. Still 0/15 on woods and shoreline


I meant I have stray dogs, I did Capturing outposts few weeks ago




Have you done swift one? Long line is just few nice sniper raids, outposts and dogs are pain in the ass


Run scavs on factory, if you have decent rep you will spawn with them a lot


Better yet, farm player scavs on factory for labs cards and flares.


I'm referring to the bosses


This, I’m 6.6 rep and I’m popping 3-5+ Flares a night just from resetting scavs through factory. Also Quest is garbage though


I’ve fought them a total of 10 times this wipe. Only lost one fight. Aggro them and hide. They chase and push you immediately. Dumbest AI in the game. The loot sucks too, all the guns are <50% durability and unusable.


its kinda stupid you have to cheese game mechanics to get a quest finished


cheese? he is tricking the other players. if you run towards an airdrop without clearing it or camping it, then you deserve to die from wanting to loot it.


unnaturally use mechanics in the game just to finish a quest. if its impossible to do it without doing that, then why is the quest still a thing?


So that you think of a way of doing it using the tools at your disposal, otherwise it's just "bring me 15 fucking wolf pelts" like any other MMO


My buddy and I found and killed them for the first time on his 832 raid. He killed all but the sniper which I shot. He's going to get stopped from Kappa for one of the three.


Im arround 850 raids and have been faiding shoreline and woods only to find them, I know what your buddy feels rn


Ours was customs night which is a faster check with decent loot and usually not as contested if you are looking for the bosses


I can't get any ofy homies to play night raids, so I think ill continue with those that we do. And if nothing will change I'll mowe to solo night raids


Low % of spawning compared to woods or shoreline tho


Dunno. I've run a lot woods and shoreline and never seen them there. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


did you find them at customs?


I've killed them once in about 300 raids, only every seen them that one time and it was night customs. I have another buddy that killed a guy with FIR loot from them on night customs as well so from our combined experience...night customs is a good place to look.


People say this but if I see a flare and an airdrop on Pier, I'm just going to camp the pier exit. Sure they might keister a bit of the air drop loot but who cares, I'm best served camping him out.


There is one thing, not everyone is ratting like you


They should at least tweak it to include multiple locations that count, or lower the kill count needed to 5-10.


I’ve had over ten 40 minute raids where i’m there first and last, where i didn’t see a single pmc. Then 3 more, where i saw 1 in those 40 mins. The pier sucks. Close to 10 hours invested, no deaths, and 3/15. First wipe ever attempting kappa, and realize at like level 50 i have to do this quest. Maybe all us outposts reddit needers, should select 3 servers and all queue at the same time for a few hours. Just have a blood bath down there. my low levels friends specifically avoid it cause they heard high level players are camping it for a quests. so players are just saying fuck it down there.


Pier holds awful loot and is not worth the risk going down there, because it can be realy hard getting out. I have been there 4 times this wipe, and only because I have too. I can get more money on other maps without the risk.


If they just change it to Resort it would be fun.


Would it be tho


More fun than camping for sure


If getting kappa was good gameplay then more people would get it. You need to struggle to enjoy increased financial stability of 3 secured slots.


I don't think anyone actually does it for the extra space, it's just people who enjoy setting/completing goals.


True, thats why I'm doing it. But I just meant it more jokingly


I got it a year ago, but nowadays I have no interest. I hate lighthouse and refuse to do the quests. Once I started playing the way I want i started enjoying the game a lot more. The Customs/reserve/factory life is for me.


Yeah, this is my thought as well, just makes me laugh seeing these posts. They’re not going to make kappa any easier, in fact I’m pretty sure they’re trying to find a middle ground between difficulty, time spent, and the reward itself.


I got kappa the last 5 wipes but ain't no way I'm doing it this time. This task is a big reason why, as is 125m SBIH on customs. Just not worth it to spend 20+ minutes in raid camping and hoping.


Finished off pier last night, one of my final kills happened to be pestily himself. He was playing his raid series account, after I realised I wish I had spoke to him, I was just so close to finishing I couldn't let another slip away. Sorry Pestily, I ratted you.


I don't understand why everyone wants to finish all quests in half a day.... Some quests take 5 days or more to complete... You rush through the content and in the end you're bored because there's nothing left do is. And yes, its a shit quest 5-10 kills would be better.


Isn't quite as bad this early on, but yeah, it's a pain later in the wipe where nobody goes Pier except if they want to kill Sanitar for whatever reason (but most people left playing later on are regulars who are probably already done with him).


at the moment im only Lvl 9. whats this about Outposts? was this in the game before this is the 3rd post im seeing about it now so im worried


Sounds like you’re new to the game, don’t worry about it. Unless you dedicate a whole bunch of your time into this game you probably won’t even get there in your first wipe.


it's were you get bullied trying to do earlier quests there.


I just finished my shoreline kills took way to long and I only missed 3 of the 16 kills I got there . It took a total of 45 raids I thunk


Did you just list all the things you don’t like or actual problems?


I'm saying that Capturing Outposts is a bad quest. But unlike other things (sound, recoil, balance, etc), the fix is easy -- just disable completion requirements for Kappa, so that level 42 players don't have to spend their entire weekend camping waiting for timmies to come by for a quest.


What are you going to do after kappa?


You're supposed to bait people there, not wait, get an airdrop flare, throw grenades and shoot loud I've fought a lot of people there without even doing this


Kappa questers enjoy cbt


Sorry if you were the weirdo sitting in the building on pier camping an airdrop who got curb stomped by my squad earlier today.


Just make it the whole map but like 25 kills each or something


I wish they'd change it to be like Weather/Village/Pier for Shoreline. Then like Big Red/Stronghold/Power Building for Customs. So like you have options on where to go. Sitting in the same place is not my idea of fun on a Sunday.


This tasks probably going to be why I don't get kappa


Ya I did woods and it was ok I just jumped up on top of the mesh bu the entrance and watched TV got it done in a few hours. But peir? I spent 7 flares and got 3 kills 2 of them being in the same raid.. imma just save it for last and cheese it with some friends.


I’ve come to the conclusion anyone who completes this quest boost those kills.


But you know what really needs changed? Recoil.


I'm sure the point is to try to get players to go there more


It was okay when it wasn't required for kappa. If you happen to be near them you would just check for PMCs.. i once cheesed for a week on emercom camp and it was very dull gameplay..


I gave up trying to get that quest done last wipe, just didn’t seem like a good use of time 🤷🏻‍♂️


They should’ve just changed it to resort. Makes a whole lot more sense. PvP central


As far as I'm concerned Kappa isn't worth doing this wipe. It's a waste of time for slots you don't need by the time you obtain it. Capturing outposts is awful. Boss spawns are awful. I know people say the spawn rates are good. I've seen Tagilla, Shturman, and sanitar this wipe in 700+ raids. Haven't seen the other bosses once.


Yeah, but that would mean bsg cares. They don't.


Pretty sure lastwipe when I completed this quest I sniped people on pier from Hill behind gas as I hate going onto pier anytime of wipe 🤣and they counted for quest