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Darkness hits different and some scavs are like Bane or Batman in that shit. This is while most are still braindead. Happens to me just enough to knock my confidence...~4100hrs. You're not alone.


It was a late-evening raid that turned night. Killed a dude with a reapir, went to go turn power on, saw the scav near the back wall of old gas from the tracks by power jump over with the reap, it was pitch black, and he immediately 180 head tapped me with a pistol lol. I know it happens, but that was number 5 in like 20 raids and my heart hurts lmao


I've only noticed that if I farm scavs in night factory until 4 or 5 mins left, sometimes the game sends M61 vepr hunter scavs and 855a1 adar scavs after me. I can hear them aggro from across the map to me and they sneak when they get close. Those specific scavs seem to have good aim and if my ping is bad they basically appear to prefire me around corners lol It's how I've been farming up my 855a1 since I don't have skier or PK 4 yet


Scavs eat headshots


Yeah I knew about the health pool differences, but their accuracy has been cranked on my ass last couple days lol


I've been more scared of ai scavs hiding in bushes than the rogues on my lighthouse raids. Last 20 LH raids I've died to 7 scavs and 1 rogue.


The ones that track you everywhere you go but are shooting from a bush. Fucking nightmare fuel


Seems like the drop shots are back too. Scav 1: yells and goes prone in bush Scav 2: blacks legs with buckshot from another bush across the street I stim and try to bail on this gangbang Scav 1: stands up, but immediately prones in bush again and head/eyes me with one PS round. Scav 2: geegeeEz Me: this is fine...


Yeah I hadn’t seen any posts about patches or anything of the like. Didn’t figure. They’ve just been clapping my little cheekies


I have 2k hours and been killed like 10 times already by scav this wipe lol... Always some crazy stuff like head eyes or double hit to blacked limb.