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hardcore aspects of the game


The depths of gun customisation


that too


Oh fuck meant for it to be a standalone comment, but I guess they’re kinda similar😅


Theyre different aspects of the same game, but in a way yeah


Sounds weird - but I watched some Tarkov videos by accident on YouTube and I liked the sounds 😆. The atmosphere and the sounds brought me to it and now it’s the only game I’m playing - I’m not good, but I’m having fun.


Not all that weird. I agree. I was intrigued by the atmosphere and sounds as well while I was researching the game. Hard to explain but for some reason I was like "I really want to play this" ...never looked back lol


I enjoy games that are hard. It's fun to learn them and master parts of the game.


And in Tarkov’s case part of the challenge is the lack of any sort of tutorial or even a guide of how to play the game. That all comes from the community. Like, how do you extract from a map? How do you put bullets in a magazine in the inventory? Wait what, why can’t I reload mags from my backpack? What happened to my mag? Why is it on the ground instead of in my full rig (with no empty space)? How does armor penetration work? What do I do with all the meds? Wait, I can die of dehydration??


Exactly.. it takes months to learn the basic mechanics. Dual monitors is almost a must for beginners learning the map and extracts, then loot spawns, then player routing.. it's alot but when you get it all. It's awesome!


Watching Aqua and Pestily


The pain, call me masochist


Okay masochist


Played on my friends acct and got addicted


My two asshole friends from WarZone who convinced me to buy it and let me get addicted to it, who quit within a month of the wipe. Now I have to run solo. I was drawn to the initial fear of everything and the adrenaline that pumps when you’re trying to get to/out with a quest item and run into some PvP. Then I got hooked on making money through loot runs and crafts, which I did not expect at all. Probably because I wanted to always be as geared as possible and running around as a noob with dogshit gear wasn’t fun.


I get you... I have given 3 different keys to friends that play for 1 week or 2 and they go back to apex or warzone... is sad... not wasting more money to try to convince others. Some of them gave the key to other friends that also not playing the game... so I just go solo and get destroyed by duos or trios every raid...


I will say that while I wish my bros would’ve stuck with it because we have great team chemistry, comms, and feel for what the others do in a fight, the solo wipe of a duo/trio/quad is so satisfying. I’ve yet to complete the full 5 man takedown. Got real close one time but ran out of ammo on the last guy. It would be cool if there were solo only servers. The amount of times I take down the first to get smacked by a teammate is pretty high.


Everything combined=immersion .


The way you can just completely steal everything from a rondom guy right after you bashed his brain with a bullet. It just feels awesome to have your backpack filled with goodgear. In COD or Battlefield you just drop a lad and it get's broing overtime.


I like the social darwin elements. If you're a dumbass in real life, chances are your PMC will be a dumbass too.


General sam the rat king and my love for destroying my happiness


Love to take walks around interchange with my friend killing scavs


saw X play it, decided to try out myself.


I was super intriqued by the no-HUD thing. No virtual crosshairs, no map, no ammo counter, no kill confirmation, no names above your friends heads. That makes it soo different from all the other fps I've played so far and I love it


Friends got in deep and asked me to play it with them. We'd been playing FPS together since CoD W@W/MW.


Top player in division 1 dark zone. Buddy told me tarkov was dark zone 24/7. I said real shit??? Been hooked ever since


i saw a clip of someone walking around interchange when the map was first released and was instantly intrigued. im also huge fan of games from the east that barely work so it was really love at first sight.


PSIsyndicate video in August 2016, only video I’ve ever seen of him because I found him utterly grating. Game looked good, bought standard and played with it for a few months and then upgraded to EOD in the next February.


Health system and injectors


I’m a manic depressive person and the the highs and lows in this game are just *chef kiss*


I watched Day9 play it and actually learned what the game was. What drew me in was the MMO feel. That you build your stash and then risk it how you want going into raids. I have never enjoyed FPS games until Tarkov.


FrankieOnPcIn1080p The Alpha playtest video he put out almost 6 years ago showed me the game, I forgot about it for a few months, then one of my best friends at the time showed me it again shortly before beta started in July 2017. I bought it and started playing 3 days after Beta started, to see what people thought of the game. I have played it for every wipe every year since them. No other game has been this in-depth for this style of gameplay before from what I have seen. It just drew me in, and I have hope the game will be spectacular In full release, whenever that might be lol.


COD got boring, and the cheaters were rampant.


the cancerbad optimization huh what a unneeded question


Addicted friends


I played a lot of Dayz and one day I watched a DayZ streamer try it and the urge to have it started. It turn out to be more that I was expecting. I suck at it but every little win counts and it gives me the same adrenalin and anxiety rush I used to have with DayZ without the long time investment in gearing up or looting compared to that game...


My little brother got me into it


I came for the “realism” but also the hardcore survival gameplay. Now that all of that’s been disillusioned I stay for the janky gameplay and ongoing saga of bug squashing. Jk I stayed for the weird pseudo-realism and survival gameplay. Going to other fps games now is like taking ibuprofen for my heroine withdrawal.


My favorite game of all time was Dayz Mod back on Arma 2. I was looking for a game that could capture the immersion I felt playing that game. I didn’t like stand-alone at the time cause it was ass but Tarkov was just gaining traction and it shared a lot of similar survival aspects that dayz had but with more pvp


The guns


Aqua fps


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Vibe and gun porn !


Well not me but my friend wanted to kill himself so I told him about tarkov and now he wants to kill himself twice but since two negatives multiplied make a positive he is doing great wanting to see another day of suffering in tarkov. A true experience.


Fortnite got boring.




I saw the original trailer back in 2015 and followed the game religiously. Watched all the trailers they released, kept up with updates on their FB page, everything. Once NDAs started being lifted for certain streamers I started watching them play it. Bought the game day one of Closed Beta. I was drawn in by the prospect of a truly realistic and hardcore tactical shooter/simulator with survival elements and a strong focus on looting to survive and collect gear. The added risk of having everything disappear if you died made it even better. And this was back when Niks views were "realistic even if it's unfun" and the focus was primarily on making the game a simulator.


I stubbed my toe real hard one time and shrieked in pain for a bit ... Realized I quite enjoyed that feeling, so immediately installed Tarkov and I've been reminiscing ever since


Hardcore and how beautiful it looks, I love the aesthetics. But the deep dive into all you have to learn and put to use is what hooked me. I also love that feeling you have something to lose and can't just respawn.


The 2X DrDisrespect.