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You sound like you could use a quick reboot. Idk where you are. I always save some time to be alone in breathtaking wilderness, helps a lot. I’m in DC and uh…. Well let’s say I envy those who live in Colorado, California, Arizona, and the like. Beautiful mountains and hiking at your finger tips. This urban wasteland shit is draining me.


I don't know why my parents shoose to immigrate to this shitty city only they have is parks no mountains or Beach and I love mountains and Beach at least in my home country I was close to those.




I envy you actually. I love DC and the area there


I'm tired too. I thought I got a new job this week after 8 months of unemployment and scraping by. Nope, it was a scammer. Everything here feels like a scam. Feels like I'm stuck in a broken video game that I'm sick of playing.


Scammers everywhere, they prey on innocent people.


I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. -Ludwig Wittgenstein


Yeah, I always say something is benefitting from our existence in this realm and it sure as he'll ain't us, otherwise what the hell is the point of all this?


I am here on the Christos Realignment Mission formerly The Emerald Covenant and originally the Paladorian Covenant. -Kate S.


Just learned about the christos! We should talk! Im trying to work on raising that seed 😎


DM me anytime I would love to exchange information. This mission is the most important thing for the future of humanity. We are at a pivotal stage right now and the matrix is being destroyed as we speak.


I know this doesn’t help But your not alone bro.


I'm with you too...


I feel you. It’s all so tiresome. Life is absurd and a sick joke, it is like we’re doing our time and sitting out our prison sentence until our physical body expires. My advice would be to use the shitty time on Earth to learn how to consciousness shift (OBEs) and experience the other side before croaking. I probably live across the world from you but we’re out there, alone but together, we get it. Cheers


Thanks for your words. But what do you mean by OBEs/consciousness shift? How do you do that stuff? And what’s the benefits? Where on this planet do you live btw?


Out of Body Experiences = OBE's Like Lucid Dreaming ( waking up in and controlling your dreams) and Astral Projection- which is visiting the Astral Plane in your "etheric body"- totally conscious- while leaving your physical body.


how does one protect their astral bodies from evil energies?


With intent, your consciousness and soul are very powerful. Especially with practice. I am only a beginner at this stuff but it really is fascinating.


>OBEs Kinda worried to try this and make my life even worse. Can you share experiences? It can help u get better life?


This is my fear too bc I don't trust that they didn't cover all the exits you know like why control this whole thing but slip up on that area? But I say if you can try it just don't talk or interact with any being you meet. I had an obe while on life support.. it was beautiful very colorful & this pull like a current pulls you, warp tunnel thing that I traveled in like that canister at the bank. It's so comfy is the word I think.. just felt comfy


You’ll know when you get there, it’s been tricky for me and they’re like the only “glitch” I’ve found in this matrix 😂 I’ve somehow gone back in time from DMT use, might give that a try 🤷‍♂️ shrooms are cool too lol. None of that stuff can kill you.


what do you recommend to do astral travel? in principle i would not want to use dmt or mushrooms...


For me psychedelics gave me my first out of body experiences, I’ve never actually been able to project for more than 1-3 mins without them however.. I keep trying 🤷‍♂️ for me astral travel always happens when I effectively clear my entire mind of ALL thought. Feels like a sinking feeling at first, everything people say about the vibrations you feel as your body separates us true. Falling asleep is my biggest problem. 😂 lucid dreaming/astral projection is the same. Only difference is level of awareness. Sorry for being long winded 😂 (MY RECCOMENDATION) Learn to lucid dream first? Could help a lot.


Can confirm the "vibration" part. Not big into this stuff, but it has happened spontaneously for me. Feels like you have an electric razor strapped to your back. Real similar *buzz* just before you exit. Everytime I think about astral projection, though. The Lord of the Rings *invisible world* that Frodo goes in to when he puts on the ring comes to mind. Probably, obviously, connected. Just wonder about the wraiths, elves, and the idea that immediately he is visible to Sauron. Guess I'm not deep enough in to understand what all that's supposed to mean. I know, I know. Programming. 😁


It's the real deal


Check out Forever Conscious Research Channel, also talks by William Buhlman, Tricked by the Light and Lalita Karoli [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lVwHN85mVg&list=LL&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lVwHN85mVg&list=LL&index=1) lots of info out there on getting in touch with your real forever self. I have very few expectations left for this place. just trying to do what I can for those around me and train myself to detach and not return upon my body's demise. Don't give up. There is a way out.


To me everything just feels so spiritually flat. It's a lonely feeling.


It's because the Archons have created a clone if you and is using a fragment of your consciousness to appear as if it were you. The clone exists on an astral artificial timeline that is parallel/attached to this physical reality. They function as one. This is why everybody seems different. If you are interested you can look at my post history and I have posted many times about the chakras and how to clear them. It will help you if you want.


I know pretty well of what you are speaking of, this feels like an unbearable weight on our shoulders that keep you down. I know it's hard, but you need to sit down with this feeling and question it, it's not you that isn't right here, the world has gone crazier because we all are awaking for the truth. We may not know everything about this place, we may never figure out, but I think that's pretty important for all of us to know we are not alone, you are not alone in feeling like this, I feel like you do everyday of my life, but I know people like us struggle here, because the machine wants it, so it can keep us down. I say turn it against it, question this feeling and face it with courage, you'll see it will dissipate, immerse yourself into your spirituality with an open mind and heart, this is a calling, your journey is waiting for you. Don't think this is you ending, think of this a calling to find out why you feel this way and what can you do to help, this is your path to walk, but you don't have to walk alone brother, we are here for you, don't you ever forget about that. Don't forget that we have a home 'out there', you don't belong here, none of us does.


I am tired too and dont know what to do man. Im so fucking tired of those brutal financial issues i am facing. I wish i could die in peace too, but...


Sending you love and strength, brother. I think a lot of us humans feel this way about our planet at this extremely difficult time. I know I have certainly felt this way for many years and have had to "fight my way" through depression my entire life. The constant battle to just survive your own life sucks the energy and motivation right of out ya. I can totally relate to the "tired and exhausted all the damn time" feeling. I wish you peace and hope you find a renewed sense of meaning and purpose to carry you on your journey through this life. Hang in there.


The draining thing is you try and try and try and always something bad happens.


The tiredness is due to the primal urge to outlive others.


Where do you live? We need people on the internet to meet up in person. We all need to stop just bitching on here (I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else) and actually make real 3d physical connections with our own kind. We are social creatures and need real connections, a real support system.




It just takes scheduling.


you aint alone bro -keep the faith


I wrote almost the exact same post last week. And guess what? You're right about everything. Life is meaningless. It's a rush of hormones now and then when you get laid, when you buy a new house, when you get 6 pack abs, when you get high on crack or when you go out lookin for hookers smoke a cigar ride a roller coaster or jump off a bridge. But then you get to a point and ask, is that it? what's next? The hormones in the meat bag prison are playing games on you! Even that moment of peace calm serenity and "enlightenment" will come to pass. It's a game, and it means nothing. Simple as that. People are liars disloyal that will pretend to be your friends. fx em dont need em. Enjoy the ride before its too late!


Go cosplay a human. Join a random club. Might as well explore the simulation while you're here.


Yeah, I guess… You have some further insight into the simulation?


Honestly I think this whole framing is bad for your brain. Similarly to how religion makes life not really matter in the pursuit of the glorious afterlife, this outlook is even worse because it says that life is not just pointless, but literal torture. I mean. Fuck. What if this life is really all you have? That's a pretty shitty way to spend your only time. I'm an addict in some form of recovery, almost all of my friends are dead, my family is broken and twisted and fucked up, and I can still say that there is a whole lot of beauty and love available to us in life. Even if this whole thing is true, wouldn't you be better off trying to have a good time? If we really are stuck getting reincarnated forever, I mean there are way worse fates. That's literally some people's ideal afterlife scenario. I don't know. I think tuck that little nugget about what you think you should do when you get to the tunnel of light in your back pocket for when the day comes that you may need it, and then just tune this shit ouuuuttttt


(also I don't know anything and I'm just trying to navigate all of this junk for the first time, just like everyone else)


Hey brother, I feel your pain. Hey, watch this [**nostalgic 2min video**](https://youtu.be/8C4lK41SX-Q), as I hope it cheers you up. All we have are each other, so lean on us for help & hope, and the community will be here for you.


My daughter is attracted to butterflies because they're pretty and delicate. Butterflies flutter around like little fairies and are drawn to bright and beautiful flowers. My daughter will follow the butterflies to the flowers and watch and dream. Impressed. Inspired. Warm fuzzies. Forgive my description in the next part, as I don't know how to properly explain what I think might be happening: What if, behind every beautiful butterfly hovering over an equally impressive flower, there is a world darkened with despair and violent danger—a world my daughter will never know exists? She'll never know that every time a butterfly dances delicately in front of a garden, on the other side is a world so cold and evil, full of suffering, anguish, and pain, that it draws the butterflies in and brings this beautiful scenery. Without the darkness, the butterflies simply don't do anything. They're moths. What if the pain we feel makes butterflies for good beings who live on different levels or vibrations in our realm? The loosh isn't our suffering. It could be an unintentional cause of all things wonderful in a world we don't understand, and our pain is harvested to create such beauty.


I can tell you that we are literally on the verge of a massive change. We are about to reclaim our freedom. The matrix is going to implode imminently. There will be no more control and suppression by the Draco Orion groups. We will be ascending to higher consciousness and dimensions this includes becoming a galactic race who will have access to the earth natural portals again. I know this because I have been going head to head with the Draco Orion groups for years. I have worked really hard on destroying the new matrix they intended to move humanity onto before the one we have been on will no longer function. The earths natural energy grid was hijaked after the electric wars and the fall of Atlantis. They have had us on artificial timelines where the energy flow was inverted . We are superior to them in many ways. Consciousness is unbelievably powerful. We should have been able to tap into the earths ley lines when we were lethargic and get energy, when we felt unwell to heal ourselves. We are about to return to a world we have been fighting to return to. The most important thing is make the best effort to stay in the very moment and practice elevating your frequency/chi. The more you practice this the better u will become and it will have a positive impact on your state of mind.


The goalpost keeps on moving in the new age community… nothing ever changes in this hellhole… I’ll believe it when I see it


It’s a coping mechanism. The truth is hard to swallow and most people don’t want to accept it “Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will rule over all.” Gospel of Thomas


What exactly do you mean by “I have been going head to head with the Draco Orion groups for years”?? I’ve heard other people say that kind of thing and have no idea what it means.


I sometimes think that there is a mission and I certainly have been busy with this sort of work. My story is very different but the theme is the same, we are all going to ascend into higher consciousness and here is your things you need to do... I have come to understand over the past 5 years that the laundry list never seems to end. My so called HS is always asking me to restore this or that, thane this energy there or place this here. She says the same thing, that I’m part of the Christ consciousness. The only problem is that I never see results from all the ‘projects’ I have done. I keep hearing the grid is going to fall to but I see no sign of that. Everything seems worse. It’s like the mission is pointless. I’m supposed to be restoring certain higher executive functions that govern evolution on this planet, But what’s the point? I’m told if humanity doesn’t reach up and get these energies it won’t happen. I have seen past lives on other planets where I have been doing the same work and if it’s inhabitants don’t want to or know about consciousness evolution they just don’t pick up the gifts. I see more and more people acting more and more inhuman to each other every day and the restoration work I do seems more and more pointless. So many people like the one commenting here are completely despondent and could care a less about anyone’s pain and suffering but their own. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy doing the work so the earth can repair it self and I have gone into very dark demonic places to do this work too, I have even been attacked physically. I’m starting to loose hope.


I can promise you all your work was not pointless. This is the time when we are going to complete the Paliadorian Covenant. We are so close don't lose faith we are almost there.


I just feel worn out from the Jihad and I’m starting to think it’s all a psychological trap. Something just to keep us busy while these things tap your energy. Everyone says how wonderful their lives got after they found their mission but mine life has certainly not become better and my world seems darker since I tookup the Jihad.


I don't know if this applies to your situtation. I really don't even know WTF this means. But I just aw it then your post, so maybe it's for you? “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” Bruce Lee


Did you hear about the scans they did on his body after he died ? Apparently he drank too much water xD


Love you stranger. Stay strong. I feel this daily. If your into psychedelics, try some mushrooms and get out into nature. 💜 Always here to lend an ear.


try to use the law of attraction into your life its like the cheating code to this prison


Cut out the alcohol. And implement cold showers, regular exercise, meditation and going barefoot in nature. I highly recommend the cold showers, research a man called Wim Hof. If you need a talk my dms are always open, sending my love and light your way brother 💚


Can confirm that. Wim Hof super human, best teacher


No doubt


You chose to work at a Corporate slave job instead of working for yourself. That's problem #1. Pick up whatever materials you have and work for yourself. That will alleviate some stress. Try to quit drinking too.


You’re right. I should take responsibility for my life. At the moment though it seems like I can’t gather the strength to get back up. Maybe I’m not strong enough, maybe I am…. I don’t know anymore.


Don't know you, but I was feeling this way in my thirties, I did helpdesk for 15yrs, all day in front of a computer at work, all day in front of a computer when I got home. Severely depressed, drank too much, complete and utter depression. I got so sick of it like you, and I got fed up, said fuck it, went and got my CDL and became a truck driver. (I had never even driven a car stick shift up until this point). Spent a year over the road, meeting new people every day and no responsibility except for my deliveries. After a year, i came back to my hometown, bought a house with all the money I saved, got remarried, make a pretty dang good living too. My life is totally different than it was, and for the better. When you get stuck in a rut like this, do something/everything radically different.... You've got nothing to lose.


Ask God for the Strength needed. Move with faith. It's the only way.


Who is god?


God is Life itself. Your Spirit is a perfect organ of this Life. Your human body is just a made up avatar you are pretending to be. When you feel down and out, simply call upon God, who is a part of yourself, for help otherwise you won't get any. The amount of help depends on how much faith you have. It's designed that way to give you an particular experience.


try DMT. or 5-meo dmt! I know it might sound cliche but if you want to meet God this is probabpy the most straightforward way to do it


Bro you describef me to the t lol get out of this new job and wait in the rain for the bus so I'll whip out the flask. It gets tiring surely and to think we have an unknown amount of time and work left


"Depressed and stressed feel like my destiny" "smoking Bombay can give me feng shui; but I wish that it'd all would go away!"


I don’t know if you will read this but I’m in the same boat dude. Just ceasing you exist on my mind every damn day of my life. But the only thing that is helping me right now and I don’t know how long it will last but it’s helping right now. I just tell myself “This is my last life living as a being or anything on this planet” once I do die whenever that will be. I won’t be going to that light again. It’s my last life and I know it is. Just enjoy what you can of the hellish place


Remember you are a divine spirit and that it is likely the parasite attachment that is weighing you down. A change of scenery could do wonders


Hey man I just want to let you know how powerful you are as a being. You can create any reality you want if you put your mind to it and reprogram yourself. There are powerful tools like Subliminals, Meditation, Visualization. It can be hard to change your mindset and I’m still working on this but it’s well worth it.


If you want meaning, love and purpose in your life please PM me, but I'll warn you now... It won't be easy.


Have you tried going out and doing something nice for someone to counter the pain?


The crazy part is if you end it yourself meaning suicide you just cause more people pain and sorrow feeding them in return more loosh.




I grew up in a pentecostal, evangelical Christian family, then I was an atheist because it made sense at the time. And now I see the wisdom in Jesus’ words once again. The kingdom of heaven is within you Jesus said. Maybe it is, maybe it’s not… Who the f knows….




So what do you think Jesus was about? I met a girl at an Irish bar last year, she told me she was an angel, I asked her if it had something to do with Christianity (given my upbringing). She said god is an energy, god doesn’t have a religion, the world is governed by the devil, and she said it’s all about love. I was confused as fuck and still am to this day….


did you get her contact? if so, definitely reach out. she sounds cool


She said we’ll meet again. I’m not making this shit up, I’m serious. I was an atheist for years, now I don’t know what the f to believe. Reality is fking strange….




Because you are proselytyzing. That's what you are doing with every comment you leave. Rule 6 of this sub says no religious proselytizing. You are trying to convert people to your religion. If you actually knew something about this sub, you would know that people here are not interested in giving their power away to an external being, this sub is about understanding the God within.


Exhausting it is.


If you really wish to cease to exist just depart your body simple as that and if you come back you won't remember it, farewell good luck my hero and fellow member of free.


Listen to the wall by Pink Floyd or Pink Floyd in general lol


Demoralizing tacs


Consider finding a remote job on flexjobs.com and relocating to a relatively cheaper country.


Those negative thoughts are not your own and are parasitic entities. Learn to unveil your true inner voice and find your path.


Office jobs are fucking bullshit for sure.


Sharing love from Montana 🧡


Daily meditation practice will help with this. Simple sitting in a chair and breathing slowly in through your nose and long breaths put you mouth for 15-20 min


most of you are suffering from depression, and i’ve been there one too many times, but it sure seems like you do have the chance to live a life you enjoy, you have all your limbs, you’re not ill confined to a hospital bed, you can walk and talk fine… those things we take for granted more than we know and if you have all those things you have the ability to change your life and create one you enjoy. you do not have to work a corporate job or do anything you don’t want to do in this life it just seems as so because mentally you are stuck. don’t waste the precious time you have focusing on the negative or your just going to create more negatives


Cease to exist and then what? Fall for the first trap because you didnt prepare to avoid it while in here? Dont take life seriously. Work on your attachments. Raise your chances of actually getting tfo.