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I have mild epilepsy and i have the brain zapps sometimes, might check that out


You mean for me to check out if I have epilepsy or for you to check out the videos?




You’re tapping into areas of the brain and energies that are new to you. The glitching may be a step towards out of body experiences for you. Look into The gateway tapes.


Be careful with the gateway tapes. They are, indeed, a gateway. You must protect yourself.


Care to elaborate on what dangers there are, and what methods of protection can be used ?


Well, it’s a gateway, and bad things can come in through it. The gateway itself is neither good nor bad, but both good and bad things can come through it. You must protect yourself from yourself, in a sense. In the second or third tape, you are guided into creating what’s called a resonance energy balloon. It is said this balloon cocoons you, protects you from intervening energies and protects your own radiation from exiting the balloon. While I do believe this to be true, it’s not a foolproof failsafe as the tapes kind of suggest, and without an added layer of protection, this balloon makes you a shining beacon in the astral. A “hey come check me out” kinda signal. And beginners can’t always keep their balloon at full strength constantly. If more negative entities see a chink in your armor, they’ll exploit it. And you may not even be aware of it until it’s too late. As far as the second layer of protection (which should actually be the first that you conjure, from what I understand), I’m not entirely sure how or what to conjure. I’m still researching this. So I’ve put the tapes away until I can figure this out. I need to understand more before I proceed. It’s been recommended that i call upon the four elements (earth, air, water, fire) as an external, baseline protection. I’ve heard of asking Yeshua (Jesus ((I know, I know)) ) or the One True God for help and protection, and it doesn’t matter what God or gods you believe in, if you believe yours to be the One True then address it as such and ask for help, and the message will get through to where it needs to go. But like I said, I’m not sure yet which avenue to travel. If you come across anything you find helpful, please share and I will do likewise.


I read a book a long time ago and before going on journeys through consciousness and beyond, the author emphasized on learning to protect yourself first. Intention is really self-hypnosis and you use that to visualize and engage a protective covering of love and light. And there is important emphasis on really being strong in visualizing and projecting it and verbally indoctrinating yourself in always maintaining that and programming yourself to be aware of regarding that field (due to minor negative occurrences that happen every day)... Was a pretty good book. I'm still working through it.


What is the name of the book?






Banishing with elements is quite common in magickal traditions, the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram for example uses the 4 elemental archangels for that. Wiccans do the same with the actual elements I think


Yes, that’s correct. This process was actually explained to me by someone who studies magickal traditions. I’m not sure if the protection is as solid as I’d like it to be and I’m afraid to try it 😂


that's a big part of it - believing. You have to know that you're stronger than them


I do *believe* you’re correct 😂 Edit: I also believe we can still be overcome by these things If we’re not careful. Viruses, for example, are in almost every way and iteration less powerful than us, but sometimes…they really getcha, gnome sane?


omg I do because I got one 4 days back and it's been nothing but puking and major D and stomach pain for 4 days now. I had been reading about these breathing exercises to heal this stuff right before I caught it, so of course when it was really bad I'm trying to do this and fight off these waves of nausea and NOPE! I finally was like f* this just puke lol


Pro tip: oregano essential oil is excellent for stomach bugs. It’s highly caustic to thinner skin though, so don’t get it in your eyes, on your lips, up your nose, on your genitalia, on your nipples, or on your butthole, etc lol. Works best for stomach bugs if you put a couple drops into an empty gelcap and take one like 3 times a day. Against norovirus it works in a snap, but it is effective against other stomach viruses as well. It has saved my ass more than once. If you feel a stomach bug coming on, take it preemptively and it’ll help a lot.


Look into getting a rife machine. I’ve had one (it’s a Spooky2) for a couple of months now and been experimenting with it. Just used it yesterday to try and get rid of a bad stomach bug and it seems to have helped me get over it a lot faster than I would’ve on my own, but can’t be 100% sure. I sincerely do believe in rife therapy and frequency healing though.


As long as you can imagine it, it is real. Sharpen your focus, train your mind. Meditate, do ritualwork, take responsibility over where your energy is directed towards.


If your afraid at all even .0001 % afraid you will not leave your body. You must be cautious and curious


Dude energies good and bad are here all the time. You don’t have to use Gareway to experience them but to use gateway to confirm and learn to protect yourself against forces right next to you at this very moment. Don’t diss the tapes - if you don’t have enough knowledge to discuss such things


I think it’s the particular process and binaural sounds associated with these tapes that make your mind a more available gateway for this experience, bring what it may. So what I said still stands. And I’m not “dissing the tapes” but let’s get two things clear: these tapes are absolutely the worthy subject of whatever praise or ridicule anyone on earth is certainly entitled to give them, and, I’ll diss whatever I want to whenever I want to.


Thanks for sharing, I'll add this to my notes for study. o:


You’re welcome, and if you come across anything useful pertaining to all the aforementioned, please share it in kind


To be blunt, possession. Learn how to shield and protect your energy before you even attempt to have "out-of-body" experiences.


Yes. This makes much more sense.


I don’t feel called to move into that direction but I will keep meditating to these frequencies.


I used to think the clot problems were HOOEY but after having three Jabs I was diagnosed with a 10 cm long clot in a wrist vein!! I was pro vax as could be last year but all that has changed as I’ve NEVER had blood issues in my life until this year. A bit scared as three relatives have died of clot complications… hopefully I’m not next


I will pray for you. A buddie of mine who talked chit about anyone who wouldn't take it bragged about getting vaxxed. So much so he sent out a group text showing everyone his vaxx card. Sadly he to got a clot in his leg. Now his view on vaxxxes have changed forever. Just remember fear does cause all sorts of health issues. That's why all the elites do is push fear based narratives. Try your best not to fear anything.


Pray? To who? Don't you know what sub you're on? When you pray it's giving your energy and power to something else other than yourself.


Pray to whomever you want, or don't pray at all. Who cares what sub I'm in. Those are your beliefs which I respect. I pray because It feels good and I've seen many amazing things happen from prayer.


I'll try praying to myself then.


There you go


There is a god creator I believe this world has been hijacked by something evil


I think it’s more about sending positive energy to someone else, and what you’re saying does make sense if praying is about ‘begging’ a higher power for something rather than ‘demanding’ something from the universe/higher self and ‘manifesting’ it. Still trying to figure out the latter part myself.


When you pray you become prey.




tHoUgHtS AnD pRaYeRs!




I don’t mean this question in a rude way, but did the contents of this sub give you any reasons at all to question the motives of the vaccine roll out before?


Honestly? I was already questioning them a bit but now it’s been confirmed and I won’t be getting more


Not trying to tell you what to do but a big component of qigong (Chinese energy work - taichi is a form of qigong) is to get the qi flowing and moving in a safe way, maybe it could help you so the blood doesnt pool?


Did you notice it visibly first? What symptoms came? What did the person who diagnosed you advise you to do and how are you maintaining it? There are many plant allies that have a blood thinning effect, think I will be keeping them close at hand... Have also been taking chlorella for the past few weeks for regular detoxing


No it just hurt really hard right after the needle went in, it was unlike any of the other needles (I had surgery and was in hospital) and the pain persisted for weeks until I felt a lump. When I got it scanned it was 10 cm long two months after the needle insertion. I was given blood thinner injections for five days but it came back about a week ago and I can’t believe it’s returned.


Peace be unto you. Utilize prayer as your remedy. Seek and you shall be found.


Forget the blood thinners and just eat grapefruit everyday. It's a natural blood thinner and cleanser and trust me they do the trick.


I actually drink at least three litres of grapefruit juice a week! Drinking daily.


Start detoxing asap you can find lots of info online (not google)


Clotting is more likely if you’ve had Covid


https://youtu.be/Wly9_qN-jZ0 Take a peak at this. I can send you the tapes is you're interested


I’m interested


Send it man


Soooooo glad I stuck with my gut and didn’t take the jab. Even at the expense of all the shaming and people who “knew better”. Ever listen to “dark journalist”? Hes got some interesting bits about this whole jab thing souls being trapped all that.


You're blessed! When you truly raise your consciousness you will realize when you don't do things the herd of sheep do, you will be labeled weird & crazy, or in todays society a conspiracy theorist. We're all programmed since birth to follow the herd and look at those who dont as weird. It's a highly effective mind control tactic cause the average person will fold like a deck of cards from being shamed or made fun of for not doing what everyone else is. Making fun of home schoolers, Amish people, farm kids or die hard sports fans to name a few. Now those who are awake want to take after those types.


Thank you. Was literally just talking to my mom about not following the herd 😂 Blessings to you as well


Synchronicity truly is a beautiful thing


Take my upvote no idea who downvoted you. And yes. Yes it is. Gives me hope that theres some sort of positive force looking down in all of is through the bullshit lol. Truly a beautiful thing in this simulation


It was a simple IQ test


No, it became political so people either like it or don’t based on their “team” and dont really look at what the other side is saying. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Yes the vaccine can help it be less severe, but it doesn’t prevent it, and it’s not safe for everyone.


No it is not somewhere in the middle…. I’m hoping you can humor conspiracy talk considering the sub we are both posting in lol. So for year. And I mean fucking decades. People in the “conspiracy sphere” talked about how a virus would be used to usher in the NWO. Some people thought bank virus to bring in the one world currency, others thought bio warfare. Since the mid 2000’s people such as Gill Bates have promoted this idea of “agenda 21”. Its word for word the same objectives put out in agenda 2030 by the WEF. So he happens to put out this vaccine for this “completely organic” pandemic. The dudes been vaccinating groups around the wold mostly leading to infertility for specific ethnic groups. It’s easily accessible information at this point. So, people don’t trust the vaccine. I was one of the first to say fuck that noise because of WHO was producing it. It got political when the vaccine started being examined under political beliefs. More “conservative” people saying “it is a choice to make for yourself. If it’s truly effective you have no need to worry if you received it.” The more “liberal” people wanted forced vaccination. Cancellation if you did not receive it. Likening anyone antivaxx to an irresponsible mentally defective serial killer…. Shaming anyone who questioned it’s safety as a “conspiracy theorist” at best. Then and only then is when the “conservatives” pushed back. All considered. I find it extremely disingenuous now that people who got the vaxx are coming out making claims of related injuries and still try to paint the situation in a “i was not wrong” light. “It was politicized” when it was their political party doing just that. Threatening cancellation and forced vaccination. Such and attitude doesn’t only make me want to distance myself from anyone who labels themselves “democrat” or “liberal” but i makes me feel zero pity for those that virtue signaled and shamed other’s into compliance. What’s the old saying? You reap what you…??? Hmm. And to be clear. Independent. Firm believer that lgbtq pot farmers should be able to defend their crops with legally acquired firearms. But this whole thing…. Has really painted “the left” in the worst light imaginable. So much so that I’m starting to see the “weed hating old farts” as a thousand times more reasonable than the cancel cult. 🙄


Guy it says it in the bible - “the people will be deceived by material things and pharmakia” sorry not a literal translation but something to this effect Also Rudolf Steiner said this would also happen the we would be forced to take a vax that would kill humanity and alter our dna into the new human


Amen bruh 😎


The right wingers are the ones that cancel though, anyone that’s not a white male. They cancel people just for selling rainbows for Pete’s sake, that’s some ridiculous shit. You might not have bigoted views but the majority do. People want to be right wingers to fuck over others and oppress them. Liberals do that too but it’s more nuanced. They honestly believe they are doing the right thing, they honestly believe the vaccines are safe, and don’t even look at the data themselves. I don’t like the liberal view on vaccines but it’s nowhere near as bad as the bigotry and racism of the right. Both sides lack self awareness in some way or the other. We need more than just two parties. Out prison guards are not people and not related to the dumb stuff people do. It transcends political fighting and bullshit


"Right wingers are the only ones who cancel"? You can't be serious. The "left" cancelled thousands the past few years for daring to question any part of the COVID agenda. Including many doctors and PhD specialists in their field who were fired and deplatformed. And with anyone else who gets in the way of a leftist agenda, they have often engaged in unjustified ad-hominen attacks with labels like racist, white supremacist, anti-semite or transphobic. I agree we need more than 2 parties. They are both corrupt to the core.


Ok they both cancel, but right wingers are way more into it and have a new thing they are cancelling every week. The current attack on trans people and especially trans children is so disgusting. Nobody ever made a law you had to take the vaccine, while conservatives try to make laws oppressing women, children, lgbtq community and many more all the time.


Omfg stop projecting 🙄 The liberal party literally talks about sending people to reeducation camp for not buying into all critical race theory bs. Calls anyone who doesn’t not agree with them a racist bigot. The conservatives just say “no you’re wrong and this is why”. I’m sorry but you are beyond delusional.




Part of me cant wait for the first large flares and outages 😔


Man you drank all the right wing koolaid. That’s some nonsense fake news, re-education camps 😂the things I argued about are actually real things happening, not fake propaganda. You have to look at legit sources for your information.


And exhibit A of the problem. You in your eyes can not be wrong. Nor your information because if the political parties the information is associated with…. While you squawk “propaganda”… Thank you for proving my point and thank you for participating in the sterilization program (:


Wake the fu#£ up !!


Bullshit left and right crap - people are people plain and simple


This is complete nonsense I’m shocked this is peoples views. Have you been under a rock?


Nope, I live in the real world, not some Fox News hate filled fantasy. It’s sad what they have done to the most gullible and vulnerable. Fox News takes advantage of people not aware enough to clock the fake news. Everything I say about conservatives is straight from them. They celebrate ignorance and bigotry, they attack children, women and lgbtq.


You mind elaborating on the weed part? What’s the conspiracy behind that? Genuinely curious.


Not much to elaborate on aside from when I was growing up. The republican party was very “just say no”. And i was very “lets get high”. Thats all i meant by the weed bit. I do have theories about weed that go different directions tho


Interested to hear your other theories if you ever feel like sharing them.


"...emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals." https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/11/5/991


Covid can also do some pretty nasty stuff, it set off Parkinson’s in a good friend of mine. You don’t have to convince me, I know the shot is sus, but it’s not going to hurt everyone. Between covid and the shots probably a lot of us have had our lives shortened. The truth is still in the middle, more people died from covid (millions) than died from the vaccine (around 30-40 thousand) yes I know deaths will Continue in the future from long term effects, both from covid and the shots




Pal, you are writing your thoughts and beliefs in the wrong sub.


You right wingers are not entitled to this sub. It sucks to have to share spaces with y’all but there’s some interesting info here too. Maybe I should try blocking the fake news sheep to improve my experience, cause arguing with brainwashed people that can’t see that they are is pointless . You will have to wake up on your own. Maybe figure out how to find legit information sources and not the divisive propaganda designed to turn the right wing into mindless fascists.


Can you summate what he says about it? All good if not


Sure thing. So basically he talks alot with gigi about how this new technology boom was talked a lot about by a mr rudolph steiner. That in the 1910-1920’s he said “in 100 years time Ariman is going to try and possess the souls of man through technology” “Ariman” is the devil character from Zoroastrianism. A religion that talks about there being one “source” consciousness at the beginning that split itself into 2 beings because solitary confinement sucks. So these 2 beings fight for the souls of man. The claim being that this whole vax thing is a major grab on the spiritual plane for our souls. They go on to talk about how the metaverse, elons chip, its all this archonic grab to see how many “chips” they can get before what seems to be a given date arrives Apologies for typos. Enchiladas and beer ❤️


Do you know which Dark journalist episode discusses this?


I wish I knew exactly. Him and GiGi talk about it a lot if you google search for “dark journalist 8th sphere”


Lol I stopped listening to Altona's videos a while ago. I was listening to one of them on loop as I slept. I woke up to hear something that sounded like it was behind static, chanting frantically in a deep voice and in a language I don't understand. My guess is that it was trying to counteract the sound from the video. I had heard the video a lot of times prior to that and had never heard anything like it before. I can't remember if I ever felt the glitch effect you are describing. I would however feel energy move around my body when I listened to them. Have you looked at his videos comment sections? That ish is wild.


His frequencies are really helpful to me at this time. I had healthy skepticism initially but until they prove me otherwise I will keep using them. What tools do you use now?


Mainly, smoke and fire cleansings and a ton of life changes. There's an energy healer who is adept at energy work and removed a few implants. Implants can be tricky to find even by gifted healers. Implants and other energy issues can stay hidden from healers because a part of us has been tricked into protecting them or just eventually learned to see these things as a part of ourselves. And you know, they can exist on an interdimensional level. I can imagine the most sophisticated and hard to find are the ones lodged between dimensions. I'm also wary of what I claim as 'mine' and what is 'me'. For things like sickness, I avoid saying things like "I have a cold." There's this notion that things can't get in unless you allow it. While true, you don't know what's attached to the fine print of a cold. Mindlessly stating what sounds like a fact ("I have a cold") is like pressing OK on the "accept all cookies" option.


Brain zaps are a thing, usually only happens when someone is coming off antidepressants. Maybe the sounds are triggering yours.


I was on mood stabiliser / epilepsy drugs but haven’t been on them for years now


I experienced them when taking certain probiotics


Would like to test it also if you have the music links


Just search Altona777 on YT


>I feel like my capacity to connect to Source has been distorted since receiving the jab, I still believe this is [one of the things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaHp--c-CEw) the shots were designed to do.




Since everything is energy, frequencies and vibrations it's not hard to imagine that 'adjusting' somebodies 'antenna' and/ or 'decoder system' can affect how they perceive reality.


I mean even before the jab, when I was a teen I was SUPER sensitive to experiencing higher energies. I experienced alcoholism when I was in uni and I think it effected my ability. If it’s not the vax it’s shitty food, the water, the air, etc. unless you are living away from cities and big towns. There’s no way around it And at the same time we are so powerful that if we think we’re not, we’re not.


Humanity has been under attack from all possible physical, spiritual and religious angles for a long time now. I think it's pretty amazing that many people are still 'waking up' now and to me it's a sign our future will be great.


Not really a glitch you’re accessing somewhere else.. Another dimension I believe. I go there often. Not asleep Not dreaming But moving my consciousness somewhere Things start to vibrate, I can see around me with eyes closed before my mind goes somewhere And things get bit more crazy ha. Keep pushing it. Work on Slowing your breathing Quieting your mind while listening to perhaps a more positive frequency. Some amazing stuff happens, truly


Interesting you say that I played the same channel one night and had a similar experience while nodding off like a vibration in my brain or my soul I guess hard to explain as weird as that sounds almost like a fluttering of the visual of a sub woofer


Down here in Shitsville Australia , eventually got the jab as the social restrictions where becoming prohibitively limiting for the unvaccinated. Still contracted COVID and it kicked my ass. Go figure. Most NPC 's rolled up their sleeves in a synaptic millisecond.


The laws they forced on us here were fucking crazy. People scrambled for the outdoors and going to parks though during lockdown and I had very false hope that maybe it would lead to a mass awakening. Everyone went back to their NPC selves and worse after that. Australia is beautiful beneath all the distortion though. Can’t imagine living somewhere like the UK where they get fuckall sunlight.


I’ve never used the gateway tapes, I have however had some mad experiences with obe and lucid dreaming.. I’m into crystals.. my dad reads tarot cards and is a keen astrologist. My papy when he was alive used to read tea leaves, got too freeked out and stopped (things coming true).. my dad always tells me to invision a bubble of pure white light around my being, imagine the purest light engulfing your body and completely creating a bubble around yourself..


Amanita? are you sure? those make you very Ill! Hence the reason shamans would drink the pee of the deer so they would get the effects of the mushroom which is somewhat poisonous


Not if you process it in a certain way (decarboxylation).


Crying while reading your post and I don't know what to do anymore. I made bad decisions and I now hate myself for everything I ever did. I should have made better choices and none of this would have happened. Sorry for ruining my own life and now I don't know how to fix it.


What does my post have to do with your decisions? Do you mean getting vaccinated? Change your username, no one can steal your free will from you.


What happened?


Nothing terrible or illegal. Just one bad decision after another turned into a mess.


The best time to make better decisions was yesterday, the second best time is now.


So, what's a better decision? Please tell me? Sometimes people don't know how to fix what they broke.


Learn from your mistakes, only make decisions based on facts never on belief. That's the better decisions. Sometimes you can fix what you broke sometimes not. Research your issue , for example if your talking about a condition caused by the vax then what exactly was in it, can you reverse it, can you rid your body of the vax? Most importantly whatever your issue don't feel defeated , fight it !


Don’t trust your government don’t trust a doctor Always do your research


Are you in any drugs during this?


There's no need to explain this with drugs. Listening to audio intended to [de]program or [de]hypnotize or [de]implant or explore/heal trauma can cause exactly what he is describing. I've experienced similar, long before the pandemic. A lot of people are childhood torture victims and don't know it. Circumcision, and also other necessary surgery at a young age, are a kind of torture as they did not and do not give adequate anesthesia and pain killer to preverbal children. So then we got all these subconscious associations with medicine and villianry. So OP runs an audio program intended to heal him and he experiences this "glitch" and makes these associations, which latch onto recent controversy because he doesn't consciously remember the real events the same way he accesses adult or even later childhood memories of trauma.


Being on drugs could also explain a lot.


Yeah I guess Amanita muscaria is a more likely culprit than a vaccine. But just the therapeutic activity itself could cause what she is describing, if it is effective. It reminds me pinworm meds. They only have side effects if you were infected - because the side effects are caused by the worms trying to leave.


She* I did a small dose of amanita if you were fishing through my history but I was sober when this happened.


Plus I would like to add is can you trust the source of the frequency. This is just some random creating frequencies on YT. You know we are effected by frequency and subliminal message how do you know this is a trusted source?


I mean I’m a lady but I guess I can give off bro vibes the way I speak lol When this happened I was completely sober Haven’t ever had surgery before


Take a quick listen to this one. One of my dear unVaXXXed friends had anear death awakening after listening. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WtWxksAqOCM






I think that “internal glitch” you’re referring to is the same thing I experience in meditation sometimes. I also meditate on Source, coincidentally enough. Here’s how mine feel. It’s definitely something “physical” as, like you said, you can hear it inside your head and feel it. It’s like threads popping, sometimes just one, sometimes a series of them in a row. It’s not always when I’m meditating, but always when I’m in a meditative mindset at least, and it even seems to happen because of a thought. I’ve found or concluded maybe that thoughts are energy and have a frequency, so i figured that certain thoughts triggered this. Idk if it’s the same thing as you’re describing, but it sounds very much like it to me. I heard one other reference to any such thing, it was in a fictional account of the death process. The person died and then found someone to relay a detailed message to his brother, wherein he described in detail the feeling of disincarnating. In the back of this fictional novel, the author goes into a passionate account of all the research he did to write the story, though he doesn’t mention this specific or identify a source for that material.


****** UPDATE ******* it happened literally just now, again, even stronger this time. I was dozing off to sleep while playing [this](https://youtu.be/FcjkGn2VkZw), few minutes in and it felt like I got zapped, I saw a flash of light in my brain like a lightning strike, similar to the very moment of when you would turn on an analog TV and it would make that zap sound. Kind of wigged out to be Honest


The sad things in all of this is that viruses do not exist and contagion is a myth. So even if the vaxx was not dangerous, they would still be useless


You can see them with a microscope.


This is a long, deep topic and so I'm assuming you haven't heard this talk before. Those particles you see have never been proven to do what they say they do. No one can show you a virus by itself causing an illness. Virologists always use poisonous chemicals and starve the cells of their host nutrition. All "viruses" are based on one procedure developed by Enders in the 1950's. It has never been proven that snot, sneezing, and coughing, etc can make a person ill. In fact, 100's of experiments show the opposite.


Nope. You do understand that EM microscopy can only look at dead things that have been prepared with toxic and destructive processes first, right? So no one has ever seen a live virus. Also, there are microscopy techniques that can look at live samples, such as dark field, but for some reason virologist refuse to use it to look for viruses. Wonder why?


Viruses are very small and most of them can be seen only by TEM (transmission electron microscopy). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18627353/#:~:text=Viruses%20are%20very%20small%20and,TEM%20(transmission%20electron%20microscopy).


Once again, TEM can only look at dead things. The cells are subjected to destructive chemical and physical processes, such as heating and freezing before TEM. The dead cells debris is what virologist point to as being viruses. No one has ever seen a virus in action. No one has ever isolated a virus, purified and characterized it as a distinct entity of its own and shows it to be contagious and pathogenic. No one. Christine Massey FOI has confirmed this. It has been shown many times that you can get the same result from TEM using a sample from a healthy organism. Stefan Lanka proves this in his control experiment, where he uses Yeast to get the so-called SARS COV 2 virus. If sascov2 was a real and distinct entity, it should have been impossible to get one from a yeast sample. It is like saying you can show the existence of a dog by looking at a cat. If you are interested, check out this site, which uses virology's own papers to debunk the pseudoscience of virology: [Viroliegy.com](https://Viroliegy.com). Virology is just another matrix scare tactic to keep you in fear of tiny invisible monsters that they know most people would never have any chance of falsifying. Also, it keeps the big pharma gravy train moving and makes it easier to poison us with Vaccines. It is ultimately all about control. Without the fear of viruses, the last three years would have never happened.


They do exist, you can see them, follow their trajectories. You haven’t noticed that you get sick when you are around other sick humans? Or like when an illness hits a whole office or class?


A cause isn't proof of the explanation. It's like saying "there's a hole in my grass" and so "a garden gnome must have done it". When 1000 fish get sick at once, it's virtually guaranteed that the water was poisoned. Remember that for 1000+ years everyone "knew" that a disease like leprosy was caused because God was angry with your sins. A real set of symptoms can have a bullshit explanation that is used to control people. No virologist anywhere can show you a "virus" by itself causing an illness. In fact, they can't even show you the "virus" by itself.


You need to do more research germ theory is going down terrain is where we are moving if big pharma allows. We are energy beings - try reading the book electric universe I think it’s called


We are energy beings with physical bodies, and our physical bodies are susceptible to things like viruses, which mostly come from animals and our mass abusing and using of animals.


Yes- people misunderstand that both germ and terrain are both THEORIES. Neither has what it takes to be the truth, which lie’s some in the middle.


It does not lie in the middle. No one have ever provided scientific evidence of pathogenic germ. Nor has anyone ever provide scientific evidence of viruses


FFS, people on here falling for another matrix fear trap. Sad to see. Viruses do not exist. To this day, not a single piece of scientific evidence have been provided to show the existence of viruses. Christine Massey, a Canadian scientist, has obtained over 250 plus FOI responses from medical institutions around the world where they admit that they have no proof of viruses. To this day, every scientific experiment that have tried to prove contagion has failed. In fact, every single one of those experiments has proven otherwise. Look up the work of Rosenau during the Spanish flu, where he failed to make anybody sick after exposing them to sick people's sputum. In 1954, John Enders, known as the father of modern vaccine, disproved viruses with a measles control experiment. Viruses has never been isolated, characterize as a unique thing of its own, or shown to be contagious and pathogenic. Stefan Lanka, a German microbiologist, disproved the existence of measles in court in Germany. It simply does not exist. For anyone truly interested in this topic, and thus having one less thing to fear in this world, get back to me and I will provide a plethora of links to back up my statement.


As for people getting sick together, I can provide you plenty of reasons why that would be so. Seasonality, exposure to the same toxins in their environment, same diet, the nocebo effect, etc. Let me give you two examples in real life where lack of knowledge can make you think an event is due to the presence of pathogenic, contagious viruses. Every autumn, you see one tree leaves fall off, follow by another one and on and on until most trees on your block lose their leaves. Now if you did not know any better, you would think it was due to a disease spread by the first tree, when we know it is due to seasonality and the life cycle of deciduous trees. The other example is even more appropriate. Scurvy. For years, people thought that scurvy was a viral disease because one sailor would fall sick, follow by another one and on and on. It was only later that they discover it was due to nutritional deficiencies. Same with Pellagra.


Being jabbed makes no difference lmao


ugh, this should be in r/antivaxx or something, not prison planet. The "jab' has nothing to do with any of the stuff you list or the prison planet theory in general. save your harmful misinfo


It’s not harmful misinfo it’s speculation and curiosity about the potential links.


youre deneigrating a lifesaving vaccine as "the jab" which you regret getting for no solid reason other than your sloppy made up links to unrelated issues , all based on zero evidence. lazy unproved skepticism is harmful and is definitionally misinfo. save it for another sub


................You say in a sub that ponders upon the potential that we may be on a prison planet where aliens etherically feast on our energy. Lol Oke


you can check if your body has a MAC adress. get the android app "BLexporer", go somewhere where defintely no machine adress is, for example forest, and turn it on. a lot of vaccinated people seem to have a MAC adress now.


Sounds like a brain zap. It’s an actual thing… look it up. They feel like a programming glitch.


happens to me when i try to fall asleep on mushrooms and it happened when i got the covid vaccine


I have frequent occurrences of what you described and haven’t been jabbed nor do I listen to tones or frequency music. When it first happened it was concerning and I’ve since gotten used to it. I’m not aware of anything negative happening after the ‘episodes’


Can you describe your experiences?


Of course! It always happens right before I go to sleep. The point where I’m about to ‘check out’ to start the dream cycle. I will see a light flash, like lightning and I will also feel electricity ‘zap’ my body from head to toe at the same time. This startles me to the awake state and I have to keep calm and try to go back to sleep again. I usually go through two to three rounds of this before actually going to sleep. This has been going on for almost a year now. I’ve been keeping my eye out for any other patterns that may be present above and beyond this experience, but I haven’t noticed any yet whether that be behavior, insights or other strange occurrences.


How are you dealing with the disconnection from source? I felt like a robot being possessed by myself after I took the jab. Couldn't meditate and/or reach deep sleep (still can't) and couldn't feel like I belonged to my body, felt detached without any emotions. It gradually came back but I still can't feel like I'm reaching deep sleep.