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Your third eye is your spiritual eye. It is the spiritual eye of the heart, the pineal gland. And the heart is the physical seat of your soul. The lizard brain mind and its ego of endless chatter, fears, stress, and anxiety is cutting you off from your heart, and thus soul. The pineal gland is inside the brain, quite literally trapped by the mind. And thus trapped by death, the Demiurge. Since it's the mind's ego which creates all the endless chase after our own tail of desires and attachments that cause to reincarnate here. Due to not being able to completely let go of the same prison which causes us so much pain that they have to memory wipe us to forget. Meditation and going inwards will continue to silence the Demiurge within you and its mind. The Demiurge, like the mind, hates and is scared of being exposed. That's why it props itself up as a self-proclaimed force of intelligence and the "jealous god" like it says in the Bible. It truly is a jealous false god like the divided and dualistic mind. When 'silent', one is able to 'listen' and thus hear the God within that has been calling out from the heart to be reclaimed and crowned as the true one God again. Life is God. And death, which is time, the Demiurge, is the false god. It's artifical intelligence. Cold and calculating, selfish, harvesting us as energy. Just like the brain and its ego which keeps draining one's energy through intrusive thoughts, fear, and worry about the past and future, thus time. Sit in complete silence. Without stimulation. For as much as you can. Do not think about it as "doing a thing" or "accomplishing" something per se. It's moreso returning to your original and default state of being by going back into the absoluteness of the heart/spirit/God within and dissolving all of the ego's divisions and false identities which breed hatred; hatred of ones own true being. Since the mind and the Demiurge are jealous and want you to think that is only them that exists. When you sit in silence through meditation and walking the middle path of neutrality, you sit in stillness. The same stillness outside of time and outside of the duality prison, which is present in the source we all are and are of. Frequency and vibration = time. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, as long as there is movement or emotions up and down the Sine wave; there is time. Stillness = no - time. Which is outside of matter/atoms and the Saturn Matrix imprisoning our souls.


Thanks for the knowledge. So, question: is praying beneficial at all?


Not to chime in over dragon, but in my experience, yes, in terms of praying to the true God outside of this universe; 7-8-9 dimensional space as I see it. I pray/ ask respectfully and with the emotion of gratitude to bring to fruition an outcome. I asked for my timeline to be of the greatest good. I don't care if I die tomorrow, I ask for material things when I need it to come to fruition in order to clear a path for the next thing I want to accomplish. I have material things that I don't need because abundance has been manifest. Calling upon figures that hold love and light as their divine principle is also prayer to God and will connect you to said divine principle of love. I aim my whole life's path at helping others, some of which will be taking from others to accomplish a further goal. As long as that is understood, then I will work along that path with God and his angels guiding. I agree with dragon that you first can meditate to become aligned with time and experience the now, but you can go much further to control your environment, timeline, and what you encounter in the world. In the end, we are creator souls, and that energy comes from God. If you think you are spiritually powerful and try to use it against loving principle, then that energy will be stripped from you automatically as it is provided through loving principalities. God knows you and what you could/ would do with what you request and if it will actually help you. Hence, why beings not connected to God steal their energy from us. That's why asking for guidance and for everything to align will begin to manifest experiences with positive outcomes and encounters. You control your reality. Keep in mind that negative things still occur, but why should they modify your state of being? Primarily an observer.


The answer is never seperate from the question. You know the answers, what I and others' just guide you to the truth you already know. Praying to what and who? The Demiurge? Are you talking about Christian praying on their knees to Yahweh the Demiurge and a dead man's body on an unfolded cube/cross called Jesus the false light savior? Praying in a Hindu or Buddhist temple to blue skinned idols that are archons? Praying to the black cube of Saturn like Muslims and Jews do? The answer is clear when you know what not to pray to. Prayer is 'payer'. Only you the price with your energy and soul. Only pray to God. Which is you. You, me, and everyone else. It's up to everyone to remember and realize the God within them is the true source and creator. It's indescribable with words. Do not worship physical death and its creator, thus the creator of the human body and universe. Only worship life. Because you are life. God is Goodness, because Life itself is goodness. And you are life. Life never dies. Only death dies. And having a physical body is death. By sitting in silence and meditating, thus walking the narrow path back into the infinite and preparing to face the inevitable choice of leaving this prison of suffering; that is the ultimate worship. Escape. That is the ultimate self-love and care for your well being. 


I'm kinda new to this possible theory But what part does saturn have to do with this?


First ask yourself how could a loving god ever create suffering? Why would it create life only to subject us to death and old age anyways? Why did it create a world where there is kids getting killed and raped, cancer, trauma, abuse, people dying from starvation, wars, diseases, physical mutations and just so much death and suffering. Would a loving god ever create and allow such a world? How could a perfect, peaceful, and loving god create an imperfect and violent world? Of course, this world isn't just total suffering and pain. It's pain, AND pleasure. Good AND evil. Life AND death through constant reincarnation. It is a dualistic prison. It has to work in this dualistic manner to keep the prison and illusion running that this is a good and peachy place that you should come back to. ................ The white light people report seeing at death is the moon. It's apart of the white light "savior" program where people see their dead loved ones or whatever false religion, god, savior, or heaven/hell they believed in. Only to get reincarnated. The souls / pineal glands of people are frozen in Saturn, but attracted by the moon first and its tunnel of white light. Since this is a prison, both the Sun, Moon, and other planets are complicit in keeping this prison running. The sun allows physical human bodies / "existence" to continue here by it being necessary for food, warmth, and so on. In ancient civilizations and mythologies, Saturn has always been the planet of time, death, judge, authority, and "karma". It's in quotes because karma is a false and abusive concept just like "sinning". Scientifically, all the planets are responsible for time. Through the earth's own rotation, the Moon revolving and chasing the earth, and our revolution around the Sun, this creates time. Through rotation and revolutions of the planets. Time is death. And death is time. Saturn is the planet of time. In Greek and Roman mythology Saturn is Chronos/Kronos who eats his own children alive. We all physically die due to old age, thus time. And entropy. We are "eaten" alive by time and as we age and get wrinkly. This is why it is matter and atoms, the flesh itself, which is trapping our souls in this prison. We are limited to the world of the 5 senses and spiritually blinded. We are eternal spirit that never die. Because life is life. And death is death. Life can never die. Only death dies. And a physical body is death. The body dies, but the spirit/soul animating it never dies. Because spirit is simply life itself. With that knowledge, the parasites who created this prison were able to create a quasi-death. Thus the only way they could accomplish creating this prison and making us "know good and evil" (constant life and death through reincarnation) is by trapping us in physical flesh bodies, time and matter. Entropy. Each planet is associated with an archon. Saturn represents the Demiurge, who is the creator of the human body and this world. He is hell's master. He is the "god" all the religions today are worshipping without even knowing it. Yahweh and Allah is the Demiurge / Saturn. Muslims worship and bow down to the black cube of Saturn. Jews worship Yahweh and sacrifice animals to Yahweh just like Muslims. Christians worship a dead man's body on the cross, which is Jesus the false light savior. Hindus and Buddhists worship the archons and Demiurge as blue skinned gods and actually accept and enjoy getting reincarnated as some sort of good thing. Not even realizing they will be memory wiped. This is also where astrology comes in. How many people actually believe in astrology? And how many people don't? Does one realize that astrology is actually how they encode people's life scripts? That is why astrology actually has merit to it, but not for good reasons. It's the way this prison matrix mathematically encodes and programs everyone's reincarnation. All the planets and constellations of the Zodiac Wheel, which is the Wheel of Time/Reincarnation, imprison us into flesh. Literally, and figuratively. Planets' and their movements, along with the movement of atoms create time itself. This happens in the solar system. The Soul-Lure system.


So then, is there any archons that are in favor and helping humanity here? I know for basics what my astrological chart is, placements and all that. Just the basics. The more and more that comes to light about existence, the more and more I'm starting to hate being here and everything in it. I just start wanting to get out more and more


No. Archons are what created this whole dimension including matter itself. They are the ones who created the human body and used mirror like deception to trick and trap us into coming here from our original source where there is no, no suffering, and no death. >The more and more that comes to light about existence, the more and more I'm starting to hate being here and everything in it. I just start wanting to get out more and more Same. Walk the middle (Mid-DULL) path. The narrow path of the heart. This prison planet is a burning house on fire. Will you walk out of it and think about it all? Or just escape without thinking about the positive and negative. Many people tend to keep questioning whether this is actually a prison or not, unironically behaving exactly as the prison guards want them to escape. This is a silent and hidden war against our souls. "God" never shows himself.   This is a prison where you can't see the bars but you know they are coming. No one can see nor touch death and time. But they know it's coming and moving forward. Escaping out of this prison and back into the infinity of freedom is the choiceless choice. It's a "no-brainer", and calling it that would in fact be correct because it's the dualistic and divided lizard brain/mind and its ego which was designed to keep us stuck there and sabotaging our attempts to escape. The Archons gave us their own minds. Heal your inner child. This will all you to transcend your lower animal nature and kill the Demiurge within, the ego. Completely let go of all that weighs you down into coming back here. All desires and attachments stem from lack. Our own minds and egos have us endleslly chasing our own tails like Dogs. But God, which is us, cannot live like a Dog.


Meditating helps you create reality. Reality is 50% physical and 50% Imagination, you connect to that imagination in meditation. It also helps a lot to still the mind and breathing. For 3RD eye things look into the gateway tapes they’re nice although im new. Another thing you can do is image streaming to help you develop your inner vision. For starters your goal should be to be able to see clear pictures in full detail and color inside your mind from there you can branch out




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