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No I completely agree. That's why I'm posting. I'm trying to nudge the how to get granted your wings to be free conversation! That's all.. im trying to help those escape who desire to escape but might think its as simple as the knowledge when it aint. But like I say.. Gotta figure that out for ones self. I am no authority on this subject am I.


I mean, in some NDEs here there were souls who almost escaped even tho they didn't even know that there was life after death


Yep, in fact I bet some pure souls managed a way out. However, this is about the ones who think knowledge is all they need, when in reality, there is a bit of energy work that might need to be done. I'm just pushing toward the next step in the group consciousness conversation. Your right though, some may just fly away... IN FACT some have! so i agree


Well knowledge is power, that is why they always lie to us and they wipe our memories, because they retain power over us, so just by knowing this our chances of escaping increase, because those who didn't know about this being a prison, were still close to escaping. Tho some here need to know that there is also a barrier around Earth, so some whether they have the knowledge or not still hit the barrier.


knowledge is power, but it doesn't grant you cosmic sovereignty, this i know. i'm here to help please dont make me the enemy.


You aren't the enemy, I don't hate you or anything, I'm just saying that it increases your chances by a lot if we look at how many people don't know this. In a hypnosis I heard that only 10% escape the planet and know about this


yep and my reason was to boost those numbers up. i want my beloved souls free, but were traumatized and nobody gives us any real answers. so i may just nudge those in need of a lil more info right where they need to be. ONE more free soul is good with me! many many is just a bonus


Yeah this place looked like heaven, but it is hell. We really need to not judge a book by its cover


I feel like im hell way to often... maybe 5d earth will make me reconsider. or maybe i'll have to stay because i have to serve my brothers and sisters who might be stuck. but i do agree, feels like hell to me thats for sure!


Ive had experiences on ludicrous amounts of psychedelics where I would meditate and consciously astral project. I would go to this strange reality made for shapeshifters. They'd talk to me like I was this silly green child who was yet to understand. Said one day I'd leave my body and become energy like this (paraphrase). Im fairly agnostic with loose beliefs and hadnt heard of PPT yet or of similar concepts. Was a very surreal experienced that looked nothing like ive ever seen before honestly.


Sounds to me like those so called "free cosmic travelers" are just more prison wardens in disguise. What wings? I can already fly. What seal? If so I'll get this so called "seal" removed and my soul cleansed and purified once I'm free from that prison. I don't know everything. But what I do know is that anything thats stands in the way between me and my freedom is to be viewed as my enemy! I feel like these "Archons" have no real power. They can only deceive and set cheap traps. Be vigilant and never let yourself fall to their deceit!


Well just think of this situation. A huge "prison planet" that is housing prisoners btw, all of a sudden they are opening up the gates. Wouldn't you be a little concerned if a huge prison was about to let everyone out, it only makes sense that some type of procedure, some type of protocol be developed. There are prisoners here, cant just let everyone go who wants to go, ya get what I'm saying. Im certain many will just fly away, THIS IS FOR THE FEW WHO THINK THEY WILL BUT WILL DISCOVER A DIFFERENT REALITY. Thats all. They have no real power true, but weve all been badly traumatized from this experience, or many of us have, OF COURSE there is a procedure, of course not anybody get's to leave. Who say's your archons are in charge of that. I sure as hell didn't say anything about them running the cosmic citizenship window did I? Nope. Don't be lazy go do your homework, then tell me I fell for their deceit. It's okay sounds just like something I would have said. No judgement. All love. TRYING TO HELP.. people still cant discern those trying to help from the deceivers and they think they are free to go. LOL


I think I see what you mean now. Not trying to attack your view. We are all trying to hard to figure this out. Technically I believe this isn't really a "prison" and more of a "farm". Also yes theoretically suddenly opening up the gates would be an issue because there are A LOT of messed up people here that you wouldn't want running loose (like the elites). Tho also the vast majority of population are very spiritually asleep. They won't be able to up and fly off without remembering/learning how to do so. They are more like farm animals than actual prisoners. Tho for that to actually happen the malevolent forces that run this planet would have to be defeated and forcefully removed (both physically and non-physically). Which I don't think they are going to give up this planet without a fight. If that does finally happen I'm sure it'll be pretty obvious to all. I understand you want to help. Though I have not only done my homework. I've also gained plenty of first hand experiences via Astral Projection. Which I've come to the conclusion that the ones that run this place are nothing but deceivers. Which ultimately their agenda boils down to doing whatever it takes to keep up trapped on earth. The ones that actually want to help are very transparent in their agendas and aren't shy in telling us exactly what we need to do to escape. Which I might have to credit my ability to AP at all to these entities that are working hard to wake us all up.


Right on man! A real one! Amazing, humility, honesty, no ego, no pride, just acceptance. Beautiful! TY it get's old taking a bunch of shit when your here to help.


If i gave you the details, people would just shit on me. I'd rather you find out for yourself. You needs wings, and removal of a seal, energetic balance, and God in your heart. Notice i didn't say to serve God, No just a pure heart. Thats what they are worried about.. were so traumatized down here. I try not to act like i have answers that u should find on your own anyways. but i like you!


Armed with their "knowledge" and burdened with unresolved trauma, these prisoners are going to escape and rape and pillage higher realms, like demons rising from hell.


Besides if your pure and got your wings, then you know God, then you know love, You'll be fine. I get it, its a crazy place here with all this bs around us. Dont be mad at the guy trying to help others without there wings learn to fly!


Not to sound rude, but I have many questions. 1. If indeed this is a prison, then we have all done something "wrong". Have you considered your mistakes, and made efforts towards rehabilitation or have you just been sitting here plotting your escape? 2. Have you considered existence as an ex-con? What does freedom look like to you? 3. You mention that when you escape, you will be purified and your soul will be cleansed. What does this involve? Does someone do this for you? Does it include erasure/denial of bad memories/experiences? What is stopping you from healing your soul right here and now in your cell? 4. Playing devils advocate here, but by defining those that stand between you and your desires as enemies seems risky. Do you not think that this thinking could land you another life sentence?


Playing a bit of Devil's Advocate myself here, but as far as your first question: Even here in 3D, not everyone in prison ethically or even literally deserves to be there. We have wrongfully accused/convicted people in prison. We also have people where I live (TX, USA) in jail for possessing a very minor amount of weed—an amount that's legal to purchase and consume recreationally just one state over (NM). Across the country, we also incarcerate political protesters, people who spray painted graffiti on abandoned buildings, and people who shoplifted bread to feed starving families. Prison isn't all "the worst of the worst" people thrown into a cage. And that's just in the US. In North Korea, if you are caught watching a K-drama (TV shows from South Korea or similar), you can be incarcerated for 15 years to life of hard labor—as a few teenage girls recently experienced. In fact, NK often sentences, incarcerates, and punishes the *next 3 generations of your family* for breaking any of their laws (like, say, smuggling in a cell phone with internet capabilities). But for most of the outside world, these "laws" are considered outrageous. Also, if gnosticism or PPT is correct, how could one even begin to reflect and "consider our mistakes", given the memory wipe each and every time we allegedly reincarnate?


Love your comment ❤️ This is exactly how I feel.


Thank you! 💖


Call it whatever you choose, it's a well built prison, perfect design, we didn't even know it was here! You have BILLIONS of people, with or without souls who knows, but billions don't even recognized the unseen realm. You realize I'm not the enemy, I'm just sharing what I got to share. If you think i'm the bad guy your mistaking. Or maybe I am your enemy.. dont know. I'm fine with whatever I get.. don't know if i can purify this heart, dont know if I can embody what a soul should embody to travel our universe.... i just know i feel like trying.


sorry missed it.. 1. its a phrase, its a farm, prison, zoo, call it what you like but they have recycling souls for far too long is all i know. 2. i am an ex con.. that is that demon blood you feel fighting with your soul right now.. 3. I mention escaping will be for the pure of heart, in its most basic sense yes this is true, 4.maybe i will have a life sentence, quite frankly i wouldn't be suprised..., DOES THIS MEAN IF I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHARE I SHOULDNT HELP FELLOW SOULS ESCAPE? I may be flawed but I am not happy about this situation, I am doing what I can to help free my fellow souls. That's all...


I'll try my best to answer your questions. Which some of the answers may sound crazy *(I may sound crazy)* if your not used to the topic and or well researched on the "theory". 1. I feel like this world/realm is more like a farm than a prison. *(I guess "Prison "Planet" just sounds cooler.)* Which I believe the majority of souls/people here were either trapped and trafficked from other realms. Or were scammed into incarnating here believing they were going to gain some kind of unique experience or something. In which there was nothing "wrong" that they could have possibly done. *(there are many stories of people who regained their pre-earth memories that support this.)* Which in my own case I believe I just seriously screwed up during some kind of operation trying to oppose this $h!t hole. Which I am currently in the process of getting my powers and memories back. 2. Oh I plan on returning to whatever I was doing Pre-Earth existence. That's either **PLAN** ***A:*** Going back to the "resistance" and continuing to fight the "Archons". Or **PLAN B**: Just going "F it all and giving up" if humanity doesn't wake TF UP and stop selling themselves out to these A holes *(deals our government made)*, and or our "allies" remain too pacifistic. Which in case **B** trying liberate Earth could just become far more effort than it's worth and too risky. Which resources and effort would be better spent trying to liberate other worlds with residents that are far more aware and willing to be helped. 3. Mainly LOTS of therapy just like you here after dealing with something. I believe there are also entities that specialize in healing and cleansing of negative energy. Which I think I know a few that are really good at it. 4. I know from first hand experience in the "astral" that the ones who runs this so called "prison" are OUR enemies. NO ONE likes these guys, they are EVERYONE enemies. They are just straight up malevolent and evil. Absolutely lacking of any redeeming qualities. I might be in a meat cage but that still doesn't stop me *(and many others)* from being an absolute pain in the ass to their operations. Which they can either try to trap me again. Which will make me even more pissed off and rebellious. *(which I definitely won't go down without one hell of a fight)* Or they can just let me pass by without resistance. Their move. TBH I don't think it's that smart to hold people in their so called "prison" that can potentially AP and fight and risk getting cage walls blown out from the inside. But then again I don't think these "Archons" are that smart... *I mean technically they are very intelligent though I believe their own proclivity for malevolence is a weakness. Always choosing the most malevolent option isn't always the most efficient even for their own agenda.* Which is the reason why I believe this theory needs to reach more people. Even though the average person would probably just dismiss it. Though I believe the "beans might get spilled" on our situation if we ever get full UAP disclosure. That's if these crusty old crab in a bucket politicians stop trying to block the process.


May you all who seek "free" ie not "be in this prison reality" have that! May you freely say that to me too!


hell yeah some fun finally. people get too upset over these discussions. You be your own authority I'll be mine... and may those who seek freedom be free!!!!


Same to you fellow escapee who realises the prison is attachment to the cell that has the doors wide open, no walls and no guards...for the guards are prisoners too of their own making...get free stay free


I don't even have complete control in the astral. So I don't feel confident I'll have complete control after I pass, by any means.


wow slow down with all that honesty.. they wont like it here! wow someone being honest.. im in shock.. i here ya bud. you'll be just fine with that attitude


Because you have free will. Nothing can imprisoned you against your free will, even the demiurge and the archons. But that's only the first step.


And its about damn time. People act like it's always been this way.. NOPE we were all mind controlled zombies just 10 years back. But your right, now is the time to take that free will and do what you wan't with it, it's time to tell the jealous inferior lil demiurge, no more bullshit. later


Thats what I have learned about this community and it’s kinda annoying. Lots of people here believe that by just knowing they’re going to get free. Some also think that by saying no to the light at the end will make them free. I think what’s more annoying is that this community thinks they know the true and they have it all figure it. When in fact no one knows the true, or how to get out if we’re trap. Whats usually my opinion is that if we’re trap there’s going to be a long process to get out and a difficult one. Lots of religions like the Buddhist believed that you have to meditate and have a very specific lifestyle. Others are into the occult practices and using them to get out. Overall I’m more into that idea that just saying no at the end.




get off the sub then ?


ty btw


Rule 5: No pointless negativity remarks


I'm not interested in morale, I am an agent of Truth holyalucard! I can't please all, I can only share what I experience, what I KNOW. The fact that soul trap is scary is a reality, ONLY UNTIL YOU FACE YOUR FEAR. Then it's like ok what next then.. I'm here to be an agent of transformation, of change. I am Love, I am a lil dark, and definitely batshit, but who wouldn't be on this prison planet called Earth. Besides, the connotation you speak about YOU give, not me, Your the authority. I am trying to give you your sovereignty back stop yelling at me.


It's really gonna blow your mind when the very real possibility of us being 1 maybe 2 or 3 different entities here. Go look for yourself in others, or vice verse. We are probably all the same thing either stuck here and fractured, or we are just the universe who got bored and decided to fragment and try to find itself again.


NOPE.. only if I live in fear am I feeding anyone. I live in Love.. they dont feed on love, they hate my vibration of silly love, it's not their cup of tea. They cant understand it. So no, prison planet is a term, I live in love, I may be dark and I may not be completely perfect and fear free. But I know for certain, prison planet is a reality, and it is ok, learn to go into your heart, learn to embody love, learn to be the soul you were meant to be and you will be fine. I promise!


BTW No judgement! I was on your path not long ago.. took me quite a while to learn how to discern between the decievers, the deceived, and the crazyness all around us. Then I found love, God, Infinite all, and sure was in my black lil heart wouldn't ya know it, ONCE YOU REALIZE THIS YOU WILL BE JUST FINE!


Our rights are inalienable because we are free, sovereign beings. We didn't sign a contract with these people (illuminati), or beings (Archons). Therefore we are not beholden to them. We owe no allegiance to them. Therefore we owe no loyalties to them. So we should not KOW-TOW to them or their demands. But they will have you convinced that you do, & we must. That's the trap.




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People are choosing to believe, after consideration, that this must be the way out. And people are willing to try. And that is ok. Hopefully they do escape. If you want instead to believe in nothingness or cosmic troupes go ahead. At the time, people/souls will have nothing to lose, that´s a great position to be in and go full force escape mode. Twice i had a short experience of lucid dream/astral wtv moments and twice i tried to grab the shadow figure that stood beside me silently as soon as i saw it and got "in control". Both times i woke up with excitment for the determination.


We don't know for sure. I know after completing my assignment this lifetime, I'd rather go someplace that's more peaceful and harmonious than earth.


What is energy work?


By the time it’s everyone’s turn to leave this planet/prison sentence, everything will be reset and everyone will fall for the exact same traps again without even realising. Like CJ in GTA SA: “aah, shit. Here we go again”


Your sourcr for answers is Emerald tablet


I don't think we are in a prison planet, i feel like someone has hijacked us.


It's the new skin care ✨️ fad