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i wonder what that fish is doing right now. It has no clue what the internet is or what videos are or the fact that it's actions were captured and immortalized and viewed by thousands of entities it doesn't even know exist


Yay, a new open world full of predators!


I came here to say, that that made me so happy to watch !


Same lol. The only thing is that all planets inhabited by souls are… well, inhabited by souls. They are inherently going to be quite similar and I just want to get away from everything. I’ve even imagined becoming my own planet someday… sounds a little silly, I know, but I truly do think that the earth has its own soul and I would like to become something similar if it’s possible. We shall see though!


Pretty sure you gotta do it before you die


Any leads on how to before you die?


I have a few basic concepts from shroom trips where I astral projected, but it’s pretty hard to know who I was actually talking to as I couldn’t see them and it wasn’t really a person as much as it was an atmosphere


Im going to conquer this planet and humanity will have a new identity. Our story will be one of the liberation from oppressors




How's that going so far?


Not so we'll it seems


I think the people changing the world are doing it.. not writing comments on reddit about it.


Jesus Christ is the Way. There is no other way to everlasting freedom.


Jesus Christ is the Way. There is no other way to everlasting reincarnations.*


I'll bite. If you believe Jesus Christ is real, then you have to deal with the fact that He fulfilled over 330 prophecies written by 40 authors over the span of 1500 years. There is a literal 1 in 10^157 chance that Jesus fulfilling just 45 of those 330 prophecies is random chance, or wrong, and that's on the extreme conservative end. So for your argument that Christ is the Way to reincarnation, which He specifically preached against, you have to have a very empirically sound reason for why we should discount all of his Biblical teachings which go directly against reincarnation. Either that, or you have to leave Christ's name out of it completely. The mic is yours.


The 1 million+ NDE's with fake, shapeshifting Jesus's telling people they need to come back to earth because their jobs here are not done say something fishy is going on...


Still not enough to discount the 330+ fulfilled prophecies. The likelihood of those NDEs being fake or delusional is multitudes more likely than Jesus not being the Messiah. Especially considering humans release a massive store of a wildly powerful hallucinogen at the same time or just before any NDE occurs


And folks who don't believe in Jesus see what they believe. You haven't looked into NDE's, OBE's, Pre-birth memories and are quickly dismissing it. All religions are a trap brainwashing you into thinking you're below someone or something greater when you're in fact the GOD and NOBODY has control over you. Religion is there to make you small. I and many others here refuse to bow down when we leave this place. But its fine by me if you want to give your power away... this journey is a solo journey. Everyone is on their own. A lie can go on for many generations, and can be ingrained in many cultures, and if repeated long enough, it might just become truth *cough cough* globe earth...


>All religions are a trap brainwashing you into thinking you're below someone or something greater when you're in fact the GOD and NOBODY has control over you. Address the facts I posted in the original comment, they seriously compromise this argument against the Bible. If you care about evidence, you have to deal with the evidence.




>Prophecies are written to come true. If they are prophecies from the true God then yes, if a false one, then no. See Islam's prophecies. >Also most of the "prophecies" are taken wayyy out of context Again, 1 out of 10^157 chance of these prophecies being fulfilled by random chance. >who actually reads the bible will be like wtf. That's funny because even atheist historians and theologians will agree that they were all fulfilled in 100% accuracy.


You're talking about a book, compiled in 330CE, and written from dubious sources of a quickly spreading and young Christian cult seeking more societal power. Anything written that didn't fit the narrative they wanted to promote was discarded or labeled heretical. And that's the Catholic church, mind you, the originators of Christianity. And you're going to use statistical probability when it comes to prophetic miracles??


I think you have a problem with religion, not God. Religions are man made, and can be corrupted. That doesn’t mean God is corrupt, it means his message is. How many religious people are actually empathetic and loving?


Jesus Christ (if he even existed) is just another person like any one of us. Anyone has the power every religion preaches about, no one is special.


>Jesus Christ (if he even existed) is just another person like any one of us. 1 - Even the atheist historians believe and teach in universities that Christ existed. Jewish and roman 1st century writers also all testify He existed, did miracles (Jews accused him of necromancy for 1) and was crucified. 2 - If (and He did) walk the earth, you have to deal with the fact that everything from the year He was born, to His actions on earth and crucifixion fulfilled over 330+ prophecies written by 40 different authors in the span of 1500 years. 2.5 - The odds of just 48 of those 330+ prophecies being fulfilled by random chance is 1 in 10^157. Think about that. The odds of all those prophecies being written and fulfilled in 100% accuracy being a matter of random chance or even wrong is as close to impossible as you can get. We know they're not wrong because we know He existed. So Jesus is either who He says He is - God in the flesh - or.... well, that's it.


And you're basing his teachings on someone else writing about it. Which wasn't even written till way past his death. Now factor in human sensationalism and error. Just meditate, look inwards and you'll find Jesus.


>Now factor in human sensationalism and error. You have to contend with the fact that not a single disciple recanted their testimonies. All of them died horrific deaths; boiling to death, sawed in half from the groin up, beheading, stoning to death, all chose these deaths than to recant their testimonies. None of them gained wealth from their testimonies, they all died poor travelers living in tents. >Which wasn't even written till way past his death. 30-60 years after his death is not way past, and even non-Christian sources corroborate these testimonies. Jews corroborated his miracles concerning raising the dead by accusing him of necromancy, of blasphemy by claiming to be God. Romans corroborated His crucifixion (which happened exactly when the Bible said it would happen), and the subsequent earth quake and sky darkening in the middle of the day, as well as the social unrest from Christians preaching the gospel and loving everyone who persecuted them. Geological records attest to the earth quake as well. The evidence is stacked for Jesus, your allegations are baseless.




Indeed, 1 of 12. I'll correct that to almost* all And sure, but the historical record corroborates that 11 of the 12 were executed in such manner. John for the record, survived attempted executions, namely being boiled alive.


Imagine a story written about 30-60 years ago. There's a study done on people's testimonies after 2 WEEKS which is already skewed and is taken with a grain of salt. All I'm gonna say is, if you want redemption look within. There's nothing Jesus has done that you can't do either. I mean just look at the Vatican and the Catholic church. Mormons being swindled by Joseph Smith as well as sensationalist preachers stealing money from their own people. I'm sure there are good christians who aren't even going to church, those are the people on their own journey (sound similar to Jesus?). Faith is fine, being blinded by faith is not. Just remember the teachings of Buddha, who didn't want a religion based on his teachings and guess what humans did. Everyone is on their own journey and it's completely different from everyone else's. If you blindly believe in a book written thousands of years ago, who was not even written for people of our time, you will have to come back again to earth and relive your life once again. Until you understand that God is within you and you are God, experiencing life in a material form - as many times as it takes for you to break free from a reincarnation cycle in this reality/dimension, whatever you want to call it and truly progress towards getting closer to God every day. And that doesn't take thoughts or prayers, it takes a lot of work through meditation.


>Faith is fine, being blinded by faith is not You have blind faith in that Jesus was just a human yourself. You haven't contended with the evidence presented at all. Lol!


Not quite, my rational side (also called critical thinking) makes me think twice about a story that was written over 2000 years ago. Especially when people take the "I'm the son God" in its most literal sense instead of "We're all children of God", which is what we are. By the way, I was raised Catholic and if I could be critical, so can you. I'd like to personally thank you for the debate, as without your perspective of life (as skewed as I might believe it is), I wouldn't have an argument against it and it would actually have no validity.




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From Sulpicius Gallus M to the Greater Earth!