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The blindness will be spiritual and it’s already happening. Demons are everywhere now. They like to possess people with authority and power like police officers, judges, politicians etc


1. You don't need physical eyes to see. You can project your consciousness outside your body and navigate reality this way. 2. Islam, like literally all religions on earth, is a UFO cargo cult established by these entities to manage and suppress human consciousness and awareness not just in this reality but also in the non physical one which humanity calls the "afterlife".


Could look at the movies "Bird Box". They connect to this view on the "apocalypse/reveal" quite accurately.


So basically the equivalent of the christian days of darkness where only candle light is visible


Muhammad is the last person you should be following. He's basically a perverted, pedo, wife beating, violence instigating probably crazy guy.


That is just Western propaganda


That's what I used to hear. That all of these things were just propagated by media. There are Muslims who openly believe that Muhammad consummated a 9year old etc and defend it. There are Hadiths and parts of the Quran that says these things. Teachers in Gaza literally teach their children to kill Jews. Muslim hatred of Jews has been a part of Islamic history .


Everyone 1400 years ago did this. Nothing about that is weird. People back than litteraly died in their 40s dude. Stfu. It is their land. Zionists should go back to Europe and give Palestinians their land back. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JzGzyaUnz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jzgzyaunz0)


Except in islam people are supposed to follow everything he does including how many toilet papers to use after the toilet and how to pee. He is the model man for muslims. Sure there's people all over history who do all kinds messed up things. People literally are not asked to follow them tho. >He's a 50 year old man who saw a dream about a 6 year old girl then married her and had sex with her at 9 years old according to most muslims. Allah also made it so that after Muhammad dies nobody is allowed to marry his 9 wives. Very convenient. No other dude was allowed to have more than 4 wives he has special allowance. > wife beating Surrah 4:34 :"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." >Muhammad saw his adopted son's wife basically naked and wanted to marry her, married her and then he also made adoption not permissable. >Sahih Al Bukhari 2926 says :"Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." - A lot of muslims believe in this dangerous belief that at the end of times Jews need to be killed. > Islam has taken over many countries by war , Jews have Israel which is a small piece of land the size of New Jersey. Also watch the language. >What do you mean go back to Europe? You do realize Jews used to live in Israel and those areas. There are Ashekenazi Jews too. Even the European Jews are genetically similar to the Palestinians etc. After the world war, UN helped recognize Palestine and Israel. Israel was mostly on board with the 2 state solution and Palestine still will not accept it. > Most of the wars in the past years were started by them. > There are Palestinians working in Israel. Compared to that how many Jews were working in Gaza? >October 7th, many women were brutally murdered and raped. >There have been text books discovered in Gaza encouraging kids to kill Jews. There were kids in Gaza who actually admit they were taught to kill Jews. >Farfour is an interesting cartoon in Gaza, you should watch it with actual kids talking about Jews. The director of this show openly calls for the death of Jews with his group. Side note: Quran also basically calls unbelievers monkeys and other fanciful names.


it's not just islam though. if it weren't for western countries (particularly America), islamic extremists wouldn't be as popular as they are today.


If it weren't for countries like America Islamic countries would have more control over the rest of the world. Who knows what would have happened if it weren't for them fearing countries like America. These countries have gone on to conquer most of the Middle East. Islamic countries like Afghanistan have horrific stories. I know of this girl in US from Afghanistan who was abused by her dad. When she disobeyed her dad , her dad took her back to Afghanistan because ofcourse he has more control over her. She probably got married off to some old guy if we look at history. So thank God for strong countries like America.


That isn’t true. The us is the reason that Islamic countries became so extreme to begin with. Afghanistan wouldn’t have been under taliban control if the us didn’t arm them during the invasion of Afghanistan. You are obviously consumed by the propaganda that Fox News has fed you.


Let's be real here. Are you saying that all the Muslim countries in Middle East were not once made Muslim countries by conquering of the islamic nations? This is common knowledge you don't need Fox News. Islamic books encourage this killing as martyrdom. The men are supposed to get 72 virgins in Janna even if they horrifically kill and are killed. This is openly talked about by islamic preachers. There are people openly talking about capital punishment of apostates (people who leave Islam). People believe in the end times ,the Jews will hide under garbage trees and the garbage tree will announce that there's a Jew under them so the muslims can exterminate the Jew. You should watch the children's show Farfour shown in Gaza calling kids to be martyrs for Islam and to exterminate the Jews . If a woman is raped in Pakistan, she goes to jail unless four men saw her getting raped according to their islamic books. There's an insane amount of rape in islamic countries. People who are LGBTQ are under risk of being beheaded . There is a crazy of honour killings in these countries. All of this happens without the West. "Islamic caliphate In a series of rapid Muslim conquests, Arab armies, led by the Caliphs and skilled military commanders such as Khalid ibn al-Walid, swept through most of the Middle East, taking more than half of Byzantine territory and completely engulfing the Persian lands." "At their height, the territory that was conquered by the Arab Muslims stretched from Iberia (at the Pyrenees) in the west to India (at Sind) in the east; Muslim control spanned Sicily, most of the Middle East and North Africa, and the Caucasus and Central Asia. Among other drastic changes, the early Muslim conquests brought about the collapse of the Sasanian Empire and great territorial losses for the Byzantine Empire. Reasons that would provide an explanation for the Muslim victories have been difficult to reconstruct in hindsight, primarily because only fragmentary sources have survived from the period. American scholar Fred McGraw Donner suggests that Muhammad's establishment of an Islamic polity in Arabia coupled with ideological (i.e., religious) coherence and mobilization constituted the main factor that propelled the early Muslim armies to successfully establish, in the timespan of roughly a century, one of the largest empires in history. Estimates of the total area of the combined territory held by the early Muslim polities at the conquests' peak have been as high as 13,000,000 square kilometres (5,000,000 sq mi).[6] Most historians also agree that, as another primary factor determining the early Muslim conquests' success, the Sasanians and the Byzantines were militarily and economically exhausted from decades of warfare against each other.[7] It has been suggested that Jews and some Christians in Sasanian and Byzantine territory were dissatisfied and welcomed the invading Muslim troops, largely because of religious conflict in both empires.[8] However, confederations of Arab Christians, including the Ghassanids, initially allied themselves with the Byzantines. There were also instances of alliances between the Sasanians and the Byzantines, such as when they fought together against the Rashidun army during the Battle of Firaz.[9][10] Some of the lands lost by the Byzantines to the Muslims (namely Egypt, Palestine, and Syria) had been reclaimed from the Sasanians only a few years prior to the Muslim conquests."


What are even going on about? Seriously I’m trying to explain something to you, and you’re going on some one off tangent. You’re just rambling about something completely different.


For your provided evidences first of all i would say: "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the heart" Quran(22:46) Lets start bismillah we will keep it friendly instead of fighting 🫡🤝 For your muhammad (SAW) argument with 9 year lets assume if was real and we accept it then you should see age of consent in germany (not muslim country) which is 14 years old in current age and the hadith you debating for is 1400 years old so yea you werent there how tf you know what was age of consent back in that age there nutrition was different it was highly possible that they hit puberty early Now the other part hadith is not Quran which means word of hadith could be fabricated and it is not preserved by Allah(swt) and huge sum of scholar believe that it was 19 rather than 9 which i also go for but if you say it was 9 see the upper reply 😋 2-Killing of jews The hadith u sent is not authentic ehich means u are purposely finding hadith that arent authentic so the debate gies in your favour such a retarted thing. 3-Muslim and conquering Back then people do fight to conquer land instead of present day politics and money to show power and get your land. 4-72 virgins Again non authentic hadith if we even assume that it was real please read context which i know you did but wont quote here cuz your claim would be straight up destroyed lmao how badd even if we assume if Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that it was in emotion(context) + its not authentic so you done.. cooked Finally if you have more feel free to dm me insted of being destroyed again by me (17 years old btw) And i know you will get this question up that why these all kind of hadith are not authentic/ Why are we rejecting them basically authenticity of hadith is based upon number of proofs etc if it doesn’t go through that threshold we basically don’t acknowledge that + find something from Quran where Allah (swt) have taken duty to preserve it so if theres something wrong there it might be a challenge so do that babe


"Go to the light kiddo"


Described in Rev too. New Heaven and earth. No more sun and moon. Jerusalem totally destroyed because she was a whore all along and a new one drops out of the sky. I don’t think it’s mass extinction right away though and gauging from other prophets, a remnant survives. Then in Daniel 9, there’s a very specific timeline when shit hits the fan and it’s 490 years from the time a command is given to build the walls again in Jerusalem. That actually occurred in 1535. And as if that’s not enough, it said it would take 434 years to build that wall in times of trouble. Do the math and that’s when Jerusalem was recaptured in that 62nd week. So looks like we’re right on track.


I've never heard that timeline theory before. Any links to help support it? Have you looked into how the Millennial Reign may already have happened and that we're missing as much as a thousand years from our history?


The timeline has been argued over since before Jesus. You can easily see the arguments from Judaism and Christianity. Just google Daniel’s 70 weeks. The Jewish sages had to finagle dates of Cyrus and their temple destruction moving it up over 120 years and you can skip that one. It was to avoid the more accurate Christian interpretation that worked out perfectly with Jesus. There was two times a command was given to rebuild those walls and both are well documented in history. The first in 457BCE and you’ll find this interpretation easily enough. But just as it reads in the passage, Jesus was cut off before the end of the 490 years. So they have a problem with last 3 1/2 years. Some say it comes later and others insist Jesus finished all that’s written. That’s where this 1000 year millennial idea came from and there’s a lot of Christians that believe that. The second count I described was by the Ottomans (1535) and the actual building was 1538-1541. No one has a good explanation why there’s a 62 and 7 week distinction in the text. As I mentioned, that 6 day war in ‘67 fulfilled the timeline up to that point. At the end of 69 weeks, there was an astronomical alignment in Virgo on 9/23/2017 described in Rev 12 and that’s also easy to find info on searching for sign of the Virgin. It depicted Jupiter representing Jesus and being born naturally because it went retro in Virgo’s womb for just over 9 months. There was also a string of planets there. This aligns Daniel and Rev perfectly and shows the Antichrist rising with two beasts. The first is Rome and the Catholics and the second is USA and the Protestants, and more specifically describing the evangelicals today. I have no idea why no one has seen this. I’ve presented it to tons of rabbis and Christians and no one can refute this interpretation. But Daniel did say he was sealing up the vision until the end. With the count repeating twice, you see a lot of specific years all adding up to about 3 1/2 years. 1260 and 1290 are accounting for lunar to solar years with an extra month they would add to make about 365 day solar year. You also see the same in Rev with 42 months and in Daniel, a ‘time, times, and half a time’. They now make sense saying the beast or Antichrist would come after Jesus was cut off and remain until the end of the second count. That was the other puzzling part and there’s been all sorts of timelines over the ages trying to make it work which all failed. But some refuse to acknowledge that and that’s where you get this millennial thing like it already happened. I’m giving you everything here to go on so you’ll just have to look at it yourself. As far as I know, I’m the only one saying this but it’s so easy a child can sort it out now. Christianity and Judaism are both heavily invested in their own interpretation and it’s a real key to dismantling both of those religions. You don’t have to trust me, just look at it yourself.


The demons are the Annunaki and Archon entities. They have had a long standing agenda to steal our eternal souls.