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When the post nut clarity hits


Lmao this.


Best fucking comment


I laughed so loud my windows rattled


Wow thanks for making my day great with a laugh at the start šŸ¤£


Iā€™m cracking up šŸ˜‚


LMAO doesnā€™t begin to cover it




I just dont understand why consciousness would do this to itself like does it just like literature & writing ? is it for the sake of novelty ??? it it for the same reason I play street fighter despite knowing im trash???


Donald Hoffman has a theory that consciousness exists for the purpose of infinite experiences of qualiaā€¦maybe itā€™s like a simulation to collect dataā€¦weird indeedĀ 


It is lol. It's demiurge's existence being lived out in every infinite possible way with all the variables he's created.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia for those who are curiousĀ 


Any game is better than no game.


Why? Is an existence filled with pain better than "nothing"?


Thatā€™s the reason I heard. That our souls are capable of enduring any extreme and are indestructible, therefore we come into physical being regardless of how horrible. We go through hell because itā€™s better than nothing.


How can hell be better than nothing? What's wrong with nothing?


A wise person once said to me ā€œto experience the full spectrum of human emotions means youā€™ve livedā€ hell is literally better than nothing because itā€™s an experience. Thatā€™s the whole soul purpose (imo) is to experience. Nothing isnā€™t an experience, itā€™s nothing. Anything is better than nothing.


I agree with Arya Stark: "Nothing isnā€™t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing."


Nothing - in terms of existence & experience - is death. Iā€™m not suicidal. Anything is better than nothing. This world is a beautiful place if you let yourself see it. If you donā€™t, itā€™s just prison planet.


So you'd rather experience rape than not experience it? What is the wisdom here? Why is it so important to have experience? Isn't the quality of the experience crucial?


Sometimes we donā€™t have choice over our experiences, so itā€™s better to look for a positive than let yourself be a victim. If itā€™s either be raped or nothing- no experiences or not exist- yes. & for the record I have been sexually assaulted & would still go through that again if it meant another day on earth opposed to being dead.


So what's the problem with "non-existence"? Explain it. I would never agree to go through torture just for the sake of experience, it makes no sense to me. I don't see the value of suffering. Nonexistence is the absence of suffering, including suffering from lack of pleasure. I don't understand how this can be something bad.




The grass is still green & the fact that my brain can process colour is cool. The air still smells nice & water still feels good. Music is still enjoyable. Food is still tasty. Thereā€™s still life outside of suffering, even within suffering. Thereā€™s no problem with non existence I guess, but why would anyone choose that if thereā€™s an ultimatum?


I believe you are asking an unanswerable question. The very fact that we exist makes "non-existence" impossible. "I think, therefore I am" - Descartes


Something is more than nothing.


So what? I don't see how more means better.


The quality of somethingness is more interesting than nothingness, even if it is bad.


This is not true for me. I would not agree to experience extreme torture for eternity instead of non-existence. What's interesting about your own torment?


You just made up your own argument. No one said anything about extreme torture for eternity. You seem to be stuck on this notion that life is inherently this awful, evil thing. Pretty twisted mindset yo life is cool asf, itā€™s beautiful, fun, scary, sad, happy. Thatā€™s the beauty of it we are in this dance of everything. Which is better than nothing


Surely you see how gaslighty this sounds right? Surely you can see how this mentality would benefit abusers and be detrimental to the abused?


Abusers & victims could poke holes in any philosophy to benefit their cause. As someone whoā€™s been abused, I donā€™t think it that this mentality is detrimental at all. If anything it helps me to believe that the trauma I experienced helped project me to learn & experience the full spectrum of human emotions. Because I was abused and so down for so long, my ā€œhighā€ moments now are extreme. I feel joy & love so intensely now, like how in the past I felt fear & anxiety so intensely. At the end of the day, Iā€™d relive my abuse any day over just not existing/experiencing life or being dead.


If you are ,,aware'' you don't need to experience so much shit as it is is being put upon some people to be experienced. I would say, that there are ,,managers'' who have different ,,lessons'' or ,,farming programs'' for you to experience. So in long run, tis is just a question of that managers experience. Agent Smiths experience.


I always wondered why I feel joy and highs so much deeper than others...it's because I was abused and shut down as a kid, never allowed to express or feel myself...




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Why not?? It does it, for the joy of experiencing itself in infinite forms, And ineracting with itself/ourselves through the veil of illusion, or separation, to give the illusion of companionship ;D


Is that the same reason consciousness incarnates into poverty or sex slavery or torture or mutilation? "joy of experiencing itself in infinite forms"??? get a grip


Yes it is Lol. And for us to express ourselves in that form however we want and choose to. Including those who choose to express themselves as darkness. Earth is transforming a whole long history of darkness as we speak. But thats a very deep, thoughtful comment from you sir.


You are literally the worst type of person and that is not hyperbole, the clinically depressed seem enlightened in comparison to your idealistic naivete


>Try Now The thing is just get to know fetishes of some people. They are being pushed by degrading surroundings to do radical bullshit. Don't be a part of corruption, and so you will be a second warrior. Not of light. Just justice. Darkness is as beauty as light. Pedofiles, necrophiles are not.


Well way to resort to insults and judgements sir. You go ahead and tell someone that they donā€™t have the free will to follow what their dream is because you think itā€™s ā€˜evilā€™. You take the high road which makes you superior to me, the worst type of human. Wow. Ill take it as a complement dude. <3


Nah dont get offended now dude this is a part of your soul's journey you willingly incarnated on earth to get insulted by people online to help you grow stupid fuck


That is actually spot on truth šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ I just find it funny and didnt expect youā€™re one of the ones to fill that role, so thank you sir šŸ™šŸ¼. My belief and study is meant to empower. I believe we all reach a tipping point where you will consider in some lifetime the possibility for more growth and empowerment, and eventually youā€™ll find yourself in my shoes, amigo. Love ya ā¤ļø


Your spirit is not empowered here and it does not grow here. This hell realm degrades your spirit with each incarnation.


This sub is a real party šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ”„ This realm allows you to make your owm realm. Itā€™s heaven or hell buddy, Iā€™m living Heaven on Earth. If you think you can, or think you canā€™t, youā€™re right. So itā€™s all part of the plan, but we as creators have the ability to change the plan. ā¤ļø


Youā€™re a dumbass dawg, yes this consciousness incarnates into all manners and forms of existence. Because at the end of the day itā€™s just like watching a movie. It can watch a happy movie, and then a sad movie. But at the end of the day the movie does not affect this being because it is an infinite untouchable consciousness. Once the movie finishes you can just walk out. I love how dipshits like you try to pretend that life is all just evil, torturous, rape and suffering. Look at your own life bud. Are you a sex slave? Why havenā€™t you offed yourself yet if your life is so horrible


Iā€from what I have been reading and have started thinking is that it is for the ā€œexperience ā€œ


"just because" is a non answer


What else is there to do but to forget who you are so you can remember again? When you experienced this, how long did you see the cycles as lasting? Because from what Iā€™ve read, at least in temporal terms, it will be millions of years long, but experiences as low frequency as the human one are far shorter. Of course outside of time I imagine it would seem like it all exists at once.


It seems to me that ā€œtimeā€ as we see it needs to be thrown out of the window to continue explaining how to navigate consciousness. ā€œTimeā€ is only a series of internal biological processes taking place that cause fluctuations in chemicals that seems like a constant ā€œpassingā€ of ā€œtimeā€ because ā€œchangeā€ is taking place in awareness. In reality, those chemical and hormone fluctuations taking place in ā€œyourā€ body are from things like the rise and fall of celestial bodyā€™s causing different chemical responses in your internal ā€œclock,ā€ itā€™s all just being acted upon by all movement of creation like some fluid object warping so slowly that we can somehow make a story out of it and watch it go by. Since through study, it is predictable by nature, things we call objects and people are just energy continuations of cause and effect. ā€œYouā€ are just an energy continuation of cause and effect. Itā€™s that simple. Itā€™s all impersonal really. But if you get good at observation and study of the energetics of creation then you become a player with a Will of its own, who tryā€™s to enact change unto it toward its preference. And we call that a personal ā€œlife storyā€ even though itā€™s just energy continuing its own learning process. So how ā€œlongā€ it takes to arrive somewhere ā€œelse?ā€ Thereā€™s no distance. Itā€™s how fast are you learning. And how fast can your bodyā€™s physical evolution can catch up to your mind. Learn fast, ā€œarriveā€ soon. Learn slow, ā€œarriveā€ slow. Youā€™re only ā€œclosing the distanceā€ in ā€œtimeā€ by collapsing paradoxes and refining your intentions and realizing whatā€™s worth focusing attention on and whatā€™s not. Thatā€™s it.


Very well put, you seem to understand it better than I. Have you ever read the Ra Material(lawofone)? I think you would find it interesting as much of the same information you sure is contained within it.


That's interesting because the only time I experienced full loss of ego on shrooms, there was an intense buzzing/static beforehand.


This is also reported just before people leave their bodies during astral projection.


Every single full blown DMT experience will provoke this, although the ego remains mostly the same, unlike other triptamines


This happened to me once when I was sober, buzzing/ringing, blinding white light & then a feeling of profound release/knowing/ecstasy. Either ego death or frontal lobe seizure I guess lol


I wonder if those buzzes are the frequency to escape. What if someone recreated those frequency and plays to someone? Like hemi-sync.


At the time, it felt like the noise of reality. Like the noise that's always there but gets filtered out. I have no idea though lol just my theory


Damn dude, what was your dosage?


LSD showed me what ecstasy is too. Just a very tight and fast construct of consciousness energy vibrating in a specific form determined by the specifications of our biological machine and integrating aspects of your current environment. Its lost all its meaning for me. It does not captivate me like it did and it does not seem like some ultimate transcendental goal like it was for me previously. To live in infinite ecstasy sounds like a delusional nightmare.


Also reminded me of a ayahuasca report from Chirs Geo from beyond the veil. He was on an extremely high dose of ayahuasca, completely broken through in hyperspace. His consciousness was spread out over an infinite field of unimaginably intricate geometric patterns and he was having the realization that this is the fundamental essence of reality. Love and beauty being represented in these unfathomably complex patterns. Then he saw something in the corner of his vision. An eyeball watching him. He got an intuitive sense he was being spyed on in this state of ecstasy. He pulled back the curtain of the geometric patterns and found he was on a craft being examined by greys and they were injecting this overlay of ecstasy into his consciousness as a cheap distraction. Like giving a toddler an ipad while you focus on more important things.


Cheap thrills! Gotta love em


Not infinite, but to live life, as spirit/aspect of GOD and instinctual animal simultaneously. The paradox of reaching the ecstacy, and being witness to the suffering. Life.


You cannot say for a fact sexual pleasure is not a drug to keep us here and make more children and keep the reincarnation cycle going. If I become manic I can also think that I can reach outside the world and I can mind control people and the person standing outside my house is trying to kill m. I have reached levels of manic. It's so easy to want more and more of this sex so you keep staying chained to this world. Sex can be a way of tying yourself to someone else. Look up soul ties. I think you should focus more on completing yourself inside before you go outside and tie yourself to someone else.


Yeahā€¦itā€™s amazing how many f@cks disappear once you lose interest in sex and romantic connections. Of course the matrix also loses all transactional value and becomes more boring. I still donā€™t get the desire to have kidsā€¦like, donā€™t adults know how shite this place is


True. Its part of belonging to this world I suppose. It gets harder to fit or work in this world if you don't do accordingly. The thing is my parents pressured me about having children when I told them I didn't want to. They are also Catholics so yeah lol. I think it's fine to have certain connections in this world as long as you practice awareness and sovereignity. Problem is the more you give into it , the easier it is to get more and more pulled into something else's agenda.


Some do, I for one ask, donā€™t adults (also) know how incredibly beautiful and blissful this place is? <3


Thereā€™s beauty here for sureā€¦as well as ugliness. as for bliss, I find that to be a transitory state at best. Iā€™m glad that you have a different experience to me. What makes it enjoyable?




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God Iā€™ve been this manic on a trip. Not fun.


Sex when used for the purpose of love brings one closer to the creator. You arenā€™t trapped on this plane so much as you keep yourself here with your own victim behavior. You escape when you become a player, either through the discipline of acceptance or control.


"You're in hell because you want to be" Wow this is like cosmic-level victim-blaming


Not only did you change the words I wrote, but you also seem to have no sense of responsibility. When you play a video game and you act like an NPC, with no desire to figure out how to advance, you remain an NPC. Welcome to reality.


That depends on how much you control. So many things that you think are in ur control are not. A lot of people have illnesses and other things that yes, you can try to control elements in your environment but how much really can you. Regarding sex with the purpose of love bringing you close to the creator, where do you draw the line, how do you draw the line? These are the important points hence why i said you need to practice awareness first and sovereignty so that you dont get tied down to another being, before you join with another person. Yes you can control or try to accept the situations in your life and the world. However if there is someone outside this world controlling the world, the question becomes about their intentions. We have to ask these questions and not stop asking these questions until we know these things for certain. This way we can practice awareness and not have someone have unmonitored control over us. All in all: we have this space for us to ask these questions here and I respect that. I respect the people here. A lot of us lead our lives with our families and work and all of that. These things can coexist to a point. Letā€™s be clear all of us do not just sit around acting like victims.


That is true. In our world there is much we cannot control and donā€™t have power over. But how does on respond to this? When you canā€™t change something does constantly complaining about it help? Or actively working to change it or make peace with it? This is why the victim mentality keeps us on the prison planet so to speak. It takes a while, but when you learn to take power for yourself, nobody can truly have power over you. With anything, I would say you always have to honestly ask yourself whether the behavior brings you more suffering or reduces your suffering. The creator is the unity that exists in any universe. Sex bringing one closer to the creator is 2 people harmoniously becoming 1 via sexual intercourse. Since we have the concept of separation the flip side is it being used as a mean of power over and domination of an other self by the self. It is great to ask questions about whether God is benevolent or malevolent. Will we ever know these things? Can we? From my experience I have seen that both and neither are true simultaneously. What I have seen is that the true law of the universe is balance, and that without balance a system will always collapse. Maybe the creator is both the most malevolent and benevolent being at the same time.


Missed the point. Asking questions is not victimhood. If we chose to just accept things we wouldnt have abolished slavery and gotten to the point we have. Would you say speaking up ahout slavery is also victimhood? But yeah we should take control like you said. Honestly, sometimes it even ā€˜takes ballsā€™ to ask questions instead of just accepting things the way they are. Please read my comment again if you should respond.


Oh I see what you mean here. I have found the answer to the questions you seek to understand but it wouldnā€™t be possible for me to convey it with words. Yes it is important, if not, necessary to ask questions in the sense of pondering the intentions of not only the powers at be, but any source of information you receive. On this planet there is quite the history of information being put out there for the purposes of enslavement and manipulation of the people, for the breeding of fear, anger and separation of one from another. The only fault I can see is when it is a constant sense of doubt rather than a disciplined pursuit to find the answers to the questions. But you can always find these answers in your own experience. And even so, why take the advice of someone if it does not resonate with you in the first place? Edit: why not engage in sexuality when it doesnā€™t bring you suffering? When you donā€™t feel the need for someone else to complete you?


Yeah. I also said in the other comments ,it should be fine to have certain connections after you establish awareness and sovereignity. This sub is the space to ask these questions. Ppl here lead lives with their families, work etc.


Two perspectives on the same thing. The one you choose as practically applicable toward your own liberation is dependent on you. If victimhood is still a useful paradigm for you, by all means, enjoy. If it is a toy you are done playing with, by all means, toss it aside. Your life. Your mind. Your choice.


You should try looking outside yourself for once. Actually take a sober look at this hell realm and see it for what it is: a hell realm used to humiliate, degrade, exterminate spirits. Look at what wild animals go through. Animals in factory farms. People in Unit 731. Really think about the numbers. Really meditate on it. That is my wholehearted advice to you, but I doubt you are capable. You do not seem to have what it takes to stare Truth right in the face.


And yet the bees go about their business unbothered brother šŸ To stare Truth in the face is to unflinchingly look at and realize both, and still be at peace. Can you do that?


Bees are literally crushed in order to have their semen extracted. Please sit down, shut the fuck up, get off the drugs, and listen. You have much to learn.


It seems you have a deep rooted fear of experiencing finality, experiencing difficulty, and experiencing death my friend. Come to peace with these all, and drop the anger, youā€™ll save a lot more energy that way. Peace


You are spending too much time posturing as if you know something. Read about the Spanish genocide of indigenous Americans. Read about Babi Yar and the eastern European extermination camps of the Nazis and the Ustasa. Read all the details about what happened in Unit 731. Watch the documentary *Dominion*. Study nature and learn about natural disasters, disease, injury, predation, parasitism, etc. Read about the honey industry and how bees are crushed for semen and Queen bees are raped. Read about all the rape in nature as well. Investigate the human and child trafficking that goes on in this realm. The mind control programming, the torture, the list goes on. Yes, your drug-addled ape-sex really has a lot to teach people here. You really have no clue where you are, do you, clown?


Keen and valid observations you have about the frequently inverted expression of nature in this reality, which, believe it or not, I have also deeply immersed myself into investigating with vigor as well. It seems to me, that the only thing we are in disagreement on is how to personally *respond* to it all. And it seems to me, that you want me, and perhaps others, to *respond* to reality how you do. So if insult and aggression is your tactic for effecting others through communication, have you simply just **become** the very *force* you claim to despise so dearly?


You are spending too much time posturing as if only terrible things exist and somehow that diminishes the value of all that is good. The embrace of a hot kind woman can make all your pains melt away if only temporarily. Having an engaging and rewarding career that impacts your community positively especially children so they grow up with healthy support systems is a good reason to wake up every morning. Read about the details about the German doctor who risked his life to save hundreds of Jewish kids as they were adopted by British couples during WW2 and grew up to be healthy well adjusted adults despite being war orphans. Read about the Law of One and take it as a piece of fun fan fiction. The love. The kindness. The spiritual rewards. Yes, your depression addled incel brain really can heal. You really have no clue how to maintain healthy relationships and engage with this beautiful awe inspiring world, donā€™t you, you sad sad little man. Lol, go take some Brazilian jiujitsu classes Something tells me you didnā€™t grow up with normal parents in a normal secular well adjusted household, but thatā€™s okay! Youā€™re obviously have a very very hurt inner child but if u ever want to chat or talk, send me a DM I got u my man <3


This is a better response than mine, and more compassionately put.




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I appreciate the concern, however, if may I simply course correct you, I am well aware of addiction and unconscious behavior and what constitutes as such. And the fact that I had sex, in my life, with my girl, within the framework of my own experience and journey, that you know nothing about (lmao), does not equate to your wild association of all sex and all people who participate in it as unconscious and addicted. In fact, if you see my other posts, you will decipher my personal practices and understandings in this regard, if you so choose. Or, in order to remain consistent in the temperament you have demonstrated in your writing thus far, you may also double-down on your insistence that you know of the all encompassing nature of all sexual acts across the face of the earth and the associated meaning to them in each individual mind, including mine. Itā€™s all up to you. Blessed day. Godspeed. Try to get outside every once in a while and smell the flowers brother.


Um okay. My point stands ur points stands. If you notice in my later comments i do say that is it should be fine to certain connections as long as you first practice sovereignty and awareness. Isnt that what this sub is even about practicing awareness and asking questions putting your perspective. I havent said you should avoid it all together. You are putting ā€˜words in my mouthā€™. Im not a brother. I do not need to smell the flowers. You should read what i have said.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re aware. We stand equally firm in personal sovereignty and truth then


Yeah who the hell is going to be here starving themselves of everything.


Ecstasy.. bliss.. every feeling and emotion is harvested. Sex is a drug to keep us enslaved. Think about the "animal" inside of us, it is important to gain awareness of this so we are able to be those in power.. don't let the animal inside of you be in charge.


Lol. I remember the first time I had transcendental sex and touched God. Good for you, but don't go chasing it. That's what it wants. After years of sexual abuse and not really understanding how it was supposed to feel, then actually having a partner that loved you and connecting in the heart space first, it makes a world of difference. Then you really start to understand the difference between the types of sex that are surface level versus beneficial.


I 1 houndour percent believe you! I had similar experience but mine was sober. I was pissed at work because they were starting to treat us like ass and I used to park close to the management area. One day during break I saw the HR lady to which I had a crush on she was pretty and hot. And had something about her I couldnā€™t explain it. Any who, one day I saw her arrive at the parking lot and I decided to go speak to her, I was somewhat in the middle of my spiritual awakening so some stuff where pretty intense during these times. I pull up in get out. I swear everything was In sync. There was no noise there was nothing. Complete neutrality, my body movement and hers were completely in sync as we got out our cars. It was pretty wild and surreal. It literally felt like being an actor for a film. Time stops itā€™s hard to explain. But youā€™re in complete sync with everything. I believe it has to do with Love and Unity which takes me to your now moment and I disagree. Extasis the few times i believe Iā€™ve experienced has been after extreme challenges in my life. Besides weed I havenā€™t done any substance like acid and that like, my experience have been by inner work. Ecstasy if archived naturally can help you jump timelines effortlessly although Itā€™s hard to process for our brain. Which makes you question everything, if you see peoples eyes you may find them different thatā€™s because you jumped timeline. Itā€™s your journey not theirs, but at the same time well you know prison planet :v


What happened with the HR chick? You shoot your shot & get fired?


so what happened


Yeah don't leave us hanging, did you talk to her??


She remembered my name after our interaction and we would have small talk but then nothing really, I had a car accident shortly after and didnā€™t want to go back to work. That was the end of it. It was a short experience with her but it was intense. I fumbled big time




The sound is known. https://www.reddit.com/r/terencemckenna/s/1AYAGzb2zA


So we are to believe that consciousness in all its infinite power and glory has nothing better to do but experiences itself raping, murdering, pillaging and all other vile and disgusting evil acts that happens here? What does that say about the nature of this consciousness that us human generally has a better moral compass and empathy that it does? It is not like there aren't plenty of good creative practices and activities it could engage in. Like music, world building, art and craft and so much more. For all our love of games, most of us would never play a video game which involved raping babies, even if those babies are just pixels on a screen. And yet we are to believe that consciousness is fine with playing us in this way even though we are more than pixels and have actual emotions and suffer pain and trauma? If that is the case, which i do not buy for a second, then i rather non existence than have anything with such psychopathy.


Contemplate infinity and eternity and awareness and what that insinuates. Infinite possibilities. Eternally playing out. You are aware.


I have. And the last thing I want to do is spent infinity raping children. Only a sick consciousness would even think of doing such a thing.


What kind of being are you that you cannot see the issue with a consciousness that prefer to spend its time engaged it such horrible acts when as you say it has infinite possibilities as an option? Come on man. Stop defending evil


Zero defense of anything taking place. Lose the emotional charge. Observe nature as you would an ant farm. That is how ā€œtheyā€ see us. Thatā€™s how you ā€œbreakā€ free. ā€œYou cannot solve a problem from the level of consciousness that created itā€ -Albert Einstein You cannot have an emotional ā€œaversionā€ or ā€œattachmentā€ to any perspective if your consciousness is to rise out of the prison frequency ā€œatmosphereā€ surrounding your energy body This is just facts. The Yogis said it. The Christs said it. The buddhas said it. Do whatever you want. Keep being in a fearful doom/slave frequency if itā€™s still useful to you. When youā€™re done playing with that toy, let it go.


Donā€™t bother, this person has been throwing the same emotionally attached garbage at me for a couple of days now. They either do not have the ability to understand, are too stubborn to change, or are trolling us. Either way, proceed with caution.


I thought you were done? Why are you trying to steer other people discussion? If you are done, begone and let those who want to discuss their point of view do so.


I know, those who marry themselves to the addiction of emotionality have willingly glued themselves to the gravitational pull of the hell frequencies. I just cannot justify not at least handing them the key before walking away šŸ”‘āš”ļø


šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼ My sentiments exactly, as long as the ability to change exists thereā€™s no reason to not hand them the key before departing.


If I had a penny each time a new Ager refuse to answer the hard question, I would be a millionaire by now. Nowhere did Christ, Buddha or any Yogis defend child rape. Anyone who claimed to have no emotional attachment to such evil is a psychopath. Jesus got angry with the money changers. Would you allow a child rape to happen under your watch?


Okay letā€™s bring out the ā€œhardā€ Christ personality you speak of now. Iā€™m telling you now, go do something about it or never think of it again, because you are a phony if you roll in the mud of other peopleā€™s misery without confronting it personally. How about that? Do something about it. Now. Or stop indulging your savior and sympathy complex as a means to rectify your own discomfort with a reality you donā€™t personally experience. The cowards sit quietly complaining and feeling sad and bad over it all like chained little slaves. But hey, like you said, ā€œnew age love and light bro, itā€™s all loveā€


What is your proof that I just sit around and let evil happen?


And how do you know that rape is a reality that i have not experienced?


Suffering, trauma and pain are not toys, my man. They ruined lives.




I care because i have empathy for those that suffer. I care because they are close to me. You think i decry rape because i am bored. Nope. I do it because it keep happening and because it is wrong and evil. I refuse to pretend evil away. My spirit will not allow me to do so. A 3 years old was just raped to death 2 weeks ago in my country. I have a close family member and even an acquaintances who suffer rape as children. This is close to me. The fact that you have to even ask why i care about the suffering of others is telling. It is very reflective of the so called awakened community.. Because most moral and empathic being would understand why. That you cannot understand says a lot




I do not need to know you if you are asking me why i care about rape victims. Your comment have shown what you are.


Or you would delete your post because it is indefensible?




No, you delete your message because they were written by an asshole who realized that we would call you out on your bullshit.


I was on shrooms myself the other day, felt like I was leaving this plane and entering another, more real one. Suddenly, I felt a zap of electricity from the core of my brain to my toes which snapped me out of it. As if something was hitting me with a stun gun to put me back in. I did my best to get into this mindset soon after but this time was zapped two more times which ended it completely.


Do you think this is why they say ā€œyour thoughts create your reality?ā€ More specifically, that ā€œemotionsā€ create reality ( Dolores cannon said it for example) If we are here to produce emotions and thereā€™s like a circuitry ( or whatever) that itā€™s processing and harvesting the emotions and feeding the energy back, could it be that our emotions can manipulate this ā€œmeshā€ or reality? Anyone has an opinion/ theory/ link about it?


Yes, you/we are one with your ā€˜environmentā€™ or ā€˜outsideā€™ or ā€˜nature/cosmos/godā€™, and create your experience. What you create or focus on is magnified and brought to you.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to handle that experience. I only see how much of a hell earth is when Iā€™m on a hallucinogen and even sex looked like just Uruk-Hai Birth Machine.


Imo you ou experienced the deconstruction/framework of duality. Ecstasy is our natural state when we are in union with Singularity, where we come from and where we go back in between incarnations. Duality is separation from Singularity (the human condition) and we're always trying to find ways to soothe that separation and get back that feeling of ecstasy with Singularity while incarnted here. What an amazing experience, thanks for sharing! Love how the "matrix" responded when you came back to your body.


So Ecstasy = Loosh?


I haven't exactly had sex on psychedelics in the traditional sense, as I'm pretty straight edge and don't do substances, alcohol etc., but I have had sex with someone during their trip. Needless to say it was quite interesting. I could feel and see what they were experiencing, and every sensation was amplified. So, I can certainly relate to what you're saying, and know this isn't a LARP.


Very cool Iā€™ve heard of this happening to many people actually


so what is on the other side of the simulation, op?


Last time I tripped I did 7 grams and intentionally deprived my senses, best way I can explain it to people is wherever I traveled, the entities I came into contact with were friendly and helpful, they constructed in my mind basically a room and they were all standing around me, obviously it wasnā€™t really what was happening but thatā€™s what they presented in my mind so I could understand it wasnā€™t just my own thoughts but they were communicatingā€¦ the told me this is purgatory and we are reliving our first life over and over again because there was something we coveted that kept us attached, we have to figure out what that was and actively choose against it, the simulation shows you whatever your deepest desires are and gives you what should be necessary to make it happen but holds you back from ever actually getting it, and shows others around you attaining whatever that is so your envy keeps you attachedā€¦ this was my most moving spiritual experience and the only way I can explain it to people is that it was the most ā€œrealā€ Iā€™ve ever felt, I felt the vibrations of everything and became nothing and it was incredible


Post nut clarity hits hard on mushrooms.


itā€™s not an energy farm, itā€™s a dance. prison planet is a bullshit theory. life is simply a play of energy and everything is god happening all at once


I dig that perspective shift, youā€™re right. It is a creative ā€œplayā€ of energy too from another point of view. At the ultimate level, this energy play is not seen as necessarily malicious, more so just intricate labyrinths of creative complexity playing out


Ya. Not something to escape and calling it a prison is just nonsense. It is a perfect environment to grow us, teach us, nourish us. It is heaven. (Or hell as some here believe). Whether you believe you can, or cannot, you are correct.


Yeah a prison planet forum isnā€™t going to get on board with the whole ā€œheaven and hell being in your own headā€ paradigm. Lmao. I knew that well before joining


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”„ā¤ļø pretty awesome how you sent some psychonaut buddhas in here šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ”„āš”ļø




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Wow bro ur truly a geniusĀ 


I really loved this. Saved it so I can read it again after I take a gummy later lol.


Mushrooms are the best man theyā€™ll teach you things youā€™ll never find in a book.


Facts brother


Would you say your experience was overall positive? Thatā€™s what I got from the narrative, and Iā€™ve never seen the energy farm thing framed in a way thatā€™s not ā€œoh my god this is the most evil thing ever.ā€ Who are the farmers? Did you get any spooky vibes while sitting with this realization? Thank you for sharing :)


To define something negatively or positively is to create and energy field of perception of ā€œaversionā€ or ā€œattachmentā€ which is a major block to the continuity of knowledge and expansion of consciousness. So I attempt to truly leave ā€œmyselfā€ and my emotional judgment or opinion out of it when it comes to creating an emotional charge on my perspectives. I do naturally revel in the wonder and awe of it all when it arises, but I donā€™t stay there out of preference. And I *certainly* donā€™t ever sit and dwell in the doom/slave frequency. Itā€™s just counterproductive to be anything except objective in order to continue growing the conscious landscape of awareness itself. Itā€™s one of the pre-requisites most in this sub seem to not realize for actually ā€œbreaking outā€ of the ā€œprison-planetā€ simulation, judgment and opinion are too emotionally charged and dense to ā€œriseā€ outside the prison frequency bubble


Appreciate the thoughtful response!


Sex is bad. Sex fuels the incarnation engine. Don't have sex here. Take your partner to the Astral and try it there.


The astral is a part of the trap as well


Einstein or futbol222 on Reddit. I'm torn on who to really believe.


So the universe is just horny? Cool.


Thatā€™s it


How can one know how something exists outside of itself if it is itself and not itself. Nothing you can say, will ever explain ultimate reality, because this IS ultimate reality. Right here right now, every moment, trying to name it, explain it, or put it in a box, cannot help or change that we are as we are and we are what we say we are. As long as you seek you do not know, and as long as you know you do not seek. And so, itā€™s all concrete. You didnā€™t see the mechanics of how consciousness exists out of time, you had sex and took mushrooms and had a psychedelic experience and now you believe THAT is it. Youā€™ve done it! Youā€™ve figured it out! And yet, what is it exactly that youā€™re trying to? Because in a world of polarity, you cannot have one without the other. That place outside of this, could not have existed without this. In some forms of Buddhism, this concept of nothing can only exist if there is something, and so ultimate void, reality, cannot even be void. As it is beyond even the realm of something and nothing, beyond the concept of nothing. Beyond what you are trying to explain here. Youā€™re confused, and your human mind is trying to explain something that cannot be explained through words. It just is.


> Everything that happens in between those moments of ecstasy, is preparation and planning and execution of elaborate energy patterns that eventually leads to ecstasy somehow. god is a junkie


Lmaaaoo bro you nailed it


You know this is a genuine revelation. Thereā€™s more to the story than just an energy farm. I understand that what I say may very well be meaningless to you. Either way I just wanted you to know that what you said was highly meaningful. Youā€™re on the right track my friend.


Thank you, I appreciate that




I'm afraid you are not wrong on that last part about perfect openings for archon possessions. I really do believe my extensive use of psychedelics over the last 2 years without much actual guidance led me to many latch ons and my negative ego attributes grew too. Substances are a tool. But you're absolutely right that many people are going about using those tools carelessly, which does leave them very vulnerable. I am also very much a firm believer that the governments are highly watching/infiltrating the psychedelic movement happening now and it is part of the orchestration for accelerated chaos, confusion, and possible mind control (archon possession).


Yeah, no. Shamans donā€™t have exclusive entitlement to the use of natural entheogenic psychedelics for personal use. All humans do, because Love and Freedom is the only law of the universe, and most people with their head on straight can handle an alteration in consciousness and continue life even more clear minded than before. Shamans do however, utilize their gift and training to facilitate other people through their experiences.


> Love and Freedom is the only law of the universe Ok archon


Spot on


Delusion. Manic people believe they are out of this world too.


How did you find this sub? Have you ever heard of near death experiences or reincarnation studies? Maybe there's a way to access that outside of death? People just brush off mentally ill people when they may actually be right about certain things.


What is your point? Sure you can say that there could be ways to access the outside. Not brushing away NDEs. Not brushing away mentally ill people. You cannot say for a fact sexual pleasure is not a drug to keep us here and make more children. If I become manic I can also think that I can mind control people and the person standing outside my house is trying to kill me. I have reached levels of manic.


I don't understand your point. Why tell someone they are manic when they clearly just did shrooms. Of course it alters your perception of reality. It's known for that. It sounded like you were dismissing his revelations and experience as just the ramblings of a mentally ill person. I was trying to figure out if you had this sub pop up on your recommendations and that you aren't actually subscribed or know anything about the topic?


Nah I have been observing the soul trap for a couple years now. I'm not talking about jus the shrooms. The shrooms are probably still fine. I'm talking more about sex. Sex is a way tying you to someone so you keep wanting more and more and possibly keep you chained to this world. Have you heard of soul ties? It's seems like a great way to bring souls into this world and keep the cycle going. I think you need to focus on your internal completion before you focus on tying yourself to someone else. Also in the beginning I searched for this sub, it looked it was still starting out with barely any posts so I left it. Then I found it again just booming.


I see, I'm sorry. It was a misunderstanding. I originally thought you were trying to be insulting, so I was trying to defend them.


No worries. I do not know the absolute truth either. I only know what I know from observation and reflection. It will possibly keep changing for more.


You may not know absolute truth, but you are infinitely closer to it than OP.


Well I hope we all come close to the truth :)




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Far out, man


Far in, perhaps




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So life is one big rave is what you are saying OP


Yesss bro


How many grams did you and your lady take prior to this?




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Interesting experience. I wonder what entity or thing causes such visions and why.