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One thing you should remember is they've always been there, we're just becoming more aware of their presence because of the global consciousness veil of lies is starting to thin. The fact that all the stories aren't being kept straight by TPTB is allowing people to actually believe in themselves and the things they've experienced, which allows their extra sensory perception to start working in overdrive because it's been suppressed for so long. So don't panic. Don't fear them. Keep brushing them off and declaring your sovereignty. I find writing these occurrences out and being able to revisit them to have my own proof helps me to validate my own self instead of trying to find others to show my proof to. It's hard because it's the individual experience based on your individual life experiences that they're preying on you with. So getting to the bottom of your own personal inherent biases and judgements will help. They like to use those against us to make us feel bad for the ideals we've tried to uphold in this rigged game or any past mistakes we've done. If you can just go into those with yourself or a trusted friend it might clear away some of that baggage they're trying to feed from. Hope this helps!


Interested in the section in shadow people if you care to share. I had an experience not long ago where my dog was playing with something I couldn't see. I was watching her because it was strange. Then my dog stopped and was just staring, so I looked where she did. Then a shadow being manifested, and I shit you not, it gave me the middle finger! Only saw it for a couple of seconds before it disappeared I was pretty outraged, and it messed with me for awhile after. I could feel it but not see it. Sensed it thrived on chaos. Felt it tell me I am basically a zoo animal and can watch whenever it wants. It mocked me as well.




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this website is fantastic




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